



《新视野大学英语》试卷PartⅡReading Comprehension (30 points)Directions:There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Many people, particularly recent college graduates, dream of owning their own businesses. Although such ventures are often exciting and profitable, the new entrepreneur should thoroughly investigate and plan the situation before plunging in. the first step should be to assemble a board of advisers, including a lawyer, an accountant, and an insurance representative. These individuals can provide valuable information and counsel. Securing the necessary licenses and permits is also a precondition and may require research to determine what is necessary.Most successful small-business owners have considerable experience in the field working for others before they become independent. They also begin with substantial financial backing and a good location. Renting space may be preferable or necessary at thestart, but the lease on the building must be examined carefully before it is signed. The new owner should be thoroughly familiar with the market and the competition. A person who wants to buy an existing business can often learn the history of the company and its prospects from the owner’s records. Once the business gets started, accurate and complete records should be kept to monitor the company’s progress and profits.Financing may be the most difficult step for small-business owners. They may rely on their own savings or borrow money from a bank or the Small Business Administration. Some suppliers will sell merchandise on credit, and manufacturers may be willing to finance the purchase of equipment. If the new business is a corporation, the owner may choose to sell stock.Once the new business is started, the Small Business Administration is a good source of advice. Several of its programs are designed to help new owners with the advice and expertise of retired executives. A nearby university or trade association may also help owners locate local sources of help.New business owners often report that they work long, hard hours but find the experience extremely satisfying. The realization that their efforts will produce actual results in the form of profit, success, and pride can be quite motivating. Those who have workedfor others enjoy the opportunity to make decisions and follow projects through to completion. Many report that hard work has never been so enjoyable before. Careful research, investigation, and planning at the outset do not guarantee success, but they provide a good foundation for the new small business and its owner.21.T he main idea of the passage is about _________.A)the history of the small businessB)tips on how to start your own businessC)how a small business worksD)the best way to build up a profitable business22.W hich of the following advisers is most necessary before youbegin?A)A retired executive.B)A bank officer.C)A professor of economics.D)A lawyer.23.T he article indicates that most successful small-business ownersare _______.A)recent college graduatesB)new entrepreneursC)financially secureD)experienced in the field24.O ne advantage of buying an existing business over starting a newone is that ______.A)it has records readily availableB)it minimizes the competitionC)it is cheaperD)it already has many customers25.N ew business owners may avoid potential problems by ______.A)hard workB)selling stockC)careful planningD)buying on creditQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Britain almost more than any other country in the world must seriously face the problem of building upwards, that is to say, of accommodating a considerable proportion of its population in high blocks of flats. It is said that the English man objects to this type of existence, but if the case is such, he does in fact differ from the inhabitants of most countries of the world today. In the past our own blocks of flats have been associated with the lower-income groups and they have lacked the obvious provisions, such as central heating, constant hot water supply, electrically operated lifts from top tobottom, and so on, as well as such details, important notwithstanding (然而), as easy facilities for disposal of dust and rubbish and storage places for baby carriages in the ground floor, playgrounds for children on the top of the buildings, and drying grounds for washing. It is likely that the dispute regarding flats versus (对,对抗) individual houses will continue to rage on for a long time as far as Britain is concerned. And it is unfortunate that there should be hot feelings on both sides whenever this subject is raised. Those who oppose the building of flats base their case primarily on the assumption (设想) that everyone prefers an individual home and on the high cost per unit of accommodation. The latter ignores the higher cost of providing full services to a scattered community and the cost in both money and time of the journeys to work for the suburban resident.26.We can infer from the passage that _____.A)E nglish people, like most people in other countries, dislikeliving in flatsB)people in most countries of the world today are not opposed toliving in flatsC)people in Britain are forced to move into high blocks of flatsD)m odern flats still fail to provide the necessary facilities forliving27.What is said about blocks of flats built in the past in Britain?A)T hey were mostly inhabited by people who did not earn much.B)They were usually not large enough to accommodate bigfamilies.C)They were sold to people before necessary facilities wereinstalled.D)T hey provided playgrounds for children on the top of thebuildings.28.The word "rage" (Line 9) means _____.A)b e ignoredB)develop with great forceC)encourage people greatlyD)b e in fashion29.Some people oppose the building of flats because _____.A)t he living expenses for each individual family are higherB)it involves higher cost compared with the building of housesC)they believe people like to live in houses with gardensD)t he disposal of rubbish remains a problem for those living inflats30.The author mentions that people who live in suburban houses_____.A)d o not have access to easy facilities because they live awayfrom the cityB)have to pay a lot of money to employ people to do serviceworkC)take longer time to know each other because they are ascattered communityD)h ave to spend more money and time traveling to work everydayQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage Most people would agree that, although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge, there has been no corresponding increase in wisdom. But Agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define "wisdom" and consider means of promoting it.There are several factors that contribute to wisdom. Of these I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight. This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. Suppose, for example, that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your mind. You have no time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may haveoutside the field of medicine. You succeed (let us say) as modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and America, but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowing the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations. To take an even more dramatic example, which is in everybody's mind at the present time; you study the makeup of the atom from a disinterested (无利害关系的) desire for knowledge, and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race.Therefore, with every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary, for every such increase augments (增强)our capacity for realizing our purposes, and therefore augments our capacity for evil, if our purpose are unwise.31.Disagreement arises when people try to decide _____.A)h ow much more wisdom we have now than beforeB)what wisdom is and how to develop itC)if there is a great increase of wisdom in our ageD)w hether wisdom can be developed or not32.According to the author, "wisdom" is the ability to _____.A)c arefully consider the bad effects of any kind of research workB)give each important problem some careful considerationC)acquire a great deal of complex and special knowledgeD)g ive suitable consideration to all the possible elements in aproblem33.Lowering the infant death-rate may _____.A)p rove to be helpful everywhere in the worldB)give rise to an increase in population in EuropeC)cause food shortages in Asia and AfricaD)r aise the living standard of the people in Africa34.The author uses the examples in the passage to illustrate his pointthat _____.A)i t's extremely difficult to consider all the important elements inproblemB)success in medical research has its negative effectsC)scientists may unknowingly cause destruction to the humanraceD)i t's unwise to be totally absorbed in research in scientificmedicine35. What is the main idea of the passage? _____A)I t is unwise to place the results of scientific research in thehands of a powerful mad man.B)The more knowledge one has, the wiser one becomes.C)Any increase of knowledge could lead to disastrous resultswithout the guidance of wisdom.D)W isdom increases in proportion to one's age.Part III Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)Section A (10 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B) C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.36.The current political ________of our country is favorable forforeign investments.A) climate B) weather C) temperature D)state37.It is the business of the police to detect ______and of the lawcourts punish criminals.A) puzzles B) losses C) crimes D) faults38.Scientists say it may be five or ten years ______ it is possible totest this medicine on human patients.A) since B) before C) after D) when39.The popular singer was not only a national but aninternational_______.A) image B) role C) figure D) picture40.He has been awarded first prize for his roses three years in_________.A) success B) continuation C) continuity D)succession41.The country has a system of _______, most of which date fromnineteenth century.A) channels B) rivers C) streams D) canals42.I objected _______ punishing a whole group for one person’sfault.A) against B) by C) to D) from43.In summer, many North Americans go to Europe by boat becausethey expect to have a delightful _______.A) voyage B) travel C) journey D) tour44.You’d better _______your points by giving one or two examples;otherwise the students won’t be able to understand you.A) compare B) illustrate C) prove D) sharpen45.The confusion ________from various names that had been givento the same substance.A) rose B) raised C) arose D) aroused46.The coming of the railways in the 1830s________our society andeconomic life.A) transformed B) transportedC) transferred D) transmitted47.If you _________in taking this attitude, we will have to ask youto leave.A) persist B) insist C) resist D) pursue48.I didn’t expect you to _______at the party. I thought you were inAmerica.A) present B) assist C) come across D) turn up49.I’m sorry. It wasn’t my _______to cause a quarrel between youand David.A) meaning B) point C) intention D) view50.On the_______, he trades in his old car for a new one every threeyears.A) normal B) plain C) ordinary D) average51.Having missed that last bus, Bob had no alternative _____ a taxihome though he didn’t like the idea.A) but to take B) but taking C) but take D) to take but52.The doctor told Penny that too much _______ to the sun is badfor the skin.A) exposure B) extension C) exhibition D)expansion53.The teacher wrote his comments in the _______ of the student’spaper.A) bulletin B) margin C) edition D) magazine54.If you are on a ______, you must not have chocolate.A) rise B) drop C) decline D) diet55. The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds _____ hisargument in favor of the new theory.A) which to base on B) on which to baseC) to base on which D) which to be based onSection B (10 points)Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word given in brackets.56.(mysterious) The origin of this tribe is lost in___________.57.(utter) Politicians have to be careful in their public___________.58.(endurance) As a soldier, you must be ready to__________hardships and even suffer death.59.(beneficial) Rebuilding the canal has already broughtmany ____________to our national economy.60.(assume) Even ____________that smokers do see thehealth warnings, I doubt they will take any notice.61.(challenge) Teaching young children is a very___________and rewarding job.62.(authority) She _______ her partner to carry out thedaily responsibilities on her behalf when she was on her business trip.63.(approve) He showed his ____________by smilingbroadly.64.(courage) It was a _______ decision to resign in protest atthe company’s pollution record.65.(fortune) I feel I’m a very ________ person having somany choices in my career.66.(stain) ______ steel stays bright under circumstancesthat would cause other steel to become rusty or dirty.67.(accurate) The computer can predict changes with asurprising degree of _____ .68.(sense) Naturally, Germans are ________ about warafter their own defeat and destruction.69.(sympathy) I approve of his determination and energy,though I can’t ______ with his ideas.70.(worth) She considers teaching a _______ career.71.(precede) Paintings are a development of ideas sheexplored in the _______ decade.72.(popular) The _______ of Chinese paintings in theWest has generated a new boom in the study of Chinese culture and tradition.73.(invisible) The __________is good today, with noclouds or fog.74.(doubt) It is ______ if we can get the engine workingbefore morning.75.(public) It is unadvisable for the university authority to______ the exam results now.Section C (5 points)Directions: Complete the following sentences with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.76.A jury should not _______ the silence of a defendant as a sign ofguilt.77.He was _______ for four matches after arguing with the referee.78.They'd chosen a(n) _______ time to call as I'd just got into thebath.79.I'm not ________ —it was the worst meal I've ever eaten in mylife.80.Biologists _______ animals and plants into different groups.81.It's ________ to book seats at least a week in advance.82.Ever since our secretary walked out, the office has been in a stateof utter ______.83.South Africa has submitted a(n) ________ to host the World Cup.84.The findings show a(n) _______ difference between the opinionsof men and women.85.The recession has led to many small businesses going ______.Part IV. Translation from Chinese into English (10 points)86.我们的原则是如果你向学生传授诸如诚实、勇敢、正直、领导能力、好奇心和关心他人等美德的话,学生的学习成绩自然会提高。

新视野大学英语第三版第三册期末考试 试卷(A)

新视野大学英语第三版第三册期末考试   试卷(A)

第 1 页 共 11 页考试类型 闭卷新视野大学英语第三版第三册期末考试 试卷(A )适用专业 年级 级 层次 班1. c onfer: ___ 2. defiance:___ 3. slump:___ 4. deteriorate___ 5. console:___6. tropical:___7. anonymous___8. compliment___9. notorious___ 10. perish:___ 11. inhibit:___ 12. endeavor: ___ 13. jeopardize:___ 14. contemplate: ___ 15. comply: __A. make it difficult for a process to startB. in or from the hottest parts of the worldC. become worseD. famous or well-known for sth. badE. try to make sb. feel better when they are unhappy or disappointedF. give sth. such as authority, a legal right, or an honor to sb.G. say sth. nice to sb. in order to praise themH. a sudden decrease in prices, sales, profits, etc.I. open refusal to obey sb. or sth.J. an effort to do sth., esp. sth. new or difficult K. think very carefully about sth. for a long time L. unknown by nameM. do what you have to do or are asked to do N. risk losing or spoiling sth. important O. die, esp. in a terrible or sudden wayPart I. Try to find for each of the following words their suitable explanation from A to O and write down your answers.(1x15)1. When the bus ______________________ and I got off, I was relieved because I had finished school and I had the weekend ahead of me to enjoy myself.2. The parents who feel that their own lives are miserable and are failures can ________________ doing an immense amount of damage to their kids.3. Please remember to keep a copy for yourself as we cannot return manuscripts, _______________________whether or not they are published.4. The ship ___________________ the agreed voyage and arrived about 10 days late and in the meantime the price of sugar had fallen and the merchants lost over £4,000.5. As the market _____________________a wide variety of goods, the economy became more balanced and the competition forced the prices down.6. In carrying out the plan we are likely to come across difficulties, but we are determined to _______________________ them all.7. The athlete had been ____________________long legs and a persistent temperament so he was very successful.8. When the economic slump hit the country, many people who had lost their jobs had to _________________________a lot of luxuries.9. The majority of people are not lazy; they want to work hard, want to have a better future, and want to _______________________their families.10. Our students have almost limitless resources ________________________: a well-equipped library, student workrooms, a large cafeteria, an undergraduate office and a computer center.Part II. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. Each expression can be used only once.(1x10)第 3 页 共 11 页Passage onePsychiatrists (精神病专家) who work with older parents say that maturity can be an asset in child rearing ---- older parents are more thoughtful, use less physical discipline and spend more time with their children. But raising kids takes money and energy. Many older parents find themselves balancing their limited financial resources, declining energy and failing health against the growing demands of an active child. Dying and leaving young children is probably the older parents’ biggest, and often unspoken, fear. Having late-life children, says an economics professor, often means parents, particularly father s, “end up retiring much later.” For many, retirement becomes an unobtainable dream.Henry Metcalf, a 54-year-old journalist, knows it takes money to raise kids. But he’s also worried that his energy will give out first. Sure, he can still ride bikes with his athletic fifth grader, but he’s learned that young at heart doesn’t mean young. Lately he’s been taking afternoon naps (午睡) to keep up his energy. “My body is aging,” says Metcalf, “You can’t get away from that.”Often, older parents hear the ticking of another kind of biological clock. Therapists who work with middle-aged and older parents say fears about aging are nothing to laugh at. “They worry they’ll be mistaken for grandparents, or that they’ll need help getting up out of those little chairs in nursery school,” says Joann Galst, a New York psychologist. But at the core of those little fears there is often a much bigger one: “that they won’t be alive long enough to support and protect their child,” she says.Many late-life parents, though, say their children came at just the right time. After marrying late and undergoing years of fertility (受孕) treatment, Marilyn Nolen and her husband, Randy, had twins. “We both wanted children,” says Marilyn, who was 55 when she gave birth. The twins have given the couple what they desired for years, “a sense of family.”Kids of older dads are often smarter, happier and more sociable because their fathers are more involved in their lives. “The dads are older, more mature,” says Dr. Silber, “and more ready to focus o n parenting.”1. Why do psychiatrists regard maturity as an asset in child rearing? A) Older parents can better balance their resources against children’s demands. B) Older parents are usually more experienced in bringing up their children. C) Older parents are often better prepared financially.D) Older parents can take better care of their children.2. What does the author mean by saying “For many, retirement becomes an unobtainable dream” (Lines 7-8, Para. 1)?A) They have to go on working beyond their retirement age.B) They can’t get full pension unless they work some extra years.C) They can’t obtain the retirement benefits they have dreamed of.D) They are reluctant to retire when they reach their retirement age.3. The author gives the example of Henry Metcalf to show that _________.A) many people are young in spirit despite their advanced ageB) taking afternoon naps is a good way to maintain energyC) older parents tend to be concerned about their aging bodiesD) older parents should exercise more to keep up with their athletic children.4. What’s the biggest fear of older parents according to New York psychologist Joann Galst?A) Being laughed at by other people.B) Slowing down of their pace of life.C) Being mistaken for grandparents.D) Approaching of death.5. What do we learn about Marilyn and Randy Nolen?A) They thought they were an example of successful fertility treatment.B) Not until they had the twins did they feel they had formed a family.C) They believed that children born of older parents would be smarter.D) Not until they reached middle age did they think of having children.Passage twoLosing your ability to think and remember is pretty scary. We know the risk of dementia (痴呆症) increases with age. But if you have memory slips, you probably needn’t worry. There are pretty clear differences between signs of dementia and age-related memory loss.After age 50, it s quite common to have trouble remembering the names of people, places and things quickly, says Dr. Kirk Daffner of Brigham and Women s Hospital in Boston.The brain ages just like the rest of the body. Certain parts shrink, especially areas in the brain that are important to learning, memory and planning. Changes in brain cells can affect communication between different regions of the brain. And blood flow can be reduced as blood vessels narrow.Forgetting the name of an actor in a favorite movie, for example, is nothing to worry about. But if you forget the plot of the movie or don t remember even seeing it, that s far more concerning, Daffner says.When you forget entire experiences, he says, that s "a red flag that something more serious may be involved." Forgetting how to operate a familiar object like a microwave oven, or forgetting how to drive to the house of a friend you’ve visited many times before can also be signs of something going wrong.But even then, Daffner says, people shouldn’t panic. There are many things that can cause confusion and memory loss, including health problems like temporary stoppage of breathing during sleep, high blood第 4 页共11 页pressure, or depression, as well as medications (药物) like antidepressants.You don’t have to figure this out on your own. Daffner suggests going to your doctor to check on Array medications, health problems and other issues that could be affecting memory. And the best defense againstmemory loss is to try to prevent it by building up your brain s cognitive (认知的) reserve, Daffner says. "Read books, go to movies, take on new hobbies or activities that force one to think in novel ways," he says. In other words, keep your brain busy and working. And also get physically active, because exercise is a known brain booster.6. Why does the author say that one need’ t be concerned about memory slips?A) Not all of them are symptoms of dementia.B) They occur only among certain groups of people.C) Not all of them are related to one’s age.D) They are quite common among fifty-year-olds.7. What happens as we become aged according to the passage?A) Our interaction skills deteriorate.B) Some parts of our brain stop functioning.C) Communication within our brain weakens.D) Our whole brain starts shrinking.8. Which memory-related symptom should people take seriously?A) Totally forgetting how to do one s daily routines.B) Inability to recall details of one s life experiences.C) Failure to remember the names of movies or actors.D) Occasionally confusing the addresses of one s friends.9. What should people do when signs of serious memory loss show up?A) Check the brain s cognitive reserve.B) Stop medications affecting memory.C) Turn to a professional for assistance.D) Exercise to improve their well-being.10. What is Dr. Daffner’s advice for combating memory loss?A) Having regular physical and mental checkups.B) Taking medicine that helps boost one s brain.C) Engaging in known memory repair activities.D) Staying active both physically and mentally.Passage threeIn spring, chickens start laying again, bringing a welcome source of protein at winter’s end. So it’s nosurprise that cultures around the world celebrate spring by honoring the egg.第 5 页共11 页Some traditions are simple, like the red eggs that get baked into Greek Easter breads. Others elevate the egg into a fancy art, like the heavily jewel-covered “eggs” that were fav ored by the Russians starting in the 19th century.One ancient form of egg art comes to us from Ukraine. For centuries, Ukrainians have been drawing complicated patterns on eggs. Contemporary artists have followed this tradition to create eggs that speak to the anxieties of our age: Life is precious, and delicate. Eggs are, too.“There’s something about their delicate nature that appeals to me,” says New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast. Several years ago, she became interested in eggs and learned the traditional Ukrainian technique to draw her very modem characters. “I’ve broken eggs at every stage of the process—from the very beginning to the very, very end.”But there’s an appeal in that vulnerability. “There’s part of this sickening horror of knowing you’re w alking on the edge with this, that I kind of like, knowing that it could all fall apart at any second.” Chast’s designs, such as a worried man alone in a tiny rowboat, reflect that delicateness.Traditional Ukrainian decorated eggs also spoke to those fears. The elaborate patterns were believed to offer protection against evil.“There’s an ancient legend that as long as these eggs are made, evil will not prevail in the world,” says Joan Brander, a Canadian egg-painter who has been painting eggs for over 60 years, having learned the art from her Ukrainian relatives.The tradition, dating back to 300 B.C., was later incorporated into the Christian church. The old symbols, however, still endure. A decorated egg with a bird on it, given to a young married couple, is a wish for children. A decorated egg thrown into the field would be a wish for a good harvest.11.Why do people in many cultures prize the egg?A) It is a welcome sign of the coming of spring.B) It is their major source of protein in winter.C) It can easily be made into a work of art.D) It can bring wealth and honor to them.12.What do we learn about the decorated “eggs” in Russia?A) They are shaped like jewel cases.B) They are cherished by the rich.C) They are heavily painted in red.D) They are favored as a form of art.13.Why have contemporary artists continued the egg art tradition?A) Eggs serve as an enduring symbol of new life.B) Eggs have an oval shape appealing to artists.C) Eggs reflect the anxieties of people today.D) Eggs provide a unique surface to paint on.第 6 页共11 页第 7 页 共 11 页14.Why does Chast enjoy the process of decorating eggs?A) She never knows if the egg will break before the design is completed. B) She can add multiple details to the design to communicate her idea. C) She always derives great pleasure from designing something new. D) She is never sure what the final design will look like until the end. 15.What do we learn from the passage about egg-painting? A) It originated in the eastern part of Europe. B) It has a history of over two thousand years. C) It is the most time-honored form of fancy art. D) It is especially favored as a church decoration.A bookless life is an incomplete life. Books influence the depth and breadth of life. They meet the natural 1)_____for freedom, for expression, for creativity and beauty of life. Learners, therefore, must have books, and the right type of book, for the satisfaction of their need. Readers turn 2)____ to books because their curiosity concerning all manners of things, their eagerness to share in the experiences of others and their need to 3) _____ from their own limited environment lead them to find in books food for the mind and the spirit. Through their reading they find a deeper significance to life as books acquaint them with life in the world as it was and it is now. They are presented with a 4)_____ of human experiences and come to5) _____ other ways of thought and living. And while 6)____ their own relationships and responses to life , the readers often find that the 7) ____ in their stories are going through similar adjustments, which help to clarify and give significance to their own.Books provide 8)______ material for readers’ imagination to grow. Imagination is a valuable quality and a motivating power, and stimulates achievement. While enriching their imagination, books 9)______their outlook, develop a fact-finding attitude and train them to use leisure 10)_____. The social and educational significance of the readers’ books cannot be overestimated in an academic library.Part IV . Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable letters for words fromthe word bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.(1x10)第 8 页 共 11 页1. Consider also the heroic example of Abraham Lincoln, who faced substantial hardships, failures andrepeated misfortunes in his lifetime. Yet his strong will was the spur that pushed him forward, strengthening his optimism, dedication and determination. It intensified and focused his efforts and enabled him to triumph over the overwhelming failures and profound difficulties in his life. A hundred years later, people from around the world commend Abraham Lincoln as the greatest American president of all time.2. Thanks to modern aviation, we can now move through space at an inhuman speed. For the first time in human history, we can outrun the sun and move from one hemisphere to another in a single day. Of course, it's not enough to simply get on a plane. Most people, after all, escape to Paris so they don't have to think about those troubles they left behind. But here's the irony: Our mind is most likely to solve our most stubborn problems while we are sitting in luxury in a Left Bank café.Part V . Translate the following passages into Chinese: (2x5)第 9 页 共 11 页上海自贸区(Shanghai Free Trade Zone )是中国政府于2013年设立在上海的自由贸易区。



