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第一节(共5小题;每小题l 5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。




例:How much is the shirt?A£19.15 8£9.15 C£9.18答案是B。

1 What will Dorothy do on the weekend?A Go out with her friendB Work on her paperC Make some plans2. What was the normal price of the T-shirt?A.$15B.$30.C.$50.3 What has the woman decided to do On Sunday afternoon?A To attend a weddingB To visit an exhibitionC To meet a friend4 When does the bank close on Saturday?A At l:00 pmB At 3:00 pmC At 4:00 pm5 Where are the speakers?A In a storeB In a classroomC At a hotel第二节(共15小题;每小题1 5分,满分22 .5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

SAT 1005

SAT 1005

Prompt 1Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.Assignment :Do small decisions often have major consequences? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. Prompt 2 Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and theAssignment : Is talking the most effective and satisfying way of communicating with others? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.Prompt 3 Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and theAssignment :Should the government be responsible for making sure that people lead healthy lives? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.Prompt 4Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.Assignment:Do people succeed by emphasizing their differences from other people? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.Section 21.Unsuccessful in her first campaigns, Barbara Jordan -----, eventually becoming the first Black woman elected to the Texas State Senate.A. persistedB. gloatedC. retiredD. despairedE. hesitated2. Some scientists speculate that children who wash frequently are more likely to become asthmatic than those who wash infrequently: that -----, not the lack of it, is the problem.A. pollutionB. negligenceC. nutritionD. misbehaviorE. cleanliness3. Newspaper advertisers feel their messages are more believable and ----- when they are printed next to news report: hence, advertising charges are higher for such -----.A. dominant…investigationB. irrelevant…proximityC. precise…deliveryD. persuasive…positioningE. vague…thoroughness4. Despite accusations to the contrary, it is unlikely that he intended to ----- the articles, since he cited them in his bibliography.A. analyzeB. illuminateC. plagiarizeD. acknowledgeE. contradict5. Ralph Ellison learned the hard way about the ----- of a written manuscript: he suffered the ----- of the only draft of a work in progress in a household fire.A. magnitude…isolationB. fragility…preservationC. illegibility…eradicationD. vulnerability…destructionE. proliferation…division6. The new human resources director is both ----- and ----- about being able to improve employment opportunities for women at the executive level: she has great resolve but harbor no illusions.A. practical…deceptiveB. cynical…irrationalC. excited…approachableD. uncooperative…naïveE. determined…realistic7. Years of neglect had left the inside of the building in ----- condition: workstations were filthy and furnishings were dilapidated.A. a squalidB. a volatileC. an undauntedD. a rudimentaryE. a cataclysmic8. The Wild Parrot of Telegraph Hill is only ----- about birds; despite its title, the documentary actually examines human relationships.A. ostensiblyB. distinctivelyC. intelligiblyD. salientlyE. incontrovertiblyQuestions 9-10 are based on the following passage.At a preconcert interview in 2000 for the performanceof one of her works in London, Rhian Samuel was askedabout her well-known reluctance to be considered a Welshcomposer. Her reply --- “I’m not so happy to be called only5 a Welsh composer because I haven’ t lived in Wales all mylife and have another influences as well. On the other hand, I[have] been a wo man all my life!” --- brought both laughterand applause from the expectant crowd of concertgoers.In short, Samuel is proud to be considered first a woman10composer, one whose connection to the Welsh languageand people resurfaces at interludes throughout her musicallife.9. The primary purpose of the passage is toA. discuss a composer’s musical trainingB. clarify a musician’s self-perceptionC. describe an artist’s linguistic talentsD. reveal the preferences of a particular audienceE. reconcile two antithetical views of a performance10. Her “reply” in lines 2-3 suggests chiefly that Samuel believes which of the following?A. He nationality is not the most important aspect of her identity.B. She could not have become a successful composer if she had remained in Wales for her whole life.C. One of the obligations of a musician is to relate a humorous anecdote before each performance.D. Other people should not refer to themselves as Welsh unless they have always lived in Wales.E. Men should acknowledge the importance of their gender as an artistic influence just as women do.Questions 11-12 are based on the following passage.My daughter, Olivia, and I were going to college.Not together at the same school, thank goodness, justat the same time, but she didn’t exactly know about myplans yet. There were a few things that needed work in5 this arrangement. Any mother who has an eighteen-year-old daughter would completely understand why I d idn’tmention my decision to go to college to Olivia.What? I can’t believe it. Are you actually copyingme? Don’ t you think you should consider getting your10own life? It wasn’t that I planned never to tell her. I justfigured I’d wait a bit --- until we’d had a little time to misseach other.11. The narrator’s attitude toward her situation is best described asA. perplexedB. prudentC. sentimentalD. annoyedE. derisive12. The narrator uses the questions in lines 8-10 primarily toA. voice some pressing concernsB. admit to some personal qualmsC. characterize a likely responseD. highlight an unpleasant memoryE. begin a discussionQuestions 13-24 are based on the following passages.These passages discuss string theory, the as-yet-unproven idea that all matter in the universe is made up of “strings” so small that they have not been detected by instruments. The passages were adapted from books published in 2000 and 2006, respectively.Passage 1String theory is a work in progress whose partialcompletion has already revealed remarkably elegantanswers to questions about nature’s most fundamentalconstituents and forces. For instance, in string theory many5 aspects of nature that might appear to be arbitrary technicaldetails --- such as the number of distinct varieties of particleingredients and their properties --- are found to arise fromtangible aspects of the geometry of the universe.In the final analysis, though, nothing is a substitute for10 definitive, testable predictions that can determine whetherstring theory has truly lifted the veil of mystery hiding thedeepest truths of our universe. It may be some time beforeour level of comprehension has reached sufficient depth toachieve this aim. In fact, the mathematics of string theory15 is so complicated that, to date, no one even knows the exactequations of the theory. Nevertheless, experimental testscould provide strong circumstantial support for stringtheory within the next ten years or so.One of the pioneers of string theory summarizes the20 situation by saying that “string theory is a part of twenty-first-century physics that fell by change into the twentiethcentury.” It is as if our forebears in the nineteenth centuryhad been presented with a modern-day supercomputer,without the operating instructions. Through inventive trial25 and error, hints of the supercomputer’s power would havebecome evident, but it would have taken vigorous andprolonged effort to gain true mastery. The hints of thecomputer’s potential, like our glimpses of string theory’sexplanatory power, would have provided strong motivation30 for obtaining complete facility. A similar motivation todayenergizes physicists to pursue string theory.Science proceeds in fits and starts. Scientists putforward results, both theoretical and experimental. Theresults are then debated by the community; sometimes they35 are discarded, sometimes they are modified, and sometimesthey provide inspiration for new and more accurate waysof understanding the universe. In other words, scienceproceeds along a zigzag path toward what we hope will beultimate truth, a path tha t began with humanity’s earliest40 attempts to fathom the cosmos and whose end we cannotpredict. Whether string theory is an incidental rest stopalong this path, a landmark turning point, or the final destination we do not know. But the last two decadesof research by hundreds of dedicated physicists and45 mathematicians has given us well-founded hope thatwe are on the right and possibly final track.Passage 2No matter how things turn out, the story of string theory is an episode with no parallel in the history of modern physics. More than twenty years of research by thousands50 of the world’s best scientists producing tens of thousandsof scientific papers has not led to a single testable experimental prediction of the theory. This unprecedented situation leads one to ask whether one can really describe string theory as science.55 H uman beings engage in many different attempts toexplain the world around them, but only a specific sort of explanation is normally considered to be scientific. An explanation that allows