1633.省示范幼儿园大班英语童谣教案 (大班英语教案)

1633.省示范幼儿园大班英语童谣教案 (大班英语教案)
1633.省示范幼儿园大班英语童谣教案 (大班英语教案)

大班英语童谣教案butterfly(go up,go down,go all round)目标:


2、学习单词butterfly,词组go up,go down,go all round





T:Good morning boys and girls!

S:Good morning Miss Su!

T:How are you**?

S:I’m fine,thank you!


A、Look,who is coming?

Yes,it"s a butterfly.(出示词卡butterfly)[幼儿开火车练说]

B、Look at the picture.

(1)What can you see?

Ok,there are three butterflies go up.(出示词卡go up)

(2)Now,follow me.

“butterfly,butterfly,butterfly go up.”

(3)Who wants to try?Boys(girls),come here


(1)What can you see?

Yes,there are three butterflies go down.(出示词卡go down)(2)Now,follow me.

“butterfly,butterfly,butterfly go down .”

(3)Who wants to try?(出示蝴蝶头饰)


(1)What can you see?

Yes,there are three butterflies go all round.(出示词卡go all round)

(2)Follow me.

“butt erfly,butterfly,butterfly go all round .”

(3)Who wants to try?(出示蝴蝶头饰)[个别、集体]

E、Let"s become this butterflies .(完整念童谣)


Are you happy?

Ok,let"s have a rest.













少儿英语童谣教学法 【为什么要以英语儿歌童谣的形式实行学习?】 因为通常儿歌童谣短小精悍,有欢快的节奏或旋律,歌词压韵, 朗朗上口,小孩子们在不知不觉中就学习了语言知识和语法常识,更 为奇妙的是,由此还可获得更为丰富的知识,并且不易忘记。另外, 很多流传很久的童谣还能激发孩子们的想象力和创造力。 【英语歌谣究竟能对孩子的英语学习起到哪些作用和益处呢?】 1、扩大词汇量 第二语言的学习需要反复地练习,而童谣的特点就是节奏欢快、 篇幅短小、语句重复,容易激发小朋友跟唱兴趣,易于记忆。通过有 趣的情节,欢快的节奏教小朋友讲数字,提升孩子们的英语学习兴趣,又扩大了词汇量。 2、培养英语语感 童谣通常分为两种,第一种短小精悍,整首童谣情节简单、朗朗 上口、句尾押韵,不但符合孩子简单直观的认知需求,又能协助他们 培养英语语感。 第二种童谣较长,但是歌词本身很简单,重复较多,当孩子熟悉 童谣后,就能在潜移默化的过程中建立对语感的感知,为今后的语法 学习奠定基础。 3、提升情商 童谣故事性比较强,通常从孩子的视角出发,讲述人与人或与大 自然之间的关系,激发孩子探索大自然的兴趣,以及对生命的尊重。 既然英语歌谣对孩子的学习有这么多的好处,那除了孩子们的课 堂学习外。作为家长究竟又应该从何入手,配合学校协助孩子提升学 习热情呢?

【如何科学利用童谣呢?建议家长能够分三步走】 1、视觉与动觉结合 对于学龄前儿童来说,规律的作息时间尤为重要。家长每天能够 根据孩子的作息时间,播放内容相匹配的童谣。 比如,孩子早晨刚醒来的时候,爸爸妈妈能够微笑着和孩子打招呼,给孩子一个拥抱,并播放童谣“GoodMorning”,这样,以后孩子 听到“GoodMorning”时,就能将它与愉悦的感觉相联系。可不要小看“Goodmorning”,在美国的校园里,这个词往往是开启孩子每天生活 的第一步。 家长能够充分利用自己的肢体语言,边唱边带着孩子一起做动作,甚至能够用对歌的形式,大人唱一句,孩子接一句,通过这种方法培 养孩子听觉、节奏感、动觉和手眼协调水平。 2、听觉与视觉结合 3-6岁的孩子,对于色彩非常敏感,相较普通的音频,拥有丰富 色彩和鲜艳画面的视频或绘本更容易吸引孩子的注意力。这个阶段, 如果家长能够将童谣学习与视觉相结合,将起到事半功倍的作用。 孩子能够在父母的陪伴下有节制地阅读英语绘本或观看英语视频 童谣,韵律感强的孩子能够跟着视频边唱边翩翩起舞。 3、听觉与说唱结合 当孩子能够将一首童谣唱的滚瓜烂熟的时候,家长能够鼓励孩子 在镜子前唱,或者给孩子录视频,让孩子自己看见听见自己的表演, 让孩子自我评估是否还有进步的空间。 能够演奏乐器比如钢琴的孩子,还能够将找一些有简单琴谱的童 谣书,边唱边弹,通过这种方式提升孩子专注力和进一步的手眼脑协 调水平。