新视野⼤学英语(第三版)读写教程1期末考试试卷(附答案)New Horizon English Course III TestI. Proper ResponseDirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. The questions will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, choose the best answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. (5 points)1. A. That's right. B. You're welcome.C. That's all right.D. That's it.2. A. not too bad. B. it doesn't matter.C. I'm not good.D. thanks a lot.3. A.It will arrive soon.B.Yes, you can go with me.C.No, it left 10 minutes ago.D.The train is coming.4. A. Would you like to come here?B. May I come in?C. Is Professor Short ill?D. May I speak to Professor Short, please?5. A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, you are right.C. Good afternoon, Jane. Not very good, I think.D. Good afternoon, Jane. But I don't think so.II. Understanding Short DialoguesDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. At the end of each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken twice. Choose the best answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. (5 points)6.A. 6:55.第 1 页共14 页B. 7:05.C. 8:05.D. 7:35.7. A. She is a teacher. B. She is a writer.C. She is a visitor.D. She is the speaker.8. A. In the shop. B. In the library.C. In the street.D. In the bedroom.9. A. The man asked the woman where she went last night.B. The man wanted to know where the woman was last night.C. The man did not know where the woman went yesterday morning.D. The woman was taken to hospital.10. A. He likes to do nothing.B. He likes fishing most.C. He likes to play tennis most.D. He likes to stay in the room with the boys most.III. Understanding Short ConversationsDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B C and D. (10 points)Conversation 111. A. Exchange the vase. B. Exchange the sweets.C. Exchange the sweater.D. Exchange the money.12. A. The wrong size. B. The wrong color.C. Expensive.D. Both A and B.13. A. Gray. B. Green.C. Red.D. Blue.第 2 页共14 页Conversation 214. A. If two adults buy tickets, a child's ticket is free.B. If you buy one ticket, you get another one free.C. If you buy now, you get a free ticket for one year.D. If you buy two tickets, you get a third ticket free.15. A. They pay half the regular price.B. They are free if traveling with two adults.C. Children under five travel free.D. They pay less if the ticket is charged.16. A. Friday morning.B. This coming weekend.C. Next week.D. Week after next.Conversation 317. A. In Pittsburgh. B. At two o'clock.C. At the bus station.D. On the bus.18. A. At 2:15 p.m. B. At 11:00 a.m.C. At 2:00 p.m.D. At 1:45 p.m.Conversation 419. A. A live concert. B. A record.C. Some singers.D. A drum.20. A. Good. B. Not good.C. Not bad.D. They have no idea.IV. Spot DictationDirections: In this section you will hear a recorded passage. There are 5 missing words in the passage. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to write out the missing words or phrases according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your answers. (5 points)第 3 页共14 页Passage 1There were three professors at the railway station. They were deep in (21)__________. The train had just arrived, but they didn't notice it. Then the guard shouted, "Take your seats, please!" The professors heard the (22)______ and rushed for the train. Two of them got on the train before it moved. The third one was left behind. It was professor Egghead. He looked (23)_____. One of the professor's students was at the station. He tried to (24)_______ the professor. "It wasn't bad, sir," said the students, "two out of three (25)______ the train. That's quite good, you know." "I know," the professor said, "but it was my train. My friends only came to say goodbye."V. Word FormsDirections: Fill in the blanks with the given words and change the form if necessary. (10 points)26. It is (simple) a matter of time.27. The Indians were the (origin) inhabitants (居民) of North America.28. She always claimed she was an unwilling (participate) __________ in the incident.29. Let's go back to what we were saying before we were (interrupt) __________.30. In my opinion, he was to blame (as well as) ____ she was.31. Nothing can please her, she's always (complain) ________.32. The plane was (notice) _______ to take off at six o'clock.33. The car is traveling at a (speeder) _________ of eighty kilometers an hour.34. The two parties were not in (compete)__________ with each other.35. He said "Good morning" in a most (friend)_________ way.VI. Multiple Choice (Vocabulary)Directions: Choose the best item to complete each sentence. (10 points) 36. We must consider a problem in all its .第 4 页共14 页A. aspectsB. activitiesC. habitsD. advice37. He made an to escape, but failed.A. awardB. averageC. attemptD. authority38. Art books are expensive to produce, _____ they are with color printing.A. ultimatelyB. regularlyC. especiallyD. specially39. I lost _____ with Julie after we moved to another city.A. sightB. touchC. participationD. share40. I met her ______ in a crowded bus.A. in accidentB. by accidentC. with accidentD. on accident第 5 页共14 页41. What do you think would be the ______ of this ring, if I were to sell it?A. worthD. cost42. They _________ the winners with gifts of fruit and flowers.A. rewardedB. awardedC. chargedD. paid43. After a _______ box was found on the plane, the police were called in to make a thorough inspection (调查).A. potentialB. mysteriousC. miserableD. nervous44. Before the students set off, they spent much time setting a limit _____ the expenses of the trip.A. forB. aboutC. inD. to45. When a person ________ a dinner invitation, he is expected to arrive on time.A. receivesB. getsC. accepts第 6 页共14 页D. comes overVII. Multiple Choice (Reading Comprehension)Directions: Read the following passage and then choose the best answers to the questions that follow. (5 points) Passage 1One of the oldest customs of mankind is the celebration of the New Year. Some people say the Chinese were the first to start it, others believe it was the ancient Germans, and still others claim it was the Romans.We know that the Chinese have always had a great festival at the time of their New Year, which comes later than ours. The Chinese New Year festival lasts several days. The ancient Germans established a New Year festival because of the changing seasons. The German winter began at the middle of November. This was the time when they gathered the harvest, because everybody came together at this time for the happy occasion, and because it meant they would have a period of rest from work afterwards. They would make merry and have a great holiday. Even though it was November, they considered it the beginning of the New Year! When the Romans conquered (⼊侵) Europe, they changed this time of celebration to the first of January.From then on the coming of the New Year was a symbol of a new life with new hope for the future. This custom and this meaning have lasted to this day. We celebrate the New Year hoping it will bring us a good life.46. What do you think the author's nationality is?C. Roman.D. None of the above.47. Who are NOT said to have started the celebration of the New Year?A. Chinese.B. Americans.C. GermansD. Romans.48. Why do people celebrate the New Year festival nowadays?A. It means a period of rest from work.B. It brings us a good life.C. It symbolizes a new life with new hope.D. It means a happy occasion.49. After the Romans conquered Europe, when did the Germans celebrate their New Year festival?A. November.B. December.C. JanuaryD. February.第7 页共14 页50. What's the passage mainly about?A. How to celebrate the New Year.B. The origin of the New Year festival.C. The difference between the Western New Year and the Chinese New Year.D. The significance of the New Year festival.VIII. Short Answer QuestionsDirections: Read the following passage and give brief answers to the questions following it. Use as few words as possible. (5 points)Passage 1At university you meet many different types of students. There are lazy students, smart students, and students who are so intelligent that they hardly have to work at all.An interesting game to play is to put people into types. For example, the ambitious student is very easy to identify. Not only do they work extremely hard but they also make sure that they know the right people and attend the right events. You'll see them chatting to lecturers after a lecture is finished. They usually look serious and carry big bags of books.The party girl is easily recognized by her fashionable clothes and the fact that at every party you go to she's surrounded by friends.Then there's the "techy", a student who knows everything about computers and technology. They can be found at most times of the day playing with a computer.51.There is a student who work extremely hard and often chat to lecturers after a lecture is finished.What kind of student is he/she?_________________________________________________.The "organizer" is another type that's very recognizable. They love to organize things, whether it's parties or club meetings. And of course, there's always the "last minute" student. They may be very good students, but they always hand in assignments at the last moment, and they arrive at a lecture one minute before it's about to begin. Although I'd rather not be a "last minute" type, that's what I am, I'm afraid!52. Who can be easily recognized by fashionable clothes?_______________________________________________.53. What's the "techy" good at?_____________________________________________.54. Who loves to organize things, whether it's parties or club meetings?______________________________________________.55. What kind of student may the speaker be?______________________________________________.IX. MatchingDirections: The following is a list of common terms or phrases. After reading it, you are required to find the Chinese equivalents in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets. (10 points)第8 页共14 页Task 1A.investment bankB.fixed depositC.reserve bankD.instruct a bankE.correspondent bankF.currencyG.cashH.low-interest creditI.long-term credit/doc/19735516492fb4daa58da0116c175f0e7cd1190e.html mercial bankK.demand depositL.state bank, national bank M.attract capitalN.loan capitalO.fixed capital56.()低利贷款57.()国家银⾏58.()商业银⾏59.()定期存款60.()信贷资本61.()储蓄银⾏62.()固定资本63.()现⾦64.()吸引资本65.()长期信贷X. True or FalseDirections: Read the following passage as fast as you can and then decide whether the statements that follow are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. (5 points)Passage 1I don't know how many good teachers there are in the world, but I feel it is deeply important for a student who is in trouble to meet a good teacher.I had a maths teacher who hates to see struggling maths students. He always ridicules the slow students when he gets a chance. For example, the teacher looks down upon a student due to her failure in maths. It's not that this student is stupid but rather she has no interest in maths. The maths teacher always gives the girl the cold shoulder and says this girl is the stupidest student he has ever seen. One time this student got the lowest score on a maths exam, the teacher made fun of her and then students guessed who had the worst score. When that student had some questions to ask the teacher, he was第9 页共14 页impatient with her. Finally, the girl said to me that paradise is very far from her. Everyday she feels Eden, but there is no way to reach it. She feels that she is a tiny lantern which is placed into the water and will slowly drift out to sea until it can't be seen. What a lonely vision that is!All students have different abilities because each of them is unique. No one can foretell his future. The teacher should learn how to treat the slower students properly, how to encourage them and not to hurt their feelings. Please leave a bit of love for these special students."It is not how much we do but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving," said Mother Terasa. After all, love can creates power.66. In this article, the writer thinks that when a student is in trouble, it is very important that the student shoulddo his best to turn to some teachers.67. The underlined word "ridicule" in the second paragraph means laugh at.68. The girl fails in every maths exam because she is tired of the maths teacher.69. What the girl tells the writer shows the girl is mentally suffering.70. The writer attacks the maths teacher strongly, but he asks all people to collect money to support thespecial students.XI. Translation from English to ChineseDirections: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (6 points)71. The computer is one of the most significant inventions in the twentieth century.72. That book is the best among modern novels.73. Several well-known researchers have been signed up for the project.74. On the other hand, females do better on tests measuring vocabulary, spelling, and memory.75. A team of researchers discovered that there are strong differences between how boys and girls are raised.76. Besides a written one, we'll have to take an oral test.第10 页共14 页。



专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 新视野大学英语课程主要培养学生的哪种能力?A. 词汇记忆B. 听说读写C. 翻译技巧D. 文学鉴赏2. 英语语言学习的四个基本技能中,哪一个是输入技能?A. ListeningB. SpeakingC. ReadingD. WritingA. VerbB. AdjectiveC. AdverbD. Infinitive4. 英语句子成分中,属于次要成分的是?A. SubjectB. PredicateC. ObjectD. AttributiveA. AndB. ButC. HoweverD. Because二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 英语中的名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。

(√)2. 英语语法中的现在进行时表示正在进行的动作。

(√)3. 英语句子中的主语和谓语动词必须一致。

(×)4. 英语听力训练有助于提高口语表达能力。

(√)5. 英语阅读理解能力与词汇量大小无关。

(×)三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 英语句子由____、____和____三部分组成。

2. 英语中的基本句型有五种,分别是SV、SVC、SVo、SVoO和____。

3. 英语词汇分为____、____和____三大类。

4. 提高英语写作能力的方法有:多读、多写、多改、____。

5. 英语语法中的被动语态由“be + _______ + ”构成。

四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述英语学习的重要性。

2. 请列举三种提高英语听力的方法。

3. 请说明英语中现在完成时的用法。

4. 请举例说明英语中的定语从句。

5. 请简述英语阅读技巧。

五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 根据所给词汇,编写一段对话:library, borrow, book, return2. 请将下列句子改为被动语态:They speak English in this country.4. 请用一般过去时描述你昨天做了什么。



Model Test (8)Band OnePart I. Understanding SentencesSection ADirections:Listen to the following 10 sentences. Each sentence will be read two times. After each sentence, there’ll be a break of 10 seconds. During the break, read the two choices marked A and B, and choose the one that is the best answer.1. A. I took too many courses last term.B. The courses I took last term were very difficult.2. A. I picked up the children from school first.B. I went to the supermarket before picking up the children from school.3. A. We should pay attention to the danger of drunk driving now.B. We should spend much time avoiding the danger of drunk driving.4. A. My mother will take me to the restaurant for my birthday.B. I’ll celebrate my mother’s birthday by taking her to the restaurant.5. A. I haven’t been used to the custom here quickly.B. I might get across the customs quickly.6. A. I paid back fifty dollars I borrowed from Jack last week.B. Jack didn’t pay me back the fifty dollars he borrowed from me lastweek.7. A. A good night’s sleep may make people feel fresh in the morning.B. Even if you get a good night’s sleep, you will not feel well in themorning.8. A. Jack and Tom didn’t attend the meeting on time.B. Jack and Tom attended the meeting on time.9. A. He can speak fluent Chinese since he was brought up in China.B. He was brought up in America, but he can speak fluent Chinese.10.A. His friends advised him not to give up the contest though he has littlechance to win.B. He was advised to give up the contest, since he will probably lose. Section BDirections: In this section, you’ll hear 10 sentences. Each sentence will be read two times. At the end of each sentence, there’ll be a break of 10 seconds. During the break, you’ll read the three choices marked A, B and C, and choose the best answer to complete the sentence.1.You can ______________ your telephone number here.A. cut downB. write downC. put on2.Jack asked us to ____________________ .A. help him finish the taskB. provide him with finished taskC. insist on finishing the task3.We ____________________ the environment.A. are responsible for the protection ofB. should be concerned aboutC. should care about4.Jack _____________ the expensive car.A. asked me to buyB. persuaded me into buyingC. talked with me about buying5.We should have some _________________ ways to deal with thestressful situations.A. efficientB. goodC. favorite6.Tom was _______________ $100 since he returned the lost wallet to theowner.A. givenB. awardedC. paid back7.Many people ______________ education.A. needB. can receiveC. can’t receive8.Balance should be achieved between ________________ .A. work and playB. work and restC. play and rest9.I cannot _______________ her bad manners any more.A. stand byB. stand inC. stand for10. He has been __________________ the house.A. absorbed in paintingB. devoted to paintingC. employed to paintPart II. Understanding ConversationsSection ADirections:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. A. He has an ear problem.B. He doesn't always listen.C. He's never missed a date.D. He doesn’t care the date2. A. Read the magazine while she waits in line.B. Have her copies made outside the library.C. Use a different machine to make her copies.D. Look for a different magazine.3. A. There are not enough French Fries for everyone else.B. The man shouldn’t eat any more French Fries.C. The man has more French Fries than the woman has.D. The man has to think about her request.4. A. Board the train.B. Send a fax.C. Postpone his departure time.D. Have lunch.5. A. He has used the phone for months.B. He wants to sell the mobile phone to the woman.C. He has to get rid of that old mobile phone.D. He's satisfied with the mobile phone.6 A. The woman always is strict with her employees.B. The man always has excuses for being late.C. The woman is a kind-hearted boss.D. The man’s alarm clock didn’t work that morning.7. A. The gym doesn't open until tomorrow.B. He's too busy to go to the gym.C. There's a special project going on at the gym.D. The gym is full of kids.8. A. Put the briefcase back in the elevator.B. Contact the owner of the briefcase.C. Find out if the receptionist lost a briefcase.D. Take the briefcase to the reception desk.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A. The apartment is too far from the campus.B. The apartment needs a lot of repair work.C. She's having trouble with the owner of the apartment.D. Her roommate won't share expenses.2. A. Rebecca didn't pay their rent on time.B. Rebecca charged her for rent.C. She can't find anyone to repair the refrigerator.D. Rebecca had the refrigerator fixed without her permission.3. A. He majors in law.B. He had the same problem.C. He knows the owner.D. He is a lawyer.Questions 4 to 7 are based on the conversation you have just heard.4. A. He feels he’s in best condition.B. He feels he’s in poor condition.C. He feels he’s tired.D. He feels he’s depressed.5. A. 10 hours. B. 5 hours.C. 7 hours.D. 4 hours.6. A. He has never joined in the Olympics before.B. He has lunch at ten.C. He is an American long distance runner.D. He doesn’t think his training program is good.7. A. He spends plenty of time playing music.B. He has to participate in various social activities.C. He has a full training schedule.D. Apart from training, he is studying to be a technician.Part III. Understanding PassagesDirections:In this section,you will hear 2 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B,C,and D. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard.1. A. There was more wood in America.B. People can fireproof their wooden houses in America.C. Stone was not available in America.D. Many people live in the same house in America.2. A. Dark clouds spread from one house to another.B. The disastrous traffic accident.C. The great fire.D. The great earthquake.3. A. Cheap B. Expensive C. Beautiful D. Comfortable Passage TwoQuestions 4 to 6 are based on the passage you have just heard.4. A. Because she didn’t speak, except when necessary.B. Because she always found people who could speak enough English tounderstand her.C. Because she had a guide who spoke fluent English.D. Because she had a good phrase book.5. A. In a little restaurant in a village in the south of Italy.B. In a restaurant in an Italian city.C. In the market place in a little village.D. On a public bus, traveling in the south of Italy.6. A. Because she only liked mushrooms.B. Because she had seen some earlier and thought they would taste good.C. Because she thought that they would be good for her health.D. Because she only knew the Italian word for mushrooms.7. A. Because it had started to rain.B. Because he thought that she had said umbrella in Italian.C. Because he wanted her to buy it.D. Because he thought that she had drawn one.Part IV. Spot DictationDirections: You will hear a short passage which is printed on your test paper with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read 3 times. You’d better just listen and get a general idea of it in the first reading. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words on the blanks according to what you hear. The third time reading is for you to check your answers. Now the passage will begin.The convenience and (1) ___ of small cars (2)_____ their popularity. They are easy to park quickly and take smaller (3) _____. Small cars are alsoa (4) __of (5) __ because they use less gas than big cars. Small cars are(6) and (7) on long trips, however, because of their (8) passenger and trunk space. They are also more (9) to operate and(10) . And they cost less. Because of all these advantages, the next carI buy is going to be an Econo-Midget.Part V. Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)Directions: In this section there are 2 passages. After reading each passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to make the correct choice.Passage 1A new plan for getting children to and from school is being started by the education authorities (当局) in part of Eastern England. This could end the worries of many parents fearful for their children’s safety on the roads.Until now the County Council has only been prepared to provide busservices for children living more than three miles from their school, or sometimes less if special reason exists.The new plan is to be tried out this term for children living at Milton who attend Impington school. The children live just within the three-mile limit and the Council has said in the past it would not provide free transport to the school. But now they have agreed to organize a bus service from Milton to Impington and back, a plan which has the support of the school’s headmaster.Between 50 and 60 parents have said they would like their children to take part. Final calculations have still to be carried out, but a Council official has said the cost to parents should be less than £6.50 a term.They have been able to arrange the service at a low cost because there is already an agreement with the bus company for a bus to take children who live further away to Impington. The same bus would now just make an extra journey to pick up the Milton children. The official said they would get in touch with their parents, to see if they would like their children to take part in the new plan.1. The children the Council ran buses for in the past were those ________.A. whose parents were worried about their safety on the roadsB. who had special reasonC. whose parents would like to pay the bus serviceD. who had to travel a long journey2. Taking part in the Council’s trial plan are children who ________.A. live in Milton and go to Impington schoolB. live in Impington and go to Milton schoolC. live in Milton and go to Milton schoolD. live in Impington and go to Impington school3. The new bus service will be provided _______.A. from Milton to Impington and back onlyB. in combination with an existing serviceC. only for children living more than three miles awayD. only for the Milton children4. Who will pay for the new bus service?A. the Impington’s headmaster.B. the County Council.C. the bus company.D. the parents.5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The Council has said in the past it would provide free transport to theschool.B. The new plan is to be tried out this term for children living more thanthree miles from their school.C. A Council official has said the cost to parents should be more than£6.50 a term.D. The official would get in touch with the parents whose children livedfurther away from school.Passage 2Many Chinese students who have already learnt English more than ten years are still unable to speak English properly and fluently when they encounter a foreigner. They have been able to master basic language structure and many other things grammatically, but a conversation in English will make them feel uneasy. They are afraid other people might laugh at their mistakes or they think those to whom they are speaking might not understand them.It is not uncommon that many students, who are bad speakers of English, write beautiful and fluent English. This proves perfectly that they do have the ability to organize their ideas in English. The problem is that they do not have enough practice and confidence. Maybe they are afraid of speaking English openly.The best way out, as a result, would be a bit more confidence and practice. No one would laugh at you even though you make some mistakes for they understand English is a foreign language to you. Don’t care too much about the small mistakes you may make in your conversation because you can correct them easily if you practice enough. But you do have to take great care to make people understand what you are trying to say. If you keep practicing English all the time, you will surely find that talking with a native speaker is not at all difficult.6. This passage is mainly discussing __________.A. how to master basic language structureB. how to write beautiful and fluent EnglishC. how to organize your ideas in EnglishD. how to talk to a foreigner properly and fluently7. Many Chinese learners of English are weak at speakingbecause__________.A. they haven’t mastered the rules of English grammarB. they don’t like talking with a native speakerC. they don’t have enough confidence and practiceD. they don’t care too much about the small mistakes they have made intheir conversation8. The best way to solve this problem, according to this passage, is by __________.A. practicing moreB. listening moreC. writing moreD. reading more9. The passage implies that __________.A. Chinese students are usually afraid of having a conversation with aforeignerB. foreigners are patient when a Chinese makes mistakes in conversationC. Chinese students should speak more to improve their spoken EnglishD. foreigners are very good and polite listeners10. In practicing speaking, Chinese students should __________.A. pay no attention to the mistakes they makeB. have a better understanding of grammarC. focus more on making themselves understoodD. care too much about basic language structurePart VI. Error CorrectionDirection:This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.Example:Television is increasingly becoming theliterature of our p e riods. Many of the arguments 1. times/period having used for the study of literature subject 2. /are valid for∧study of television. 3. theHollywood produced more films than any film center 1.___in the world. The warm weather and long hours of sunlight 2.___ meant that filmmaking was easy and quite cheap. This wasalso a rich part of America, and there were many business-men who wanted to make money for the motion picture indus- 3.___try. At first short cowboy films were popular because theyadd excitement and adventure for people’s lives. Later, 4.___ comedy films were made so that people could laugh andforget their troubles. Charlie Chaplin was probably the mostly 5.___liked of all comedy actors.To beginning with, all films were silent, and actors 6.___ showed the story by acting larger than life. Charlie Chaplin wasthe most famous of these silent film actors. In 1926 some shortfilms were made which the actors spoke for the first time. 7.___ Within three years nobody wanted to watch silent films al-though some famous actors, including Charlie Chaplin, refu- 8.___sing to make talking films for many years.At first all films were in black and write, but in 1932 thefirst color film was made. It was until 1938 that a full length 9.___color film was made, and the succession of this film made 10.___ producers everywhere change from black and white to color.This first full-length color film was translated into ten languagesand made Hollywood the major center of the motion pictureindustry.Part VII. TranslationDirections: Complete the following sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.1._______________ (等他到达北京时) ,we will have stayed for two days.2.He was punished _______________________ (以免再犯同样的错误).3.What a lovely party! It’s worth __________________ (我终身难忘).4._________________ (令我们吃惊的是) , he didn’t pass the final exam.5.___________________ (连锁反应释放的能量) is transformed into heat.Model Test (8) Band OneANSWER SHEETClass NamePart I. Understanding SentencesSection A ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Section B ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Part II. Understanding ConversationsSection A____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____Section B ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____Part III. Understanding Passages____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____Part IV. Spot Dictation1. _____________2. ________________3. _______________4. _____________5. ________________6. _______________7. _____________8. ________________9. _______________ 10._____________Part V.Reading Comprehension____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____Part VI.Error Correction1. _________________________2. __________________________3. _________________________4. __________________________5. _________________________6. __________________________7. _________________________8. __________________________9. _________________________ 10. _________________________ Part VII. Translation11。



