
一、名词解释1 【正确答案】 Language as interaction involves not just vocal behavior but many kinds of behavior and to engage in face-to-face communication is to co-monitor with the other person on a behavioral continuum along which a succession of integrated events can be expected to occur.【试题解析】 (考查语言交际论的定义)2 【正确答案】 It refers to the use of language for the sheer joy of using it, such as singing or poetry writing.【试题解析】 (考查语言的娱乐功能)3 【正确答案】 Universal grammar holds that there are certain fundamental grammatical ideas which all humans possess without having to learn them, which acts as a way to explain how language acquisition works in humans by showing the most basic rules that all languages have to follow.【试题解析】 (考查普遍语法的定义)4 【正确答案】 Fricative consonant is produced when there is close approximation of two articulators so that the airstream is partially obstructed and turbulent airflow is produced, which includes[f],[v],[θ], and so on.【试题解析】 (考查摩擦音的定义)5 【正确答案】 IC analysis, short for Immediate Constituent Analysis, refers to the analysis of a sentence in terms of its immediate constituents—word groups(or phrases), which are in turn analyzed into the immediate constituents of their own, and the process goes on until the ultimate constituents are reached.【试题解析】 (考查直接成分分析法)6 【正确答案】 Conceptual meaning, also called denotative meaning, involves the relationship between a linguistic unit and the nonlinguistic entities to which it refers. Forexample, a desk is a piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs, at which one reads and writes; and a dog is an animal kept as a pet, for guarding buildings, or for hunting.【试题解析】 (考查概念意义)7 【正确答案】 Radiation is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the centre and the secondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rays. The meanings are independent of one another, but can all be traced back to the central meaning. For example, the primary meaning of the word "neck" is that part of a man or animal jointing the head to the body, but it can also mean the neck of an animal used as food. Therefore, we can say "neck" has developed through the process of radiation. Another example is the word " head". In the phrases like the head of a school, to come to a head, the word " head" has different meanings, but they all derive from special application of the central idea of head as a part of the body.【试题解析】 (考查词义辐射)8 【正确答案】 Performative verbs are verbs carried out simply by means of uttering them aloud. The uttering of the verbs is, or is a part of, the doing of the action. Performative verbs include "promise" ,"invite" /'apologize" , and so on. For example, when a judge sentences someone to jail time, the action is completed when he or she says, "I hereby sentence you to five years in prison," or in sentences like "I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth. "【试题解析】 (考查施为性动词)9 【正确答案】 Conversational implicature is proposed by H. P. Grice. It refers to a type of implied meaning, which is deduced on the basis of the conventional meaning of words together with the context, under the guidance of the CP and its maxims. In this sense, implicature is comparable to illocutionary force in speech act theory in that they are both concerned with the contextual side of meaning, or 言外之意 in Chinese. For example, the sentence "Mary had a baby and got married" strongly suggests that Mary had the baby before the wedding, but the sentence would still be strictly true if Mary had her baby after she got married. To make it clearer, we can see another Chinese examplein a film. A boy says to a girl “你不戴眼镜时很漂亮”, and the girl immediately responds “我戴眼镜时一定很丑了”. Now the boy may have reason to deny that the girl's interpretation is what he said. But he may not be able to deny in all fairness that this is, at least partly, what he implied.【试题解析】 (考查会话含义理论)10 【正确答案】 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis suggests that our language helps mould our way of thinking and, consequently, different languages may probably express our unique ways of understanding the world. The hypothesis has two important points, linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity. The principle of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects the ways in which its speakers are able to conceptualize their world, i. e. their world view. One of the examples is that there are many words for "snow" in the Inuit language, and the other example is that there are many words for "horse" in the Mongolian language.【试题解析】 (考查语言相对论)二、词汇题11 【正确答案】assets→asset12 【正确答案】 burgl ar→burgle13 【正确答案】enthusiasm→enthuse14 【正确答案】greedy→greed15 【正确答案】hushed→hush16 【正确答案】automation→automate17 【正确答案】donation→donate18 【正确答案】escalator→escalate19 【正确答案】homesickness→homesick20 【正确答案】amusingly→amusing三、简答题21 【正确答案】 We have to teach culture in the language classroom because language is an indispensable carrier of culture. Culture finds a better representation through language use. A joint study of these two subjects will definitely broaden the horizon of the students' knowledge and enhance the study of language. The correlation highlights the pursuit of the relationship between the two.(2 points)Therefore, we have to keep in mind that it is a rather difficult job to know another culture. At the same time, we have to realize the fascinating role of cultural knowledge in language teaching.(1 point)In language teaching, we have to get the students familiar with cultural differences; to help the students transcend their own culture and see things as the members of the target culture will; and to emphasize the inseparability of understanding language and understanding culture through various classroom practices. All in all, successful mastery of a given language has much to do with an understanding of that culture.(2 points)【试题解析】考查文化在外语教学中的重要意义。

2010 年攻读四川大学翻译 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
创业板 中国特色的社会主义市场经济 选秀 外交庇护 稳健的货币政策 摸着石头过河
II. Directions: Translate the following source texts into their target languages respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120’) Source Text 1: For the Greeks, beauty was a virtue: a kind of excellence. Persons then were assumed to be what we now have to call--lamely, enviously-- whole persons. If it did occur to the Greeks to distinguish between a person's "inside" and "outside," they still expected that inner beauty would be matched by beauty of the other kind. The well-born young Athenians who gathered around Socrates found it quite paradoxical that their hero was so intelligent, so brave, so honorable, so seductive-- and so ugly. One of Socrates' main pedagogical acts was to be ugly-- and to teach those innocent, no doubt splendid-looking disciples of his how full of paradoxes life really was. They may have resisted Socrates' lesson. We do not. Several thousand years later, we are more wary of the enchantments of beauty. We not only split off--with the greatest facility--the 'inside" (character, intellect) from the "outside" (looks); but we are actually surprised when someone who is beautiful is also intelligent, talented, good. Source Text 2: Frankly speaking, Adam, I created Eve to tame you. Indeed she is wiser than you because she knows less but understands more. Charm is her strength just as your strength is charm. Doubtless you are active, eager, passionate, variable, progressive and original but she is passive, stable, sympathetic and faithful. In other words you are like animals which use up energy, whereas she is like the plants which store up energy. Henceforth you have got to get along with her willy-nilly in sun and rain, joys and sorrows, peace and turbulence. For you the Rubicon has been crossed. It is up to you now to make the situation a blessing or a curse. I would refuse to entertain any more request from you to take her back. Source Text 3: 新疆维吾尔自治区地处中国西北边陲,亚欧大陆腹地,面积 166.49 万平方公

2013年四川大学英语翻译基础真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 词语翻译 2. 英汉互译词语翻译英译汉1.SAARC正确答案:南亚区域合作联盟2.P5-plus-l正确答案:(联合国安全理事会的五个常任理事国+德国)P5+1集团3.QE 3正确答案:第三轮量化宽松政策4.CDM正确答案:清洁发展机制5.BRICS正确答案:金砖五国6.UNCTAD正确答案:联合国贸易发展会议7.SCO正确答案:上海合作组织8.Hamid Karzai正确答案:哈米德·卡尔扎伊9.Fiscal Cliff正确答案:财政悬崖10.mandatory evacuation正确答案:强制撤离11.Non Aligned Movement正确答案:不结盟运动12.CO2 equivalent正确答案:二氧化碳等价物13.social media正确答案:社交媒体14.UN General Assembly 67 th Session正确答案:第67届联合国大会15.hybrid cars正确答案:混合动力汽车汉译英16.亚欧首脑会议正确答案:Asia—Europe Summit Meeting17.中共十八大正确答案:the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China 18.移动媒体正确答案:mobile media19.光棍节正确答案:Singles’Day20.反倾销与反补贴正确答案:anti—dumping and anti-subsidy21.电视相亲正确答案:TV dating22.上海期货交易所正确答案:Shanghai Futures Exchange23.富二代正确答案:the affluent second generation24.海上风能正确答案:offshore wind energy25.早稻田大学正确答案:Waseda University26.车载信息系统正确答案:info-telematic system27.伦敦金融城正确答案:City of London28.资产负债表正确答案:balance sheet29.“被就业”正确答案:falsification of graduates employment status 30.《文心雕龙》正确答案:The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons 英汉互译英译汉31.The misfortunes of human beings may be divided into two classes: First, those inflicted by the non-human environment and, second, those inflicted by other people. As mankind has progressed in knowledge and technique, the second class has become a continually increasing percentage of the total. In old times, famine, for example, was due to natural causes, and although people did their best to combat it, large numbers of them died of starvation. At the present moment large parts of the world are faced with the threat of famine, but although natural causes have contributed to the situation, the principal causes are human. For six years the civilized nations of the world devoted all their best energies to killing each other, and they find it difficult suddenly to switch over to keeping each other alive. Having destroyed harvests, dismantled agricultural machinery, and disorganized shipping, they find it no easy matter to relieve the shortage of crops in one place by means of a superabundance in another, as would easily be done if the economic system were in normal working order. As this illustration shows, it is now man that is man’s worst enemy. Nature, it is true, still sees to it that we are mortal, but with the progress in medicine it will become more and more common for people to live until they have had their fill of life. We are supposed to wish to live forever and to look forward to the unending joys of heaven, of which, by miracle, the monotony will never grow stale. But in fact, if you question any candid person who is no longer young, he is very likely to tell you that, having tasted life in this world, he has no wish to begin again as a ‘new boy’in another. For the future, therefore, it may be taken that the most important evils that mankind have to consider are those which they inflict upon each other through stupidity or malevolence or both.正确答案:人类的不幸可以分为两种类型,第一种是非人类的环境因素强加的不幸,第二类是其他人造成的不幸。