Where are you 内容:《Where are you ?》 执教:马魏娜 目的:1.词in on under beside behind 2.通过英语游戏提高幼儿对英语学习的兴趣。 准备:1.圆桌,方桌(各一张)椅子(两把) 2.Banana apple cake biscuit cake fish box 3.bag book pencil-box pencil 4.cat (头饰) 过程:一.出示小猫头饰,引起兴趣。 1.Good morning boys and girls.(Good morning.) 2.Who am I ? (cat) 3.Yes, I am a cat !And I am a hungry cat! 4.I want to eat some fish . 二.寻找小鱼,激发幼儿的积极性。 1.Where is it ? Is it on the table ? (No, it isn?t.) What is it ?(It is an apple.) 2. Is it under the tab le?(No, it isn?t.) What is it ? (It is a banana.) 3. Is it beside chair?(No, it isn?t.) What is it ? (It is a cake.) 4. Is it behind chair? (No, it isn?t.) What is it ? (It is a biscuit.) 5. Where is it ? Is it on the paino? Oh, here?s a box on the paino. Let me take a look. 6. Who can find it ? Please. Anyone? 7. Oh,it is in this box. 8.Oh,it?s time to go to school. 三.转换场景 1.Where is my bag? 2.Who wants to help me? (It is behind the chair.) 3. Wher is my book?(It is under the chair.) 4.Where is my pencil-box?(It is on the table.) 5.Where is my pencil?(It is in the pencil-box.) 6.What a silly cat!! 7.Thank you ,Thank you ,Thank you very much! 四.游戏,提高幼儿的学习兴趣。 1.Now ,let’s play a game.


1. Hush-a-bye, baby, Daddy is near, Mammy's lady, And that's very clear. 不要吵,小宝宝, 爸爸陪你来睡觉; 妈妈不是男子汉, 这件事情你知道。 2. Hush-a-bye, baby, on the tree top, When the wind blows the cradle will rock; When the bough breaks the cradle will fail, Down will come baby, cradle and all. 小宝宝,睡树梢, 风儿吹,摇篮摇, 树枝断,摇篮掉, 里面宝宝吓一跳。 3. Bye, baby bunting, Daddy's gone a-hunting, Gone to get a rabbit skin

To wrap the baby bunting in. 睡吧睡吧胖娃娃, 爸爸打猎顶呱呱; 剥下一张兔子皮, 回家好裹胖娃娃。 4. He next met a barber, With powder and wig, He play'd him a tune, And he shaved an old pig. 理发师,他碰着, 戴着假发真时髦; 给他拉首开心典, 他给老猪剃猪毛。 5. Barney Bodkin broke his nose, Without feet we can't have toes; Crazy folks are always mad, Want of money makes us sad. 巴尼碰破大鼻子, 没脚不能长脚趾; 疯疯颠颠是疯子,


