
A.680道英文题(后面附加有中文说明)1..Which flight conditions of a large jet airplane create the most severe flight hazard by generating wingtip vortices of the greatest strength?A.Heavy,slow,gear and flaps up.B.Heavy,slow,gear and flaps down.C.Heavy,fast,gear and flaps down.A X2..In a decision-making process,a participatory leaderA.allows each team member to have a say and to participate in team processes.B.tends to make all team decisions and controls all resources.C.may ultimately decide the team's actions,but seldom takes into consideration the team members'experience,knowledge,and preferences.A X3..The perception of color is a function of theA.cones on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting.B.rods on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting.C.cones on the retina and is diminished in bright lighting conditions.A X4..Hypoxia may be caused with a head cold.B.breathing too quickly and/or too deeply for therequirements of the body.C.flying at an altitude where the partial pressure of oxygen is too low.C X5..(According to Figure 4) At Shanghai,which description is correctA.The visibility is 800 meters,the sea level pressure is 996 hPa,B.The visibility is 8 kilometers,the QNH is 999.6 hPa,C.The visibility is 8 kilometers,the sea level pressure is 999.6 hPa,C X6.At which speed will increasing the pitch attitude cause an airplane to climb?A.Low speed.B.High speed.C.Any speed.B X7..A plane,MH 160°,receive this ATC clearance: "... HOLD EAST OF THE ABC VORTAC ON THE ZERO NINER ZERO RADIAL...",What is therecommended procedure to enter the holding pattern?A.Teardrop onlyB.Direct onlyC.Parallel onlyC X8..The maximum duty time in 24 consecutive hours that a carrier may schedule a pilot in a three pilot crew (including a second-in-commander pilot) without a rest period isA.16hoursB.17 hoursC.18 hoursA X9..A person whose duties include the handing or carriage of dangerous articles and/or magnetized materials must have satisfactorily completed an established and approvedtraining program within the precedingA.6 calendar months.B.12 calendar months.C.24 calendar months.B X10..Which dispatch requirement applies to an international air carrier that isscheduled for a 10 hours IFR flight?A.No alternate airport is required if the visibility at thedestination airport is desired to be at least 4,800m.B.An alternate airport is required.C.An alternate airport is not required if the ceiling at the destination airport is at least 600m AGL.B X11..If a flight engineer becomes incapacitated duringflight,who may perform the flight engineer's duties?A.The second in command only.B.Any flight crewmember, if qualified.C.Either pilot, if they have a flight engineer certificate.B X12..(Refer to Figure 1) According to the aeronautical weather report on figure 1,the QNH for ZUUU isA.998 hPaB.1099.8 hPaC.999.8 hPaA X13..Which condition will for the formation of radiation fog?A. Moist, stable air being moved over gradually rising ground by a wind.B. A clear sky, little or no wind,and high relative humidity.C. Moist air moves over colder ground or water.B X14..If a pilot suspects that he/she is suffering the effects of hypoxia,the most appropriate remedy would bee supplement oxygen or descend immediately to a low levelB.voluntarily increase the depth of breathing to induce more oxygen into the lungsC.voluntarily increase the breathing rate to increase the oxygen uptakeA X15..For the purpose of testing the flight recorder system.A.A minimum of 1 hour of the oldest recorded data must be erased to get a valid testB.A total of 1 hour of the oldest recorded data accumulated at the time of testing may be erasedC.A total of no more than 1 hour of recorded data may be erasedB X16.What effect does the leading edge slot in the wing have on performance?A. Decrease profile drag.B. Changes the stalling angle of attack to a higher angle.C. Decelerates the upper surface boundary layer air.B X17.. Under what condition should a pilot on IFR advise ATC of minimum fuel status?A. When the fuel supply becomes less than that required for IFR.B. If the remaining fuel suggests a need for traffic or landing priority.C. If the remaining fuel precludes any undue delay.C X18.. In the Northern hemisphere, if a pilot makes along-distance flight from east to west, under which of the following conditions,A.(接正文encounter against the wind forming by air pressure system?) when the airplane is in the south of high pressure system and in the north of low pressure system.B. When the airplane is in the north of high pressure system and in the south of low pressure system.C. When the airplane is in the north of high pressure and low pressure systems .B X19.. An alternate airport for departure is requiredA.if weather conditions are below authorized landing minimums at the departure airport.B.when the weather forecast at the estimated time ofdeparture is for landing minimums only.C.when destination weather is marginal IFR.A X20.. [Refer to Figures 4-50,4-51,4-52,4-53, and 4-54.] What is the total fuel required at .80 Mach?A.22,836 pounds.B.22,420 pounds.C.22,556 pounds.B X21.. Which is a definition of V2 speed?A.Takeoff decision speed.B.Takeoff safety speed.C.Minimum takeoff speed.B X22.. What is the approximate rate unsaturated air will cool flowing upslope?A. 3℃per 1,000 feet.B. 2℃per 1,000 feet.C. 4℃per 1,000 feet.A X23. An airport approved by the Administrator for use by an air carrier certificate holder for the purpose of providing service to a community when the regular airport is notavailable is a/an:A.destination airport.B.provisional airport.C.alternate airport.B X24.. (Refer to Figure 6-7) If the en route altitude of an aircraft is FL118, what is the altitude when the aircraft operates to DAWANGZHUANG along 007oA.FL118.B.FL128.C.FL138.A X25.. Who is responsible for the issue of Series D NOTAMs?AFC.B.Area flight information center.C.Airport flight information office.C X26..What temperature condition is indicated if precipitation in the form of wet snow occurs during flight?A. the temperature is above freezing at flight altitude.B. The temperature is above freezing at higher altitudes.C. There is an inversion with colder air below.A X27.Which ground components are required to be operative fora Category II approach in addition to LOC glide slope, marker beacons, and approach lights?A.Radar and RVR.B.RCLS and REILC.HIRL, TDZL, RCLS, and RVR.C X28.If an aircraft level turns at an angle of bank of 30 degree , the load factor isA.1Gs.B.2Gs.C.1.4GsC X29.. The ATS unit must ensure that pilots are kept informed of any change in the status of airport facilities_______________.A. at their destinationsB. at their alternate aerodromesC. A and BC X30.. (Refer to Figure 6-5) If an aircraft is estimated to arrive WEIXIAN at 1300z, pilot should contact ZHENGZHOU CONTROL on the frequency ofA.122.20MHz.B.8897KHz.C.3016KHz.C X31..(according to figure 2), the forcasting visibility at ZSSS is____A. 5000 m between 00Z-05Z, and 3000 m at other timeB. 5000 m between 00Z-09ZC. 5000 m between 00Z-05Z, 5000 m above at other timeA X32. By regulation, who shall provide the pilot in command of a domestic or flag air carrier airplane information concerning weather, and irregularities of facilities and services?A.The aircraft dispatcher.B.Air route traffic control center.C.Director of operations.A X33.. If the wind direction measured by the weather station is 270°,the optimum takeoff and landing direction is .A.from east to westB.from west to eastC.from north to southA X34.What characteristic should exist if an airplane is loaded tothe rear of its CG range?A.Sluggish in aileron control.B.Sluggish in rudder controlC.Unstable about the lateral axisC X35. Which is a definition of the term "crewmember"?A.Only a pilot, flight engineer, or flight navigator assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight time.B.A person assigned to perform duty in an aircraft during flight time.C.Any person assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight except a pilot or flight engineer.B X36.. The most important restriction to the operation of turbojet or turboprop engines isA.Limiting compressor speed.B.Limiting Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT).C.Limiting torque.B X37. If it becomes necessary to shut down one engine on a domestic air carrier three-engine turbojet airplane, thepilot in commandA. must land at the nearest suitable airport, in point of time,at which a safe landing can be made.B. may continue to the planned destination if approved by the company aircraft dispatcher.C. may continue to the planned destination if this is considered as safe as landing at the nearest suitable airport.C X38. In a 24-hour consecutive period, what is the maximum time, excluding briefing and debriefing, that an airline transport pilot may instruct other pilots in air transportationservice?A.6 hours.B.8 hours. 2C.10 hours.B X39.. [Refer to Figures 4-46, 4-47 and 4-48.] What is the ETE from Chicago Midway Airport to Greater Buffalo Intl?A.2 hours 12 minutes.B.2 hours 15 minutes.C.2 hours 18 minutes.A X40.. You should advise ATC of minimum fuel status when your fuel supply has reached a state where, upon reaching your destination, you cannot accept any undue delay.A. This will ensure your priority handling by ATC.B. ATC will consider this action as if you had declared an emergency.C. If your remaining usable fuel supply suggests the need for traffic priority to ensure a safe landing, declare an emergency due to low fuel and report fuel remaining in minutes.C X41.. (Refer to Figure 7) In this chart, ISOL EMBD CB 340/XXX meansA. Some places have CBs, CBs with little or no separationB. Isolated cumulonimbus embedded in layers of other clouds, the top of the cumulonimbus is 34000 feet, the base is unknownC. The airplane is embedded in layers of clouds, the top of the cumulonimbus is 34000 feet, the base is unknownB X42.Within what frequency range dies the localizer transmitter of the ILS operate?A.108.10 to 118.10 MHZB.108.10 to 111.95 MHZC.108.10 to 117.95 MHZ.B X43..Which of the following characteristics heatthunderstorm?A.It moves with the weather system.B.It covers small area and is isolated with openingsC. It strengthens at night and weakens in the day on landB X44.. What is the time limitation for filing flight application?A.At least before 1500 Beijing Time prior to the departure date.B.At least before 1700 Beijing Time prior to the departure date.C.At least before 1200 Beijing Time prior to the departure date.A X45.What is the purpose of an elevator trim tab?A.Provide horizontal balance as airspeed is increased toallow hands-off flight.B.Adjust the speed tail load for different airspeeds in flight allowing neutral control forces.C.Modify the downward tail load for various airspeeds inflight eliminating flight-control pressures.C X47..Hypoxia is always accompanied byA. dizzinessB.a degradation in the performance of a pilotC.vomitingB X48.The "runway hold position" sign denotesA.An area protected for an aircraft approaching a runwayB.An entrance to runway from a taxiwayC.Intersecting runwaysC X49.. An alternate airport must be listed in the dispatch and flight release for all international operation air carrier flights longer thanA.7 hours.B.8 hours.C.6 hours.C X50..Carbon monoxide is dangerous displace oxygen from the blood's red is highly acidic and attacks the lining of the displaces oxygen from the lungs causing suffocationA X51.. In flight, pilots find forane clouds consisting of cloud bar and cloud band with flat floor and piled clouds on the top of some clouds. The descriptive cloud should be.A. cumulus congestusB. cumulostratusC. towering cloudsC X52.. What condition produces the most frequent type ofground-or surface-based temperature inversion?A. The movement of colder air under warm air or the movement of warm air over cold air.B. Widespread sinking of air within a thick layer aloft resulting in heating by compression.C. Terrestrial radiation on a clear, relatively calm night.C X53..What is a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning?A.Rapid, shallow breathing.B.Pain and cramping of the hands and feet.C.Dizziness.C X54..Hypoxia is the result of which of these conditions?A.Insufficient oxygen reaching the brain.B.Excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream.C.Limited oxygen reaching the heart muscles.A X55.Which "rule-of-thumb" may be used to approximate therate of descent required for a 3 glide path?A.5times groundspeed in knots.B. 8times groundspeed in knots.C.10 times groundspeed in knots.A X56.A pilot of a high-performance airplane should be aware that flying a steeper-than-normal VASI glide slope angle may result inA. A hard landing.B. Increased landing rollout.C. Landing short of the runway threshold.B X57. A domestic air carrier airplane lands at an intermediate airport at 1815Z. The latest time it may depart without a specific authorization from an aircraft dispatcher isA.1945Z.B.1915Z.C.1845Z.B X58.. An aircraft that encounters a headwind of 45knots, withina microburst, may expect a total shear across the microburst ofA. 40 knotsB. 