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1.rest room 厕所(不是休息室)
2.dressing room 化妆室(不是更衣室)
3.sporting house 妓院(不是体育室)
4.horse sense 常识(不是“马的感觉”)
5.capital idea 好主意(不是“资本主义思想”)
6.busybody 爱管闲事的人(不是“大忙人”)
7.black tea 红茶(不是黑茶)
8.break a leg.祝你好运。(不是打断一条腿)
9.You can say that again! 说得好!(不是你可以再说一遍)
10.Look out! 当心!(不是向外看)
11.You don't say! 是吗!(不是你别说)
12.I don't buy it.我才不信。(不是我不买)
13. That's all I want to hear. 我已经听够了(常被误解为:这是所有我想听到的)。
14. I have no opinion of that man.我对那个人很反感/没好感(常被误解为:我对那人没意见)
15. U don't know what u are talking about.你就瞎扯淡吧(其实是说话人表示不相信或否认)
1.Excuse my French原谅我说话粗鲁;
2.Indian giver送东西给人日后又讨回的人;
3.Spanish castle不切实际;
4.Spanish athlete爱吹牛的人;
5.Irish bull自相矛盾;
6.Dutch courage酒后之勇;
7.French leave不辞而别;
8.Greek gift害人的礼物;
9.Russian boot长统靴
【厕所的文明表达 】
men`s room/women`s room/restroom/powder room
1.pros and cons 正反;
2.import and export 进出口;
3.home and abroad 国内外;
4.ups and downs 盛衰;
5.heat and cold 冷热;
6.internal and external 内外
7.sooner and later 早晚;
8.ancient and modern 古今;
9.profit and loss 盈亏;
10.odds and ends 零碎
京九铁路 Beijing –Kowloon Railway;扶贫工程 Anti-Poverty Project;菜篮子工程 Vegetable Basket Project;
温饱工程 Decent-Life Project;安居工程 Economy Housing Project;扫黄 Porn-Purging Campaign
Anytime! 随时吩咐!Awful! 好可怕!
Crazy! 疯了! Damn! 该死的!
Deal! 一言为定!Definitely! 当然了!
Disgusting! 好恶心啊!Exactly! 完全正确!
Freeze! 不许动!Fantastic! 妙极了!
Gorgeous! 美极了!Oops! 哎哟!Bravo! 太棒了!
◇back of 在…后面 ◇beside point 离题的,不相干的 ◇beyond question 毫无疑问 ◇by air 通过航空途径 ◇by all means 尽一切办法,务必
◇by and by 不久,迟早 ◇by chance 偶然,碰巧 ◇by far 最,…得多 ◇by hand 用手,用体力 ◇back and forth 来回地,反复地
1.Let it go.算了 2. give my best to ... 替我问候XX 3.Can I interject something? 我可以插句话么。4.sleep tight. 睡个好觉
5.Are you in? 你参加吗? 6.What now? 又怎么了? 7. As it turns out. 但是事实(结果)是... 8. take a piss 解小便 9.give it a shot. 尝试一下。
1.What a shame!多可惜!真遗

2.break a leg.祝你好运。(不是打断一条腿)
3.You can say that again! 说得好!(不是你可以再说一遍)
4.capital idea 好主意(不是"资本主义思想")
5.I don't buy it.我才不信。
square John 诚实可靠的人;John Q. Public 普通人;Jeez Louise 我的天啊! ;not know someone from Adam 完全不认识某人
a doubting Thomas 生性多疑的人;Johnny one note 五音不全/看问题片面的人;;John Hancock 亲笔签名;Jack of all trades 多面手

1. under the weather 有些不舒服 2. I don't like cold weather. 我不喜欢寒冷的天气。 3.fine weather 好天气 4.windy weather 有风的天气
5.run into rough weather陷入困境 6.broken weather变化无常的天气 7.in all weathers不论天气如何; 不论晴雨 8.falling weather坏天气
1. Have a nice day.祝你今天愉快2. So far, so good.目前为止一切都好3. Take it or leave it.要就要,不要就拉倒