1 Good morning 教学目的(Teaching aims):通过活动会唱一些英文名曲及英语儿童歌曲,能利用熟悉的曲谱自编英文歌曲,从而提高英语学习的兴趣。 教学内容(Teaching content):学唱一首英文歌曲Good morning 教学准备(Preparation):同学们到各个音像书店去寻找自己需要的英语磁带或VCD,或从网络中找到了许多儿童英语歌曲。 教学过程(Teaching process): 1、教学主题导入 T: Good morning, boys and girl s. I have a gift for you. Let’s listen. 教师在多媒体中播放《Good morning》,本堂课在美妙的歌声中展开了。 (这首歌曲欢快、富有童趣,渲染了欢快的课堂气氛,调动了学生学习英语歌曲的积极性。同时让学生初步熟悉旋律,以便之后学习这首歌。) 2、交流介绍英文儿歌 T: Do you have any songs which can share(分享) with us? S1: I have ‘Hello!’ S2: I have ‘ Body song’. S3: I have ‘How are you ? ’ … 学生交流搜集到的比较动听、优美的英文歌曲。由于是三年级的学生,他们收集到的是比较简单的歌曲。大家一起欣赏这些歌曲片段(看VCD)。 (在相互交流自己收集到的信息中,学生感受到了与人分享的快乐,也懂得集体力量的伟大。) 3、学唱歌曲,并且比赛 T:We have many beautiful songs here. Now would you like to sing the songs. Let’s learn the song ‘Good morning’and have a competition(比赛). Ss: OK! 全班同学学习,然后四人小组练习,教师巡回指导。在指导中教师要特别注意纠正学生的歌词读音以及音准问题。 全体学生当评委,选出三名优胜选手。


幼儿园大班英语教案五篇 导读:本文幼儿园大班英语教案五篇,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 设计意图: l 音乐活动是我园的特色之一,它带给幼儿的感觉是自由、轻松而愉悦。本次活动是将双语渗透于音乐活动的一种新的尝试,教师希望通过此次活动能让幼儿学习双语的积极性得以限度地发挥。在一次很偶然的谈话中,我从幼儿的谈话中了解到,幼儿对童话故事《白雪公主》中的“小矮人”形象非常喜爱,而且平时也总是饶有兴趣地哼唱《十个小矮人》这首歌。于是,我便抓住幼儿这一兴趣,设计了这个活动,从幼儿的主体出发,让幼儿能主动、积极地参与双语活动,活动中教师能与幼儿上下互动,能让幼儿自信地发音并能自如地、心情愉快地学习乐曲。 活动目标: 1、初步学习歌曲《Ten Little Indian Children》,能大声地用英语来演唱。

2、复习双语单词one——ten,会与数字1——10相对应。 3、通过音乐游戏复习第5—7册英语句子提高幼儿学习双语的兴趣。 4、培养幼儿感受音乐,热爱大自然的美好情感。 教学重难点: 1、认识单词one—ten,会与数字1—10相对应。 2、学习新的乐曲《Ten Little Indian Children》,初步掌握歌词与旋律。 活动准备: 1、印有英语单词one——ten的车票两套。 2、情景布置图及汽车座位上粘上数字1——10两排。 3、画有印第安小朋友的图片若干。

4、一套含有中英文的短句,如:一个小孩one little 。 5、幼儿人手一个小背包,包内放有英语句子纸条两份。 6、幼儿水笔人手一份,教师事先在十个小指上画有简单的脸谱。 活动过程: 一、开始部分: up2; 以旅游售票的游戏导入,复习数字1—10的英语单词。(播放背景音乐) T:小朋友,今天天气真好,让我带你们去旅游吧!Let’s go! (跟着音乐做简单的律动) T:瞧,孩子们!车站到了,请你们去售票员阿姨那买票,然后根据你的车票上车找相应的座位号,赶快行动吧! (幼儿进行买票入座游戏,根据票上的英文找座位上的数字相匹配)