新视野大学英语第二册复习题(一)90题新视野第二册复习题+答案Ⅰ. Vocabulary1. There is a(n) ______ lack of water in the northern part of the country, because there has been almost no rain since last February.A. accurateB. cuteC. intenseD. acute2. He cannot go without wine even for one day; he is a complete slave ______ drink.A. forB. toC. inD. on3. Have you read a newspaper report probing ______ the activities of drug dealers?A. intoB. fromC. byD. with4. She invented a _____ that automatically closes windows when it rains.A. adviceB. deriveC. superviseD. device5. It is difficult to _____ the importance of the decision.A. assessB. accessC. judgeD. identify6. He felt that in time, the severe misery of the working people would result _____ revolution.A. inB. onC. fromD. of7. From then on, I was committed ______ losing the weight and getting into shape.A. toB. inC. onD. at8. He ran ______ twice from his boarding school because he could n’t put up with being limited in an institution.A. inB. overC. awayD. down9. Bicycling is a good exercise; ______, it doesn’t pollute the air.A. howeverB. thereforeC. moreoverD. though10. The judge at first thought the man was a thief, but after he heard all about him he _____ his opinion and said that he wasnot guilty.A. reservedB. revivedC. reversedD. received11. Parents and educators have _____ ideas on how to bring up children.A. reverseB. reserveC. diverseD. device12. Those foreigners enjoy making ______ friendly contacts with the Chinese people.A. extensiv eB. extendC. expandD. expansive13. Every man has the right to live where he wants to regardless _____ the color of his skin.A. withB. atC. fromD. of14. Recent events will make a significant impact ______ government policy.A. toB. inC. withD. on15. The editor told them that if they could cut the story _____more than one third, he would take it.A. inB. offC. downD. across16. The river was so ______ with waste from the chemical plant that people can not swim in it.A. containedB. terminatedC. intimidatedD. contaminated17. Upon arriving in New York he converted all his pounds ______ dollars.A. forB. intoC. withD. from18. Mary wants to go to the United States by herself for the holiday, but her parents frown ______ this idea.A. inB. onC. toD. by19. We made plans for a visit, but _____ difficulties with the car prevented it.A. consequentB. followingC. subsequentD. successive20. We hoped to be able to move into our new house at theend of the month, but things did not work _____ as we had expected.A. forB. ou tC. inD. on21. Why didn’t you give your mind to it and manage to cure her _____?A. somewhatB. somewhereC. somehowD. someway22. _____ your letter, I am very pleased to inform you that your plans are quite acceptable to us.A. ConcerningB. ConcernC. RegardedD. Regard23. The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted _____a good answer.A. put up withB. came up withC. kept up withD. went up with24. Their religion encouraged them to _____ their faith.A. acclaimB. claimC. declaimD. proclaim25. After everyone was seated, the chairman ______ toannounce his plan.A. producedB. precededC. proceededD. succeeded26. Children should be encouraged to reach a ______ between what they want and what others want.A. promiseB. compromiseC. composeD. consist27. The man and his friend were supportive ______ one another at that critical moment.A. inB. onC. atD. of28. The news soon spread _____ that the examination results were ready.A. abroadB. aboardC. boardD. broad29. This _____ shows that John Williams has completed the school-work of the eighth grade.A. identityB. certificateC. degreeD. diploma30. In the evenings we smoked and talked and never dreamt_____ going out except for exercises.A. withB. toC. ofD. at31. Jean felt unable to cope _____ driving in heavy traffic after her accident.A. upB. atC. ofD. with32. Since Bob fell ill, the family has had to live ______ what his wife earns.A. inB. awayC. onD. out33. If no one has any ______, I’ll declare the meeting closed.A. objectB. subjectC. objectionD. subjection34. The girl found it difficult to ______ to new customs when she first came to Shanghai.A. adaptB. adoptC. changeD. shift35. She called her parents just to tell them that she had become ______ to life at the university.A. accumulatedB. accustomedC. absorbedD. changed36. Don’t ______ too much work at once, or you will make yourself too tired.A. turn onB. turn inC. take inD. take on37. The fashion model had a very _____ figure.A. slimB. skimC. thinD. small38. Lack of food ______ his strength.A. weakB. weakeningC. weakenedD. weakness39. There are a lot of children starving ______ loveA. inB. onC. forD. at40. He has picked ______ some bad habits at that club.A. atB. outC. onD. up41. He was a cruel and ______ person; that was why all of them were afraid of him.A. insensitiveB. sensitiveC. sentimentalD. sensible42. He showed ______ in dealing with a defeated enemy.A. generousB. generosityC. generateD. generation43. Since your mother is often ill, remember to keep first-aid medicine kit close ______ hand.A. inB. atC. onD. with44. This advertisement is directed mainly ______ young people in their early twenties.A. inB. onC. fromD. at45. I was very ______ to John for his kindness.A. grateB. gratefulC. greatD. graceful46. His training ______ him as a teacher of English.A. qualifyB. qualityC. qualifiesD. quantity47. John and James are brothers. The former is a teacher, the ______ is an engineer.A. laterB. lateC. latterD. latest48. We have ______ our techniques considerably since the work began.A. refinedB. confinedC. definedD. redefined49. She was ill ______ ease with strangers.A. inB. withC. fromD. at50. They didn’t like bread, so we substituted rice ______ bread.A. forB. asC. withD. into51. The boy was turned ______ for th e job because he didn’t have any experience.A. outB. downC. overD. away52. The new project is expected to start early next year; it has won the ______ of the board.A. approva lB. approveC. disapproveD. prove53. Though you failed in this job interview, you should trust yourself. It’s sad that one lacks ______ in himself.A. beliefB. patienceC. respectD. confidence54. In order to improve people’s living standard, we should attach first importance ______ the development of the economy.A. onB. forC. toD. at55. The family has been faced with a _____ financial situation since the company went bankrupt last June.A. intenseB. intensiveC. extendD. tense56. Educators suggest that children should read books to ______ their imagination.A. simulateB. encourageC. accumulateD. stimulate57. The woman has made up her mind again to go on a diet to get rid of her ______ weight, thought she failed several times in the past.A. excessB. accessC. exceedD. success58. When the sun comes out the flowers ______ by opening wide.A. actB. reactC. interactD. active59. When he is asked the secrets of his success, he always attributes it _____ his hard work.A. inB. onC. toD. at60. We might cut the book ______ to a little over a hundred pages.A. awayB. outC. overD. down61. He talks to his best friends to find an ______ for his anger.A. outletB. entranceD. door62. I’m ______ your endless complaining.A. put up withB. caught up withC. fed up withD. kept up with63. After listening to the speaker for three hours the audience became ______.A. restB. unrestC. restfulD. restless64. It is important to ______ between right and wrong. You cannot follow others blindly.A. extinguishB. distinctC. differD. distinguish65. As a result of hard work over years, he ______ a fortune. He plans to spend all he has on the education of the blind.A. accumulatedB. stimulatedC. benefitedD. dominated66. Charles is fond ______ driving, so I’m happy just to be a passenger.A. inB. onC. to67. To be financially well ______, you need to work hard and spare no efforts to develop your career when young.A. awayB. offC. upD. out68. Put the medicine ______ children’s reach. It can be very dangerous.A. withinB. beyondC. withoutD. for69. We must see ______ it that all children are well taken care and all nurses have a strong sense of responsibility.A. toB. intoC. onD. onto70. The 12-year-old boy’s goal is to specialize ______ Western history in the future.A. onB. toC. inD. at71. I smiled a smile that was ______ to signify interest in this excursion.A. supposedB. imposedC. composedD. exposed72. It is unnecessary to worry a lot. In fact, things will get better in the long ______.A. distanceB. walkC. fieldD. run73. He wrote on such diverse subjects as the brain ______, research and development, and the economics of higher education.A. rainB. grainC. drainD. train74. In the 1950’s, India’s leaders voiced a very strong objection ______ the “brain drain” as its bes t students were moving to the West.A. atB. toC. onD. in75. The situation calls ______ prompt action.A. onB. inC. downD. for76. A second conclusion to be drawn from experience is the close connection between ______ expansion and economic development.A. exportB. transportC. deportD. report77. The World Trade Center was destroyed on September 11, 2001, when ______ took over two large airplanes and drove them into the buildings.A. terrorB. terroristsC. terrorismD. terrorize78. More than 10,000,000 permanent immigrants have been admitted legally ______ the United States since the 1960s.A. inB. withC. toD. on79. The company planned to introduce new technology ______ the expense of the existing workers.A. inB. atC. withD. on80. I only bought these shoes last week, and they’re falling ______ already.A. downB. awayC. outD. apart81. The doctor should be here soon. ______ the meantime, try to relax.A. AtB. OnC. InD. From82. Helicopters have come to be used mostly for ______ work and special situations requiring surprise or being quickly able to fly.A. pursueB. rescueC. dueD. cure83. Japan concluded with a separate surrender event with China on September 9, 1945 in Nanjing. With this last formal surrender, World War II came _____ an end.A. toB. onC. inD. at84. The authorities showed no signs of ______ to the terrorist’s demands.A. turning inB. breaking inC. calling inD. giving in85. Scientists say they are beginning to break ______ in the fight against cancer.A. outB. down C through D. apart86. Thieves had broken ______ while we were away on holidays.A. downB. inC. offD. out87. At first ______, Manhattan seems to be a city of high-rises, blinding lights and a crazy pace.A. glareB. stareC. graceD. glance88. They will fight to the end; they will never ______.A. surviveB. surrenderC. renderD. succeed89. The soldiers showed great joy and satisfaction after winning the final triumph ______ their enemies.A. overB. outC. fromD. of90. Channel 5 faces so many technical and financial difficulties that it will be lucky to get ______ the air at all.A. inB. atC. onD. from。




Part I Listening Comprehension(15%)Section A (4%)Directions: In this section you will hear 4 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. A) A teacher and a student.B) A shop assistant and a customer.C) A receptionist and a client.D) A boss and a worker.2. A) He went to bed too late.B) His mother forgot to wake him up.C) He gets up late because he feels tired these days.D) He doesn’t have an alarm clock to wake him up.3. A) He is taking care of his twin brother.B) He has been in perfect condition.C) He is worried about Rods’ health.D) He has been feeling ill all week.4. A) Travel in different countries.B) Look for some similar topics.C) Make comparisons of festivals in different countries.D) Go to some countries with similar culture.Section B (4%)Directions: In this section, you will hear one long conversation. At the end of the conversation,you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Questions 5 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard.5. A) He misses Laura very much.B) He hasn’t got the invitation to the party.C) He wants to make sure of the time.D) He can’t attend the party.6. A) Some of his relatives from Scotland.B) Some of his friends from Scotland.C) Some of his colleagues from Ireland.D) Some of his former classmates from Ireland.7. A) Take his relatives to the party.B) Take his colleagues to his home.C) Take his friends out to dinner.D) Take his classmates to a hotel.8. A) He can drop in later with his friends.B) He can come to the party to meet James.C) He can send her an email about his plan.D) He can come with his relatives.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear 2 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A) How fire moves.B) How fire starts.C) What fire needs and does.D) What fire is made of.10. A) Fire is matter.B) Fire is smoke.C) Fire is a spot.D) Fire is an activity.11. A) Fuel and glass.B) Glass and wind.C) Fuel and gas.D) Heat source and fuel.12. A) It burns very quickly.B) It burns slowly at a high heat.C) It’s easy to light.D) It’s very smoky.Questions 13 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.13. A) The best medical care maintains good health.B) It’s too late to see the doctor when you feel sick.C) Good health results largely from good habits.D) Doctors are responsible for maintaining people’s health.14. A) One should try to avoid being overweight.B) One should keep fit according to one’s own conditions.C) Easier exercise is preferable.D) Sweaty, competitive games are more helpful.15. A) Accidents and disease.B) Being sick or getting overweight.C) Developing bad habits.D) Neglecting common health rules.Part II Vocabulary (20%)16. It was about 30 seconds before Alex ______ from the water.17. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural __________.18. The committee’s decision will be _______ to all employees.19. Consumers say they are ________ about using their credit cards over the internet.A. resourcesB. notifiedC. emergedD. uneasy20. When you do yoga, try to _____ your breathing.21. People are beginning to realize that to _______ nature at will is the biggest mistake.22. My favorite store is the one that _____ in hand-made chocolates.23. He always drinks a _____ amount of alcohol to get himself drunk.A. massiveB. transformC. regulateD. specializes24. I had to ____ one of my email accounts as it was filled with junk email.25. The power station was moved further away from the living areas to _______ the pollution.26. He was _______ with his business matters and didn’t have time to think about a holiday.27. Du e to increased ______ , the past decade saw great economic growth in China.A. decreaseB. productivityC. abandonD. occupied28. He________ the dangers of the trip to the mountain.29. She was _______ by her failure in applying for the post.30. The ______ tick of the clock got on my nerves.31. I think the scientist is ______ of the high praise.A. worthyB. exaggeratedC. continualD. frustrated32. Children display great_____ about every new thing they see.33. The room only has a ____ for 100 people.34. Discipline is _____ to anyone who wants to be successful.35. Keeping a ______ attitude to get the job.A. essentialB. curiosityC. positiveD. capacityPart III Reading Comprehension (30%)Passage 1The flowers are blooming and the birds are singing as Melinda sits in the rose garden of the nursing home. She is recalling old times as she waits for her family's arrival. The nursing home has been Melinda's new settlement ever since Thomas passed away a week ago. Thomas had fought a long and hard battle against lung cancer for three years. Unfortunately, he has broken the promise that he and Melinda had made: to be with each other for every birthday. Melinda knew this was unrealistic but agreed to the promise for Thomas’s sake.“Thomas, you are completely a dreamer!” Melinda shouted to Thomas as he dragged on about living on an island with his beautiful wife. That s what she loved about him most—he had a vivid imagination. They got married at age eighteen and began having children right away. Mary came within the year,followed by Thomas Benjamin II, Lilly-Ann, and Joseph “Little Joey' George. The family lived an exultant life filled with laughter and love.“Mom!” Lilly shouted, but it really sounded like a howl. Melinda had lost herself in thinking about the life she had shared with her late husband. Lilly pushed her down the long dark halls of the nursing home until they arrived at the recreational room.When the doors opened, Melinda put her hand over her mouth and was completely speechless. The room was crowded with the people nearest and dearest to her and the warmth and love was felt instantly. The night went on; stories and cocktails were shared and everything was perfect. However, when Melinda caught a moment to herself she looked around at her family. With a smile on her face, she raised her Manhattan and called out for a toast. “This one is for you, Thomas,though you are not here.”36. Why did Thomas break his promise?A. He was busy with his work.B.He died of lung cancer.C. He had to serve in the army.D.He stopped loving Melinda.37. Which of the following best explains “exultant” underlined in Paragraph 2?A. Peaceful.B. Simple.C. Stressful.D. Happy.38. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Melinda,children forgot their father.B. Melinda was tired of noise.C. Melinda missed her husband badly.D. Melinda liked to drink alcohol,39. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. A Particular BirthdayB. A Woman at a Nursing HomeC. Memories of Old DaysD. A Big Surprise for MelindaPassage BSpotify can tell if you’re sad. Here’s why that should scare you. Want to figure out if someone is a patient with a mental disability? Ask them what their favorite song is. A New York University study last year found that people who loved Eminem's Lose Yourself and Justin Bieber's What Do You Mean? were more likely to have trouble with mental disabilities than people who were into Dire Straits.Over the past few years,Spotify has been improving the ability to analyze information to help businessmen target consumers with advertisements made specially for their needs. They conclude this from the sort of music you’re listening to, combined with where and when you’re listening to it, along with third-party data that might be available.Now, to be clear, there’s nothing significantly illegal about what Spotify is doing with your information. I certainly don't think that they are working with shadowy consulting firms to serve you ads selling a culture struggle while you're listening to music that suggests you might be in a terrible situation. However, I find it disappointing that our personal, private moments with music are increasingly being turned into information points and offered to advertisers.You can see where this could go,can’t you? As ad targeting gets ever more accurate, businessmen will have the ability to target our feelings in potentially improper ways. According to one study, you are more likely to spend more on a product if you’re feeling sad. You can imagine some companies might take advantage of that. And on that note,I’m feeling a littledown about all this. Head off to treat myself to something expensive.40. What's the purpose of the first paragraph?A. To introduce a new song.B. To draw readers’ attention.C. To help more patients.D. To promote a new medium.41. Spotify improves its ability to analyze information to______.A. provide services for the governmentB. work with shadowy consulting firmsC. get listeners' personal informationD. help businessmen attract consumers42. What s the author’s attitude towards Spotify?A. Uncertain.B. Supportive.C. Positive.D.Dissatisfied.43. Who is the text probably designed for?A. Internet users.B. Officials.C. Researchers.D.Managers.Passage CAn exciting landing process of Chang'e-4 lunar probe (月球探测器)was seen through the monitor at Beijing Aerospace Control Center in Beijing,Jan. 3, 2019. It touched down on the far side of the moon at 10:26 a.m. Beijing Time, becoming the first spacecraft soft-landing on the moon’s unknown side never visible from Earth.China’s Chang'e-4 probe has started the exploration on the far side of the moon thanks to the relay satellite that provides a communication link with ground control. The relay satellite, named Queqiao, meaning Magpie Bridge, after a Chinese legend, was launched on May 21,2018,and became the first communication satellite operating in the halo orbit, nearly 500,000 km from the earth. It can also provide communication for probes from other countries. The relay satellite will also be used for scientific and technological experiments. The maximum distance between the satellite and the Chang'e-4 probe on the far side of the moon is 79,000 km. The satellite processes data from the probe and sends it to Earth.The satellite can stay in its orbit for a long time due to its relatively low fuel consumption, as the earth’s and moon's gravity balances its orbital moving. While in orbit, it can “see” both the earth and the far side of the moon.The concept of using a relay satellite in the halo orbit was first put forward by U.S. space expertsin the 1960s, but was realized by Chinese space engineers.Researchers hope to use the cameras on the satellite to record asteroids (小行星)hitting the far side of the moon. To control the cost of the Chang'c-4 probe, the relay satellite was designed to be relatively small, weighing about 400 kg.Researchers had just 30 months to develop the satellite, putting them under high pressure. To promote public interest in space exploration, the China National Space Administration invited people to write down their wishes for lunar and space exploration, and the relay satellite carries the names of tens of thousands of participants and their messages.44. What do we learn from the second paragraph?A. The relay satellite was launched on Jan. 3, 2019.B.Chang'e-4 probe was the first communication satellite.C. The relay satellite only explores the far side of the moon.D. The relay satellite can handle data from Chang'e-4 probe.45. Why was the size of the relay satellite relatively small?A. To reduce the cost as much as possible.B. To make it circle Moon for a longer time.C. To avoid being crashed by other satellites.D. To follow American space experts,advice.46. What made researchers suffer from great stress?A. Few people interested in the exploration on the moon.B. The relay satellite carrying too much equipment.C. Their lacking enough time to develop the relay satellite.D. People’s never being optimistic about the relay satellite47. What is the main idea of the text?A. China is a new space power after the USA.B.Change-4 probe lands on Moon’s far side.C. Chinese space engineers make much progress.D. Space exploration is a dangerous challenge.Passage DLast year marked the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. There were events around theworld in memory of those who died in the conflict. We have picked out three of them in European countries. Let's take a look.BelgiumIn a park, the famous Belgian artist Koen Vanmechelen had an exhibition called Coming World, Remember Me. The work consisted of 600,000 individual(单独的)clay sculptures, one for exhibition was a big egg made of clay each person killed during the World War. In the center of the exhibition was a big egg made of clay, symbolizing a new world.UKIn a small town called Aldridge. almost 100 houses in one street were covered with 24,000poppies and statues of sold.They stood for the men from the area who had been killed in the war. The flowers were chosen because of a poem written by the Canadian doctor John McCrea in1915. They made people think of fields of blood.FranceThe British artist Guy Denning arrived in La Feuille,a small town in the northwest of France, to stick life-size drawings of soldiers who never came back home. Armed with glue and a brush, Denning stuck his drawings carefully on walls. Before long 112 men, ma.nly young adults, were brought back to mind, if not to life.48. What do we know about Coming World. Remember Me?A. It's the name of an exhibition.B. It's a film about World War I.C. It's a work standing for peace.D. It's a sculpture made of clay.49. Why were poppies chosen to symbolize the dead soldiers?A. The British people preferred them.B. They showed the cruelty of war.C. A Canadian doctor suggested them.D. The fields were filled with them.50. How was the end of World War I marked in France?A. A memorial to the dead soldiers was built.B. 112 wounded soldiers in the war were helped.C. Drawings of some dead soldiers were put up.D. Young adults were encouraged to join the army.Part IV Skimming and Scanning (10%)Technology in education: Current trendsA)Computers and Internet connections are becoming widely available in schools and classrooms. In 1999, 99 percent of teachers in the United States had access to a computer in their schools, and 84 percent had one or more computers in their classrooms. At the same time, Internet connections were also widespread, with 95 percent of schools and 63 percent of classrooms having access. Worldwide, many countries are making the creation and diffusion of information and communications technology (ICT) an important priority.The use of technology to find educational resourcesB) In the past, teachers attempting a problem-based curriculum felt the need to limit problems to those for which they had expertise or the local library had resources. Now the World Wide Web brings a seemingly endless amount of information on almost any subject, and it is possible for students to choose topics based on personal interest rather than availability of resources.C) Internet research projects are gaining popularity. In the spring of 1998, 30 percent of teachers surveyed (and 70 percent of those with high-speed Internet connections) reported they had assigned Internet research tasks to their students during the school year. Use of the Internet to gather information for solving problems sometimes resembles a modern version of library research, in which students gather and synthesize information from published reports. Despite the fact that the task seems traditional, the characteristics of this new medium require special skills for students. The sheer volume of information allows students to study almost any topic, but also makes it more difficult to locate precisely the right information from among the thousands, or even millions, of sites. In addition, the ease of publishing materials on the Internet increases the likelihood that students will encounter inaccurate or biased information. As a result, students must learn new strategies for conducting searches and evaluating the information thatthey retrieve.D) Students carrying out scientific investigations can use the Internet to make observations and collect data. For example, the fourth and fifth graders in California collected insects and sent them to San Diego State University. Using two-way audio and video connecting the school and the university, scientists guided the students in using an electron microscope to examine their specimens. Technology has made it possible to collect data from places students could never visit. In recent projects, high school students explored the floor of the Monterey Bay by studying the video from remotely operated robots, and middle school students were given time to use the Hubble telescope. Students also use technology to collect data in their schools and communities. For example, using handheld computers outfitted with various types of probes (探测仪),students can monitor the water quality at various locations in nearby streams or lakes. By transmitting their individual readings to a laptop computer in a field laboratory they can quickly graph their data and visually compare readings.The use of technology to summarize and present findingsE) In the past, students memorized and used formulas and models created by others to solve problems. Students often used these formulas, especially in the early stages of learning, with little understanding. In the early 21st century computer tools provide the opportunity for students to construct and test their own models using tools such as spreadsheets (电子制表软件)or concept maps (概念图). This type of instruction deepens students' understanding of abstract concepts and allows these concepts to be taught at an earlier age.F) Once students have summarized their data and other information, they typically communicate their findings to others. Writing reports is still the most widespread use of ICT, with 61 percent of US teachers assigning students word-processing tasks. In addition to text, students also use computer-created graphics, videos, and animations to communicate their ideas.G) The teacher is not the only audience for students' presentations. Students frequently expect to present their work to and receive feedback from their peers and the world outside their classroom. Whether they are using presentation software to accompany a face-to也cepresentation or developing materials to put on the Web, the trend is for students to be able to communicate their work to a broad audience. This increases students' perception that problem-based learning is real work for real audiences.The use of technology for collaboration and distance educationH) There are many opportunities for individual students to use technology to enhance their learning. These include online courses that provide students in remote locations with opportunities for customized curriculum and advanced placement courses (先修课程). These courses are conducted entirely online and offer asynchronous (异步的)interaction among faculty and students. Because they allow students to participate anytime and from anywhere, online courses are becoming increasingly popular among postsecondary (高等教育)students whose job and personal commitments do not allow them to meet a regular class schedule.I) Opportunities for interaction with peers from other countries can also contribute to knowledge and understanding of other cultures. ICT makes this type of communication possible for anyone with Internet access. For example, the Kidlink project encourages students up to age 15 to use the Internet to build a global network of friends. Kidlink participants discuss issues ranging from how to make and keep friends to war and peace.J) Monitoring students' independent learning in these flexible environments will be supported by sophisticated new assessment technologies that will help teachers collect and analyze students' data and make instructional decisions. These tools will continually assess students' work and provide feedback to them and their teachers. Such assessment has the potential to make time-consuming standardized testing unnecessary and to personalize the curriculum for every student. Ubiquitous,well-integrated technology tools will bring educators closer to redefine the educational enterprise and provide customized, just-in-time solutions for the learning needs of students.____1 Students find it more difficult to locate the right information from among a large number of websites.____2 Teachers will use sophisticated new technologies to assess students' learning in flexible environments and make instructional decisions.____3 Collecting information from the Internet is similar to that in the library as students obtain published reports and process the information in both cases.____4 While teachers had to limit problems to those with resources in the process of teaching in the past, students nowadays can make their own interest-based choices because of a large amount of information available on many subjects.____5 Students of higher education prefer online courses to those given at fixed time and in fixed places due to their other businesses.____6 The Kidlink project encourages students up to 15 to make foreign friends and have discussions about a wide range of issues on the Internet.____7 Many countries around the world prioritize the creation and spread of ICT.____8 By means of two-way audio and video, scientists in San Diego State University instructed the fourth- and fifth-grade students in California to observe specimens with electronic devices. ____9 Face-to-face presentations accompanied by software indicate the trend that students can communicate their work with more people.____10 Because of computer tools, abstract concepts can be better understood by students and be taught at an earlier age.Part V Translation (10%)1. 孔子的许多思想,尤其是教育思想,对中国社会产生了深远的影响。