4. Keep it up!继续努力,继续加油 5. You asked for it.你自找的 6. could be worse可能更糟
relic 遗物,遗迹;breakthrough突破;voice recognition system 语音识别系统;
mechanistic 机械论学说的,机械论的;videophone 电视电话
1.Mad Monday ——忙乱的星期一
2.Monday morning feeling , Mondayfeeling——美国人在周末休假后星期一不想工作的那样一种心情
3.Monday morning quarterback——放马后炮的人
4.Monday morning quarterbacking——放马后炮。
China plate好友;Chinese puzzle难答之事,难解之谜;
China aster翠菊;China grass芒麻;China ink墨;
China rose月季;Chinese copy与原物一模一样的复制品;
Chinese calendar农历;Chinese lantern灯笼;
Chinese red朱红色;Chinese watermelon冬瓜
1.demon 魔鬼; zybones 懒鬼; 3.alcoholic 酒鬼; 4.drunkard 醉鬼;5.chain smoker 烟鬼;6.naughty child 调皮鬼
7.troublemaker 捣蛋鬼; 8.vampire 吸血鬼; 9.coward 胆小鬼;10.gambling addict 赌鬼;11.lecher 色鬼;12.foreign devil 洋鬼子
【“吻”的相关表达 】
1)飞吻 air kiss 2)热吻 french kiss 3)吻脸cheek kiss
4)吻手 hand-kissing 5)XOXO 表示hugs and kisses
6)pucker up 指撅嘴的动作,用来代表亲吻。
7)tonsil hockey 舌头搅在一起的接吻。
8)lock lips 嘴唇紧压在一起的接吻。
9)all over kiss 吻遍你的全身。
vinegar 醋;sauce 酱油;salad 色拉;pepper 胡椒;clove 丁香;ginge 生姜;mustard 芥末;baking powder 发粉;butter 牛油;
yeast 酵母;ketchup 番茄酱;chilli sauce 辣椒酱;rice wine 料酒;cumin 小茴香;oyster sauce 蚝油;caviar 鱼子酱;curry 咖喱

1.I'm hungry.我饿了;
2.I'm starving.饿死了;
3.I'm feeling a little peckish.有点饿;
4.My stomach is eating itself.我的肚子正在吃它自己;
5.I'm so hungry,I could eat a whole cow!我饿得能吃下一头牛;
6.I have a wolf in the stomach.我饿得不行了!
背心裙 jumper skirt;鱼尾裙 fish tail skirt;超短裙 mini-skirt;褶裙pleated skirt;节裙tiered skirt;筒裙 barrel skirt;旗袍裙 midi;
西服裙 tailored skirt;A字裙 A-line skirt;喇叭裙 flare skirt;strapless sundress 无带背心裙;连衣裙 dress;背带裙 overalls
Concealer(遮瑕膏);Face Powder(散粉);Eye Shadow(眼影);Eyeliner(眼线);
Lipstick & Lip Gloss(唇膏唇彩);Nail Polish(指甲油)
电脑内存容量:bit 比特;byte 字节(B);kilobyte 千字节(KB);megabyte 兆字节(MB);
gigabyte 千兆字节(GB);terabyte 太字节(TB);petabyte 拍字节(PB);exabyte 艾字节(EB);
zettabyte 泽字节(ZB);yottabyte 尧字节(YB);brontobyte 波字节(BB)
卧室篇:single bed 单人床;folding bed 折叠床;double bed 双人床;
bunk bed 双层床;folding guest bed 折叠床;sofa bed 沙发床;pillow 枕头;
sheet 床单;quilt 被子;bedspread 床罩;bedside table 床头柜;mattress 床垫
各种店:snack bar 小吃店;restaurant 饭店;grocery 杂货店;coffee shop 咖啡店;
bakery 面包店;barbershop 理发店;bookstore 书店;laundry 洗衣店;hotel 酒店;
department store 百货商店;drugstore 药店;flower shop 花店;furniture store 家具店
【各种水】salary 薪水;soda water 汽水;shampoo 洗发水;gluewater 胶水;perfume 香水;
makeup remover 卸妆水;ink 墨水;mineral water 矿泉水;toner 爽肤水;distilled water 蒸馏水;
purified water 纯净水;rainwater 雨水;tear 泪水;sweat 汗水;flood 洪水
