

最新[英语考试]英语专业四级考试 语法词汇知识幻灯片课件

最新[英语考试]英语专业四级考试  语法词汇知识幻灯片课件
C. is not long distance
D. are not long distances 6. 与冠词的搭配
___ London of Dicken’s time come to ___ in his books.
A. The, / B. /,/ C. /, the D. The,the
The city council ___ meeting to discuss the point. A. is B. are C. was D. were ❖ 4) a committee,etc. of + 如果主语是由“a committee of /a panel of /a board of +复数名词”构成,随后的动词通常用
❖ 3.具体考查重点为以上项目中的特殊用法,不 常用的情况
❖ 2.习惯用法如:confess to/set about/be used to+doing; be supposed to/have/ make sb.+do
❖ 3.由同一动词构成的短语如:come,go,set, break,put
It takes ___ to build a road
A. a lot of machine B. a lot of machinery
C. much machines D. much machineries ❖ 3)既可作单数也可作复数的集体名词如: audience,
committee, class, crew, family, public, government
A. / B. that of C. which is D. of
❖ 5. 表示时间、距离、金额、重量、面积、体积、 容积等度量的名词短语做主语时,谓语用单数。 Ten miles ____ in such a large city.



精致的近义词篇一:近义词小学近义词大全A爱慕—喜爱安然—安稳遨游—游览奥秘—神秘懊悔—后悔B报酬—酬劳悲哀—悲伤崩塌—倒塌必然—必定避免—幸免便宜—廉价哺育—培育C猜测—推测才干—才能采用—采纳诧异—惊诧颤动—抖动沉浸—沉醉惩罚—惩处迟延—拖延耻笑—讥笑炽热—酷热憧憬—向往酬谢—答谢啜泣—抽泣创造—制造绰号—外号慈悲—慈善慈祥—慈爱葱茏—葱郁聪明—聪慧催促—督促璀璨—明亮D打扮—装扮打搅—打扰胆怯—害怕淡忘—忘却调皮—淘气叮嘱—嘱咐陡崖—悬崖妒忌—嫉妒对付—应付对照—对比E恩赐—赏赐F发布—公布发誓—宣誓发展—进展繁殖—生殖反抗—抵抗防御—防备妨碍—阻碍分量—重量分外—格外愤怒—愤慨锋利—锐利服侍—侍侯浮现—出现赋予—给予G告别—告辞恭敬—尊敬估计—估量鼓励—鼓舞固然—当然故意—有意关心—关怀管理—治理贯通—贯穿瑰宝—珍宝H含糊—模糊寒冷—严寒和蔼—和气宏伟—雄伟欢跃—喜悦环绕—围绕荒芜—荒凉回顾—回忆汇集—汇合获取—猎取祸患—祸害J机灵—灵巧积累—积存即将—马上疾驰—飞奔寄托—寄予讥笑—嘲笑坚固—牢固坚毅—坚强艰苦—艰难艰难—困难建造—建筑交织—交错娇嫩—柔嫩节制—克制竭力—尽力解救—拯救谨防—防备谨慎—慎重惊险—危险精密—周密精致—精巧敬仰—仰慕境界—境地居然—竟然绝望—无望K开辟—开发开辟—开拓慷慨—大方可惜—惋惜空暇—空闲恐怖—恐惧控制—操纵款待—招待愧疚—内疚L劳苦—劳累冷艳—艳丽黎明—拂晓立即—马上灵便—灵活领略—领会浏览—扫瞄隆重—盛大沦陷—沦落罗列—排列M满意—中意漫步—闲逛茂密—茂盛朦胧—模糊弥漫—布满密切—紧密勉励—鼓励勉强—牵强藐视—轻视泯灭—消灭明丽—明媚明艳—鲜艳摹仿—模仿蓦地—突然模范—榜样N鸟瞰—俯视凝结—凝聚凝视—注视挪移—移动O偶尔—间或P判断—推断批评—批判疲惫—疲乏疲倦—疲乏僻静—偏僻漂亮—美丽飘荡—漂浮飘拂—漂动品格—品行平生—终生平庸—平凡平整—平坦普通—一般Q欺凌—凌辱奇妙—奇异歧视—卑视气魄—气势气势—气概启示—启发清晰—清楚乾坤—天地潜伏—埋伏谴责—责备惬意—满意亲密—亲热轻蔑—轻视轻盈—轻快清澈—清亮清纯—纯洁清晰—清楚驱赶—驱逐 R弱小—微小S伤害—损害商议—商量商议—协商稍微—略微奢靡—奢侈神秘—神奇神奇—奇妙神奇—奇特审阅—批阅实用—有用舒畅—舒服思量—思考伺侯—侍奉肃静—安静素质—素养率先—领先T贪婪—贪欲探索—探究逃避—躲避特殊—特别誊写—抄写体面—风光体味—体会推荐—推举妥帖—稳妥W蜿蜒—曲折顽强—坚韧顽强—顽固宛然—仿佛宛如—犹如宛若—仿佛宛若—宛如巍峨—雄伟惟独—只有危急—危险尾随—跟随委托—托付温和—和气温和—温柔X吸收—汲取希翼—希望稀罕—希奇袭击—突击吓唬—恐吓鲜明—鲜亮羡慕—艳羡向来—一直消失—消逝歇息—休息欣赏—观赏新鲜—新奇兴旺—兴盛兴许—或许凶猛—凶狠雄伟—宏伟修筑—修建羞愧—惭愧秀媚—秀丽徐徐—缓缓寻常—平常寻觅—寻找Y延续—连续严重—严峻遥望—眺望要挟—挟制依然—依旧游览—巡游黝黑—乌黑幼稚—稚嫩预计—估计愿意—情愿允许—同意Z暂时—临时阻挠—阻止赞赏—欣赏赞叹—赞美责怪—责备占领—占据照射—照耀照应—照顾珍贵—宝贵镇静—冷静征服—制服拯救—挽救争执—争吵指望—盼望骤然—突然注视—凝视追寻—寻找捉弄—戏弄茁壮—健壮滋味—味道纵情—尽情阻塞—堵塞别具一格—独具匠心不可计数—不计其数风俗世情—风土人情毫不犹豫—坚决果断绞尽脑汁—费尽心机筋疲力尽—力倦神疲迥乎不同—绝然不同举世闻名—闻名遐迩聚精会神—全神贯注雷霆万钧—排山倒海络绎不绝—川流不息眉开眼笑—眉飞色舞目不转睛—聚精会神排山倒海—移山倒海疲惫不堪—筋疲力竭千磨万击—千锤百炼情不自禁—不由自主盛气凌人—不可一世随心所欲—为所欲为同心协力—同心同德无拘无束—自由自在喜不自胜—乐不可支腥风血雨—凄风苦雨一五一十—如数家珍依依不舍—恋恋不舍应有尽有—无奇不有朝夕与共—朝夕相处小学语文二年级下——近义词寻找——寻觅躲藏——躲避呼唤——呼喊滋润——滋养温暖——暖和美丽——漂亮惋惜——可惜常常——经常许多——很多习惯——习性明亮——光明提着——拎着沿着——顺着足迹——脚印年迈——年老献出——贡献清新——清爽保护——保卫舒适——舒服照顾——照料难过——伤心忽然——突然附近——临近清晰——清楚雄伟——雄壮环绕——围绕茂盛——茂密展现——展示喜爱——喜欢立即——马上出名——著名热情——盛情降临——来临装点——装扮整齐——整洁犹如——好象奇怪——奇特一定——必定哄骗——欺骗辨别——辨认简单——容易举动——行动仍然——仍旧研究——探索专心——专注称赞——赞扬奇怪——好奇透明——晶莹往常——往日苦恼——烦恼慌张——惊慌忠实——忠诚要是——假如正确——准确观赏——观看害怕——惧怕飞快——飞速感谢——谢谢特别——特殊主意——办法参加——参与仔细——认真满意——满足惊讶——惊奇洁白——雪白发现——发觉巴望——盼望焦急——着急幸亏——幸好信服——相信讨厌——厌恶孤单——孤独讥笑——嘲笑羡慕——仰慕剩下——余下急忙——连忙斥责——指责大约——大概慢慢地——渐渐地看望——探望聊天——谈话研制——研发暖烘烘——热乎乎乐滋滋——喜洋洋隐隐约约——模模糊糊五光十色——五颜六色黑沉沉——黑压压以下是课内的,必须掌握近义词繁密—稠密—茂密突然—忽然—猛然收拾—整理希望—渴望—期望哀求—央求请求—恳求简短—简练—简洁犹如—好像—宛如—好似硕大—巨大充足—充分—充沛索性—干脆灿烂—明媚—和煦特别—特殊修养—疗养清清楚楚—明明白白锐利—锋利抛弃—丢弃严肃—严厉荒芜—荒凉取笑—讥笑—嘲笑议论—讨论囚禁—关押优雅—高雅对付—应付精细—精致—细腻一望无垠—一望无边偶尔—有时—偶然怀念—思念—想念预兆—预言五彩缤纷—五颜六色哑口无言—张口结舌小心翼翼—一丝不苟慢条斯理—不紧不慢忐忑不安—七上八下惹人喜爱—讨人喜欢自鸣得意—得意洋洋三年级下册近义词反义词第六册近反义词第六册近反义词1、燕子近义词:聚拢—聚集轻快—轻松增添—增加掠过—拂过活泼—生动偶尔—间或俊俏—漂亮机灵—机敏反义词:乌黑—雪白俊俏—丑陋轻快—沉重鲜艳—暗淡增添—削减活泼—呆板聚拢—分散3、荷花近义词:碧绿—翠绿姿势—姿态衣裳—衣服好梦—美梦反义词:停止—开始好梦—恶梦5、翠鸟近义词:灵活—灵敏机灵—灵巧希望—期望饲养—喂养锐利—锋利愿望—心愿陡峭—峻峭反义词:篇二:英语四级词汇之同义词:精致的专家授课权威讲解必过英语四级词汇之同义词:精致的词义:精致的一.相关单词delicate ; exquisite ; fine二.各个击破1.delicateadj. 微妙的;熟练的;纤弱的;易损的eg.the delicately embroidered sheets.刺绣精致的床单a delicate piece of embroidery精致的刺绣品delicate feeling温情exquisite lace精致的花边2.exquisiteadj. 精致的;细腻的;优美的;剧烈的n. 过分讲究穿戴的人eg.exquisitely crafted dolls houses.做工精致的娃娃屋The Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to sell.印第安人带了精致的珠饰来卖。











