危险品说明书 涂料

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Main component: Acrylic resin

分子式: [C3H3O2R]n

Formula: [C3H3O2R]n

类别: 3

Class: 3

联合国编号: 1263

UN No: 1263


Appearance & Properties: Yellow thick liquid, special odor


Caution during transportation & Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Ensure the area is well ventilated. Keep away from sources of ignition.

包装破或散漏时处理方法:防止排入水管或地下道。小量泄漏或残留可使用适当的吸附物质进行吸收(比如沙、硅藻土或锯末等),其他按规定进行处置。大量泄漏构筑围堤或挖坑收容,用泡沫覆盖,抑制蒸发。How to handle with breakage and leakage of packing:Prevent products from getting into drains / groundwater.Smaller quantity leaking or residues, could contain with absorbent material (e.g. sand, diatomaceous earth, or sawdust). Dispose of in accordance with rge quantity leaking: build a coffercom or dig a pit, cover with foam to inhibit evaporation.


How to treat in urgency: After contact with eyes or skin, flush thoroughly with a large amount of water and consult a physician. If inhaled or ingested, Move subject to fresh air and keep him calm .See a physician

消防方法:发生火灾时佩戴自给式呼吸器,不适合用水灭火,可使用泡沫、干粉或二氧化碳灭火器Method of extinguishing a fire: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus, Water is unsuitable extinguishing media; Foam, dry chemical, cabon dioxide is suitable extinguishing media.


Remarks: Above statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein is based on our present knowledge. It is intended to furnish general remarks on our products and their application.


Main component: Acrylic resin

分子式: [C3H3O2R]n

Formula: [C3H3O2R]n

类别: 3

Class: 3

联合国编号: 1263

UN No: 1263


Appearance & Properties: White thick liquid, special odor


Caution during transportation & Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Ensure the area is well ventilated. Keep away from sources of ignition.

包装破或散漏时处理方法:防止排入水管或地下道。小量泄漏或残留可使用适当的吸附物质进行吸收(比如沙、硅藻土或锯末等),其他按规定进行处置。大量泄漏构筑围堤或挖坑收容,用泡沫覆盖,抑制蒸发。How to handle with breakage and leakage of packing:Prevent products from getting into drains / groundwater.Smaller quantity leaking or residues, could contain with absorbent material (e.g. sand, diatomaceous earth, or sawdust). Dispose of in accordance with rge quantity leaking: build a coffercom or dig a pit, cover with foam to inhibit evaporation.


How to treat in urgency: After contact with eyes or skin, flush thoroughly with a large amount of water and consult a physician. If inhaled or ingested, Move subject to fresh air and keep him calm .See a physician

消防方法:发生火灾时佩戴自给式呼吸器,不适合用水灭火,可使用泡沫、干粉或二氧化碳灭火器Method of extinguishing a fire: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus, Water is unsuitable extinguishing media; Foam, dry chemical, carbon dioxide is suitable extinguishing media.


Remarks: Above statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein is based on our present knowledge. It is intended to furnish general remarks on our products and their application.