【各种会】home party 家庭宴会;pajama party 睡衣派对;buffet party 自助餐宴会;
cocktail party 鸡尾酒会;tea party 茶会;dinner party 晚餐会;garden party 游园会;
dance party 舞会;reading party 读书会;fishing party 钓鱼会;sketching party 观剧会
莞尔一笑crack a smile 开怀大笑laugh a hearty laugh 微笑smile 面露喜色beam 笑出声laugh 欢笑laugh heartily 苦笑wry smile 狂笑guffaw 傻笑smirk
媚笑ingratiating smile 偷笑titter 坏笑laugh viciously 冷笑sneer 嘲笑deride/mock/ridicule咯咯笑giggle 忍俊不禁simmer with laughter
admission 入场费;expense 开支;fare(旅客乘坐公共交通工具)票价;charge 要价(指一次性劳务所收取的费用);
cost 成本、原价;tuition 学费;tip 小费;toll 道

路通行费;postage 邮费;freight 运费;rent 租金
willow 柳树;apple tree 苹果树;apricot 杏树;mulberry 桑树;eucalyptus 桉树;banyan 榕树;pear tree 梨树;
fig tree 无花果树;oak 橡树;cypress 柏树;shrub 灌木;kapok tree 红棉树;camphor tree 樟树;elm 榆树
rose玫瑰花;carnation 康乃馨;rhododendron杜鹃花;camellia[k?'milj?]山茶花; lily百合花;tulip郁金香;jasminum sambac茉莉花;
daisy雏菊;gardenia栀子花;sunflower向日葵;syringa 紫丁香; begonia [b?'gon??]秋海棠;magnolia木兰花;holly冬青;water lily荷花
1.I really appreciate it.我很感谢.2.I'd like to express my gratitude.我要表达我诚挚的谢意.
3.I'm truly grateful for your help.我非常感激你的帮助.4.You're one in a million.你真是大好人.
5.You're the greatest.你最棒了.6.I couldn't have done it without you. 没有你,我做不到。
May I ask you a question? 我可以问一个问题吗? |
What's that smell? 这是什么味儿?|
What are you up to? 打什么鬼主意呢?|
What did you get for me? 你给我买什么了?|
How do you pronounce this word? 这个单词怎么发音?
hit it off 相处得好;pop the question 求婚;tie the knot 结婚;fall head over heels in love 爱到死心塌地 settle down (结婚)安家;
long-distance relationship 异地恋;whirlwind romance 闪电恋爱;puppy love 早恋;on the rocks 恋情出现危机
孔子,名仲尼—— Johnny;曹操,字孟德——McDonald;杜甫,字子美——Jimmy;
韩愈,号昌黎——Charlie;狄仁杰——Roger;苏轼—— Susan;王安石,字介甫——Jeff;
唐寅——Tony;李世民 —— Simon;李白 ,字太白 ——T-bag
No root, no fruit. 没有根,就没有果。
No money, no honey. 没金钱,就没爱情。
No smoke without some fire. 无风不起浪。
No news is good news. 无消息就是好消息。
No man is content. 人心是不满足的。
No wrong without remedy 无错不可纠。
1.She's full of crap! 她在胡说八道。2.It tastes like heaven!味道好极了! 3.There’s no hurry.不急。4.It's worth a shot.值得试一试。
5.tip sb off 向某人泄露信息。6.Take it or leave it.谢绝还价。7.A little cheesy.有点俗气的。8.That’s not it.不是那么回事。
1.Aries 白羊;2.Taurus 金牛;3.Gemini 双子;4.Cancer 巨蟹;5.Leo 狮子;6.Virgo 处女;
7.Libra 天秤;8.Scorpio 天蝎;9.Sagittarius 射手;10.Capricorn 摩羯;11.Aquarius 水瓶;12.Pisces 双鱼.
1. (a) fat lot of good/use全然没有帮助的:Fat lot of use you are in the kitchen.你在厨房一点忙都帮不

2. go figure这就怪了(表示认为某事奇怪或难以解释):'He didn't even leave a message.''Go figure.' "他甚至没有留个口信.""这就怪了."
