
2019 年12 月英语六级真题:CET6翻译真题【三套完整版】第一套:梅花位居中国十大名花之首, 源于中国南方, 已有三千多年的栽培和种植历史。
隆冬时节, 五颜六色的梅花不畏严寒, 迎着风雪傲然绽放。
在中国传统文化中, 梅花象征着坚强、纯洁、高雅, 激励人们不畏艰难、砥砺前行。
自古以来, 许多诗人和画家从梅花中获取灵感, 创作了无数不朽的作品。
普通大众也都喜爱梅花, 春节期间常用于家庭装饰。
南京市已将梅花定为市花, 每年举办梅花节, 成千上万的人冒着严寒到梅花山踏雪赏梅。
【逐句解析】(1) 梅花(plum blossom) 位居中国十大名花之首,源于中国南方,已有三千多年的栽培和种植历史。
中国十大名花:the top ten famous flowers in China; 居首位:rank first;源于:originate in; 中国南方:SouthernChina.【参考答案】The plum blossom,which ranks first amongthe topten famous flowers in China ,originated in Southern China and has ahistory of more than 3,000 years of cultivation and planting.(2) 隆冬时节,五颜六色的梅花不畏严寒,迎着风雪傲然绽放。
五颜六色的:colorful/of all colors 绽放:bloom; 迎着风雪:against the snow.【参考答案】At the time of midwinter, plum blossoms of all colors are not afraid of the cold, blooming proudly against the snow.(3) 在中国传统文化中,梅花象征着坚强、纯洁、高雅、激励人们不畏艰难、砥砺前行。

英语翻译试题及答案一、单句翻译(共10分,每题2分)1. 请将以下句子从中文翻译成英文:“他每天早晨都会去公园跑步。
”Answer: He goes for a run in the park every morning.2. 请将以下句子从英文翻译成中文:"The sun rises in the east and sets in the west."Answer: 太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。
3. 请将以下句子从中文翻译成英文:“她对音乐有着浓厚的兴趣。
”Answer: She has a strong interest in music.4. 请将以下句子从英文翻译成中文:"Knowledge is power."Answer: 知识就是力量。
5. 请将以下句子从中文翻译成英文:“他们正在讨论如何解决这个问题。
”Answer: They are discussing how to solve this problem.二、段落翻译(共20分,每段5分)1. 中译英:“随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。
”Answer: With the development of technology, our lives are becoming more and more convenient.2. 英译中:"Innovation is the soul of national progress and an inexhaustible driving force for a country's prosperity."Answer: 创新是民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。
3. 中译英:“环境保护是我们每个人的责任。
”Answer: Environmental protection is the responsibility of each of us.4. 英译中:"The world is full of beauty, waiting for us to discover." Answer: 世界充满了美,等待着我们去发现。

三套练习1.中国的官方语言普通话( Mandarin)在美国的学校中突然热起来。
Mandarin, China’s official language, suddenly becomes popular in American schools. Due to the leading role of China’s economy in this century, both public and private schools of the U.S. are a dding Chinese to their foreign language teaching or expanding esta blished Chinese teaching subjects. According to statistics, 50 thousa nd children are learning Chinese in American schools. Difficulties d o have emerged in the process of promoting the Chinese teaching projects. Due to the lack of teachers with professional training an d certificates, some schools are less competitive in Chinese teachin g. While hiring teachers, they would recruit some directly from Chi na, leaving potential dangers for cultural conflicts.2.农历正月(the first lunar month)十五是中国的元宵节(LanternFestival),人们习惯在门外悬挂大红灯笼,孩子们提着彩色的灯笼玩,大人们则上街观赏各式各样的灯笼。