one to predict successfully indetail what will happen when one goes out and performs60 a feasible experiment is the sort of explanation that most clearly can be labeled “scientific”. Explanations that cannotbe used to form predictions clearly do not deserve this label.Remarkably, the lack of any progress in achieving a65 predictive version of string theory that could be tested by experiment has not led to theorist’s giving it up. Indeed, in recent years, many string theorists have become convinced that string theory inherently must allow an astronomically large number of physical possibilities, so many that it is70 difficult to see how the theory can ever be tested. Yet some theorists are convinced that a better understanding of the theory will uncover testable phenomena. This way of thinking is a steadfast refusal to acknowledge the lessonthat conventional science says one should draw in this kind75 of c ircumstance: if one’s theory can’ t predict anything, one should try something else.The phrase “not even wrong” is popular among physicists. A theory can be “not even wrong” becauseit is so incomplete and ill-defined that it can’ t be used to80 make predictions whose failure would show it to be wrong. This sort of “not even wrong” is not necessarily a badthing. Most new theoretical ideas begin in this state, and itcan take quite a bit of work before their implications arewell enough understood for researchers to be able to tell85 whether the idea is right or wrong. But there is a secondconnotation of “not even wrong”: something worse thana wrong idea. In the case of string theory, the way somephysicists are abandoning fundamental scientific principlesrather than admit that a theory is wrong is something of this90 kind: worse than being wrong is refusing to admit whenone is wrong.13. Which best describes the relationship between the two passages?A. Passage 1 provides concrete evidence in support of a hypothesis attacked in Passage 2.B. Passage 1 advocates a theoretical approach that is only reluctantly endorsed by Passage 2.C. Passage 1 praises the achievements of a scientific researcher who is denounced in Passage 2.D. Passage 1 offers a largely positive assessment of a theory that is criticized in Passage 2.E. Passage 1 offers a detailed description of a methodology that is praised in Passage2.14. The author of Passage 2 would most likely respond to the claim in lines 5-6 in Passage 1 (“In the…universe”) withA. complete agreementB. amused tolerationC. deliberate neutralityD. open skepticismE. total opposition15. The author of Passage 2 would most likely argue that the prediction made in lined 8-9 in Passag e 1 (“Nevertheless…or so”) isA. unlikely to come to passB. based on relevant dataC. a patently obvious claimD. a somewhat plausible outcomeE. an unnecessarily pessimistic assessment16. In the analogy of the supercomputer (line11-15), modern physicists resemble the “forebears” in that bothA. have an obligation to acknowledge their own limitationsB. lack the knowledge to take full advantage of a toolC. fail to recognize to take full advantage of a toolD. must learn to use computers to do their work more effectivelyE. should seek instruction to understand a phenomenon more fully17. In line 32, “fits” most nearly meansA. violent attacksB. unprovoked tantrumsC. emotional reactionsD. unexpected whimsE. sudden bursts18. The characterization of the “path” (line 20) suggests that scienceA. results from purely chance eventsB. is driven by an unforeseen and mysterious purposeC. progresses in an orderly mannerD. is inaccessible to those without proper trainingE. advances in indirect and sometimes unexpected ways19. The author of Passage 2 would most likely advise the “physicists and mathematicians” referred to in lines 23, Passage 1, toA. redouble their current effortsB. collaborate more with one anotherC. find new avenues for researchD. pursue a more interdisciplinary approachE. seek to replicate their experimental findings20. The primary contrast in lines 24-26 (“No matter…theory”) is between theA. size of a project and its importanceB. purpose of an undertaking and its resultC. history of an enterprise and its futureD. scope of an endeavor and its outcomeE. randomness of an approach and its findings21. Passage 1 suggests that its author would most likely argue that the “unprecedented situation” (lines 26, Passage 2) isA. proof of the arbitrary nature of theoretical physicsB. evidence of the lack of consensus among physicistsC. a sign of the challenges involved with working with supercomputersD. a testament to the difficulty of directly observing subatomic phenomenaE. a consequence of the highly complex mathematics underlying string theory22. The second paragraph in Passage 2 (line 28-31) primarily serves toA. analyze the steps required by a processB. assess the practicality of achieving an objectiveC. articulate the criteria required to meet a standardD. characterize the qualifications of practitionersE. describe the significant advancements of a discipline23. In line37, “draw” most nearly meansA. sketchB. leadC. attractD. inferE. provoke24. Both authors would agree with which statement about string theory?A. Through its development, important technological advances have taken place.B. In its current state, the explanations it provides are ultimately incomplete.C. It is unlikely that it will ever provide an encompassing explanation.D. It is beginning to be challenged by the majority of scientists.E. It represents our best chance of understanding subatomic phenomena. Section 51. Heckling during a political rally is so ----- that it surprises no one; the same behavior, however, is ----- when it is exhibited at a scientific conference.A. rare…shatteringB. commonplace…startlingC. revolting…unnervingD. trivial…meaninglessE. comical…bearable2. Steve was ----- by the intricacy of the ice crystals forming on his windowpane: he couldn’t take his eyes off them.A. edifiedB. troubledC. enervatedD. emboldenedE. captivated3. The experiment did not yield the decisive ----- that the scientist had hoped for; instead, the findings were only of ----- significance.A. outcome…nominalB. results…influentialC. conclusion…distinctD. sources…astronomicalE. risks…questio nable4. NASA engineer Gloria Yamauchi uses ----- approach to research, in that it draws on physics, aerodynamics, mathematics, and other fields.A. a self-evidentB. an interdisciplinaryC. a simplisticD. an economicalE. an impractical5. Less confident employees tend to be ----- about asking for a pay increase, preferring to wait for their supervisors to raise the issue.A. volubleB. presumptuousC. reticentD. penitentE. tenaciousQuestions 6-9 are based on the following passages.Passage 1Liars may betray themselves through linguisticmistakes, but the main sources of betrayal are the emotions.Emotion reveals itself, sometimes in contradictory ways,in the voice, body, and face. Deceptions typically involve5 trying to conceal feelings that are inappropriate or trying tocover up the fear, guilt, and distress that may be provokedwhen one attempts to get away with a lie. When a personlies and has emotional investment in the situation, aperfect performance is hard to carry off. Nonverbal clues10 to deception leak out. What is surprising is that few peoplemake use of these clues and thus liars go undetected.Passage 2Human beings are terrible lie detectors. In studies,subjects asked to distinguish truth from lies answercorrectly approximately half the time. People are often15 led astray by an erroneous sense of how a liar behaves.“People hold a stereotype of the liar – as tormented,anxious, and conscience-stricken,” researchers BellaDePaulo and Charles Bond write. Clumsy deceiversare sometimes visibly agitated, but in general there is no20 such things as “typical” deceptive behavior. As DePaulosays, “To be a good liar, you don’t need to know whatbehaviors really separate liars from truthtellers, butwhat behaviors people think separate them.”6. Which best describes the relationship between the passages?A. Passage 1 discusses lying from a moral stance, whereas Passage 2 examines it from a legal viewpoint.B. Passage 1 views lying as a skill that is learned, whereas Passage 2 considers it an instinctive impulse.C. Passage 1 claims that lying is characterized by certain distinctive behaviors, whereas Passage 2 largely rejects that notion.D. Passage 1 takes a scientific approach to lying, whereas Passage 2 discusses it from an anecdotal perspective.E. Passage 1 focuses on the effects of lying, whereas Passage 2 examines its causes.7. Lines 1, Passage 1 (“Liars may…emotions”), and lines 10-11, Passage 2 (“Clumsy…behavior”), both cont ain instances ofA. simileB. paradoxC. euphemismD. qualificationE. understatement8. The author of Passage 2 would most likely describe the claim about “fear, guilt, and distress” (lines 3, Passage 1) as aA. conventional but inaccurate perceptionB. plausible theory that my prove to be correctC. misconception of little significanceD. nonstandard view that is based on faulty scienceE. widespread and well-substantiated belief9. Lines 11-12 (“As…them”) suggest that Bella DePaulo w ould most likely maintain that Passage 1A. overlooks the behavior patterns of those who tell the truthB. presents the very misconceptions that people often have about liarsC. offers a perceptive psychological analysis of liars’ deceptive