Letter of Authorization英文版授权委托书




Letter of Authorization 委托书 Client: (client commissioned payer --- Turkish company name) Legal representative: Position: Domicile of the company: Register Registration No.: 委托人:(客户委托付款方---土耳其公司全称)法定代表人:职务:公司住所地:注册登记证号 Representative: Ren Yan Gender: Male ID number: Date of Birth: Address: 受委托人:任彦性别:男身份证号码:出生年月:住址:The name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company name, hereby authorize the undersigned Ren Yan to be true and lawful representative of the Company to act for and on behalf of the Company to dispose withthe following affairs in respect of the remittance and re-exchange with ABCD ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED in Bank of Communication of China, and sign the relevant documents: To engage Chinese lawyer, sign the contract of engagement, pay the security deposit of the property preservation, pay the litigation cost and attorney fee; to investigate, collect and submit the evidential materials, sign for all the relevantlegal documents; to bring lawsuit inthe courts in China, apply for the property preservation,admit, give upormodify the litigation claims, to appeal, mediate, apply for the compulsory execution, and to collect the executing amount. 委托人因与ABCD)企业发展有限公司(ABCD ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED在中国交通银行汇款、退汇事宜,现委托受委托人为合法代理人,全权代表委托人办理上述汇款、退汇的下列手续及签署有关文件:代委托人在中国境内委托中国执业律师,签订委托代理合同,支付财产保全押金、诉讼费、律师费。

Letter of Authorization 授权委托书(中英对照)

Letter of Authorization 授权委托书(中英对照)

Letter of Authorization委托书Client: (client commissioned payer --- Turkish company name)Legal representative: Position:Domicile of the company:Register Registration No.:委托人:(客户委托付款方---土耳其公司全称)法定代表人:职务:公司住所地:注册登记证号Representative: Ren Yan Gender: MaleID number:Date of Birth:Address:受委托人:任彦性别:男身份证号码:出生年月:住址:The name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company name, hereby authorize the undersigned Ren Yan to be true and lawful representative of the Company to act for and on behalf of the Company to dispose with the following affairs in respect of the remittance and re-exchange with ABCD ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED in Bank of Communication of China, and sign the relevant documents:To engage Chinese lawyer, sign the contract of engagement, pay the security deposit of the property preservation, pay the litigation cost and attorney fee; to investigate, collect and submit the evidential materials, sign for all the relevant legal documents; to bring lawsuit in the courts in China, apply for the property preservation, admit, give up or modify the litigation claims, to appeal, mediate, apply for the compulsory execution, and to collect the executing amount.委托人因与ABCD企业发展有限公司(ABCD ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED)在中国交通银行汇款、退汇事宜,现委托受委托人为合法代理人,全权代表委托人办理上述汇款、退汇的下列手续及签署有关文件:代委托人在中国境内委托中国执业律师,签订委托代理合同,支付财产保全押金、诉讼费、律师费。



英文版委托书(12篇)英文委托书篇一致任何有关人员:本人(身份证号码:id, 护照号码:passport) 自愿同意我的孩子(身份证号码:id, 护照号码:passport) 自20xx 年09 月至20xx 年08 月在中国广西玉林学习。




委托人签名:年月日英文委托书篇二This is to authorize ____________to be the attorney of me (“__________”)toexecute any and all instruments for the purpose to complete the necessary registration for the establishment and operation of ______________________ in New and Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone of Kunshan City. This power of Attorney shall come into effect from the date of execution and remain effective until the date when the business license of ________________is issued. I recognize the documents executed by theAttorney on behalf of me within the scope of authorization.Company: __________Signed by: ________________Date:____________________英文委托书篇三xxx center:Comrade I unit [XXXXX] because [XXXXX] x mission, will be in (XXXXX) in x x month x country (region),stay outside xx days, pay cost of xx. Because of the comrade of the personnel archives check your center, entrust the relevant foreign affairs formalities.(name of the entity and affix one's seal)In x x month x day英文委托书篇四兹全权委托xxx先生(女士)和xxx先生(女士)代表本公司与贵公司签署货物买卖合同事宜,其代表本公司签署的'合同、订单以及其他文件,本公司确认其法律效力。




授权委托书英文版一The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney)I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _____representing ___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the belowmentioned persons Mr./Ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name).Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[Signature to be authorized] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print Email address] [Print fulltitle of authorized Peron] [Print Tel Number][Print name of Company] [Company chop/seal as applicable] By [Signature] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print Email address] [Print full title of executing officer] [Print Tel Number] [Print address] 授权委托书英文版二民事案件授权委托书POWER OF ATTORNEY OF CIVIL ACTION按照组建、总部在意大利的公司,现授权律师事务所执业律师 (执业证号: )代表我公司行使以下权利:.(hereinafter called Corporation), incorporated by the Code and having its principal executive office in the city of Bergamo, Italy, hereby appoint and empower Attorney Meredith Lee, who is a Certified attorney in LAW FIRM, Guangdong (License No. ), to be my agent ad item. Corporation further appoint and empower the abovementioned attorney to:1. 根据案件具体情况,向有管辖权的法院提起民事诉讼。