二、汉译英专项练习一、倍数增减的表示法Force N1 _______________ ( 比力 N2 大 2.5 倍).This substance _______________ ( 反应速度是另外那种物质的三倍 ).The earth _______________ ( 是月球大小的 49 倍).The landlord _______________ ( 想将租金提高三分之一 ).They _______________ ( 计划将投资增加一倍).二、时态Be quick, _______________ ( 否则等我们到达教堂时婚礼就已经结束了).When she got home, _______________ ( 孩子们已经睡着了).When I prepare for the college entrance examination,_______________ (我姐姐将在海边度假).I_______________ (一上午都在修改我的简历 ).Do you often go on holiday? _______________ (不,我已经有五年没有度假了).He joined the army in October, 2001. _______________ ( 他参军已五年了).三、被动语态The blackboard and chalk _______________ ( 正在被电脑和投影机所取代).The book _______________ ( 到今年年底就将已出版 ).Computer models _______________ (可以用来演示细胞工作的方式 ).When the bill of fare was brought, _______________ ( 我惊呆了,价格大大超出了我的预料 )._______________ (必须立即采取有效措施 )to eliminate sandy storms.四、情态动词The phone is ringing, _______________ (但是没人接听。

参考答案:China's innovation is flourishing faster than ever before. In order to surpass developed countries on science and technology as soon as possible, China has sharply increased research and development fund. Chinese universities and institutes are actively doing innovative researches, covering various fields of high technology, from big data to biochemistry, and from new energy to robots. They are also cooperating with science and technology parks in different places, so as to commercialize their fruits of innovation. In the meantime, to adapt to the changing foreign and domestic market, and to satisfy the growing demand, Chinese entrepreneurs are also making pioneering efforts to innovate their products and business models.旗袍:旗袍(qipao)是一种雅致的中国服饰,源于中国的满族(Manzu Nationality)。

英语专业基础英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编6(总分:46.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、1 翻译(总题数:23,分数:46.00)1.我们熟悉的握手方式多种多样:有掌心出汗的人;有紧张得把你的手捏得生疼的人;A型气质的人总是乐呵呵地同别人握手,然后急忙停下来,又再继续握。
(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:We are familiar with people"s various ways of handshaking: when shaking hands, some are easy to sweat in the center of the palm: some nervous people squeeze your hand so hard that you feel hurt: while those of A-type temperament always shake hands happily at first, stop suddenly in a haste, and then continue the handshaking. This kind of variety may make us feel what kind of person he is, while we usually seek for sincerity. Shaking hands can also pass the feeling of respect. For business women, shaking hands is very important. 20 years ago, if a woman offered her hand to a man, she would be considered as a swanky person. Nowadays, shaking hands for women is very common, while the old "social kiss" is considered to be proud and unreasonable, rejected by the working staffs.)解析:2.崇祯五年(1632)十二月,余住西湖。

参考译文:In the past,owning a private car was a luxury thing for most Chinese.Nowadays,private cars can be seen everywhere in China.Cars have become an integral part of people's life:They not only drive to and from work,but also travel around by car.Spikes in car ownership have resulted in more prevalent traffic gridlock and inadequate parking space in some cities,which has prompted local governments to roll out new rules to rein in the number of cars on the road.As air pollution gets more serious,now more and more people choose to buy new energy vehicles.The Chinese government has taken some measures to support the development of new energy vehicles.高铁中国目前拥有世界上最快的高速铁路网。