80 knotsC. 90 knotsC X59..Which of the following is not the tip for good SA management during the flight?A.Resolve discrepancies- contradictory data or personal conflicts.B.Fixation-focusing on any one thing to the exclusion of everything else.C.Monitor and evaluate current status relative to our plan.B X60.. If the landing minimums for a NDB approach shown on the IAP chart are visibility 2,000m and MDA 120m, which minimums apply when you actually divert to this airport?A.Visibility 2,800m and MDA 180m.B.Visibility 3,600m and MDA 240m.C.Visibility 2,000m and MDA 120m.C X61. A pilot flight crewmember, other than pilot in command, must have received a proficiency check or line-oriented simulator training within the precedingA.6 calendar months.B.12 calendar months.C.24 calendar months.C X62.. (Refer to Figure 6-1) Which approach lighting is available for VOR/DME Rwy 36R?A.HIALS.B.HIALS with PAPI.C.PAPI.B X63.Holding position signs haveA.White inscriptions on a red backgroundB.Red inscriptions on a white backgroundC.Yellow inscriptions on a red backgroundA X64..A common source of human error is the false hypothesis. Under certain conditions this is more or less likely than at other times. From the following list, select the situation least likely toA.(续正文,result in a person arriving at a falsehypothesis)when expectancy of an event is highB.after a period of intense concentrationC.during normal operationC X65..Which airplane performance characteristics should berecognized during takeoff when encountering a tailwind shear that increases in intensity?A. loss of, or diminished, airspeed performanceB. decreased takeoff distanceC. increased climb performance immediately after takeoffA X66.Which airplanes are required to be equipped with a ground proximity warning glide slope deviation alerting system?A.All turbine powered airplanesB.Passenger -carrying turbine-powered airplanes onlyrge turbine-powered airplanes onlyA X67..During the life cycle of a thunderstorm, which stage is characterized predominately by downdrafts?A. cumulusB. dissipatingC. matureB X68.When are outboard ailerons normally used?A.Low-speed flight only.B.High-speed flight only.C.Low-speed and high-speed flight.A X69.. What does the throttle opening of aturbo-charged-reciprocating engine control?A.Supercharger gear ratio.B.Exhaust gas discharge.C.The desired manifold pressure.C X70.During an en route descent in a fixed-thrust andfixed-pitch attitude configuration, both the ram air input and drain hole of the pilot system become completely blocked by ice. What airspeed indication can be expected?A.Increase in indicated airspeed.B.Decrease in indicated airspeed.C.Indicated airspeed remains at the value prior to icingB X71. An applicant who is taking a practical test for a type rating to be added to a commercial pilot certificate, in an approved simulator, isA.required to have a first-class medical certificate.B.required to have a second-class medical certificate.C.not required to have a medical certificate.C X72..If the aircraft enters the strong downdraft burst, where is the aircraft expected to meet the strongest downdraft?A. in the center of strong downdraft burstB. when it enters the strong downdraft burstC. when leaves the strong downdraft burstA X73.. It should be reported without ATC request thatA. When unable to climb at a rate of at least 500 feet per minute.B. When unable to descend at a rate of at least 1000 feet per minute.C. When unable to climb or descend at a rate of at least 600 feet per minute.A X74.. [Refer to Figure 4-28.] How much will landing distance be reduced by using 15o of flaps rather than 0o flaps at a landing weight of 115,000 pounds?A.500 feet.B.800 feet.C.2,700 feet.B X75..The time of useful consciousness(TUC) is affected by many factors, such as flight altitude, climbing rate, pilot'sactivity level, pilot'sA.(续正文,health, and whether the pilot smoking or not. Thestatement is )rightB.wrongA X76. (Refer to Figure 2-12) what is the runway distance remaining at "A" for a nighttime takeoff on runway 9?A.1,000 feetB.2,000 feetC.2,500 feetB X77.. Maximum range performance of a turbojet aircraft is obtained by which procedure as aircraft weight reduces?A.Increasing speed or altitude.B.Increasing altitude or decreasing speed.C.Increasing speed or decreasing altitude.B X78..Which type of weather conditions are covered in the Convective SIGMETA. Embedded thunderstorms, severe turbulenceB. Cumulonimbus clouds, light turbulenceC. severe icing, surface visibility lower than 5000 metersA X79. When a pilot plans a flight using NDB NAVAIDS. Which rule applies?A.The airplane must have sufficient fuel to proceed. by means of VOR NAVIDS, to a suitable airport and land.B.The pilot must be able to return to the departure airport using other navigation radios.C.The airplane must have sufficient fuel to proceed, by means of VOR NAVAIDS, to a suitable airport and complete an instrument approach by use of the remaining airplane radio system.C X80.. What is an area identified by the term "clearway"?A.centrally located about the extended centerline and under airport authorities, which does not contain obstructions and can be considered when calculating takeoff performance.B.An area, at least the same width as the runway, capable of supporting an airplane during a normal takeoff.C.An area beyond the takeoff runway, which is able to support the airplane, for use in decelerating the airplane during an aborted takeoff.A X81. A crewmember who has served as second-in-command on a particular type airplane (e.g., B737-300), may serve aspilot-in-command upon completing which training program?A.Upgrade training.B.Recurrent training.C.Initial training.A X82.. Which points should be report to ATC without request?A. when leaving the final approach fix outbound.B. when leaving an assigned holding fix.C. when leaving the final approach fix outbound, or when leaving an assigned holding fix.C X83.. What is the correct symbol for minimum unstick speed?A.VMU.B.VMD.C.VFC.A X84..The two different types of light sensitive elements on the retina are classified asA.rods which are sensitive to color and cones which work best in dim light.B.cones which are sensitive to color and rods which work best in dim light.C.rods and cones both of which are responsible for color vision.B X85.(Refer to Figures 2-4 and 2-5)To which aircraft position does HSI presentation "A" correspond?A.9and6B.9 onlyC.6 onlyA X86..Which of the following is the clue of SA weaken or loss during the flight?A.Fixation-focusing on any one thing to the exclusion of everything else.B.Adhere to standard operating procedures.C.Meet expected checkpoint on flight plan or profile-ETA, fuel burn, far as possible.A X87..Which type clouds are indicative of very strong turbulence?A. nimbostratus.B. Standing lenticular.C. Cirrocumulus.B X88.. What effect will an increase in altitude have upon the available equivalent shaft horsepower (ESHP) of a turboprop engine?A.Lower air density and engine mass flow will cause a decrease in power.B.Higher propeller efficiency will cause an increase in usable power (ESHP) and thrust.C.Power will remain the same but propeller efficiency will decrease.A X89.. You can't enter tower controlled airspace under IFR weather conditions unless you have filed an IFR flight plan andA.slowed down to the final approach IAS.B.received an ATC clearance.C.climbed to the appropriate altitude.B X90.. Series C NOTAMs of Class 2 must be disseminated to domestic area flight information center NOTAMs officeA.25 days ago.B.15 days ago.C.7 days ago.B X91..(according to figure 2), at ZBAA, the max predicting wind speed is___.A. 17 m/sB. 8 m/sC. 6 m/sA X92.. [Refer to Figure 4-28.] What is the ground roll when landing with 5o of flaps at a landing weight of 142,500 pounds?A.1,750 feet.B.2,100 feet.C.2,500 feet.C X93..Which of the following is not normally a symptom of hypoxia?A.increased visual fieldB.An increase in breathing rateC.Sleepiness or frequent yawningA X94.. (Refer to Figure 6-3) The true direction of Rwy 35 at PUDONG isA.342o.B.347o.C.352o.A X95.. What effect would a change in air density have ongas-turbine-engine performance?A.As air density decreases, thrust increases.B.As air density increases, thrust increases.C.As air density increases, thrust decreases.B X96. When is DME required for an instrument flight?A.At or above 24000 feet MSL if VOR navigational equipment is requiredB.In terminal radar service areasC.Above 12,500 feet MSLA X97. . (Refer to Figure 6-2) Which approach lighting isavailable for ILS/DME Rwy 36L?A.HIALS with PAPI.B.HIALS.C.PAPI.A X98.. (According to Figure 1) which station reports the max wind speedA.ZSSSB.ZUUUC.ZWWWC X99.What is a characteristic of longitudinal instability?A.Pitch oscillations becoming progressively greater.B.Bank oscillations becoming progressively greater.C.Aircraft constantly tries pitch down.A X100.. (Refer to Figure 6-3, 6-4) What distance is available for takeoff on Rwy 17 at PUDONG?A.12,093 feet.B.12,097 feet.C.13,123 feet.C X101..Crew resource management is a process using allavailable information and resources, i.e. equipment, procedures and people, to achieve a safe andA.(续正文,efficient flight operation. The statement is)rightB.wrongA X102.. [Refer to Figure 4-41.] What is the approximate landing weight for Operating Conditions below? WEIGHT (START TO ALT): 87,000,DISTANCE (NM): 370,WIND COMPONENT: 60HW,HOLDINGTIME AT ALT (MIN): 15A.80,850 pounds.B.85,700 pounds.C.77,600 pounds.A X103..