1.This young woman would have ________ curiosity because she was well dressed and looked very attractive.A. risenB. stimulatedC. causedD. woken2. A recent ________ was that about 20 per cent of college graduates joined the army of the unemployed last year.A. estimateB. numberC. figureD. statistic3.He said he was a policeman and therefore had the ________ to stop speeding drivers.A. controlB. influenceC. authorityD. priority4.On the coast the weather is ________ with day after day of hot sun, in the mountains, however, the air cools quickly and until the end of June you can still find snow on the mountain tops.A. funnyB. interestingC. romanticD. good5.The door closed behind Tom as he scanned the handsomely furnished (装饰的) double room which ________ Albemarle Street.A. sawB. overlookedC. watchedD. sighted6.The same question was usually set in two forms: one that had ________ answers to choose from, and the other where the pupil had to supply their own answer.A. someB. weakC. strongD. different7.Some artists are able to ________ a likeness in a sketch while others are gifted to ________ a fleeting expression.A. grasp/getB. hold/captureC. catch/captureD. capture/catch8.The boy ________ his friend out of the apple by insisting that it was rotten, if not poisonous.A. deceivedB. fooledC. misledD. cheated9.I would like to ________ you of the following changes we've made in the plans for the development of our pany.A. noticeB. noteC. informD. suggest10.Once you have made your booking and paid a ________, then the cost of your holiday cannot be changed.A. feeB. savingC. moneyD. loan1.Can you give me a (an) _____________ of how much it will cost to take the journey?A. assessmentB. evaluationC. admissionD. estimate2.Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most _____________ areas in Japanese life.A. sophisticatedB. petitiveC. considerateD. superficial3.He badly _____________ his back digging in the public garden on Children's Day.A. stretchedB. exertedC. pulledD. strained4.His plan sounds ________, so you'd better carry out.A. feasibleB. uselessC. worthyD. weak5.When we shook hands I was conscious of his firm _____________ .A. fistB. handholdC. styleD. grip6.As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals_____________ a substance to absorb harmful chemicals.A. avoidB. employC. dismissD. discard7.After a short holiday, he _____________ himself once more to his studies.A. appliedB. convertedC. engagedD. exerted8.It is a joy to hear ________ apologies that are from the bottom of one's heart.A. realB. trueC. sincereD. realistic9.Drinking alcohol can ________ your ability to drive properly.A. effectB. affectC. removeD. avoid10.The purpose of the seminar is to train some of the employees to work ________ in the branch offices abroad.A. laterB. lateC. latelyD. latestSo long as teachers fail to distinguish between teaching and learning, they will continue to undertake things for children that children can only do for themselves. Teaching children to read is not passing reading on to them. It is certainly not endless hours spent in activities about reading. Douglas insists that "reading cannot be taught directly and schools should stop trying to do the impossible."Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes. They differ in kind and function. The function of teaching is to create the conditions and the climate that will make it possible for children to devise the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read. Teaching is also a public activity: it can be seen and observed.Learning to read involves all that each individual does to make sense of the world of printed language. Almost all of it is private, for learning is an occupation of the mind, and that process is not open to public examination.If teacher and learner roles are distinguishable, how can teaching aid the child in the quest for knowledge? Smith has one principal rule for all teaching instructions. "Make learning to read easy, which means making reading a meaningful, enjoyable and frequent experience for children."When the roles of teacher and learner are seen for what they are, and when both teacher and learner fulfill them appropriately, then much of the pressure and feeling of failure for both is eliminated. Learning to read is made easier when teachers create an environment where children are given the opportunity to solve the problem of learning to read by reading.1.The problem with the reading course as mentioned in the first paragraph is that ________.A. it is one of the most difficult school coursesB. too much time is spent in teaching about readingC. students spend endless hours in readingD. reading tasks are assigned with little guidance2.The teaching of reading will be successful if ________.A. teachers can enable students to develop their own way of readingB. teachers can improve conditions at school for the studentsC. teachers can devise the most efficient system for readingD. teachers can make their teaching activities observable3.The word "examination" at the end of Paragraph 3 most probably means"________".A. inquiryB. observationC. controlD. suspicion4.According to the passage, learning to read will no longer be a difficult task when ________.A. children bee highly motivatedB. teacher and learner roles are identicalC. teaching helps children in the search for knowledgeD. reading enriches children's experience5.The main idea of the passage is that ________.A. teachers should do as little as possible in helping students learn to readB. teachers should encourage students to read as widely as possibleC. reading ability is something acquired rather than taughtD. reading is more plicated than generally believedQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.Society usually tends to focus on the negative side of inner-city schools. Many people like to stereotype (模式化) these schools which, while these general statements may be true in some cases, tend to be worse most of the time. People think that the students of these schools receive inferior educations. My school, an inner-city school named St. Ignatius, is regarded as one of the best in the state. People also believe that violenceoccurs on a daily basis, both in the school itself and in the nearby city. I cannot even remember a serious fight at St. Ignatius. People who think that the teachers at inner-city schools lack love for their job worsen this typical stereotype even further. My teachers not only had a love for teaching, but they were also able to cultivate a love for learning in their students.Take Mrs. Borroni, my Spanish teacher, for example. She would often take time out of her class to tell her students about the numerous activities after class with which we should get involved. She loved her job so much that she stayed after school every day to moderate activities such as "Amnesty International" (an international organization that protects human rights) and the Spanish Club. Her students, including me, joined all of the clubs which she moderated just because she made them so interesting.After reading all of this, most people would argue that St. Ignatius should not be considered a true "inner-city school". While this may hold some truth, I am arguing that my life was greatly enriched simply because of the school's location in the middle of Cleveland, as opposed to a poor suburban area.6.What do people often think negatively about?A. Inner-city schools.B. Stereotypes.C. St. Ignatius.D. Violence.7.What can the author never remember seeing at St. Ignatius?A. Amnesty International.B. A serious fight.C. A Spanish club.D. Inferior students.8.What would Mrs. Borroni do after school?A. Give Spanish classes.B. Tell students about activities.C. Guide students in special groups.D. Help students love learning.9.Why might a reader of this article not view St. Ignatius as a real inner-city school?A. It is not in the middle of the city.B. It is in a poor suburban area.C. It enriched the author's life.D. It might be better than others.10.How does the author feel about inner-city schools?A. The stereotypes about them are not at all true.B. They are not necessarily all bad, as they can be good.C. They are much poorer than those in the suburbs.D. The students there are more enlightened.In 1913, the United States government introduced a bold, new nickel. James Earle Fraser said his goal was to design a coin that would be "truly American." In his search for symbols, he found none more distinctive than the American buffalo. Choosing to show a Native American on the other side of the coin, Fraser said the new nickel had "perfect unity of theme."Production of "Buffalo" or "Indian Head" nickels began in February 1913. A single coining press at the Philadelphia Mint (造币厂) started turning out the nickels at the rate of 120 a minute. But after the first examples were introduced, The New York Times said they were "bad."Other critics said that the coin's "rough" surfaces would encourage counterfeiters (造假币的人). But the most serious plaint about the nickel had to do with its inability to stand heavy use. One coin collectors' magazine predicted that the slightest wear would remove the date and the words Five Cents "beyond understanding."In 1938, the Government staged a petition for a new nickel picturing Thomas Jefferson. According to a news item of the day, the Department of Indian Affairs didn't receive a single plaint from Native Americans about the design change. Collectors didn't seem to mind either.1.In the eyes of Fraser, a __________ is the most distinctive.A. nickelB. buffaloC. Native AmericanD. unity of theme2.In the second sentence, Paragraph 2, the word "press" means ________.A. publicationB. newspaperC. machineD. the act of pushing down3.The design of a buffalo was modified ________.A. because it was not able to stand heavy useB. because the words Five Cents were "beyond understanding"C. because the coin couldn't be pressed by the Philadelphia MintD. because the words were too high on the coin4.According to one collectors' magazine using a Native American and a buffalo was ________.A. a good ideaB. a bad ideaC. a perfect ideaD. a forced idea5.It seemed that the new nickel picturing Thomas Jefferson ________.A. won much praise from collectorsB. caused strong protests from American IndiansC. was OK both to the collectors and American IndiansD. was praised both by the collectors and American IndiansQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.Time passed and my cards sold well. My enthusiasm for the greeting card business grew quickly. All along, I had been drawing fantasy art: monsters, dragons, castles, etc. With the birth of my first son in 1980, the content of my work went through a pretty dramatic change.Fantasy went out of the window, and I began to illustrate reality.In the spring of 1983, we, The Mary Engelbreit Greeting Card pany, took our 12 little designs to New York to exhibit them at a national card show.I remember how big the show was. I just couldn't get over it. I had no idea there were so many different card panies. And it was exciting because our 12 little cards were getting a lot of attention in that huge place!I've been told one of the reasons we had so much success at that show is because my card style was different than anything else at the market. I typically draw plicated details and use deep colors and funny or meaningful quotations.By 1985, many greeting card publishers started noticing my art, and two of them approached me with licensing contracts.I have always believed if you choose a job you love, you'll never work a day in your life. If you ask about the mystery of my success, all I can say is this: to imagine is everything!6.Before the birth of her first son, Mary Engelbreit's cards focused on ________.A. realityB. daily lifeC. fantasyD. dragons7.The New York show was so big that Engelbreit ________.A. couldn't walk through itB. couldn't believe itC. couldn't stay to the end of itD. couldn't understand it8.Engelbreit's cards were successful because ________.A. they were distinctive in styleB. they had a thank-you sentenceC. they had plicated detailsD. they were rich in color9. A couple of greeting card panies ________.A. presented Engelbreit with contractsB. asked Engelbreit to make her cards more distinctiveC. wanted Engelbreit to use more meaningful quotationsD. thought her cards were to plicated10.According to Mary Engelbreit, the key to success is ________.A. devotionB. opportunityC. good luckD. imagination1.In the 1700's North American colonists proclaimed their wealth and social ________ by wearing elaborate clothing.A. responsibilityB. eventsC. organizationD. status2. A _____________ to this problem is expected to be found before long.A. solutionB. settlementC. responseD. result3. A good deal of the __________ for their success must go to John Francis, the captain.A. reputationB. respectC. creditD. fame4.This rapid growth has been achieved by a _____________ handful of people.A. simpleB. scarceC. slightD. bare5.I like my teacher, but feel no ________ for her.A. affectionB. likeC. feelingD. motion6.The grandfather ________ all the members of the family for the annual piic.A. putB. assembledC. collectedD. had7.Many old readers do not like the modern ________ of The Holy Bible; they've gotten used to the traditional one.A. publicationB. visionC. versionD. copyright8.The investigation demonstrates that his enemies ________ false stories about him.A. encouragedB. causedC. inspiredD. enlightened9.She goes to the dentist to have her teeth ________ twice a week.A. lookedB. watchedC. observedD. inspected10.The country's first act would be to ________ for the navy.A. employB. inviteC. recruitD. supply1.One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a ______ operation, he quickly recovered his sight.A. delicateB. considerateC. preciseD. sensible2.Could you please _____ an appointment for me to see Mr. Smith?A. manageB. arrangeC. takeD. prepare3.In American universities, classes are often arranged in more flexible _____ and many jobs on campus are reserved for students.A. scalesB. patternsC. gradesD. ranksst year the advertising rate ________ by 20 percent.A. roseB. raisedC. arousedD. arose5.The guard walked through the train ______ everyone's ticket.A. inspectingB. overlookingC. reviewingD. analyzing6.Our holiday was _______ by showers of rain.A. spoiledB. destroyedC. crashedD. discouraged7.Students or teachers can participate in excursions (短途旅行) to lovely beaches around the island at regular ________.A. gapsB. rateC. intervalsD. length8.We were tired of hearing him ________ about how strong he was.A. mentB. remarkC. referD. boast9.He played the guitar (吉他) so well that everyone was _______.A. affectedB. arousedC. effectedD. impressed10.Jack was about to announce our plan but I ________.A. put him throughB. turned him outC. gave him upD. cuthim shortThe cost of helping someone with AIDS drugs is high. Pills cost a lot of money. In Africa, AIDS drugs may cost more than a person makes in one year. At the same time, some American hospitals throw away a lot of pills. One man, named Lee Wildes, didn't think this was fair, so he decided to do something about it.Wildes lives in a small apartment in San Francisco. Every month, he sends AIDS drugs, which would've been thrown away, to Africa. His act of kindness has not been noticed much in his home country. In Africa though, he is well known. Many people in Africa send him s, asking him for the medicine they need.Lee was a nurse. He knows that millions of dollars worth of drugs are thrown away. Five years ago he learned he was sick with HIV. Following this discovery, he took a vacation to Africa and saw many people there with AIDS. His visit caused him to begin sending drugs to Africa.Lee talks with doctors in Africa by mail, and telephone. With their help, he has gotten the names and addresses for a hundred people in six African countries. He fills the pill orders and he records what pills he sends to them. He even returns to Africa, once a year, to see the people he's helping.Giving left over drugs away is against the law, as is giving out drugs without a license. However, it is not likely he'll be taken to court for his kindly efforts. People who have discovered his actions have not caused problems for him. They know that 25 million Africans are sick with AIDS, and they don't want to prevent him from helping.1.Why aren't more Africans taking AIDS drugs?A. They don't want to take something that was thrown away.B. They don't think that the drugs work.C. They can't work when taking them.D. They don't have enough money.2.What does Wildes do every month?A. Mail medicines to Africa.B. Take a trip to Africa.C. Throw away AIDS drugs.D. Send s to Africans.3.What did Wildes learn five years ago?A. Drugs are thrown away.B. He has AIDS.C. Africans need drugs.D. Hospitals are not fair.4.With whom does Wildes have phone conversations?A. A San Francisco nurse.B. 100 sick Africans.C. American doctors.D. African doctors.5.What do people think of Wildes' actions?A. They think he shouldn't break the law.B. They think he is doing good work.C. They think he will be taken to court.D. They think he is prevented from helping.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.The great river Nile (尼罗河) flows gently in its course through the hot plains in the first half of the year but later on when the melting (融化) snows and the rains on the mountains far to the south swell its tributaries (支流), the Nile overflows (泛滥). It spreads rich, muddy (泥泞的) soil from Ethiopia over its valley and forms deep stretches of green, fertile (肥沃的) lands along its banks. The settlers found that in the soft rich earth wheat and other crops could be planted, even without the use of the plough, and they began to make many settlements of farmers.In these early times they did not of course understand why the river overflowed each year. But they knew that their crops and, therefore, their lives, depended upon its magic (魔术似的) floods, and they explained the miracle as the work of gods.But there came some years when there was a "bad Nile". Sometimes the floods were not full and did not bring enough soil; the crops were poor and the people starved. At other times the waters were so great that they destroyed houses and villages, and drowned (淹死) men and beasts (牲畜). It took perhaps many centuries before the farmers learned how to control the Nile waters.Wise men among them watching the position of the stars year by year found that they could predict when the annual rising of the Nile would e. Thus they began to learn about the scientific study of the sun, earth, moon, and stars and could make a calendar of the years. They also learnt how to measure out the land so that it could be divided fairly again after the boundaries of the farms had been washed away by greatfloods. In this way, there came about ancient knowledge of engineering and of geometry.6.We can learn from this passage that the Nile is ______.A. always a gentle flowing riverB. hot in the first half of the year but cold later onC. likely to overflow at unknown times of the yearD. a life-giving river that makes the land rich7.The settlers began farming in the Nile valley because ______.A. they discovered that their crops could grow well in the soil thereB. they did not realize that the river would overflow sometimesC. they found many settlements of farmers in the valleyD. they realized that their crops depended on the floods8.The Nile was called the "bad Nile" at times because _______.A. the floods made the river difficult to controlB. the floods could only be predicted by wise menC. the river sometimes flooded too little or too muchD. the river took the good soil away to Ethiopia9.The Egyptians of that time learned to predict the floods by _______.A. studying the flooding of the Nile year by yearB. observing the position of the stars year by yearC. inventing some maps of the Nile floodsD. developing engineering and measuring land10.According to the passage, the ancient Egyptians ________.A. had studied the stars and made their own calendar of the yearsB. watched the fall and rise of the Nile and learned how to control the floodC. discovered science before the peoples of other nationsD. learned a lot about geometry and spread the knowledge all over the world。



《新视野大学英语》试卷试卷一请考生注意, 试卷一的答案要填在答题卡上, 填在试卷上无效。



Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points, 20 questions)Section ADirections.i.thi.section.yo.wil.hea.1.shor.conversations.A.th.en.o.eac.convers ation..questio.wil.b.aske.abou.wha.wa.said.Bot.th.conversatio.an.th.questio.wi l.b.spoke.onl.once.Afte.eac.questio.ther.wil.b..pause.Durin.th.pause.yo.mus.re a.th.fou.choice.marke.a).b).c.an.d).an.decid.whic.i.th.bes.answer.The.mar.th.c orrespondin.lette.wit..singl.lin.throug.th.center.te.Mis.Grey.W: Work late I suppose so, if you really think it’s necessary. Q: Where do you think this conversation most probably took place You will read: A) At the officeB) in the waiting roomC) at the airportD) in a restaurantFro.th.conversatio.w.kno.tha.th.tw.wer.talkin.abou.som.wor.the.ha.t.finis.i.th. evening.Thi.i.mos.likel.t.hav.take.plac.a.th.office.Therefore.A.“a.th.office.i.th.bes.answer.Yo.shoul.choos.[A.an.mar.i.wit..singl.lin.throug. th.centre.。



新视野大学英语1课后答案(46页)一、阅读理解(每题2分,共10分)1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?A. The importance of English learning.B. The challenges of learning English.C. The benefits of learning English.D. The difficulties of learning English.答案:B2. According to the author, what is the key to learning English?A. Practice.B. Memory.C. Listening.D. Speaking.答案:A3. What does the author mean "Practice makes perfect"?A. You need to practice a lot to improve your English.B. You need to practice only once to master English.C. Practice is not necessary for learning English.D. You need to practice only when you have time.答案:A4. According to the author, what is the best way to learn English?A. Reading books.B. Watching TV.C. Listening to music.D. Talking with native speakers.答案:D5. What is the author's attitude towards learning English?A. Positive.B. Negative.C. Neutral.D. Indifferent.答案:A二、词汇与结构(每题2分,共10分)A. strictB. hardC. severeD. stern答案:AA. muchB. veryC. tooD. so答案:BA. happyB. gladC. pleasedD. delighted答案:DA. ableB. capableD. skillful答案:AA. easyB. simpleC. plainD. straightforward答案:A三、翻译(每题5分,共10分)答案:学习英语不容易,但努力是值得的。