英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编66(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 词语翻译词语翻译英译汉1.the “100, 000” Strong Initiative by President Obama正确答案:奥巴马政府的“十万强计划”2.carbon footprint正确答案:碳足迹;碳排放量3.debt ceiling正确答案:债务限额4.solar photovoltaics正确答案:太阳能光伏;光电子能5.Standard & Poor’s正确答案:国际评级机构标准普尔公司6.IOC正确答案:国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)7.CAAC正确答案:中国民航(Civil Aviation Administration of China)8.FBI正确答案:(美国)联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)9.CPPCC正确答案:中国人民政治协商会议(the Chinese People’s Political ConsultativeConference)10.MDGs正确答案:千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goals)汉译英11.非关税壁垒正确答案:Non-Tariff Barriers, NTBs12.平板电视正确答案:FPTV(flat-panel tv) ; FTV(flat television)13.廉租房正确答案:low-rent housing; tenement house14.经济二次触底正确答案:double-dip recession15.海选正确答案:audition; mass-election16.剩男剩女正确答案:leftover women and men; leftover singles; men/women who remain single in their 30s17.地沟油正确答案:gutter oil; illegal cooking oil; swill-cooked dirty oil18.潜规则正确答案:latent rules; unspoken rules/conventions19.中国载人航天计划正确答案:China’s manned space program20.紧缩性货币政策正确答案:restrictive monetary policy; tight money policy21.云计算正确答案:cloud computing22.民心工程正确答案:pro-people projects; projects in the public interest; heart-winning project23.智能城市正确答案:intelligent city; smart city24.《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》正确答案:The Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)25.《中庸》正确答案:The Doctrine of the Mean。

Since ancient times, the Chinese people usually celebrate harvest in the Mid-Autumn, which is similar to the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving in the North America. The tradition of celebrating Mid-Autumn festival became popular throughout China in the early Tang dynasty. The lunar August 15 is a day for people worshiping the moon. On this day, under the dazzling bright moon, families reunite and enjoy the moon’s beauty. In 2006, Mid-Autumn festival was listed as one of China's cultural heritage, and in 2008, it was classified as a public holiday. Moon cakes, as indispensable delicious food of the festival, were gifts people sent to families and friends during the festival and usually eaten on family gatherings. There are characters of “longevity”,“good fortune”and “harmony” on the Traditional mo on cakes.试题二:丝绸之路闻名于世的丝绸之路是一系列连接东西方的路线。

2012 年六月翻译题及答案82. ___________________ (他们的独生儿子从未想过) to leave them and strike out on his own though he is in his late twenties 。
答案:Their only son has never thought83. Before you take any action, please remember to 权(衡你的决定会产生的后果)答案:weigh your decision against its possible consequences84. He assured his friend that under no circumstances 他(会违背还钱的承诺)答案:would he break/breach his promise/commitment to pay back the money 。
85. Most educators advise that kids _________________(不要沉溺于电脑游戏)。
答案:should not be addicted to computer games. / should not indulge themselves in computer games / should not abandon themselves to computer games 。
86. Business major as he is, he has _________________ (未考虑过从事推销员的工作)。
答案:never considered working as a salesman 。
2011 年12 月英语六级真题及答案汇总1. You shouldn't have run across the road without looking,you would have been knocked down by a car. (也许会被车撞到)解析:本题考察虚拟语气。

要脚踏实地(be down-to-earth), 热忱周到地为他人效劳,哪怕是简洁的小事,也要从一点一滴做起。
参考翻译:Being ready to help others is one of the fine traditions of Chinese nation.By helping others,one not only offered help to others,but also expressed one kind of self-respect.To help others,one should give up selfishness and shouldn”t consider his own interest all the time.Think more of others and initiatively give a hand to those that need help.To be ready to help others,one should live happily and avoid asking for trouble.When helping others, one can get happiness at the same time and enjoy the pleasure of life.To be ready to help others,one should take action actively instead of just saying it.Be down-to-earth, and offer service to others with passion.Even for the simple things,just start doing them bit by bit.翻译讲解:1.表达了一种自尊:可译为express one kind of self-respect。

