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Roman world culture made the most important contribution was to save Greece and the Middle East region culture results.The ancient Romans in the absorption of rich oriental country with an ancient civilization and Greek culture on the basis of the achievements, according to their social, economic, political development, create their own unique culture, become a Greek Rome Culture -- an important part in.Rome in the European culture and played a significant role, it inherited the ancient Greek culture, on the other hand, the traditional culture has spread to other parts of europe.The Early Medieval Greek Rome culture once decline.To the Renaissance, to be recognized, and a Renaissance thought origin.

近现代欧洲文明,其主要源头在古希腊文明.公元前五世纪,古希腊的埃斯库罗斯,亚里斯多德,苏格拉底,柏拉图们和东方的孔子.老子.释迦摩尼几乎同时在思考.古希腊人创造了辉煌灿烂的文明,宗教信奉以宙斯,阿波罗为代表万神教,其文明领域从哲学到数学,从戏剧到荷马史诗,乃至医学,商业,法律等等,包罗万象.但是,实行议会民主制度的雅典人怎么也战胜不了搞军事专制的斯巴达人.最终,希腊文明被战争拖垮了,希腊也成了罗马的一个省;罗马人”言必称希腊”几乎把希腊文明全部照搬过去,也在地球的另一边繁荣了几个世纪,古罗马文明就这样产生了.Modern European civilization, its main source in ancient Greek civilization around fifth Century BC, ancient Greece Socrates, Askew Ross, Aristotle, Platon and Oriental Confucius. I Shakya Mani almost simultaneously in thought. The ancient Greeks created brilliant civilization, religion to Zeus, Supreme Appollo represented teaching, its civilization from philosophy to mathematics, from drama to Homa's epic, and medical, business, law and so on, cover and contain everything. However, the parliamentary democratic system of Athens can conquer it engage in military dictatorship Spartan. Finally, Greek civilization sink into the war, Greece became a province of Rome; the Romans. "Say" almost all Greece Greek civilization from the past, but also on the other side of the globe flourished for several centuries, the civilization of ancient Rome.



Ancient Rome civilization development later than the ancient Asia countries and Egypt, Greek civilization development.Ancient Rome in the establishment and rule the huge state process, include and absorption of the previous developed the ancient civilization achievements, and on the basis of creating their own culture.Ancient Rome in its development process, establish the complex national management system and elaborate legal system in military strategy, operations, technology and war machine and so on a number of innovative achievements.It is in agricultural science, mathematics, physics, astronomy, medicine and other aspects of great achievements in literature, history, painting, sculpture, architecture, technology, including road construction, city water diversion project, square, temple, Triumphal Arch, the monument, bathroom etc., have left many magnificent monuments, ancient Greece many outstanding works of art are copied and spread later on Rome.

爱琴海是古希腊文明的摇篮,古代希腊作为一个文明古国,曾经在科技、数学、医学、哲学、文学、戏剧、雕塑、绘画、建筑等方面做出巨大的贡献,成为后代欧洲文明发展的源头.希腊文明对我们如今的社会产生的影响是巨大的。可以说,如果没有希腊文明,就几乎没有我们今天现代社会的一切。现代的许多科学学科、技术发明以及民主制度,早在古希腊时代就已经产生出了其雏形。古希腊文明更是直接催生了中世纪欧洲的文艺复兴,导致近代科学的产生、民主制度的萌芽。这是希腊文明对整个人类世界做出的最重要最关键的一个贡献Aegean Sea is the cradle of civilization of ancient Greece, as an ancient civilization of ancient Greece, once in the science and technology, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, literature, drama, sculpture, painting, architecture and so make a great contribution, being the offspring of European civilization origin. Greek civilization on our social impact is enormous.Can say, if there is no Greek civilization, there is almost no today everything in the modern society.Many modern scientific disciplines, technical invention and democratic system, as early as in ancient Greek times has been produced out of its prototype.The ancient Greek civilization is more direct and ecbolic medieval European Renaissance, leading to the generation of modern science, democracy is budding.This is the Greek civilization to the human world made the most important contributions to a