四川大学翻译硕士英语真题2010年(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part Ⅰ Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:30.00)1.Tom is the most ______ pupil in the class.(分数:1.50)A.industrious √B.indulgentC.industrialistD.industrial解析:indulgent放纵的;溺爱的。
2.The mayor of the city is a ______ old man.(分数:1.50)A.respectiveB.respectfulC.respectingD.respectable √解析:respectable可敬的;有名望的。
respecting 动词现在分词形式。
3.I believe reserves of coal here ______ to last for fifty years.(分数:1.50)A.efficientB.sufficient √C.proficientD.effective解析:sufficient充足的,充分的。
4.Mr. Smith complained about the ______ air-conditioner he had bought from the company.(分数:1.50)A.infectiousB.deficientC.ineffectiveD.defective √解析:defective有缺陷的,有瑕疵的。

四川大学翻译硕士英语翻译基础真题2010年(总分:150.00,做题时间:180分钟)一、I.Directions:Translatethefollowingwords,abbreviationsorterminologyintotheirtarg etlanguagerespectively.Therearealtogether30itemsinthispartofthetest,15inEnglish and15inChinese,withonepintforeach.(30’)(总题数:30,分数:30.00)1.OECD(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(经济合作与发展组织)解析:2.NASA(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(National Aeronautic and Space Administration 美国国家航空航天局)解析:3.IAEA(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(国际原子能机构)解析:4.ASEM(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(亚欧25国和欧盟委员会的政府间论坛)解析:5.UNICEF(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(联合国儿童基金会)解析:6.ASEAN(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(东南亚国家联盟 )解析:7.APEC(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(石油输出国组织)解析:8.IPR(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(知识产权)解析:9.CEPA(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(《更紧密经贸关系的安排》)解析:10.Special Safeguard Mechanism(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(特别安保机制)解析:11.Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(次贷危机)解析:12.Free Trade Agreement(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(自由贸易协议)解析:13.bonded warehouse(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(保税工厂 )解析:14.Encyclopedia Britannica(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(大不列颠百科全书 )解析:15.binary opposition(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(二元对立)解析:16.《论语》(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(The Analects )解析:17.《红楼梦》(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(A Dream of Red Mansions )解析:18.扫黄打非(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Crack Down the Pornography and Illegal Publications )解析:19.西部大开发(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Development for Western Areas )解析:20.高度自治(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(High Degree of Autonomy )解析:21.发烧门诊(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Fever Clinic )解析:22.转基因食品(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(GM food (genetically modified food) )解析:23.小排量汽车(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Cars of Low Emission )解析:24.温室气体排放(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Greenhouse Gases Emission)解析:25.创业板(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(GEM; Growth Enterprise Market )解析:26.中国特色的社会主义市场经济(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Socialistic Market Economy with Chinese Characteristics )解析:27.选秀(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Talent Show )解析:28.外交庇护(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Diplomatic Asylum )解析:29.稳健的货币政策(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Stable and Healthy Monetary Policy)解析:30.摸着石头过河(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(feel one's way along inch by inch)解析:二、II.Directions:Translatethefollowingsourcetextsintotheirtargetlanguagesrespectiv ely.IfthesourcetextisinEnglish,itstargetlanguageisChinese.IfthesourcetextisinCh inese,itstargetlanguageisEnglish.(120’)(总题数:4,分数:120.00)31.Source Text 1: For the Greeks, beauty was a virtue: a kind of excellence. Persons then were assumed to be what we now have to call--lamely, enviously-- wholepersons. If it did occur to the Greeks to distinguish between a person's "inside" and "outside," they still expected that inner beauty would be matched by beauty of the other kind. The well-born young Athenians who gathered around Socrates found it quite paradoxical that their hero was so intelligent, so brave, so honorable, so seductive-- and so ugly. One of Socrates' main pedagogical acts was to be ugly-- and to teach those innocent, no doubt splendid-looking disciples of his how full of paradoxes life really was. They may have resisted Socrates' lesson. We do not. Several thousand years later, we are more waryof the enchantments of beauty. We not only split off--with the greatest facility--the 'inside" (character, intellect) from the "outside" (looks); but we are actually surprised when someone who is beautiful is also intelligent, talented, good.(分数:30.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:( 在希腊人看来,美丽是一种品德,一种优点。

第 1 页 共 1 页 2016年四川大学英语语言文字综合英语
文化:American civil war. Fransis Bacon, TPP, the UN
1.why Italy is the birth place of 文艺复兴,文艺复兴时期的艺术和建筑是如何打破中世纪传统的?
2.美国try to renew its leadership in the world, 评述美国在国际社会的地位
Virginia walf, 美国先验义,Henry James, Jazz age, William golding
第一部分和第二部分记混了,反正也差不多有IC analysis , degradation, conjoining, morpheme, 哎呀,忘了好多。
1,the process of polysemy
2 ,types of homonymy

2014年四川大学英语翻译基础真题试卷(总分68,考试时间90分钟)1. 词语翻译英译汉1. Overseas remittance2. European Union Emission Trading Scheme3. carbon sink4. TPP Agreement5. COP 196. Malthusian Theory of Population7. sub-Saharan Africa8. Maastricht Treaty9. Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea(DOC)10. HSBC11. the House of Lords12. purchasing power parity13. China-Britain Business Council(CBBC)14. Wikileaks15. rep by pop汉译英16. 创业板市场17. 中国共产党第十八届三中全会18. 棱镜事件19. 《本草纲目》20. 假冒及盗版产品21. 页岩气22. “土豪”23. 比特币24. “脱光”(11月11日)25. 现房与期房26. 老年痴呆27. 杜莎夫人蜡像馆28. 热岛效应29. 《环球时报》30. 《史记》2. 英汉互译英译汉1. The biographer should sternly confine himself to his functions as introducer; and should give no more discussion than is clearly necessary for making the book an independent whole. A little analysis of motive may be necessary here and there; when, for example, your hero has put his hand in somebody"s pocket and you have to demonstrate that his conduct was due to sheer absence of mind. But you must always remember that a single concrete fact, or a saying into which a man has put his whole soul, is worth pages of psychological analysis. We may argue till Doomsday about Swift"s character, his single phrase about "dying like a poisoned rat in a hole" tells us more than all **mentators. The book should be the man himself speaking or acting, and nothing but the man. It should be such a portrait as reveals the essence of character; and the writer who gives anything that does not tell upon the general effect is like the portrait-painter who allows the chairs and tables, or even the coat and cravat, to distract attention from the face. The really significant anecdote is often all that survives of a life; and such anecdotes must be made to tell properly, instead of being hidden away in a wilderness of **monplace; they should be a focus of interest, instead of a fallible extract for a book of miscellanies. How much would be lost of Johnson if we suppress the incident of the penance at Uttoxter! It is such incidents that in books, as often in life, suddenly reveal to us whole regions of sentiment but never rise to the surface in the ordinary routine of our day.2. The term genetically modified organism(GMO)refers to plants, microbes and animals with genes transferred from other species in order to produce certain novel characteristics(for example resistance to pests, or herbicides)and are produced by recombinant DNA technology. Four main sources of hazards of GMO are discussed by scientists worldwide: 1)those due to the new genes, and gene products introduced; 2)unintended effects inherent to the technology; 3)interactions between foreign genes and host genes; and 4)those arising from the spread of the introduced genes by ordinary cross-pollination as well as by horizontal gene transfer.GM crops contain material, which is not present in them under natural conditions, and they form a part of our daily diet. To understand what effect they can have on us and on our animals, it is very important to study the influence of these GM plants in different organisms for several generations. At present, these studies are lacking from the scientific literature. Also, several detrimental effects of GM crops had been showed on the metabolism of animals. The hazard of GMO was shown for animals and the environment in many investigations. Earlier it was shown that consumption of GM food by animals led to the negative changes in their organisms. Experiments, conducted by A. Pusztai showed that potatoes modified by the insertion of the gene of snowdrop lectin(雪花莲凝集素), stunted the growth of rats, significantly affected some of their vital organs, including the kidneys, thymus(胸腺), **emius muscles(腓肠肌)and others and damaged their intestines and their immune system.汉译英3. 科学是讲求实际的。