11年12月82. Y ou shouldn't have run across the road without looking, you___________________________ (也许会被车撞到83. By no means _______________________________, (他把自己当成专家although he knowsa lot about the field.84. He doesn't appreciate the sacrifice his friends have made for him,____________________(把他们所做的视作理所应当85. Janet told me that she would rather her mother_______________________________ (不干涉她的婚姻86. To keep up with the expanding frontiers of scholarship. Edward Wilson found himself _______________________________ (经常上网查信息答案82.would have been knocked down by a car.83.does he regarded himself as an expert84. however, he takes it for granted85. not have interfered with her marriage86. always searching for information on the internet.11年6月82. Even though they were already late, _______________________________ (宁愿停下来欣赏美丽的景色 than just go on.83.No agreement was reached in the discussion between the two parties,_______________________________ (任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场.84.The pills _______________________________(本来可以治愈那位癌症病人的, but he didn’t follow the doctor’s advice and take them regularly.85.It is __________________________________(你真好,给了我那么多帮助;I really feel obliged to you.86.The war left the family scattered all over the world, and it was thirty years______________________________(他们才得以重聚答案82. would rather stop to enjoy the beautiful scenery83. neither chose to give up its own position84. could have cured the cancer patient85. so kind of you to have given me so much help86. before they got reunited10年12月82.There is no denying that you __________________________________ (越仔细越好 in dealing with this matter.83.Only when I reached my thirties _____________________________(我才意识到读书是不能被忽视的.84. Much _________________________________(使研究人员感到惊讶, the outcome of the experiment was far better than they had expected.85.Oh, my, I can’t find my key; ______________________________(我一定是把它忘在哪儿了.86. I ________________________________ (宁愿加入你们去做义工 than go to the beach for a holiday.答案82.can not be too careful83.did I realize that reading could not be neglected84.to the research ers' surprise 4.85.I must have left it somewhere86.would rather join you to do volunteer work10年06月82. _______________________________ (他们的独生儿子从未想过 to leave them and strike out on his own though he is in his late twenties.83.Before you take any action, please remember to_____________________________ (权衡你的决定会产生的后果.84. He assured his friend that under no circumstances____________________________ (他会违背还钱的承诺.85. Most educators advise that kids _____________________________ (不要沉溺于电脑游戏.86. Business major as he is, he has ______________________________ (从未考虑过从事推销员工作.答案82. Their only son has never thought83. weigh your decision against its possible consequences84. would he break/breach his promise/commitment to pay back the money85. should not be addicted to computer games86. never considered working as a salesman09年12月82. How long does a jacket like this last me? ___________________________ (这要看你多长时间穿一次83. The theory he advanced has proved _____________________________(对许多传统概念的一种挑战84. The manager _____________________________ (本可以亲自参加会议, but he was called away for some urgent business abroad.85. Both research and practical experience have shown that_____________________________ (均衡的饮食对健康是必不可少的.86. Much ___________________________(我感到遗憾, I was unable to finish the work on time.答案82. It depends on how often you wear it83. a challenge to many traditional concepts84. could have attended the meeting in person (by himself85. a balance diet is essential to health86. regretted as I felt09年06月82.With the oil prices ever rising, she tried to talk __________________________ (说服他不买车83. __________________________ (保持幽默有助于 reduce stress and promote creative thinking in today’s competitiv e society.84.When confronted with the evidence, _________________________ (他不得不坦白自己的罪行85.When people say, “I can feel my ears burning,”it means they think_____________________ (一定有人在说他们坏话.86.She has decided to go on a diet, but finds _____________________(很难抵制冰淇淋的诱惑. 答案82.over him not to buy a car83. Keeping sense of humor is contributive to84. he had no choice but to confess his guilt85. some one must are speaking ill of them86.it difficult to resist the temptation of ice cream08年12月82.He designed the first suspension bridge,which___________________________(把美观与功能完美地结合起来。

近年来英语六级翻译真题汇总(含答案)近年来英语六级翻译真题汇总(含答案)2015 年12 月六级翻译真题及参考译文第1套:中国工业升级最近,中国政府决定将其工业升级。
Recently, the Chinese government decided to upgrade its industry. China is now involved in building high-speed trains, ocean going ships, robots and even airplanes. Not long ago, China won a contract to build a high-speed railway in Indonesia: it also signed a contract with Malaysia to supply it with high-speed trains. This proves that people believe in products made in China. Products made in China are more and more popular. China has paid for this, but it does help eradicate poverty and provide jobs for people around the world. It's a good thing, to be commended. The next time you go to the store, you may want to have a look at the name of the country where the goods you buy are made. It is likely that this product is made in China.第2套:中国减贫在帮助国际社会于2030 年前消除极端贫困过程中,中国正扮演着越来越重要的角色。