Part I Listening Comprehension(15%)Section A (4%)Directions: In this section you will hear 4 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. A) A teacher and a student.B) A shop assistant and a customer.C) A receptionist and a client.D) A boss and a worker.2. A) He went to bed too late.B) His mother forgot to wake him up.C) He gets up late because he feels tired these days.D) He doesn’t have an alarm clock to wake him up.3. A) He is taking care of his twin brother.B) He has been in perfect condition.C) He is worried about Rods’ health.D) He has been feeling ill all week.4. A) Travel in different countries.B) Look for some similar topics.C) Make comparisons of festivals in different countries.D) Go to some countries with similar culture.Section B (4%)Directions: In this section, you will hear one long conversation. At the end of the conversation,you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Questions 5 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard.5. A) He misses Laura very much.B) He hasn’t got the invitation to the party.C) He wants to make sure of the time.D) He can’t attend the party.6. A) Some of his relatives from Scotland.B) Some of his friends from Scotland.C) Some of his colleagues from Ireland.D) Some of his former classmates from Ireland.7. A) Take his relatives to the party.B) Take his colleagues to his home.C) Take his friends out to dinner.D) Take his classmates to a hotel.8. A) He can drop in later with his friends.B) He can come to the party to meet James.C) He can send her an email about his plan.D) He can come with his relatives.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear 2 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A) How fire moves.B) How fire starts.C) What fire needs and does.D) What fire is made of.10. A) Fire is matter.B) Fire is smoke.C) Fire is a spot.D) Fire is an activity.11. A) Fuel and glass.B) Glass and wind.C) Fuel and gas.D) Heat source and fuel.12. A) It burns very quickly.B) It burns slowly at a high heat.C) It’s easy to light.D) It’s very smoky.Questions 13 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.13. A) The best medical care maintains good health.B) It’s too late to see the doctor when you feel sick.C) Good health results largely from good habits.D) Doctors are responsible for maintaining people’s health.14. A) One should try to avoid being overweight.B) One should keep fit according to one’s own conditions.C) Easier exercise is preferable.D) Sweaty, competitive games are more helpful.15. A) Accidents and disease.B) Being sick or getting overweight.C) Developing bad habits.D) Neglecting common health rules.Part II Vocabulary (20%)16. It was about 30 seconds before Alex ______ from the water.17. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural __________.18. The committee’s decision will be _______ to all employees.19. Consumers say they are ________ about using their credit cards over the internet.A. resourcesB. notifiedC. emergedD. uneasy20. When you do yoga, try to _____ your breathing.21. People are beginning to realize that to _______ nature at will is the biggest mistake.22. My favorite store is the one that _____ in hand-made chocolates.23. He always drinks a _____ amount of alcohol to get himself drunk.A. massiveB. transformC. regulateD. specializes24. I had to ____ one of my email accounts as it was filled with junk email.25. The power station was moved further away from the living areas to _______ the pollution.26. He was _______ with his business matters and didn’t have time to think about a holiday.27. Du e to increased ______ , the past decade saw great economic growth in China.A. decreaseB. productivityC. abandonD. occupied28. He________ the dangers of the trip to the mountain.29. She was _______ by her failure in applying for the post.30. The ______ tick of the clock got on my nerves.31. I think the scientist is ______ of the high praise.A. worthyB. exaggeratedC. continualD. frustrated32. Children display great_____ about every new thing they see.33. The room only has a ____ for 100 people.34. Discipline is _____ to anyone who wants to be successful.35. Keeping a ______ attitude to get the job.A. essentialB. curiosityC. positiveD. capacityPart III Reading Comprehension (30%)Passage 1The flowers are blooming and the birds are singing as Melinda sits in the rose garden of the nursing home. She is recalling old times as she waits for her family's arrival. The nursing home has been Melinda's new settlement ever since Thomas passed away a week ago. Thomas had fought a long and hard battle against lung cancer for three years. Unfortunately, he has broken the promise that he and Melinda had made: to be with each other for every birthday. Melinda knew this was unrealistic but agreed to the promise for Thomas’s sake.“Thomas, you are completely a dreamer!” Melinda shouted to Thomas as he dragged on about living on an island with his beautiful wife. That s what she loved about him most—he had a vivid imagination. They got married at age eighteen and began having children right away. Mary came within the year,followed by Thomas Benjamin II, Lilly-Ann, and Joseph “Little Joey' George. The family lived an exultant life filled with laughter and love.“Mom!” Lilly shouted, but it really sounded like a howl. Melinda had lost herself in thinking about the life she had shared with her late husband. Lilly pushed her down the long dark halls of the nursing home until they arrived at the recreational room.When the doors opened, Melinda put her hand over her mouth and was completely speechless. The room was crowded with the people nearest and dearest to her and the warmth and love was felt instantly. The night went on; stories and cocktails were shared and everything was perfect. However, when Melinda caught a moment to herself she looked around at her family. With a smile on her face, she raised her Manhattan and called out for a toast. “This one is for you, Thomas,though you are not here.”36. Why did Thomas break his promise?A. He was busy with his work.B.He died of lung cancer.C. He had to serve in the army.D.He stopped loving Melinda.37. Which of the following best explains “exultant” underlined in Paragraph 2?A. Peaceful.B. Simple.C. Stressful.D. Happy.38. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Melinda,children forgot their father.B. Melinda was tired of noise.C. Melinda missed her husband badly.D. Melinda liked to drink alcohol,39. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. A Particular BirthdayB. A Woman at a Nursing HomeC. Memories of Old DaysD. A Big Surprise for MelindaPassage BSpotify can tell if you’re sad. Here’s why that should scare you. Want to figure out if someone is a patient with a mental disability? Ask them what their favorite song is. A New York University study last year found that people who loved Eminem's Lose Yourself and Justin Bieber's What Do You Mean? were more likely to have trouble with mental disabilities than people who were into Dire Straits.Over the past few years,Spotify has been improving the ability to analyze information to help businessmen target consumers with advertisements made specially for their needs. They conclude this from the sort of music you’re listening to, combined with where and when you’re listening to it, along with third-party data that might be available.Now, to be clear, there’s nothing significantly illegal about what Spotify is doing with your information. I certainly don't think that they are working with shadowy consulting firms to serve you ads selling a culture struggle while you're listening to music that suggests you might be in a terrible situation. However, I find it disappointing that our personal, private moments with music are increasingly being turned into information points and offered to advertisers.You can see where this could go,can’t you? As ad targeting gets ever more accurate, businessmen will have the ability to target our feelings in potentially improper ways. According to one study, you are more likely to spend more on a product if you’re feeling sad. You can imagine some companies might take advantage of that. And on that note,I’m feeling a littledown about all this. Head off to treat myself to something expensive.40. What's the purpose of the first paragraph?A. To introduce a new song.B. To draw readers’ attention.C. To help more patients.D. To promote a new medium.41. Spotify improves its ability to analyze information to______.A. provide services for the governmentB. work with shadowy consulting firmsC. get listeners' personal informationD. help businessmen attract consumers42. What s the author’s attitude towards Spotify?A. Uncertain.B. Supportive.C. Positive.D.Dissatisfied.43. Who is the text probably designed for?A. Internet users.B. Officials.C. Researchers.D.Managers.Passage CAn exciting landing process of Chang'e-4 lunar probe (月球探测器)was seen through the monitor at Beijing Aerospace Control Center in Beijing,Jan. 3, 2019. It touched down on the far side of the moon at 10:26 a.m. Beijing Time, becoming the first spacecraft soft-landing on the moon’s unknown side never visible from Earth.China’s Chang'e-4 probe has started the exploration on the far side of the moon thanks to the relay satellite that provides a communication link with ground control. The relay satellite, named Queqiao, meaning Magpie Bridge, after a Chinese legend, was launched on May 21,2018,and became the first communication satellite operating in the halo orbit, nearly 500,000 km from the earth. It can also provide communication for probes from other countries. The relay satellite will also be used for scientific and technological experiments. The maximum distance between the satellite and the Chang'e-4 probe on the far side of the moon is 79,000 km. The satellite processes data from the probe and sends it to Earth.The satellite can stay in its orbit for a long time due to its relatively low fuel consumption, as the earth’s and moon's gravity balances its orbital moving. While in orbit, it can “see” both the earth and the far side of the moon.The concept of using a relay satellite in the halo orbit was first put forward by U.S. space expertsin the 1960s, but was realized by Chinese space engineers.Researchers hope to use the cameras on the satellite to record asteroids (小行星)hitting the far side of the moon. To control the cost of the Chang'c-4 probe, the relay satellite was designed to be relatively small, weighing about 400 kg.Researchers had just 30 months to develop the satellite, putting them under high pressure. To promote public interest in space exploration, the China National Space Administration invited people to write down their wishes for lunar and space exploration, and the relay satellite carries the names of tens of thousands of participants and their messages.44. What do we learn from the second paragraph?A. The relay satellite was launched on Jan. 3, 2019.B.Chang'e-4 probe was the first communication satellite.C. The relay satellite only explores the far side of the moon.D. The relay satellite can handle data from Chang'e-4 probe.45. Why was the size of the relay satellite relatively small?A. To reduce the cost as much as possible.B. To make it circle Moon for a longer time.C. To avoid being crashed by other satellites.D. To follow American space experts,advice.46. What made researchers suffer from great stress?A. Few people interested in the exploration on the moon.B. The relay satellite carrying too much equipment.C. Their lacking enough time to develop the relay satellite.D. People’s never being optimistic about the relay satellite47. What is the main idea of the text?A. China is a new space power after the USA.B.Change-4 probe lands on Moon’s far side.C. Chinese space engineers make much progress.D. Space exploration is a dangerous challenge.Passage DLast year marked the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. There were events around theworld in memory of those who died in the conflict. We have picked out three of them in European countries. Let's take a look.BelgiumIn a park, the famous Belgian artist Koen Vanmechelen had an exhibition called Coming World, Remember Me. The work consisted of 600,000 individual(单独的)clay sculptures, one for exhibition was a big egg made of clay each person killed during the World War. In the center of the exhibition was a big egg made of clay, symbolizing a new world.UKIn a small town called Aldridge. almost 100 houses in one street were covered with 24,000poppies and statues of sold.They stood for the men from the area who had been killed in the war. The flowers were chosen because of a poem written by the Canadian doctor John McCrea in1915. They made people think of fields of blood.FranceThe British artist Guy Denning arrived in La Feuille,a small town in the northwest of France, to stick life-size drawings of soldiers who never came back home. Armed with glue and a brush, Denning stuck his drawings carefully on walls. Before long 112 men, ma.nly young adults, were brought back to mind, if not to life.48. What do we know about Coming World. Remember Me?A. It's the name of an exhibition.B. It's a film about World War I.C. It's a work standing for peace.D. It's a sculpture made of clay.49. Why were poppies chosen to symbolize the dead soldiers?A. The British people preferred them.B. They showed the cruelty of war.C. A Canadian doctor suggested them.D. The fields were filled with them.50. How was the end of World War I marked in France?A. A memorial to the dead soldiers was built.B. 112 wounded soldiers in the war were helped.C. Drawings of some dead soldiers were put up.D. Young adults were encouraged to join the army.Part IV Skimming and Scanning (10%)Technology in education: Current trendsA)Computers and Internet connections are becoming widely available in schools and classrooms. In 1999, 99 percent of teachers in the United States had access to a computer in their schools, and 84 percent had one or more computers in their classrooms. At the same time, Internet connections were also widespread, with 95 percent of schools and 63 percent of classrooms having access. Worldwide, many countries are making the creation and diffusion of information and communications technology (ICT) an important priority.The use of technology to find educational resourcesB) In the past, teachers attempting a problem-based curriculum felt the need to limit problems to those for which they had expertise or the local library had resources. Now the World Wide Web brings a seemingly endless amount of information on almost any subject, and it is possible for students to choose topics based on personal interest rather than availability of resources.C) Internet research projects are gaining popularity. In the spring of 1998, 30 percent of teachers surveyed (and 70 percent of those with high-speed Internet connections) reported they had assigned Internet research tasks to their students during the school year. Use of the Internet to gather information for solving problems sometimes resembles a modern version of library research, in which students gather and synthesize information from published reports. Despite the fact that the task seems traditional, the characteristics of this new medium require special skills for students. The sheer volume of information allows students to study almost any topic, but also makes it more difficult to locate precisely the right information from among the thousands, or even millions, of sites. In addition, the ease of publishing materials on the Internet increases the likelihood that students will encounter inaccurate or biased information. As a result, students must learn new strategies for conducting searches and evaluating the information thatthey retrieve.D) Students carrying out scientific investigations can use the Internet to make observations and collect data. For example, the fourth and fifth graders in California collected insects and sent them to San Diego State University. Using two-way audio and video connecting the school and the university, scientists guided the students in using an electron microscope to examine their specimens. Technology has made it possible to collect data from places students could never visit. In recent projects, high school students explored the floor of the Monterey Bay by studying the video from remotely operated robots, and middle school students were given time to use the Hubble telescope. Students also use technology to collect data in their schools and communities. For example, using handheld computers outfitted with various types of probes (探测仪),students can monitor the water quality at various locations in nearby streams or lakes. By transmitting their individual readings to a laptop computer in a field laboratory they can quickly graph their data and visually compare readings.The use of technology to summarize and present findingsE) In the past, students memorized and used formulas and models created by others to solve problems. Students often used these formulas, especially in the early stages of learning, with little understanding. In the early 21st century computer tools provide the opportunity for students to construct and test their own models using tools such as spreadsheets (电子制表软件)or concept maps (概念图). This type of instruction deepens students' understanding of abstract concepts and allows these concepts to be taught at an earlier age.F) Once students have summarized their data and other information, they typically communicate their findings to others. Writing reports is still the most widespread use of ICT, with 61 percent of US teachers assigning students word-processing tasks. In addition to text, students also use computer-created graphics, videos, and animations to communicate their ideas.G) The teacher is not the only audience for students' presentations. Students frequently expect to present their work to and receive feedback from their peers and the world outside their classroom. Whether they are using presentation software to accompany a face-to也cepresentation or developing materials to put on the Web, the trend is for students to be able to communicate their work to a broad audience. This increases students' perception that problem-based learning is real work for real audiences.The use of technology for collaboration and distance educationH) There are many opportunities for individual students to use technology to enhance their learning. These include online courses that provide students in remote locations with opportunities for customized curriculum and advanced placement courses (先修课程). These courses are conducted entirely online and offer asynchronous (异步的)interaction among faculty and students. Because they allow students to participate anytime and from anywhere, online courses are becoming increasingly popular among postsecondary (高等教育)students whose job and personal commitments do not allow them to meet a regular class schedule.I) Opportunities for interaction with peers from other countries can also contribute to knowledge and understanding of other cultures. ICT makes this type of communication possible for anyone with Internet access. For example, the Kidlink project encourages students up to age 15 to use the Internet to build a global network of friends. Kidlink participants discuss issues ranging from how to make and keep friends to war and peace.J) Monitoring students' independent learning in these flexible environments will be supported by sophisticated new assessment technologies that will help teachers collect and analyze students' data and make instructional decisions. These tools will continually assess students' work and provide feedback to them and their teachers. Such assessment has the potential to make time-consuming standardized testing unnecessary and to personalize the curriculum for every student. Ubiquitous,well-integrated technology tools will bring educators closer to redefine the educational enterprise and provide customized, just-in-time solutions for the learning needs of students.____1 Students find it more difficult to locate the right information from among a large number of websites.____2 Teachers will use sophisticated new technologies to assess students' learning in flexible environments and make instructional decisions.____3 Collecting information from the Internet is similar to that in the library as students obtain published reports and process the information in both cases.____4 While teachers had to limit problems to those with resources in the process of teaching in the past, students nowadays can make their own interest-based choices because of a large amount of information available on many subjects.____5 Students of higher education prefer online courses to those given at fixed time and in fixed places due to their other businesses.____6 The Kidlink project encourages students up to 15 to make foreign friends and have discussions about a wide range of issues on the Internet.____7 Many countries around the world prioritize the creation and spread of ICT.____8 By means of two-way audio and video, scientists in San Diego State University instructed the fourth- and fifth-grade students in California to observe specimens with electronic devices. ____9 Face-to-face presentations accompanied by software indicate the trend that students can communicate their work with more people.____10 Because of computer tools, abstract concepts can be better understood by students and be taught at an earlier age.Part V Translation (10%)1. 孔子的许多思想,尤其是教育思想,对中国社会产生了深远的影响。



新视野大学英语一级期末考试试卷(A ) 考生注意:本试卷满分100分,考试时间120分钟 (试卷一)Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations 。

At the end of each conversation , a question will be asked about what was said 。

Choose the correct answers to the questions 。

Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once . 1。

A 。

He typed a letter. B. He studied with a computer.. C. He wrote a composition. D 。

He did some research work 2. A 。

The weather is not good 。

B 。

They like watching TV 。

C. They want to read some books. D 。

They aren ’t allowed to go out 。

3. A. Carry the suitcases for her. B 。

Send her to her room. C 。

Clean Room 302. D. Help her repair the suitcases. 4. A 。

In the office B. In the post-office 。

C. On the street 。

D 。

In a department store 。

5. A 。

7:10 B. 7:30 C 。

7:20 D 。

6:50 6. A 。

It is very good. B. It doesn ’t go well with her dress. C 。

u 新视野大学英语上级练习题(含标准答案)

u 新视野大学英语上级练习题(含标准答案)

u 新视野大学英语上级练习题(含答案)————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2Part 1 Understanding Long Conversations (每小题:分)Directions: In this section you'll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.1.A. Writing reports.B. Reading resumes.C. Conducting interviews.D. Preparing a speech.2.A. Because he is too exhausted.B. Because he is pressed for time.C. Because the resumes are too bad.D. Because the resumes are too good.3.A. The man.B. The woman.C. Miss Raina Aziz.D. Mr. Phil Langdon.4.A. The man.B. The woman.C. Miss Raina Aziz.D. Mr. Phil Langdon.5.A. The woman is the man's boss and often gives him advice.B. The man studied harder at college than most currentstudents.C. The man thinks that some students today take academicstoo seriously.D. The man will conduct experiments instead of being presentat the interview.Part 2 Understanding Passages(每小题:分)Directions: In this section you'll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.1.A. 192 million dollars.B. 200 million dollars.C. 300 million dollars.D. 450 million dollars.2.A. 45.B. 92.C. 145.D. 192.3.A. 750 thousand.B. 45 million.C. 30 million.D. 2 million.4.A. 30.B. 45.C. 75.D. 20.5.A. 45 million.B. 30 million.C. 20 million.D. 2 million.Part 3 Skimming and Scanning (MultipleChoice+Blank Filling)(每小题:分)Directions: Read the following passage or passages and then answer the questions. For the first 7 questions in each passage, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For the remaining 3 questions in the same passage, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage. What's Happened to Company Loyalty?After all these years, they're letting me go!"I immediately recognized the voice at the other end of the phone. It was my friend Joe. Without taking even a breath, he continued, "What's happened to company loyalty?"Joe was obviously upset and needed help. We talked a while and when finally I calmed him down, he explained what had happened.For over fifteen years, Joe had been with a large printing company. Recently, he'd been in a middle management accounting job, and he expected to be there until his retirement. But then came a merger (喜) and the inevitable reorganization. Joe's job was removed, and there was no other spot for him. His job loss came as a sudden and alarming shock.It shouldn't have.I told my friend that in a world of global company mergers,buy-outs, and reorganizations, management often values making money more than loyalty to employees. That's the way it is, and it's been this way for several decades. Nobody should be surprised by this fact. If a merger is intended to bring together two companies, it's obvious that two accounting departments can't continue to exist. Some folks will have to go.Joe should have seen the early warning signalsDthe writing on the wall. But, he thought the writing wasn't "that" obvious. He'd only heard from other people that a merger was coming. Of course, he'd have been wise to prepare himself just the same. After all, wherethere's smoke, there's usually fire.I suggested several methods Joe can use for survivingDand actually profiting fromDa lack of company loyalty in the future.First, anytime there are rumors of organizational change, one should take stock of one's self and career. Decide what to do and how to do it in advance of a formal announcement. For example, what will make long and short term goals happen? Look at alternative industries and functions and decide what might be a good fit. Begin to write a personal record, as well as an action plan. Even if a rumor turns out to be false, the preparation will reduce the effect of something like this down the road.Next, do some research about the other organization, and listen to other people's chatting. If the other company is going to buy your company, how many employees are there? How is it known in the business community? What are its strengths and weaknesses?In Joe's case, if a buyer's strength is an advanced computer program, and he's unfamiliar with it, he might take a quick course on the subject in order to appear more valuable and improve his chances of being kept. If a weakness is in the buyer's accounting department, he should figure out how he can help improve the situation. That might even get him promoted!Also, always look into the buyer's culture and working environment. It's a good bet these standards of operation will be imposed. Is a 12-hour day usual? Is the management style strict? Or is the dress style too traditional? If the answers to these questions are uncomfortable, it may be best to seek a job elsewhere, before it's decided who will go and who will stay.If one is working for the buyer, how is the company being acquired known in the business community? Do their employees appear to be more skilled and better able to handle the merged workload? What would a merged department look like? How many people would be doing the same jobs?There are many sources for information. One of the best is friends in the industry. This is called networking. Or, if an acquiring organization is publicly held, a copy of its yearly report will indicate the company's financial health. Many organizations are struggling with huge financial loads from their merger-crazy activities of the past decade. Notions of job security and seniority may have beengiven up long ago in an effort to cut labor costs.Joe's problem resulted from a denial of reality. His company was a good target for acquisition. He had known that for some time, but made no effort to protect himself. Even after the acquisition deal closed, he was still confident that his job was safe. He really believed that the new management would look at his fifteen-year record and say, "We can't let this guy go!" That might have happened twenty-five years ago, but not today.Even when a relative owns the company, job security is one's own responsibility. We must all stay attentive, aware, and sensitive to what's happening around us, as well as be prepared with a "worst-case" plan of action.After getting Joe on the track to job recovery, I left him with a couple of key reminders. A job, unlike a diamond, is not forever. And, since we are the chief executive officers of our own careers, we must manage them like the businesses they are!1.What suddenly happened to Joe after he had worked over 15years with a printing company? ________________A. He lost his job.B. He entered middle management.C. He retired early.D. He reorganized his office.2.When there are company mergers, buy-outs, and companyreorganizations, ________________.A. employees value money moreB. people should be surprisedC. managers value money over loyaltyD. accounting can't continue to exist3.What should Joe have done about the coming merger?________________A. Tell other people about it.B. Prepare himself for it.C. Start a fire.D. Write on the wall.4.If there is a possible organizational change, employees________________.A. should make a formal announcementB. should make new short term goalsC. should make rumors of changeD. should prepare for the change5.What should Joe do in getting prepared for the companymerger? ________________A. He should learn new skills.B. He should improve his department.C. He should buy a computer program.D. He should teach a course.6.Why might an employee change his job when a mergerhappens? ________________A. Because the employee has a job elsewhere.B. Because the buyer's culture is very different.C. Because the work environment is too far away.D. Because the dress code is not traditional.7.Through what way can we usually know a listed company'sfinancial health? ________________A. We can gather the information from our network of friends.B. We can see if the company has many people doing thesame job.C. We can check if the company has skilled employees.D. We can read and study its yearly report.8.Although Joe had known his company would be bought byanother one, he made no effort to protect himself.9.Job security is one's own responsibility, even if one's relativeowns the company.10.The writer finally asked Joe to remember that, unlike adiamond, a job is not foreverPart 4 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)(每小题:分)Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.An animal species dies out when it fails to produce enough young in each generation to keep pace with the death rate. We can tell from fossil evidence in rocks that many living species have no longer been in existence over the millions of years since life began. It is a natural process, and dying out is the fate of any animal that has specialized too much to change with its changing environment, or has to compete with a better adapted and more powerful animal.Because of wonderful technical developments during the past few centuries, man has destroyed or has nearly destroyed some species by killing them at such a rate that they couldn't produce enough young, or by completely changing their natural environment at surprising speed.Examples can be given of the way in which natural environments are being rapidly changed. There is every possibility that many species of animals will die out because of their disappearing food source. Large numbers of animals have been hunted and killed for food. The North American buffalo (水牛) is a case of thenear-dying-out species through hunting. Often the numbers are so great that the hunters may not realize the danger; or the financial rewards for the hunters may be so great that they choose to pay no attention to the threat to species.Many people are concerned about animals and wildlife protection. One way to protect species from the threat of dying out is to place animals in zoos and parks and breed them there. Another method is to protect the animals in their natural environment by creating wildlife protection areas and parks and using police to look after them. But the parks are large, the police are few, and the determination of hunters is very great. Early in 1980s, police and hunters clashed in East Africa. The hunters were armed with modern weapons, and several people were killed.There is great pleasure in watching wildlife in natural ornear-natural environments, and tourism can add to the income of countries. The animals are still resources-but in a very different form.1.According to the passage, when will animal species becomeextinct (灭绝)?A. When it suffers a disease it has never known before.B. When it has been in existence for too many years.C. When it has a death rate that is made faster by man.D. When it produces babies slower than the death rate.2.What might happen to an animal species if it specialized toomuch?A. It might produce more young.B. It might compete even better.C. It might be forced to change.D. It might die out in the end.3.One way to protect species from the threat of dying out is to_________.A. build up walls to isolate animals in nature from peopleB. put all the hunters into prison and keep them thereC. educate people in general to protect animals wellD. place animals in zoos and breed them there safely4.How do wildlife protection areas protect endangered animals?A. They use police help to protect them.B. They prevent hunters from killing them.C. They make the areas like natural places.D. They provide the animals with much food.5.Why do tourists go to places where they can watch wildlife?A. They can add to the income of troubled countries.B. They can make themselves happy by seeing animals.C. They can encourage the growth of natural places.D. They can make use of animal resources more often.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage. Have you ever felt your mind getting confused after a sleepless night and you couldn't come up with an original thought no matter how hard you tried?You were probably right if you thought that was caused by a lack of sleep. Dr. Home, a sleep researcher in England, studied 24 college students. One group got their normal eight hours of sleep. The other group didn't get any sleep at all—they stayed awake all night. The next day, Dr. Home tested the students. He asked them questions that required creative and original thinking. One of the questions was "How many uses can a box be put to?"The results? The wide-awake students did well on the tests. The tired students did poorly.Research has already shown that tired people can do okay on tests of routine thinking, like simple addition. But Dr. Home tested creative thinking only.As part of his study, he offered an amount of money as a reward to the tired students if they did well. But even this encouragement wasn't enough to help the students overcome their tiredness. They still did poorly. Dr. Home believes that the part of the brain where thinking takes place may get worn out during waking hours. Sleep may help to repair the brain overnight. Without any sleep, he emphasizes, "even if you think harder, you cannot do better."This study gives people something to think about, especially people like hospital workers and airplane pilots, who must stay awake all night and then make emergency decisions.6.According to the passage, failure to think of new ideas may be_____________.A. caused by a lack of sleepB. caused by hard questionsC. caused by a weak brainD. caused by too much study7.Tired people have no problem with _____________________.A. finding uses for boxesB. making creative ideasC. doing simple math testsD. taking research tests8.The purpose for offering money to the tired students was to_____________.A. help them repair their brainsB. stimulate their interestsC. convince people to joinD. encourage them to do better9.Sleep might help people by ________________.A. repairing the brainB. giving creative dreamsC. providing fresh energyD. allowing harder thought10.This information is useful to people like nurses and pilotsbecause _____________.A. they often meet situations in which they must be creativeB. they often take tests to display their abilities to do their jobsC. they often go to the hospital because of brain problemsD. they often get little sleep but make important decisions。