2014年四川大学英语翻译基础真题试卷(总分:68.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、词语翻译(总题数:32,分数:60.00)1.英译汉__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Overseas remittance(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.European Union Emission Trading Scheme(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.carbon sink(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.TPP Agreement(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.COP 19(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.Malthusian Theory of Population(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.sub-Saharan Africa(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.Maastricht Treaty(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea(DOC)(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 11.HSBC(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 12.the House of Lords(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 13.purchasing power parity(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 14.China-Britain Business Council(CBBC)(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 15.Wikileaks(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 16.rep by pop(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 17.汉译英__________________________________________________________________________________________ 18.创业板市场(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 19.中国共产党第十八届三中全会(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 20.棱镜事件(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 21.《本草纲目》(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 22.假冒及盗版产品(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________23.页岩气(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 24.“土豪”(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 25.比特币(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 26.“脱光”(11月11日)(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 27.现房与期房(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 28.老年痴呆(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 29.杜莎夫人蜡像馆(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 30.热岛效应(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 31.《环球时报》(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 32.《史记》(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________二、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:8.00)33.英译汉__________________________________________________________________________________________ 34.The biographer should sternly confine himself to his functions as introducer; and should give no more discussion than is clearly necessary for making the book an independent whole. A little analysis of motive may be necessary here and there; when, for example, your hero has put his hand in somebody"s pocket and you have to demonstrate that his conduct was due to sheer absence of mind. But you must always remember that a single concrete fact, or a saying into which a man has put his whole soul, is worth pages of psychological analysis. We may argue till Doomsday about Swift"s character, his single phrase about "dying like a poisoned rat in a hole" tells us more than all the commentators. The book should be the man himself speaking or acting, and nothing but the man. It should be such a portrait as reveals the essence of character; and the writer who gives anything that does not tell upon the general effect is like the portrait-painter who allows the chairs and tables, or even the coat and cravat, to distract attention from the face. The really significant anecdote is often all that survives of a life; and such anecdotes must be made to tell properly, instead of being hidden away in a wilderness of the commonplace; they should be a focus of interest, instead of a fallible extract for a book of miscellanies. How much would be lost of Johnson if we suppress the incident of the penance at Uttoxter! It is such incidents that in books, as often in life, suddenly reveal to us whole regions of sentiment but never rise to the surface in the ordinary routine of our day.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 35.The term genetically modified organism(GMO)refers to plants, microbes and animals with genes transferred from other species in order to produce certain novel characteristics(for example resistance to pests, or herbicides)and are produced by recombinant DNA technology. Four main sources of hazards of GMO are discussed by scientists worldwide: 1)those due to the new genes, and gene products introduced; 2)unintended effects inherent to the technology; 3)interactions between foreign genes and host genes; and 4)those arising from the spread of the introduced genes by ordinary cross-pollination as well as by horizontal gene transfer.GM crops contain material, which is not present in them under natural conditions, and they form a part of our daily diet.To understand what effect they can have on us and on our animals, it is very important to study the influence of these GM plants in different organisms for several generations. At present, these studies are lacking from the scientific literature. Also, several detrimental effects of GM crops had been showed on the metabolism of animals. The hazard of GMO was shown for animals and the environment in many investigations. Earlier it was shown that consumption of GM food by animals led to the negative changes in their organisms. Experiments, conducted by A. Pusztai showed that potatoes modified by the insertion of the gene of snowdrop lectin(雪花莲凝集素), stunted the growth of rats, significantly affected some of their vital organs, including the kidneys, thymus(胸腺), gastrocnemius muscles(腓肠肌)and others and damaged their intestines and their immune system.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 36.汉译英__________________________________________________________________________________________ 37.科学是讲求实际的。

2010年四川大学翻译硕士357真题翻译硕士(MTI)备考系列I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one pint for each. (30’)1. OECD2. NASA3. IAEA4. ASEM5. UNICEF6. ASEAN7. APEC8. IPR9. CEPA10. Special Safeguard Mechanism11. Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis12. Free Trade Agreement13. bonded warehouse14. Encyclopedia Britannica15. binary opposition16. 《论语》17. 《红楼梦》18. 扫黄打非19. 西部大开发20. 高度自治21. 发烧门诊22. 转基因食品23. 小排量汽车24. 温室气体排放25. 创业板26. 中国特色的社会主义市场经济27. 选秀28. 外交庇护29. 稳健的货币政策30. 摸着石头过河II. Directions: Translate the following source texts into their target languages respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120’)Source Text 1:For the Greeks, beauty was a virtue: a kind of excellence. Persons then were assumed to be what we now have to call--lamely, enviously-- whole persons. If it did occur to the Greeks to distinguish between a person's "inside" and "outside," they still expected that inner beauty would be matched by beauty of the other kind. The well-born young Athenians who gathered around Socrates found it quite paradoxical that their hero was so intelligent, so brave, so honorable, so seductive-- and so ugly. One of Socrates' main pedagogical acts was to be ugly-- and to teach those innocent, no doubt splendid-looking disciples of his how full of paradoxes life really was. They may have resisted Socrates' lesson. We do not. Several thousand years later, we are more wary of the enchantments of beauty. We not only split off--with the greatest facility--the 'inside" (character, intellect) from the "outside" (looks); but we are actually surprised when someone who is beautiful is also intelligent, talented, good.Source Text 2:Frankly speaking, Adam, I created Eve to tame you. Indeed she is wiser than you because she knows less but understands more. Charm is her strength just as your strength is charm. Doubtless you are active, eager, passionate, variable, progressive and original but she is passive, stable, sympathetic and faithful. In other words you are like animals which use up energy, whereas she is like the plants which store up energy. Henceforth you have got to get along with her willy-nilly in sun and rain, joys and sorrows, peace and turbulence. For you the Rubicon has been crossed. It is up to you now to make the situation a blessing or a curse. I would refuse to entertain any more request from you to take her back.Source Text 3:新疆维吾尔自治区地处中国西北边陲,亚欧大陆腹地,面积166.49万平方公里,占中国国土面积六分之一,陆地边境线5600公里,周边与8个国家接壤,是古丝绸之路的重要通道。

目前,众多小机构经常会非常不负责任的给考生推荐北大、清华、北外等名校,希望广大考生在选择院校和专业的时候,一定要慎重、最好是咨询有丰富经验的考研咨询师!翻译硕士英语I. Vocabulary and grammar (30’)Multiple choiceDirections: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.1. Tom is the most ___________ pupil in the class.A. industriousB. indulgentC. industrialistD. industrial2. The mayor of the city is a ________old man.A. respectiveB. respectfulC. respectingD. respectable3. I believe reserves of coal here __________ to last for fifty years.A. efficientB. sufficientC. proficientD. effective4. Mr. Smith complained about the __________air-conditioner he had bought from the company.A. infectiousB. deficientC. ineffectiveD. defective5. All the students were excited at the __________of a weekend sports competition.A. opinionB. viewC. thoughtD. idea6. The traveler’s passport established his ___________.A. proofB. evidenceC. identityD. case7. When we credit the successful people with intelligence, physical strength or great luck, we are making excuses for ourselves because we fall________ in all three.A. rareB. shortC. lackingD. scarce8. My sister is quite __________ and plans to get an M.A degree within one year.A. aggressiveB. enthusiasticC. considerateD. ambitious9. The twins are so much __________ that it is difficult to tell one from the other.A. similarB. sameC. likeD. alike10. His eyes were injured in a traffic accident, but after a __________ operation, he quickly recovered his sight.A. considerateB. delicateC. preciseD. sensitive11. The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on _________ best in its climate and soil.A. it grownB. does it grownC. what growsD. what does it grow12. The fragrances of many natural substances come from oils, __________ these oils may be used in manufacturing perfumes.A. ofB. whetherC. fromD. and13. If only our team ___________ one more point!。