behaviorsD. takes an overly sympathetic view of deceptive behaviorE. overemphasizes the role of linguistic patterns in lyingQuestions 10-15 are based on the following passages.This passage, adapted from a 1983 biography, discusses Frida Kahlo (1907-1954), a Mexican painter. Known for her distinctive artistic style, her flamboyant dress, and her tumultuous life, Kahlo endured numerous health problems and emotional upheavals, many of which are depicted in her paintings.It was not bohemian casualness that prompted FridaKahlo to choose for her wedding dress the borrowedclothes of a Tehuana Indian woman. When she put on thiscostume, she was choosing a new identity, and she did it5 with all the fervor of a nun taking the veil. Even when shewas a girl, clothes were a kind of language for Kahlo, andthe intricate links between dress and self-image, andbetween personal style and painting style, formed oneof the subplots in the unfolding drama of her life.10 For Kahlo the elements of her dress were a kind ofpalette from which she selected each day the image ofherself that she wished to present to the world. WearingTehuana costumes was part of Kahlo’s self-creation as alegendary personality intimately connected to her native15 land. Yet while she was definitely playing a role, hers wasan authentic artifice. She did not change her personality tofit the image she presented; rather, she invented a highlyindividualistic personal style to dramatize the personalitythat was already there.20 Indeed, Kahlo’s Tehuana costume became so essential apart of her persona that several time she painted it devoidof its owner. The costume served as a stand-in for herself,a second skin never totally assimilated to the person hiddenunder it but so integral to her that even when it was taken25 off, it retained something of the wearer’s being. ClearlyKahlo knew of the magic power of clothes to substitutefor their owner; in her diary, she wrote that the Tehuanacostume made “the absent portrait of only one person”– her absent self.30 Always a form of social communication, as the yearspassed Kahlo’s costumes became an antidote to isolation;even when she was very ill and received few visitors, shedressed every day as if she were preparing for a fiesta. Asher self-portraits confirmed her existence, so did the35 costumes make the frail, often bedridden woman feel moremagnetic and visible, more emphatically present as aphysical object in space. Paradoxically, they were both amask and a frame. Since they defined the wearer’s identityin terms of appearance, they distracted her – and the40 onlooker – from inner pain. The elaborate packaging wasan attempt to compensate for her sense of fragmentationand dissolution. Ribbons, flowers, jewels, and sashesbecame more and more colorful and elaborate as her healthdeclined late in life. In a sense, Kahlo was like a Mexican45 piñata: she was a fragile vessel decorated with frills andruffles, and just as blindfolded children swing at the piñatawith a broomstick, life dealt Kahlo below after blow. Whilethe piñata dances and sways, the knowledge that it is aboutto be destroyed makes its bright beauty all the more50 poignant. In the same way, Kahlo’s decoration wastouching; it was at once affirmation of her loveof life and a signal of her awareness – and defiance–of life’s troubles.10. The passage primarily serves toA. refute a popular belief about modern paintersB. discuss the c ritical response to an important artist’s workC. evaluate the artistic techniques of a well-known painterD. analyze a method of self-expression for a noted artistE. provide a comprehensive biography of a famous painter11. The first sentence of the passage primarily serves toA. support a prevailing opinionB. describe a provocative theoryC. dispel a potential misconceptionD. delineate an ongoing problemE. offer a tentative solution12. The reference to a nun in line 3 primarily serves to su ggest Kahlo’sA. pious humilityB. worldly renunciationC. intellectual rigorD. personal selflessnessE. enthusiastic devotion13. In lines 8-9 (“Yet…artifice”), the author indicated that playing a role canA. be a complex, almost incomprehensible masqueradeB. be a form of sincere self-expressionC. dramatize the individual’s historyD. conceal embarrassing secretsE. alter the personality of the role player14. The reference to “a mask and a frame” (lines 19) indicates that Kahlo’s costumesA. communicated Kahlo’s inner feelings to othersB. mystified people studying Kahlo’s workC. could not be separated from Kahlo’s actual paintingsD. incorporated everyday physical objectsE. served seemingly contradictory functions15. The passage indicated that “Ribbons, flowers, jewels, and sashes” (line 21-22)became more elaborate toA. contrast with Kahlo’s artistic austerityB. enhance the imagery in Kahlo’s self-portraitsC. counterbalance Kahlo’s increasing frailtyD. showcase Kahlo’s success as an artistE. express Kahlo’s enthusiasm for adornmentsQuestions 16-24 are based on the following passages.This passage is adapted from the autobiographical account of a journalist traveling through Africa to research chimpanzees.Our walk through the forest was like a journey throughan extended underground cavern. We wound throughobscure passages, out into small openings or great rooms,and then tunneled back into winding passageways. Toward5 the end of the afternoon, we followed what seemed to be alarge movement of chimpanzees into one great open roomin the forest, relatively clear except for columns of nuttrees. Soon about a dozen chimps were hammering away,using log hammers on log or root anvils.10 We had entered a factory, but it was also a nursery. Iturned to watch a mother playing with her infant, ticklinghis toes with playful little nibbles and then looking intohis laughing face and eyes with the most amazing gazeof adoration. Elsewhere, three adult females had situated15 themselves in a tree and were kissing and tickling an infant,who writhed with apparent pleasure. Suddenly, their faces,which had taken on remarkable glowing expressions ofadoration, registered in my mind as entirelycomprehensible. I was looking at intelligent faces20 experiencing an emotion I could only imagine to be love.One commentator has said that the big differencebetween humans and chimps (intelligent though thoseapes may be) is that humans can invent great wondersof technology. “I considered the difference between25 men and animals,” this person wrote. “Some were vast.A chimpanzee could be taught to drive a car. It couldeven be taught to build parts of it. But it could not beginto design it…. Our intellect is incomparably moresophisticated than (that of) any animal. One hears this30 sort of argument often, and, to my mind, it is mereself-stroking puffery. Could you or I begin to design acar? Has any single human actually designed a car? Couldany one person abandoned at birth on a desert islandsomewhere – without pictures, communication, education,35 or artifacts –even invent a tricycle or a child’s kite or amousetrap? Obviously not. Left at birth on a desert island,you and I and that commentator would be lifting anddropping chunks of wood or rounded stones onto hardnuts –and be glad we figured that one out.”40 The great accomplishment of Homo sapiens is nottechnology, which has become bigger and scarier thanwe are, a mixed blessing. The great accomplishment islanguage, which has enabled us to accumulate andcoordinate our achievements, insights, and minicreations.45 Our big technologies are collective efforts, culturalproducts, all and always made possible by language.Even the supposed “milestones” of technologicaladvancement—the use of movable type, to take oneexample—were collective events. Johannes Gutenberg50 didn’t think up movable type whole, in an isolated strokeof genius. His partner was a goldsmith; his father was amint employee, entirely familiar with soft metals. Printingpresses were all around Europe by then. Gutenberg’s greatgenius was to assemble, revise, and modify already55 long-established traditions in metallurgy, goldsmithing,and woodblock printing, not to mention papermaking andpress design.Our one great accomplishment is language, but our greathope is the internal compass that may enable us to guide60 ourselves and our technological powers into the future: ourglowing capacity for valuing our own kind and for at leastsome empathy beyond our kind. The hand lifting anddropping the stone is less impressive than the eye that gazedwith love.(1)Gutenberg’s typesetting process made the mass production of text possible.16. It can be inferred that “chimps” mentioned in line 4 areA. using simple tools to crack open nutsB. expressing themselves by making a lot of noiseC. taking out their aggressions on the nut treesD. working cooperatively on different tasksE. mimicking the work habits of human beings17. The author uses the word “factory” (line 6) primarily to suggest thatA. some chimpanzees live a highly regimented lifeB. the sound created by the chimpanzees’ activity is loud enough to impair hearingC. the chimpanzees are doing productive work collectivelyD. only those chimpanzees who want to participate in communal activities do soE. the activity of the male chimpanzees differs significantly from that of the females18. In lines 16 (“it…puffery”), the author characterized the commentator’s argument asA. useless flatteryB. exaggerated self-regard。