二、学会辨析1. 上下文理解理解词语的具体意义需要根据上下文进行推断。




2. 参考词典查阅相关的英语词典是一个有效的方法来了解词义的细微差别。




3. 阅读大量英文文章通过阅读大量的英文文章,我们可以熟悉不同词汇的用法和上下文中的确切含义。




三、练习和应用1. 制作词汇卡片我们可以制作一份词汇卡片,在卡片的正面写单词,背面写词义和例句。



四级考前要看的近义词组1、abandon,desert,forsake,quit都含有一定的"放弃"之意abandon指完全、永远地放弃,尤指对之负有责任或义务者,放弃一个项目或计划desert强调故意违背自己的义务、责任或誓言等(擅离职守)forsake指遗弃以前所爱的人或事物,着重于断绝情感上的依恋eg.forsake one's wife and children遗弃妻儿;forsake bad habits摈弃坏习惯quit指突然或出其不意地放弃,现一般指"停止"eg.quit work停止工作2、accessory,decoration,ornament 都含有一定的"装饰品"之意accessory [常作pl.]指(女性的)装饰品,(手提包,些,手套,帽子,项链,耳环等)decoration 指为了装饰某物所使用的艳丽好看的装饰品ornament 指一般装饰品(ornament在作动词时常可和de corate互换)3、accomplish,complete,end,finish 都含有"完成"之意accomplish 指成功地完成预期的计划或达到预期的目的或成果complete 指完成一件指派或预定的任务,或完善、完整未完成的部分end 指一个动作或一件事情的结束或终止finish 指把一件事或一个动作做完,强调事情的了结、终止4、accurate,correct,delicate,exact,precise都含有一定的"正确,精确"之意accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性correct 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误delicate 精美、精细的、雅致的exact 确切的、精确的,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义5、accuse,charge,indict都含有一定的"指控,控告"之意accuse accuse sb. of doing sth.为…指责某人,控告某人charge charge sb. with doing sth.指控某人…6、achieve,acquire,attain,gain,obtain都含有一定的"获得,达到"之意achieve 强调由于极大的努力,克服困难后达到目标acquire 指经过不懈努力才获得的技术,知识等抽象的东西,也指养成习惯等attain 正式用语,指经过艰苦努力才使人达到完美境地gain 指需要做出比obtain更大的努力,往往指通过竞争获得某些有价值的东西obtain 指经过努力或付出代价或经过很长时间儿得到所需要的东西7、acknowledge,admit,concede,confess,recognize都含有一定的"承认"之意acknowledge 着重”公开承认”,常用来指过去曾隐瞒或否认的事admit 是指在压力下不得不承认已经证实或难以否认的事实,供认(事实,错误等)concede (不情愿地)承认,(在结果确定前)承认失败confess 着重承认自己的过错或罪恶recognize 指正式承认主权、权利等8、affirm,assert,allege,claim都含有一定的"宣称,断言"之意affirm 断言,肯定,指根据事实坚定不移地宣称,有无可争辩之意assert 宣称,坚持,指不管事实如何,主观自信地宣称allege 宣称,断定,指在无真实凭据情况下宣称,硬说claim 声称,主张,往往表示说话者反对或不同意某一观点。

TEM4 近义词辨析;形近异义词;短语动词;固定搭配经典题目及答案分析

TEM4 近义词辨析;形近异义词;短语动词;固定搭配经典题目及答案分析












例1 According to the new tax law, any money earned over that level is taxed at the ____ of 59 percent.A. ratioB. percentageC. proportionD. rateD考点是名词词义和用法辨析题。