考试科目:211翻译硕士英语适用专业:英语口译(MTI)、英语笔译(MTI)(试题共13页)(注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试题上不给分)I. Vocabulary and grammar (30’)Multiple choiceDirections: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.1. T om is the most ___________ pupil in the class.A. industriousB. indulgentC. industrialistD. industrial2. The mayor of the city is a ________old man.A. respectiveB. respectfulC. respectingD. respectable3. I believe reserves of coal here __________ to last for fifty years.A. efficientB. sufficientC. proficientD. effective4. Mr. Smith complained about the __________air-conditioner he had bought fromthe company.A. infectiousB. deficientC. ineffectiveD. defective5. All the students were excited at the __________of a weekend sports competition.A. opinionB. viewC. thoughtD. idea6. The traveler’s passport established his ___________.A. proofB. evidenceC. identityD. case7. When we credit the successful people with intelligence, physical strength or greatluck, we are making excuses for ourselves because we fall________ in all three.A. rareB. shortC. lackingD. scarce8. My sister is quite __________ and plans to get an M.A degree within one year.A. aggressiveB. enthusiasticC. considerateD. ambitious9. The twins are so much __________ that it is difficult to tell one from the other.A. similarB. sameC. likeD. alike10. His eyes were injured in a traffic accident, but after a __________ operation, hequickly recovered his sight.A. considerateB. delicateC. preciseD. sensitive11. The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on _________ best in itsclimate and soil.A. it grownB. does it grownC. what growsD. what does it grow12. The fragrances of many natural substances come from oils, __________ these oilsmay be used in manufacturing perfumes.A. ofB. whetherC. fromD. and13. If only our team ___________ one more point!A. scoresB. had scoredC. scoredD. havescored14. ___________, he could not lift the weight.A. Strong while he wasB. However strong as he wasC. Strong as he wasD. Strong although he was15. T om is one of the top students who __________ by the headmaster.A. have been praisedB. has been praised dC. have praisedD. are praised16. Y ou could do it, if you _________ try hard enough.A. mightB. shouldC. couldD. would17. The chairman requested that ___________.A. the members studies the problem more carefullyB. the problem would be more carefully studiedC. the members had studied the problem with more careD. the problem be studied with more care18. George would certainly have attended the proceedings__________.A. if he didn’t get a flat tireB. if the flat tire hadn’t happenedC. had he not had a flat tireD. had the tire not flattened itself19. I would appreciate _________ it a secret.A. you to keepB. that you would keepC. your keepingD. that you are keeping20. W e _________ the letter yesterday, but it didn’t arriveA. must receiveB. must have receivedC. ought to receiveD. ought to have receivedII. Reading comprehension (40’)Section 1 Multiple choice (20’)Directions: In this section there are reading passages followed by multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on your answer sheet. Passage AThis year some twenty-three hundred teen-agers from all over the world will spend about ten months in U.S. homes. They will attend U.S. schools, meet U.S. teen-agers, and form lifelong impressions of the real America. At the same time, about thirteen hundred American teen-agers will go abroad to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of world problems. On returning home they, like others who have participated in the exchange program, will pass along their fresh impressions tothe youth groups in which they are active.What have the visiting students discovered? A German boy says, “We often think of America only in terms of skyscrapers, Cadillacs, and gangsters. Americans think of Germany only in terms of Hitler and concentration camps. Y ou can’t realize how wrong you are until you see for yourself.”A Los Angeles girl says, “It’s the leaders of the countries who are unable to get along. The people get along just fine.”Observe a two-way student exchange in action. Fred Herschbach, nineteen, spent last year in Germany at the home of George Pfafflin. In turn, Mr. Pfafflin’s son Michael spent a year in the Herschbach home in T exas.Fred, lanky and lively, knew little German when he arrived, but after two months’study the language began to come to him. School was totally different from what he had expected--much more formal, much harder. S tudents rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are usual in the United States. There were almost no outside activities.Family life, too, was different. The father’s word was law, and all activities revolved around the closely knit family unit rather than the individual. Fred found the food--mostly starches—monotonous at first. Also, he missed having a car.“At home, you pick up some kids in a car and go out and have a good time. In Germany, you walk, but you soon get used to it.”A warm-natured boy, Fred began to make friends as soon as he had mastered enough German to communicate. “I didn’t feel as if I were with foreigners. I felt as I did at home with my own people.” Eventually he was invited to stay at the homes of friends in many of Germany’s major cities. “One’s viewpoint is broadened,” he says, “by living with people who have different habits and backgrounds. Y ou come to appreciate their points of view and realize that it is possible for all people in the world to come closer together. I wouldn’t trade this year for anything.”Meanwhile, in T exas, Mike Pfafflin, a friendly German boy, was also forming independent opinions. “I suppose I should criticize the schools,”he says. “It was far too easy by our standards. But I have to admit that I liked it enormously. In Germany we do nothing but study. I think that maybe your schools are better training for citizenship. There ought to be some middle ground between the two.” He took part in many outside activities, including the dramatic group.Mike picked up a favorite adjective of American youth; southern fried chicken was “fabulous.”When expressing a regional point of view, he used the phrase “we T exans.” Summing up his year, he says with feeling, “America is a second home for me from now on. I will love it the rest of my life.”This exciting exchange program was government sponsored at first; now it is in the hands of private agencies, including the American Field Service and the International Christian Y outh Exchange. Screening committees make a careful check on exchange students and host homes. T o qualify, students must be intelligent, adaptable, outgoing-potential leaders. Each student is matched, as closely as possible, with a young person in another country whose family has the same economic, cultural, and religious background.After their years abroad, all students gather to discuss what they observed. For visiting students to accept and approve of all they saw would be a defeat for the exchange program. They are supposed to observe, evaluate, and come to fair conclusions. Nearly all who visited the United States agreed that they had gained faith in American ideals and deep respect for the U.S brand of democracy. All had made friendships that they were sure would last a life-time. Almost all were struck by the freedom permitted American youth. Many were critical, though, of the indifference to study in American schools, and of Americans’ lack of knowledge about other countries.The opinions of Americans abroad were just as vigorous. A U.S. girl in Vienna: “At home, all we talk about is dating, movies, and clothes. Here we talk about religion, philosophy, and political problems. I am going to miss that.”A U.S boy in Sweden: “I learned to sit at home, read a good book, and gain some knowledge. It I told them this back home, they would think I was a square.”An American girl in Stuttgart, however, was very critical of the German school. “Over here the teacher is king, and you are somewhere far below. Instead of being friend and counselor, as in America the teacher is regarded as a foe—and behaves like it too!”It costs a sponsoring group about a thousand dollars to give an exchange student a year in the United States. T ransportation is the major expense, for bed, board, and pocket money are provided by volunteer families. There is also a small amount of federal support for the program.For some time now, attempts have been made to include students from iron curtain countries. But so far the Communists have not allowed their young people to take part in this program which could open their eyes to a different world.In Europe, however, about ten students apply for every place available, in Japan, the ratio is fifty to one. The student exchange program is helping these eager younger citizens of tomorrow learn a lot about the world today.1. Exchange students are generally placed in homes that areA. very similar to their own homes.B. typical of homes in the land they are visiting.C. as different from their own homes as is possible.D. None of the above.2. The greatest value of the program is that each visiting studentA. has a chance to travel in foreign countries.B. shares what he learned with others.C. learns a new language.D. gains a new understanding of world problems.3. Fred Herschbach and Mike Pfafflin agreed thatA. Americans are friendlier than Germans.B. German food is more monotonous than American food..C. German schools are harder than American schools.D. The teacher in German is king.4. The major expense that a group sponsoring an exchange student must meet isA. bed and board.B. pocket money and incidentals.C. transportation.D. transportation, bed board and pocket money.5. It is reasonable to suppose that the author wishes thatA. American schools provided fewer outside activities.B. more money were available to finance the exchange program.C. the program were government sponsored.D. visiting foreign students will completely accept the culture of America. Passage B“How many copies do you want printed, Mr. Greeley?”“Five thousand!” The answer was snapped back without hesitation.“But, sir,”the press foreman protested, “we have subscriptions for only five hundred newspapers.”“We’ll sell them or g ive them away.”The presses started rolling, sending a thundering noise out over the sleeping streets of New Y ork City. The New York Tribune was born.The newspaper’s founder, owner, and editor, Horace Greeley, anxiously snatched the first copy as it came sliding off the press. This was his dream of many years that he held in his hand. It was as precious as a child. Its birth was the result of years of poverty, hard work, and disappointments.Hard luck and misfortune had followed Horace all his life. He was born of poor parents on February 3, 1811, on a small farm in New Hampshire. During his early childhood, the Greeley family rarely had enough to eat. They moved from one farm toanother because they could not pay their debts. Y oung Horace’s only boyhood fun was reading—when he could snatch a few moments during a long working day.The printed word always fascinated Horace. When he was only ten years old, he applied for a job as an apprentice in a printing shop. But he didn’t get the job because he was too young.Four years later, Horace walked eleven miles to East Poultney in Vermont to answer an ad. A paper called the Northern Spectator had a job for a boy. The editor asked him why he wanted to be a printer. Horace spoke up boldly: “Because, sir, I want to learn all I can about newspapers.”The editor looked at the oddly dressed boy. Finally he said, “Y ou’ve got the job, son.”For the first six months, room and board would be the only pay for his work. After that, he would get room and board and forty dollars a year.Horace hurried home to shout the good news to his family. When he got there, he learned that his family was about to move again—this time to Pennsylvania. Horace decided to stay and work. Mrs. Greeley hated leaving her son behind, but gave her consent. T wice during his apprenticeship Horace walked six hundred miles to visit his family. Each time, he took all the money he had saved and gave it to his father.The Spectator failed after Horace had spent four years working for it. He joined his family in Eric, Pennsylvania, and got a job on the Erie Gazette. Half the money he earned he gave to his family. The other half he saved to go to New Y ork.When he was twenty, Horance arrived in New Y ork with ten dollars in his pocket. He was turned down twice when he asked for a job. Finally he became a typesetter for John T West’s Printery. The only reason Horace got the job was that it was so difficult other printers wouldn’t take it. His job was to set a very small edition of the Bible. Horace almost ruined his eyes at that job.As young Greeley’s skill grew, better jobs came his way. He could have bought better clothes and moved out of his dingy room. But he was used to being poor, and his habits did not change. He spent practically nothing on himself. Even after his Tribune became a success, he lived as if he hadn’t enough money for his next meal.The Tribune grew and thrived. It was unlike any newspaper ever printed before in the United States. Greeley started a new type of journalism. His news stories were truthful and accurate. His editorials attacked as well as praised. Many people disagreed with what he wrote, but still they read it. The Tribune became America’s first nationwide newspaper. It was read as eagerly in the Midwest and Far West as it was in the East. Greeley’s thundering editorials became the most powerful voice in the land.Greeley and his Tribune fought for many causes. He was the first to come out for the right of women to vote. His Tribune was the leader in demanding protection for homesteads in the West. He aroused the north in the fight against slavery. During a depression in the East, jobless men asked what they could do to support themselves. Said Greeley: “Go W est, young man, go West!”As the Tribune gained more and more power, Greeley became more interested in politics. He led in forming and naming the Republican party. He, more than any other man, was responsible for Abraham Lincoln’s being named to run for President.Horace Greeley was first of all a successful newspaperman. He was also a powerful political leader. But he was not a popular man. In 1872 he ran for President against Ulysses S Grant. Grant was