2010年真题解析Passage One生词释义1. bull: 1)牛2)(文中含义)牛市2. run: 时期,一段时间* bull run: 牛市期3. dramatic: 戏剧化的4. note: 1.(文中含义)气氛 2. 笔记* on a dramatic note: 戏剧性地5. all but (two pieces): 除....之外的所有东西6. to fetch: 1). (文中含义)售得(若干价钱)*The painting is expected to fetch at least $20 million.人们认为这幅画可以卖到至少2000万美元。

2) 去(某个地方)取回*Shannon went upstairs to fetch some blankets.香农去楼上取来一些毯子。

7. auction:(名词)拍卖* The house was sold at auction.房子拍卖出售。

auctioneer: 拍卖师8. to call out bids; 喊出拍卖的报价9. to file for sth: 1)(文中含义)(法律上正式)提出申请* The Morrisons have filed for divorce:莫里斯夫妇已经提出离婚。

# to file for bankruptcy: 提出破产的申请# file a complaint/ lawsuit (against somebody)针对sb提出投诉/诉讼Mr Genoa filed a formal complaint against thedepartment. Genoa先生正式投诉了这个部门。

2)排队前行* We began to file out into the car park. 我们开始排队进入停车场。

* The mourners filed past the coffin. 吊唁者排队经过棺材。





Passage 1Every age, after his own, has gone in search of Shakespeare. The first biography was written in 1709. Now it is a poor year for the Shakespeare business when two or three more do not show up on bookstore shelves. We want to know who he was hoping that the narrative of his life will somehow explain the genius of his writing. But it never does. We find him but who we find only adds to the mystery. How is it that a man without a university education, a glover's son from a small Warwickshire market town, could have written the plays and poems that have spoken to generations of readers and theatergoers?Passage 2Stratford. Shakespeare's hometown, has become an almost sacred place of pilgrimage, with tourists waddling reverently around the spectacularly tasteless cathedral of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. An impressionable few of them are even moved to doff their caps or discard their ice creams. Shakespeare's familiar high-domed head, an image that is quite possibly not him at all, has adorned everything from TV beer commercials to British currency. He is the presiding genius of the national spirit, a kind of hero in a neck ruff. Without him industries would crash and ideologies crumble. It is even rumored that he also wrote plays.分析:Passage1 对Shakespeare是正面的态度。














1. -- How about camping this weekend, just for a change?-- OK, __ you want.A. whicheverB. howeverC. whateverD. whoever1.答案C【解析】考查连词。



2. Many lifestyle patterns do such __ great harm to health that they actually speed up __weakening of thehuman body.A. a; /B. /; theC. a; theD. /; /2. 答案B3. The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people, many of __ left their village homes for a better life in the city.A. whomB. whichC. themD. those3. 答案A【解析】考查定语从句中引导词的选择。



2010年5月答案1-5:BDDAD6-8:BAA9-16:ABD、BCD、ABC、AC、BC、ABC、AC、ABC26-30:DAACB31-35:DDDDB36-40:CDDBB41-45:BADBC46-50:ADDCB51-55:BAADD56-60:CBCAD61-65:BADBD66-70:DCCAA71-75:BDBCB76-80:CDCAA81-85:BDDBD86-90:CE ABD ABCDE BDE ABCDE91-95:ADE BCD CDE ABCDE ABDE96-100:ACE ABC ABCE ABC BCDE101-105:ABCD ABD ABCE ACDE ACE106-110:ABCD ABC DE ABDE ABCE111-115:ABCDE CD ACDE ABCD ABCDE116-120:ABD ABCDE ABCE ABCE ABE121-125:ACDE ABE ABCDE ABD ADE一、简答题(本题共2题,每小题10分,共20分)1、评分标准:P4(10分)(1)岗位规范的定义岗位规范亦称劳动规范、岗位规则或岗位标准,它是对组织中各类岗位某一专项事物或对某类员工劳动行为、素质要求等所做的统一规定。










先根据题意进行计算,然后进行必要分析,只有计算结果没有计算过程不得分)评分标准:P82(20分)(1)A岗位:候选人甲得分=0.9×0.8+0.5×0.9+1×0.7+1×0.8+0.8×1+0.9×0.6+1×0.7=0.72+0.45+0.7+0.8+0.8+0.54+0.7=4.71 (2分)候选人乙得分=0.7×0.8+1×0.9+0.5×0.7+0.6×0.8+1×1+0.8×0.6+0.9×0.7=0.56+0.9+0.35+0.48+1+0.48+0.63=4.4 (2分)候选人丙得分=0.8×0.8+0.8×0.9+0.7×0.7+0.8×0.8+0.8×1+1×0.6+0.8×0.7=0.64+0.72+0.49+0.64+0.8+0.6+0.56=4.45 (2分)候选人丁得分=1×0.8+0.9×0.9+1×0.7+0.9×0.8+0.7×1+0.7×0.6+0.9×0.7=0.8+0.81+0,7+0.72+0.7+0.42+0.63=4.78 (2分)(2)B岗位:候选人甲得分=0.9×0.9+0.5×1+1×0.8+1×0.9+0.8×0.9+0.9×1+1×1=0.81+0.5+0.8+0.9+0.72+0.9+1=5.63 (2分)候选人乙得分=0.7×0.9+1×1+0.5×0.8+0.6×0.9+1×0.9+0.8×1+0.9×1=0.63+1+0.40+0.54+0.9+0.8+0.9=5.17 (2分)候选人丙得分=0.8×0.9+0.8×1+0.7×0.8+0.8×0.9+0.8×0.9+1×1+0.8×1=0.72+0.8+0.56+0.72+0.72+1+0.8=5.32 (2分)候选人丁得分=1×0.9+0.9×1+1×0.8+0.9×0.9+0.7×0.9+0.7×1+0.9×1=0.9+0.9+0.8++0.81+0.63+0.7+0.9=5.64 (2分)(3)通过以上核算可看出:候选人丁应作为A岗位的最终候选人。



2010年5月16日新托福阅读考题回顾考试日期2010.05.16Passage 1Title:Ancient marine trade大致内容讲述古代海上长距离贸易路线的,这是一种新的贸易,早期这种贸易由于缺乏起始资金(因为钱都在大地主和国家政权),而很少贸易。


Passage 2Title:African mask大致内容讲述非洲的面具,有两种,一种是罩住整个人的脸直到肩膀的,另一种是戴在头顶上不遮脸的。




Passage 3Title:The origin of language大致内容讲述语言学家从印度语和拉丁语的语法和发音提出了人类所有的语言可能来自“一种”史前语言的假设,并描述这中语言怎么发展成其他语言的。






SAT test 51.For a long time, most doctors maintained that taking massive doses of vitamins was relatively harmless; now, however, some are warning that excessive dosages can be _________.(A) healthy adj. 健康的(B) expensive adj. 昂贵的(C) wasteful adj. 浪费的(D) toxic adj. 有毒的(E) inane adj. 愚蠢的解析:D,在很长的一段时间里,大多数医生认为用大量的维他命是无害的;不过现在有些人警告过量食用会----。


2. In Jamaica Kincaid's novel Lucy, the west Indian heroine _________ her employers' world, critically examining its assumptions and values.(A) idealizes v. 理想化(B) avoids v. 避开(C) beautifies v. 美化(D) scrutinizes v. 仔细检查(E) excludes v. 排除,解析:E,在牙买加金彩的小说露西,这个西印度群岛英雄----她的雇主的世界,精细的审视他的猜测和价值。