(Refer to Figure 1) What weather condition is reported at Urumchi (ZWWW)A. Strong wind with showerB. Snow and rainC. Strong west wind and blowing snowC X104.. [Refer to Figure 4-28 and 4-29.] What approach speed and landing distance will be needed when landing at a weight of 140,000 pounds with 15o of flaps?A.123 knots and 3,050 feet.B.138 knots and 3,050 feet.C.153 knots and 2,050 feet.B X105.If a required instrument on a multiengine airplane becomes inoperative, which document dictates whether the flight may continue en route?A. An approved Minimum Equipment list for the airplane.B. Original dispatch release.C. Certificate holder's manual.C X106.. [Refer to Figure 4-34.] What are the recommended IAS and EPR settings for holding under Operating Conditionsbelow? ,ALTITUDE: 30,000,WEIGHT (*1000): 92.5,ENGINES OPERATING: 2,HOLDING TIME (MIN): 10A.221 knots and 1.83 EPR.B.210 knots and 1.69 EPR.C.217 knots and 1.81 EPR.B X107.. How often is SNOWTAM broadcast to distant centers?A.Hourly.B.One hour and a half a time.C.30 minutes a time.A X108..When light passes through the lens it is brought to focus at the back of the eyeball on theA.retinaB.corneaC.irisA X109..When is the course deviation indicator (CDI) considered to have a full-scale deflection?A.When the CDI deflects from full-scale left to full-scale tight, or vice versa.B.When the CDI deflects from the center of the scale tofull-scale left or right.C.When the CDI deflects from half-scale left to half-scale right, or vice versa.B X110..Effective CRM has some characteristics, which of the following is right description about it?A.CRM is a process using all available information and resources, i.e. equipment, procedures and people, to achieve a safe and efficient flight operation.B.CRM can be blended into all forms of aircrew trainingC.A and BC X111.. [Refer to Figure 4-25.] What is the maximum landing weight which will permit stopping 1,500 feet short of the end of a 4,950-foot dry runway with reversers and spoilers inoperative?A.119,000 pounds.B.136,000 pounds.C.139,000 pounds.C X112. Who is required to submit a written report on a deviation that occurs during an emergency?A. Person who found the emergency.B. Person who heard the emergency.C. Pilot in command.C X113..Northwest wing can be presented as .A. 200°or NWB. 315°or NWC. 135°or SEB X114..What characterizes a transient compressor stall?A.Loud, steady roar accompanied by heavy shuddering.B.Sudden loss of thrust accompanied by a loud whine.C.Intermittent "bang," as backfires and flow reversals take place.C X115..Which of the following is not the way of increasing MCRIT in jet transport designsA. give the wing a lower camberB. increase wing sweep.C.add slatsC X116Under what condition is VMC the highest?A.Gross weight is at the maximum allowable value.B.CG is at the most rearward allowable position.C.CG is at the most forward allowable position.。
第 届国际化学奥林匹克竞赛中文版理论试卷

2018年7月19 – 29日布拉迪斯拉发斯洛伐克布拉格捷克理论试卷第50届 IChO 2018国际化学奥林匹亚斯洛伐克和捷克回到一切开始的地方BACK TO WHERE IT ALL BEGANCHN-1国际化学奥林匹亚/斯洛伐克和捷克 2018目录规则说明 (1)物理常数和公式 (2)第1题 DNA (4)第 2题中世纪遗骸的归国 (10)第3题新兴的电动汽车 (18)第4题放射性铜的柱层析 (25)第5题波希米亚石榴石 (30)第6题让我们一起去采蘑菇 (36)第7题西多福韦 (41)第8题石竹烯 (48)规则说明∙本理论考卷共55页。
物理常数和公式Avogadro's constant(阿佛加德罗常数): N A = 6.022 × 1023 mol−1Universal gas constant(普适气体常数):R = 8.314 J K−1 mol−1 Speed of light(光速): c = 2.998 × 108 m s−1 Planck's constant(普朗克常数): h = 6.626 × 10−34 J s Faraday constant(法拉第常数): F = 9.6485 × 104 C mol−1 Standard pressure(标准压力): p = 1 bar = 105 Pa Normal (atmospheric) pressure(正常大气压):p atm = 1.01325 × 105 Pa Zero of the Celsius scale(零摄氏度): 273.15 KMass of electron(电子质量): m e= 9.109 × 10−31 kg Unified atomic mass unit(原子质量单位):u = 1.6605 × 10−27 kgÅngström(埃): 1 Å = 10−10 m Electronvolt(电子伏特): 1 eV = 1.602 × 10−19 J Watt(瓦特): 1 W = 1 J s−1Ideal gas equation(理想气体方程): pV = nRTThe first law of thermodynamics(热力学第一定律):ΔU = q + WPower input for electrical device(电子设备的输入功率): P = U Iwhere U is voltage and I electric current(U表示电压,I表示电流)Enthalpy(焓): H = U + pVGibbs free energy(吉布斯自由能): G = H – TSΔG o = – RT ln K= – zFE celloΔG = ΔG o + RT ln QReaction quotient Q(反应商)for a reaction a A+ b B⇌c C+ d D:Q =[C]c[D]d[A]a[B]bEntropy change (熵变):ΔS =q rev Twhere q rev is heat for the reversible process (q rev 指可逆过程的热量)Heat changefor temperature-independent c m (不随温度变化的热量变化):Δq = nc m ΔTwhere c m is molar heat capacity (c m 是摩尔热容)Van ’t Hoff equation (范特霍夫方程): d ln K d T = Δr H m RT 2⇒ln (K 2K 1) = –Δr H m R (1T 2 –1T 1) Henderson –Hasselbalch equation (亨德森-哈塞尔巴赫方程):pH = p K a + log[A –][]Nernst –Peterson equation (能斯特-彼得森方程):E = E o –RTzFln Q Energy of a photon (光子能量): E =hc λRelation between E in eV and in J (E 用 eV 和 J 做单位的换算关系): E eV ⁄ = E J ⁄q e C ⁄Lambert –Beer law (比尔-朗伯定律):A = logI 0I= εlc Wavenumber (波数):ν̃ = νc = 12πc √k μReduced mass µ for a molecule AX (分子AX 的折合质量µ): μ =m A m X m A + m XEnergy of harmonic oscillator (谐振子的能量):E n = hν (n +12)Arrhenius equation (阿伦尼乌斯方程): k = A e − E aRTRate laws in integrated form (速率的积分表达式):Zero order (零级反应): [A] = [A]0 – kt First order (一级反应): ln[A] = ln[A]0 – kt Second order (二级反应):1[A] = 1[A]0+ kt第1题 DNA回环(Palindromic )序列是DNA 的一种有趣特征。


7重量与平衡(1)What is load factor?∙A.Lift multiplied by the total weight.∙B.Lift subtracted from the total weight.∙C.Lift divided by the total weight.正确答案:C(2)(Refer to figures ATP7-1, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG ininches from datum under Loading Conditions BE-1?∙A.Station 290.3.∙B.Station 285.8.∙C.Station 291.8.正确答案:B(3)(Refer to figures ATP7-1, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG ininches from datum under Loading Conditions BE-2?∙A.Station 295.2.∙B.Station 292.9.∙C.Station 293.0.正确答案:B(2)(Refer to figures ATP7-1, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG ininches from datum under Loading Conditions BE-1?∙A.Station 290.3.∙B.Station 285.8.∙C.Station 291.8.inches from datum under Loading Conditions BE-2?∙A.Station 295.2.∙B.Station 292.9.∙C.Station 293.0.正确答案:B(4)(Refer to figures ATP7-1, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG ininches from datum under Loading Conditions BE-3?∙A.Station 290.4.∙B.Station 285.8.∙C.Station 288.2.正确答案:C(5)(Refer to figures ATP7-1, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG ininches from datum under Loading Conditions BE-4?∙A.Station 297.4.∙B.Station 299.6.∙C.Station 297.7.正确答案:C6)(Refer to figures ATP7-1, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG ininches from datum under Loading Conditions BE-5?∙A.Station 290.5.∙B.Station 288.9.∙C.Station 289.1.∙A.Station 300.8.∙B.Station 296.5.∙C.Station 300.5.正确答案:C(8)(Refer to figures ATP7-2, 7-5, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG in inchesfrom datum under Loading Conditions BE-7?∙A.Station 297.8.∙B.Station 296.0.∙C.Station 299.9.正确答案:C(9)(Refer to figures ATP7-2, 7-5, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG in inchesfrom datum under Loading Conditions BE-8?∙A.Station 297.4.∙B.Station 298.1.∙C.Station 302.0.正确答案:C(10)(Refer to figures ATP7-2, 7-5, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG in inchesfrom datum under Loading Conditions BE-9?∙A.Station 301.2.∙B.Station 297.1.∙C.Station 296.7.∙A.Station 293.9.∙B.Station 298.4.∙C.Station 298.1.正确答案:B(12)(Refer to figures ATP7-1, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG shiftif the passengers in row 1 are moved to seats in row 9 under Loading Conditions BE-1?∙A.1.5 inches aft.∙B.5.6 inches aft.∙C.6.2 inches aft.正确答案:B(13)(Refer to figures ATP7-1, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG shiftif the passengers in row 1 are moved to row 8, and the passengers in row 2 are moved to row 9 under Loading Conditions BE-2?∙A.7.8 inches aft.∙B.9.2 inches aft.∙C.5.7 inches aft.正确答案:A(14)(Refer to figures ATP7-1, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG shiftif four passengers weighing 170 pounds each are added; two to seats in row6 and two to seats in row7 under Loading Conditions BE-3?∙ 2.2 inches forward.∙ 3.5 inches aft.正确答案:C(15)(Refer to figures ATP7-1, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG shiftif all passengers in rows 2 and 4 are deplaned under Loading Conditions BE-4? ∙A.2.0 inches aft.∙B.2.5 inches forward.∙C.2.5 inches aft.正确答案:A(16)(Refer to figures ATP7-1, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG shiftif the passengers in row 8 are moved to row 2, and the passengers in row 7 are moved to row 1 under Loading Conditions BE-5?∙A.1.0 inches forward.∙B.8.9 inches forward.∙C.6.5 inches forward.正确答案:B(17)(Refer to figures ATP7-2, 7-5, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG shiftif 300 pounds of cargo in section A is moved to section H under Loading Conditions BE-6?∙A.4.1 inches aft.∙B.4.0 inches aft.∙C.3.5 inches aft.正确答案:A(18)(Refer to figures ATP7-2, 7-5, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG shiftif the cargo in section F is moved to section A, and 200 pounds of the cargo in section G is added to the cargo in section B, under Loading Conditions BE-7?∙A.7.5 inches forward.∙B.8.2 inches forward.∙C.8.0 inches forward.正确答案:B(19)(Refer to figures ATP7-2, 7-5, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG if allcargo in sections A, B, J, K, and L are off-loaded under Loading Conditions BE-8?∙A.Station 292.7.∙B.Station 294.6.∙C.Station 297.0.正确答案:C(20)(Refer to figures ATP7-2, 7-5, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG if cargois loaded to bring sections F, G, and H to maximum capacity under Loading Conditions BE-9?∙A.Station 307.5.∙B.Station 305.4.∙C.Station 303.5.正确答案:A(21)(Refer to figures ATP7-2, 7-5, 7-7, 7-8 and 7-9) What is the CG shift∙A.3.2 inches aft.∙B.2.7 inches aft.∙C.2.4 inches aft.正确答案:C(23)(Refer to figure ATP7-10) What is the new CG if the weight is shiftedfrom the aft to the forward compartment under Loading Conditions WS-2?∙A.20.5 percent MAC.∙B.22.8 percent MAC.∙26.1 percent MAC.正确答案:B(24)(Refer to figure ATP7-10) What is the new CG if the weight is shiftedfrom the forward to the aft compartment under Loading Conditions WS-3?∙A.28.6 percent MAC.∙B.29.2 percent MAC.∙33.0 percent MAC.正确答案:B(25)(Refer to figure ATP7-10) What is the new CG if the weight is shiftedfrom the aft to the forward compartment under Loading Conditions WS-4?∙A.24.1 percent MAC.∙B.37.0 percent MAC.∙23.5 percent MAC.正确答案:C(26)(Refer to figure ATP7-10) Where is the new CG if the weight is shifted∙C.+13.93 index arm.正确答案:B(27)(Refer to figure ATP7-10) What is the new CG if the weight is removedfrom the forward compartment under Loading Conditions WS-1?∙A.26.8 percent MAC.∙B.30.0 percent MAC.∙27.1 percent MAC.正确答案:C(28)(Refer to figure ATP7-10) Where is the new CG if the weight is added tothe aft compartment under Loading Conditions WS-2?∙A.+12.13 index arm.∙B.+17.06 index arm.∙C.+14.82 index arm.正确答案:A(29)(Refer to figure ATP7-10) What is the new CG if the weight is added tothe forward compartment under Loading Conditions WS-3?∙A.14.3 percent MAC.∙B.14.5 percent MAC.∙11.4 percent MAC.正确答案:A(30)(Refer to figure ATP7-10) Where is the new CG if the weight is removed∙C.+8.50 index arm.正确答案:C(31)(Refer to figure ATP7-10) What is the new CG if the weight is removedfrom the forward compartment under Loading Conditions WS-5?∙A.19.1 percent MAC.∙B.31.9 percent MAC.∙35.2 percent MAC.正确答案:B(32)(Refer to figures ATP7-3, 7-5, 7-7 and 7-9) What limit is exceeded underOperating Conditions BE-11?∙A.ZFW limit is exceeded.∙B.Aft CG limit is exceeded at landing weight.∙C.Aft CG limit is exceeded at takeoff weight.正确答案:B33)(Refer to figures ATP7-3, 7-5, 7-7 and 7-9) What limit(s) is (are) exceededunder Operating Conditions BE-12?∙A.ZFW limit is exceeded.∙B.Landing aft CG limit is exceeded.∙C.ZFW and maximum takeoff weight limits are exceeded.正确答案:A34)(Refer to figures ATP7-3, 7-5, 7-7 and 7-9) What limit, if any, is exceeded∙A.Takeoff forward CG limit is exceeded.∙B.Landing aft CG limit is exceeded.∙C.No limit is exceeded.正确答案:C(35)(Refer to figures ATP7-3, 7-5, 7-7 and 7-9) What limit(s) is(are) exceededunder Operating Conditions BE-14?∙A.Maximum landing weight and landing forward CG limits are exceeded.∙B.Maximum ZFW limit is exceeded.∙C.Takeoff forward CG limit is exceeded.正确答案:C(36)(Refer to figures ATP7-3, 7-5, 7-7 and 7-9) What limit(s) is(are) exceededunder Operating Conditions BE-15?∙A.Maximum takeoff weight and takeoff forward CG limits are exceeded.∙B.Maximum takeoff weight limit is exceeded.∙C.Maximum ZFW and takeoff forward CG limits are exceeded.正确答案:B(37)(Refer to figures ATP7-11, 7-14 and 7-15) What is the CG in percent ofMAC for Loading Conditions WT-1?∙A.26.0 percent MAC.∙B.27.9 percent MAC.∙27.1 percent MAC.of datum for Loading Conditions WT-2?∙A.908.8 inches.∙B.909.6 inches.∙C.910.7 inches.正确答案:C(39)(Refer to figures ATP7-11, 7-14 and 7-15) What is the CG in percent ofMAC for Loading Conditions WT-3?∙A.29.1 percent MAC.∙B.27.8 percent MAC.