


This morning I found red wallet on the campus. Girls usual like red, so I believed the wallet was belonged to a girl student. I opened it, try to find out whose it was. Therefore, I found nothing but 300 yuan in it. I was wondering what to do with it while suddenly my classmates Chen Yang passed by. She suggested she put up a Lost and Found notice and I did so. I wrote down my telephone number and ask the owner to call me after she saw it. Later, a girl came to claim it on 3 o’clock this afternoon.
1.It was the first time I have been to Hongkong.
2. Not only the students but also the teacher like Lee Minho.
主讲教师:小城 班级:初中





(例题保留原题号)1. 动词时态每年都有时态错误的小题,而且改动基本集中在一般过去时与一般现在时之间。


(1)(2003全国卷)She liked it very much and reads it to the class. All said the story was... 84. read(and连接并列谓语)(2)(2004江苏卷)At once I apologize and controlled myself... 83. apologized(and连接并列谓语)(3)(2004全国卷)Sometimes, we talked to each other very well in class,... 82. talk(根据sometimes可判断此句为一般现在时)(4)(2005全国卷Ⅱ)I will write again and send you the photos we take together. 85. took(把照片寄给你,应该是已经拍好的,用过去时)(5)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)There are advantage for students to work while studying at school. One of them was that they can earn money. 77. is(从上下文判断,应该是现在时,谓语用is)(6)(2005江苏卷)We named him Jack and keep him for about three years. 76. kept(and连接并列谓语)2. 名词单复数单复数互改是高考英语改错题的基本题型之一,改动的依据有:一是根据名词前的修饰限定成份;二是根据上下文的逻辑关系。


