3.The frequent name changes that the country has undergone _________ the political turbulence that has attended its recent history.(A) argue against v. 真钞,辩论(B) contrast with v. 对比,差异(C) testify to v. 证明(D) jeopardize v. 危及(E) sustain v. 支撑解析:C,这个国家经历了频繁的国名变更---这个国家的近点史上的政治动乱。




It was a busy morning,about 8:30,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital.I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment (约会) at 9:30.The nurse had him take a 36in the waiting area,37him it would be at least 40 minutes 38someone would be able to see him.I saw him 39 his watch and decided,since I was 40busy — my patient didn't 41at the appointed hour,I would examine his wound.While taking care of his wound,I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment.The gentleman said no and told me that he 42 to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his 43.He told me that she had been 44 for a while and that she had a special disease.I asked if she would be 45if he was a bit late.He replied that she 46 knew who he was,that she had not been able to 47 him for five years now.I was 48,and asked him,"And you 49go every morning,even though she doesn't know who you are?"He smiled and said,"She doesn't know me,but I know who she is." I had to hold back 50as he left.Now I 51 that in marriages,true love is 52of all that is.The happiest people don't 53 have the best of everything;they just 54the best of everything they have.55isn't about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.36.A.breath B.test C.seat D.break 37.A.persuading B.promising C.understanding D.telling38.A.if B.before C.since D.after 39.A.taking off B.fixing C.looking at D.winding40.A.very B.also C.seldom D.not41.A.turn up B.show off C.come on D.go away 42.A.needed B.forgot C.agreed D.happened 43.A.daughter B.wife C.mother D.sister 44.A.late B.well C.around D.there 45.A.lonely B.worried C.doubtful D.hungry 46.A.so far B.neither C.no longer D.already 47.A.recognize B.answer C.believe D.expect 48.A.moved B.disappointed C.surprised D.satisfied 49.A.only B.then C.thus D.still 50.A.curiosity B.tears C.words D.judgment 51.A.realize B.suggest C.hope D.prove 52.A.agreement B.expression C.acceptance D.exhibition 53.A.necessarily B.completely C.naturally D.frequently 54.A.learn B.make C.favor D.try 55.A.Adventure B.Beauty C.Trust D.Life36.C【解析】护士让老人在候诊区找个座位坐下。



2010年真题解析Passage One1.bull: 1)牛2)(文中含义)牛市2.run: 时期,一段时间* bull run: 牛市期3.dramatic: 戏剧化的4.note: 1.(文中含义)气氛 2. 笔记* on a dramatic note: 戏剧性地5.all but (two pieces): 除....之外的所有东西6.to fetch: 1). (文中含义)售得(若干价钱)*The painting is expected to fetch at least $20 million.人们认为这幅画可以卖到至少2000万美元。

2)去(某个地方)取回*Shannon went upstairs to fetch some blankets.香农去楼上取来一些毯子。

7. auction:(名词)拍卖* The house was sold at auction.房子拍卖出售。

auctioneer: 拍卖师8.to call out bids; 喊出拍卖的报价9.to sth: 1)(文中含义)(法律上正式)提出申请* The Morrisons have filed for divorce:莫里斯夫妇已经提出离婚。

# to bankruptcy: 提出破产的申请# file a complaint/ lawsuit (against somebody)针对sb提出投诉/诉讼Mr Genoa filed a formal complaint against the department. Genoa先生正式投诉了这个部门。

2)排队前行* We began to into the car park. 我们开始排队进入停车场。

* The mourners filed past the coffin. 吊唁者排队经过棺材。

The longest bull run in a century of art-market history ended on a dramatic note with a sale of 56 works by Damien Hirst, Beautiful Inside My Head Forever, at Sotheby’s in London on September 15th 2008. All but two pieces sold, fetching more than £70m, a record for a sale by a single artist. It was a last victory. As the auctioneer called out bids, in New York one of the oldest banks on Wall Street, Lehman Brothers, filed for bankruptcy. 在2008年9月15日伦敦苏富比拍卖行举行的“在我心中,美丽永恒”拍卖会上, Damien Hirst的56部作品成功售出,随着这些作品的售出,艺术品市场一个世纪以来最长的牛市戏剧性地落幕了。



SAT test 51.For a long time, most doctors maintained that taking massive doses of vitamins was relatively harmless; now, however, some are warning that excessive dosages can be ________ .(A)healthy adj.健康的(B)expensive adj.昂贵的(C)wasteful adj.浪费的(D)toxic adj.有毒的(E)inane adj.愚蠢的解析:D,在很长的一段时间里,大多数医生认为用大量的维他命是无害的;不过现在有些人警告过量食用会・・・・。


2.In Jamaica Kincaid's novel Lucy, the west Indian heroine _________ her employers' world, critically examining its assumptions and values.(A)idealizes v.理想化(B)avoids v.避开(C)beautifies v.美化(D)scrutinizes v.仔细检查(E)excludes v.排除,解析:E,在牙买加金彩的小说露西,这个西印度群M英雄--她的雇主的世界,精细的审视他的猜测和价值。

这个句子中前后两句意思是一致的,没有转折词,所以空格所需的东西与examining 是同义词,所以D。

3.The frequent name changes that the country has undergone________ the political turbulence that has attended its recent histoiy.(A)argue against v.真钞,辩论(B)contrast with v.对比,差异(C)testify to v.证明(D)jeopardize v.危及(E)sustain v.支撑解析:C,这个国家经历了频繁的国名变更…这个国家的近点史上的政治动乱。





Passage 1Every age, after his own, has gone in search of Shakespeare. The first biography was written in 1709. Now it is a poor year for the Shakespeare business when two or three more do not show up on bookstore shelves. We want to know who he was hoping that the narrative of his life will somehow explain the genius of his writing. But it never does. We find him but who we find only adds to the mystery. How is it that a man without a university education, a glover's son from a small Warwickshire market town, could have written the plays and poems that have spoken to generations of readers and theatergoers?每一个时代,都在追寻莎士比亚。






[真题] 2010年5月成人本科学位英语全真试卷Reading Comprehension Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished .statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.The multi-billion-dollar Western pop music industry is under fire. It is being blamed by the United Nations for the dramatic rise in drug abuse worldwide, "The most worrying development is a culture of drug-friendliness," says the UN's International Narcotics Control Board in a report released last year.The 74-page study says the pop music, as a global industry, is by far the most influential trend-setter for young people of most cultures. "Some songs encourage people to take drugs. (76) Certain pop stars make statements and set examples as if the use of drugs for non-medicinal purposes were a normal and acceptable part of a person's lifestyle,"the study says.Surprisingly, says the Board, the effect of drug-friendly pop music seems to survive despite the occasional shock of death by overdose (过量用药). "Such incidents end to be seen as an occasion to mourn (哀悼) the loss of a role model, and not an opportunity to face the deadly effect of drug use," it notes. Since the 1970s, several internationally famous singer and movie stars including Elvis Presley, Janice Jophlin, John Belushi, Jimi Hendrix, Jonathan Melvin and Andy Gibbs have died of either drug abuse or drug related illnesses. With the globalization of popular music, messages promoting drug abuse are now reaching beyond their countries of origin. "In most countries, the names of certain pop stars have become familiar to the members of every household," the study says.The UN study also blames the media for its description of certain drug incidents, which encourages rather than prevents drug abuse. "Over the past years, we have seen how drug abuse is increasingly regarded as being acceptable or even attractive," says Hamid Ghodse, president of the Board. "Powerful pressure groups run political campaigns aimed at legalizing controlled drugs," he says. Ghodse also points out that all these developments have created an environment which is tolerant (容忍的) of or even favorable to drug abuse and spoils international drug prevention efforts currently under way.The study focuses on demand reduction and prevention within an environment that has become tolerant of drug abuse. The Board calls on governments to do their legal and moral duties, and to act against the pro-drug (赞成吸毒) messages of the youth culture to which young people increasingly are being exposed.第1题:Which of the following statements does the author tend to agree with?A.The use of drugs for non-medicinal purposes is an acceptable part of a person's lifestyle.B.The spreading of pop music may cause drug abuse to beyond country boundaries.C.No efforts have been made to prevent the spreading of drug abuse.ernments have no ability to act against the pro-drug messages of the youth culture.参考答案:B 您的答案:答案解析:细节题。