∙28.9 percent MAC.正确答案:B(40)(Refer to figures ATP7-11, 7-14 and 7-15) What is the CG in inches aftof datum for Loading Conditions WT-4?∙A.909.0 inches.∙B.909.5 inches.∙C.908.4 inches.正确答案:C(41)(Refer to figures ATP7-11, 7-14 and 7-15) What is the CG in percent ofMAC for Loading Conditions WT-5?∙A.26.7 percent MAC.∙B.25.6 percent MAC.∙27.2 percent MAC.for Loading Conditions WT-6?∙A.156,545.0 index.∙B.165,991.5 index.∙C.181,340.5 index.正确答案:B(43)(Refer to figures ATP7-12, 7-14 and 7-15) What is the CG in percent ofMAC for Loading Conditions WT-7?∙A.24.0 percent MAC.∙B.22.9 percent MAC.∙21.6 percent MAC.正确答案:A(44)(Refer to figures ATP7-12, 7-14 and 7-15) What is the CG in percent ofMAC for Loading Conditions WT-8?∙A.29.4 percent MAC.∙B.31.3 percent MAC.∙30.0 percent MAC.正确答案:B(45)(Refer to figures ATP7-12, 7-14 and 7-15) What is the gross weight indexfor Loading Conditions WT-9?∙A.169,755.2 index.∙B.158,797.9 index.∙C.186,565.5 index.∙A.27.8 percent MAC.∙B.27.0 percent MAC.∙28.0 percent MAC.正确答案:C(47)(Refer to figures ATP7-13, 7-14 and 7-15) What is the CG in percent ofMAC for Loading Conditions WT-11?∙A.27.5 percent MAC.∙B.26.8 percent MAC.∙28.6 percent MAC.正确答案:C(48)(Refer to figures ATP7-13, 7-14 and 7-15) What is the CG in percent ofMAC for Loading Conditions WT-12?∙A.25.8 percent MAC.∙B.27.5 percent MAC.∙26.3 percent MAC.正确答案:C(49)(Refer to figures ATP7-13, 7-14 and 7-15) What is the CG in percent ofMAC for Loading Conditions WT-13?∙A.28.6 percent MAC.∙B.30.1 percent MAC.∙29.4 percent MAC.∙A.30.1 percent MAC.∙B.31.5 percent MAC.∙29.5 percent MAC.正确答案:C(51)(Refer to figures ATP7-13, 7-14 and 7-15) What is the CG in Percent ofMAC for Loading Conditions WT-15?∙A.31.5 percent MAC.∙B.29.5 percent MAC.∙32.8 percent MAC.正确答案:C(52)Determine which statement given below is correct.∙A.Operating Weight is the sum of the DOW and the Take-off Fuel ∙B.Take-off Weight is equal to the addition of the DOW and the Payload∙C.DOW is obtained by addition of the Basic Weight and Pantry load for A320正确答案:A(53)Determine which statement given below is correct.∙A.Operating Weight equals to the Take-off Weight minus the Take-off Fuel∙B.Take-off Weight is equal to the addition of the Operating Weight∙C.Zero Fuel Weight is obtained by subtracting the Take-off Fuel from Operating Weight正确答案:B(54)For most modern swept-wing transports with a large proportion of fuelstore in the wings, reducing fuel contents in wing tanks will result in ∙ aft movement of CG as fuel is consumed∙B.a forward movement of CG as fuel is burning∙ effect on CG movement正确答案:B(55)For most modern swept-wing transports, with the fuel burning , the CGwill∙A.not change∙B.change random∙C.change regularly正确答案:C(56)The CG is often expressed as a percent of MAC, 0% of MAC means∙A.the CG is at trailing edge of MAC∙B.the CG is at middle of MAC∙C.the CG is at leading edge of MAC正确答案:C(57)The CG is often expressed as a percent of MAC, 100% of MAC means∙A.the CG is at trailing edge of MAC∙B.the CG is at middle of MAC正确答案:A(58)Determine the take-off CG in percent of MAC under the following conditionfor an A320 aircraft by completing the Figure ATP7-16.∙A.27.2% at take-off∙B.28.4% at take-off∙C.30.2% at take-off正确答案:C59)Determine the ZFW CG in percent of MAC under the following condition foran A320 aircraft by completing the Figure ATP7-16.∙A.29.0 % at ZFW∙B.32.7 % at ZFW∙C.30.7 % at ZFW正确答案:C(60)(Refer to figures ATP7-17, 7-18 and 7-19) What is the STAB TRIM settingfor Operating Conditions A-1?∙A.29 percent MAC.∙B.36 percent MAC.∙32 percent MAC.正确答案:A【解析】在适当载重的飞机上,飞机重心(CG)会落在平均气动力弦(MAC)的某一点上,重心常表示为平均气动力弦的百分比(% of MAC)。

航线运输ATPL试题简介航线运输(Airline Transport)是指商业飞行员在大型客机上执行长距离国际航线的飞行任务。
航线运输ATPL(Airline Transport Pilot License)试题是商业飞行员考取ATPL证书的重要一环。
燃油管理1.什么是EFOB(Estimated Fuel On Board)?2.如何计算EFOB?3.在航线运输中,为什么燃油管理至关重要?请详细解释。
导航设备1.在航线运输中常用的导航设备有哪些?2.简要介绍VOR(VHF Omnidirectional Range)导航设备的工作原理。
3.GPS(Global Positioning System)在航线运输中的作用是什么?飞行监管1.航线运输ATPL试题中会涉及哪些飞行监管的知识点?2.请简要介绍商业飞行员在航线运输中的监管要求。


6航空运行(1)Which altitude is appropriate for the floor of ClassA airspace?•A.FL6,000m•B.FL6,600m•C.The first holding pattern altitude正确答案:B(2)Which altitude is appropriate to the top of ClassB airspace?•6,000m•6,600m•600m正确答案:A(3)The bottom of the Class B airspace is appropriate to•A.FL6,300m•B.FL6,000m•C.FL600m正确答案:C(4)Which altitude is appropriate for the ceiling of Class C airspace?•A.FL6,000m•B.FL6,300m•C.FL6,600m正确答案:A(5)The top of Class D airspace corresponds to •A.600m AGL• approach fix•C.the first holding pattern level正确答案:C(6)Where does a danger airspace may be located? •A.Over the territory only•B.Over the territory or open sea abut to China •C.Over the open sea only正确答案:B(7)Where does a prohibited airspace be set up? •A.Over domestic only•B.Over open sea•C.Over domestic or open sea正确答案:A(8)Where does a restricted airspace be set up? •A.Over open sea•B.Over domestic only•C.Over domestic and open sea正确答案:B(9)What is the purpose of a prohibited airspace? •A.To prohibit entry of any aircraft.•B.To prohibit entry of air force aircraft only. •C.To prohibit entry of civil aircraft only.正确答案:A(10)What is the purpose of the danger airspace? •A.To warn nonparticipating aircraft of the potential danger.•B.To prohibit nonparticipating aircraft of entry. •C.To protect military activities.正确答案:A(11)Which regulation does the pilot must comply with during operation within Class A airspace? •A.Approach Control Regulation.•B.Visual Flight Regulation.•C.Instrument Control Regulation.正确答案:C(12)Who is responsible of arranging the separation of the aircraft within Class A airspace?•A.Air Traffic Controller.•B.Pilot-in-command.•C.Dispatcher.正确答案:A(13)What is the time interval for filing flight plan? •A.At least one hour prior to the departure time. •B.At least 30 minutes prior to the departure time. •C.At least one hour and a half prior to the departure time.正确答案:C(14)What is the time limitation for filing flight application?•A.At least before 1500 Beijing Time prior to the departure date.•B.At least before 1700 Beijing Time prior to the departure date.•C.At least before 1200 Beijing Time prior to the departure date.正确答案:A(15)If the estimated time of departure is 1400 Beijing Time, pilot should file flight plan at least before •A.1330 Beijing Time•B.1300 Beijing Time•C.1230 Beijing Time正确答案:C(16)For scheduled airline, pilots should fill in thebox of TYPE OF FLIGHT with letter•A.G•B.S•C.R正确答案:B(17)During the period of Spring Festival, if you are assigned to an additional flight, you should fill in the TYPE OF FLIGHT box with letter•A.N•B.M•C.X正确答案:A(18)The cruising speed of an aircraft is 850 kilometers, what should be entered in the CRUISING SPEED section of the flight plan?•A.850•B.K0850•C.0850K正确答案:B(19)If the cruising speed of an aircraft is 0.70 Mach, pilot may enter the CRUISING SPEED box with•A.M070•B.070M•C.M0070正确答案:A(20)If the cruising speed of an aircraft is 420 nautical miles, pilot should fill in the CRUISING SPEED block with•A.420N•B.N420•C.N0420正确答案:C(21)If the flight level of an aircraft is desired to be 10,200 meters, pilot should fill in the LEVEL block of the flight plan with•A.F1020•B.S1020•C.L1020正确答案:B(22)If the flight level of an aircraft is desired to be 9,000 meters, pilot should fill in the LEVEL block of the flight plan with•A.M9000•B.S9000•C.M0900正确答案:C(23)If the flight level of an aircraft is desired to be 25,600 feet, pilot should fill in the LEVEL block of the flight plan with•A.F256•B.F0256•C.M256正确答案:A(24)When a flight plan indicates IFR for the entire route, pilot should fill the FLIGHT RULES box with letter•A.Y•B.I•C.Z正确答案:B(25)Which letter do you select to fill in the TYPE OF FLIGHT box during IFR flight training?•A.N•B.S•C.G正确答案:C(26)If the first portion of the flight is under IFR and the latter portion is under VFR, pilot should fill the FLIGHT RULES box with letter•A.Y•B.I•C.Z正确答案:A【解析】IFR飞行计划表中第8项第一栏中应填入I(仪表飞行规则)或Y(先仪表后目视规则)或Z(先目视后仪表规则),第二栏填入飞行的种类。

1. CCAR61部授权的执照持有人在理论考试中作弊或发生其他禁止行为,局方拒绝其任何执照或等级申请期限为:(A)A.一年B.半年C.视其违规的情节轻重而定2.单发级别等级的商用驾驶员执照申请人必须在航空器上至少多少小时的驾驶员飞行经历时间(B)A.230B.250C.2803.从B737机长到B747机长需接受的训练为:(B)A.初始训练B.转机型训练C.差异训练4.在安排飞行机组搭配时,应当至少有一名驾驶员在该型飞机上具有一小时的航线飞行经历时间(B)A.50B.100C.1205.如副驾驶在所飞机型经历时间少于100小时,并且机长不具备检查员或教员资格,则下列情况下,应由机长完成所在起飞着陆(A)A.机场附近报告有风切变B.侧风速5米/秒C.有小雨6.酒精的影响7.谁对飞机的维护负责签派、机长、运行人8.在121要求下,机长的熟练检查期限(C)A.24个月B.12C.69.61部要求下,机长与副驾的熟练期限为(B)A.24个月B.12C.610.零点的含义11.两机对头相遇各向()右转500米12.对于机长完成熟检检查()6个月13.对于机长,应当在其担任机长的每一型别飞机上完成一次定期复训飞行训练()前12个日历月14.旅客在没系好安全带前飞机不得(A)A.移动B.起飞C.着陆15.对于没有制定起飞最低标准的机场(三发),可以使用基本起飞标准()800米16.机场没有列在规定的起飞天气并且没有最低起飞标准(B)A.270—1600B.240—3200C.300—80017.最大起飞重量与载运旅客多少人必须安装空中防撞系统A.9B.19C.5918.最大起飞重量与载运旅客多少人必须安装近地警告系统A.9B.29C.5919.最小离地速度的缩写Vmu20. B747 从上海起飞,目的地东京,大阪为备降场,飞机所需油量:(B)A.从上海起飞到东京然后飞往大阪,着陆所需油量再加45分钟正常巡航蚝油B.从上海起飞到东京多需时间的10%,加上大阪着陆在标准条件下450米高度等待30分钟C.从上海起飞到东京然后飞往大阪,加2小时正常巡航蚝油21.在飞行中行使优先权后(因能量),着陆后若局方需要,需多少时间内想局方书面报告A.24小时B.48C.7222.在中国境内注册运行的航空器,飞行机组在什么阶段要系好安全带(B)A.起飞、着陆阶段B.飞行全程C.滑行、起飞、着陆23.航空运输飞行员在被告知机上乘客得到安全带使用简介之前,飞机不得(B)A.滑行B.起飞C.着陆24.熟练检查可不可以(A)A.与地面复训结合进行B.仪表等级考试可以代替25,除云底高度限制外,在已获得起落航线着陆条件下,喷气机最多可以下降到(A)A.450 米B.500C.60026.某公司飞行员定期复训安排在每年12月份,2002年12月份复训,2004年1月份参加的复训可以记做()A.2003年12月B.2004年1月C.2004年2月27.国内运输机长应携带到目的地的文件包括A.舱单、放行单B.放行单、飞行计划C.三者缺一不可28.年检定在2002年12月,安排检查在2003年1月,此次检查记在:A.2003年1月份B.2002年12月C.2004年1月29.飞行员当月飞行时间最多不能超过多少小时30.飞行中什么人员可以进入座舱A.对飞行没有影响的公司雇员,机长有最终决定劝(C)B.公司有关人员C.民航总局检查员31.年龄多大的孩子可拥有单独座位(B)A.一岁B.二岁C.三岁32.在NDB上等待程序,何时转入第二边A.NDB上空B.记时一分钟C.飞机自动转向……哪个出现早33.酒后多长时间的血检有效,若参加飞行A.2小时B.4C.833.需要进行航线检查的人员是A.机长与副驾B.副驾C.机长34.螺旋类别,直生机级别,商照申请人必须在航空器上多少小时的经历时间A.200B.150C.10035.121公共航空运输中,发生机械不正常情况,驾驶员应(B)A.飞行结束后,报告维修人员B.飞行结束后,将其填入飞行记录本C.飞行结束后,报到飞行签派员36.121航空飞行,哪个错(B)A.按CCAR61部完成的型别等级考试可代替熟练检查B.每次熟练检查可用航线的模拟机代替37.121部公共航空运输飞行中,下列哪个信息是签派放行中必须的A.飞机的制造厂家与型号B.飞行的距离C.乘务员的人数38.对飞行教员执照持有人在其执照期满前申请更新限制条件,错误的是(B)A.向局方授权的民用航空B.只要按规定提出申请,都应及时更新C.通过了在其现行有效的飞行教员执照上陈列等级之一或增加飞行教员等级的实践考试,或在更新执照90天之内39.民用航空器的()对民用器直接负责,并有最终决定权(A)A.运营人B.签派员C.机长40.一架没有备降场的飞机,在到达目的地机场一小时前,机场能见度是3200米,一小时后到达目的地机场的能见度是(B)A.3200米B.4800 或3200之间取最大值C.480041.737机长时间为120小时,该机长在首都机场使用?(B)A.最低着陆标准上DH+50米,RVR+600B.规定的最低着陆标准C.DH+ 30米RVR+800米42.737机长90小时,执行什么标准在首都机场(B)A.DH + 50 RVR+600B.DH+30 RVR+800C,最低规定标准43.下列说法中,哪一种对飞机或滑翔机飞行教员执照申请人的要求不必要的是:A.具备失速识别,螺旋进入,改出程序方面的技术与B.在所申请的航空器上担任机长多于50小时C.在所申请的航空器上担任机长多于15小时44.在121公共航空运输中,如果驾驶本机型上的飞行员经历时间少于700小时,并且机长不具备飞行检查员与飞行教员资格,则在哪种情况下,必须由机长操纵飞机完成起飞与着陆(B)A.所用跑道有5米/秒的侧风B.在机场跑道上有风切变C.机场空域有雨45.在121中,对于国际飞行,飞机在中途机场着陆时间为1805Z,则在下列哪一时刻后,飞机需签派员的重新批准可在飞(C)A.2005ZB.1905ZC.0005Z46.3名飞行员(包括机长),有睡眠区,值勤时间与飞行时间不超过(B)A.18与12B.18与14C.16与1047.某飞行员每年12月复训,最近一次月份2002年1月,则认为该次复训的月份为(A)A.2001年12月B.2002年2月C.2002年1月48.二类、三类仪表运行许可,其实践考试由(C)A.笔、飞B.口、模C.口、飞、49.在参加121飞行的飞机上任驾驶员必须满足条件(A)A.三证(驾、体、身份证)B.型别、等级C.60以下50.121公共运输飞行中,几长不得允许哪一类人员进入驾驶舱(B)A.经由该公司批准可以进入的非机组人员的公司雇员B.机长认为其进入不会对飞行安全造成或影响公司雇员,机长有最终决定权C.正在执行任务的局方检查员或局方要任代表,以及由该公司特批准的人员51.121航线飞行中,担任副驾驶必须满足下列关于其执照与等级的要求(C)A.必须有航线运输驾驶员执照B.必须有商用驾驶员执照与所飞机型的等级执照C.必须有商用驾驶执照与多发等级与仪表等级执照52.哪个对(C)A.只有局方认可的在高等学院担任教员的人员,可免除61部考试B.按61颁发的飞行员执照过地面教员执照的人,及担任教员的人不需要61考试C.只有已经持有按61颁布飞行教员执照与地面教员,方可免除61考试53,121四名飞行员(包括一名第2机长),有睡眠区,派班是安排值勤与飞行时间(B)A.20-16B.20-17C.18-1654.121两名机组排班值勤与飞行不超过(B)A.12-9B.14-8(不多于两个航段飞行延长至9小时)C.12-8(不多于两个航段飞行延长至9小时)55.该此除冰防冰时间如何计算保持时间:开始于最后一次应用除冰防冰液的开始时刻,结束于应用在飞机上的除冰防冰液失效的时刻56.想当副驾驶必须有:商照与飞机类别、多发级别、仪表等级57.如驾驶员执照上具有相应的类别、级别与型别等级,如(适用),那么执照执有人仅仅具备了在相应类别、级别与型别(如适用)航空器上担任机长的基本条件。

69. 涡轮增压活塞式(turbo-charged-reciprocating)发动机的油门开关控制什么? C.所需要的总管压力
70. 航路下降时,推力固定,俯仰姿态不变空速管系统的冲压空气输入和排水孔完全被冰堵塞,空速指示怎么样?
1. 大型喷气式飞机在什么飞行条件下产生最强的翼尖涡流而造成最严重的危险情况?
A. 重型,慢速,起落架、襟翼收上
2. 在决定过程中,参与的领导者效应:
A. 允许每一个有发言权并参与决定
3. 对颜色的感知是……的功能?
A. 视网膜上的视锥细胞,并且在周围弱光情况下减弱
4. 缺氧是由于 造成的。
80. “clear way”(净空道)的第一是什么?
A. 飞中位于跑道中心延长线上,在机场许可下,没有任何障碍物,并且在计算起飞性能时,可予以考虑
81. 一个飞行员一特定机型上担任第二机长,通过完成什么训练科目即可担任责任机长? A. 升级训练
82. 下列哪种情况在没有ATC要求下也应报告? C.当背台离开最后进近定位点或离开指定的等待定位点
15. 为了测试飞行录音系统 B.在测试期间,总共1小时的最早录音数据可以擦去
16. 机翼上前缘缝翼对性能的影响是什么? B.改变失速迎角到最大角度
17. 在什么情况下,一名仪表飞行的飞行员应向ATC报告最低燃油状况?