re-elected by an overwhelming margin.Greeley was then in deep mourning over the recent death of his wife. He was heart broken over losing the election. He never recovered from the double blow. Only weeks after his defeat, he died in New Y ork City. His beloved Tribune lived on after him as the monument he wanted. Just before he died, he wrote:“I cherish the hope that the journal I projected and established will live and flourish long after I shall have mouldered into forgotten dust, and that the stone that covers my ashes may bear to future eyes the still intelligible inscription, Founder of the New York Tribune.”6. Horace gladly accepted his first jobA. because of the kind of work it was.B. because of the high salary offered.C. because of the location of the office.D. because he couldn’t find any other job.7. When Horace founded the Tribune he wasA. already a rich and famous newspaperman.B. poor, but skilled in newspaper work.C. poor, but eager to learn newspaper work.D. rich and skilled in newspaper work.8. The Tribune was different from all other American papers because it wasA. available by subscription only.B. printed in New Y ork city.C. distributed throughout the nation.D. it offered the editor’s personal opinions only.9. Before the T ribune was founded, news reporting wasA. honest but uninteresting.B. distorted or dishonest.C. almost unknown.D. interesting but distorted.10. Greeley probably felt that his greatest accomplishment wasA. rising from poverty to wealth.B. becoming a popular political leader.C. founding the New York Tribune.D. All of the above.Section 2 Answering questions (20’)Directions: Read the following passages and then answer IN COMPLETE SENTENCES the questions which follow each passage. Use only information from the passage you have just read and write your answer in the corresponding space in your answer sheet. Questions 1~3At seven o’clock each morning a bell sounds in the red brick buildings on the steep bank of the Hudson River at Ossining, New Y ork. As it rings, an entire, separate town of some 2300 persons comes to life. It is the prison town of Sing Sing, a world of men who are confined but also living, working, playing—and hoping. Sing Sing is a town that lives on hope.The seven o’clock bell is the signal for Sing Sing’s 1748 inmates and 514 man staff to begin another round of duties. The prisoners rise, wash and dress. They make up their narrow beds army-style and make certain that the objects on their dressers are regulation neat. By 7:15, when guards come along the runways to unlock the individual cells, the men are ready. They file slowly to the mess hall, falling into step along the way with friends and acquaintances. Each man grabs a tray and gets a breakfast of oatmeal with milk and sugar, bread, and coffee; he takes his seat at one of the long rows of eating benches, places the tray before him, and begins his breakfast. So starts the day in Sing Sing.Breakfast over, the men file from the mess hall and under the watchful eyes of guards, drop their eating utensils into boxes provided at the doors. At five minutes to eight they go outside in a long, chattering line down to the cluster of prison workshops.The prison has a dual function: it has its own permanent population, but it also serves as a receiving station for the great flow of prisoners from New Y ork City. Here they come to be examined, screened, and eventually transferred to upstate institutions.For the first two weeks, the new arrival is put through a series of mental, physical, and psychological examinations and given courses to prepare him for prison life. In each batch of new prisoners there are hardened men for whom prison can serve just one function—to remove them form society and keep them from doing further harm. But in each batch there are also those who can be helped and encouraged and turnedinto law-abiding citizens. It is toward these that most of the effort at the prison is directed.Sing Sing is a school, hospital, and factory as well as a prison. If initial tests show that a man is illiterate, he goes to the prison school to receive the equivalent of an eighth-grade education. If he needs medical treatment, he is sent to the prison hospital. If he shows some special aptitude, or appears capable of learning a trade, he is assigned to a regular job in one of the shops.The shops cover a wide range of activities. A man may be assigned to the printshop to learn the printer’s trade, or to the neighboring machine shop, where a twelve-month course turns raw trainees into good auto mechanics. Many of the prisons “graduates,”incapable of earning an honest living before, now support themselves on the good wages they make as skilled workers.The shops are busy until 11:40 a.m., when the men straggle up the slope to the mess hall for dinner. In the afternoons some men go back to the shops. Others may meet and talk with relatives in the prison’s visiting room. Athletes may spend hours running and drilling on the basketball court.The day’s work ends at 3:30, giving the men more than an hour of relative freedom before the supper whistle sounds at 4:40. With the evening meal, the day ends. The men go directly from the mess hall to their cell blocks and are locked in for the night. Each cell is equipped with a set of radio headphones tuned into programs sent over the prison circuit. A prisoner may read one of the well-thumbed volumes from the prison library, which circulates about 36,000 volumes a year, or he may work, as many inmates do, on a correspondence course to improve his chances of making a living when he gets out. Lights go out at ten o’clock. This routine does not vary greatly for any of Sing Sing’s inmates.“We run the prison like a city of eighteen hundred people, only of course with a lot more police,” says Warden Wilfred I. Denno. “Anything you couldn’t do on the outside, you can’t do on the inside. Y ou can’t fight, you can’t abuse an officer, you can’t steal. If you do, you’ll be punished. We hold court twice a week and try to make the punishment fit the crime.”This code is impressed on the prisoner from the start; it underlies his every move on every day he spends in Sing Sing. He is faced with clear alternatives. If he misbehaves, he received punishment in the form of restricted privileges or even strict confinement. In one typical week there were only five infractions of prison rules, most of which were minor. One man was reprimanded for not reporting to work on time, one for creating a disturbance by trying to shove his way into the mess-hall line ahead of those already waiting. In three weeks of reports there was only one case of serious,outright rebellion against prison discipline. An inmate who was to be released in a month suddenly refused to follow an officer’s order. He was promptly placed in segregation for the rest of his prison term. There are no dark holes or bread-and-water routines at Sing Sing—in segregation, the cells and the food are the same as in the rest of the prison. But a man’s movements are restricted. He is kept locked in his cell, isolated from his fellows, and cannot go to the movies or to the commissary.If a prisoner behaves, he accumulates “good time,” an important source of hope for most prisoners. Good time is the time by which, through his own good conduct, a prisoner may reduce his minimum sentence. Good behavior earns a man ten days good time a month. So a prisoner facing a three-to-six-year term would be able to appear before the parole board for possible release at the end of two years.Release then is not automatic. The parole board must consider many other factors. All that good time does is to guarantee a prisoner the right to appear before the parole board earlier than he otherwise could.The real importance of good time is that it gives a prisoner the one hope that stirs all Sing Sing—the hope of earlier parole, the hope of freedom. A prisoner has to hope, “Once you take away a man’s hope, you make a bitter man,”Warden Denno says. That is the problem of Sing Sing: to punish and yet avoid the deprivation of hope that can make an imprisoned man more desperate, more vengeful, and a greater menace to society.1. What is Sing Sing? Describe in your own words the functions of Sing Sing.2. Why would Warden Wilfred I. Denno compare running the prison to running acity?3. What does “good time” refer to? Does it have any importance to the prisoners? Questions 4~5T o all the world, nothing seems more completely American than the cowboy. Y et the truth is that the cowboy’s horse, clothes, and trade are all part of the rich heritage contributed by Mexico to her northern neighbor.Even the word cowboy is a translation of the Mexican term vaquero. The word cowboy was unknown to the American settlers who first headed west to T exas in the 1820’s. These people thought of themselves as farmers. In fact, the only cattle most of them brought were a cow or two for milk and a yoke of oxen to draw their plows. It was their Mexican neighbors—the Tejanos whose herds had roamed the open ranges since the early 1700’s—who introduced them to cattle raising, taught them to use the lariat, the branding iron, and the horned saddle, and showed them how to break the wild mustangs and round up the free-ranging longhorns. So well did the new T exans take to Tejano ways that soon you spoke fighin’words if you referred to them asanything as ordinary as mere “farmers.”They had been changed into saddle-proud ranchers.Later, as the cattle industry spread all over the W est, its Mexican origins were largely forgotten. But even today the language of the rangeland clearly shows how great were the cowboy’s borrowings. Corral, pinto, palomino, mesquite, bronco, rodeo, mesa, canyon, arroyo, loco, plaza, fiesta, pronto—by the hundreds Mexican words slipped into English with only a change in accent. Borrowed “by ear,”other words underwent weird alterations. From sabe came savvy, jàquima turned into hackamore, chaparajos was shortened to chaps, estampida was converted into stampede, vamos emerged as vamoose, and the juzgado gave birth to hoosegow. Even the famed ten-gallon hat got its name not from some T exan’s tall tale but from a Mexican song about a gaily decorated hat, or sombrero galoneado.In countless other ways the people of the United S tates are indebted to the Mexicans who once lived in the old Southwest. There were only seventy-five thousand of them when Mexico ceded the region to the United States, and these were scattered from the Gulf Coast in the east to the shores of the Pacific in the west. They had lived in the borderlands since 1598, more than twenty years before the Pilgrims sailed for the New World. In the course of more than 250 years they had left their mark on the land. Many of the western states in the United States still bear the lovely lyrical names the Mexican settlers first wrote upon their maps. So do countless rivers and mountains, and thousands of cities and towns—from Corpus Christi in T exas to all the Sans and Santas along the Pacific shore.Through trial and error, the rugged Mexicans had learned to survive and prosper in the dry, half-desert land, When English-speaking people poured into the region, the Spanish-speaking people shared their knowledge with the new settlers, making things much easier for them. Settlers in other parts of the United States did not have this advantage.In all the rest of the country, pioneers had to break their own trails. But those who headed west in gold rush days could follow the Santa Fe T rail from the Missouri to the Rockies. In the old settlements of New Mexico, the wagon trains could rest their oxen and replenish their supplies before moving on down the Old Spanish T rail on the T ucson-Yuma route.In the 1850’s, army engineers were sent west to survey the railroad routes that would link East with West. The northern parties had to find their own way through vast stretches of little-explored territory, but in the Southwest the surveyors merely remapped the trails that had been packed hard over the years by Mexican mule trains. Two major railroads—the Southern Pacific and the Santa Fe—and many mainhighways were built along the routes made by the early Spanish settlers when they first spread out into the new land.Early migrants from the East thought of the Southwest as a great desert, a land that had to be passed through, but was hardly to be settled upon. However, they changed their minds when they saw the rich green fields along the Rio Grande, fields that had been irrigated since the early 1600’s. In time the newcomers were able to turn even desert into some of the most fertile farmland in all the nation.Water laws gave the new settlers some trouble at first. They tried to use a syste m under which the landowners along the banks of a stream controlled its waters. This system worked well in the water-rich East, but in the dry lands of the Southwest it gave the lucky more water than they needed, while others on higher ground got none at all. In time all the western states had to switch over to the Mexican way—sharing water rights among all the owners whose land could be irrigated.Western sheep farmers, too, owe a great debt to their forerunners. For the small flocks that the early Mexican settlers had brought to Santa Fe had multiplied into large herds by the time the United States took over the Southwest. New Mexico supplied sheep to ranges all over the country. With the sheep went pastores, who still form a large percentage of the herdsmen in North America. Until the recent introduction of sheep clipping machines, sheepshearing was to a large extent a Mexican skill for which sheep ranchers in the States would bid eagerly.Mexicans have played an important part not only in cattle and sheep farming, but in mining as well. It was a Mexican who discovered the great Santa Rita copper deposit in New Mexico. T oday, miners of Mexican descent still form a major part of the work force in most of the copper mines of the Southwest. In industry, farming, and countless other fields, the United States owes a great deal to her neighbor.4. What is the purpose of this article, to demonstrate what Mexicans gave to theUnited States or how languages change and grow? Why?5. What does the fact that Easterners borrowed words such as corral, bronco,andcanyon suggest?III. Writing (30’)Write an essay of about 400 words to comment on the very short story below:Failed SAT. Lost scholarship. Invented rocket.。