举例:1.account for: 本身是“解释说明”的含义,但在使用的时候可以翻译成“是…的原因”。

2.acquire: 这个词的中文也非常灵活,通常由后面跟随的名词决定,如“acquire bad habits ”就是“养成坏习惯”的含义。


3.adapt: 动词,在科技用语中表示(将某个领域的研究成果)应用于(另一领域)。

4.afford: 用法非常灵活,总的来讲表示“承担不起”,后面可以接表示金钱,时间或者情感的词汇。





下面是我在巨微土豪金里总结的一些最常考的同义替换,希望大家能积累下来:1.解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle2.损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize3.给予:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford5.优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength6.缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness7.使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle8.重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative9.认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced10.有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental三、反义词(另一种同义替换)并不是只有近义词/同义词会考同义替换,其实反义词+否定词,也就变成了同义替换。



大学英语四级词汇大全1Jump for the sun, at least you land on the moon. 目标定的高一点有好处。


我喜欢这里:I like here. Right: I like it here.I can succeed. Right: I can do it. I can make it.注意生活中的英语:Nike胜利女神。

Just do it.生活中的英语:Did you have a pleasant journey? (这时要用降调)I am very much frightened because a girl named Monika stands beside me. Oh, thank god! He’s not the president now. (我很害怕)I was just screwed up. (我一团糟)四级考试中常见的考察词汇的题型:I 押韵题型(押头韵、押尾韵);答案总在相似中,如果有三个一样,基本上就在其中了。

54. The rain was heavy and _A_ the land was flooded.A consequentlyB continuouslyC constantlyD consistentlycontinue v. 继续,连续;continually adv. 时断时续地;continuously adv. 连续不断地。


consequently adv. 因此,所以;(heavy rain大雨, light rain小雨)constantly adv. 始终如一地,连续发生地;constant temperature 恒温consistently adv. 一贯地,一致地;consistent adj. consistent policy 一贯的政策。






1.2022年12月高校英语四级高频词汇1. tidy a. 干净的,整齐的tidy作形容词的时候表示干净的,整齐的,也可在口语中表示相当好的,相当大的。

tidy也可作动词,表示使干净,整理,一般用短语tidy up sth.或tidy sth. up。

Mom asked me to tidy up my room during the holiday.妈妈要求我假日整理房间。

2. trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹That incident left permanent traces on his mind.那件事情在他脑海里留下了永恒的印象。

3. torture n./vt. 拷打,熬煎与torture类似表示“苦恼、苦痛”的词还有agony和torment,他们之间的区分如下:torment 强调苦恼或苦痛的长期性。

torture 语气比torment强,指精神或肉体上受到熬煎所产生的苦痛。

agony 侧重指精神或身体苦痛的猛烈程度。

4. wander vi. 漫游,闲逛wander是个不及物动词,表示漫游,闲逛,徘徊,一般加about/off/over/through。

He enjoys wanders in the countryside.他喜爱在乡下闲逛。


My attention was wandering when the teacher read the textbook.老师读课本时我开小差了。

与wander长得很像的一个词是wonder,表示怀疑,纳闷,想知道,一般是wonder about sth。

5. wax n. 蜡wax作名词表示蜡,蜂蜡,也可作动词,表示涂蜡,上蜡。



c) respectable
d) respected

II. 形似词题型
英语中有大量的词,拼法极其相似,有的 仅仅只差一个字母,这些拼法相似的词称作形 似词。形似词之间有的意思不同,甚至截然相 反;有的则在意思上毫无关系。 可分为三类:
是由词类转化形成的,例如:advice n. 建议, advise v. 建议。
是由派生而产生的,例如:exclude排除, include包含。

agitate, enact
animism, animate
abbreviate, abridge
captivate, deceive
accede, proceed
在Part III Vocabulary and Structure(词汇和语 法结构)部分,共30道题,采用多项选择的 形式。
与第一,二类形似词不同,这类形似词之间词 义毫不相干,例如:intelligent聪明的,有才智 的;intelligible易了解的,易领悟的。
由于形似词极易混淆,在大学英语四级考试词 汇选择题中,常有形似词辨别题,辨别题中的 形似词大多属于第三类。
1. Because these lines are taken out of _____, they d o not convey the message the author intended.
a) cost
b) expense
c) payment
d) charge
D) 从句型结构辨析
1. You must remind me, because I am _____ to forget about it. a) likely b) possible c) probable d) able



近义词:pierce 猛戳、猛插入、猛刺入fierce 激烈的、猛烈的fierce competitionstrained 紧崩的、拉紧的be critical of 对...进行批评、挑剔errors = mistakes/sth. done wronglysteamed bread 馒头fault 错(指人的性格、行为或习惯上的缺点)shortcomings - (反)merits 指在学校中老师作评语时给出的优缺点flaw 指物体或材料上的瑕疵rise和arise都是不及物动词。