ATPL理论考试-航线资料1294题 -7

121题目:What phases is the Critical Flight Phases?A :climb and descent when below 3,000 meters, taxi, takeoff, and landing.B :climb and descent when below 3,000 meters.C :takeoff, and landing.题目:What is corrected altitude (approximate true altitude)?A :Pressure altitude corrected for instrument error.B :Indicated altitude corrected for temperature variation fromstandard.C :Density altitude corrected for temperature variation from standard. 题目: What information is provided by a Convective Outlook (AC)?A :It describes areas of probable severe icing and severe or extremeturbulence during the next 24 hours.B :It provides prospects of both general and severe thunderstorm activity during the following 24 hours.C :It indicates areas of probable convective turbulence and the extent of instability in the upper atmosphere (above 500 mb).题目:What effect would a light crosswind have on the wingtip vortices generated by a large airplane that has just taken off?A :The upwind vortex will tend to remain on the runway longer than the downwind vortexB :A crosswind will rapidly dissipate the strength of both vortices.C :The downwind vortex will tend to remain on the runway longer than the upwind vortex题目:During multi auto pilot approaches, bus isolation occurs at:A :500 ft AGLB :1000 ft AGLC :1500 ft AGL题目:If a flight crewmember completes a required annual flight check inDecember 1987 and the required annual recurrent flight check in January 1989, the latter check is considered t o have been taken inA :November 1988.B :December 1988.C :January 1989.题目:What recent experience is required to be eligible for the practical t est for the original issue of a Category II authorization?A :Within the previous 6 months, six ILS approaches flown manually to the Category I DH.B :Within the previous 12 calendar months, six ILS approaches flown by use of an approach coupler to the Category I or Category II DH.C :Within the previous 6 months, six ILS approaches, three of which may be flown to the Category I DH by use of an app roach coupler.题目:The ATS unit must ensure that pilots are kept informed of any change inthe status of airport facilities_______________A:at their destinationsB:at their alternate aerodromesC: A and B题目:(Refer to Figure 6-3) The true direction of Rwy 35 at PUDONG is A:342o.B:347o.C:352o.题目:what is the propose of the term "hold for release" when included in an IFR clearanceA:when an IFR clearance is received by telephone the pilot will have time to precpave for take off prior to being relea seB:a procedure for delaying departure for traffic volume weather or need to issue further instructionsC:gate hold procedure are in effect and the pilot receives an estimate of t he time the flight will be released题目:If the pilot decided to land on a closed or unsafe runway in emergency, who is responsible for the safety in controlled airport?A:it is the pilot‘s responsibility for the operat ing of the aircraft andB:it is the pilot‘s responsibility for the operating of the aircraft and it C:no one have the responsibility during emergency situation.题目:(According to figure 4) The weather phenomenon at Shanghai is A:Rain and snowB:DrizzleC:Continuous snow题目:Each pilot who deviates from an ATC clearance in re sponse to ATCAS advisory is expected toA:Request ATC clearance for the deviationB:Notify ATC of the deviation as soon as practicableC:Maintain the course and altitude resulting from the deviation as ATC has radar contact题目:What does the precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) consist of?A:Row of four lights parallel to the runway; red, white, and green.B:Row of four lights perpendicular to the runway; red and white.C:One light projector with two colors; red and white.题目:isobars on a surface weather chart represent lines of eq ual pressure A:At the surfaceB:Reduced to sea levelC:At a given atmospheric pressure altitude122123题目:the effect of clearway on take off perform ance isA :Increases TODRB :Increases TODAC :Decreases ASDA题目:If visual reference is lost while circling to land from an instrument approach, what action(s) should the pilot take?A :Make a climbing turn toward the landing runway until established on the missed approach course.B :Turn toward the landing runway maintainin g MDA, and if visual reference is not regained, perform missed approach.C :Make a climbing turn toward the VOR/NDB, and request furtherinstructions.题目:[Refer to Figures 4-35 and 4-36.] What are descent time and distance under Operating Conditions S-1?A :24 minutes, 118 NAMB :26 minutes, 125 NAMC :25 minutes, 118 NAM题目:What condition produces the most frequent type of ground-orsurface-based temperature inversion?A :The movement of colder air under warm air or the movement of warm air over cold air.B :Widespread sinking of air within a thick layer aloft resulting in heating by compression.C :Terrestrial radiation on a clear, relatively calm night.题目:The propose of the speed adjustment issued by ATC to theradar-controlled aircraft are?A :to achieve the desired separation.B :to maintain enough separationC :both a and b题目:One purpose of high-lift devices is toA : increase the load factorB :delay stall.C :increase airspeed题目:In which condition is possible to present very serious icing conditions for protracted fligh?A :associated with the smallest size of water droplet similar to that found in low-level stratus clouds.B :associated with thick extensive stratified clouds that produce continuous rain such as altostratus and nimbostratus.C :a cold-soaked aircraft descends into warm, moist air.题目:5. (Refer to Figure 2-11) What is the runway distance remaining at "A" for a daytime takeoff in runway 9?124A :1,000 feetB :1,500 feetC :2,000 feet题目:If an air carrier schedules a dispatcher for 13 hours of duty in a24-consecutive-hour period, what action is required?A :The dispatcher should be given a rest period of 24 hours at the end of the 13 hoursB :The dispatcher should refuse to be on duty 13hours as the CCAR part 121 limits the duty period to 10 consecutive hoursC :The dispatcher should be given a rest period of at least 8 hours at or before the completion of 10 hours of duty题目:The maximum number of hours a pilot may fly in 7 consecutive days without any rest isA :35 hoursB :32 hoursC :30 hours题目:What recovery would be appropriate in the event of compressor stall?A :Reduce fuel flow, reduce angle of attack, and increase airspeed.B :Advance throttle, lower angle of attack, and reduce airspeed.C :Reduce throttle, reduce airspeed, and increase angle of attack题目:The maximum speed during takeoff that the pilot may abort the takeoff and stop the airplane within the accelerate -stop distance isA :V2B :VEFC :V1题目:[Refer to Figures 4-46, 4-47 and 4-48.] What is the ETE from Chicago Midway Airport to Greater Buffalo IntlA :2 hours 12 minutesB :2 hours 15 minutesC :2 hours 18 minutes题目:Under normal operating conditions, which combination of MAP and RPM most likely lead to detonation in high performance reciprocating engines?A :High RPM and low MAP.B :Low RPM and high MAP.C :High RPM and high MAP.题目:What airport condition is reported by the tower when more than one wind condition at different positions on the airport is report ed?A :Light and variable.B :Wind shear.C :Frontal passage.题目:An air carrier may schedule a pilot to fly in an airplane, in any calendaryear, for no more thanA:800hoursB:900 hoursC:1000hours题目:What action should the pilot take when "gate hold?procedures are in effect?A:Contact ground control prior to starting engines for sequencing.B:Taxi into position and hold prior to requesting clearance.C:Start engines, perform pretakeoff check, and request clearance prior to leaving the parking area.题目:The critical altitude of a supercharged reciprocating engine is A:The highest altitude where the mixture can be leaned to best power ratio B:The highest altitude at which a desired manifold pressure can be obtainedC:The altitude at which maximum allowable BMEP can be obtained题目: A temperature of 45o Cis C--K: C+273 C--F: C*1.8+32 A:57o F or 273o kB:113o F or 273o KC:113F or 318k题目:Which area or areas of the northen hemisphere experance a generally East to West movement of weather system?A:subtropical only;B:Arctic only;C:Arctic and subtropical;目 the maximum range TAS for low altitude OPSA:The same to normalB:Higher than to normalC:Lower than to normal题目:When a flight plan indicates IFR for the entire route, pilot shoul d fill the FLIGHT RULES box with letterA:YB:I.C:Z.题目:Information recorded during normal operation of a cockpit voice recorder in a large pressurized airplane with four reciprocating enginesA:May all be erased or otherwise obliterated except for the last 30 minutesB:May be erased or otherwise obliterated except for the last 30 minutes C:May all be erased, as the voice recorder is not required on an aircraft125126题目: For scheduled airline, pilots should fill in the box of TYPE OF FLIGHT with letterA :GB :SC :R题目:The persons jointly responsible for the initiation, continuation, diversion, and termination of a supplemental air carrier or commercial operator flight are theA :pilot in command and chief pilot.B :pilot in command and director of operations.C :pilot in command and the flight follower.题目:What is the maximum distance that a departure alternate airport may be from the departure airport for a two -engine airplane?A :2 hours at normal cruising speed in still air with one engine operating.B :1 hour at normal cruising speed in still air with one engineinoperative.C :1 hour at normal cruising speed in still air with both engines operating. 题目: The minimum weather conditions that must exist for an airport to be listed as an alternate in the dispatch release for a domestic air carrier flight areA :those listed in the NOAA IAP charts for the alternate airport, at the time the flight is expected to arrive.B :those specified in the certificate holder's OperationsSpecifications for that airport, when the flight arrives.C :those listed in the NOAA IAP charts for the alternate airport, from 1 hour before or after the ETA for that flight.题目:The time of useful consciousness while cruising at an altitude of 30,000 feet and sitting quietly would be aboutA :40 secondsB :3 minutesC :1 minute and 15 seconds题目:Which altitude is appropriate to the top of Class B airspace?A :FL 6,300m.B :FL 6,000m.C :FL 600m.题目: [Refer to Figure 4-25.] How much longer is the dry runway landing distance using brakes only compared to using brakes and reversers at 114,000 pounds gross weight?A :1,150 feetB :500 feetC :300 feet题目:Why the ATC ask the aircraft for speed adjustment?127A :to check the performance of the aircraft;B :because ATC do think high speed is not good for safety;C :to achieve or maintain the desired separation.题目:weather feathure occurs art altitude leves near the tropopause canA :abrupt temperature increase of the tropopauseB :thin layers of cirrus clouds at the tropopause levelC :maximum wind and narrow wind sheat zones题目:(Refer to Figure 6-7) If the en route altitude of an aircraft is FL118, what is the altitude when the aircraft operates to DAWANGZHUANG along 007。

航线运输驾驶员执照ATPL理论考试题库-680道题+中文翻译A.680道英文题(后面附加有中文说明)1..Which flight conditions of a large jet airplane create the most severe flight hazard by generating wingtip vortices of the greatest strength?A.Heavy,slow,gear and flaps up.B.Heavy,slow,gear and flaps down.C.Heavy,fast,gear and flaps down.A X2..In a decision-making process,a participatory leaderA.allows each team member to have a say and to participate in team processes.B.tends to make all team decisions and controls all resources.C.may ultimately decide the team's actions,but seldom takes into consideration the team members'experience,knowledge,and preferences.A X3..The perception of color is a function of theA.cones on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting.B.rods on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting.C.cones on the retina and is diminished in bright lighting conditions.A X4..Hypoxia may be caused with a head cold.B.breathing too quickly and/or too deeply for therequirements of the body.C.flying at an altitude where the partial pressure of oxygen is too low.C X5..(According to Figure 4) At Shanghai,which description is correctA.The visibility is 800 meters,the sea level pressure is 996 hPa,B.The visibility is 8 kilometers,the QNH is 999.6 hPa,C.The visibility is 8 kilometers,the sea level pressure is 999.6 hPa,C X6.At which speed will increasing the pitch attitude cause an airplane to climb?A.Low speed.B.High speed.C.Any speed.B X7..A plane,MH 160°,receive this ATC clearance: "... HOLD EAST OF THE ABC VORTAC ON THE ZERO NINER ZERO RADIAL...",What is therecommended procedure to enter the holding pattern?A.Teardrop onlyB.Direct onlyC.Parallel onlyC X8..The maximum duty time in 24 consecutive hours that a carrier may schedule a pilot in a three pilot crew (including a second-in-commander pilot) without a rest period isA.16hoursB.17 hoursC.18 hoursA X9..A person whose duties include the handing or carriage of dangerous articles and/or magnetized materials must have satisfactorily completed an established and approved training program within the precedingA.6 calendar months.B.12 calendar months.C.24 calendar months.B X10..Which dispatch requirement applies to an international air carrier that isscheduled for a 10 hours IFR flight?A.No alternate airport is required if the visibility at thedestination airport is desired to be at least 4,800m.B.An alternate airport is required.C.An alternate airport is not required if the ceiling at the destination airport is at least 600m AGL.B X11..If a flight engineer becomes incapacitated duringflight,who may perform the flight engineer's duties?A.The second in command only.B.Any flight crewmember, if qualified.C.Either pilot, if they have a flight engineer certificate.B X12..(Refer to Figure 1) According to the aeronautical weather report on figure 1,the QNH for ZUUU isA.998 hPaB.1099.8 hPaC.999.8 hPaA X13..Which condition will for the formation of radiation fog?A. Moist, stable air being moved over gradually rising ground by a wind.B. A clear sky, little or no wind,and high relative humidity.C. Moist air moves over colder ground or water.B X14..If a pilot suspects that he/she is suffering the effects of hypoxia,the most appropriate remedy would be/doc/00090a719b8fcc22bcd126fff705 cc1755275f97.html e supplement oxygen or descend immediately to a low levelB.voluntarily increase the depth of breathing to induce more oxygen into the lungsC.voluntarily increase the breathing rate to increase the oxygen uptakeA X15..For the purpose of testing the flight recorder system.A.A minimum of 1 hour of the oldest recorded data must be erased to get a valid testB.A total of 1 hour of the oldest recorded data accumulated at the time of testing may be erasedC.A total of no more than 1 hour of recorded data may be erasedB X16.What effect does the leading edge slot in the wing have on performance?A. Decrease profile drag.B. Changes the stalling angle of attack to a higher angle.C. Decelerates the upper surface boundary layer air.B X17.. Under what condition should a pilot on IFR advise ATCof minimum fuel status?A. When the fuel supply becomes less than that required for IFR.B. If the remaining fuel suggests a need for traffic or landing priority.C. If the remaining fuel precludes any undue delay.C X18.. In the Northern hemisphere, if a pilot makes along-distance flight from east to west, under which of the following conditions,A.(接正文encounter against the wind forming by air pressure system?) when the airplane is in the south of high pressure system and in the north of low pressure system.B. When the airplane is in the north of high pressure system and in the south of low pressure system.C. When the airplane is in the north of high pressure and low pressure systems .B X19.. An alternate airport for departure is requiredA.if weather conditions are below authorized landing minimums at the departure airport.B.when the weather forecast at the estimated time ofdeparture is for landing minimums only.C.when destination weather is marginal IFR.A X20.. [Refer to Figures 4-50,4-51,4-52,4-53, and 4-54.] What is the total fuel required at .80 Mach?A.22,836 pounds.B.22,420 pounds.C.22,556 pounds.B X21.. Which is a definition of V2 speed?A.Takeoff decision speed.B.Takeoff safety speed.C.Minimum takeoff speed.B X22.. What is the approximate rate unsaturated air will cool flowing upslope?A. 3℃per 1,000 feet.B. 2℃per 1,000 feet.C. 4℃per 1,000 feet.A X23. An airport approved by the Administrator for use by an air carrier certificate holder for the purpose of providing service to a community when the regular airport is notavailable is a/an:A.destination airport.B.provisional airport.C.alternate airport.B X24.. (Refer to Figure 6-7) If the en route altitude of an aircraft is FL118, what is the altitude when the aircraft operates to DAWANGZHUANG along 007oA.FL118.B.FL128.C.FL138.A X25.. Who is responsible for the issue of Series D NOTAMs?