假期特载】英语儿歌集(汇编) ? ?关靖华 ?399位粉丝 ? 1楼 致小读者和家长们: 1990年左右,武汉外语学院编撰的初级英语教学录像带是一套非常好的寓教于 乐的教材。并且曾在杭州市电视台播放。其中都是含有不同语法现象的“儿歌”。现在是假期,从今天开始,利用这个帖子逐个介绍这些儿歌。 练习1:字母 a 的“名称音”以及“祈使句”的训练: 儿歌的标题————Rain!雨! —Rain! Rain! Go away! ———Come again another day! ————祈使句 —Little Johnny wants to play. “三单”现在 式 + s —Rain! Rain! Go away! ———Come again another day! —It's mother's washing day. 现在分词作形容词使用。 练习好 rain 的读音,则有利于发 train(火车)的读音。 ——声明:1. 请你们自己译成汉语;—————2. 家长可以用这些“儿歌”教你们的孩子。 ?2008-7-22 08:50 ?回复

? ?关靖华 ?399位粉丝 ? 2楼 练习 2 :字母 e 的“名称音”以及“现在进行 时态”的训练: ——One! Two! Three! ————I love coffee. ————Billy loves tea. (三单现在时 态 + s ) ——Jimmy is swimming in the sea! 这是“现 在进行时态”的句子。 另外,通过以下歌曲可以练习现在进行时 态的疑问句: ————Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping ? ——————Brother John! Brother John! ————Morning bells are ringing! ——————Morning bells are ringing! ————Ding-ding-dong! Ding-ding-dong! 按《两只老虎!两只老虎!》那个调子唱。 ?2008-7-22 08:53 ?回复 ? ?关靖华 ?399位粉丝 ? 3楼 练习 3:字母 i 的“名称音”以及“习惯用 语 So do I!”的训练: 第一首短诗 — Apple-pie! Apple-pie! —— Peter likes apple-pie.“三单”现在时 + s ——So do I! So do I! 第二首短诗 ——I see Dinah Price, (Dinah Price 人名) ————Skating on the ice. ——I think skating is nice. ————So does Dinah Price!(第三身单数,现在时态 + es ) ?2008-7-22 08:56

幼儿园大班英语教案:Do you like to eat

Do you like to eat 一、活动目标: 1.初步学习单词banana和orange,复习apple、pear的发音,复习歌曲Good morning. 2.初步感知sweet 和Do you like to eat? 的含义。 3.初步学习单词,积极参与游戏,并大胆地说。 二、活动准备 水果蓝一只,水果若干,手偶一个。 三、活动过程 1.复习歌曲“Good morning to you.” T: good morning, boys and girls. Let’s sing the song “good morning to you”, Ok? C: Ok. 2.学习banana和orange. T: Look! I have a beautiful basket. There are some fruits in it! Look, that’s… C: 香蕉 T: Yes, This is a banana. 请幼儿跟读 T:(尝一口)Banana is sweet. Follow me. Banana is sweet. Do you like to eat banana? C: Yes.

T: If you want to eat banana, Let’s sing the song “I like banana.”Ok? C: Ok. T: Ok, very good! Act: Monkey: Mrs. Gao, Miss Gao. T: Let’s have a look, what’s coming? C: Monkey. T: Monkey, Yes! M: I want to eat…(着急说不出来) T: Oh, The Little monkey wants to eat the banana, but she can’t speak English. Can you say it in English? Let’s tell her together, Ok? Ok, what’s this? 请幼儿一起说:This is a banana T: Yes, Monkey. Banana, Do you know? M: Yes, I know. T: If you want to eat the banana, you’ll say it in English once more. I’ll give it to you, ok? M: Ok! I want to eat the banana. T: Ok, here you are. Bye.