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SECTION 2Questions 9-10 are based on the following passage.At a preconcert interview in 2000 for the performanceof one of her works in London, Rhian Samuel was askesdabout her well-known reluctance to be considered a Welshcomposer. Her reply –―I am not so happy to be called only linea Welsh composer because I haven‘t lived in Wales all my 5life and have other influences as well. On the other hand, I[have] been a woman all my life! ‖ – brought both laughterand applause from the expectant crowd of concertgoers.In short, Samuel is proud to be considered first a womancomposer, one whose connection to the Welsh language 10and people resurfaces at interludes throughout her musicallife.9. The primary purpose of the passage is to(A) discuss a composer‘s musical training(B) clarify a musician‘s self-perception(C) discribe an artist‘s linguistic talents(D) reveal the preferences of a particular audience(E) reconcile two antithetical views of a performance10. Her ―reply‖ in lines 4-7 suggests chiefly that Samuel believes which of the following?(A) Her nationality is not the most important aspect of her identity.(B) She coule not have become a successful composer if she had remained in Wales for her whole life.(C) One of the abligations of a musician is to relate a humorous anecdote before each performance.(D) Other people should not refer to themselves as Welsh unless thay have always lived in Wales.(E) Men should acknowledge the importance of their gender as an artistic influence just as women do.Questions 11-12 are based on the following passage.My daughter, Olivia, and I were going to college.Not together at the same school, thank goodness, justat the same time, but she didn‘t exactly know about myplans yet. There were a few things that needed work in line this arrangement. Any mother who has an eighteen-year- 5 old daughter would completed understand why I didn‘tmention my decision to go back to college to Olivia.What? I can‘t believe it. Are you actually copyingme? Don‘t you think you should consider getting yourown life? It wasn‘t that I planned never to tell her. I just 10 figured I‘d wait a bit –untile we‘d had a little time to misseach other.11. The narrator‘s attitude toward her situation is best described as(A) perplexed(B) prudent(C) sentimental(D) annoyed(E) derisive12. The narrator uses the questions in lines 8-10 primarily to(A) voice some pressing concerns(B) admit to some personal qualms(C) characterize a likely response(D) highlight an unpleasant memory(E) begin a discussion答案:BABCQuestions 13-24 are based on the following passages.These passages discuss string theory, the as-yet-unproven idea that all matter in the universe is made up of ―strings‖ so small that they have not been detected by instruments.The passages were adapted from books published in 2000 and 2006, respectively.Passage 1String theory is a work in progress whose partialcompletion has already revealed remarkably elegantanswers to questions about nature‘s most fundamentalconstituents and forces. For instance, in string theory many lineaspects of nature that might appear to be arbitrary technical 5details – such as the number of distinct varieties of particleingredients and their properties – are found to arise fromtangible aspects of geometry of the universe.In the final analysis, though, nothing is a substitute fordefinitive, testable predictions that can determine whether 10string theory has truly lifted the veil of mystery hiding thedeepest truths of our universe.It may be some time beforeour level of comprehension has reached sufficient depth toachieve this aim. In fact, the mathematics of string theoryis so complicated that, to date, no one even knows the exact 15equations of the theory. Nevertheless, experimrntal testscould provide strong circumstantial support for stringtheory within the next ten years or so.One of the pioneers of string theory summarizes thesituation by saying that ―string theory is a part of twenty- 20first-century physics that fell by chance into the twentiethcentury. ‖ It is as if our forebears in the nineteenth centuryhad been presented with a modern-day supercomputer,without the operating instructions. Through inventive trialand error, hints of the supercomputer‘s power would have 25become evident, but it would have taken vigorous andprolonged effort to gain true mastery. The hints of thecomputer‘s potential, like our glimpses of string theory‘sexplanatory power, would have provide strong motivationfor obtaining complete facility. A similar motivation today 30energizes physicists to pursue string theory.Science proceeds in fits and starts. Scientists putforward results, both theoretical and experimental. Theresults are then debated by the community; sometimes theyare discarded, sometimes they are modified, and sometimes 35they provide inspiration for new and more accurate waysof understanding the universe. In other words, scienceproceeds along a zigzag path toward what we hope will beultimate truth, a path that began with humanity‘s ea rliestattempts to fathom the cosmos and whose end we cannot 40 predict. Whether string theory is an incidental rest stopalong this path, a landmark turning point, or the finaldestination we do not know. But the last two decadesof reseach by hundreds of dedicated physicists andmathematicians has given us well-founded hope that 45 we are on the right and possibly final track.Passage 2No matter how things turn out, the story of string theoryis an episode with no parallel in the history of modernphysics. More than twenty years of research by thousandsof the world‘s best scientists producing tens of thousands 50of scientific papers has not led to a single testableexperimental prediction of the theory. This unpreccedentedsituation leads one to ask whether one can really describestring theory as science.Human beings engage in many different attempts to 55 explain the world around them, but only a specific sort ofexplanation is normally considered to be scientific. Anexplanation that allows one to predict successfully indetails what will happen when one goes out and performsa feasible experiment is the sort of explanation that most 60 clearly can be labeled. ―scientific. ‖ Explanations that cannotbe used to form predictions clearly do not deserve thislabel.Remarkably, the lack of any progress in achieving apredictive version of string theory that could be tested by 65 experiment has not led to theorists‘ giving it up. Indeed, inrecent years, many string theorists have become convincedthat string theory inherently must allow an astronomicallylarge number of physical possibilities, so many that it isdifficult to see how the theory can ever be tested. Y et some 70 theorists are convinced that a better understanding of thetheory will uncover testable phenomena. This way ofthinking is a steadfast refusal to acknowledge the lessonthat conventional science says one should draw in this kindof circumstance: if one‘s theory can‘t predict anything, one 75 should try something else.The phrase ―not even wrong ‖ is popular amongphysicists. A theory can be ―not even wrong‖ becauseit is so incomplete and ill-defined that it can‘t be used tomake predictions whose failure would show it to be wrong. 80This sort of ―not even wrong‖ is not necessarily a badthing. Most new theoretical ideas begin in this state, and itcan take quite a bit of work before their implications arewell enough understood for researchers to be able to tellwhether the idea is right or wrong. But there is a second 85connotation of ―not even wrong‖: something worse thana wrong idea. In case of string theory, the way somephysicists are abandoning fundamental scientific principlesrather than admit that a theory is wrong is something of thiskind: worse than being wrong is refusing to admit when 90one is wrong.13. Which best describes the relationship between two passages?(A) Passage 1 provides concrete evidence in support of a hypothesis attacked in Passage 2.(B) Passage 1 advocates a theoretical approach that is only reluctantly endorsed by Passage 2.(C) Passage 1 praises the achievements of a scientific researcher who is denounced in Passage 2.(D) Passage 1 offers a largely positive assessment of a theory that is criticized in Passage 2.