/doc/00090a719b8fcc22bcd126fff705 cc1755275f97.html AFC.B.Area flight information center.C.Airport flight information office.C X26..What temperature condition is indicated if precipitation in the form of wet snow occurs during flight?A. the temperature is above freezing at flight altitude.B. The temperature is above freezing at higher altitudes.C. There is an inversion with colder air below.A X27.Which ground components are required to be operative fora Category II approach in addition to LOC glide slope, marker beacons, and approach lights?A.Radar and RVR.B.RCLS and REILC.HIRL, TDZL, RCLS, and RVR.C X28.If an aircraft level turns at an angle of bank of 30 degree , the load factor isA.1Gs.B.2Gs.C.1.4GsC X29.. The ATS unit must ensure that pilots are kept informed of any change in the status of airport facilities_______________.A. at their destinationsB. at their alternate aerodromesC. A and BC X30.. (Refer to Figure 6-5) If an aircraft is estimated to arriveWEIXIAN at 1300z, pilot should contact ZHENGZHOU CONTROL on the frequency ofA.122.20MHz.B.8897KHz.C.3016KHz.C X31..(according to figure 2), the forcasting visibility at ZSSS is____A. 5000 m between 00Z-05Z, and 3000 m at other timeB. 5000 m between 00Z-09ZC. 5000 m between 00Z-05Z, 5000 m above at other timeA X32. By regulation, who shall provide the pilot in command ofa domestic or flag air carrier airplane information concerning weather, and irregularities of facilities and services?A.The aircraft dispatcher.B.Air route traffic control center.C.Director of operations.A X33.. If the wind direction measured by the weather station is 270°,the optimum takeoff and landing direction is .A.from east to westB.from west to eastC.from north to southA X34.What characteristic should exist if an airplane is loaded tothe rear of its CG range?A.Sluggish in aileron control.B.Sluggish in rudder controlC.Unstable about the lateral axisC X35. Which is a definition of the term "crewmember"?A.Only a pilot, flight engineer, or flight navigator assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight time.B.A person assigned to perform duty in an aircraft during flight time.C.Any person assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight except a pilot or flight engineer.B X36.. The most important restriction to the operation of turbojet or turboprop engines isA.Limiting compressor speed.B.Limiting Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT).C.Limiting torque.B X37. If it becomes necessary to shut down one engine on a domestic air carrier three-engine turbojet airplane, the pilot in commandA. must land at the nearest suitable airport, in point of time,at which a safe landing can be made.B. may continue to the planned destination if approved by the company aircraft dispatcher.C. may continue to the planned destination if this is considered as safe as landing at the nearest suitable airport.C X38. In a 24-hour consecutive period, what is the maximum time, excluding briefing and debriefing, that an airline transport pilot may instruct other pilots in air transportationservice?A.6 hours.B.8 hours. 2C.10 hours.B X39.. [Refer to Figures 4-46, 4-47 and 4-48.] What is the ETE from Chicago Midway Airport to Greater Buffalo Intl?A.2 hours 12 minutes.B.2 hours 15 minutes.C.2 hours 18 minutes.A X40.. You should advise ATC of minimum fuel status when your fuel supply has reached a state where, upon reaching your destination, you cannot accept any undue delay.A. This will ensure your priority handling by ATC.B. ATC will consider this action as if you had declared an emergency.C. If your remaining usable fuel supply suggests the need for traffic priority to ensure a safe landing, declare an emergency due to low fuel and report fuel remaining in minutes.C X41.. (Refer to Figure 7) In this chart, ISOL EMBD CB 340/XXX meansA. Some places have CBs, CBs with little or no separationB. Isolated cumulonimbus embedded in layers of other clouds, the top of the cumulonimbus is 34000 feet, the base is unknownC. The airplane is embedded in layers of clouds, the top of the cumulonimbus is 34000 feet, the base is unknownB X42.Within what frequency range dies the localizer transmitter of the ILS operate?A.108.10 to 118.10 MHZB.108.10 to 111.95 MHZC.108.10 to 117.95 MHZ.B X43..Which of the following characteristics heatthunderstorm?A.It moves with the weather system.B.It covers small area and is isolated with openingsC. It strengthens at night and weakens in the day on landB X44.. What is the time limitation for filing flight application?A.At least before 1500 Beijing Time prior to the departure date.B.At least before 1700 Beijing Time prior to the departure date.C.At least before 1200 Beijing Time prior to the departure date.A X45.What is the purpose of an elevator trim tab?A.Provide horizontal balance as airspeed is increased toallow hands-off flight.B.Adjust the speed tail load for different airspeeds in flight allowing neutral control forces.C.Modify the downward tail load for various airspeeds inflight eliminating flight-control pressures.C X47..Hypoxia is always accompanied byA. dizzinessB.a degradation in the performance of a pilotC.vomitingB X48.The "runway hold position" sign denotesA.An area protected for an aircraft approaching a runwayB.An entrance to runway from a taxiwayC.Intersecting runwaysC X49.. An alternate airport must be listed in the dispatch and flight release for all international operation air carrier flights longer thanA.7 hours.B.8 hours.C.6 hours.C X50..Carbon monoxide is dangerous displace oxygen from the blood's red is highly acidic and attacks the lining of the displaces oxygen from the lungs causing suffocationA X51.. In flight, pilots find forane clouds consisting of cloud bar and cloud band with flat floor and piled clouds on the top of some clouds. The descriptive cloud should be.A. cumulus congestusB. cumulostratusC. towering cloudsC X52.. What condition produces the most frequent type ofground-or surface-based temperature inversion?A. The movement of colder air under warm air or the movement of warm air over cold air.B. Widespread sinking of air within a thick layer aloftresulting in heating by compression.C. Terrestrial radiation on a clear, relatively calm night.C X53..What is a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning?A.Rapid, shallow breathing.B.Pain and cramping of the hands and feet.C.Dizziness.C X54..Hypoxia is the result of which of these conditions?A.Insufficient oxygen reaching the brain.B.Excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream.C.Limited oxygen reaching the heart muscles.A X55.Which "rule-of-thumb" may be used to approximate therate of descent required for a 3 glide path?A.5times groundspeed in knots.B. 8times groundspeed in knots.C.10 times groundspeed in knots.A X56.A pilot of a high-performance airplane should be aware that flying a steeper-than-normal VASI glide slope angle may result inA. A hard landing.B. Increased landing rollout.C. Landing short of the runway threshold.B X57. A domestic air carrier airplane lands at an intermediate airport at 1815Z. The latest time it may depart without a specific authorization from an aircraft dispatcher isA.1945Z.B.1915Z.C.1845Z.B X58.. An aircraft that encounters a headwind of 45knots, withina microburst, may expect a total shear across the microburst ofA. 40 knotsB. 80 knotsC. 90 knotsC X59..Which of the following is not the tip for good SA management during the flight?A.Resolve discrepancies- contradictory data or personal conflicts.B.Fixation-focusing on any one thing to the exclusion of everything else.C.Monitor and evaluate current status relative to our plan.B X60.. If the landing minimums for a NDB approach shown on the IAP chart are visibility 2,000m and MDA 120m, which minimums apply when you actually divert to this airport?A.Visibility 2,800m and MDA 180m.B.Visibility 3,600m and MDA 240m.C.Visibility 2,000m and MDA 120m.C X61. A pilot flight crewmember, other than pilot in command, must have received a proficiency check or line-oriented simulator training within the precedingA.6 calendar months.B.12 calendar months.C.24 calendar months.C X62.. (Refer to Figure 6-1) Which approach lighting is available for VOR/DME Rwy 36R?A.HIALS.B.HIALS with PAPI.C.PAPI.B X63.Holding position signs haveA.White inscriptions on a red backgroundB.Red inscriptions on a white backgroundC.Yellow inscriptions on a red backgroundA X64..A common source of human error is the false hypothesis. Under certain conditions this is more or less likely than at other times. From the following list, select the situation least likely toA.(续正文,result in a person arriving at a falsehypothesis)when expectancy of an event is highB.after a period of intense concentrationC.during normal operationC X65..Which airplane performance characteristics should be。

ATPL网上题库12人的因素12人的因素(1)What percentage of aircraft accidents have been deemed to have been directly attributed to human factors-rated related causes?? ? ?A.80-90% B.about 75% C.40-50%正确答案:B(2)Night vision is enhanced by?A.looking slightly to one side of the object you wish to view?B.fixing your gaze director on the object you wish to view?C.ensuring that the cockpit remains brightly illuminated正确答案:A(3)Who is exposed to a high glare environment while on the ground (beach sand or snow), which would help to enhance night vision?? ? ?A.Don't read small print within one hour of flying. B.Wear good quality sunglasses during the day. C.Avoid using contact lenses.正确答案:B(4)Which arctic flying hazard is caused when a cloud layer of uniform thickness overlies a snow or ice covered surface?? ? ?A.Whiteout B.Blowing snow C.Ice fog正确答案:A(5)The two different types of light sensitive elements on the retina are classified as?A.rods which are sensitive to color and cones which work best in dimlight?B.cones which are sensitive to color and rods which work best in dimlight?C.rods and cones both of which are responsible for color vision正确答案:B(6)What is the most effective way to use the eyes during night flight?? ? ?A.Look only at far away, dim lights. B.Scan slowly to permit off-center viewing. C.Concentrate directly on each object for a few seconds.正确答案:B(7)In the dark, a stationary light will appear to move when stared at fora period of time. This illusion is known as? ? ?A.somatogravic illusion B.ground lighting illusion C.autokinesis正确答案:C(8)The most effective way to scan the sky for other aircraft during level flight is to?A.move the head in a continuous arc from side to side? not look anywhere but straight ahead unless you detect movement?C.move the head about 200 or 300 at a time, pausing after each movement to allow the peripheral vision to detect any movement正确答案:C(9)The eye moves in what are termed “saccades” jerks and rests. In visual searching a saccade/rest cycle usually occupies roughly?? ? ?A.0.3 s B.1.0 s C.3 s正确答案:C(10)The function of the ciliary muscles in the eyes is to? ?A.move the eyes from left to right in the socket B.change the size of the pupil to vary the amount of light entering the eye?C.alter the shape of the lens to allow the eye to focus on objects at various distances正确答案:C感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

2.航线情报(1)NOTAM (L)'s are used to disseminate what type ofinformation?•A.Conditions of facilities en route that may cause delays.•B.Taxi closures, personnel and equipment near or crossing runways, airport lighting aids that do not affect instrument approach criteria, and airportrotating beacon outages.•C.Time critical information of a permanent nature that is not yet available in normally published charts.正确答案:B(3)What are FDC NOTAM's?•A.Conditions of facilities en route that may cause delays.•B.Time critical aeronautical information of a temporary nature from distant centers.•C.Regulatory amendments to published IAP's and charts not yet available in normally published charts.正确答案:C(4)How often are NOTAM's broadcast to pilots on ascheduled basis?•A.15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the hour. •B.Between weather broadcasts on the hour. •C.Hourly, appended to the weather broadcast.正确答案:C(5)Series A NOTAMs is mainly released to •A.domestic airport flight information office. •B.foreign international NOTAMs office. •C.domestic area flight information center.正确答案:B(6)Series C NOTAMs of Class 2 must be disseminated todomestic area flight information center NOTAMs. office •A.25 days ago.•B.15 days ago.•C.7 days ago.正确答案:B7)Class 2 NOTAMs could be divided into•A.Series A and Series C•B.Series A, Series C and Series D •C.Series A and Series D正确答案:A(8)Who is responsible for the issue of Class 2 NOTAMs?•A.Domestic flight information center NOTAMs office.•B.ATMB NOTAMs office.•C.International NOTAMs office of CAAC flight information center.正确答案:C(9)Who is responsible for the issue of Series D NOTAMs? •A.CCAFC.•B.Area flight information center. •C.Airport flight information office.正确答案:C(10)How many days ago must a Class 1 NOTAM bedisseminated before it becomes effective?•A.7 days ago.•B.15 days ago.•C.28 days ago.正确答案:A(11)Which class of NOTAM gives the latest informationon LORAN-C chain or station outages?•A.NOTAM (D)'s under the identifier "LRN." •B.Class II NOTAM's published every 14 days. •C.NOTAM (L)'s under the identifier "LORAN-C."正确答案:A(12)Who is responsible for the issue of SNOWTAM? •A.ATMB NOTAMs office.•B.Area flight 3 information center. •C.Airport flight information office.正确答案:C(13)How often is SNOWTAM broadcast to distant centers? •A.Hourly.•B.One hour and a half a time.•C.30 minutes a time.正确答案:A(14)If the earliest takeoff time is 0800z, the firstSNOWTAM must be sent out prior to•A.0600z.•B.0630z.•C.0700z.正确答案:B(15)What type service should normally be expected froman En Route Flight Advisory Service?•A.Weather advisories pertinent to the type of flight, intended route of flight, and altitude.•B.Severe weather information, changes in flight plans, and receipt of position reports.•C.Radar vectors for traffic separation, route weather advisories, and altimeter settings.正确答案:A16)Where provided, an automatic terminal informationservice (ATIS) will assist operations prior to •A.the commencement of final approach •B.enter TMA•C.the commencement of initial approach 正确答案:A。
国外学习飞行ATPL 181道前期真题