新视野大学英语期末考试试题及答案Part 3 V ocabulary and Structure1. If you jump on an IPO, hoping it will go up, it's a bit like betting on a racehorse. I mean, ______________ it doesn't go up?A. how ifB. what ifC. how aboutD. what about2. Online share trading has totally changed the stock market and the lives of investors. ______________ the Internet and be your own broker!A. ConnectB. LinkC. Hook up toD. Hook over3. ______________ about $500, you can open an account and begin buying and selling shares from your own home, 24 hours a day.A. ForB. ToC. InD. At4. The days of dot-com fortunes from IPOs are ______________.A. acrossB. UpC. aboveD. over5. The problem with you is that you've ______________ too many classes.A. skippedB. skipped overC. skipped acrossD. skipped through6. If a company wants to be listed on the stock exchange, it has to ______________ certain requirements.A. satisfy withB. be satisfied withC. meetD. meet with7. To be listed on the New York Stock Exchange last year, a company had to have issued at least a million shares of stock ______________ $16 million.A. worthB. worth ofC. be worthD. being worth of8. I'm sorry, but you can't short your 1,500 shares of ABC at $155. The last trade __________ $99.A. went throughB. went across withC. went across atD. went through at9. I won't recommend any specific stock. You have to make the decision ______________.A. by your ownB. on your ownC. for youD. by you10. After you bought a stock that was already very low, it maycontinue to drop. In that case you will lose your ______________.A. sharesB. pantsC. shirtD. skirt11. To make money, you have to ______________.A. seize with opportunitiesB. grasp for opportunitiesC. make chancesD. take chances12. I'm not ______________ a gambler. I don't want to risk my money in the stock market.A. much ofB. a lot ofC. veryD. very much13. You probably want to stick to blue chip stocks for a guaranteed ______________ your investment.A. report forB. release fromC. report onD. return onPart 3答案:B CA DA CA DB CD ADPart 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. A. Buy shares when prices are comparatively low.B. Buy shares while they are rising.C. Start buying shares as quickly as possible.D. Buy a million shares of a high-tech stock.2. A. Nasdaq takes an average of all its stocks while Dow does not.B. Dow takes the average of its all its stocks while Nasdaq does not.C. Neither uses the average of its stocks.D. Both take an average of all their stocks.3. A. A depression is approaching. B. The stock market may crash.C. The stock market is stable.D. The stock market is rising fast.4. A. He believes in the importance of getting secret information.B. He believes it is time to buy online stocks.C. He agrees with the woman.D. He disagrees with the woman.5. A. Many high-tech companies have been launched.B. Many high-tech companies have been delisted.C. One should buy stocks listed on the Nasdaq.D. One should buy stocks listed on the Dow.Part 1答案:A D C D BPart 2 Short passages and multiple-choice questions1. What does "for once in a blue moon" probably mean?A. Always.B. Frequently.C. Rarely.D. Never.2. When did Nasdaq begin trading?A. In 1969.B. In 1971.C. In 1987.D. In 1999.3. How many of the companies traded in the United Statesare listed on the Nasdaq?A. Over half.B. Nearly half.C. About 90 percent.D. Almost 30 percent.4. Which of the following is mentioned as a way of Nasdaq stock trading?A. Through a broker.B. On the trading floor.C. On a computerized system.D. All of the above.5. What is the result of many people's investment in dotcoms?A. America Online has grown fast.B. Nortel is saved from bankruptcy.C. A lot of bubbles were created, which will soon burst.D. A lot of bubbles were created, which have burst.Part 2答案:C BA CDPart 3 Long dialogs and True/False questions1. The man says he does not speak Greek.A. TB. F2. The main building of the New York Stock exchange is located on Fifth Avenue.A. TB. F3. Neither Intel nor Microsoft is listed on the New York Exchange.A. TB. F4. New York Exchange trades always involve face-to-facecommunication, never virtual exchanges.A. TB. F5. After hearing what the woman says, the man can now writea good term paper.A. TB. FPart 3答案:B B A A BPart 4 Short passages and multiple choice questions1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Results of the wrongdoing by dishonest companies.B. The worst American stock market since 1987.C. The necessity of government inspection of companies’financial reporting.D. Reasons for the declining US stock market.2. How did the Dow Jones index behave this week?A. It had one of the largest gains.B. It remained stable.C. It dropped just a little.D. It fell sharply.3. How many companies are mentioned as giving false financial reports?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.4. What is the government doing regarding to the false reporting?A. Dismissing officials involved in false financial reports.B. Investigating the financial activities of some big companies.C. Delisting some big companies from the stock market.D. Drawing up laws to punish the wrongdoing of some companies.5. According to the passage, what has caused the declining stock market?A. Wrongdoing by American companies.B. Excessive investment in telecommunications.C. Both A) and B).D. Neither A) nor B).Part 4答案:D A C B C试卷:Unit9 test1Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. A. Valentine's Day should be done away with.B. The man's girl friend is asking for too much.C. The man should buy gifts for his girl friend.D. The man is cheap.2. A. Stories about monsters. B. Stories about pirates.C. Children not afraid of fighting.D. Children in strange costumes.3. A. He is happy. B. He is exceptionally sad.C. He misses those who died in war.D. He celebrates the victory.4. A. A housewife. B. A housekeeper.C. A president.D. It is not known.5. A. A king. B. A queen.C. Those who want to sell gifts.D. Those who employed servants.Part 1答案:C D A A DPart 2 Short passages and multiple-choice questions1. Which of the following would be the best title for the dialog?A. Easter and Easter Eggs.B. Three Stages of Easter.C. Features of Easter.D. Ways to Celebrate Easter.2. What do Easter eggs and a rabbit symbolize?A. Everlasting peace and happiness.B. Changes in people's life.C. Harvest, autumn, rebirth.D. Rebirth, spring, fertility.3. What stages does Easter have?A. Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday.B. Ash Friday, Palm Sunday, and Good Wednesday.C. Palm Saturday, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday.D. Ash Sudan, Palm Friday, and Good Tuesday.4. What do ashes remind people of?A. How Christ went to heaven.B. How Christ returned from the grave.C. How Christ suffered on the cross.D. How Christ was reborn.5. What did "Good Friday" once mean?A. Easter Egg Friday.B. Easter Rabbit Friday.C. Holy Friday.D. Excellent Friday.Part 2答案:C D A C CPart 3 Long dialogs and True/False questions1. The man's initial plan is to take his girlfriend out on the town together with his male friends.A. TB. F2. The woman advises the man to offer his girlfriend pizza and beer.A. TB. F3. The man plans to take his girlfriend to an expensive restaurant for a romantic dinner.A. TB. F4. The woman suggests to the man a cheap but romantic way to spend the Valentine's Day with his girlfriend.A. TB. F5. The woman hopes the man's girlfriend will know who came up with the idea for the date.A. TB. FPart 3答案:A B B A BPart 4 Short passages and multiple choice questions1. On what day was the beginning of the new year first observed in 16th-century France?A. On January 1st.B. On February 1st.C. On March 1st.D. On April 1st.2. On whom did people play tricks after Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar?A. Those who celebrated New Year's Day on April first.B. Those who celebrated New Year's Day on January first.C. Those who followed Gregory's idea.D. Those who accepted the new calendar.3. How do French children fool their friends?A. By hiding a fish in their friend's bag.B. By putting a paper fish on their friend's back.C. By saying, "School has been canceled."D. By saying, "Look! A flock of geese!"4. What is mentioned as a common trick in the United States?A. Telling a classmate that the teacher has fallen ill.B. Telling a friend that a bird is flying past.C. Saying "Your shoelace is untied."D. Saying "Your pants are unzipped."5. What is considered the most clever April Fool joke?A. One that is played with a large audience around.B. One that is first played on April Fool's Day.C. One that makes everyone laugh except the victim.D. One that makes everyone laugh, including the victim.Part 4答案:D A B C D试卷:Unit8test2Part 3 V ocabulary and Structure1. I'd like to fly ______________ to Thailand on October 8th. I want to book two tickets.A. economyB. by economyC. in economyD. in economy class2. Airport security checks always make me nervous. I'm afraid I'll ______________ the alarm because of the jewelry I'm wearing.A. put offB. set offC. go offD. get off3. Security guards take ages searching ______________ stuff, but they ignore check-in baggage.A. carry-forwardB. carry-overC. carry-inD. carry-on4. With all the threats ______________ security of travel today, I expected to have my luggage searched.A. inB. withC. toD. for5. When I flew from Vancouver to Paris, they simply ran my bags ______________ the scanner, and I was on my way.A. overB. throughC. inD. into6. To reduce jet lag, try to adjust your schedule to ______________ local time as soon as you can.A. match withB. match toC. correspond withD. correspond in7. In general, your body takes only a few days to ______________ its biological clock.A. recoverB. returnC. resumeD. reset8. If you can both make the entire trip without uttering a word, I'll give you the ride for ______________.A. freeB. free feesC. free chargesD. free of charges9. Before I conclude my talk, I'd like to summarize what we have ______________.A. dealtB. coveredC. talkedD. spoken10. Millions of people who had never, or rarely flown before, became ______________ passengers.A. regularB. traditionalC. constantD. consistent11. The plane does have its disadvantages. For example, it is ______________ transporting large quantities of cargo.A. unable ofB. disable to D. incapable of12. Airlines are especially cautious in checking the conditions of aircraft to reduce the possibility of accidents to ______________.A. minimumB. the minimumC. smallestD. least13. These variations in the types of airline companies, their operating scope, and the routes they ______________, make analysis of the airline industry complex.A. serveB. serve forC. serve withD. serve inPart 3答案:A B D C B C D A B A D B A试卷:Unit8test1Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. A. To find the passports. B. To get the tickets.C. To pay the departure tax.D. To look after the baggage.2. A. 2 kilograms. B. 3 kilograms. C. 23 kilograms. D. 28 kilograms.3. A. Flying is relaxing and enjoyable.B. Flying could be harmful to the human body.C. Passengers should not carry hairspray on board.D. Most passengers like to drink water on board.4. A. She is frightened of flying. B. She hates the long queue at the check-in.C. She is not happy with the high fare.D. She thinks the service on the flight is bad.5. A. He is annoyed. B. He is furious.C. He is not too worried.D. He is helpless.Part 1答案:C D B A CPart 2 Short passages and multiple-choice questions1. What are the man and woman talking about?A. The man thinks first class is far better than economy class, but the woman disagrees.B. The woman thinks first class is far better than economy class, but the man disagrees.C. Both the man and woman think first class is far better than economy class.D. Both the man and woman think first class is little better than economy class.2. What has happened to the woman?A. She flew from Shanghai yesterday.B. She left Shanghai the day before yesterday.C. She is suffering from jetlag.D. She has got over the jetlag.3. According to the woman, which of the following is true in the waiting room?A. In economy class you have to wait for hours.B. In economy class you have to stand in a long queue.C. In first class you have lots of food.D. In first class you can sleep on a sofa.4. What does the woman say about the first-class service on board?A. You can choose from inexpensive meals.B. You can choose a movie on your own TV.C. You can stretch your arms and legs.D. All of the above.5. What does the man think about jet lag?A. It happens to everyone who flies for over 12 hours from east to west.B. It happens to everyone who flies for over 12 hours fromwest to east.C. Both A) and B).D. Neither A) nor B).Part 2 答案:B C C B CPart 3 Long dialogs and True/False questions1. The woman must take medicine to overcome her nervousness when flying.A. TB. F2. Security checks have made the boarding procedure longer.A. TB. F3. The airline does not over-book every flight.A. TB. F4. An airline sells more tickets than its seating capacity in case some passengers do not show up.A. TB. F5. The male speaker put on a brand-name T-shirt, hoping to be upgraded to a first-class seat.A. TB. FPart 3答案:A A B A BPart 4 Short passages and multiple choice questions1. What is the passage mainly concerned with?A. The booming air travel industry.B. The depressing air travel industry.C. Despite the current depression, the air travel industry will pick up.D. Despite the current boom, the air travel industry will decline.2. What was the earliest cause of the short-term aviation industry depression?A. The crash of the high-tech stock market.B. A terrorist attack.C. Consumers' desire to buy goods.D. The poor airline service.3. Which of the following bears a larger share of the security check costs?A. A longer trip.B. A shorter trip.C. Passengers at a small airport.D. Passengers at a large airport.4. According to the passage, what does deregulation result in?A. Worse service.B. Higher fare.C. Fast speed.D. More competition.5. What may be the average annual growth of the air travel industry in the next two decades?A. A 20 percent increase.B. A 20.5 percent increase.C. A 5.1 percent increase.D. An 1.5 percent increase.Part 4答案:C A B D C试卷:Unit7test2Part 1 Long dialogs and True/False questions1. Both the man and woman are in favor of the ban on plasticlunch boxes.A. TB. F2. The woman says paper products use more energy and resources than plastic ones.A. TB. F3. Many workers in the plastic industry have lost their jobs because of the new regulations.A. TB. F4. The new jobs the government offered to the plastic industry workers are often not as good as their old ones.A. TB. F5. The woman thinks it is easy for workers to adjust to the new changes.A. TB. FPart 1答案:B B A A BPart 4 V ocabulary and Structure1.The Chinese government has been encouraging people to plant trees along the edges of the Gobi Desert. Now those trees act as wind _____A. barsB. barriersC. preventionD. destruction2. Government organizations are helping people to dispose safely _______________ old refrigerators or, in the case of cars, toupgrade their air conditioning.A. awayB. offC. ofD. out of3. In 2003 the hole in the ozone layer shrank by 20 percent, so there's no reason ______________.A. to panicB. to get panicC. to be panicD. panicking4. The students are more aware of all the environmental problems that are _______________.A. happening onB. getting alongC. getting onD. going on5. If people throw cigarette butts on the floor, they should _______________.A. fineB. be fineC. be finedD. get fine6. _________ its largest this year, the ozone hole covered more than 15 million square kilometers.A. InB. AtC. ForD. With7. The chemicals were restricted _______________ aninternational agreement called the Montreal Protocol in 1987.A. underB. belowC. toD. over8. China has already ____________ some remarkable steps to reduce damage to the environment.A. posedB. goneC. gotD. taken9. A thick cloud of pollution covering southern Asia is damaging agriculture and affecting rainfall _______________.A. extentsB. rangesC. degreesD. levels10. A lot of clubs promote environmental safety, and some TV programs do too. They talk about environmental safety and _______________.A. thing like thatB. stuff like thatC. such stiffD. such thing11. They say the cloud reduces the amount of sunlight _______________ the Earth's surface by as much as fifteen percent.A. reachB. reachedC. reachingD. from reachingPart 4答案:B C A D C B A D D B C试卷:Unit7test1Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. A. It is the biggest problem. B. It is the second most important problem.C. It is important but not the most urgent problem.D. It is not important.2. A. The wildfire in Spain is a good thing. B. The wildfires are changing the climate.C. Her son studies environmental protection in college.D. Her son is protecting the environment.3. A. To protect the environment. B. To write a paper on the environment.C. To do a good job for his classmate.D. To make a mess of his classmate's work.4. A. Both the man and woman think it should be adopted.B. Neither the man nor the woman thinks it should be adopted.C. Only the man thinks it should be adopted.D. Only the woman thinks it should be adopted.5. A. The same as the man's. B. The environment is hopeless.C. The environment is improving.D. The environment is free from problems. Part 1 答案:C D B A CPart 2 Short passages and multiple-choice questions1. What is the WWF?A. A governmental, for-profit organization.B. A non-governmental, for-profit organization.C. A governmental, non-profit organization.D. A non-governmental, non-profit organization.2. What is WWF attempting to do?A. Protect wildlife.B. Promote sustainable development.C. Both A) and B).D. Neither A) nor B).3. What has WWF done in China?A. Developed several million hectares (公顷) of farmland.B. Drawn up the provincial environmental policies.C. Established new natural reserves for pandas.D. All of the above.4. How much of the panda's habitat is under formal protection today?A. More than half.B. Less than half.C. Only a small proportion.D. Almost all.5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as WWF's function?A. Conservation of freshwater resources.B. Recycling of waste paper.C. Conservation of biological diversity.D. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Part 2 答案:D C C A BPart 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions1. Why did the number of pandas drop sharply this century?A. Widespread forest fires.B. The change of bamboo forests into farmland.C. The global warming.D. Increased hunting.2. What is the strange nature of giant pandas mentioned inthe passage?A. Peaceful.B. Cheerful.C. solitary.D. Lonely.3. Why is the breeding program not a success?A. The temperature has changed a lot.B. The rainfall has changed a lot.C. The panda does not like to live in zoos.D. The panda likes to live alone.4. Why do people debate the use of cloning in conservation?A. Because this technology is up-to-date.B. Because this technology does not involve a moral issue in animals.C. Because the breeding method is unsuccessful.D. Because the breeding method must be combined with cloning.5. What would be the best title for the passage?A. How to save the giant panda.B. The danger of extinction of the panda.C. The importance of the protection of the panda.D. Success in protecting the panda.Part 3答案: B C D C A试卷:Unit6test2Part 3 V ocabulary and Structure1. Believe me, I'll never again be a slave ____________ smoking.A. atB. inC. toD. with2. It's the local “youth”throwing firecrackers. Don't go out. They're likely to throw one ____________ you if you bother them.A. toB. atC. forD. through3. The beggars really ____________. I can't help but feel sorry for them. They look so miserable.A. get to meB. get in meC. make to meD. make in me4. Someone must've made a copy of your credit card. You'll have to cancel it at once and get a new one. Hopefully, the bank will ____________ the damage.A. includeB. embraceC. coverD. pay with5. My accountant is preparing my income tax ____________, and I need to go over some of the receipts with her.A. turnB. returnC. payD. report6. The government just squanders our ____________tax money on some unnecessary projectsA. hard-earnedB. hardly-earnedC. hard-earningD. hardly-earning7. Most people would rather work than ____________ charity,A. receiveB. to receiveC. receivingD. to be received8. "Well, I only ____________ sure things," said the professional gambler.A. betB. bet onC. bet atD. bet in9. The bartender thought the gambler must be drunk now. So he said, "Okay, you're ____________."A. upB. downC. inD. back10. New research shows teens can get ____________ on nicotine more quickly than adultsA. attractedB. attachedC. hookedD. bookedPart 3答案: C B A C B A A B A C试卷:Unit6test1Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. A. The peace of mind. B. A cheaper taxi.C. A licensed taxi.D. An unlicensed taxi.2. A. It is important to offer an online friend a drink.B. It is delightful to get a drink from an online friend.C. Ensure that nobody puts anything harmful into your drink.D. Be sure to shake the drink before you take it.3. A. The owner of the bar will not welcome them.B. The owner of the bar welcomes only visitors in football shirts.C. The barmen and barmaids have gone to watch the football final.D. The bar is closed.4. A. She will run as fast as she can.B. She will defend herself.C. She will be scared to death.D. She will buy a can of hairspray.5. A. Take a rubbish bin (垃圾桶) to the train station.B. Remove the rubbish bins from the railway station.C. Look at what is in the rubbish bin.。