英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编6(总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.英译汉(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.The 1992 Rio conference was a high watermark for environmental law. Despite all the many accomplishments since then, we must now acknowledge that Rio has not fulfilled the promises with which the world invested it. After 50 years of diligent and sophisticated work by environmental lawyers on legislation, regulation, principles, treaties, and judicial decisions, how is it that the " actual landscape" of the world"s resources is still "slipping two steps backward for each forward stride"? Part of the explanation for that disappointing result can be found in the statements issued by a distinguished international collection of prosecutors, judges, and legal scholars at the Rio + 20-re-lated World Congress on Justice, Governance, and Law for Environmental Sustainability. They focused almost exclusively on matters of substantive doctrine and legal procedure. Recommitment to enhancing "law" in this narrow sense—a body of formal rules and principles and the judicial and prosecutorial mechanisms for their application and enforcement —certainly has great value, and that work should go forward vigorously. But the ongoing ecological deterioration is traceable in large part to pervasive social and political attitudes favoring a growth-based model of economic "development" that steadily intensifies human appropriation of planetary resources. To address the root of the problem, it will be argued here, environmental law needs a more expansive society-based conception of "law", one that activates law as a social institution engaged broadly with the habits and customs, the expectations and aspirations, of people and organizations in their daily lives. Environmental lawyers, then, need a fresh and bold reimagination of their mission, to hone and use their persuasive and analytical skills in creative ways to alter the social dynamic underlying environmental change and to foment a deep commitment to effective stewardship of resources.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Never before had the world such a tremendous scientific-technical potential, such a capacity to generate wealth and well-being. Authentic technological wonders that have made any place in the world to be always close with regard to distances and communications have not been capable of bringing well-being for everybody, but only for a meager 15% living in the countries of the North. The abysm between North and South is now so huge, that the unsustainability of the current economic order and the blindness of the people who try to justify continuing to enjoy opulence and waste, are evident. The great possibilities that a globalization of solidarity and true cooperation could bring to all people in the world through the scientific-technical wonders, have been reduced by the neo-liberal model to this grotesque caricature full of exploitation and social injustice. We were asked to be ultra-liberal in trade and to lift any barrier, which may obstruct the imports coming from the North, but the oral champions of free trade actually are the champions in the praxis of protectionism. The North spends one billion dollars a day in practicing what has been banned from doing, that is, subsidizing inefficient products. Today, vis-a-vis the obvious failure of neoliberalism and the great threat that the International Economic Order represents for the South, it is necessary to retake the Spirit of the South by forming an alliance among ourselves.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.After months of speculation, the final 22,000-character overview of China"s "third plenum" was published on November 15 th. In the economic sphere the document turned out to be bolder than the initial summary suggested, but the document"s interest lies not just in the economic reforms,which were anticipated. More striking were some of the social changes the document announced, such as the relaxation of the one-child policy. A couple in which one parent is an only child will be allowed to have two children, and the policy is likely to be loosened even further. In another widely welcomed move, labour camps are to be abolished. But possibly the most important announcements were buried deep in the document and grabbed fewer headlines. Two moves in particular, namely allowing the development of " social organisations" or NGOs in essence and the separation of judicial jurisdiction systems from administrative areas, showed that the party is sensitive to the ferment in Chinese society and the demands for greater liberty and accountability that accompany it. That these two gestures towards reform were mentioned at all is encouraging, and the world is keen to know whether Chinese leadership will honor their words in the plenary document that they " dare to gnaw through even tough bones, dare to ford dangerous rapids, break through the fetters of ideological concepts with even greater resolution. "(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.The Center, for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth ( CIP-PEC) is a leading think tank in Argentina. It is a private, non-profit organization that strives to create a more just, democratic and efficient public sector in Argentina, and is devoted to the study of the education, health, fiscal, political, judicial and public management systems, in order to determine needs, opportunities, and obstacles for the implementation of effective public policies. The think tank elaborates and disseminates technical information about the functioning of Argentine institutions to promote the accountability of public officials. CIPPEC also provides technical assistance to provincial governments and municipalities, and maintains regional networks working on topics such as parliamentary transparency, democratic institutions, regional integration, etc. Its current projects consist of two training courses on quantitative methods to analyze international trade and financial tools for SMEs as well as a joint study on a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system for the agency. (155 words)(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.The huge earthquake that hit off the coast of northeastern Miyagi prefecture earlier this year was a harsh reminder of the more elemental dangers that can threaten economic activity on the crowded and seismically vulnerable Japanese archipelago. Weighing the full implications of the natural disaster will take time. Yet the earthquake at the very least throws a huge question mark over an economic recovery that economists had hoped would gather steam in 2011 after stalling in the last three months of 2010. Although the areas worst hit are far less economically significant than the coastal industry zones, which suffered widespread stoppages after the 1995 Kobe earthquake, the disaster could heighten recent uncertainty among consumers and investors about the prospects for Japan " s continued recovery from its worst postwar recession. Learning from the lessons of the devastating disaster in 1995, the government and insurance companies have been actively encouraging even smaller companies to draw up detailed " business continuity plans" intended to minimize losses and aid quick recoveries. In the longer term, the earthquake is certain to force heavy spending on construction and public works in the affected region. The terrifying footage of tsunami carrying away whole buildings makes it clear that dealing with the damage will require huge effort and heavy investment. (212 words)(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________。