5首英语童谣 英语童谣,内容诙谐、顽皮,充满童趣;读起来朗朗上口,容易记忆,更能激发儿童的学习欲望。你们知道哪些英语童谣呢?下面就请跟随一起来学习一下吧。 英语童谣1 When the wind is in the East It’s good neither for man nor beast; When the wind is in the North The skillful fisher goes not forth; When the wind is in the south It blows the bait in the fish’s mouth; When the wind is in the west Then it’s in its very best. 英语童谣2 Under the greenwood tree who loves to lie with me, and tune his merry note unto the sweet bird’s throat, come hitcher, come hitcher, come hitcher, here shall he see

no enemy but winter and rough weather. 英语童谣3 Jack and Jill went up the hill, to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, And jill came tumbling after. 经典英语童谣英语童谣4 She stood at the bridge at the midnight, her lips were all aquiver; she gave a cough, her leg fell off, and floated down the river! 英语童谣5 The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew; the furrow followed free, we were the first to burst- into the silent sea. 以上是为您整理的童谣,希望对您有所帮助,欢迎阅读。​

幼儿园大班英语教案:Play with hapes

幼儿园大班英语教案:Play with hapes Play with hapesobjectives(目标):1、encourage the kids to recognize and say the word 2、review the words about color 3、让幼儿通过看、听、说等多感官来体会学习英语的快乐;4、建立良好的听说能力;5、通过tpr、游戏等活动,让幼儿在学习外语的同时,发展其动觉智力。teaching materials(教具准备):tape ; sticker; 魔法棒一个;各种图形的图片; 毛线;自制钓鱼工具;情境挂图;cd; teaching proce (教学流程):一、warm up(热身) : 1、tpr:播放律动“play-way to english”,让幼儿伴随着音乐进入课堂,并一起做律动。2、greetings: t: how are you today? s: i’m fine, thank you! and you? t: i’m fine too. and how is the weather today? s: it’s su y/rainy day. t: woo… you are so great. you are looking so lovely today. ok, now today i’m magic, and then please look at the blackboard. 二、teaching new words about shapes: 1、通过魔法游戏以开火车的方式一一在黑板上出示各种图形;2、学习词汇:square star triangle rectangle heart oval;3、q&a:what color is the(square)? 复习相关颜色词汇;4、字汇游戏(一): fishing game t:ok, now would you like play a game?s:yes. t: let’s have a compotatio if i say the words, you should use this one, fishing the right picture as fast as you can, the first one is the wi er. understand? ok, who can try? ready go. 通过此游戏促进及巩固幼儿对新词汇的记忆。三、出示挂图,让幼儿在相应的情境中复习及巩固词汇。t:oh, please look at the picture; who is he/she? s: she/he is midi/haley…. t: can you gue what are they doing? (请幼儿观察图画后回答)what’s i ide? what shape is it? 请幼儿上来一一找出图画里欠缺的物品,并回答相应的问题,帮助复习巩固所学词汇。四、游戏(二):make the shapes by yourself. 给每位幼儿提供1条毛线,让幼儿在地毯上自由创作变出各种图形,并相互用英文交流自己创作出的图形。五、over(结束):woo…today you are very clever, are you ha y today ? now i want to make a circle, let’s make, ok? sing a song“the more we ge t together.”结束活动。


教学资料参考范本 幼儿园大班英语童谣教案《butterfly》 撰写人:__________________ 部门:__________________ 时间:__________________

目标: 1、通过看看、听听、说说活动,理解童谣内容。 2、学习单词butterfly,词组goup,godown,goallround 3、能积极参与英语活动,体验学习的快乐。 准备:课件、英文学习卡 过程: 一、课前热身 T:Goodmorningboysandgirls! S:GoodmorningMissSu! T:Howareyou**? S:I’mfine,thankyou! 二、学习童谣 A、Look,whoiscoming? Yes,it“sabutterfly.(出示词卡butterfly)[幼儿开火车练说] B、Lookatthepicture. (1)Whatcanyousee? Ok,therearethreebutterfliesgoup.(出示词卡goup) (2)Now,followme. “butterfly,butterfly,butterflygoup.” (3)Whowantstotry?Boys(girls),comehere C、Look, (1)Whatcanyousee? Yes,therearethreebutterfliesgodown.(出示词卡godown)(2)Now,followme.