Unit11. In the wife’s eyes, his _____ to their marriage life is far from perfect.A) requirement B) commitmentC) participation D) reflection2. In the event of SARS, some _____ it while others lost their courage to do anything about it.A) came up to B) lived up toC) faced up to D) caught up to3. Experts have _____ with some effective measures to prevent the disease from spreading.A) caught up B) put upC) come up D) kept up4. If people feel hopeless, they don’t bother to _____ the skills they need to succeed.A) require B) inquireC) acquire D) enquire5. As a result of his hard work, he has gained ______ to the Beijing University.A) access B) commitmentC) opportunity D) reward6. With the supplies of nurses below _____, thelocal government decided to recruit(招募) volunteers.A) acquirements B) assignmentsC) commitment D) requirements7. Only when one is ______ of one’s getting behind is one more likely to catch up.A) critical B) awareC) visual D) effective8. It is better for you to be _____ about its consequences before you take any action.A) positive B) absoluteC) critical D) favorite9. As an ideal _____ to the spread of SARS, this medicine is now in great demand.A) barrier B) commitmentC) challenge D) access10. When her business goes wrong, she tends to _____ for advice.A) get access to B) come acrossC) reach out D) speak up11. The most important for us now is to _____what is to be done next.A) allow of B) reflect onC) feel like D) remind of12. It is best to _____ wear through friction in designing the parts of every machine.A) have insight into B) come up withC) allow for D) reflect on13. Good habits of living have proved to be of much _____ to our health.A) barrier B) benefitC) immunity D) commitment14. Now that we have learned to see things _____, we can find that there are two sides to anything in the world.A) in part B) from a perspectiveC) on their part D) in perspective15. As a(n) _____ job, it requires much time and commitment and persistence.A) unwilling B) demandingC) embarrassing D) frustrating16. The _____ to be better than others drives him to work harder than before.A) uniqueness B) eagernessC) awareness D) effectiveness17. For your study to stay in a ______ cycle, you must keep up with the progress of the course.A) virtuous B) virtualC) visual D) vital18. Anyone that goes against the social order is _____ to answer for his action.A) possibly B) probablyC) likely D) normally19. There is much that can be done about the accidents _____ from carelessness.A) arose B) arisenC) arising D) arise20. _____ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.A) Dislike B) UnlikeC) Alike D) Liking21. More new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.A) opportunities B) necessitiesC) realities D) probabilities22. Unlike the problems I _____ in high school, I have few chances to speak English in class at college.A) came across B) came aboutC) came after D) came of23. Now that they have done something ______ about the situation, it comes to return to normal.A) unique B) effectiveC) absolute D) sequential24. _____ you realize your trouble with English learning, you can take some effective steps.A) By now B) From now onC) Ever since D) Now that25. These products are _____ for export, though a few of them may come into home markets.A) completely B) absolutelyC) essentially D) necessarily26. The team’s attempt t o win the game was _____ by the opposing goalkeeper.A) reaped B) frustratedC) given up D) caught up27. He is quite sure that it’s _____ impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days.A) fully B) exclusivelyC) absolutely D) roughly28. The police wanted her to describe all the events of that morning in _____.A) time B) additionC) sequence D) place29. Thanks to the Internet, we can share sorrow and happiness at each other’s home through the _____ of e-mail.A) role B) mediumC) modem D) sequence30. In their own eyes, it is rather _____ that themedical community as a whole still has littleidea about the cause of SARS.A) rewarding B) demandingC) embarrassing D) requiringUnit31. He is late again today. I’ll ____ that he will not be late tom orrow.A) refer to it B) look to himC) see to it D) turn to it2. When a fire____ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.A) broke off B) broke outC) broke down D) broke up3. After the disaster, the truth ____ us that a healthy habit of living can keep one away from some terrible diseases.A) focused upon B) imposed uponC) dawned upon D) leaned upon4. Aft er failing the exams three times, Jack realized that he’d never ____in English.A) see to it B) attain itC) catch it D) make it5. Susan has not been officially ____ to Johnson.A) engaged B) occupiedC) practiced D) undertaken6. After so many years, he still ____ the hope that his lost son would return one day.A) clang to B) clung toC) inclined to D) subjected to7. The action of cheating in an examination would ____ you ____ severe punishment.A) cause…to B) subject…toC) turn…to D) take…to8. This article _____ more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign language teaching and learning.A) calls for B) applies forC) cares for D) allows for9. I don’t think that your watch is ____.A) worthy the price B) worth the priceC) worthy to buy D) worth to buy10. He is ____ a very old man but in fact he is only fifty years old.A) apparently B) evidentlyC) absolutely D) actually11. It is not polite to ____ a speaker with frequent questions.A) interpret B) interveneC) interrupt D) interfere12. Their daughter often turns a deaf ear to their inquiries, so they sometimes have to ____ answers from her.A) interrupt B) exchangeC) squeeze D) exit13. His failure in love games threw him off his ____ of mind.A) mood B) engagementC) sympathy D) balance14. My camera can be ____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A) adapted B) adjustedC) adopted D) remedied15. At the party we found that shy girl ____ her mother all the time.A) depending on B) coinciding withC) adhering to D) clinging to16. We forgave his bad temper becau se we know that his son’s illness had put him under great____.A) pins B) stressC) crisis D) depression17. She felt ____ at her sister’s good luck in finding jobs.A) jealousy B) esteemC) envy D) respect18. The explorer lost his way so he climbed to the top of the hill to ____himself.A) spot B) locateC) place D) situate19. We could see only the ____ outline of the mountain in the distance.A) vague B) darkC) mean D) dim20. Because the company was doing more business it was necessary to____ the factory.A) increase B) extendC) broaden D) grow21.The university ____ consists of full professors, associate professors and assistant professors.A) crew B) rankC) circle D) staff22. Due to the fact that she was naturally timid, she shrank from any ____ social and cultural activities.A) comprehension of B) study onC) success in D) participation in23. It was no use trying to discuss business with James, who was well-known for___ everything.A) coping with B) trifling withC) striving for D) doing well in24. Jane is scolded by her boss because she left the office with the computer ____ yesterday.A) on B) outC) unlocked D) unclosed25. I have taken the mid-term exam, but I don’t know what my ____will be.A) future B) careerC) chance D) fate26. I could see nothing ____ of the hall but the moans of pain told there was someone there.A) in the dust B) in the duskC) in the lobby D) in the exit27. In the eyes of most students, her teaching method is far from ____ .A) content B) consentC) satisfied D) satisfactory28. It was reassuring to have someone ____ whom he could ____ for a while.A) upon…touch B) upon…prideC) upon…lean D) upon…impose29. The new cadets are very slow to ____ the strict regulations of the military college.A) react to B) relate toC) adapt to D) turn to30. When reading books about spa ce exploration, I often ____ man’s skill and creativeness in putting complex pieces of machinery into space.A) tremble at B) startle atC) wander at D) amaze atUnit81. The sun _____ from behind the clouds.A) emerged B) immersedC) existed D) embraced2. I haven’t read the report properly --- I’ve only _____ into it (浏览).A) dined B) dimmedC) dipped D) dripped3. Her achievement was more _____ in that she had come from such a remote area.A) popular B) famousC) remarkable D) understandable4. Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, ____ obtaining water is not the least.A) for which B) to whichC) of which D) in which5. There may be a(n) ____ of truth in this idea, disagreeable though it may seem.A) element B) factorC) advantage D) concept6. I’d like to _____ a seat for the New Year’s Concert.A) preserve B) serveC) conserve D) reserve7. The story that follows ______ two famous characters of the Rocky Mountain gold rus days.A) concretes B) concernsC) proclaims D) relates8. He _____ the good chance to present his proposal to the director, and at last, it was adopted.A) realized B) seizedC) delivered D) released9. They _____ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.A) carried out B) carried offC) carried on D) carried forward10. Which sport has the most expensive training equipment, _____ players’ personal equipment and uniforms?A) in place of B) in terms ofC) by means of D) by way of11. The purpose of this election is to set up a government truly _____ of the people.A) typical B) representativeC) characteristic D) responsible12. It will need a _____ to save the firm from running downhill.A) mystery B) therapyC) miracle D) source13. After answering an telephone from her boyfriend, she _____ herself to reada book.A) imposed B) composedC) transferred D) transformed14. Although he was getting on in years, his experience gave him a(n) _____ over his rival.A) priority B) benefitC) profit D) advantage15. I am firmly _____ that this plan would do much good to our company.A) composed B) convincedC) recognized D) satisfied16. When talking about China, people often _____ it with the Great Wall.A) think B) associateC) imagine D) assist17. I’m sure he is up to the job ______ he would give his mind to it.A) if only B) in caseC) until D) unless18. I’ve _____ a lot of time and effort in this plan,and I don’t want it to fail.A) invented B) invitedC) invested D) involved19. A small terrorist group has ___________ responsibility for the bombing in Baghdad.A) claimed B) acclaimedC) exclaimed D) reclaimed20. For the currency to keep _____, the government has to adopt some strong measures.A) concrete B) fertileC) productive D) stable21. _____ your advice, I have decided to read the article once more.A) Acting as B) Acting uponC) Acting for D) Acting up22. We are doing this work in the _____ of reforms in the economic, social and cultural spheres.A) context B) contestC) pretext D) texture23. The meeting was in full ______ (活跃) when we arrived.A) rock B) swingC) swim D) sway24. Now the patient can _____ from the wheelchair to the seat with relative freedom.A) transport B) transplantC) transact D) transfer25. In human friendship an important _____ is “forgive and forget”.A) principal B) primaryC) principle D) chiefly26. The republication of the poet’s most recent wor ks will certainly _____ his national reputation.A) magnify B) enlargeC) enhance D) strengthen27. Important people don’t often have much free time as their work _____ all their time.A) takes away B) takes overC) takes up D) takes in28. With everything being ready, it is time to _____ our new plan _____.A) set … aside B) set … outC) set … in motion D) s et … down29. While nuclear weapons present grave _____ dangers, the predominant crisis of overpopulation is with us today.A) inevitable B) constantC) overwhelming D) potential30. Mobile telecommunications _____ is expected to double in Shanghai this year as a result of a contract signed between the two companies.A) possession B) potentialC) capacity D) impact。



New Horizon College English TestBand One (A)2006/1Part I Listening Comprehension (25 Points)Section ADirections: In this section, you’ll hear five short conversations. After each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and question will beread only once. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.1. A. 8:45. B. 8:10.C. 8:15.D. 8:24.2. A. A policeman. B. An actor.C. A taxi-driver.D. A door-keeper.3. A. To go on driving. B. To have a look at the sight.C. To park their car.D. To stop for a rest.4. A. She may need to take another course.B. The math course is too short.C. The graduation date has been changed.D. She should have gotten a better score.5. A. It’s cooler. B. It’s warmer.C. It’s hot.D. It’s like that of his hometown.Section BDirections:In this section, you’ll hear a long conversation and a passage. The conversation and passage will be read twice. At t he end of them, you’ll hear some questions. Listencarefully and choose the best answer to each question.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following conversation:6. A. To go to a baseball game. B. To go to a soccer game.C. To stay at home.D. To go sightseeing.7. A. To invite Kate and Patrick to a game.B. To attend Bill’s wedding.C. To see his mother.D. He’s come on business.8. A. He’s taller than Patrick. B. He’s as tall as Patrick.C. He’s shorter than PatrickD. He’s a litt le taller than Kate.9. A. He’s nice and humorous, but a little talkative.B. He’s nice and humorous, but has a short temper.C. He’s nice and quiet, but has a good sense of humor.D. He’s nice and quiet, but is lacking in humor.10. A. Going to Bill’s we dding. B. Going to Ron’s place.C. Seeing Ron’s mother.D. Inviting Ron to the game.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:11. A. At a bus stop. B. At a crossroads.C. At the side of the road.D. At the library.12. A. To help him examine his car.B. To help push his car to the roadside.C. To tell him where the library is.D. To bring him to the nearest garage.13. A. His car was in a bad condition.B. The young man couldn’t help him.C. He found the engine was at the back of the car.D. The young man didn’t see the engine at all.14. A. It was a foreign car.B. There were not proper tools.C. Only a professional could repair the car.D. He did not know anything about cars.15. A. They worked in the library.B. They lived near the library.C. She wanted to borrow a book about cars for her boyfriend.D. She did not know how to get to the library.Section CDirections:There is a passage with ten blanks in this section. You’ll hear the passage read twice.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with what you have heard.People have different ideas about what exactly is being on time and being late. These ideas also (1) from time to time and from country to country. For example, in the United States, it is very important to be on time for almost all (2) ________. The only time it is (3) ________ acceptable to be late is when you go to a friend’s party. A person usually tries to arrive about 5 (4) ________ after the (5) ________ time, so that the host would have a little extra time to prepare for the guests. This is called being “fashionably late.” Any time late than that is considered (6) ________, because it keeps the host and other guests waiting.Being on time goes both ways. One should also not arrive (7) ________ for a friend’s party, because it would (8) ________ the host. However, when going to a doctor’s appointment, it is usually good to arrive earlier than the appointment because there are usually some (9) ________ that need to be filled out by the (10) ________.Part II. Reading Comprehension (21 points)Directions: Read the following passages carefully and do the multiple-choice questions.Text 1For years, it's been assumed that the inside environment (环境) limits the variety of plants that people are subjected to. Lately, however, plants that are usually only grown outdoors have found their way into inside spaces. There are a few simple reasons why this is.The modern inside environment can be a good place for a wide variety of outdoor plants. Plants that ordinarily cannot grow in colder outdoor weather can be protected by the inside spaces, where temperatures are easily controlled. Plants that used to be found only outside, such as trees, have become more and more popular as decorations inside houses. Orchids (兰花), which were once only found in hot places, have begun to grow well in inside places. A large number of smaller plants have also found their way into homes.One reason that the modern home has made exotic (引进的) outdoor plants more practical is the modern use of windows. In the past windows were used less often in buildings than they are today. It is partly because of the ability of large windows to admit a large quantity of light from the sun and to keep the heat in at the same time, that many outdoor plants have been able to make their move inside.It is true that most of the plants that have been successful in moving inside have been small.Some of the best suited varieties are the vines (藤本植物). Many vines that grow in natural locations make excellent decorations where other plants prove difficult to grow. Although some trees can be grown inside, it is not likely the larger varieties can be used. Unfortunately, most homes just don't have the space to grow a monkey tree.16. The passage is mainly concerned with ________.A) the ability of large windowsB) the difficulty of moving monkey trees into homesC) growing plants inside housesD) the best suited trees17. It is implied or suggested in the passage that ________.A) the inside environment can protect plants betterB) people like to use plants as decorations in their housesC) people move plants into their houses to save themD) the uses of windows in the past were not practical18. People used to believe that ________.A) the plants that could grow inside were limitedB) the plants that could grow inside were from hot placesC) the temperature in the inside environment could be controlledD) the larger plants grew better inside.19. One function of modern windows is ________.A) to allow fresh air in B) to grow plants and trees insideC) to provide heat and light D) to control the temperature20. It is not likely that large plants will move inside because ________.A) the weather is not suitable B) they cannot be movedC) they cannot be controlled D) there is not enough spaceText 2The AIDS virus is carried in a person's body fluids (体液). The virus can be passed during sex with an infected partner or by sharing instruments used to take intravenous (静脉注射的)drugs. It also can be passed in blood or fluids made from blood or from a pregnant (怀孕的) woman with AIDS to her developing baby.Many stories about the spread of AIDS are false. You cannot get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease. You cannot get it by drinking glasses or other objects used by such persons. Officials say no one has caught AIDS by living with, caring for or touching an AIDS patient.There are several warning signs of being infected with AIDS. They include always feeling tired, unexplained (无法解释的) weight loss and uncontrolled expulsion (排泄) of body wastes. Other warning signs are the appearance of white areas on the mouth, dark red areas of skin that do not go away and a higher than normal body temperature.However, just because you have one or more of these conditions does not mean you have AIDS. Always go to a doctor or health center for a complete examination. The doctor may give you an AIDS blood test.When a virus enters the body, the body's defenses against disease produce antibodies (抗体) to fight the virus. The test shows if the body has produced antibodies to the AIDS virus. Results of the test are known after a few hours. The test tells only if your body has produced AIDS antibodies. It cannot tell if you have AIDS or if you will ever get the disease. In December (1988), the United States government approved (批准) a simpler and faster AIDS blood test. The newer test can confirm (证实) the presence (出现) of the AIDS antibodies in about five minutes.21. The AIDS virus can spread ___________.A) only from a man to womanB) among those who use drug instrumentsC) by shaking hands with someone who has the virusD) by touching an AIDS patient22. It is wrongly thought that ___________.A) the AIDS virus can be passed during sexB) the AIDS virus can spread from an expecting mother to her babyC) the AIDS virus can be passed by touching infected bloodD) one can get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease23. The warning signs of being infected with AIDS include ____________.A) weight lossB) too much expulsion of body wastesC) the appearance of red areas of skinD) a body temperature higher than a normal one24. _________ can show if one has AIDS.A) Whether one has a defense method against AIDSB) Whether one has unexplained weight lossC) Whether the AIDS antibodies are produced in the bodyD) The doctor's complete examination25. An AIDS blood test shows _________.A) whether the defense method is damaged or notB) whether one has AIDSC) one has a higher than normal body temperatureD) whether antibodies are produced in the bodyText 3In the United States a university professor is given a few months of freedom from his duties about every seventh year for travel or advanced study. This period of freedom from teaching is called a "study or research leave". Its purpose is to give the professor experiences which will make him a wiser person and a better teacher when he returns to his university.Few study leaves are interesting enough to be described in national newspapers and magazines. Recently, however, there was an exception. The public learned how Dr. John R. Coleman, president of Haverford College, had spent his study leave.At the age of 51, Dr. Coleman was determined to escape from university life for a few months and to get a variety of experiences in the world of work. He especially wanted to learn about people. People who do hard physical labor were especially interesting to him."I wanted to get away from the world of words and political matters and parties —the things a president does," Dr. Coleman later explained to news writers. “As a college president you begin to take yourself very seriously and to think you have power you don't. You forgetthings about people. I wanted to relearn things I'd forgotten.”Telling no one of his plans, Dr. Coleman started his study leave on a farm in Canada, hundreds of miles from his college. Getting up at 4:30 each morning, working thirteen hours a day in fields, he prepared himself physically for his next job, digging ditches in Atlanta, Georgia. After that, the college president washed dishes in a Boston restaurant. During the last ten days of his leave, he worked as a garbage collector.26. The first paragraph is mainly about ________.A) why a professor should be free from his duties every seventh yearB) how professors spend their study leaveC) what a study leave is and its purposeD) how a study leave makes a professor a wiser person and a better teacher27. A study leave is a period of freedom from duties allowed to a university teacher who hastaught ________ since his last leave.A) for six years B) for seven yearsC) for a term D) for a university year28. People learned about Dr. Coleman's unusual experiences from ________.A) his colleagues B) the boss of a Boston restaurantC) the Canadian newspapers and magazines D) the U.S. newspapers and magazines29. Dr. Coleman carried out his study leave in an unusual way because ________.A) he hates his university life, especially his job as a presidentB) he wanted to learn about people, especially people who do hard physical laborC) he wanted to make himself known to the publicD) he wanted to write articles about people and have them printed in newspapers andmagazinesPart III. Vocabulary and Structure (25 points)Directions: Choose the best one to complete each sentence.30. Few of the students understand why language is _______ to human beings.A) aware B) unique C) absolute D) continual31. The method he used turned out to be _______ in improving the students' English.A) effective B) able C) capable D) explicit32. They had to examine the dead tiger before they had a _______ answer as to who killed it.A) positive B) senior C) virtual D) vital33. What a ________ smell! Open the window and air the room.A) disgusting B) pleasing C) powerful D) disturbing34. She was putting on her jeans ________ me to hand her the sweater.A) while asked B) asked C) asking D) while asking35. Our neighbor said that if we made more noise he would _______ us to the police.A) inform of B) complain about C) report to D) care for36. Nobody knows ___________ how many people are to be blame for the coal-mine accident,so the government is trying to find out the whole truth about the accident.A) inwardly B) honestly C) cleverly D) precisely37. People working in the government should not ______ business affairs that might changetheir political judgment.A) engage in B) hope for C) choose between D) pick on38. He was a good worker who was ________ to his family as well as to his work.A) consistent B) committed C) content D) engaged39. We also use other forms of communication ________ we may be aware or unaware.A) to which B) of which C) which D) that40. ______ I admit that the problems are difficult, I don't agree that they can't be solved.A) For fear that B) Because C) While D) Until41. The little girl could not ________ her curiosity to see what was in the box.A) hold B) keep C) take D) restrain42. Most people have no real idea how to change to healthy food, and Maureen was no________.A) foundation B) possibility C) exception D) ignorance43. He always knew what time it was, as if by ________.A) instinct B) imagination C) reaction D) reality44. Young children have a limited attention ________ and can't focus on one activity for verylong.A) range B) span C) reach D) spread45. At the end of game, the whole crowd ________ their feet and cheered wildly.A) emerged from B) rose from C) got to D) stood up46. It was in China ________ Dr. Bethune gave his life to the cause of the revolution.A) that B) where C) in which D) at which47. Going out in a hurry, _________.A) Floyd's keys were left on the tableB) Floyd left his keys on the tableC) Floyd have left his keys on the tableD) the keys were left on the table by Floyd48. The heating system here has an ______ temperature control.A) aggressive B) intentional C) accidental D) automatic49. The policeman went from house to house, ______ whether anyone had seen the lost boy.A) inquiring B) interrupting C) informing D) introduction50. The strike was not a success because of the workers' leader who ________ the managers.A) sold out to B) sold out C) sold off D) sold up51. The coming of the railways in the 1830s ______ our society and economic life.A) transformed B) transported C) transferred D) translated52. In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, a student should ______ his resultsin logical order and clear language.A) perceive B) protest C) raise D) present53. They are teachers and don't realize ______ to start and run a company.A) what it takes B) what takes it C) what they take D) what takes them54. With the job ________, he went to see a film with his colleagues.A) done B) doing C) to do D) doPaper TwoPart IV. Cloze ( 5 Points)Directions: Fill in the blanks with the missing words.All of us have experienced this sudden __1____of anew idea, but it is earliest to examine it in the great creative___2__, many of whom experienced it in an __3___form and have written it down in their life stories and letters. One can _4____examples from genius in any field, from religion, ____5___, and literature to art and music, even in mathematics, science, and technical invention, although these are often thought to depend only on _6___and experiment. All truly _____7__activities depend in some __8___on these signals from the unconscious, and the more highly ___9___the person, the sharper and more dramatic the _10___become.Part V. Word building. (9 points)Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets.1.(appear) From the _________ of the house, we thought it was empty.2.(efficient) The _____ of the government received complaints3.(sympathy) I find it difficult to ____ with him when he complains so much.4.(detail) The ____ study of the problem is needed to clear up the secret which confusesboth parties.5.(envy) She will always be ______ of her sister’s beauty.6.(represent) The company has ______ in most European capitals.7.(interact) _______ multimedia combine computer, memory storage, digital data, telephone,television, and other information technologies.8.(emit) The value of the work function for a particular material is different dependingupon the process of ______.9.(analyze) What some have called the behavioral revolution had its greatest successes in the______ of public opinion and political attitudes.Part VI. Translation from Chinese to English. (10 points)1. 掌握一门外语有助于跨越不同语言和文化之间的鸿沟。



专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 新视野大学英语课程主要培养学生的哪种能力?A. 词汇记忆B. 听说读写C. 语法分析D. 翻译技巧A. 提高英语实际运用能力B. 增强跨文化交际能力C. 扩大词汇量D. 培养英语演讲能力3. 新视野大学英语课程分为几个级别?A. 3个B. 4个C. 5个D. 6个A. 词汇B. 语法C. 听力D. 美术5. 新视野大学英语课程的评价方式主要是?A. 闭卷考试B. 开卷考试C. 平时成绩D. 论文二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 新视野大学英语课程以提高学生的阅读能力为主。

()2. 新视野大学英语课程要求学生掌握一定的词汇量。

()3. 新视野大学英语课程注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力。

()4. 新视野大学英语课程的评价方式只有闭卷考试。

()5. 新视野大学英语课程适用于所有英语水平的学生。

()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 新视野大学英语课程旨在提高学生的____、____、____和____能力。

2. 新视野大学英语课程分为____、____、____和____四个级别。

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4. 新视野大学英语课程的评价方式包括____、____和____。

5. 新视野大学英语课程的教学目标之一是培养学生的____能力。

四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简要介绍新视野大学英语课程的教学目标。

2. 新视野大学英语课程分为哪几个级别?每个级别的教学重点是什么?3. 请列举新视野大学英语课程的教学内容。

4. 新视野大学英语课程的评价方式有哪些?5. 请谈谈新视野大学英语课程在实际教学中的应用。

五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 假设你是新视野大学英语课程的一名学生,请制定一个为期一个月的学习计划,包括学习内容、方法和目标。