英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编68(总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.汉译英(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.知名学着冯骥才还专门撰文解说深度旅游:“顾名思义,就是从表面观光走向深层了解。
古老中国将出现多么瑰丽的文化景观!”(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.创新是欢乐谷成功的秘诀,发展的灵魂。
(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.1915年张裕带四款产品代表中国葡萄酒业参加了世博会。

英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编6(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 词语翻译词语翻译英译汉1.literal translation正确答案:直译,字面翻译2.parallel corpora正确答案:平行语料库3.rephrasing正确答案:改写4.TL正确答案:译语,译入语5.shift正确答案:转换6.translation unit正确答案:翻译单位7.translationese正确答案:翻译腔8.disambiguation正确答案:消歧9.coherence正确答案:连贯性10.textual norms正确答案:文本规范汉译英11.不可译性正确答案:Untranslatability12.超额翻译正确答案:over translation13.成分分析正确答案:complexity analysis 14.重写正确答案:rewriting15.计算机辅助翻译正确答案:Computer Aided Translation 16.异化正确答案:foreignization17.改编正确答案:adaptation18.术语正确答案:Terms19.口译正确答案:Interpretation20.冗余正确答案:redundancy 21.迁移正确答案:transference 22.释译正确答案:paraphrase 23.调整正确答案:adjustment 24.译后编辑正确答案:Post-editing 25.忠信正确答案:faithfulness。