1.Which weather condition is an example of a ponfrontal instablity band?A. radiation fogB. front genseC. squall lineC.3.The horizontal wind shear critical for turbulance per 150 miles isA. 18 knots or lessB. greater than 18 knotsC. not a factarB.4.ⅢA 最低A.DH 50 feet and RVR 350mB.RVR 300mRVR 200mC.5.By changing the angle of attack of a wing the pilot could control.A. lift airspeed but not dragB. lift gross weight and dragC. lift airspeed and dragC.6.Which of following is considered an auxiliary flight control?A. Leading-edge flapsB. Vpper sudderC. RuddenatorA.8.What effect does the leading edge slot in the wing have on performance?A. Reduce profilw dragB. decelerates the supper surface boundary lager airC. changes the stalling angle of attack of a higher angle(C)9.ESHP of a turboprop engine is a measure ofA. Turbine inlet temperatureB. Shaft horsepower and jet thrustC. Propeller thrust onlyB10.收到 cleared for approach (radar vector)A. Descend to the initial approach fix altitudeB. Remain at last assigned altitudeC. Descend to minimum vector altitudeB11.Where is a common location for an inversion?A. TropopauseB. StratosphereC. Base of cumulus clouds(B)11.What is the reason for variations is geometric pitch alonga propeller or rotor blade?A. It prevents the portion of the blade near the Huber root from stalling during cruising flightB. It permits a relatively constant angle of incidence along its length when in cruising flightC. It permits a relatively constant angle of attack along its length when in cruising flight(C)12.Which feature is associated with the tropopause?A. Absobite upper limit of could formationB. Absence of wind and turbulenceC. Abrupt charge of and lapse rate(C)13.Which maximum range factor decrease as weigh decrease?A.SpeedB. Angle of attackC.AltitudeA14.Which speed symbol indicates the max operating limit speed for an airplane?A.VMO/MMOB.VLO/MLOC.VLE(A)15.What takeoff minimums are not prescribed for a civil airport? What’s the take off min under IFR for 3 engines?A.1600mB.800mC.300ft-800mB.16.Upon which factor does wing loading during a levelcoordinated turn in smooth air depend?A. Angle of bankB. Turn airspeedC. Rate of turn(A)17.What is a characteristic of longitudinal instability?A. Pitch oscillations becoming progressions greaterB. Aircraft constantly tries to pitch downC. Bank oscillations becoming progressively greater(A)18.Which of the following is considered a primary flight control?A. ElevatorB. Dorsal finC. Slats(A)19.Which condition has the effect of reducing critical engine failure speed?A. High density altitudeB. Slush on the runway or inoperative antiskidC. Low gross weight(B)20.Airport not listed in a proscribed take-off weather and does not have the minimum take-of(121部68页)A.270m-1600mB.240m-3200mC.300m-800mB.21.酒精作用A.24小时B.12小时C.8小时C.22.Which weather condition is defined as an anticyclone?A.COLB. CalmC. High pressure areaC.23.Which type frontal system is normally crossed by the Jet stream?A. Cold front and warm frontB. Warm frontC. Occluded frontC.24.Which arctic flying hazard is caused when a cloud layer of uniform thickness overlies a snow or ice covered surfaceA. WhiteoutB. Blowing snowC. Ice fogA25.When setting the altimeter, pilot should disregardA. Corrections for static pressure systemsB. Effects of nonstandard atmospheric temperatures and pressuresC. Corrections for instrument error(B)26.Each pilot who deviates from an ATC clearance in response to ATCAS advisory is expected toA. Request ATC clearance for the deviationB. Notify ATC of the deviation as soon as practicableC. Maintain the course and altitude resulting from the deviation as ATC has radar contact(B)28.What criteria determine which engine is the "critical" engine of a twin-engine airplane?A. The one with the center of thrust closest to the centerline of the fuselage.B. The one with the center of thrust farthest from the centerline of the fuselage.C. The one designated by the manufacturer, which develops most usable thrust.A29.When the gross weight is increasedA. Induced drag increases more than parasite dragB. Both parasite and induced drag are equally increasedC. Parasite drag increases more than induced drag(A)30.Which type jet stream can be expected to cause the greater turbulenceA.A jet stream associated whither wide isotherm spacingB.A straight jet stream associated with a high-pressure ridgeC.A curring jet stream associated with a deep low pressurethrough(C)31 Why are downdrafts in a mature thunderstorm hazardous?A. Downdrafts become warmer than the surrounding air and reverseB. Downdrafts are kept cool by rain, which tends to accelerate the downward velocityC. Downdrafts converge toward a central location under the storm after striking the surface(B)32.What type weather changes is to be expected in an area where frontolysis is reported?A. The frontal weather becoming strongerB. The front is moving at a fuster speedC. The front is dissipating(C)33.When saturated air moves downhill, it’s temperature increasesA. At a faster rate than dry air because of the release of latent heatB. At a slower rate than dry air because condersation release heatC. At a slower rate than dry air because vaporization uses heat(C)34.What procedure is recommended for an engine-out approach and landing?A. The altitude and airspeed should be consider higher than normal throughout the appB. The flight path and procedures should be almost identical to a normal app and landingC.A normal approach except do not extend the landing gear or flaps until over the runway threshowd(B)35.What effect if any will landing at a higher-than-recommended touchdown speed have on hydroplaningA. increase hydroplaning potential regard less of brakingB. no effect on hydroplaning,but increase landing rollC. reduce hydroplaning potential if having braking is applied(A)36.A microburst is a very narrow downdraft of very high speed wind with vertical speed up to (6000 feet per minute)37.How should a pilot describle break action?A. 00 percent ,50 percent,75 or 100 percentB. zero-zero fifty-fifty or normalC. poor medium or good(C)38.Assuming that all ILS components are operating and the required visual references are not required, the missed approach should be initiated up onA. Arrival at the visual descent pointB. Expiration of the time listed on the approach chart for missed approachC. Arrival at the DH on glide slope(C)39.When does ATC issue a STAR?A. only when ATC deems it appropriateB. only upon request of the pilotC. only to high priority flights(A)40.Which atmospheric factor causes rapid movement of surface fronts?A. upper low located directly ocer the surface lowB. upper winds blowing accross the frontC. The cold front overtaking and lifting the warm front (B)41.Which condition are necessary for the formation of slope fog?A.A clear sky calm 100%相对湿度B.层云下雨 and a 10-25-knot wind moving the precipitation up the slopeC. Moist stable air being moved over gradually rising ground by a wind(C)42.frost most likely form on aircraft surfaceA. on overcast nights with freezing drizzle precipitationB. on clear nights with stable air and calmc.晴朗夜空,有对流运动,小的露点温度差(B)43.Which weather condition is present when the tropical storm is upgraded to a hurricane or typhoonA. Highest windspeed 100 knots or moreB. A clear area or hurricane eye has formedC. Sustained winds of 65 knots or more(C)44.Which primary source contains information regarding the expected weather at the destination airport at the EAT?A. Radar Summary and weather Depiction chartsB. low-level prog chartC. Terminal Aerodrome forecast(C)45.Isobars on a surface weather chart represent line of equal pressureA. at agiven atmospheric pressureB. at the surfaceC. reduce to sea level(C)46.What effect if any does altitude have on Vmc for an 不增压发动机飞机?A. Decrease with altitude IncreaseB. NoneC. Increase with altitude(A)3.What condition is necessary for the formation of structural icing in flight?# visible water4.Which conditions result in the formation of frost?# Temperature of the collecting surface is below the dew-point and the dew-point is also below freezing5. A prognostic chart depicts the conditions?#. forecast to exist at a specific time.8.What is the safest and most effect takeoff and initial climb2 engine planeA. best engine out rate-of climb airspeed while on the ground the lift off and climb at that V;B.Vmc then lift off at that speed and climb at 最大angle-of-climb-V;C. V slight above VMC the lift and climb at the best rate-of-climb-V.(C)9. How should 反推propellers be used during landing for maximum effectiumess in stop.A. Gradually increase reverse power to maximum as roll out speed;B. Select reverse-pitch after landing and lose idle power setting of the engines;C. Use maximum reverse power as soon as possible after touchdownC10.反向怎么复飞?.make a climb turn toward the landing runway…..;11.What is the primary cause of all changes in the Earth’s weather?A. change in air pressure over Earth’s surface;B. Variation of solar energy at surface;C. Movement of air mass from moist areas to dry areas. (B)12高空急流 relatives to surface lows and frontsA. 在 lows and crosses both 暖锋和冷锋;B. at north of the surface lows systems;C. south of the low and 暖锋(B)13What term describes are elongated areas of lows pressure?A. hurricane or typhoon;B. Ridge;C. Trough(C)15.What is the highest speed possible with out supersonic flow over the wing?A. critica mach No.;B. initial suffer speed;C. transonic indexA16.Where is the critical altitude of a supercharge-reciprocating engine?A .the altitude at which maximum allowable BMEP can be obtained;B.the highest altitude at which a desired manifold pressure can be obtained;C.highest altitude where the mipfure can be leaned to best power ratio;B17.Which statement is true concerning the wake turbulence produced by a large transport aircraft.A. wake turbulence behind a propeller driven aircraft isnegligible because jet engine thrust is a necessary factor in the formation of vortices;B. the vortex characteristic of any given aircraft may be altered by extending the flaps or changing the speed;C. vortices can be avoided by flying come be low an behind the flight path of the generating aircraft(B)18. Embedded 雷暴A. 雷暴 are obscured by other type of clouds;B. 雷暴 are predicted to develop in a stable air mass;C. 严重雷暴 are embed a squall line.A21.If both the ram air input and drain hole of the pitot system are blocked by ice what airspeed indication can be expected?A. constant indicated airspeed during a descent;B. no variation of indicated airspeed in level flight if large power changes are made;C. decrease of indicated airspeed during a climb(B)22.In addition to the localizer; glide slope; marker beacons; approach lighting and HIRL, which ground components are required to be operative for a category II instrument approach to a DH below 150 feet ACL??A. TDZL;RCLS and RVR;B. RCLS and REIL;C. Rader and RVR(A)23.How can a airplane produce the same lift in ground effect as when out of ground effect?A. a higher angle of attack;B. A lower angle of attack;C. The same angle of attack.(B)24.Under what condition should stalls never be practiced ina twin-engine airplane?A. with one engine inoperative;B. with full flaps and gear extended;C. with climb power on(A)26.What is the difference between a visual and a contact approach?A. a visual approach is initiated by ATC;while a contact approach is initiated by the pilotB. both are the same;C. a visual approach is an IFRA27.What weather difference is found on each side of a “dry line”?A. extreme temperature difference.B. strut versus cumulus clouds.C. Dew-point differenceC28Which area or areas of the northen hemisphere experance a generally East to West movement of weather system?A. subtropical only;B. Arctic only;C. Arctic and subtropical;C29.Which weather will experance at the altitude where the dew-point lapse rate and dry Adiabatic rate meet?A. precipitation starts;B. cloud bases form;C. stable air charge to unstable air;B30.In which meteorological condition can finite a low pressure area from?A. warm front or occlouded fronts;B. slow-moving cold front or stationary fronts;C. cold front;B31.Where is the usual location for an inversion?A. in the stratosphere;B. at the base of cumulus clouds;C. at the tropopause;A.32.Which weather condition is present when the tropical storm is upgraded to a hurricane?A. a clear eare or hurricane eye has formed;B. sustained winds of 65kt or more;C. highest wind speed locokt or more;B33.What conditions are indicated on a weather depiction chart?A. actual sky cover visibility restrictions and type of precipiteition at reporting stations;B. actual en route weather conditions between reporting station;C. for case ceilirgs and visibilities over a large geographic area.A34.Constant pressure analysis charts contain air tours is others some contain isobars the contours depict?A. high lows troughs + ridges on the surface;B. ridges lows troughs + high aloft;C. highs lows troughs + ridges corrected to MSLB35.Weather feature occurs at altitude levels near the tropopause can?A. abrupt temperature of the tropopause;B. thin layers of cirrus clouds at the tropopause level;C. maximum wind and narrow wind shear zone;C36.Which event usually occurs after an A/C passes through a front into the colder air?A. atmosphere pressure increase;B. temperature dew point decrease;C. wind direction shifts to the leftA37.Which type wind flows down slope become warmer and dry?A. volley wind;B. loud breeze;C. katabatic wind.C41.Tornadoes(龙卷风) from the steady-state thunderstorm associated with cold fronts and squall line.42.prognostic charts depicts the condition.A. exsting at the surface during the past 6 months;B. which present from the 1000 minibox through T;C. forcast to exist at specific time in the future shown on the chart;C1.what is a feature of a stationary front?A.surface winds tends to flow parallel to the conditions ate a combination of strong wind frontC.the warm front surface moves abort half the spead of the cold frontA2.which area or area of the Northen Hemisphere experance a genarally East to West movement of weather system?A. subtropical onlyB. arctie onlyC. arctic and subtropicalC3.which weather will ecperance at the altitude where the dew point lapse rate and dry adiabatic rate meet?A. precipitation startsB. cloud bases formC. stable air sange to unstable airB4.In which meterolosical condition can finite a low pressure area fromA. warm front or occlanded frontsB. slow-moving cold front or stationary frontC. cold frontB5.where is the usual location of a thermal low?A. over the surface of a dry sunning regionB. over the eye of a hurricaneC. over the anti regionA6.which weather condition is present when the tropical storm is upgraded to a hurricaneA.a clear area or hurricane eye has formedB.sustained winds of 65 kt or moreC.highest windspeed 100 kt or moreB7.which condition produce weather on the side of a large lake?A. cold air flowing over a warmer lake may produce advection fogB. warm air flowing over a colder lake may produce advection fogC. warm air flowing over a colder lake may produce rain showerB8.what airditions are indicated or a weather Depiction chart?A. Actual sky over visibility restrictions and type ofprecipitation at reporting stationsB. Actual en route weather conditions between reportings stationC.Forecast ceilings ad visililities over a large geosraphicareaA9.Constant pressure Aualysisc charts contanin contoms is others + some contain isobars the contours depictA. highs,lows,troughts+ridges on the surfaceB. ridges,lows,troughts+high aloftC. highs lows.troughs+ridges corrected to MscB10.which term applies when the temperature of the air change by compression of expansion with no heat added or removed?A. katabaticB. advectionC. adiabaticC11.where do squall lines most often develop?A. behind a station frontB. ahead of a cold frontC. in a occlauded feathure occurs art altitude leves near the tropopause canA. abrupt temperature increase of the tropopauseB. thin layers of cirrus clouds at the tropopause levelC. maximum wind and narrow wind sheat zonesC13.which event usually occurs after an a/c passes though a front into the colder air?A. pressure increaseB. temperature/dewpoint decreseC. wind direction shifts to the loftA14. atomosphere pressure change due to a TS will be at the lowest value?A. during the downdraft and heavy rain showersB. when the TS is approachingC. immediately after the rain shower have stoppedB15.what weather is predicted by the term Vcts in a TAFA. between 5 and 25 kmB. within 50 kmC. TS are expected in the vicinityC16.CAT turbulance most likely encounteredA. constant pressure chart show 20 kt less than 60 NM aparB. constant pressure chart show 20 kt less than 60 kt aparC. constant pressure chart show 20 kt less than 20 ktA17.which type wind fllows down slope become warmer and dryerA. volley windB. land BreazeC. katamatic windC18.which primary source contains informations regardings the expected weather at destination Airport at ETAA. radar summary and weather depiction chartsB. TAFC. low-level prog chartB29.A prognostic charts depicts the conditionsA. exsiting at the surface during the past 6 monthsB. which pressure from front the 1000 miniburt though 700C. forecast to exist at specific timeC34.the jestream usually cross which front?A. cold frontB. warm frontC. occlusion frontC26..What temperature condition is indicated if precipitation in the form of wet snow occurs during flight?A. the temperature is above freezing at flight altitude.B. The temperature is above freezing at higher altitudes.C. There is an inversion with colder air below.A X21.STAR-teminal with a instrument or visual procedure22.一类防冰液:80% 二50% 三30%23.maintain report 2400m24.积冰 lift reduce 30% drug increase 40%25.tornadoes from the steady-state thunder strom-associated with cold fronts and aqual line26.if you wart to traverse CAT areas should?when temperature increase --->climbwhen temperature debase --->descend27.