The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney)兹授权我单位人员身份证号码电话和身份证号码电话携带我单位有关资料原件前往你行办理账户相关业务(共计项〔大写〕)。

民事诉讼 (汉语注音:mínshìsùsòng 英文释义a civil action; common pleas)是指人民法院在当事人和全体诉讼参与人的参加下,依法审理和解决民事纠纷的活动,以及由这些活动所发生的诉讼关系。

下面是关于民事诉讼授权委托书,欢迎大家阅读!I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _____representing___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name).Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[Signature to be authorized] [Date]就中关村证券股份有限公司行政清理工作组(以下简称“中关村证券清理组”)个人债权人申报登记债权的事宜,委托人对受托人授权如下:Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action toexecute the agreement.Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address] [Print full title of authorized Peron] [Print Tel Number][Print name of Company] [Company chop/seal as applicable] By [Signature] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address] [Print full title of executing officer] [Print Tel Number] [Print address]I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _____representing ___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication ordemand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name).。

Letter of Authorization 授权委托书(中英对照)

Letter of Authorization 授权委托书(中英对照)

Letter of Authorization委托书Client: (client commissioned payer --- Turkish company name)Legal representative: Position:Domicile of the company:Register Registration No.:委托人:(客户委托付款方---土耳其公司全称)法定代表人:职务:公司住所地:注册登记证号Representative: Ren Yan Gender: MaleID number:Date of Birth:Address:受委托人:任彦性别:男身份证号码:出生年月:住址:The name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company name, hereby authorize the undersigned Ren Yan to be true and lawful representative of the Company to act for and on behalf of the Company to dispose with the following affairs in respect of the remittance and re-exchange with ABCD ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED in Bank of Communication of China, and sign the relevant documents:To engage Chinese lawyer, sign the contract of engagement, pay the security deposit of the property preservation, pay the litigation cost and attorney fee; to investigate, collect and submit the evidential materials, sign for all the relevant legal documents; to bring lawsuit in the courts in China, apply for the property preservation, admit, give up or modify the litigation claims, to appeal, mediate, apply for the compulsory execution, and to collect the executing amount.委托人因与ABCD企业发展有限公司(ABCD ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED)在中国交通银行汇款、退汇事宜,现委托受委托人为合法代理人,全权代表委托人办理上述汇款、退汇的下列手续及签署有关文件:代委托人在中国境内委托中国执业律师,签订委托代理合同,支付财产保全押金、诉讼费、律师费。



法人代表授权英文委托书法人代表授权英文委托书怎么写呢?下面是小编为大家分享有关法人代表授权英文委托书,欢迎大家阅读与学习!【法人代表授权英文委托书一】The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney)I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _____representing___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and__________(company name).Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[Signature to be authorized] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address][Print full title of authorized Peron] [Print Tel Number][Print name of Company] [Company chop/seal as applicable] By [Signature] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address][Print full title of executing officer] [Print Tel Number] [Print address]兹全权委托 X X X 先生(女士)和 X X X 先生(女士)代表本公司与贵公司签署货物买卖合同事宜,其代表本公司签署的合同、订单以及其他文件,本公司确认其法律效力。



授权委托书英文通用4篇英文版授权委托书篇一the letter of authorization (power of attorney) i, the undersigned mr. /ms. _____representing ___________(company name),a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons mr./ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name)。

hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[signature to be authorized] [date][print signature in english] [print e-mail address][print full title of authorized peron] [print tel number][print name of company] [company chop/seal as applicable]by [signature] [date][print signature in english] [print e-mail address][print full title of executing officer] [print tel number][print address]英文版授权委托书篇二I,_____________________________[YOUR FULL LEGAL NAME],residing at___________________________________________________________________ ________________[YOUR FULL ADDRESS],hereby appoint ____________________________of ______________________ ___ as my Attorney-in-Fact ("Agent")。



英文委托书英文委托书篇一兹全权委托xxx 先生(女士)和xxx 先生(女士)代表本公司与贵公司签署货物买卖合同事宜,其代表本公司签署的合同、订单以及其他文件,本公司确认其法律效力。


Xxxx 有限公司董事长:Xxx(签字)(公司印章)200X年X月X日英文委托书篇二I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. representing (company name),a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of(region) and having its office at (address),hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms. , to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between (company name)and (company name)。

Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[Signature to be authorized] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address] [Print full title of authorized Peron] [Print Tel Number][Print name of Company] [Company chop/seal as applicable] By [Signature] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address] [Print full title of executing officer] [Print Tel Number] [Print address]英文委托书篇三Client: gender: x x x x x x id: x x x x x x x x x x x x x is the principal: gender: x x x x x x id: x x x x x x x x x x x x xFor himself in the provincial and the job is busy, can't personally to deal with x x x x x x x relevant formalities, hereby entrust x x x x as my legal agent, authorized representative I deal with related matters, signed in to the trustor in handling the matters of related documents, I have to be recognized, and bear corresponding legal responsibilities.Entrust deadline: since the date of signing to the above items is done.The principal:(date) (month) (year)英文委托书篇四我们是学生(20xx年xx月xx日出生)的家长,父亲(20xx年xx月xx日出生),母亲(20xx年xx月xx日出生)。



授权委托书Letter of Authorization总部设在德国慕尼黑的XXXX公司(以下简称“公司”),现授权中国公民XX先生(身份证号:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX),就中华人民共和国境内发生的具体行政行为,代表公司行使以下权利:XXXX (hereinafter called “XXXX”), having its principal executive office in the city of Munich, German, hereby appoints and empowers XX, who is a Chinese citizen (ID No.: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX), to be XXXX’s representative and agent in China to participate the specific administrative acts in China. XXXX further appoints and empowers the above-mentioned person to:1、向有权行政机关就中国境内的具体行政行为代为提交书面材料,代为接收法律文书。

ARTICLE 1 Deliver documents to the relevant administrative authorities and receive legal documents on behalf of XXXX;2、向有权行政机关代为承认、放弃或变更权利主张。

ARTICLE 2 Admit, withdraw or alter claims with the relevant administrative authorities;3、根据具体情况向有权行政机关进行解释与说明。

ARTICLE 3 Explain to the relevant administrative authorities pursuant to the actual situation;4、为了公司的利益,XX可以向其他中国公民行使转授权本授权书中的全部或部分权力。



以下是一份英语代理授权委托书模板,供您参考:[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Country][Email Address][Phone Number][Date]To Whom It May Concern,Subject: Authorization Letter of [Agent Name] as My Legal RepresentativeI, [Your Full Name], currently residing at [Your Address], [City, State, ZIP Code], [Country], am writing this authorization letter to appoint [Agent Name] as my legal representative. I am providing this authorization for the following purposes:1. [Specify the purpose of the authorization][Agent Name] has been my trusted advisor and associate for [number of years/months] and has a deep understanding of my personal and financial matters. I am confident in [Agent Name]'s ability to make decisions and take actions on my behalf in a responsible and reasonable manner.By this authorization, [Agent Name] is granted the full authority to act on my behalf for the following matters:1. [Specify the scope of authority, such as financial transactions,legal matters, etc.]This authorization is valid indefinitely until further notice from me in writing. However, it can be terminated earlier if [Agent Name] or I wish to do so. In the event of my incapacity or death, this authorization shall automatically terminate.I understand that this authorization letter is a legal document and that I am responsible for any actions taken by [Agent Name] on my behalf. I hereby release and hold harmless [Agent Name] from any liability arising from the exercise of this authority.I request that all necessary parties recognize and accept [Agent Name] as my legal representative for the specified purposes.Please contact [Agent Name] at [Agent's Email Address] or [Agent's Phone Number] if you require any further information or clarification regarding this authorization.Sincerely,[Your Signature][Your Printed Name]Witness:[Witness's Signature][Witness's Printed Name]Note: This is a general template for an authorization letter. Please consult with a legal professional in your jurisdiction to ensure that the letter meets all legal requirements and addresses your specific needs.。



Title: Authorization Letter ExampleIntroduction:An authorization letter is a formal document that grants permission to someone else to act on your behalf in a specific matter. It is essential to ensure that the letter is drafted carefully, stating the purpose, authority, and limitations of the person you are authorizing. This example provides a comprehensive template for an authorization letter, including the necessary components and a clear structure.Body:1. Greeting and Salutation:Begin the authorization letter with a proper greeting and salutation. Address the recipient formally, using their title and full name.Example:[Your Name][Your Title][Your Company][Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date]2. Introduction and Purpose:Start by introducing yourself and stating the purpose of the authorization letter. Provide a brief explanation of why you are granting authorization to the specified individual.Example:I, [Your Name], am the [Your Title] at [Your Company]. I am writing this authorization letter to appoint [Name of the authorized person] as my official representative in matters related to [Specify the matter or transaction].3. Authorization Details:Clearly define the authority granted to the authorized person. Specify the extent of their power and any limitations or restrictions on their actions.Example:I hereby authorize [Name of the authorized person] to act on my behalfin [Specify the matter or transaction]. This authorization includes, but is not limited to, the权利 to make decisions, sign documents, negotiate contracts, and execute any other relevant actions required for the successful completion of the matter.However, please note that this authorization is limited to the specific matter mentioned above and does not grant any general power of attorney. The authorized person shall遵守 all applicable laws, regulations, and company policies while exercising their authority.4. Duration and Conditions:Specify the duration of the authorization and any conditions or terms related to the authorization.Example:This authorization shall be valid until [Specify the expiration date or condition]. The authorized person shall promptly inform me if any changes occur in the matter that may affect the authorization.5. Confirmation and Acknowledgment:End the authorization letter with a confirmation and acknowledgment of the authorization granted.Example:I confirm that I have read and understood the contents of this authorization letter. I hereby acknowledge that [Name of the authorized person] has been granted the authority to act on my behalf in the specified matter.Signature and Contact Information:Below your confirmation and acknowledgment, provide your signature and contact information to validate the authorization letter.Example:[Your Signature][Your Name][Your Title][Your Company][Your Contact Information]Conclusion:An authorization letter is a crucial document that ensures the legal representation and action on your behalf by another individual. By following this example and carefully drafting the authorization letter, you can ensure that your intentions are clearly communicated and legally binding. Remember to consult with legal professionals if you have any doubts or require further assistance.。