“butterfly,butterfly,butterflygodown.” (3)Whowantstotry?(出示蝴蝶头饰) D、Look, (1)Whatcanyousee? Yes,therearethreebutterfliesgoallround.(出示词卡goallround) (2)Followme. “butterfly,butterfly,butterflygoallround.” (3)Whowantstotry?(出示蝴蝶头饰)[个别、集体] E、Let“sbecomethisbutterflies.(完整念童谣) 三、结束 Areyouhappy? Ok,let”shavearest.


幼儿园大班英语教案(3篇) 【导语】英语包含约49万词,外加技术名词约30万个,是词汇最多的语言,也是欧盟以及许多国际组织以及英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅次于汉语和西班牙语母语使用者人数。无忧考网准备了以下内容,希望对你有帮 助!《where’s my daddy/mommy》 活动目标:学习正确读准、认识单词daddy、mommy、grandpa、grandma,并了解其含义。 活动准备:flash card:daddy、mommy。 活动过程: 1. say hello(打招呼):师:今天我们班上来了好多客人,小朋友们应该和客人说什么呀?(教师做hello动作提醒幼儿)师:我们一起唱一首好听的英文歌送给大家好吗?师幼共唱《hello song》。 2. warm up(热身运动):肢体动作:stand up, sit down, run, jump, turn around…… 3. teaching(教学):①师:do you want to know what’s behind me?你想知道谁在我后面吗?(想)可是啊,它要求小朋友数到3才肯出来呢!我们一起来好吗?show me your hands. one, two, three. 咦,它还是不肯出来,we try to again.我们再来一次。(师互动幼儿举出手指数one, two, three)②(出示flash card:daddy)who is he?他是谁呢?(幼儿说说)he is my daddy!他是我的爸爸。(幼儿学念:daddy)(出示flash card:mommy)who is she?她是谁呢?(幼儿说说)she is my mommy.她是我的妈妈。(幼儿学念:mommy)我们来和daddy, mommy打个招呼吧。say: hello, daddy! hello mommy!③ki ing game:依次请幼儿说:hello daddy/mommy. 4. jumping game:①以唱歌《where’s my daddy/mommy?》的形式请两位幼儿分别扮作daddy 和mommy。②教师说明游戏规则。③教师指挥游戏:教师随机喊daddy 或mommy,两名幼儿尝试游戏。④教师互动其他幼儿喊daddy或mommy,参与游戏幼儿进行jumping game. 5. say good bye(说再见)。


1.Big Apple Tree Apple tree, apple tree, big apple tree, Please drop a big apple down for me. 2.Dance Your Fingers Dance your fingers up, Dance your fingers down, Dance your fingers to the side, Dance them all around. Dance them on your shoulders, Dance them on your head, Dance them on your tummy, And put them all to bed. 3. Five Rabbits Five rabbits were hidding, in the woods one day. 1,2,3,4,5, jump out, And then they ran away. 4. Five Little Birds Five little birds, without any home. Five little trees in a row. Come and build your nests in the tree. We will rock you to and fro. 5. Five Little Sausages Five little sausages frying in the pan, The pan got hot and one went BAM. Four little sausages frying in the pan, The pan got hot and one went BAM. Three little sausages frying in the pan, The pan got hot and one went BAM. Two little sausages frying in the pan, The pan got hot and one went BAM. One little sausages frying in the pan, The pan got hot and one went Wait, wait, put me on your plate and eat me. 6. Giddy Up Horsey Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up horsey. Giddy up, giddy up, go, go, go! 7. Gobble Gobble Gobble, gobble, gobble, Quack, quack, quack, A turkey says gobble, A duck says quack. 8. Here is the beehive


大班英语公开课教案《shoes》 shoes大班英语教案 活动目标: 1.学会新单词: orts shoes, sli ers, just right, tight 2.运用新单词简单的组成句型,并适当的进行对话。 活动准备:运动鞋,拖鞋,磁带 活动过程: 一.Greeting Hello ,how are you ? What ‘s the weather like today ? What the day is today ? 二.Warming 《The sun》、《The moon》 三.新授 1. Gue What’s in the bag ? It’s …… They are …… 2.One by one 3. 示范 (1)老师示范:let me try them on. 1. They are tight . They are not my size. 2. They are just right. They are my size. (2) 幼儿示范: T:how do you feel? S:They are tight . They are not my size They are just right. They are my size. 4. Game 幼儿围成圈,把自己的鞋子脱下来放在面前,听音乐,听老师指令。 Do you want to try? Ok ,take off your shoes Stand up.

