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Midterm Exam

Art of Public Speaking

Jeremy Wu, 201681006, first class on Tuesday


1] Download exam and print、 2] Use ruled paper (with lines) to write out your answers, or type your answers on separate sheets of paper; make sure each question is numbered appropriately、 3] Write clearly if you are not typing; type clearly using size 10 Times New Roman font、 Use spellcheck grammar check, and a dictionary to revise your work、Presentation is important、 4] Attach—staple— your answer sheets to this exam booklet with cover page、 5] Write your English name, student number and class at the top of the cover page、 6] Hand exam in to me Monday or Tuesday, depending on our schedule/when we meet for class、Late exams will be penalized 10 points、 After Thursday, Friday or Saturday, I will not accept it and it is a zero、 7] This exam is worth 10% of your class grade、 8] No electronic exams、 On paper only、


Illustrate a basic preparation outline with appropriate symbolization and indentation、 Include the purpose of each line、 For example, label each number and letter with its purpose such as: main point, brief examples, or expert testimony、 Use every possibility mentioned in Chapter 6— Supporting Materials、


What are the four objectives of an introduction?

1、Get the attention and interest of your audience、

2、Create a positive relationship with the audience、

3、Establish your credibility、

4、Preview the body of the speech、


Explain what it means to establish credibility? Explain and use an example、

This means that you need to show your audience that you know about your speech topic、 You want to explain how you came to know that information、

This could be from personal experience, for example if you work at Starbucks, then you know about coffee from a professional standpoint、But, most of the time, the way to establish credibility is from using excellent research、


What is the purpose of a preview statement in an introduction and what should it do? Illustrate your explanation with an example、 (Do not use examples from the book)、P109

Preview statement is one way to help listeners get in sorting out speaker’s ideas、 It tells what they should listen for in the rest of the speech、

Today I am going to talk with you about the table tennis、 I will focus on two: the origins of table tennis and how to play it、


What are the seven ways to get the attention and interest of your audience? Label/identify each one and give a brief explanation for each、

1.Relate the topic to the audience、

The audience are more likely pay attention to things that affect them directly、

2.State the importance of your topic、

If your audience think your speech is important, they will be more interested in it、

3.Startle the audience、

If you can startle your audience with a startling introduction

relates to the subject, you can arouse interest easily、

4.Arouse the curiosity of the audience、

People are curious、 If they are curious about your statements, they will be interested in your topic、

5.Question the audience、