(E) Passage 1 offers a detailed description of a methodology that is praised in Passage 2.14. The author of Passage 2 would most likely respond to the claim in lines 9-12 in Passage 1 (―In the … universe‖) with(A) complete agreement(B) amused toleration(C) deliberate neutrality(D) open skepticism(E) total opposition15. The author of Passage 2 would most likely argue that the prediction made in lines 16-18 in Passage 1(―Nevertheless …or so‖) is(A) unlikely to come to pass(B) based on relevant data(C) a patently obvious claim(D) a somewhat plausible outcome(E) an unnecessarily pessimistic assessment16. In the analogy of the supercomputer(lines 22-30), modern physicists resemble the ―forebears‖ in that both(A) have an obligation to acknowledge their own limitations(B) lack the knowledge to take full advantage of a tool(C) fail to recognize the complexity of a challenge(D) must learn to use computers to do their work more effectively(E) should seek instructiom to understand a phenomenon more fully17. In line 32, ―fits‖ most nearly means(A) violent attack(B) unprovoked tantrums(C) emotional reactions(D) unexpected whims(E) sudden bursts18.The characterization of the ―path‖ (line 38) suggests that science(A) result from purely chance events(B) is driven by an unforeseen and mysterious purpose(C) progresses in an orderly manner(D) is inaccessible to those without proper training(E) advances in indirect and sometimes unexpected ways19. The author of Passage 2 would most likely advise the ―physicists and mathematicians‖ referred to in lines 44-45, Passage 1, to(A) redouble their current efforts(B) collaborate more with one another(C) find new avenues for research(D) pursue a more interdisciplinary approach(E) seek to replicate their experimental findings20. The primary contrast in lines 47-52 (―No matter …theory‖) is between the(A) size of a project and its importance(B) purpose of an undertaking and its result(C) history of an enterprise and its future(D) scope of an endeavor and its outcome(E) randomness of an approach and its findings21. Pa ssage 1 suggests that its auther would most likely argue that the ―unprecedented situation‖ (line 52-53, Passage 2) is(A) proof of the arbitrary nature of theoretical physics(B) evidence of the lack of consensus among physicists(C) a sign of the challenges involved with working with supercomputers(D) a testament to the difficulty of directly observing subatomic phenomena(E) a consequence of the highly complex mathematics underlying string theory22. The second paragraph in Passage 2 (lines 55-63) primarily serves to(A) analyze the steps required by a process(B) assess the practicality of achieving an objective(C) articulate the criteria required to meet a standard(D) characterize the qualifications of practitioners(E) describe the significant advancements of a discipline23. In line 74, ―draw‖ most nearly means(A) sketch(B) lesd(C) attract(D) infer(E) provokr24. Both authors would agree with which statement about string theory?(A) Through its development, important technological advances have taken place.(B) In its current state, the explanations it provides are ultimately incomplete.(C) It is unlikely that it will ever provide an encompassing explanation.(D) It is beginning to be challenged by the majority of scientists.(E) It represents our best chance of understanding subatomic phenomena.答案:DAABEECDECDBSECTION 5Qusetions 6-9 are based on the following passages.Passage 1Liars may betray themselves through linguisticmistakes,but the main sources of betrayal are the emotions.Emotion reveals itself, sometimes in contradictory ways,in voice, body and face.Deceptions typically involve line trying to conceal feelings that are inappropriate or trying 5cover up the fear, guilt, and distress that may be provokedwhen one attempts to get away with a lie. When a personlies and has an emotional investment in the situation, aperfect performance is hard to carry off. Nonverbal cluesto deception leak out. What is surprising is that few people 10 make use of these clues and thus liars go undetected.Passage 2Human beings are terrible lie detectors. In studies,subjects asked to distinguish truth from lies answercorrectly approximately half the time. People are oftenled astray by an erroneous sense of how a liar hehaves. 15―People hold a stereotype of the liar – as tormented,anxious, and conscience-stricken, ‖ researchers BellaDePaulo and Charles Bond write. Clumsy deceiversare sometimes visibly agitated, but in general there is nosuch thing as ―typical‖ deceptive behavior. As DePaulo 20says, ―To be a good liar, you don‘t need to know whatbehaviors really separate liars from truthtellers, butwhat behaviors people think separaate them.‖6. Which best describes the relationship between the passage?(A) Passage 1 discusses lying from a moral stance, whereas Passage 2 examines it from a legal viewpoint.(B) Passage 1 views lying as a skill that is learned, whereas Passage 2 considers it an instinctive impulse.(C) Passage 1 claims that lying is characterized by certain distinctive behaviors, whereas Passage2 largely rejects that notion.(D) Passage 1 takes a scientific approach to lying, whereas Passage 2 discusses it from an anecdotal perspective.(E) Passage 1 focuses on the effects of lying, whereas Passage 2 examines its causes.7. Lines 1-2, Passage 1(―Liars may … emotions‖), and lines 18-20, Passage 2(―Clumsy … behavior‖), both contain instances of(A) Simile(B) paradox(C) euphemism(D) qualification(E) understatement8. The author of Passag e 2 would most likely describe the claim about ―fear, guilt, and distress‖ (lines 6, Passage 1) as a(A) conventional but inaccurate perception(B) plausible theory that may prove to be correct(C) misconception of little significance(D) nonstandard view that is based on faulty science(E) widespread and well-substantiated belief9. Lines 20-23(―As … them‖)suggest that Bella DePaulo would most likely maintain that Passage 1(A) overlooks the behavior patterns of those who tell the truth(B) presents the very misconceptions that people often have about liars(C) offers a perceptive psychological analysis of liars‘ deceptive behaviors(D) takes a overly sympathetic view of deceptive behavior(E) overemphasizes the role of linguistic patterns in lying答案CDABQuestions 16-24 are based on the following passage.This passage is adaptes from the autobiographical cacount of a journalist traveling through Africa to reseach chimpanzees.Our walk through the forest was like a journey throughan extended underground cavern.. We wound throughobscure passages, out into small openings or great rooms,and then tunneled back into winding passageways. Toward linethe end of the afternoon, we followed what seemed to be a 5large movement of chimpanzees into one great open roomin the forest, relatively clear except for columns of nuttrees. Soon about a dozen chimps were hammering away,using log hammers on log or root anvils.We had entered a factory, but it was also a nursery. I 10turned to watch a mother playing with infant, ticklinghis toes with playful little nibbles and then looking intohis laughing face and eyes with the most amazing gazeof adoration. Elsewhere, three adult females had situatedthemselves in a tree and were kissing and tickling an infant, 15who writhed with apparent pleasure. Suddenly, their faces,which had taken on remarkable glowing expressions ofadoration, registered in my mind as entirelycomprehensible, I was looking at intelligent facesexperiencing an emotin I could only imagine to be love. 20One commentator has said that the big differencebetween humans and chimps (intelligent though thoseapes may be ) is that humans can invent great wondersof technology. ―I considered the difference betweenmen and animals, ‖ this person wrote. ―Some were vast.25A chimpanzee could be taught to drive a car. It couldeven be taught to bulid parts of it. But it could not beginto design it …. Our intellect is incomparably moresophisticated than [ that of ] any animals. ‖One hears thissort of argument often, and, to my mind, it is mere 30self-stroking puffery. Could you or I begin to design acar? Has any single human actually designed a cars? Couldany one person abandoned at birth on a desert islandsomewhere – without pictures, communication, education,or artifacts –even invent a tricycle or a child ‗s kite or a 35 mousetrap? Obviously not. Left at birth on a desert island,you and I and that commentator would be lifting anddropping chunks of wood or rounded stones onto hardnuts – and be glad we figured that one out.The great accomplishment of Hemo sapiens is not 40 Technology, which has become bigger and scarier thanwe are, a mixed blessing. The great accomplishment islanguage, which has enabled us to accumulate andcoordinate our achievements, insights, and minicreations.Our big technologies are collective efforts, cultural 45 Products, all and always made possible by language.Even the supposed ―milestones‖ of technologicalAdvancement – the use of movable type, to take oneexample – were collective events. Johannes Gutenberg*didn‘t think up movable t ype whole, in an isolated stroke 50 of genius. His partner was a goldsmith, his father was amint employee, entirely familiar with soft metals. Printingpresses were all around Europe by then. Gutenberg‘s greatgenius was to assemble, revise, and modify alreadylong – established traditions in metallurgy, goldsmithing, 55 and woodblock printing, not to mention papermaking andpress design.Our one great accomplishment is language, but our greathope is the internal compass that may enable us to guideourselves and our technological powers into the future: our 60 glowing capacity for valuing our own kind and for at leastsome empathy beyond our kind. The hand lifting anddropping the stone is less impressive than the eye that gazeswith love.