2. 请为新视野大学英语课程设计一套课堂活动,要求涵盖听、说、读、写四个方面。



新视野大学英语考试试题(A卷)专业: 姓名:I. Vocabulary(词汇:选择一个合适的词语填入相应的句子中,并且每个词只能使用一次) responsibility inwardly weekdays disgusting offensiveaccess disturb reap complain anniversary powerful surrounded underline Assignment envious embarrass urge annoyed amaze regarding1. With the coming of the Internet, young people have to the most recent events that happen in the world.2. -----They are having the fiftieth of their wedding.-----Oh, I see. You mean a golden wedding.3. Parents should take full ___ __ for their children’s actions.4. She smiled, but she was very angry __________ .5. The American couple __________ about the high cost of visiting Europe.6. It’s weird that she works at weekends instead of on ________ .7.What a ___________ smell! Open all the windows and air the room, please.8. As long as you get regular exercise, you can ________ the benefit of being fit.9. Sorry to ________ you, but I want to have a talk with the chairman. Is he in?10. He has made a(n) __________ remark that angers all of us.11.When I came across some favorite passages in reading, I usually them and try tolearm them.12. Usually, a man with strong legs and arms is very __________ .13. The thief tried to run away but gave up when he found himself ________ .14. I don’t think I’m ________ of your success at your present job.15. He’ll get ________ if you keep bugging him.16. We were ________ to hear the news that the well-known writer, in her late eighties, was still writing a book.17. He made a(n) ________ to let all children learn English, but he soon found it impossible without an online course.18. He had repeatedly ________ her to come to the United States to join him, but she was still reluctant.19. A letter ________ the boy’s behavior was sent to his father.20. Don’t give students problems they can’t understand as this will only ________ them.II. Cloze(完形填空:每题选择一个最佳选项)[A]Since it __1__ diagnosed, AIDS has killed __2__ of Americans. Women and youth in rural Southern communities are __3__ likely to be __4__ with AIDS. __5__ the spread of AIDS and lackof government activity to stop it, some local organization __6__ . The South Carolina AIDS Education Network formed to help __7__ the __8__ of AIDS cases. In some communities, handing__9__ AIDS literature and __10__ people to read it is not __11__ effective because many people can’t read. Teenagers can explain the risk of catching AIDS __12__ their peers much better __13__ adults can. Some __14__ ways to _15___ the spread of AIDS include: speak to your community in a way they can hear; train teenagers to educate their peers; and, __16__ “at risk” to include women from __17___ backgrounds and marriage status. __18__, everyone should _19___ the __20__ against AIDS.1. _____ A. was B. is2. _____ A. thousand B. thousands3. _____ A. least B. most4. _____ A. infected B. influenced5. _____ A. Despite B. Because of6. _____ A. occurred B. emerged7. _____ A. increase B. reduce8. _____ A. quantity B. number9. _____ A. over B. out10. _____ A. expected B. expecting11. _____ A. very B. much12. _____ A. to B. on13. _____ A. than B. then14. _____ A. best B. very15. _____ A. assist B. combat16. _____ A. define B. redefine17. _____ A. similar B. different18. _____ A. In other words B. In another words19. _____ A. sign up B. sign up for20. _____ A. fight B. war[B]__1__ writes a painful quotation in a notebook. __2_ her pain, we see a picture in her wedding album and _3__ a strange event that happened __4__ her wedding. A strange woman had told the couple she was __5__ to tell them they were going to live a __6__ life and be happy, that they would work hard and love each other. __7__ year around their __8__ , the husband and wife thought she was __9__ a heavenly _10__ ; the husband thought she was too _11__ for _12__ .But one night, he wrote his wife a note telling her why it did n’t matter __13__ their guest _14__ from heaven or a _15__ town. What mattered 16__ that the word gift she had given __17_ them was true. __18_ he has died, the wife misses him _19__ much that it is painful for her _20__ to read the lines she wrote in her notebook.1. _____ A. An alone widow B. Alone, a widow2. _____ A. To understand B. Understanding3. _____ A. hear B. hear about4. _____ A. on B. at5. _____ A. here B. there6. _____ A. good B. hard7. _____ A. Any B. Every8. _____ A. architecture B. anniversary9. _____ A. on B. by10. _____ A. messenger B. mission11. _____ A. portly B. port12. _____ A. heaven B. heavenly13. _____ A. where B. whether14. _____ A. had come B. came15. _____ A. near B. nearby16. _____ A. is B. was17. _____ A. to B. for18. _____ A. Then B. Now19. _____ A. so B. such20. _____ A. even B. everIII. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解:每题选择一个最佳选项)[A]This year some twenty-three hundred teen-agers(young people aged from 13-19)from all over the world will spend about ten months in U. S. homes. They will attend U. S. schools, meet U. S. teen-agers, and form impressions of the real America. At the same time, about thirteen hundred American teen-agers will go to other countries to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world.Here is a two-way student exchange(交换)in action. Fred, nineteen, spent last year in Germany with George's family. In turn, George’s son Mike spent a year in Fred's home in America.Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived, but after two months' study, the language began to come to him. School was completely different from what he had expected-much harder. Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are usual in the United States. There were almost no outside activities(活动).Family life, too, was different. The father's word was law, and all activities were around the family rather than the individual(个人). Fred found the food too simple at first. Also, he missed having a car."Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time. In Germany, you walk, but you soon learn to like it."At the same time, in America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was also forming his idea. "I suppose I should criticize(批评)American schools", he says. "It is far too easy by our level. But I have to say that I like it very much. In Germany we do nothing but study. Here we take part in many outside activities. I think that maybe you schools are better in training for citizens(公民). There ought to be some middle ground between the two. "1. This year _____ teen-agers will take part in the exchange program between America and othercountries.A. twenty three hundredB. thirteen hundredC. over three thousandD. less than two thousand2. The whole exchange program is mainly to _____ .A. help teen-agers in other countries know the real America.B. send students in America to travel in GermanyC. let students learn something about other countriesD. have teen-agers learn new languages3. Fred and Mike agreed that _____ .A. American food tasted better than German foodB. German schools were harder than American schoolsC. Americans and Germans were both friendlyD. There were more cars on the streets in America4. What is particular in American schools is that _____ .A. there is some middle ground between the two teaching buildingsB. there are a lot of after-school activitiesC. students usually take fourteen subjects in allD. students go outside to enjoy themselves in a car5. After experiencing the American school life, Mike thought _____ .A. a better education should include something good from both America and GermanyB. German schools trained students to be better citizensC. American schools were not as good as German schoolsD. the easy life in the American school was more helpful to students[B]In order to learn a foreign language well, it is necessary to overcome the fear of making mistakes. If the primary goal of language use is communication, the mistakes are secondary considerations that may be dealt with gradually as awareness of those mistakes increases. On the other hand, students should not ignore their mistakes. The language learner may observe how native speakers express themselves, and how native expressions differ from the way the learner might say them. For example, a Spanish speaker who has been saying " I do it" to express willingness to do something in the immediate future, but, by interacting with native speakers of English, you may observe that native speakers actually say "I'll do it." The resulting discrepancy(差异) can serve as a basis for the student to modify his way of using the present tense in English. But a student who is unwilling to interact in the first place would lose this opportunity to learn by trial and error.6. According to the passage, foreign language students should not worry too much about making mistakes because ___________.A. native speakers will ignore their mistakesB. communication is the primary goal of language learningC. everyone makes mistakes when trying to communicate in a strange languageD. native speakers like foreign students who try to learn their language7. According to the passage, the present tense in English is ___________.A. not used to express a desire to do something in the immediate futureB. used with some verbs but not with others to express future intentionC. basically the same in English as it is in SpanishD. not the most difficult problem for foreign students8. The author thinks that language learners can reduce the number of their mistakes by ___________.A. asking native speakers for explanationsB. reading good books in the foreign languageC. comparing their speech with that of native speakersD. speaking without regard to native speakers9. The passage implies that foreign students who do not interact with native speakers will not ___________.A. learn very much about the foreign cultureB. learn about the history of the foreign languageC. have to worry about making mistakesD. take advantage of available language models10. The author's major conclusion about the function of mistakes in foreign language learning is that ___________.A. mistake are not important in the process of learning a languageB. learners are often very afraid of making mistakesC. making mistakes can help the learner discover the rules of the languageD. mistakes do not interfere with communication[C]After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth(来回地)from one level of sleep to the other.Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyelids are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing very slowly and very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy(昏昏欲睡的). There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep!11. A good title for this passage is ____________.A. SleepB. Good HealthC. DreamsD. Work and Rest12. The word "drowsy" in the last paragraph means ____________.A. sickB. stand upC. a little sleepyD. asleep13. The passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might make you ____________.A. dream more oftenB. have poor healthC. nervousD. breathe quickly14. During REM, ____________.A. your eyes move quicklyB. you dreamC. you are restlessD. both A and B15. The average number of hours of sleep that an adult needs is ____________.A. approximately six hoursB. around ten hoursC. about eight hoursD. not stated here[D]How much living space does a person need? What happens when his space requirements are not adequately met? Sociologists and psychologists are conducting experiments on rats to try to determine the effects of overcrowded conditions on man. Recent studies have shown that the behavior of rats is greatly affected by space. If rats have adequate living space, they eat well, sleep well, and reproduce well. However, if their living conditions become too crowded, their behavior patterns and even their health perceptibly(可感知地) change. They cannot sleep and eat well, and signs of fear and tension become obvious. The more crowed they are, the more they tend to bite each other and even kill each other. Thus for rats, population and violence are directly related. Is this a natural law for human society as well? Is adequate space not only desirable, but essential for human survival?16. This passage is mainly about _________.A. living space and behaviorB. population and living conditionsC. interesting experiments on ratsD. a natural law for human society17. What is the purpose of the experiments described in the passage?A. To determine how much living space a rat needs.B. To see what happens when rats live in a limited space.C. To know the likely effects of inadequate living space on human beings.D. to find out the relationship between population and living conditions.18. Which is NOT a result of being too crowded for rats?A. They become nervous.B. they cannot get enough rest.C. They become less active.D. They eat less.19. The passage suggests that overcrowded conditions _________.A. are directly related with populationB. may cause an increase in violenceC. may lead to high birth rateD. may bring about pollution problems20. The author seems to imply that _________.A. human society is very similar to that of ratsB. birth control is essential fro a better lifeC. efforts should be made to improve living conditionsD. rats are not social animals[E]The United States is full of automobiles. There are still many families without cars, but some families have two or ever more. However, cars are used for more than pleasure. There are a necessary part of life.Cars are used for business. They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no other way to get to their jobs. When salesmen are sent to different parts of the city, they have to drive in order to carry their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to get supplies.Sometimes small children must be driven to school. In some cities school buses are provided only when children live more than a mile from the school. When the children are too young to walk that far, their mothers take turn driving them to school. One mother drives on Monday, taking her own children and the neighbors' children as well. Another mother drives on Tuesday, another on Wednesday, and so on. This is called forming a car poll. Men also form car pools, with three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they all work.More car pools should be formed in order to put fewer automobiles on the road and to use less gasoline. Parking is great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities. Too many cars are being driven. Something will have to be done about the use of cars.21. Which is NOT true according to the passage?A. Each American family has got at least one car.B. Some American families have got more than one car.C. Cars are very common in the United States.D. Americans do not use cars for pleasure only.22. According to the passage, children must be taken to school by car when ________.A. their homes are over one mile away from their schoolB. there are no school buses available and the school is too far away for thechildren to go to on footC. there are a number of children in the neighborhood and their families have theirown carsD. the children are too young to walk23. Which people are forming a car pool?A.Children who drive to school in turns.B. A woman who takes her own children and her neighbors' children to school by car.C. Three or four people who drive in turns to the office or the factory where they all work.D. Parents who drive their oven children to school in turns.24. What does the author think of forming car pool?A. It is a good practice.B. It is good only for mothers taking children to schoolC. It will cause parking problems.D. It helps cut down the number of cars produced each year.25. What does the author think is the problem about cars in the United States?A. There is a shortage of gasoline for a car.B. There are too many cars in the streets and on the roads.C. There are not enough cars to go around.D. Some families still do not have their own cars.[F]A four-year study conducted by the Infant(婴儿) Testing Center in San Francisco, California, suggests that babies feel more comfortable around other babies than with strange adults. According to the study, babies benefit by being with their fellow infants daily. Whereas a baby might show fear of an adult stranger, he is likely to smile and reach out for an unfamiliar infant. By the time babies are one year old, they have begun to form friendships of a sort.The above findings, based on observation of 100 babies aged three months to three years, might prove interesting to working parents who must find day care for their babies. Family care in a private home, with several babies together, is probably the idea way to care for babies under three. Dr. Benjamin Spock, well-known pediatrician(儿科医生) and author of books about babies, supports the idea. He says that family day care is better in theory than hiring a housekeeper or a babysitter.11. What would be a good title for the passage?A. How to Test InfantsB. Parents and ChildrenC. Choosing a BabysitterD. Day Care for Babies12. A baby is likely to feel more at ease with _________.A. a housekeeperB. an infantC. an adult strangerD. teenage children13. What does Dr. Benjamin Spock do?A. He recommends babysitters.B. He writes baby books.C. He conducts studies on infants.D. He directs a testing center.14. According to the passage, how should working parents provide care for their babies?A. Find a private home with other babies.B. Take their babies with them to work.C. Hire an adult to come into the home.D. Search for a large nursery with a good reputation.15. The author is talking to _________.A. working parentsB. researchers on infantsC. pediatriciansD. babies under three[G]It is a matter of common observation that although incomes keep going up over the years, people never seem to become much better off! Prices are rising continuously. This condition is termed one of inflation; the money supply is becoming inflated so that each unit of it becomes less valuable. People have grown accustomed in recent years to higher and higher rates of inflation. What could be bought ten years ago for one dollar now costs well over two dollars. Present indications are that this rate of inflation is tending to rise rather than to fall. If in the real world our money incomes go up at the same rate as prices one might think that inflation does not matter. But it does. When money is losing value it lacks one of the qualities of a good money - stability of value. It is no longer acceptable as a store of value; and it becomes an unsuitable standard of deferred(延迟) payments. Nobody wants to hold a wasting asset(资产), so people try to get rid of money as quickly as possible. Inflation therefore stimulates consumer spending, and prevents people from saving.21. Inflation is a situation in which __________.A. we find our money increase in its valueB. employment no longer becomes a problemC. people can always find better paying jobsD. money keeps losing its value22. According to the author, inflation __________.A. seldom happensB. is very common at the present timeC. has become rare in recent yearsD. is just reasonable23. According to the passage, if incomes and prices rise together __________.A. money will hold its valueB. inflation poses no problemC. inflation will remain to be a problemD. the business will prosper24. When money loses its value __________.A. its rate against gold will be kept at the same levelB. it is no longer stableC. goods will lose their valueD. incomes will keep rising25. In a period of inflation, people are likely to __________.A. invest heavily on the stock marketB. save moneyC. hold on to money as a dependable assetD. spend money and not bother(烦恼) to save[H]Sports and games make our bodies strong, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. But these are not their only use. They give us valuable practice in making eyes, brain and muscles work together. In tennis, our eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction and pass this information on to the brain. The brain then has to decide what to do, and to send its orders to themuscles of the arms, legs, and so on, so that the ball is met and hit back where it ought to go. All this must happen with very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice at tennis can carry out this complicated chain of events successfully. For those who work with their brains most of the day, the practice of such skills is especially useful.Sports and games are also very useful for character training. In their lessons at school, boys and girls may learn about such virtues as unselfishness, courage, discipline and love of one's country; but what is learned in books cannot have the same deep effect on a child's character as what is learned by experience. The ordinary day-school cannot give much practical training in living, because most of the pupil's time is spent in classes, studying lessons. So it is what the pupils do in their spare time that really prepares them to take their place in society as citizens when they grow up. If each of them learns to work for his society as citizens when they grow up. If each of them learns to work for his team and not for himself on the football field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of his country instead of only for his own benefit.26. When we play tennis we have to _________.A. use, first, our eyes, then the brain and finally the musclesB. make our eyes, brain and muscles work almost at the same timeC. use mainly the arms and legs to hitD. use mainly the muscles so that the ball is met and hit back27. The "complicated chain of events" refers to _________.A. the passing of information and making of decisionsB. the meeting and hitting back of the ballC. the coordinated(协调的) movements of our eyes, brain and musclesD. a lot of practice before playing tennis28. By character-training, the author means that sports and games can help children _________.A. live a better life when they grow upB. know letter how to behave properly in their future lifeC. understand better the virtues they learn in booksD. All of the above29. According to the author, a child's character can be most deeply influenced by _________.A. what he does out of classB. what he learns in booksC. his place in societyD. his lessons at school30. What is of the greatest importance to a football team isA. its membersB. its team workC. the football fieldD. the climate[I]My formula for staying young is simple: concentrate on the part of you that's young and growing - your brain. Keep your mind awake and you'll stay young all over. These are exciting times. Take an interest in the world around you, and make a point of learning at least one new thing every day.Regardless of your age, it's not too late to make your life more interesting. I know a housewife with no previous knowledge who made herself into an outstanding industrial designer; I know a retired electrical engineer who has become a highly paid ceramic artist.Get over the notion that you are ever too old to go back to school. I know a man who entered medical college at 70. He got his degree with honors and became an eminent physician. Another man went to law school at 71 and his now an active lawyer.In spite of years, staying young is easy for those who live in the future. You can do it if you care enough to try. Keep your mind awake and active; that's the only youth elixir(万灵药) guaranteed to work.31. The statement that our brain remains young and growing regardless of age is __________.A. an impossibilityB. a scientific factC. a suppositionD. a ridiculous conclusion32. It is wrong to __________.A. think oneself too old to go back to schoolB. keep one's mind awakeC. try to stay youngD. get one's degree with honor33. The passage states that a man who entered college at 70 became __________.A. an active lawyerB. an electric engineerC. a distinguished doctorD. a highly paid ceramic artist34. The only youth elixir is to __________.A. go back to schoolB. forget one's own ageC. keep in touch with young peopleD. keep one's mind awake and active35. All of the following statement are true EXCEPT that __________.A. human brain never gets old with ageB. every person should take up a new occupation when he becomes oldC. staying young is not difficult if one is willing to tryD. there is always something to learn if you have an interest in what's going on around you IV. Translation(翻译:把下列英文翻译成汉语)[A]When I was growing up, I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. He was severely crippled and very short, and when we walked together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare. I would inwardly struggle at the unwanted attention. If he ever noticed or was bothered, he never let on. It was difficult to coordinate our steps---his halting, mine impatient---and because of that, we didn’t say much as we went along. But as we started out, he always said, “You set the pace, I will try to adjust to you.”[B]Alone now, the widow reads considerably. She used to underline favorite passages to share with her husband. Now, in a notebook, she stores quotations like this one from Elizabeth Jolley’s Cabin Fever: “I experience again the deep-felt wish to be part of a married couple, to sit by the fire in winter with the man who is my husband. So intense is this wish that if I write the word husband on a piece of paper, my eyes fill with tears.”。



英语试题(新视野大学英语)英语试题(课文项)根据要求完成下列题目:1It has often been remarked that the saddest thing about youth is that it is wasted on the young.2Reading a survey report on first-year college students, I recalled the regret, "If only I knew then what I know now."3The survey revealed what I had already suspected from informal polls of students both in Macon and at the Robins Resident Center: If it (whatever it may be) won't compute and you can't drink it, smoke it or spend it, then "it" holds little value.4According to the survey based on responses from over 188,000 students, today's college beginners are "more consumeristic and less idealistic" than at any time in the 17 years of the poll.5_______6Interest in teaching, social service and the humanities is at a low, along with ethnic and women's studies. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up.7_______8"I'll tell them what they can do with their music, history, literature, etc.," she was fond of saying. And that was four years ago; I tremble to think what she's earning now.9Frankly, I'm proud of the young lady (not her attitude but her success). But why can't we have it both ways? Can't we educate people for life as well as for a career? I believe we can.10______11This is where age and maturity enter. Most people, somewhere between the ages of 30 and 50, finally arrive at the inevitable conclusion that they were meant to do more than serve a corporation, a government agency, or whatever.12______13If it is a fact that the meaning of life does not dawn until middle age, is it then not the duty of educational institutions to prepare the way for that revelation? Most people, in their youth, resent the Social Security deductions from their pay, yet a seemingly few short years later find themselves standing anxiously by the mailbox.14While it's true all of us need a career, preferably a prosperous one, it is equally true that our civilization has collected an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own. And we are better for our understanding of these other contributions—be they scientific or artistic. It is equally true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others, we learn how to think. More importantly, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.一、根据所给的提示和上下文内容将下列空缺内容补充完整:A.Most of us finally have the insight that quality of life is not entirely determined by a balance sheet. Sure, everyone wants to be financially comfortable, but we also want to feel we have a perspective on the world beyond the (1)c_____(界限,限制) of our (2)o_____(工作,职业); we want to be able to(3)r _____(提供,给予) service to our fellow men and to our God.B. Not surprising in these hard times, the students' major objective "is to be financially well off". Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life.(4)A _____(因此),today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting.C. If we cannot, then that is a conviction against our educational system —kindergarten, (5)e_____(初级的), secondary and higher. In a time of increasing specialization, more than ever, we need to know what is truly important in life.D.That's no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemical company) was making twice the salary of college instructors during her first year on the job—even before she completed her two-year associate degree.(1)_____ (2)_____ (3)_____ (4)_____ (5)_____二、将补充完整的上述内容按照正确的顺序填到文章中:5_____ 7_____ 10_____ 12_____英语试题参考答案(课文项)一、(1)confines(2)occupation(3)render(4)Accordingly (5)elementary二、5、B 7、D 10、C 12、AB. Not surprising in these hard times, the students' major objective "isto be financially well off". Less important than ever is developing ameaningful philosophy of life. Accordingly, today the most popularcourse is not literature or history but accounting.D.That's no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative fora chemical company) was making twice the salary of college instructorsduring her first year on the job—even before she completedher two-yearassociate degree.C. If we cannot, then that is a conviction against our educational system —kindergarten, elementary, secondary and higher. In a time of increasing specialization, more than ever, we need to know what is truly importantin life.A.Most of us finally have the insight that quality of life is not entirelydetermined by a balance sheet. Sure, everyone wants to be financiallycomfortable, but we also want to feel we have a perspective on the worldbeyond the confines of our occupation; we want to be able to renderservice to our fellow men and to our God.。

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Unit 8 Book 1I. A. Spell the following words with the help of their definitions and the first letters.1. r_______ a. having the duty of taking care of something.2. g_______ n. a very great and unusual natural ability of the mind ,or a person having this ability.3. m______ n. an unusual event that is thought to have been caused by God4. r_______ n. the belief in a god or gods5. c ______ a. being especially aware of or worried about something6. o_______ v. fill, use, or exist in a place or a time7. e_______ n. a feeling of strong interest in a particular subject or activity8. c_______ v. produce or create; form or make up9. o_______ n. a large group of musicians playing different instruments10. s______ a. firmly fixed or not likely to move or changeB. Now complete the following sentences with some of these words . change the form wherenecessary.1.Their marriage was _____ until he started drinking again .2. Edison was a scientific _____ . He made a lot of inventions.3. It is a _______ that he wasn’t killed in that car accident . However, he was badly wounded andsent to hospital immediately.4. The Middle East is believed to be the place of origin for three _______.5. The London Symphony______ is going to perform some classical music in Being some timenext month.6. Mozart was a great genius . He started ______ music when he was only six years old.7. We must see that our spare time is ______ with meaningful activities.8.The film Titanic created great______ among the audience. This love story moved many peopleinto tears.9. Students should be______ of the value of knowledge and try their best to make full use oftheir university life .10. The pilot of an airplane is ______ for the safety of the passengers .II. Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a correct preposition or adverb.1.When spring comes in that part of the world, the trees just burst _____ life .2.We must depend mainly ______ our own efforts in finishing the task. To some degree,self-reliance is the final solution.3. Recently , the people of that country have been occupied ______ worries about the foodsupply.4. We have long sought ______ a solution to the lack of waster in this area . This project isexpected to solve the problem.5. Contrary ______ his position , I believe that university students should engage themselves inextracurricular activities.6. Finally , people present at the meeting arrived ______ the decision that the relations betweenthe two countries would take on a new look in the 21st century .7. Some pupils fill their spare time ______ computer games . It is really a waste of time .8. She is used to having an Oxford English –English dictionary _______ easy reach when she isworking .III. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.remark claim fertile advantage decade impulse fascinate principle enquiry concrete convince capture1.The young man managed to repress the ____ to ring her number. He decided to take await-and-see attitude towards their friendship.2.The singing actors’ wonderful song____ the hearts of audience and all stood up to applaudthem for three minutes.3.The painter has such a _____ imagination that he has an active mind and is able to produce alot of new and original ideas.4.I have made ____ about the cost of a ticket.5.You will find it to your ______ to learn some German before you visit Switzerland.6.This will be the first important meeting between the two countries in more than a ______ .7.The lawyer succeeded in _______ the court that the young man was wronged.8.The local newspaper ____ that the situation would not improve within a short period of time.9.Anything to do with toy planes and flying ____ the Wright Brothers. They decided to make areal plane.10.Honesty does matter. Don’t ____ to know what you don’t know.11.Have you any ______ plans about how to deal with these difficulties?12.In _____ I agree that mothers should spend as much time as possible with their youngchildren.IV.1.Acting____ your advice, I decided to read Gone with the Wind again before I start to write thepaper.2.He found the solution to the problem by setting the motor____ motion.3.Only by combing our efforts_____ those of other people can we triumph over the difficulties.4.Ten years of scientific research led ____ the development of this new effective drug.5.If non-smokers are not separated ____ smokers, the smoke will do harm to no-smokers too.6.We had better take advantage _____ the warmer weather by going for a walk this afternoon.7.Do it right _____ , or it will be late.8.I dozed ____ in the middle of the meeting and missed his speech.9.He took___ his rain coat as soon as he entered the room.10.Though he is well off he is still frugal; he takes____ his father in that respect.11.It will take____ a lot of time tell you the whole story.12.A child of two years old usually enjoys taking _____ everything that he\she can get.13.The Chinese government took _____ the administration of Hong Kong from Britain on July1.14.I ran ____ an old friend of mine the other day when I did some shopping downtown15.He is always running ____ ____ money before receiving his monthly pay.16.On my way home this evening, I happen to notice that an old man was nearly run ___ by aspeeding car.17.Don’t bother running ____ the bus. You will never catch it.18.When he realized the importance of foreign languages, he took _____ studying English withgreat enthusiasm.。