return 还书;renew 续借;fine 罚金;section 区域;reshelf 重新上架;stack 书架;
admission card 借书证;borrowing privileges 优先借书;reference room 阅览室;
periodical reading room 期刊阅览室;classified card 分类卡;title index 书名索引;book reservation 典藏
1.This is my round. 轮到我付钱了。 2. It's my treat. 我请客 3. I'm buying. 我来买单 4. Let me get this. 我来做东(口语化表达)
5. It's on me. 我请客/算我账上。 6. I'll pick up the check. 我来结账。 7. Shall we split the check? 我们大家平摊?
barbecue(BBQ)野外烧烤 ;picnic野餐;undercooked未煮熟的;overcooked煮过头的 ;
bake烘烤 ;boil 水煮 ;fry煎炒 ;poach水煮;roast 烤;steam蒸;stew炖 ;
tasteless淡而无味;salty 咸 ;sour 酸 ;spicy 辣;sweet 甜 ;home cooking家里做饭
1.carry coals to Newcastle 做徒劳多余的事。
2.be Greek to someone 不知道。
3.Greek kalends /calends 幽默、诙谐的表达“永远不”。
4.castle in Spain 幻想,梦想
5.set the Thames on fire 做出惊人之举;取得非凡成就。
6.from China to Peru到处。
1.Nod one`s head 点头 2.Shake one`s head 摇头3.shake one`s fist挥动拳头 4.make a face做鬼脸
5.Shrug one`s shoulders 耸肩 6.Kowtow 叩头 7.Thumbs up 竖起大拇指 8.thumbs down 拇指向下
9.crook a finger朝某人弯曲食指 10.Shake hands 握手 11.Wave 挥手
① 菜勺子:Spatula ② 炒锅:Wok ③ 平底锅:Pan ④ 煮锅:Pot ⑤ 蒸锅:Steamer⑥ 电饭锅:Rice Cooker
⑦ 炉子:Stove ⑧ 烤箱:Oven ⑨ 切肉刀:Cleaver /Meat Cleaver ⑩ 菜刀:Knife/Kitchen Knife。【切+剁】切:Slice /Cut
director 导演;film crew 影片摄制组;production company 制作公司;screenwriter/scriptwriter 编剧;production director 监制;
film producer/producer 制片人;camera 摄像;gaffer 灯光师;film editor 电影剪辑师;props master 道具师
twilight 曙光/暮光(日出前或日落后的短暂时间);dawn 黎明;sunrise 日出;morning 早晨/上午;noon 中午;midday 正午;
afternoon 下午;sunset 日落;dusk 黄昏;evening 晚上(日落到就寝);night 夜晚(日落到日出);midnight 午夜
PC(Personal Computer)个人电脑;CPU(Central Processing Unit)中央处理器;RAM(Random Access Memory)内存;
ROM(Read-Only Memory)只读存储器;CD(Compact Disk)光盘;Hardware 硬件;Software 软件;Floppy Disk 软盘;hard disk 硬盘

church 教堂;school 学校;library 图书馆;theatre 剧院;court 法院;museum 博物馆;stadium 体育场;station 车站;
post office 邮局;store/shop 商店;market 市场;department store 百货商店;building 楼房;gymnasium 健身房
1. 《生死疲劳》('Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out');
2.《红高粱家族》('Red Sorghum: A Novel of China');
3. 《酒国》('The Republic of Wine');
4. 《丰乳肥臀》('Big Breasts and Wide Hips');
5. 《天堂蒜苔之歌》('The Garlic Ballads')
世界上最神奇的数字是:142857 .它发现于埃及金字塔内,它是一组神奇数字.
