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The meaning of the word “volunteer” may be a little different in different

many different ways in which people can volunteer, such as taking care of sick people,

Volunteers don’t expect any kind of pay.

At the root of volunteering is the idea that one person may have the ability to

recently came back from India with a new idea of what being a volunteer means. She

following is her story.

help others and her endless love for every human being that after I graduated from

Calcutta for a few weeks.”

was then that I realized that I had not really come to help, but to learn about and


1. A. is B. are C. was D. were

2. A. pick B. picks C. to pick D. picking

3. A. other B. another C. the other D. others

4. A. to B. by C. of D. with

5. A. offering B. offer C. to offer D. offered

6. A. mine B. my C.I D. myself

7. A. work B. have worked C. worked D. was working

8. A. a B. an C. the D. /

9. A. very B. so C. such D. rather

10. A. either B. as well C. also D. too

11. A. asked B. have asked C. was asking D. was asked

12. A. which B. what C. who D. where

13. A. that B. it C. this D. its

14. A. Be B. To be C. Being D. To being

15. A. live B. lives C. life D. living



Brandy was an old dog. After her owner died, the dog still stayed near the house

day after day to wait for her owner to 16 .

Some of the children in the neighborhood left food for Brandy. Since their parents thought the dog was 17 , they allowed their kids to play with her.

One day, Brandy walked into the neighbor’s garden and played with the 4-year-old boy, Adam. The mother didn’t like the dirty dog at first. But seeing her 18 having fun playing with the dog, she decided to let her stay.

One afternoon, the boy’s mother left Adam in the 19 to play when she answered the phone in the house. When she went out, Adam was gone. The mother was 20 and called the police. They searched for Adam for six hours but 21 .

Then someone said he had heard barking coming from the 22 . So they all rushed

to the woods. Adam was asleep against a tree and there was a deep hole beside him.

Brandy was keeping Adam there from 23 into it.

Brandy had followed Adam when he walked away. Seeing him in danger, the dog had helped him 24 for all those hours.

Adam’s mother was so 25 that she kept Brandy live with them for the rest of life.

16. A. return B. leave C. walk D. go

17. A. happy B. hungry C. friendly D. angry

18. A. owner B. son C. daughter D. neighbour

19. A. house B. kitchen C. room D. garden

20. A. scared B. surprised C. excited D. tired

21. A. succeeded B. failed C. won D. lost

22. A. tree B. hole C. house D. woods

23. A. coming B. jumping C. falling D. running

24. A. dangerously B. terribly C. humorously D. successfully

25. A. wonderful B. careful C. thankful D. helpful




( A )

Eagles are members of the bird family. More than 60 kinds live in Africa. Once there was a baby eagle living in a nest on a cliff(悬崖). The baby eagle loved his nest. It was warm, soft and comfortable. And even better, he had all the food and love that his mother could give. Whenever the baby eagle was hungry, his mother would always come just in time with delicious food he liked.

He was growing happily day after day. But suddenly his world changed. His mother stopped coming to the nest. He was full of sadness and fear. He thought he would die soon. He cried, but nobody heard him.

Two days later his mother came with some nice food. The baby eagle was wild with joy. But his mother put the food at the top of the mountain and then looked down at