raise vt. 提高、提升;饲养、抚养raise the flagraise childrenraise pigsrise 指太阳、旗帜、水位等的上升(具体概念)arise 指抽象概念的一种出现artificial false unnatural unrealartificial 人造的、人为的e.g. artificial legleather 皮革e.g. artificial leatherunnatural 形容人的行为举止不自然;不正常的e.g. a bird of unnatural sizefalse 假的(具有欺骗性的)e.g. false passportfalse hairfalse teethunreal 虚幻的e.g. unreal worldgive present promise grant credit entitle give sb. sth./give sth. to sb.e.g. give me a book/give a book to megrant sb. sth. 正式的授予e.g. He granted me one mao. (错)grant 资助take sth. for granted 把...看作是理所当然entitleentitle sb. to do sth./entitle sb. to sth.credit 学分credit card 信用卡credit A to B 把A归咎于Be.g. credit the car accident to the driver's carelessnesspresent 赠与、给与e.g. present withpromisepromise to dopromise sb. sth.e.g. give me a bookI was given a book.A book was given to me.mild light slight tendermild 温柔的= gentle;吃的东西不辣的spicy 麻辣soft 柔软的e.g. soft drink - hard drinkslight 轻微的、少许的e.g. A slightest change of the schedule may affect everyone. simplest 最最简单的slightest 最轻微的、最少许的leastat least 至少light - (反)heavylight 清淡的、容易消化的tendertend + to 趋向于tender (肉)嫩的laziness idleness povertylaziness - lazy 懒惰poverty - poor 贫穷、穷困inability 无能力idleness 游手好闲idle 闲置(的)e.g. idle capital 闲置资本idle away some time 虚度光阴kill time 消磨时间nuisance worry trouble anxietynuisance 指具体的令人讨厌的东西trouble 指代的是一种problemworry和anxiety都是永陪词汇crash clash smash ash wreck accident spot pollute staincrash 表示飞机的失事wreck 轮船的失事accident 汽车的车祸spoil 宠坏、惯坏injure 在事故中受伤wound (刀、枪等)伤hurt (感情、情感的)伤e.g. You hurt my feelings.My leg hurt.hurt oneself 自残spot 使...有污点;污点、污迹(点状)e.g. spotted dogchip – chopstain 弄脏、染色(片状污迹)debate consult dispute bargaindebate 辩论consult 咨询consultant 顾问dispute 反驳beyond dispute 无可争辩bargain+ with sb. 与某人讨价还价+ about sth. 就...讨价还价答案:Dvalid vain vacant empty vague hollow bare blank valid 具有法律效力的vacant没人占用而空暂时没有充满而空(反)occupiedempty 空空如也的,什么也没有vainin vain 徒劳,白费力气blank 因为没写字而空hollow 中空的、空心的- (反)solidbare 光秃秃的(一般形容土地)bald答案:D动词和动词短语1、turnturn down 将音量关小;拒绝turn up 把音量开大;出现turn out 结果是、证明;生产turn over 移交、转交(没有方向性)turn to 求助于;参考turn in 交给、上交turn on 打开(电视机)look out = be carefultake care 当心、小心make out1、= understand 理解、领悟2、= hard to recognize 费力的辨认出3、开具支票make out a checkgo over1、复习2、仔细检查答案:C2、makemake outmake for 朝...走去make off 匆匆地离开某地、逃走make up组成、构成+ 数字/百分比be made up of 组成、构成(被动)补考缓考make it = succeed in doing sth.make up for 弥补、补偿stick to strike at strive to strive forstuck tostick to(介词)坚持e.g. Stick to the end and you will make it.strove forstrive for 为...而努力e.g. Don't strive for perfection.struck atstrike atcurse at 咒骂fire at 冲某人开枪shout at 冲某人大喊struck atstrike at 抨击、批评come up with put up with catch up with keep up with put to rest stand up to = put up with 忍受tolerate/stand/bearcome up with 提出建议、提出想法catch up with和keep up with大多数时可互换catch up with 赶上、追上keep up with 跟上come up against 突然遇到反对、困难等等live up to 按照...形式have a great deal of trouble 做某事遇到麻烦+ (in) doing sth.resist sustain tolerate undergoresiste.g. water resistant 防水resist 抵制、防+ doingsustain 供养undergo 经历、遭受3、taketake after 在外貌,性格等方面与父母相像take apart (将大型机器)分解,拆开take back 收回= withdrawe.g. I'll take back what I said.take down= write/put/set down 记下、写下(将大型机器货物件)分解take effect 生效take effective steps/measures采取有效措施take sth. for granted 把...看作理所当然take in= understand 理解、领悟= absorb 吸收= cheat 欺骗take off 脱下;(飞机)起飞take on承担责任等等= employ 雇佣呈现e.g. Beijing will take on a new look in 2008.take out 抽出、取出、拿出take part in = participate inlay out lay off lay down lay aside lie/lied/lied 说谎lie/lay/lain 躺;位于lay/laid/laid 放置lay out 安装、布置lay off 解雇lay aside 搁置lay down 放弃5、callcall for 要求、需求call in 约请、约进、叫进来call off 取消= cancelcall on= visit号召call out大声叫喊向...挑战call up动员、召集打电话使人想起gogo off离开爆炸断电go after追捕追求 e.g. teenager/guygo along with支持、赞同陪同某人前往go (a)round四处走走(消息等)传开go back on 违背go by时间的流逝遵守、遵循go for去拿、去请袭击适用于go into= investigate 调查、研究谈及、谈论go out熄灭put out (被动)熄灭go over= review 复习仔细检查go through遭受、经历(苦难等)审查pull off pull out pull up pull overpull out使车辆、船等驶出、划出拔出、拔掉pull up 使车辆等停下来pull through 帮助病人恢复知觉pull over 使车辆、船等闪到一边go up 上升、上涨go with陪...一起行事与...协调一致、匹配reakbreak through取得突破型进展突围、突破break away + from 与某人脱离关系e.g. His father decided to break away from his son.break down(机器等)损坏汽车抛锚(谈判等)破裂(人)垮掉break into 破门而入break off 中止、中断break out (火灾、战争、疾病等)爆发e.g. bird flubreak up打碎、粉碎中止、结束givegive away赠送泄露秘密give back 归还give in 屈服、让步= yield togive off 指烟、热、光等的散发、释放give up 放弃= abandongive out = hand out 分发、发给改变change alter transfer vary shift convertalter 强调局部的改变e.g. The trousers should be altered.shift 倒班、换班e.g. day/night shifttransfer 强调位置上的改变transmit 疾病的传播;电视节目的转播exchange 强调两者之间的转换e.g. foreign exchange ratesinterchange 表示一对多e.g. interchange stationremove 去除、除掉+ from答案:Cvary 强调差异性的变化various = all kinds of 各种各样的varied 强调不同的distance scope range boundarydistance 空间距离e.g. Ten miles is a long distance.scope 做某事的余地、处理某事的范围telescope 望远镜boundary 分界线zone 地域、地带gap length distance interval border margin boundary frontier interval 时间或空间上的间隔at intervalsmargin 书两边的空白页border 边界edge边缘刀刃gap 强调地理或情感上的差距generation gaplength/strength形近词attention attraction appointment(date) arrangementattention 注意力pay attention toattraction 吸引力e.g. attracted one's attentionappointment 正式的约会date 男女之间的约会constantly consistently continuously continually gradually unceasingly consequently = thereforecontinuously 连续地(没有间断性)continually 连续地(有间断性,时断时续地)unceasinglygradually = step by step 逐渐地、逐步地constantly 始终如一地、恒定地;总是constant temperatureconstantly 始终如一地、恒定地;总是e.g. He is constantly disturbing me.consistently 一贯地transmit transport transplant transform transfer deliver tradition 传统transplant 移植transport 运输transform 变革transmit 从一个地方送到另一个地方emittransfer 强调位置上的移动prefer prior superior inferior subordinatepreferable 更合适的、更适合的、更喜欢的具有比较意义的形容词:1、不与more、er连用2、不与than连用,只能与to连用superior to - inferior tosecond to e.g. I'm second to none.sensitive toprior to = beforefavorable 有利的proper 恰当的(adv. properly)suitable + for 没有比较级的意思preferable 有..比..更合适的意思considerable 量相当大的considerate 考虑人或体贴人的一种程度significant considerable(considerate) enormous numerous immense significant 意义重大的= importantenormous 一般形容体积庞大的、巨大的numerous1、+ 可数名词复数2、+ 单数可数名词clash:撞击crash:(飞机)坠毁,(轮船)失事smash:粉碎,击碎ash:废墟,灰烬ashamed:羞愧的cash:现金恐怖分子驾驶飞机撞(clash)到世贸大楼,飞机失事(crash) ,余波把大楼击碎(smash),整个世贸大楼变成废墟(ash),小布什感到很羞愧(ashamed),需要花很多现金(cash)来恢复美国经济。