听音乐,幼儿围圈走,音乐停,拿起面前的鞋子穿上。 How do you feel? 多遍游戏,开始可由老师问,幼儿熟练以后可让幼儿问。5.结尾 Sing a song “The more we get together ” 边唱边继续转圈,演唱结束 Find your shoes, put them on.


幼儿园大班英语教案合集 English song “Do you know the fireman” 【活动目标】: 1、感受歌曲节奏特点,喜欢和老师小朋友一起用英文演唱,游戏。 2、结合图片实物了解歌曲中人物的职业。 【活动准备】: 1,图片:医生、护士、警察、司机、厨师 2,玩具:听诊器、注射器、枪、方向盘、锅铲玩具箱 3,已掌握一些职业的名称 【活动过程】: 1、师生问候,引出主题,并复习以前掌握的人物职业名称。 T:Hello, boys and girls. C:Hello, Jane. T:Your are my good friends. but I have lots of friends. Gue ! Who are they? (逐一出示图片,引出新单词——fireman.) T: what’s her/his job? C: she/he is a doctor /nurse/ policeman/cooker/driver. 2、发现新的图片,接触新名称——fireman. 由教师的提问:what’s his job? 引发小朋友关于消防员工作的讨论,了解他们的辛苦和勇敢。 T:so, if someone ask me : Do you know the fireman? I can say: oh, he is my best friend. 3、结合图片欣赏歌曲。Listen to the tape, and show kids the picture. 4、Teacher sings a song again. --- Do you know the fireman?(向左边幼儿做出询问的表情和动作) --- The fireman, the fireman?(手指图片) --- Do you know the fireman? (向右边幼儿做出询问的表情和动作)



01Edelweiss 雪绒花 Edelweiss,Edelweiss,雪绒花,雪绒花, Every morning you greet me.每天清晨你问候我. Small and white,clean and bright,小巧洁白,清纯亮丽. You look happy to meet me.看见我,你多高兴. Blossom of snow,盛开的雪花, may you bloom and grow,愿你开放生长. Bloom and grow forever.永远开放生长. Edelweiss,Edelweiss,雪绒花,雪绒花, Bless my hometown forever.永远保佑我的故乡. 03Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star 小星星 Twinkle,twinkle,little star. 小星星,眼睛眨, How I wonder what you are!多想知道你像啥! Up above the world so high.远在天上高高挂. Like a diamond in the sky.闪闪发光大钻石, Twinkle,twinkle,little star. 小星星,眼睛眨, How I wonder what you are!多想知道你像啥! 04 Hello 哈罗 Hello,hello.哈罗,哈罗. Hello, how are you?哈罗,你好吗? I'm fine,I'm fine.我很好,我很好.

I hope that you are,too. 我希望你也很好. 06 Hey Diddle Diddle 摇啊摇 Hey diddle,diddle,摇啊摇,摇啊摇, The cat and the fiddle,小提琴和小猫, The cow jumped over the moon,母牛跳过了月亮; The little dog laughed小狗见了哈哈笑, to see such sport,做做运动真美妙, And the dish ran away with the spoon.汤勺跟着盘子跑. 07 Mozart's Lullaby 摇篮曲 Sleep,little one go to sleep,睡吧,睡吧,我的小宝宝. so peaceful the birds and the sheep.小鸟和羊群多么安静, Quiet are meadow and trees,牧场和树林静悄悄, even the buzz of the bees.蜜蜂也不再嗡嗡叫. The silvery moon beams so bright.银色的月光多么皎洁, Down through the window give light.通过窗子送来光亮. O'er you the moon beams will creep.噢,月光将会慢慢移动. Sleep,little one go to sleep,睡吧,睡吧,我的小宝宝. Good night,good night.晚安,晚安. 08Six little Ducks 六只小鸭子 Six little ducks that I once knew,从前我认识六只小鸭子,