英文版授权委托书(最新8篇)英文授权委托书篇一VollmachtVon Vollmachtgeber (Name, ID/Pass-Nr.)an Vollmachtnehmerin (Name, ID/Pass Nr.)Hiermit wird die eingetragene Vollmachtnehmerin und Vertrauensperson bevollm?chtigt, mich in der folgenden Angelegenheit zu vertreten, die Beglaubigungen bei XXX abzuholen.Diese Vollmacht ist bis zum XX.XX.XX gültig.Ort, Datum(Unterschrift des Vollmachtgebers)Ort, Datum(Unterschrift des Vollmachtnehmers)授权委托书英文篇二The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney)I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _____representing ___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name).Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[Signature to be authorized] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address] [Print full title of authorized Peron] [Print Tel Number][Print name of Company] [Company chop/seal as applicable] By [Signature] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address] [Print full title of executing officer] [Print Tel Number] [Print address]英文授权委托书篇三兹全权委托xxx先生(女士)和xxx先生(女士)代表本公司与贵公司签署货物买卖合同事宜,其代表本公司签署的合同、订单以及其他文件,本公司确认其法律效力。



英文版授权委托书范本IntroductionAn Authorization Letter is a legal document used by organizations or individuals to grant someone authority to act on their behalf in certain matters. The Authorization Letter states the responsibilities, duties, and privileges given to the authorized person. This article provides an English version of an Authorization Letter.Authorization Letter Sample[date][authorized person’s name and address]Dear [authorized person’s name],I, [your name], residing at [your address], hereby authorize you to act on my behalf in all matters related to [issue]. This authorization is in effect from [start date] to [end date].The powers granted to you include, but are not limited to, the following: •[list of powers granted]In granting this authorization, I authorize you to sign all necessary documents and take all necessary actions on my behalf in connection with the above matter. You are authorized to make any decisions that may be required in connection with the matter.This authorization is given to you without prejudice to my own rights, and your actions within the scope of this authorization shall be regarded as my own actions. You are acting as my agent and representative in connection with the matter.Hereby witness my hand this day of [date].Sincerely,[Your name and signature]ConclusionThe above Authorization Letter sample outlines the necessary information to include in such a document. When writing an Authorization Letter, ensure that it is clear, concise, and includes all necessary information. Always seek legal advice to ensure the letter meets legal requirements and is binding.。



英文版授权委托书Letter of AuthorizationTo Whom It May Concern,I, [Name of the authorized person] hereby authorize [Name of the authorized agency] to act on my behalf in the following matters:[Insert the matters that will be handled by the authorized agency]This authorization is valid from [Insert the starting date of the authorization] until [Insert the ending date of the authorization].[Add any additional information that may be required by the agency, such asidentification documents or contact information]Sincerely,[Name of the authorized person][Date of signing the letter]DeclarationI, [Name of the authorized agency], hereby acknowledge that I have received the authorization from [Name of the authorized person] to act on their behalf in the matters listed above.I will use my best endeavors to ensure that the matters are handled appropriately and within the given time frame.Sincerely,[Name of the authorized agency][Date of signing the declaration]NotarizationSigned before me, a Notary Public, on [Date of notarization], by [Name of the authorized person], proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification to be the person whose name is subscribed above and who executed the foregoing instrument.[Insert the official notary’s stamp and signature]ConclusionThis letter serves as a valid authorization and declaration for the matters listed above. The authorized agencyis trusted to act on behalf of the authorized person, and the notarization ensures the authenticity of the letter. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact the authorized person or agency.Thank you for your attention.Sincerely,[Name of the authorized person or agency] [Date of signing the letter]。

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