extract, derive, extort
harness, capitalize on, exploit, take advantage of, utilize
proper, suitable, appropriate, fit, decent
event, occasion, affair,
agile, nimble, quick
method, approach, style, avenue, means, course, process, technique, mode, way
attribute, ascribe
assume, undertake, take on
consecutive, successive, continuous
excavate, unearth, dig up
exceptionally, abnormally, extraordinarily, unusually
expend, exhaust, consume, lavish, use up, spend, waste, squander, deplete, run out of
suggest, indicate, hint
argue, debate, dispute, discuss
appealing, tempting, attractive























apply多数考生都知道是"申请"的意思,但是还有"应用于",而且从搭配上看"申请"是apply for而后者是apply sth to sth。

再比方object,第一印象肯定是"物体",但殊不知它还可以被用作动词object to sth/sb,意思是"反对,抗议"。



英语四级近义词和近形词1. arise, rise, raise, arouse2. abandon, refuse, dismiss, deny, eliminate, avoid, escape, prevent, refrain, discard3. accuse, charge, sentence, persecute, testify, justify, witness4. acquire, obtain, win, achieve, accomplish, gain, grasp, seize, earn, fulfill5. alone, lonely, lonesome, lone6. amaze, surprise, astonish, shock, startle7. anxious, eager8. apposite, opposite9. arrive, reach10. ascetic, aesthetic11. assemble, accumulate, gather, accommodate12. assure, ensure, insure13. awake, wake, waken, awaken14. base, basis, foundation, root15. beneficent, beneficial16. board, aboard, broad, abroad17. ban, ignore, neglect, overlook, prohibit, deny18. bother, disturb, trouble19. agree, approve, consent20. calculate, estimate21. celebrate, commemorate22. censor, censure23. childlike, childish24. compared to, compared with25. comprise, consist, include, involve26. comprehensive, comprehensible27. consequent(ly), subsequent(ly)28. consider, considering, considerate, considerable, consideration29.conscious, consciousness, unconscious, unconsciousness, subconscious, subconsciousness30. consist of, consist in31. convince, persuade, trust, believe32. cost, spend, afford, take33. crises, crisis34. definite, definitive35. discreet, discrete36. distinct, distinctive37. forbid, prohibit, ban, prevent38. judge, witness, lawyer, attorney39. sometime, some time, sometimes, some times40. official, officious41. principal, principle 42. profession, occupation, position, job, career43. priority, necessity44. punctual, timely, instant, swift45.restrain, hinder, prohibit, restrict, stop, prevent, ban, confine46. rigorous, vigorous47. rural, rustic48. saw, sew49. cultivate, grow up, raise, rear50. disappear, fade, vanish, blend51. entitle, empower52. gaze, stare, glare, peer, glance, glimpse53. late, lately, later, latest, latter, letter54.vary, variety, variable, invariably, various, varied, variant, alter, transfer, shift55. pollute, ruin, destroy, damage, hurt56. adapt, adopt57. apply, imply, supply, comply/doc/0315026052.html,pose, comprise, constitute, consist, contain59. affect, affection, effect, infect60. anticipate, participate,61. attract, distract, contract62. charge, offer, cost, expend, spend, recharge, change, exchange63. complement, compliment64.conserve, conservation, conservative, converse, preserve, reserve, deserve65. consume, presume, assume, resume66. press, depress, compress, impress, oppress, express, repress, suppress67. compress, shrink, decrease, decline, drop, diminish, alleviate, worsen68. dispose, compose, impose, oppose, suppose, expose, pose69. distribute, attribute, contribute70.aspire, aspiration, inspire, inspiration, conspire, expire71. exceed, proceed, succeed72. conceal, reveal, avail73. interact, integrate, intervene, intensify74.prescribe, describe, inscribe, ascribe, subscribe75. transfer, transit, translate, transmit, transform, transparent, transplant, transport, transportation76. alcohol, wine, beer, spirits77. affair, accident, incident, case, event, situation, happening78. altitude, attitude, latitude, longitude, magnitude, multitude79. aspect, respect, inspect80. bargain, goods, commodities81. brain, head82. capital, money, currency, coin, banknote, interest, check83. character, characteristic, feature, virtue, property84. circle, circuit, circular, circulate85. circumstance, surroundings, environment, setting86. climate, weather87. campaign, battle, conflict, clash, crash, collision, war, struggle88. conscience, conscientious89. custom, tradition, habit, hobby, fancy90. desert, dessert91. emergency, urgency92. fault, error, mistake, shortcoming, blunder93. flash, flesh, fresh94. hospital, clinic, physician, surgeon, hospitality, hostile, hostility95. identity, status, position, job96. journal, magazine, issue, column97. journey, excursion, voyage, flight, travel, tour, trip98. lamb, lame, lamp, damp, limp99. land, territory, room, space100. method, way, solution, answer101. motion, movement, campaign102. pay, income, salary, wage, pension, dividend 103. prize,price, award, reward, scholarship104. sigh, sign, signal, signature, signify, symbol, label, mark, symptom105. statue, stature, status, statute, statutory106. summit, peak, mountaintop, climax107. range, level, extent, degree, quantity, total 108. appearance, outlook, temper, personality109. acceptable, available, advisable, applicable, adaptable, adequate110. ability, capacity, capacity, faculty, gift, power, talent111. acquaintance, friend112. acute, chronic113. artificial, fake, false, man-made, manual114. average, normal, common, regular, ordinary 115. bare, empty, naked, vacant, vacuum, blank, bald, bleak, barren, hollow 116. brave, bold117. casual, causal, causality118. classic, classical, classify, clarify, clarity119. continual, continuous, constant, persistent, steady, frequent, repeated120. economic, economical121. effective, efficient122. electric, electronic123. eligible, illegible124. elusive, illusive125. emigrate, immigrate126. erotic, exotic127. everyday, every day128. explicit, implicit129. famous, infamous, notorious130. heroin, heroine131. historic, historical132. idle, idol133. illegal, illegitimate134. imaginary, imaginative, imaginable, imagine 135. indispensable, necessary, essential, basic, fundamental 136. industrial, industrious, industry137. infer, imply138. judicial, judicious139. legible, readable140. respectable, respectful, respective, irrespective, respectively141. literal, literally, literary, literate, illiterate, illiteracy142. live, alive, lively, living143. main, major, superior144. negligent, negligible145. personal, private, individual, own146. perspective, prospective, respective147. possible, probable, likely148. precede, proceed149. sensible, sensitive, sentimental150. one another, the one…the other151. barely, hardly, scarcely, rarely152. cheek, cheer, cheese, check, chase, chip153. pine, pink, pipe, pin154. clarity, prosperity, intensity, density, popularity, ability, possibility, opportunity155. motive, distinctive, initiative, interactive156. inefficient, ineffective, inaccurate, inadequate,indispensable157. exchange, exposure, expansion, expensive 158. mentality, morality, majesty, majority, minority 159. resource, requirement, resolution, response 160. recession, depression, panic161. settle, solve162. scrape, scratch, scrub163. restore, resume164. replace, substitute165. quiver, shake, shiver, tremble166. pace, rate, speed, velocity167. origin, source168. manner, means, method, way169. lean, skinny, slender, slim, thin170. landscape, scene, scenery, sight, view171. keep, preserve, retain, save, reserve, store172. hurt, injure, damage, wound, destroy, ruin, spoil 173. hire, lease, let, rent174. glare, gleam, glitter, glow, sparkle175. former, late176. flourish, flower, thrive177. feeble, fragile, weak178. fantasy, illusion179. excuse, forgive, pardon180. exceed, overtake, surpass181. evil, wicked, vicious182. encourage, inspire, motivate, spur, stimulate 183. elevate, hoist, lift, raise184. drag, draw, haul, pull185. doubtful, suspicious186. differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, separate 187.delay, postpone, suspend188. decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce189. dash, hurry, jog, race, rush190. cry, exclaim, scream, shout, yell191. condemn, criticize, denounce, reproach, scold, blame192. complex, complicated, elaborate, sophisticated 193. competition, contest, event, game, match, race 194. cheat, deceive, fool, trick195. chase, follow, pursue, tail, trace, track, trail 196. chart, diagram, graph, illustration, sketch, table 197. cast, fling, hurl, throw, toss198. brand, breed, category, kind, make, model, sort, species, type199. bush, forest, jungle, shrub, woods 200. edge, margin, rim, verge201. bold, brave, courageous, heroic202. betray, disclose, discover, expose, uncover 203. actual, authentic, genuine, real, true204. assembly, conference, congress, convention, gathering, meeting, seminar, session, summit, symposium205. assassinate, butcher, execute, kill, massacre, murder, slaughter206. appeal, attract, charm, fascinate, interest207. agreement, contract, convention, pact, treaty 208. accustomed, conventional, habitual, traditional 209. able, accomplished, capable, competent210. alternate, alternative。



