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+ 加号,加 plus

+ 正号 positive

- 减号,减 minus

- 负号,负 negetive

± 加或减 plus or minus

± 正或负 plus or minus

2 乘 multiplied by times into

÷ 除 divided by

: 比 proportional to

= 等号 equal sign

= 等于 to equal,to equals

> 大于 greater than

< 小于 less than

大于等于 greater than or equal

小于等于less than or equal

≡ 恒等于 identical with

≈ 约等于 approximately equal

≌ 全等于 congruent

~等价于 equivalent to;

相似于 similar to

→ 趋近于 approaches

( ) 括号,括弧 1) parentheses;parenthesis;sign parenthesis 圆括号,圆括弧 2) round brackets

[ ] 方括号1) squre [angular] brackets

括号2) brackets

{ } 花括号 braces

∑ 求和summstion of;sigma

从1到n的和 the sum form i equalsone to n;sigma

从1到n的积 the product form i equalsone to n

x1 +x2+x3+ΛΛ x one x two plus x three,etc(et cetera)

a=b 1) a equals to b

2) a is equal to b

3) a is b

a≠b a is not equal to b;a is not b

a>b a is greater than b


a?b a is greater than or equal to b

a?b a is less than or equal to b

a≈b a approximately equal (s) b

a∝b a varies directly as b;a is (directly) proportional to b

a∈A a is member of set A

A?B A is contained in B;A is a proper subset of B AIB A intersection B

AYB A union

{ }或φ empty set


is equivalent to xRy x is in the relation R to y a±b a plus or minus b

(a+b)(a-b) a plus b,a minus b

(a+b)2 a plus b all squared

(a÷b)2 a over b all squared

n! n factorial;factorial n

a% a persent

|a| mod a;modulus a

x→∞ x approaches infinity

0< x

0?x?a zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to a

c=a.b 1)c equals (is equal to) a multiplied by b

2) c equals a times b

1:2 the ratio of one to two

1/2 a half;one half

1/3 a third;one third

1/100 a[one] hundredth

1/1000 a[one] thousandth

0.1(.1) zero point one;nought point one

0.01(.01) zero point zero one;nought point nought one

3.1416 three point one four one six

14. one four point one four,one four recurring

a:b the ratio of a to b

a:b=c 1) a devided by b equals c

2) a devided by b is c

3)the ratio of a to b is c

a:b=c:d 1) the ratio of a to b equals the ratio of c to d

2) a is to b as c is to d

a+b>c a plus b is greater then c

a+b< then b plus>

a+b=c a plus b is (are;equals;is equal to) c

a-b=c a minus b(b from a) is(equals;is equal to;leaves) c (a,b) a

[a,b]a?x?b the closed interval from a to b

(a,b) the interval a

[a,b] the interval a?x


a?x?b a is less then or equal to x is less then or equal to b

logax logarithm (base) of x

lnx natural logarithm of x

x2 1)x square;x squured
