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② “Invitation to make a bid” 邀请递盘

The enquiry is made by the seller

2 . Attention when making Enquiry
The buyers should not give away his real intentions in the Enquiry* Can ask for more information besides the prices of the goods Will not bind upon both parties Enquiries should be brief, specific, courteous , attractive and reasonable Can be taken as an integral part of the documents and as evidence to handle the disputes
This offer is valid for five days.
5. Withdrawal of a firm offer(撤回)
An offer, even if it is irrevocable, may be withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches the offeree before or at the same time as the offer.
(2)或以其它方式表明发盘是不可撤销的;或 (3)受盘人有理由信赖该发盘是不可撤销的,而且受盘人已 本着对该发盘的信赖行事;
• 案例:我国某地对外工程承包公司于5月3日以电传方式 请意大利某供应商发盘出售一批钢材。我公司在电传中 声明:“这一发盘是为了计算一项承造一栋大楼的标价 和确定是否参加投标之用。我方必须于5月15日向招标人 送交投标书,而开标日期为5月31日。意大利供应商与5 月5日用电传方式就上述钢材向我方发盘。我方据以计算 标价,并于5月15日向招标人递交投标书。5月20日,意 大利供应商因钢材市价上涨,发来电传,通知撤销5月5 日的发盘。我方当即复电表示不同意撤销,双方发生纠 纷。及至5月31日招标人开标,我方中标,随即电传通知 意大利供应商,我方接受其5月5日发盘。但意大利供应 商坚持发盘已于5月20日撤销,合同不能成立。双方争执 不下,提交仲裁。 • 问:如果你是仲裁员,如何裁决并说明理由。
(5)One party loses his disposing capacity before the offer is accepted
我A公司向国外B公司发实盘,限6月10日前复 到有效 ,B公司于6月8日来电要求降价,A公司于9 日与另一家公司达成交易。同一天(9日),B公司 又来电要求撤回8日还盘,全部接受原发盘的条件。 A公司以货已出售为由予以拒绝。B公司声称其接受 是在我方发盘的有效期内作出,要求A公司履约。 试分析B公司的要求是否合理,为什么? A公司的处理是否得当,为什么?
还盘是指受盘人不同意或不完全同意发盘提出的各项条件, 并提出了修改意见,建议原发盘人考虑,就是说,还盘是 对发盘条件进行添加、限制或其他更改的答复。
第 4节
受发价人以声明或行为的方式对一项发价表示同意即为接受。 缄默或不行为不等于接受。
2. conditions for a valid Acceptance
In our foreign trade practice, a complete offer shall include the quality, quantity, packing, price, terms of delivery of the goods and terms of payment.
Offer 5000 Dozen Sport Shirts, reference price 200 USD CIF Newyork.
Offer Chinese rosin WW grade irondrum USD200 per M/T CFR Rotterdam December shipment irrevocable sight L/C payment. We make you a firm offer as follows: Chinese rosin 200M/Ts, 200USD per M/T CIF Newyork, subject to our final confirmation.
“向一个或一个以上特定的人提出的订立合同的建议,如 果十 分确定并且表明发盘人在得到接受时承受约束的意 旨,即构成发盘。根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》
2. Validity terms
(1) Shall be made to one or more specific persons ; (2)The contents of the offer must be sufficiently definite clear and final; (3)Indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance; (4)Becomes effective when it reaches the offeree;
6. Failure of a Firm Offer(实盘的失效)
(1)Counter-offered by the offeree (2)Offeror has revoked the offer effectively (3)Expiry of the validity time stipulated in the offer (4)Force majuare such as government prohibition
3. Offer Without Engagement (1)Contain ambiguous contents in an offer ; (2)The main trade terms are incomplete: (3)Include reservation terms:
4. Duration of Offer(发盘的有效期)
《公约》规定:“一项发盘,即使是不可撤销的, 也可以撤回,如果撤回的通知在发盘到达受盘人之 前或同时到达受盘人。”
5. Revocation of an Offer 发盘撤销
在未订立合同之前,发盘可以撤销,如果撤销的通知于受盘 人发出接受通知之前送达受盘人。 但在下列情况下,发盘不得撤销:
来自百度文库 合同磋商的步骤
3、还盘(Counter-offer) 4、接受(Acceptance) 订立合同(Sign a contract)
第1节 询盘Enquiry
1. 询盘及其种类 – 1.1 含义
– Enquiry are usu. made by the buyers without engagement (无约束力) to get information about the goods to be ordered, such as quality, quantity, price, delivery date and other terms.
(1)Should be made by the offeree; (2)Contents of acceptance must be in conformity with the offer;(注意非实质变更) (3)Should be made within the validity time; (4)The transfer mode must be in accordance with the offer; (5)An acceptance becomes effective when it reaches the offeror or at the moment the act is performed。
(1)Not stipulate clearly the time of validity In reasonable time. (2)Stipulate the latest date for acceptance Offer subject reply May fifteenth. Offer subject reply reaching us fifteenth our time. (3) Stipulate a period of time for acceptance
第3节 Counter-offer(还盘)
A reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additions, limitations or other modifications is a rejection of the offer and constitutes a counter-offer.
Chapter 12. Negotiation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
引 例
甲贸易商欲进口一批货物,请国外乙公司报价,5月1 日乙公司发出:“ 5月 31 日以前报价为每箱 2 美元CIF 天津, 共计200箱罐装鲨鱼,7月份纽约港装运”的电报。而甲贸 易商则做出如下还价:“你 5 月 1 日的报价还盘为 5 月 20 日 前每箱1.8美元CIF天津,共200箱罐装鲨鱼纽约装”。到 5 月22日甲贸易商仍未收到回电。鉴于该货价有上涨趋势, 甲贸易商于 5 月 22 日发电如下:“你 5 月 1 日的来电 …… 我 们接受”。请问本案中合同还能否成立,原因?
3. 变更了发价内容的接受的效力 (1) Alteration which materially alter the terms of the offer(实质变更)
Including: alteration to the price, payment, quality and quantity of the goods, place and time of delivery, extent of one party’s liability to the other or the settlement of disputes)
第2节 Offer(发盘/发价/报价)
1. Meaning and terms of the offer – A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance.
– 指交易的一方准备购买或出售某种商品,向对方 询问买卖该商 品的有关交易条件。询盘的内容可 涉及:价格、规格、品质、数量、包装、装运以 及索取样品等,而多数只是询问价格。

1.2 Kinds of Enquiry
① “Invitation to make an offer” 邀请发盘

The enquiry is made by the buyer