能力,强,权力Enable, facilitate, empower, entitle, enhance,Strengthen, reinforce,sustain, countenance, consolidate,Able, be capable of doing, competent, potent, omnipotent, puissant, resourceful Ability, capability, capacity, skill, forte,competence, facultyIntelligence, aptitude, flair, talentClever, bright, talented, astute, wisdom, wise, smart, acumen,Hegemony, puissance, resource, power, energy,authority, influence, impact, suprem acy, potency, strength, force, vigor;大Aggrandize, amplify, augment,broaden, widen, extend, enlarge, magnify, enlarge, Exaggerate, overstate, overstress, overemphasize,多,增加Enrich, increase, add to, abound, fill, fill up, replenish, stock up, add, put in, raise, Accrue, mount up,augment, accumulate, riseAbundant, plentiful, more than enough, profuse, copious, rich, wealthy, generous, n umerous, in great numbers;sufficient,enough, adequate, ample, as much as necessary,Increment, accretion, growth, augmentation,高Raise, lift up, improve, enhance, elevate, escalate, heave, heighten,hoist,Rise, increase, ascend,mount, go up, climb scale, jack up, skyrocket, surge, upsurg eHigh, tall, in height, lofty, towering, lanky;Height,stature, elevation, altitude有助Help, assist, aid, subsidize, help to, conduce to,, contribute to, function to, be of as sistance, lend a hand, facilitate, enhance,Helper, aide, assistant, accessory, ancillary, accomplice, auspices,支持Support, bolster, boost, brace, buttress, espouse, proponent, underpin, embrace, exp onent,快216Accelerate, hasten, speed up, quicken up, expediteRun, scurry, scuttle, scamper, prance, gallop, sprint, scud, Dart, fleet, rush,Fast, quick, rapid, swift, expeditious, speedy, fleeting, briskSpeed,swiftness, pace, velocity,rapidity, tempo, rate, quickness, promptness,有效,起作用Effective, efficient, effectual, successful, useful, helpful, functional, applicable, operati ve,working, active, functioning, in operation, in use,Available, serviceable, Impact, influence,自由,解脱Release,free, set free, set off, liberate, unshackle, unfetter, emancipate, manumit, d isentangle, untangle, extricate,unravel,变Change, alter, modify, vary, turn, become, adjust, amend, transform, distort, modula te, transmute, shift, transfigure,Fluctuate, move, revolutionize, alternate, shiftDiversified, volatile, fickle, mercurial, protean, erratic, eccentric, irregular, inconsisten t,Changeable, unsettled, variable, malleable, mutable,Change, alteration, variation, modification, transition, renovation, recondition, mutatio n;修改Redress, rectify, revise, emend, renovate, innovate, recondition,弱Weaken, enervate, vitiate,sap, impair, emaciate, attenuate, diluteWane, sag, fade, flag, deteriorate, exacerbate, wither, blight,dry up, wilt, sere, sear, shrink, shrivel,Weak, feeble, effete, wan, frail, lacking in strength, impotent, feeble, lethargicInfirmity, weakness, decadence, decadent,减少,降低Lower, reduce, decrease, drop off, abate, decline, dwarf,dwindle, rarefy, curtail, sh orten, abridge, truncate, dock, decline, slump, eclipse, subside, shrink,ebb, Diminish, lessen, debase, dilute, moderate, die down, grow less intense, cut down, ebb, cut back,慢Decelerate, slow, slow down,retard, hold back,Slow, sluggish,Postpone, put off, delay, defer, procrastinate, adjourn,Dilatory, tardy, slack, sluggish,平息reconcile, comfort, placate, conciliate, reassure,allay, calm, console, soothe, pacify, assuage, mitigate, palliate, salve, temper,palliation, reconciliation,禁止,限制Prohibit, proscribe,forbid, ban, restrain, interdict, overrule, veto, stop fromLimit, restrict, confine,blockade, fetter,shackle, circumscribeProhibited, forbidden, banned, illegal, outlawed, proscribed, taboo;Durance, taboo,控制, 抑制Control, wield, hold, steer, helm, maneuver, manipulate, dominate, regulate, rein in, direct, rule, govern,reign, regimentCurb,bridle, yoke, restrain inhibit smolder, suffocate,refrain from阻碍455Hinder, hamper, check, stunt, impede, block, obstruct, retard, interrupt, hold back, prevent from,forestall, keep from, deter from, discountenance, lumber, thwart, stem, stymie, frustrate, stump, stem,Entangle, enmesh, ensnare, entrap,Barrier, obstacle, obstruction, impediment,setback, hindrance, hurdle, blockade, bloc kage,morass, predicament, plight, straits, quandary,strait,预防Forestall,proselytize, preclude, prevent,干预432Interfere, intervene,intercede, meddle, annoy, vex, nettle, perturb, disturb, discomfit, molest, pester, bother, annoy, harass, intrude,Mediate,Inroad, raid, assail,assault, attack, trespass, infringe, attack, foray, intrude, encroac h,Turbulence, disturbance。



physical形近词1.形近词 physics n.物理;物理学 geophysical adj.地球物理学的 physician n【医】医师;内科医师、plastic surgery 整容 astrophysicist n.天体物理学家 2.近义【关联词/派生词】 physical adj.身体的;物质的;客观存在的 n.身体检查 physically adv.身体上,肉体上;按自然规律physician n.医生,内科医生 physicist n.物理学家 physics音形义记忆法,主要是从单词的读音、词形、词义入手,遵循联想、对比、归纳等原则进行的汇总记忆法。