1. 了解错误类型:短文改错通常有三种错误类型:语法错误、拼写错误和标点符号错误。


2. 浏览全文:在做题之前,先浏览全文,了解文章大意和结构,这有助于考生更好地捕捉错误。

3. 注意动词时态:动词时态是英语高考中的一个难点,考生应该特别注意动词的时态,包括现在时、过去时和将来时。

4. 关注句子结构:英语句子结构比较复杂,考生应该熟练掌握各种句子结构,如主语、谓语、宾语等,以便更好地识别错误。

5. 小心代词:代词是英语中一个重要的语法现象,考生应该特别注意代词的使用,避免错用或重复使用。

6. 注意标点符号:标点符号是英语中一个重要的组成部分,考生应该特别注意标点符号的使用,包括逗号、句号、引号等,避免错误。

7. 多做练习:练习是提高英语水平和解题能力的关键,考生可以通过多做短文改错练习来提高自己的解题技巧和水平。




高考短文改错精选及答案详解(25篇)1.Friendship is importance. Everyone needs friendship. In all 76.our lives we can’t live without friendship just like we can’t77.live without air and water. Friendship makes us getting on 78.well with one another to go ahead under different kind of 79. difficulties in front of us. But real friendship is easy to 80.come by, True friendship must be sincerely and be based 81.on understand each other but not on benefits of each 82.other. A good friend can always be a good teacher to us. 83.By his advice we are persuading to go the right way. Therefore 84.more friends we have, the better we can improve ourselves. 85.2.Not all people like to work and everyone likes to play. All over 91. _______ the world men and woman , boys and girls enjoy sports . Since 92. _______ long ago , many adults and children called their friends together 93. _______to spend hours , even days play games . One of the reasons why people 94. _______like to play is that sports help them to live happily . In other words, 95. _______they help to keep people strongly and feeling good . When people are 96. _______playing games, they move a lot. That is how sports are good activities 97. _______for their health .Having fun with their friends make them happy. 98. _______Many people enjoy sports by watch the others play. In American 99. _______big cities, thousands sell tickets to watch football or basketball games. 100 _______3.Last week life didn’t look very well for heart transplant patient.76. Barry Brooks from London. He was told six month ago that he would 77. need the operation if he is to survive. He immediately planned to make 78. the across Atlantic journey to the hospital in Chicago to have the 79. operation on. While he was in transit(中转)at JFK airport in New York, 80. he received the news that his new heart had accidentally transported 81. to other hospital. Barry then had to get on a different plane to 82. convey him to the other hospital, there the operation was carried. 83. out in time. Barry is now gradually recovering from the transplant. 84. but he told us,“ I feel like being a new man-this new heart has”85. changed my life.”4.Have you ever asked you why children 76.go to school? You’ll probably say that they 77.go to learn their native languages and other 78.languages, physics, geography, history or all 79.the other subject. That’s quite true, but 80.why they learn these things? And are these 81.things all what they learn at school? 82.There is much in school education than 83.just learning knowledge. We go school, above 84.all, to learn how to learn, so that when we’ll 85.finish school, we can continue to learn.5.The Chinese diet is the healthy in the world. 61.It contains lots of fruit and green vegetables. 62.It's high at fibre and low in sugar and fat. 63.But the western diet contains too many 64.fat and sugar in form of creams, cakes and so on. 65.Because this, westerners very easily 66.put to weight. As a result, scores of people 67.die from heart illness, some suffer from 68.bad teeth. So the doctor suggests us not 69.to do that. We'd better to eat our healthy food. 70.6.Dear classmates ,Now I’d like to tell you why I learn English. 1. __I often read English aloud and try learn something 2. __ important by hearts , which helps me remember it easily and 3. __ form the good habit of thinking in English 4. __I listen to a lot and talk with others in English . 5. __In this way , I was improved both my hearing 6. _ and my spoken English. I keep a diary in English every day but my 7. ___ spoken English is becoming better and better. 8. ___ I also try my best to master the necessary grammarknowledge. By this means , I can express itself 9. ___ in English correct . That’s the way I have been learnin g 10. __ English . I hope it will be useful to you .That’s all . Thank you.7.Dear Mr. Smith,I am writing to tell you a piece of excited news: 76.___________I won first place in the Spoken English Competition of 77.___________ our city . The achievement that I made it is due to your 78.___________ kind help. You spent so much time help me with my spoken 79.___________English that I made rapid progress, I remember you advice 80.___________" Speak slowly and clearly. " Thank you very much all your time 81.___________and advice . I heard that you and your wife will visit 82.___________our school before long. I'm very glad and look forward to 83.___________see you. I sent you a telescope as a small gift. 84.___________Please check the mail and I hope you will like them. 85.___________Yours Li Ming8.Nowadays more and more people, specially schoolboys and schoolgirls, are 76_____ give to video games. Many of them spend all of their spare time 77_____ to the games, and some even stay at the game machines all day 78_____ long. The reason is that they can enrich their lives as well as 79_____ knowledge by playing video games. But it’s a good way of relaxing 80_____ after a day’s work and study , as video games can bring a fun to 81_____ people’s life. However, on the other hand , play video games too 82_____ much can waste time and money, and has an ill effect on 83_____ people’s eyesight and healthy .So, video games, like coins, have two sides. 84_____ The key point is that we should make of the games properly. 85_____9Henry Royce did not like his car, that ran badly and often 76.broke down. So he decided to make a best car himself, 77.and in 1904 he produced his first new model. Charles Rolls, 78.a car maker, was very interested in Royce' s car, but soon 79.Rolls and Royce go into business together. One of their first 80.model was the Silver Ghost. In 1907, a Silver Ghost broke the 81.world’s record by drive 14,371 miles without breaking down 82.once. After the drive, it was cost just over £2 to put the car 83.back into perfect condition. This is not surprising that the Silver 84.Ghost was regarded “the best car in the world”. 85.10.Most families in China hoped their single children will 61. ______have a happy future, so they are very strict in their children. 62. ______So do teachers in schools! Many children are given so much 63. ______homework that they have hardly any spare time have sports. 64. ______The children are forbidden to do anything but to study. No 65. ______wonder so many children are tired of lessons. Some even 66. ______attack or kill his parents and teachers! I believe many people 67. ______already read this kind of news in newspapers or magazines. 