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2 重点用法:a 客观真理。Birds fly.

b 现阶段习惯性动作。We have four classes everyday.

c 表将来1)按时间表进行的,飞机、火车、巴士的出发

The train for Guangzhou leaves at 7:00.

2) 时间状语从句(till, until, when, as soon as等引导),

条件状语从句(unless, if引导)中表将来。(主从)

If it rains tomorrow, we will have to stay at home.

3 标志词:频率副词(often, everyday, on Sundays等)


1 构成:动词过去式did----------V-ed(不规则动词表的第二列)

2 重点用法:过去的事情He always went to work by bus last year.

3 标志词:I worked here ten years ago.

以及表示过去的时间( year, yesterday…) I got sick yesterday.三一般将来时

1 构成will/shall do 或am/is/are going to do ----------will+ V原形

2 重点用法:将来的事情I will tell him about it.

3 标志词:in+ 一段时间I will be back in an hour.

以及表示将来的时间(week, tomorrow…)


1 构成would do 或was/were going to do---------would+V(原形)

2 重点用法从过去某一时刻看将来要发生的事情。特别是宾语从句红,主句said, wanted to know动词的过去式时,宾语从句中,表示过去的将来。Linda said that she _________visit her uncle the next Saturday.

He wanted to know if they would go there that afternoon


1 构成is/am/are+Ving

2 重点用法:a说话时Look, the child is playing in the street.

b现阶段正在进行的动作。He is building a model these days.

c 频繁发生或反复进行的动作。与always等频率副词连用,表不

满,赞扬或讨厌。You are always talking in the class.

d come, go, leave, arrive等过渡性动词用现在进行时表将来。

My brother is leaving for New York next week.

3 标志词:now, these days.


1 构成was/were doing--------was/were+ V-ing

2 重点用法:a 由when 引导的时间状语从句,表示过去某一时刻,A动作发


去进行时。The twins were sweeping the floor when the

teacher came in.

b 由While引导从句,两动作都用过去进行时。

Father was watching TV, while Mother was cooking.

c 看到有表示过去的时间,并且是具体到时间点。(at four


He was mending his bike at ten yesterday.

3 标志词:表示过去的具体到时间点的时间(five o’clock the day before

yesterday.), that time


1 构成have/has done---------have/has+V-ed

2 重点用法:a 过去的动作,但对现在有影响。

Would you like to see a film with me?No, I have seen it.

b 从过去开始延续到现在的动作或者状态

I have been studying English for 6 yeats.

3 标志词:a already, ever just, yet, since+具体时间或者时间, for+一段时间

B by+具体的时间

4 注意事项:a 短暂性动词不能与since+具体时间或者时间或for+一段时间,

I have been away from here for three days. (right)

I have left here for since (wrong)

b have been to表示去过某点,已经回来了。

have gone to 去了某点,但还没回来。


1 构成had done------------had+V-ed

2 重点用法:a 过去的过去!(一定要有第一个过去,才有第二个过去,才用到过去完成时)

3 标志词:by+过去的时间或by the time+过去的事情或by the end of +过去的时间,即与by有关的时间状语。


()1. It ______ 3 years since he left us.

A. is

B. has been

C. was

D. were

( ) 2. 15 years ________ since I became a teacher.

A. passed

B. has past

C. have passed

D. has passed

( )3. They told us that they ________ three hundred trees by the time the workers got there.

A. have planted

B. planted

C. had planted

D. were planting