D. effective
4. Mr. Smith complained about the __________air-conditioner he had bought from the company. A. infectious B. deficient C. ineffective D. defective 5. All the students were excited at the __________of a weekend sports competition. A. opinion B. view C. thought D. idea 6. The traveler’s passport established his ___________. A. proof B. evidence C. identity
C. scored
D. have scored
14. ___________, he could not lift the weight. A. Strong while he wasB. However strong as he was C. Strong as he was D. Strong although he was 15. Tom is one of the top students who __________ by the headmaster. A. have been praised B. has been praised C. have praised D. are praised 16. You could do it, if you _________ try hard enough. A. might B. should C. could
四川大学外国语学院 2010 年攻读翻译硕士专业学位研究生入学考试题— — 翻 译 硕 士 英语

目 录2011年四川大学外国语学院638基础英语真题及详解2010年四川大学外国语学院638基础英语真题及详解2009年四川大学外国语学院638基础英语真题及详解2008年四川大学外国语学院638基础英语真题及详解2007年四川大学外国语学院638基础英语真题及详解2011年四川大学外国语学院638基础英语真题及详解Part One Reading Comprehension (40 points)I. Cloze Test (10 points)Choose one of the four answers marked A, B, C, D to complete the article. Write your answer on the answer sheet. Be sure that the number of the answers in agreement with the number of the blanks.Today, the world wide web can be used both to (1) information and to make it (2) to others. Information (3) on web pages is viewed by (4) of browser. The sources of information linked in this way can be located on any computer (5) is also part of the web. Each information source (6) to an indefinite member of other web pages. Hypertext and hyperlinks allow users acting as receivers of information to (7) from one source of information to another, (8) for themselves which information they wish to (9) to their browser and which links they want to (10) . The addresses of web pages can be found by using the many hundreds of general and specialized search engines which provide (11) to databases which hold information on them. Once a web pages has been found, hyperlinks may point (12) other places (13) interest on the web. Addresses of web pages also (14) in other more conventional media, such as magazines, newspapers and television programs, and on posters.Web pages, in their (15) , facilitate access to information made available by other (16) of media of example, collections held in librariesor programs broadcast on television.Most web pages offer interactive opportunities which go (17) merely allowing visitors freedom as to when and how they visit a page and where they might choose to go next. Feedback can be kept formal via a questionnaire which can be filled (18) , or informal by providing an address for e-mail or even by (19) a digital guest book for comments left for other users to read. Although all web pages are protected so that unauthorized visitors cannot make unsolicited changes to them, it is also possible to (20) access to pages on the internet to those holding a password.1. A. believe B. retrieve C. perceive D. conceive2. A. available B. obtainable C. achievable D. amicable3. A. displayed B. displaying C. displayable D. is displayed4. A. medium B. vehicle C. agent D. means5. A. what B. that C. which D. it6. A. maybe linked B. may be linked C. may is linked D. may linked7. A. wonder B. wander C. stray D. ramble8. A. deciding B. decided C. decide D. to decided9. A. transition B. transmit C. transform D. transfer10. A. flip B. slip C. skip D. skim11. A. success B. access C. assess D. possess12. A. about B. on C. at D. to13. A. on B. of C. in D. at14. A. to appear B. appeared C. appearing D. appear15. A. sequence B. order C. turn D. switch16. A. modes B. forums C. shapes D. forms17. A. beyond B. over C. against D. further18. A. up B. out C. with D. over19. A. install B. installed C. installing D. installs a20. A. constrain B. confine C. restrict D. limit【答案与解析】1.B retrieve 检索; 恢复; 重新得到。