*Gutenberg‘s typesetting process made the mass production of text possible.16. It can be inferred that the ―chimps‖ mentioned in line 8 are(A) using simple tools to crack open nuts(B) expressing themselves by making a lot of noise(C) taaking out their aggressions on the nut trees(D) working cooperatively on different tasks(E) mimicking the work habits of human beings17. The author uses the word ―factory‖ (line 10) primarily to suggest that(A) some chimpanzees live a highly regimented life(B) the sound created by the chimpanzees‘ activity is loud enough to impair hearing(C) the chimoanzees are doing productive work collectively(D) only those chimpanzees who want to participate in communal activities do so(E) the activity of the male chimpanzees differs significantly from that of the females18. In lines 30-31 (―it …puffery‖), the author characterizes the commentaor‘s argument as(A) useless flattery(B) exaggerated self-regard(C) witty repartee(D) self-conscious hyperbole(E) deliberate distortion19. The questions in lines 31-36 serve primarily to(A) suggest ideas for further research(B) provide an example fo missing data(C) point to an alternative explanation(D) debate whether knowledge is incomplete(E) imply that an argument is flawed20. In lines 40-42(―The great … blessing‖), the auther characterizes technology as(A) the accomplishment that distinguishes Homo sapiens from chimpanzees(B) a phenomenon that has come to overshadow those who developed it(C) an inevitable step in the development of human beings and their socienties(D) an achievement that has grown impressively in importance over time(E) a force that is ultimately shaped by the fears of those who created it21. According to the author, th e ―great accomplishment is language‖(lines 42-43) because it allows human beings to(A) combine small, individual advances into something larger and moer powerful(B) express their emotions and show their feeling toward one another(C) work with each other so that dangerous conflicts can be avoided(D) express in concrete form notions that would otherwise seem vague and abstract(E) demonstrate that they are more intelligent, and thus more capable, than chimpanzees22. The auther uses the word‖supposed‖ in line 47 primarily to(A) signal a claim that is counterintuitive for most people(B) make reference to a viewpoint that is known to be controversial(C) suggest that a certain concept may not be entirely accurate(D) indicate a complete and technically correct definition(E) bolster the claims of authorities who are often cited23. Which best describes the relationship between the ―internal compass‖(line 59) and thecharacterization of chimpanzee behaviors in the second paragraph (line 10-20)?(A) One shows a sophisticated understanding, while the other shows a less-developed capacity for understanding(B) One deals with nonverbal communication, while the other deals with communication through language(C) One is an example of a uniquely human ability, while the other is an example for an ability that chimpanzees may or may not have.(D) Both represent the ability to have affection for and understanding of other beings.(E) Both are examples of the ability of primates to use tools to improve their lives.24. The ―hand‖(line 62) and the ―eye‖(line 63) represent, respectively,which of the following?(A) Gesture and feeling(B) War and peace(C) Ingenuity and language(D) Communicaition and meaning(E) Technology and empathy答案:ACBEBACDESECTION 8Question 7-19are based on the following passage.The following passage is from a nineteenth-century British novel. The narrator is Gabriel Betteredge, the butler of Lady Julia V erinder, owner of a stolen diamond called the Moonstone.In the first part of Robinson Crusoe, at pageone hundred and twenty-nine, you will find it thuswritten:―Now I saw, though too late, the Folly of the beginninga Work before we count the Cost, and before we judge 5rightly of our own strength to go through with it.‖Only yesterday I opened my Robinson Crusoe atthat place. Only this morning (May 21, 1850) came mylady‘s nephew, Mr. Franklin Blake, and held a shortconversation with me, as follow: 10―Betteredge,‖ says Mr. Franklin, ―I have been to theLawyer‘s about some family matters; and, among otherThings, we have been talking of the loss of the IndianDiamond, in my aunt‘s house in Y orkshire, two yearssince. The lawyer thinks, as I think, that the whole story 15ought, in the interests of truth, to be placed on recordin writing—and the sooner the better.‖Not perceiving his drift yet, and thinking it alwaysDesirable for the sake of peace and quietness to be onThe lawyer‘s side, I said I thought so too. Mr. Franklin 20 went on:―In this matter of the Diamond,‖ her said, ―the charactersof innocent people have suffered under suspicion already—as you know. The memories of innocent people may suffer, hereafter, for want of a record of the facts to which those 25 who come after us can appeal. There can be no doubt thatthis strange family story of ours ought to be told. And Ithink, Betteregde, the lawyer and I together have hit onthe right way of telling it.‖V ery satisfactory to both of them, no doubt. But I failed 30 to see what I myself had to do with I, so far.―we have certain events to relate,‖ Mr. Franklin pro-Ceded; ―and we have certain persons concerned in thoseevents who are capable of relating them. Starting fromthese plain facts, the lawyer‘s idea is that we should all 35 write the story of the Moonstone in turn—as far as ourown personal experience extends, and no further. wemust begin by showing how the Diamond first fell intothe hands of my uncle Herncastle, when he was servingin India fifty years since. This prefatory narrative I have 40 already got by me in the form of an old family paper,which relates he necessary particulars on the authority ofan eye-witness. The next thing to do is to tell how theDiamond found its way into my aunt‘s house in Y orkshire,two years since, and how it came to be lost in little more 45 than twelve hours afterward. Nobody knows as much asyou do, Betteredge, about what went on in the house atthat time. so you must take the pen in hand, and startthe stoty.‖In those terms I was informed of what my personal 50 concern was with the matter of the Diamond. If youare curious to know what course I took under the circumstances, I beg to inform you that I did what youwould probably have done in my place. I modestlydeclared myself to be quite unequal to the task imposed 55 upon me—and I privately felt, all the time, that I wasquite clever enough to perform it, if I only gave my ownabilities a fair chance. Mr. Franklin, I imagine, must haveseen my private sentiments in my face. He declined tobelieve in my modesty; and her insisted on giving my 60abilities a fair chance.Two hours have passed since Mr. Franklin left me.As soon as his back was turned I went to my writing-deskto start the story. There I have sat helpless (in spite of myabilities) ever since: see what Robinson Crusoe saw, 65as quoted above—namely, the folly of beginning a workbefore we count the cost, and before we judge rightly ofour own strength to go through with it. Please to remember,I opened the book by accident, at that bit, only the daybefore I rashly undertook the business now in hand; and, 70allow me to ask—if that isn‘t prophecy, what is?7. the quotation in lines 4-6 (―now…it‖) implies that one shouldA. assess a project carefully before committing oneself to itB. strive to meet a challenge rather than to avoid itC. take advantage of an opportunity before it is lostD. approach a task with a sense of amusement instead of annoyanceE. focus on the benefits that can be earned by accomplishing a difficult feat8. the repetition of ―Only‖ in lines 7-8 serves to emphasize theA. uniqueness of an experienceB. solitary nature of a taskC. simplicity of a solutionD. brevity of an intervalE. insignificance of an action9. in lines 11-49 (―Betteredge…story‖) , Mr. Franklin proposes thatA. various people contribute individual accounts to a single narrative about the diamondB. everyone with an interest in the diamond gather together to write its storyC. the lawyer interview different people and compile their views in a report about the diamondD. the narrator research and write the definitive story of the diamondE. the narrator determine the reliability of existing documents related to the diamond10. As revealed in lines 18-20( ―not…to), Betteredge‘s attitude toward the lawyer isA. belligerentB. enviousC. deferentialD. protectiveE. emphatic11. In line 23, Mr. Franklin voices the concern that ―innocent people‖A. have been corruptedB. have been defamedC. have been forgotten。