英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编61(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 词语翻译词语翻译英译汉1.Arbor Day正确答案:植树节2.the in-thing正确答案:流行事物3.somebody’ s cup of tea正确答案:对某人胃口的东西,使某人感兴趣的东西4.infortainment正确答案:新闻娱乐化(由information和entertainment两个单词组合而成) 5.average Joe正确答案:平常人,普通人6.moon away正确答案:虚度时光7.put two and two together正确答案:根据事实推8.give the floor to正确答案:请某人发言,给予发言权9.disposable chopsticks正确答案:一次性筷子10.scrap-newspaper正确答案:可回收的旧报纸汉译英11.知识产权正确答案:intellectual property12.中国最适合居住的十大城市正确答案:Top 10 most livable cities in China; China’ s top 10 most suitable cities for living13.盗版软件正确答案:pirated software14.产能过剩正确答案:Excess Capacity15.晚婚晚育正确答案:late marriage and late childbirth; later marriage and later childbearing16.战国时期正确答案:the Warring States Period17.打造国际知名品牌正确答案:creating famous international brand18.海洋科学研究所正确答案:Institute of Marine Science19.安全饮用水正确答案:safe drinking water20.农民工正确答案:migrant worker21.暗箱操作正确答案:black case work22.老人节正确答案:the Double Ninth Festival23.科幻小说正确答案:science fiction24.万有引力定律正确答案:law of universal gravitation 25.前苏联正确答案:Union of Socialist Soviet Republics。
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英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编6(总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.英译汉(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:2.The 1992 Rio conference was a high watermark for environmental law. Despite all the many accomplishments since then, we must now acknowledge that Rio has not fulfilled the promises with which the world invested it. After 50 years of diligent and sophisticated work by environmental lawyers on legislation, regulation, principles, treaties, and judicial decisions, how is it that the " actual landscape" of the world"s resources is still "slipping two steps backward for each forward stride"? Part of the explanation for that disappointing result can be found in the statements issued by a distinguished international collection of prosecutors, judges, and legal scholars at the Rio + 20-re-lated World Congress on Justice, Governance, and Law for Environmental Sustainability. They focused almost exclusively on matters of substantive doctrine and legal procedure. Recommitment to enhancing "law" in this narrow sense—a body of formal rules and principles and the judicial and prosecutorial mechanisms for their application and enforcement—certainly has great value, and that work should go forward vigorously. But the ongoing ecological deterioration is traceable in large part to pervasive social and political attitudes favoring a growth-based model of economic "development" that steadily intensifies human appropriation of planetary resources. To address the root of the problem, it will be argued here, environmental law needs a more expansive society-based conception of "law", one that activates law as a social institution engaged broadly with the habits and customs, the expectations and aspirations, of people and organizations in their daily lives. Environmental lawyers, then, need a fresh and bold reimagination of their mission, to hone and use their persuasive and analytical skills in creative ways to alter the social dynamic underlying environmental change and to foment a deep commitment to effective stewardship of resources.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案: 1992年的里约会议标志着环境法达到了最高水平。
50多年来,环境法的律师制定或修改法律、规章、准则、条约并做出司法判决,他们勤奋地做着这些高深复杂的工作,但是世界资源的“现状”仍然“每前进一步都倒退两步”是怎么回事? 这一结果令人失望,其中部分原因可以在全世界杰出的检察官、法官和法律学者发布的言论合集中找到,他们在里约+20的相关世界会议上就司法、管理和环境可持续发展的法律发表了看法。
)解析:3.Never before had the world such a tremendous scientific-technical potential, such a capacity to generate wealth and well-being. Authentic technological wonders that have made any place in the world to be always close with regard to distances and communications have not been capable of bringing well-being for everybody, but only for a meager 15% living in the countries of theNorth. The abysm between North and South is now so huge, that the unsustainability of the current economic order and the blindness of the people who try to justify continuing to enjoy opulence and waste, are evident. The great possibilities that a globalization of solidarity and true cooperation could bring to all people in the world through the scientific-technical wonders, have been reduced by the neo-liberal model to this grotesque caricature full of exploitation and social injustice. We were asked to be ultra-liberal in trade and to lift any barrier, which may obstruct the imports coming from the North, but the oral champions of free trade actually are the champions in the praxis of protectionism. The North spends one billion dollars a day in practicing what has been banned from doing, that is, subsidizing inefficient products. Today, vis-a-vis the obvious failure of neoliberalism and the great threat that the International Economic Order represents for the South, it is necessary to retake the Spirit of the South by forming an alliance among ourselves.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(正确答案:世界从未像现在这样具有如此惊人的科技潜力和创造财富与幸福的能力。