142857 X 1 = 142857 . 142857 X 2 = 285714 . 142857 X 3 = 428571 . 142857 X 4 = 571428 . 142857 X 5 = 714285 .
142857 X 6 = 857142 .同样数字调换了位置反复出现。那么把它乘与7是多少呢?我们会惊人的发现是999999。
Musical Instruments(乐器);1. piano(钢琴);2. guitar(吉它);3. violin(小提琴);4. viola(中提琴);5. cello(大提琴);
6. double bass(低音大提琴);7. saxophone(萨克斯管);8. electronic keyboard(电子琴);9. accordion(手风琴);10. flute(长笛)
11. vertical bamboo flute(箫);12. clarinet(单簧管);13. oboe(双簧管);14. trumpet(小号);15. trombone(长号);16. cornet(短号);
17. bassoon(低音管);18. dulcimer(扬琴);19. suona horn(唢呐);20. harmonica(口琴);21. harp(竖琴);22. piccolo(短笛)
snowstorm 暴风雪;frost 霜冻;freezing rain/ice rain 冻雨;sand storm 沙尘暴;hurricane 飓风;typhoon 台风;
fog 浓雾;hail 冰雹;thundershower/thunderstorm 雷阵雨;desertization/ 沙漠化;drought 干旱;tornado 龙卷风
air conditioner 空调,cassette player 卡式录音机,dry cell 干电池dictaphone, dictating machine 录音机,
electric calculator 计算器,electric fan 电风扇,electric iron 电熨斗,electric foot warmer 暖脚器,
electric shaver 电动剃须刀
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"用到了英语中所有字母;
"Sixth sick sheik' s sixth sheep' s sick"是英语中最绕口的绕口令;
1.Soul mate 红颜知己,情人;2.Miss right 如意夫人、理想的女朋友;3.woman of your dreams 梦中情人;
4.Fiancée 未婚妻;5.Life partner 终身伴侣;6.mistress 情人、情妇;7.a mistress / the other woman 小三
1.at one’s best: 处在最佳状态 2.at the wake: 在守灵 3.happen to:发生在…身上 4.pack away: 把…收藏起来
5. liste

n to sb.: 听某人说话 6.be good for sb.: 对……有好处 7.deep down: 事实上 y to rest: 安葬 9.make fun of 取笑
against time 分秒必争;all the time 一直;at a time 每次;at times 有时;in no time 立即;in good time 及时地;
many a time 屡次;keep time 合拍子;big time 愉快的时光,巨大的成功, closing time 下班时间
grain/cereal 谷物;barley 大麦;rye 黑麦;oat 燕麦;crop 农作物;wheat 小麦;maize/corn 玉米;
rice 稻;sorghum 高粱;buckwheat 荞麦;triticale 黑小麦;millet 谷子;bran/chaff 麸,糠
antivirus抗病毒软件,cyberwork网络迷,cyberword网络用语,cyberyakker网上垃圾制造者,digit head计算机迷,
digiteer计算机能手,domain name 域名,dedicated line专用线路,download下载, E-mail affair网上爱情
1.give a damn 不在乎2.suit yourself 随你的便3.up to you 听你的4.do whatever you want 爱咋咋地
5.whatever 管他呢6.as you wish/if you want 随你吧7.I don't care 我不在乎8.be ok (fine) with 对……无碍
flatware 餐具; napkin 餐巾; table cloth 桌布; tea -pot 茶壶; tea set 茶具; tea tray 茶盘;
dish 碟; plate 盘; saucer 小碟子; rice bowl 饭碗; chopsticks筷子; soup spoon 汤匙;
fork叉子; knife 餐刀; cup 杯子; glass玻璃杯; fruit plate果盘
breaststroke 蛙泳;crawl stroke 爬泳;back stroke 仰泳;side stroke 侧泳;butterfly stroke 蝶泳;
dolphin butterfly stroke 海豚式蝶泳;freestyle 自由泳;underwater swimming 潜泳;swimming trunks 泳裤;
swimming suit 泳衣swimming cap 泳帽
Fry 油炸;Roast 烘烤(肉类);Bake 烘焙(面食类);Grill 用(烤架)烤;Stew 焖;Simmer 炖;Steam 蒸;Knead 揉面;
Mash 捣碎;Boil 煮熟;Mince 绞碎;Dice 切小块;Shred 切丝; Whip 搅拌;Grate 磨碎;Toss 拌;Drain 捞;Pare 剥皮
picky挑剔的;quick-tempered容易发脾气的;rude粗鲁无礼的;scatter-brained 记性不好的;slapdash粗心大意的;sly狡猾的;
1.He's a lummox.他是个傻大个.2.I've never met such an ignoramus.我没见过这么无知的人.
3.She's an apple-polisher.她是个马屁精.4.She is tasting her own medicine.她自食其果.