1.音近词与形近词音近词指读音相近的词汇,如right与write2017年英语四级考试必备形近词 148.civil,evil,devil 149.exert,excess,excel,exceed, precede, process, proceed 150.excite, recite 151.exclude, include 1感叹句用法很简单, How和What放句前, How与形、副词类连, What后面名词添.主语谓语不用变,省掉它们也常见. 当然,what 感叹句和how 感叹句有时可以互相转换。

当Physics(物理) Physics Model(物理模式) Air(空气)Bounce(碰撞) Gravity(重力) Physics Time Factor(现实时间控制器)——默认值是1(表示时间和现实相同),0(表五、形近词记忆法 aloud(大声地)—cloud,band—bank,better—letter,bed—red,box—fox,carry—marry,talk—walk,from—form(形成、养成),meat —meet,she—shy,plan—play,k初中英语单词分类:形近词记忆法 aloud(大声地)—cloud, band—bank better—letter bed—red box—fox carry—marry talk—walk from—form(形成、养成) meat—meet she—shy plan单词:besides的近义词、反义词、形近词辨析besides/exceptBesides his work in physics,he spent much time working for human rights and progress.除了物理学方面的工作3.1 形近词 physics n. 物理、物理学 entrepreneurs 企业家 enterprise 企业单位 geophysical 地球物理学的physician n. 内科医师 surgeon 外科医师 surgery 外科plastic。


集合名词, 不能指一人, 以单数形式表示复数意义, 谓语动词要用复数。 the people 指 “人民”, 可指某个国家
的人民, 也可指全世界的人民, 它表示复数概念, 若the people作为主语, 它的谓语动词要用复数形式。
forsake 指遗弃以前所爱的人或事物, 着重于断绝情感上的依恋, e.g. forsake one's wife and children遗弃妻
儿; forsake bad habits摈弃坏习惯。quit 指突然或出其不意地放弃, 现一般指 “停止” , e.g. quit work停止工作。
17. apparent, clear, evident, obvious, visible都含有一定的 “明显” 之意。 apparent 显然明白的, 表面上
的; 常用来修饰容易看见或认识的事物。 clear 普通用语, 凡听清、看清或易于理解的东西都可以用。 evident
指以事实为根据, 加以推理就很明显, 多用于抽象事物和推理, 如事实、错误、成功等。 obvious 指极为明显,
指体积,ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ大小,范围, 能力等方面的增加。 expand 既可指数量上或体积上的增加, 也可用来之前后左右上下任
何方向的扩大, 也指知识的增长, 生意的扩大。 magnify 指放大, 扩大 (声音, 照片等)。
14. annoy, furious, indignant, irritate, provoke都含有一定的 “恼怒” 之意。annoy 指有余被迫忍受某种
动所表示的一切。 reply 指较为正式或经过考虑的答复, 除了后面接直接宾语或以that开始的句子外, 一般只
用作不及物动词, 后面连用to, 表示回答旁人的问题 (话语, 信件, 祝贺, 攻击等) 。 respond 一般指对紧急问题



大学英语四级考试短语词组汇总一、介词短语in a hurry匆忙in a minute / in the meantime立即、马上in a sense从某种意义上in a way在某种程度上in a word简而言之in case of假如;万一in common共有的;共同的in conclusion最后;总之in detail详细地in effect实际上;事实上in general一般来说;大体上in my opinion我认为;照我看来in need of需要(作定语)in no case决不(放在句首时主句倒装)in no time立即;马上(=at once)in one’s opinion在某人看来;据某人观点看in order to为了(做某事)in other words换句话说;也就是说in sight在视野里;在望;被见到in spite of尽管;不管;不顾(引导让步状语从句)in time及时;适时地;最后(用于将来时)in turn依次;转而二、动名词短语1、由“动词+ing”形式构成的动名词短语:从其构成的动词来看,这类短语多是由不及物动词构成的,而且多在句中作主语、表语或宾语。

例如: Seeing is believing. (眼见为实)To see is to believe.(眼见为实) Standing at the top of the mountain, we can see the whole city. (站在山顶上,我们能看见整个城市。

) We enjoy singing. (我们喜欢唱歌。


例如: Talking to him, I found he was a new comer. (和他交谈后,我发现他是一个新来的人。

) Talking to him, I found he was an honest man. (和他交谈后,我发现他是一个诚实的人。







1. Beautiful:pretty,attractive,lovely美丽是一个常见的形容词,但它还有一些同义词可以代替。

当你在描述一个女性时,你可以使用 pretty、attractive 或 lovely 来替代 beautiful。

这些词与 beautiful 的意思相近,都表示某人或某物具有吸引力和美丽。

例句:She is a beautiful girl.(她是一个漂亮的女孩。

)She is a pretty/attractive/lovely girl.(她是一个漂亮的女孩。

)2. Difficult:hard,challenging,toughDifficult 是用来描述一件事情或任务的,它意味着困难,但也有一些其他词可以用来替代它。

