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Dear Friends 朋友们

Dear colleagues 各位同事

Fellow members/delegates 各位会员/代表们

Distinguished guests 尊贵的来宾

Honorable guests/delegates 尊敬的来宾/各位代表

Mr. Chairman/President 主席先生

Madam Chair/President 主席女士

Members of the Board of Directors 各位董事会成员

Your Excellency Mr. President 总统阁下

Honorable Secretary General 尊敬的秘书长

opening ceremony 开幕式

opening speech/address 开幕词

to make an opening speech 致开幕词

goodwill visit 友好访问

Respected Mr. Mayor 尊敬的市长先生

friends coming afar/ from the other 远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友

side of the Pacific

host country 东道国

to declare…open 宣布。。。。。。开幕

on the occasion of 值此之际

to take this opportunity to 借此机会

in the name of 以。。。。。名义

in the spirit of 本着。。。。。精神

on behalf of 代表

heartfelt thanks 由衷的谢意

gracious hospitality 友好款待

official invitation 正式邀请

to look back on 回顾过去

to look ahead/look into the future 展望未来

in conclusion/to conclude 最后

a complete success 圆满成功

propose a toast 提议祝酒

It’s my great pleasure to welcome you…很荣幸欢迎大家

First, I would like to extend a cordial 首先对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎welcome to all of you

…to extend a warm welcome to participants 对来自世界各地的与会者表示

who came from all parts of the world 诚挚的欢迎

…to express my gratitude to the organizers

For giving me the opportunity to this conference 感谢主办方能给我这次机会参与

This conference is sponsored by A and 这次会议是由A主办,B协办。supported by B

This conference is co-sponsored by A and B 这次会议是由A和B共同主办的。We are honored to sponsor this international

conference 我们很荣幸能承办这次国际大会

In this beautiful season of (spring, autumn),

we gather here in…在这个美好的季节,我们相聚在…To conclude, I wish this conference a complete

success. 最后,预祝大会取得圆满成功。