5.She must be having a few buttons missing.她肯定是脑子缺根弦.6.He is a stick-in-the-mud.他顽固不化

γ 伽玛 δ 德尔塔 ε 伊普西隆 ζ 泽塔 η 伊塔 θ 西塔 ι 约塔 κ 卡帕 λ 兰姆达 μ 米欧 ν 纽 ξ 克西
ο 欧米克隆 π 派 ρ 柔 σ 西格玛

τ 陶 υ 玉普西隆 φ 弗爱 χ 凯 ψ 普赛
Mascara(睫毛膏);Foundation(粉底);Blusher(腮红);Sunsreen(防晒霜);Concealer(遮瑕膏);Face Powder(散粉);
Eye Shadow(眼影);Eyeliner(眼线);Lipstick & Lip Gloss(唇膏唇彩);Nail Polish(指甲油)
【音乐风格】Pop 流行;Folk 民谣;Blues 蓝调;Jazz 爵士;Rock 摇滚;Punk 朋克;Heavy Metal 重金属;Raggae 雷鬼;RB 节奏布鲁斯;
Country 乡村;Trance 迷幻舞曲;Rap 说唱;Hip-Hop 嘻哈;Britpop 英式摇滚;Latin 拉丁;Bassa Nova 巴西音乐;Electro 电子乐
cash现金;buck美金;coin硬币;note纸币;banknote钞票;fund 资金;change 零钱;commission佣金;tuition学费;
fare票价;admission入场费;cost成本;freight运费;postage邮费;rent租费;tip小费;red packet红包;phone bill电话费。
gentle 温和;frank 坦率;diligent 勤奋;friendly 友善;enthusiastic/warmhearted 热心;brave 勇敢;smart 聪明;
humorous 幽默;timid 腼腆;lazy 懒惰;childish 幼稚;selfish 自私;cruel 冷酷;greedy 贪婪;sentimental 多愁善感
employer雇主;employee雇员; probation staff试用人员;department部门;position职位; benefits、welfare福利; bonus奖金;
part-time兼职;full-time全职;short-term contracts短期合同;temporary worker临时工;income taxes收入所得税
人的一生各个阶段Life cycle: 出生birth,童年childhood,青春期adolescence,成年adulthood,衰老ageing,寿正终寝end of life;
各个阶段人的称呼:婴儿infant/baby小孩kid/child,青少年youngsters/juvenile,青年youth,成年adult/grown-up老年人old people/the aged
1.Aries 白羊;2.Taurus 金牛;3.Gemini 双子;4.Cancer 巨蟹;5.Leo 狮子;6.Virgo 处女;
7.Libra 天秤;8.Scorpio 天蝎;9.Sagittarius 射手;10.Capricorn 摩羯;11.Aquarius 水瓶;12.Pisces 双鱼.
taste 味道;tasty 美味的;delicious 味道好的;sweet 甜的;sour 酸的;bitter 苦的;hot 辣的;salty 咸的;spiced 加香料的;
fragrant 香的;seasoned 加作料的;tasteless 无味的;flat 淡而无味的;greasy 油腻的;bland, light 清淡的。
hit it off 相处得好;pop the question 求婚;tie the knot 结婚;fall head over heels in love 爱到死心塌地 puppy love 早恋;
settle down (结婚)安家;long-distance

relationship 异地恋;whirlwind romance 闪电恋爱;on the rocks 恋情出现危机
by accident偶然 ;in addition to… 除…之外 ;on average 平均 ;on the basis of… 根据… ;at the best充其量;
on business出差 ;in any case无论如何;in case of… 假使…;in case 假如,以防(万一)免得;in no case决不 ;in charge of… 负责…
1. endowment insurance(养老保险);2. medical insurance(医疗保险);3. unemployment insurance(失业保险)
4. work-related injury insurance(工伤保险)5. childbirth insurance(生育保险)6. housing accumulation funds(住房公积金)
雪花snowflake;雪人snowman;打雪仗snowball fight;漫天飞雪The whirling snow; 小雪flurries/light snow; 暴风雪blizzard/snowstorm;
雪球snow ball; 雪堆snowdrift; 降雪snowfall;飘雪 falling snow; 雪精灵snow angel;雪崩 avalanche;滑雪skiing;滑雪橇sledding;
Double Ninth festival ;filial piety 孝顺; Spend more time with parents多陪陪父母;Call them regularly 经常给父母打电话;
Climbing mountains 登高;enjoy the flourishing chrysanthemum 赏菊;drink some chrysanthemum wine 菊花酒;wearing cornel 插茱萸
against time 分秒必争;all the time 一直;at a time 每次;at times 有时;in no time 立即;in good time 及时地;
many a time 屡次;keep time 合拍子;big time 愉快的时光,巨大的成功, closing time 下班时间
Ghost 鬼;Zombie 丧尸;Phantom 幽灵;Vampire 吸血鬼;Monster 怪物;Mummy 木乃伊;Mouse 老鼠;Snake 蛇;Centipede 蜈蚣;
