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2010-07-28 121332
◆第 1 阶 段 : 唤 醒 第 三 眼

坐 下 , 腰 挺 直 , 轻 咬 舌 尖 , 发 出 「滔」 声 , 音 调 调 整 至 眉 心 感 到 震 动 。

以 鼻 子 深 深 吸 一 口 气 , 闭 气 数 秒 。 然 后 以 口 慢 慢 呼 气 , 同 时 发 出 长 长 的 一 声 「滔」。 呼 气 时 舌 头 和 眉 心 应 感 震 动 。

以 上 练 习 一 连 3 天 进 行 , 每 天 连 续 做 5 次 。

第 1 阶 段 练 习 完 成 后 , 可 能 出 现 头 痛 或 前 额 中 央 会 感 觉 到 受 压 ; 那 些 感 觉 似 乎 源 自 前 额 之 下 一 两 吋 。 这 是 好 现 象 , 表 示 第 三 眼 正 在 甦 醒 且 开 始 健 康 运 作 。 你 亦 可 能 会 经 歷 到 蠕 动 、 跳 动 、 抽 动 或 刺 痛 的 感 觉 , 并 有 可 能 维 持 一 整 天 。 这 是 第 三 眼 开 发 前 最 后 阶 段 的 生 理 反 应 , 表 示 松 果 腺 已 復 甦 并 正 在 运 作 。 这 阶 段 的 心 灵 作 用 会 加 速 , 学 习 和 知 识 记 忆 会 变 得 更 轻 易 , 直 觉 和 创 造 力 会 增 加 , 心 灵 天 赋 的 发 展 亦 会 明 显 增 强 , 观 看 人 体 灵 光 和 遥 听 能 力 亦 会 出 现 。

◆第 2 阶 段 :非 常 简 单

完 成 第 1 阶 段 练 习 后 , 等 10 - 14 天 , 好 让 身 体 适 应 及 能 量 流 通 , 才 开 始 第 3 阶 段 练 习 。

◆第 3 阶 段 : 保 持 第 三 眼 开 放 与 运 作

至 少 每 星 期 练 习 一 次 。

深 深 吸 气 后 闭 气 数 5 下 才 呼 气 , 连 做 3 次 ; 这 可 帮 助 放 鬆 和 集 中 。

轻 咬 舌 尖 , 以 鼻 子 深 深 吸 一 口 气 , 闭 气 数 秒 。 然 后 以 口 慢 慢 呼 气 , 同 时 发 出 长 长 的 一 声 「美」。 可 调 整 音 调 , 连 做 5 次 。

发 「美」 声 时 感 受 能 量 进 入 头 中 。 先 是 第 三 眼 , 接 著 是 头 颅 中 央 , 最 后 是 头 顶 顶 轮 , 亦 即 婴 儿 顶 心 软 骨 的 位 置 。

练 习 后 头 顶 可 能 会 感 觉 到 轻 快 、 刺 痛 或 轻 微 受 压 。 若 是 感 觉 刺 痛 , 那 可 能 持 续 数 天 ; 对 观 空 冥 想 、 遥 视 与 其 他 超 自 然 能 力 来 说 , 会 是 大 帮 助 。
Opening The Third Eye With Tone And Vibration
I have been testing this method of opening the third eye for the past several months on a couple of people who are not psychic. I came across this method several years ago and finally decided to put it to the test. I found two volunteers, a man in his late 40’s and a young woman in her early 20’s. So far the method is strangely fascinating. I was wondering if any of my readers have ever tried this and what their results were.

This method of opening the third eye is done in three easy stages. The first stage takes three days, the second takes 10-14 days, and the third s

tage is done in just a couple of minutes.

Stage 1 Awakening The Third Eye
This is done for 3 days in a row, back to back, and is meant to pry open the psychic eye through a particular sound vibration. You are going to repeat the word “Thoh” pronounced “TOE” which must be within the correct tone. This is done in a tone in between high pitched and a deep tone, similar to an alto range. You will feel when you have hit the correct tone because you will feel it vibrate the area between your brows. So when you’re chanting this word (Thoh) use different voice levels until you feel the vibration.

Begin by sitting with your back straight. Place the tip of your tongue in between your teeth firmly but not hard, and hold it there. This is like saying the “TH” part of the English word “the”. Take a deep breath through your nose and hold your breath for several seconds. As you release your breath through your mouth say T-H-H-O-H-H in one long exhale. Your tongue will be vibrating between your teeth and you should feel the air moving past your tongue and the area between your brows will vibrate. It may take a few seconds to adjust this, don't worry, just keep going. Do this 5 times in a row.

After completing stage 1, you may experience a headache or a pressure in the center of the forehead. This sensation may also feel like it is originating from within, usually an inch or more beneath the surface of the forehead. This is a positive indication the third eye is awakening and beginning to function in a healthy manner. You may also feel a throbbing or tingling sensation on your forehead. This may feel like your skin is crawling. The sensation of pulsing, throbbing or tingling will continue throughout the day. This is the final physiological event you will experience after opening up your 3rd eye. It indicates your pineal gland is awakened, functioning and alive. The psychic effects of this stage are faster, easier learning and retention, marked with an increase in intuition, increased creativity, psychic gifts developing and become remarkably stronger and more intense, an ability to see human auras, and clairaudience (psychic hearing) opens up.

Stage 2 This one is simple. All you have to do is wait 10-14 days before doing stage 3. It is very important to wait for 10-14 days after completing stage 1 before going to stage 3 since your body needs time to adapt and get the energy flow going.

Stage 3 Keeping The Third Eye Open And Functioning
Unlike stage 1, this stage should be done at least once a week to maintain and keep the third eye open.

Breath in deeply and hold your breath for a count of 5, 3 times. This helps you to become relaxed and focused. Now focus on your 3rd eye (the spot between your brows). Place the tip of your tongue between your teeth as before, take a deep breath through your nose and hold it for several seconds. Exhale slowly through your mouth while vibrating the word “MAY”. It should all come out one t

ime- M-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ay, gradually and slowly. It’s ok to adjust your pitch again. Do this 5 times. When vibrating the word “MAY” try to feel the energy going into your head, first your 3rd eye area, then into the middle of your brain and then to the top of your head where your crown chakra is located (the soft spot of a baby’s head).

After doing this you may feel a kind of lightness, tingling, or a slight pressure in the crown area. If you experience a tingling it could last for days. This will greatly assist in void meditation, clairvoyance and other psychic and paranormal powers.

My volunteers have experienced some fascinating things so far. The man is experiencing “gut feelings”, a “knowing”. I have instructed him that when he gets these feelings he should follow through, not ignore them. Following his gut feelings has turned out to be the right move 10 out of 12 times. He is now experiencing, at times, prophetic dreaming. Never before has he had these abilities or experiences in his life.

My female volunteer also has this “gut feeling” and demonstrated a sampling to me at my office. While talking in my office for an hour the phone rang nine times. Nine times she told me the phone was going to ring just seconds before it actually did. Who knows what will happen next.