2010年四川大学翻译硕士英语真题翻译硕士英语I.Vocabulary and grammar(30’)Multiple choiceDirections:Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.1.Tom is the most___________pupil in the class.A.industriousB.indulgentC.industrialistD.industrial2.The mayor of the city is a________old man.A.respectiveB.respectfulC.respectingD.respectable3.I believe reserves of coal here__________to last for fifty years.A.efficientB.sufficientC.proficientD.effective4.Mr.Smith complained about the__________air-conditioner he had bought from the company.A.infectiousB.deficientC.ineffectiveD.defective5.All the students were excited at the__________of a weekend sports competition.A.opinionB.viewC.thoughtD.idea6.The traveler’s passport established his___________.A.proofB.evidenceC.identityD.case7.When we credit the successful people with intelligence,physical strength or great luck,we are making excuses for ourselves because we fall________in all three.A.rareB.shortckingD.scarce8.My sister is quite__________and plans to get an M.A degree within one year.A.aggressiveB.enthusiasticC.considerateD.ambitious9.The twins are so much__________that it is difficult to tell one from the other.A.similarB.sameC.likeD.alike10.His eyes were injured in a traffic accident,but after a__________operation,he quickly recovered his sight.A.considerateB.delicateC.preciseD.sensitive11.The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on_________best in its climate and soil.A.it grownB.does it grownC.what growsD.what does it grow12.The fragrances of many natural substances come from oils,__________these oils may be used in manufacturing perfumes.A.ofB.whetherC.fromD.and13.If only our team___________one more point!A.scoresB.had scoredC.scoredD.have scored14.___________,he could not lift the weight.A.Strong while he wasB.However strong as he wasC.Strong as he wasD.Strong although he was15.Tom is one of the top students who__________by the headmaster.A.have been praisedB.has been praised dC.have praisedD.are praised16.You could do it,if you_________try hard enough.A.mightB.shouldC.couldD.would17.The chairman requested that___________.A.the members studies the problem more carefullyB.the problem would be more carefully studiedC.the members had studied the problem with more careD.the problem be studied with more care18.George would certainly have attended the proceedings__________.A.if he didn’t get a flat tireB.if the flat tire hadn’t happenedC.had he not had a flat tireD.had the tire not flattened itself19.I would appreciate_________it a secret.A.you to keepB.that you would keepC.your keepingD.that you are keeping20.We_________the letter yesterday,but it didn’t arriveA.must receiveB.must have receivedC.ought to receiveD.ought to have receivedII.Reading comprehension(40’)Section1Multiple choice(20’)Directions:In this section there are reading passages followed by multiple-choice questions.Read the passages and then mark your answers on your answer sheet.Passage AThis year some twenty-three hundred teen-agers from all over the world will spend about ten months in U.S.homes.They will attend U.S.schools,meet U.S.teen-agers,and form lifelong impressions of the real America.At the same time,about thirteen hundred American teen-agers will go abroad to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of world problems.On returning home they,like others who have participated in the exchange program,will pass along their fresh impressions to the youth groups in which they are active.What have the visiting students discovered?A German boy says,“We often think of America only in terms of skyscrapers,Cadillacs,and gangsters.Americans think of Germany only in terms of Hitler and concentration camps.You can’t realize how wrong you are until you see for yourself.”A Los Angeles girl says,“It’s the leaders of the countries who are unable to get along.The people get along just fine.”Observe a two-way student exchange in action.Fred Herschbach,nineteen,spent last year in Germany at the home of George Pfafflin.In turn,Mr.Pfafflin’s son Michael spent a year in the Herschbach home in Texas.Fred,lanky and lively,knew little German when he arrived,but after two months’study the language began to come to him.School was totally different from what he had expected--much more formal,much harder.Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room.They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are usual in the United States.There were almost no outside activities.Family life,too,was different.The father’s word was law,and all activities revolved around the closely knit family unit rather than the individual.Fred found the food--mostly starches—monotonous at first.Also,he missed having a car.“At home,you pick up some kids in a car and go out and have a good time.In Germany,you walk, but you soon get used to it.”A warm-natured boy,Fred began to make friends as soon as he had mastered enough German to communicate.“I didn’t feel as if I were with foreigners.I felt as I did at home with my own people.”Eventually he was invited to stay at the homes of friends in many of Germany’s major cities.“One’s viewpoint is broadened,”he says,“by living with people who have different habits and backgrounds.You come to appreciate their points of view and realize that it is possible for all people in the world to come closer together.I wouldn’t trade this year for anything.”Meanwhile,in Texas,Mike Pfafflin,a friendly German boy,was also forming independent opinions.“I suppose I should criticize the schools,”he says.“It was far too easy by our standards.But I have to admit that I liked it enormously.In Germany we do nothing but study.I think that maybe your schools are better training for citizenship.There ought to be some middle ground between the two.”He took part in many outside activities,including the dramatic group.Mike picked up a favorite adjective of American youth;southern fried chicken was“fabulous.”When expressing a regional point of view,he used the phrase“we Texans.”Summing up his year,he says with feeling,“America is a second home for me from now on.I will love it the rest of my life.”This exciting exchange program was government sponsored at first;now it is in the hands of private agencies,including the American Field Service and the International Christian Youth Exchange.Screening committees make a careful check on exchange students and host homes.To qualify,students must be intelligent,adaptable,outgoing-potential leaders.Each student is matched,as closely as possible, with a young person in another country whose family has the same economic,cultural,and religious background.After their years abroad,all students gather to discuss what they observed.For visiting students to accept and approve of all they saw would be a defeat for the exchange program.They are supposed to observe,evaluate,and come to fair conclusions.Nearly all who visited the United States agreed that they had gained faith in American ideals and deep respect for the U.S brand of democracy.All had made friendships that they were sure would last a life-time.Almost all were struck by the freedom permitted American youth.Many were critical,though,of the indifference to study in American schools,and of Americans’lack of knowledge about other countries.The opinions of Americans abroad were just as vigorous.A U.S.girl in Vienna:“At home,all we talk about is dating,movies,and clothes.Here we talk about religion,philosophy,and political problems.I am going to miss that.”。

permeation, influencing and blending, leading to a cultural formation. There are book collection and stock activities, which are becoming more and more varied and colorful and fascinating with the progress of era, in ancient and modern times, in both China and foreign countries. This is really barometer for the progress of human civilization and the development of diversity of social cult合词)and electric vehicles
13)the Four Cardinal Principles
14)Development is the fundamental principle
15)Socialist Harmonious Society
据我们现在所知,起初,我们所生存的星球是个巨大的火球。是浩瀚无边的宇宙当中的一个小小的烟雾构 成的云团。然后,经历了上百万年之后,星球表面渐渐自燃,沉积了一层薄薄的岩层。瓢泼大雨不断地冲 刷这些没有生命的岩石,腐蚀着坚硬的花岗岩,然后将隐藏在热气腾腾的大地的高耸的悬崖间的尘土带入 山谷。最后太阳冲破云层,见证了这个小小的星球是如何被若干小水坑覆盖的,而这些小水洼随即变成了 东西半球恣肆汪洋。