Spider 蛛蛛;Cockroach 蟑螂;Worm 蠕虫;Skeleton 骨骼;Werewolf 狼人;Devil 魔鬼;Adder 蝰蛇;Cobra 眼镜蛇
【Elements of Halloween(“万圣节”元素)】
1. trick-or-treating(不给糖就捣蛋);2. the Celtic people(凯尔特人);3. costuming(变装);4. pinata(彩罐);
5. pumpkin carving(刻南瓜灯);6. bat(蝙蝠);7. haunted house(鬼屋);8. Jack-o'-lantern(杰克灯/南瓜灯)9. spider(蜘蛛);
10. coffin(棺材);11. skull(骷髅头);12. pirate(海盗); 13. graveyard(墓地);14. bandaged finger(绷带手指);15. owl(猫头鹰);
16. mask(面具);17. black cat(黑猫);18. crow(乌鸦);19. moon(月亮);20. biting apple(咬苹果)
classicism 古典主义;romanticism 浪漫主义;neoclassicism 新古典主义;expressionism 表现主义;impressionism 印象主义;
post—impresionsm 后印象主义;symbolism 象征主义;abstract art 抽象主义;Dadaism 达达主义;surrealism 超现实主义;realism 现实主义
hamburger 汉堡;hot dog 热狗;sandwich 三明治;iced coffee

冰咖啡;popcorn chicken 鸡米花;pie 馅饼;fried chicken 炸鸡;
pizza 比萨饼;french fries(美)/chips(英) 薯条;ketchup 番茄酱;coke 可乐;sprite 雪碧;straw 吸管;eat-in 在店里吃;take-away 外带
low profile 低调;make a huge fool of myself 出了洋相;natural charisma 天生丽质;no peeking 不要偷看;present an award 颁奖
nod along 跟着点头;organize my thoughts 整理思绪;overreact 反应过度;pierce my ears 打耳洞;no way to recover 没有掩饰的机会了;
【 各种人际关系】
buddy 哥们儿;BFF(best friends forever)闺蜜;confidante 红颜知己;colleague 同事;intimate 至交;sworn brother 结拜兄弟;
partner 搭档;companion 同伴;pen pal 笔友;comrade-in-arms 战友;bosom friend 知心朋友;childhood sweetheart 青梅竹马
sea 海;high seas/open sea 远海;gulf 海湾;strait 海峡;harbour 港口;wave 浪;shore 海岸;
ocean 大洋;cape 海角;cliff 悬崖峭壁;headland 岬;sandbank 沙滩;reef 礁石;
1. under the weather 有些不舒服 2. I don't like cold weather. 我不喜欢寒冷的天气。 3.fine weather 好天气 4.windy weather 有风的天气
5.run into rough weather陷入困境 6.broken weather变化无常的天气 7.in all weathers不论天气如何; 不论晴雨 8.falling weather坏天气
有关cake的几种说法:take the cake 得奖;piece of cake 轻而易举的事情;have one's cake dough 希望落空,计划失败;
have one's cake and eat it 两者兼得;icing on the cake 锦上添花;cakes and ale 寻欢作乐;sell like hot cakes 热卖。
1.business hotel 商务酒 2.presidential suite 总统套房theme hotel 主题酒店 3. five-star hotel五星酒店
4. single room 单人房5. double room 双人大床房 6.twin room 标准间 7.room with an ocean view 海景房
pay/wage/salary 工资;overtime pay 加班费;allowance 津贴;income tax 个人所得税;pay slip/payroll 工资单;
basic wage 基本工资;bonus 奖金;premium 红利;merit pay 绩效工资;annual pension 年薪;salary raise 加薪
1.How true!千真万确!2.Well said. 说得好。3.You got it.你算说对了。4.You bet.没错。
5.That's for sure.那是当然。6.That's true.正是如此。7.You're right.你说得对。8.Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。
1.gentle reminder温馨提示 2.on top of that 除此之外3.on one`s beh

alf 代表某人 4.generally speaking一般而言 5. in conclusion
总之 6.in accordance with (according to) 根据...7.in terms of 在某方面8.apart from that 此外 9.due to由于10.prior to在……之前
1) Whatever. 2)It's up to you. 3)Anything you say. 4)Just do what you like. 5)As you wish.
6)Have your way. 6)You are the boss. 7)Suit yourself. 8)It depends on you. 9)I don't care! 10)Who cares!
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