Hard、challenging、tough 都可以用来表达相同的意思,表示某事或任务具有挑战性或困难。

例句:This is a difficult problem. (这是一个困难的问题。

)This is a hard/challenging/tough problem.(这是一个困难的问题。

)3. Happy:joyful,delighted,pleasedHappy 是一个常见的形容词,用来形容某人感到愉快或高兴。

除了 happy,我们还可以使用 joyful、delighted 或 pleased 来表达相同的意思。

例句:I am very happy today.(我今天非常开心。

)I am very joyful/delighted/pleased today.(我今天非常开心。

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1. arise, rise, raise, arouse2. abandon, refuse, dismiss, deny, eliminate,avoid,escape, prevent, refrain, discard3. accuse, charge, sentence, persecute, testify, justify,witness4. acquire, obtain, win, achieve, accomplish,gain,grasp, seize, earn, fulfill5. alone, lonely, lonesome, lone6. amaze, surprise, astonish, shock, startle7. anxious, eager8. apposite, opposite9. arrive, reach10. ascetic, aesthetic11. assemble, accumulate, gather, accommodate12. assure, ensure, insure13. awake, wake, waken, awaken14. base, basis, foundation, root15. beneficent, beneficial16. board, aboard, broad, abroad17. ban, ignore, neglect, overlook, prohibit, deny18. bother, disturb, trouble19. agree, approve, consent20. calculate, estimate21. celebrate, commemorate22. censor, censure23. childlike, childish24. compared to, compared with25. comprise, consist, include, involve26. comprehensive, comprehensible27. consequent(ly), subsequent(ly)28. consider, considering, considerate,considerable,consideration29.conscious, consciousness, unconscious, unconsciousness, subconscious, subconsciousness30. consist of, consist in31. convince, persuade, trust, believe32. cost, spend, afford, take33. crises, crisis34. definite, definitive35. discreet, discrete 36. distinct, distinctive37. forbid, prohibit, ban, prevent38. judge, witness, lawyer, attorney39. sometime, some time, sometimes, some times40. official, officious41. principal, principle42. profession, occupation, position, job, career43. priority, necessity44. punctual, timely, instant, swift45.restrain, hinder, prohibit, restrict, stop,prevent,ban, confine46. rigorous, vigorous47. rural, rustic48. saw, sew49. cultivate, grow up, raise, rear50. disappear, fade, vanish, blend51. entitle, empower52. gaze, stare, glare, peer, glance, glimpse53. late, lately, later, latest, latter, letter54.vary, variety, variable, invariably, various,varied,variant, alter, transfer, shift55. pollute, ruin, destroy, damage, hurt56. adapt, adopt57. apply, imply, supply, complypose, comprise, constitute, consist, contain59. affect, affection, effect, infect60. anticipate, participate,61. attract, distract, contract62. charge, offer, cost, expend, spend, recharge, change, exchange63. complement, compliment64.conserve, conservation, conservative, converse, preserve, reserve, deserve65. consume, presume, assume, resume66. press, depress, compress, impress, oppress, express, repress, suppress67. compress, shrink, decrease, decline, drop, diminish, alleviate, worsen68. dispose, compose, impose, oppose,suppose,expose, pose69. distribute, attribute, contribute70.aspire, aspiration, inspire, inspiration,conspire,expire71. exceed, proceed, succeed72. conceal, reveal, avail73. interact, integrate, intervene, intensify74.prescribe, describe, inscribe, ascribe, subscribe75. transfer, transit, translate, transmit,transform,transparent, transplant, transport, transportation76. alcohol, wine, beer, spirits77. affair, accident, incident, case, event, situation, happening78. altitude, attitude, latitude, longitude, magnitude, multitude79. aspect, respect, inspect80. bargain, goods, commodities81. brain, head82. capital, money, currency, coin, banknote, interest, check83. character, characteristic, feature, virtue, property84. circle, circuit, circular, circulate85. circumstance, surroundings, environment, setting86. climate, weather87. campaign, battle, conflict, clash, crash, collision, war, struggle88. conscience, conscientious89. custom, tradition, habit, hobby, fancy90. desert, dessert91. emergency, urgency92. fault, error, mistake, shortcoming, blunder93. flash, flesh, fresh94. hospital, clinic, physician, surgeon, hospitality, hostile, hostility95. identity, status, position, job96. journal, magazine, issue, column97. journey, excursion, voyage, flight, travel, tour, trip98. lamb, lame, lamp, damp, limp99. land, territory, room, space100. method, way, solution, answer101. motion, movement, campaign102. pay, income, salary, wage, pension, dividend103. prize, price, award, reward, scholarship 104. sigh, sign, signal, signature, signify, symbol, label, mark, symptom105. statue, stature, status, statute, statutory 106. summit, peak, mountaintop, climax107. range, level, extent, degree, quantity, total 108. appearance, outlook, temper, personality 109. acceptable, available, advisable, applicable, adaptable, adequate110. ability, capacity, capacity, faculty, gift, power, talent111. acquaintance, friend112. acute, chronic113. artificial, fake, false, man-made, manual 114. average, normal, common, regular, ordinary115. bare, empty, naked, vacant, vacuum, blank, bald, bleak, barren, hollow116. brave, bold117. casual, causal, causality118. classic, classical, classify, clarify, clarity 119. continual, continuous, constant, persistent, steady, frequent, repeated120. economic, economical121. effective, efficient122. electric, electronic123. eligible, illegible124. elusive, illusive125. emigrate, immigrate126. erotic, exotic127. everyday, every day128. explicit, implicit129. famous, infamous, notorious130. heroin, heroine131. historic, historical132. idle, idol133. illegal, illegitimate134. imaginary, imaginative, imaginable, imagine135. indispensable, necessary, essential, basic, fundamental136. industrial, industrious, industry137. infer, imply138. judicial, judicious139. legible, readable140. respectable, respectful, respective, irrespective, respectively141. literal, literally, literary, literate, illiterate, illiteracy142. live, alive, lively, living143. main, major, superior144. negligent, negligible145. personal, private, individual, own146. perspective, prospective, respective 147. possible, probable, likely148. precede, proceed149. sensible, sensitive, sentimental150. one another, the one…the other151. barely, hardly, scarcely, rarely152. cheek, cheer, cheese, check, chase, chip 153. pine, pink, pipe, pin154. clarity, prosperity, intensity, density, popularity, ability, possibility, opportunity 155. motive, distinctive, initiative, interactive 156. inefficient, ineffective, inaccurate, inadequate, indispensable157. exchange, exposure, expansion, expensive 158. mentality, morality, majesty, majority, minority159. resource, requirement, resolution, response160. recession, depression, panic161. settle, solve162. scrape, scratch, scrub163. restore, resume164. replace, substitute165. quiver, shake, shiver, tremble166. pace, rate, speed, velocity167. origin, source168. manner, means, method, way169. lean, skinny, slender, slim, thin170. landscape, scene, scenery, sight, view 171. keep, preserve, retain, save, reserve, store 172. hurt, injure, damage, wound, destroy, ruin, spoil173. hire, lease, let, rent174. glare, gleam, glitter, glow, sparkle175. former, late176. flourish, flower, thrive177. feeble, fragile, weak178. fantasy, illusion 179. excuse, forgive, pardon180. exceed, overtake, surpass181. evil, wicked, vicious182. encourage, inspire, motivate, spur, stimulate183. elevate, hoist, lift, raise184. drag, draw, haul, pull185. doubtful, suspicious186. differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, separate187. delay, postpone, suspend188. decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce189. dash, hurry, jog, race, rush190. cry, exclaim, scream, shout, yell191. condemn, criticize, denounce, reproach, scold, blame192. complex, complicated, elaborate, sophisticated193. competition, contest, event, game, match, race194. cheat, deceive, fool, trick195. chase, follow, pursue, tail, trace, track, trail196. chart, diagram, graph, illustration, sketch, table197. cast, fling, hurl, throw, toss198. brand, breed, category, kind, make, model, sort, species, type199. bush, forest, jungle, shrub, woods200. edge, margin, rim, verge201. bold, brave, courageous, heroic202. betray, disclose, discover, expose, uncover 203. actual, authentic, genuine, real, true 204. assembly, conference, congress, convention, gathering, meeting, seminar, session, summit, symposium205. assassinate, butcher, execute, kill, massacre, murder, slaughter206. appeal, attract, charm, fascinate, interest 207. agreement, contract, convention, pact, treaty208. accustomed, conventional, habitual, traditional209. able, accomplished, capable, competent 210. alternate, alternative。