夏季TSNE--〉SW30.Isobars on a surface weather chart represent line of eqaul pressure-----sea level31.天气现象----Aport temperture of lapses rate32.stationary front 特征33.dry line36.microbust 6000ft/min37.calm wind ooooomps.38.45kt39.TAF--->TS 大风40.VOR不工作“T-E-S-T”书上33页1.“FAI L OPERATIONAL” means fault, roll the autopilots, will disengage if a fault is tested in one of them leaving the aircraft in a passive state of trimA. FalseB. DependsC. TrueC2.Which take-off climb segment is limited to 5 minutes at MCT?A.2ndB.3rdC.1stA3. Which take-off climb segment is the most critical?A. 1stB. 3rdC. 2ndC4. The human body is comfortable at normal temperatures. When the relative humidity is?A. 60-80%B. 40-60%C. 20-30%B5. Which statement is correct about conditional waypoint?A. they are event defined by geographically fix position,by radial and distanceB. there are four type passing through altitude radial DMEdist intercept courseC. they can be entered manually by the flight crewB6. Roll out mode become armedA. when the glide slope is capturedB. when the second auto pilot switch is pushed +C. when aircraft pass 1500ft radio altitudeC7. Provisional or modified route are displayed asA. a solid white lineB. a dashed white lineC. a dashed magenta lineB(空客飞机的仪表,答案待证实)9. the approach climb performance with the critical engine failed is?A.1.3V S and 2.1 % 2.3% and 2.4% for 2. 3 .and 4 enginesB. 1.2 V S and 2.1 % 2.3% and 2.4% for 2. 3 .and 4 enginesC. 1.5 V S and 2.1 % 2.3% and 2.4% for 2. 3 .and 4 enginesC10. Under the Homes-ache scale, the most stressful life event isA. death of spouseB. pregnancyC. jail termA11. A diffuser isA. divergent dust and causes gas expansionB. Convergent dust and causes gas expansionC. Clivergtnt dust and causes gas compressionA12.The use of a higher flap setting for take—off will A. Lengthen both the take—off run and the second and third take—off climb segments.B. Shorten the take—off run and the second the second but lengthen the third take—off climb Segment.C. Shorten the take—off run but lengthen the second and third take—off.C13. On approach to a long thin runway with rising terrain towards the threshold with provide which of the following apparent visual effectsA. No effect a normal approach path will be experiencedB. OvershootingC. Overshoot than under shoot when on short finalC14. The ideal pilot isA. More person directed than goal directedB. More goals directed than person directedC. Both person and goal directedC15. A strong wind shear can be expectedA. A strong wind shear can be expected on the low pressureside of a 100 knots at stream coreB. Where the horizontal wind shear is 15 knots in a distanceequal to 2.5o longitudeC. If the 5o is other are spaced 100 NM or closer togetherA16.what is the normal procedure for IFR departures at locations with pretax clearance program?A. Pilots request IFR clearance when ready to taxi, pilotswill receive taxi clearance, the receive IFR clearance while taxiing or on the runway.B. Pilots request IFR clearance 10’or less prior to taxi,then request taxi clearance from ground control.C. Pilots request IFR clearance when ready to taxi, thepilot will receive taxi instruction with clearance.A?(答案再问问老师)17.avoiding smoking and alcohol and exercising regularly reduce the likelihood of developing with disease?A. Osteo-arthritisB. Cardiac-vascularC. GoutB18.perception involves creation of mental models of the outside world which are basedA. Entirely on experience and expectationB. Mainly on sensory information but also on experience andexpectation to some degreeC. Entirely on sensory information19、A PROB4(PROB ability)HHhh group in an IAF indicates the probability ofA. Precipitation or low visibilityB. Ts or high windC. Ts or other precipitationC21.the approximate percentage of oxygen at ground level isA. 20%B. 15%C. 41%A22.a rheostat isA. A temperature indicatorB. A remote automatic manual switchC. A temperature control deviceB23.V2 or initial climb speed must not beA. More than the take off safety speedB. Less than 1.2 Vs1C. More than 1.1 MacB24.isobars on a surface weather chart represent lines of equal pressureA. At the surfaceB. Reduced to sea levelC. At a given atmospheric pressure altitudeB25.what is some characteristic of an airplane loaded with the CG at the aft limit?A. Lowest stall speed, highest cruise speed and leaststabilityB. Highest stall speed, highest cruise speed and leaststabilityC. Lowest stall speed; lowest cruise speed and higheststabilityA26.TODA must exceed TODR in order toA. Increase V2B. Decrease VrC. Allow use of degrade thrust27.micro switch is an assemblyA. Which has a very small movement to make or break a circuitB. Used for instrument contact onlyC. Used where one side of the structure is inaccessibleA28.when does ATC issue a STAR?A. Only to high priority flightB. Only upon request of the pilotC. Only when ATC deems it appropriateC29.a prognostic chart depicts the conditionA. Only when ATC deems it appropriate the 1000mb through the100mb levelB. Forecast to exist at a specific time in the futureC. Existing at the surface during the past 6 hoursB30.what minimum information does an abbreviated departure clearance “cleared as filed ” include?A. Clearance limit and en route altitudeB. Destination airport en route altitude and SID, ifappropriateC. Clearance limit en route altitude and SID, if appropriateB(此答案在FAA书上得到证实)32.the effectiveness of the trim tab isA. Proportional to the speedB. Not proportional to the speed in any wayC. Proportional to the square of the speedC33.As large jet transport aircraft climbs above FL340 as fuel burns off, the IAS turbulence penetration speed willA. IncreaseB. DecreaseC. Remain the sameB?(问问老师) static temperature increases at the same altitude, which N1 held constantA. TAS increase and SFC decreaseB. TAS and SFC both increaseC. TAS decrease and SFC increaseC35.the physiological for respiration isA. The already concentration of carbon dioxideB. The arterial concentration of oxygenC. The arterial concentration of carbon dioxideB36.when flying orientation is most reliably determined through information sensed by theA. Somatic sensory systemB. Visual systemC. Vestibule apparatusB37.sinus barotraumas is most likely to occurred duringA. DescendB. Takeoff from a high altitudeC. Level flight in turbulenceA38.which type clouds may be associated with the jet stream?A. Cirrus cloudsB. CumulonimbusC. CirrostratusA39. Under what condition may air carrier pilot continue an instrument approach to the DH, after receiving a weather report indicating that less than minimum published landing condition exist at the airportA. If the instrument approach is conducted in a radarenvironmentB. When the weather report is received after the pilot hasbegun the final approach segment of the instrument approachC. When the weather report is received as the pilot passesthe FAFB40. When recovering from a spin the pilot should firstA. Reduce the angle of attachB. Increase the drag yawing momentC. Oppose the auto rotation?B41. When may a pilot descend below 100 feet above the touchdown zone elevation during a category2 ILS instrument approach when only the approach lights are visible?A. When the RVR is 550m on more。

航线理论考试(ATPL)最后复习笔记(1) 以下是在航线理论(ATPL)考试前最后复习阶段做的笔记,包括一些相关知识总结、难点、容易考到的原文等等。
其中直接引用《The Aviation Theory Course for Airline Transport Pilot》(民航飞行学院那本英文的航线教材)中的原文或者从原文截取拼凑而成的句子,都以斜体标记。
1. RAIM: Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Without RAIM capability, the pilot has no assurance of accuracy of the GPS.也就是说,RAIM既影响位置信息,也影响高度信息。
2. If RAIM is not available:a) Another type of navigation and approaching system must be used;b) Another destination selected;c) Or, the trip delayed until RAIM is predicated to be available on arrival.3. VASI的种类和特点:VASI种类 Three-bar VASI Upwind for high cockpitTri-color VASI Red, green, whitePulsating VASI Below Pulsating redAbove Pulsating whiteon Standing white or alternatingred and white4. 指点标的一些属性:Marker Color Sound Rate Identified with theOM Blue Continuous dashes 2/s First 2 letters of the LLZIM White Continuous dashes 2/sMM amber Alternate dashes and dots6/s Last 2 letters of the LLZ 5. 油量要求:国内航线航程油量 国际航线航程油量备降油量(最远备降场) 备降油量等待油量(45分钟) 等待油量(1500ft等待30分钟)应急油量(航线飞行时间10%的油量)6. 着陆机场无边灯或机长无夜航最低天气标准,着陆时限为:平原:日落前10分钟;丘陵山区:日落前20分钟。

1 What is the maximum indicated airspeed a reciprocating-engine-powered airplane may be operated within Class B airspace?往复式发动机飞机在B空域飞行的最大指示空速(基本表速)是多少?A: 180 knots. B: 230 knots. C: 250 knots.2 At what maximum indicated airspeed can a B-727 operate within Class B airspace without special ATC authorization? 在B空域中B-727没有ATC授权是的最高指示空速(基本航速)是多少?A: 230 knots. B: 250 knots. C: 275 knots.3 At what maximum indicated airspeed may a reciprocating-engine-powered airplane be operated within Class D airspace?往复式发动机飞机在D空域飞行的最大指示空速(基本表速)是多少?A: 156 knots. B: 180 knots. C: 200 knots.4 What is the maximum indicated airspeed a turbine-powered aircraft may be operated below 10,000 feet MSL?涡轮式飞机在平均海拔低于10000尺的空中飞行的最大指示空速(基本表速)是多少?A: 288 knots. B: 250 knots. C: 230 knots.5 At what maximum indicated airspeed can a reciprocating-engine airplane operate in the airspace underlying Class B airspace?往复式发动机飞机在B空域底层飞行是的最大指示空速(基本表速)是多少?A: 180 knots. B: 200 knots. C: 230 knots.6 Maximum holding speed for a propeller-driven airplane may hold at is:最大的螺旋桨驱动的飞机的保压速度是:A: 265 knots B: 230 knots. C: 156 knots.7 Maximum holding speed for a turbojet airplane above 14,000 feet is涡轮喷气式飞机在高于14000尺的空中的最大保压速度是:A: 210 knots. B: 230 knots. C: 265 knots.8 Maximum holding speed for a civil turbojet aircraft at a joint use airport civil/navy between 7,000 and 14,000 feet is在民用/海军联合机场7000—14000尺空中民用涡轮喷气式飞机的最大保压速度是多少?A: 265 knots. B: 230 knots. C: 200 knots.9 When takeoff minimums are not prescribed for a civil airport, what are the takeoff minimums under IFR for a three-engine airplane?民用机场没有规定最低起飞速度时,IFR规定三发飞机的最低起飞速度是:A: 1 SM. B: 1/2 SM. C: 300 feet and 1/2 SM.10 What minimum ground visibility may be used instead of a prescribed visibility criteria of RVR 16 when that RVR value is not reported?当RVR值没有报出时,规定RVR16可视标准可以由以下哪个最小地面可见度值代替?A: 1/4 SM. B: 3/4 SM C: 3/8 SM.11 The prescribed visibility criteria of RVR 32 for the runway of intended operation is not reported. What minimum ground visibility may be used instead of the RVR value?A: 3/8 SM. B: 5/8 SM. C: 3/4 SM.12 The visibility criteria for a particular instrument approach procedure is RVR 40. What minimum ground visibility may be substituted for the RVR value?一个特殊仪器规定的能见度为RVR40,那么可以用以下哪个最小地面能见度替代RVR值?A: 5/8 SM. B: 3/4 SM. C: 7/8 SM.13 Freezing rain encountered during climb is normally evidence that攀升过程中遇到冻雨通常可以证明:A: a climb can be made to a higher altitude without encountering more than light icing.B: a layer of warmer air exists above.C: ice pellets at higher altitudes have changed to rain in the warmer air below14 What condition is indicated when ice pellets are encountered during flight?飞行过程中遇到冰粒的条件是:A: Thunderstorms at higher levels.B: Freezing rain at higher levels.C: Snow at higher levels.15 What is the result when water vapor changes to the liquid state while being lifted in a thunderstorm?水蒸气转换成液态进入到雷暴中的结果是什么?A: Latent heat is released to the atmosphere.B: Latent heat is transformed into pure energy.C: Latent heat is absorbed from the surrounding air by the water droplet.16 What minimum thickness of cloud layer is indicated if precipitation is reported as light or greater intensity?当报道到有小到中强度冰雹时可以推测云层的最薄厚度为多少?A: 4,000 feet thick.B: 2,000 feet thick.C: A thickness which allows the cloud tops to be higher than the freezing level.17 What is a difference between an air mass thunderstorm and a steady-state thunderstorm?气团雷雨和稳态雷雨之间的区别是什么?A: Air mass thunderstorms produce precipitation which falls outside of the updraft.B: Air mass thunderstorm downdrafts and precipitation retard and reverse the updrafts.C: Steady-state thunderstorms are associated with local surface heating.18 Which type cloud is associated with violent turbulence and a tendency toward the production of funnel clouds?那种类型的云伴有剧烈震荡和产生漏斗云的倾向?A: Cumulonimbus mamma. B: Standing lenticular. C: Stratocumulus.19 What condition is necessary for the formation of structural icing in flight?在飞行中形成结构性结冰的必要条件是什么?A: Supercooled water drops. B: Water vapor. C: Visible water.20 SPECI KGLS 131802Z 10012G21KT 060V1402SM+SHRA SCT005BKN035 OVC050CB24/23 A2980This SPECI report at Galveston (KGLS) indicates which condition?在这个加尔维斯顿的SPECI报告(KGLS)表明出何种情况?A: Wind steady at 100° magnetic at 12 knots, gusts to 21.B: Precipitation started at 57 after the hour.C: 5,000 feet overcast with towering cumulus.21 METAR KMAF 131756Z 02020KT 12SM BKN025 OVC250 27/18 A3009 RMK RAE44.Which weather condition is indicated by this METAR report at Midland (KMAF)?这个份英格兰中部的METAR报告说明了什么样的天气状况?A: Rain of unknown intensity ended 16 minutes before the hour.B: The ceiling was at 25,000 feet MSL.C: Wind was 020° magnetic at 20 knots.22 METAR KSPS 131757Z 09014KT 6SM -RA SCT025 OVC090 24/22 A3005.SPECI KSPS 131820Z 01025KT 3SM +RA FC OVC015 22/21 A3000.Which change took place at Wichita Falls (KSPS) between 1757 and 1820 UTC?在1757年至1820年,威奇塔瀑布市发生了什么变换?A: The rain became lighter.B: Atmospheric pressure increased.C: A funnel cloud was observed.23 METAR KHRO 131753Z 09007KT 7SM FEW020 BKN040 30/27 A3001.SPECI KHRO 131815Z 13017G26KT 3SM +TSRA SCT020 BKN045TCU 29/24 A2983 RMKRAB12 WS TKO LDG RW14R FRQ LTGICCG VC.What change has taken place between 1753 and 1815 UTC at Harrison (KHRO)?1753年至1815年,Harrison发生了什么变化?A: The ceiling lowered and cumulonimbus clouds developed.B: Thundershowers began at 12 minutes past the hour.C: Visibility reduced to IFR conditions.24 A PROB40 (PROBability) HHhh group in an International Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) indicates the probability of国际机场航站楼预测的一个PROB40HHhh组表示的是A: thunderstorms or other precipitation.B: precipitation or low visibility.C: thunderstorms or high wind.25 A severe thunderstorm is one in which the surface wind is在剧烈雷雨中地面风速为A: 50 knots greater and/or surface hail is 3/4 inch or more in diameter.B: 55 knots or greater and/or surface hail is 1/2 inch or more in diameter.C: 45 knots or greater and/or surface hail is 1 inch or more in diameter.26 A squall line is a sudden increase of at least 15 knots in average wind speed to a sustained speed of阵风线(飓线)是指在突然增加的至少15节平均风速持续的速度为A: 24 knots or more for at least 1 minute.B: 22 knots or more for at least 2 minutes.27 A calm wind that is forecast, in the International Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF), is encoded as在国际机场航站楼预测的静风被编码为A: VRB00KT. B: 00000KT. C: 00003KT.28 How may a pilot determine if a LORAN-C receiver is authorized for IFR operations?如何确定一个飞行员LORAN-C接收器授权IFR操作A: Consult the Airplane Flight Manual Supplement.B: A placard stating, "LORAN-C APPROVED FOR IFR EN ROUTE, TERMINAL AND APPROACH SEGMENTS." C: An airframe logbook entry that the LORAN-C receiver has been checked within the previous 30-calendar days.29 Which entry shall be recorded by the person performing a VOR operational check?下列哪一应由人执行VOR操作检查后记录?A: Frequency, radial and facility used, and bearing error.B: Flight hours and number of days since last check, and bearing error.C: Date, place, bearing error, and signature.30 What record shall be made by the pilot performing a VOR operational check?哪项应当由飞行员执行VOR操作检查后记录?A: The date, frequency of VOR or VOT, number of hours flown since last check, and signature in the aircraft log.B: The date, place, bearing error, and signature in the aircraft log or other record.C: The date, approval or disapproval, tach reading, and signature in the aircraft log or other permanent record.31 During a VOT check of the VOR equipment, the course deviation indicator centers on 356°with the TO/FROM reading FROM. This VOR equipment may在用VOR设备进行VOT检查的过程中,…….进程偏差显示器在365°。

训练器上训练时间不得超过14小时Training hours in FTD≤14 hours
(2)在每个机场完成仪表进近,使用导航系统完成三种不同方式的进近Involes an instrument approach at each airport, involes 3 different kinds of approaches with the use of navigation systems (VOR/NDB/ILS)
(2) 3小时单发飞机仪表飞行训练3 hours of instrument training in SEA
10 hours of solo flight training in SEA, including
(1) 5小时转场单飞,包括5 hours of solo cross-country flight, including
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20. B747 从上海起飞,目的地东京,大阪为备降场,飞机所需油量:(B)A.从上海起飞到东京然后飞往大阪,着陆所需油量再加45分钟正常巡航蚝油
B.4800 或3200之间取最大值
C.DH+ 30米RVR+800米
A.DH + 50 RVR+600
B.DH+30 RVR+800