大班英语(学习单词) (一)活动目标:学习正确读准、认识单词daddy、mommy、grandpa、grandma,并了解其含义。 (二)活动准备:flash card:daddy、mommy。 (三)活动过程: 1. say hello(打招呼): 师:今天我们班上来了好多客人,小朋友们应该和客人说什么呀?(教师做hello动作提醒幼儿) 师:我们一起唱一首好听的英文歌送给大家好吗? 师幼共唱《hello song》。 2. warm up(热身运动): 肢体动作:stand up, sit down, run, jump, turn around…… 3. teaching(教学): ①师:do you want to know what’s behind me?你想知道谁在我后面吗?(想)可是啊,它要求小朋友数到3才肯出来呢!我们一起来好吗?show me your hands. one, two, three. 咦,它还是不肯出来,we try to again.我们再来一次。(师互动幼儿举出手指数one, two, three) ②(出示flash card:daddy)who is he?他是谁呢?(幼儿说说)he is my daddy!他是我的爸爸。(幼儿学念:daddy) (出示flash card:mommy)who is she?她是谁呢?(幼儿说说)she is my mommy.她是我的妈妈。(幼儿学念:mommy) 我们来和daddy, mommy打个招呼吧。say: hello, daddy! hello mommy! ③ki ing game:依次请幼儿说:hello daddy/mommy. 4. jumping game: ①以唱歌《where’s my daddy/mommy?》的形式请两位幼儿分别扮作daddy 和mommy。 ②教师说明游戏规则。 ③教师指挥游戏:教师随机喊daddy或mommy,两名幼儿尝试游戏。 ④教师互动其他幼儿喊daddy或mommy,参与游戏幼儿进行jumping game. 5. say good bye(说再见)。 英语音乐欣赏(If you are happy……) 活动名称:英语音乐欣赏(if you are happy……) 活动目标:1、加强幼儿的音乐欣赏力,训练其节奏感 2、学习词组clap you hands,stmp you feet 3、锻炼幼儿的表现力 活动准备:磁带 活动过程:一、greeting good morning everybody! 二、topic 1、完整的聆听歌曲 “今天老师给小朋友准备了一首歌,这首歌的名字叫if you are ha y……,现在,大家一起来听一下。听完之后,老师要请小朋友来说一下,你听完这首歌后有什么感觉。” “孩子们,歌曲听完了,你们有什么感觉啊?” 2、学习词组clap you hands “孩子们,现在咱们来听一下这首歌曲的第一段,要认真仔细的听,听完以后老师有问题问大家。” “孩子们,在刚才的这一段音乐里,除了有唱歌的声音,还有什么声音?” “对,有拍手的声音,那你们知道拍手英语怎么说吗?”

英语童谣:Walking Walking

英语童谣:Walking Walking Walking, walking. Walking, walking. [Walk in a circle.]?*Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop. [Hop.] Running, running, running. Running, running, running. [Run.] Now let’s stop. Now let's stop. [Place both hands out in front of you, palms facing forward.] Walking, walking. Walking, walking. [Walk in a circle.] Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop. [Hop.]?Running, running, running. Running, running, running. [Run.] Now let’s stop. Now let's stop. [Place both hands out in front of you, palms facing forward.] Tiptoe tiptoe. Tiptoe tiptoe. [Tiptoe.]?Jump jump jump. Jump jump jump. [Jump.] Swimming swimming swimming. [Make a swimming motion.] Now let’s sleep. Now let’s sleep. [Rest your head against your hands or lie down on the ground and pretend to sleep.] Wake up! [Eyes open! Look alert!]?It’s time to go! [Look at your watch.] Are you ready to go fast? [Run in place quickly.][quickly] Walking, walking. Walking, walking. [Walk in a circle.]