2015年四川大学英语翻译基础真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 词语翻译 2. 英汉互译词语翻译英译汉1.the 100, 000 Strong Initiative正确答案:十万强计划,十万人留学中国计划2.UN-Habitat正确答案:联合国人类住区规划署,简称人居署(United Nations Human Settlements Programme)3.Occupy Central正确答案:占领中环(占中)4.Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership(TTIP)正确答案:跨大西洋贸易与投资伙伴关系协定5.chemical oxygen demand(COD)正确答案:化学需氧量6.coal equivalent正确答案:煤当量7.a lame duck正确答案:跛脚鸭(无用之人)8.CCPIT正确答案:中国国际贸易促进委员会(China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)9.Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program(GMS)正确答案:大湄公河次区域经济合作10.The House of Commons正确答案:(英国、加拿大)下议院11.Speaker of the House(U. S. Congress)正确答案:美国众议院议长12.devolution of power正确答案:权力下放13.UK Trade and Investment(UKTI)正确答案:英国贸易投资总署14.PM 2. 5正确答案:细颗粒物15.public private partnership(PPP)正确答案:公私合营;公私合作汉译英16.海上丝绸之路正确答案:the Maritime Silk Route17.新常态正确答案:New Normal18.自闭症正确答案:autism19.国际电信联盟正确答案:International Telecommunication Union20.可再生能源发电装机容量正确答案:installed renewable power generation capacity21.森林蓄积量正确答案:forest stock22.气候变化南南合作基金正确答案:South-South Climate Cooperation Fund23.技术转让正确答案:technology transfer24.“言必信、行必果”正确答案:Always be true in word and resolute in deed.25.亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议正确答案:the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)Economic Leaders’ Meeting26.“南海行为准则”正确答案:The Code of Conduct in the South China Sea27.雾霾正确答案:smog28.“高大上”正确答案:high-end29.《泰晤士报》正确答案:The Times30.《尚书》正确答案:The Book of Documents英汉互译英译汉31.We usually classify literature—imaginative literature(excluding nonfiction prose)—into the following genres or classes:(1)prose fiction;(2)poetry, and(3)drama. These three genres have many common characteristics. All are art forms, each with its own requirements of structure and style. In varying degrees, all the genres are dramatic and imaginative; they have at least some degree of action, or are based in part on dramatic situations.Imaginative literature differs from textbooks, historical and biographical works, and news articles, all of which describe or interpret facts. While literature is related to the truths of human life, it may be based on situations that have never occurred, and which may never occur. This is not to say that imaginative literature is not truthful, but rather that its truth is to life and human nature, not necessarily to the detailed world of reportorial, scientific, and historical facts in which we all live.Although the three main genres have much in common, they also differ in many ways. Prose fiction, or narrative fiction, is in prose form and includes novels, short stories, myths, parables, romances, and epics. These works generally focus on one or a few major characters who undergo some kind of change as they meet other characters or deal with problems or difficulties in their lives. Poetry, in contrast to prose fiction, is much more economical in the use of words, and it relies heavily on imagery, figurative language, rhythm and sound. Drama(or plays)is the form of literature designed to be performed by actors. Like fiction, drama may focus on a single character or a small number of characters, and it presents fictional events as if they were happening in the present, to be witnessed by a group of people composing an audience. Some dramas employ much of the imagery, rhythm, and sound of poetry.正确答案:我们通常将文学——虚构文学(不包括纪实类散文)——分为以下几种体裁或类别:(1)散文体小说;(2)诗歌;(3)戏剧。

2017年四川大学英语翻译基础真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 词语翻译 2. 英汉互译词语翻译英译汉1.Electoral College正确答案:总统选举团2.gene silencing正确答案:基因沉寂;基因沉默3.Pacific Alliance正确答案:拉美太平洋联盟4.Paraplymic Games正确答案:残疾人奥林匹克运动会5.tight gas正确答案:致密地层天然气6.South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)正确答案:南亚区域合作联盟(南盟)7.holographic imaging正确答案:全息成像8.Intercontinental Exchange正确答案:美国洲际交易所集团9.iambic pentameter正确答案:五步抑扬格10.20正确答案:线上到线下(Online to Offline)11.B2C正确答案:企业对消费者的电子商务模式(Business to Customer)12.B20 Summit正确答案:二十国集团工商峰会(Business 20 Summit,summit of business leaders from the G20 countries)13.KPMG正确答案:毕马威会计师事务所14.The Three-Body Problem正确答案:《三体》15.International Court of Justice正确答案:(联合国)国际法院(ICJ)汉译英16.英国脱欧正确答案:Brexit17.车联网正确答案:Internet of Vehicles18.城市内涝正确答案:urban waterlogging19.“一带一路”倡议正确答案:the Belt and Road Initiative20.“众创、众包、众扶、众筹”正确答案:crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support, and crowdfunding 21.南海仲裁案正确答案:South China Sea Arbitration22.分子生物学正确答案:molecular biology23.采购经理人指数正确答案:Purchase Managers’ Index (PMI)24.光合作用正确答案:photosynthesis25.“双11”正确答案:Double 11 (Singles Day)26.乳酸菌正确答案:lactic acid bacteria27.消费者信心指数正确答案:Consumer Confidence Index (CO)28.跨境电商正确答案:cross-border electronic commerce29.《本草纲目》正确答案:Compendium of Materia Medica30.《尚书》正确答案:Book of Documents英汉互译英译汉31.In other words, the Windows-enabled PC gave everyone in the office the ability to create and manipulate digital content—words, data, pictures—at their fingertips on their desktops, which was a great leap forward from paper and typewriters. And, if your whole office was using the same hardware, software, and e-mail system, you could be even more productive, by seamlessly shooting your digitized content around your company, from department to department. But more often than not, back in the 1980s and early 1990s, companies did not run all the same software and hardware. Companies installed systems piecemeal or found that one computer-software system was good for the accounting department and another system was best for inventory management and a third was best for e-mail. Therefore, a company’s sales department might be running Microsoft, while the inventory department was running Novell or IBM. As a result, they could not communicate or collaborate digitally with each other—couldn’t work together on each other’s digital content, or certainly not without difficulty. So while each individual department was more productive inside its own walls, because it had computers, software, and e-mail, when there was an issue between departments that needed to be resolved, someone from sales still had to walk around the wall, over to inventory, and speak to someone there. Work still did not flow digitally, and collaboration did not happen digitally, as easily as it might have. We often forget that the software industry started out like a bad fire department. Imagine a city where every neighborhood had a different interface for connecting the fire hose to the hydrant. Everything was fine as long as your neighborhood’s fire department could handle your fire. But when a fire became too big, and the fire engines from the next neighborhood had to be called in, they were useless because they could not connect their hoses to your hydrants.正确答案:换句话说,依靠Windows操作系统启动运行的个人电脑的出现令公室里的每个人都拥有了创造并处理文字、数据、图像等数字化内容的能力,而他们需要做的不过是在办公电脑上动一动手指。
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2011 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:英语翻译基础 科目代码: 357 适用专业:英语笔译(MTD、英语口译(MTI)
(答案必须写在答题纸上, l Directions: Translate thefollowing words, abbreviations or ter. languages respectively. There are altogether 30 items· and 15 in Chinese, with one pintfor each. (3"'
the U.S. Still more animals are used to test the�afety ofcosmetics, household cleansers a
other consumer products. These innocent primates, dogs, cats, rabbits and other an·
used against their will as research subjects in experiments and procedure
considered claim that
sadistically cruel were they not conducted they must be allowed unfettered access to
principle ofcommon but differentiated responsibilities
Merg�r & Acquisition
Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac
Strategic & Economic Dialogue
芭 safety because res�lts fr1� r�h typfcally cannot be applied to humans. In fact,
` scientists could sav,e mor,�匝严如豹es by using humane non-animal research and testing .. that are more ace虹过e and'efficient
owing source texts into their target languages respectively. lfthe source text 比 in English, its target language is Chinese. lfthe source.text is in Chinese, its target language is E17:glish. {]20'.)
Non-Performing Loans
purchasing power parity
African Union
西气东输、 西电东送
Source Text 1:
Every year, tens of millions of animals are dissected, infected, injected, gassed, burned
and blinded,in hidden laboratories on college campuses and research facilities throughout
prueif飞upsfe;,etso.邮 0`吓三 妈啦s也抇 盐言酝諒t, o亟 vere-rtehliicaanlcperoobnleamnismoafl
贮 experimen�tion has historical in击句Ii, scie!tific advancement and endangered human
,�xt2: any philosophers, both Western and Eastern, agree that there are two major problems ofinduction. The first is the lack of certai_nty of conclusions drawn b:y means of induction that is inherent in inductive methods. The second is the extent to which we humans ignore the important issue ofwhether we arejustified in believing_ som忒hing that is based only on 血uctiyely derived concl\lsions. This is an important issue both scientifically and socially. Any jury decision, for example, is arrived at by inductive means from evidence presented by prosecutors relying on police who arrested suspects based on their own useof inductive techniques. We sometimes make irrevocable decisions, for example, putting someone to death, based on inductive reasoning (and in at least 70 cases in the past decade, evidence not presented at the trial cleared people so sentenced; in some cases after they had • been executed). Thus, in . using induction as a·method, many philosophers warn us to
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find cures for human diseases,
笠 torturing sentient creatures for
y et they research