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Removal of pollutants from acid mine wastewater

using metallurgical by-product slags

D. Feng a,∗, J.S.J. van Deventer a, C. Aldrich b

a Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic., 3010, Australia

b Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602, Stellenbosch, South Africa

Received in revised form 8 January 2004; accepted 12 January 2004


Theremoval of pollutants from acid mine drainage using metallurgicalby-product slags was studied in laboratory scale. Metallurgicalby-product furnace slags were used as sorbents for metal ions and dispersed air column flotation was employed for the solid/liquid separationof the loaded slags. Batch sorption/pH/kinetic studies were conducted using simulated Cu and Pb bearing wastewater. The calcium glasstype of slags had high surface area and porosity. Promising result was succeeded from the combined process of slag sorption/flotation on thetreatment of an acid mine drainage from a South African gold mine.

© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Furnace slag; Sorption; Flotation; Wastewater treatment; Acid mine drainage

1. Introduction

Various methods exist for the removal of toxic metalions from aqueous solution, viz. ion exchange, reverse osmosis,precipitation and adsorption, among others. Adsorptionis by far the most versatile and widely used process.Activated carbon has been the standard adsorbent for thereclamation of municipal and industrial wastewaters. Owingto the high-cost of activated carbon, production of itslow-cost alternatives has been the focus of research in thisarea for years. These sorbents for the heavy metals sorptionranged from natural materials to industrial and agriculturalby-products, such as fly ash, carbonaceous material, metaloxides, zeolites, moss, hydroxides, lignin, clays, biomass,peanut hulls, pyrite fines, goethite and coral sand.Furnace slags as metallurgical by-products are beingused as fillers or in the production of slag cement. It hasbeen reported that granulated furnace slag can be convertedinto an effective adsorbent and used for the removal ofdyes [1,2] and metal ions [3,4]. Alkaline-based slags asnon-conventional sorbents for various heavy metal ionscombine ion-exchange and sorption properties with anacid-neutralising ability. Acid mine water is an unavoidableby-product of the mining and mineral industry, especiallyas far as the oxidation of sulphide minerals is concerned.Acid mine waters typically contain high concentrations ofdissolved heavy metals and sulphate and can have a highturbidity and pH values as low as 2. These conditions mayprohibit discharge of untreated acid mine waters into publicstreams, as they have a detrimental effect on aquatic plantand fish life. Similarly, ground water pollution caused by thedrainage of acid mine water is an equally serious problem.Traditionally, acid mine water is neutralised by treatmentwith lime, resulting in concomitant precipitation of iron,aluminium and other metal hydroxides. However, since theminimum solubilities for the different metals usually