68. ______Shouldn’t we draw lesson from the accidents? Now our 69. ______government is carry out a plan to solve the education problems. 70. ______11One day, on her way school, Li Lan found a small bag 76.________near a bus station. She opened it and found a lot of money 77.________as soon as a calling card inside. From the calling card, she 78.________ invented the owner’s address and his telephone number. 79.________She thought the owner must very worried. So she went 80.________to the public telephones and called the owner. Then she 81.________ waited for the bus station. The owner came by taxi very 82.________ soon, and Li Lan gave the bag to him. The owner is so grateful 83._________to her that he took out from 100 yuan to reward Li Lan, 84._________ But Li Lan polite refused it and went on to school. 85._________12Fishing is my favorite sport. I often fished for 76.________________hour without catching anything, but this doesn’t worry 77. ________________me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead catching fish, 78. ________________they catch old boots and rubbish. I’m even less luck. I 79.________________never catch everything—even old boots after having 80. ________________spent a whole morning on the river. So I always go home 81. ________________with empty bag. “Y ou should give up fishing,” my friends 82. ________________say, “It’s a waste time.” But they don’t realize one 83. ________________ important thing. I’m not real interested in fishing. I’m 84. ________________only interested in sitting in a boat and do nothing at all. 85. ________________13.Life is made up from success and failure. No 76. ______ one is always success and also no one is always a 77.______ failure. So it doesn’t make much different 78.______ whether you are successful or not. The most 79._-____ important thing is simply that you do before your success 80.______ or failure. If you lost heart when you fail 81.______ or show proud when you succeed, you will 82.______ never succeed. Instead, you should face to it 83.______ bravely and keep up with your courage when you 84.______ success, and then your failure can be changed into success. 85._______14.I went to the Summer Palace last week. At the gateI happened to meet some American tourists. I greeted to 76.______them in English and then we began to chat. I got know 77.______that they were college students travel in China. Most of 78.______them were found of Chinese medicine. They are busy taking 79.______pictures and were much impressed with the changes that 80.______had been taken place in the past few years as well. After 81.______that, we went boating on a lake and having a good time. 82.______We exchanged our email address so that we could write to 83.______each other in future. They thanked us again and again. I 84.______was very glad to have a chance to practicing my oral English. 85._______15.Tom and Dick are next door neighbor who both 76. ____work in same office. They often walk together to and 77. ____from work. Once they were walking to home together 78. ____while it suddenly started to rain. Tom quickly opened 79. ____his umbrella and said proud, “My wife really was great80. ____ foresight. She said this morning it would rain and tell 81. ____me to carry my umbrella.” Dick smiled and walked 82. ____up to him under the protection of the umbrella, said, 83. ____“Mine has even great foresight. She didn’t let me84. ____carry one as she knew you’d share yours with you.”85. ____16.Before he was a teacher , Bob told me what he 76 ___________ would like to be a lawyer when he was at school . 77 ___________ He worked very hard in his lessons and tried to 78___________ enter into a famous university , but something unhappy 79 ___________ happened in his family , which make necessary for him 80___________ to make for a living . As a young man , he had been a 81___________ bus driver ,a dustman and a salesman .But he spends his 82 ___________ spare time studying and finally becoming a college 83___________ teacher . “Young people,” he often said ,“full of wishes 84 ___________ and dream s before they step into the society” 85 ___________17.As is known , that is interesting to teach children to 76__________ swim while they are still babies . Most the large towns in 77 __________ Florida and California have already run particularly lessons for 78__________ babies . The idea has quickly spread to Europe from where, 79__________in several countries , special courses are now offered to 80 __________the children who are from 7 to 24 month old . 81 __________The first step is to have child get rid of fear of 82 __________ water . Next , he is teaching to float in water . Once he 83__________can do that naturally and can swim with fear , the child can 84__________ master the technique and push him forward through the water. 85__________18.At a party, it is quite normal of someone to have 1. ____a short conversation with you and then go on to talking 2. ____to other people! Don’t think they dislike you or they 3. ____are impolite. It has the custom at many parties 4. ____in Britain, particularly there people are standing up rather 5. ____than sitting down. Here are two ways of finishing conversation 6. ____at a party. "Excuse me. I think I’ll go and get another drinking. 7. ____See you later, perhaps?" "Oh. Excuse me. I’ve just seen 8. ____Mary Jennings over here. I’ve got to discuss a meeting we 9. ____are been having on Thursday. Would you excuse me for a moment?"" 10. ____19.There are advantage for students to work while 76. __________studying at school. One of them was that 77. __________they can earn money. For the most part, 78. __________students working to earn money for their own 79. __________use. Earning their own money allow them 80. __________to spend on anything as if they please. 81. __________They would have to ask their parents for 82. __________money or for permission to do things by 83. __________the money. Some students may also to save 84. __________up for our college or future use. 85. __________20My sister found a bird on the roadside. We named himJack and keep him for about three years. He would greet us 76.________ in a tree outside our bedroom, calling "Hello" as we lay in 77.________ bed in a morning. He also passed "Hello" to the cats when 78._______ they came into the room. We often played a trick on himself. 79._______ We'd throw a coin as far as possibly. Jack would fly away 80._______ and bring it back for us throw again. He would also catch 81._______ the food throwing to him from the other side of the room and 82._______ sing happily. But for the most wonderful thing about Jack 83.________ were his musical ability. Leaving him at home all day, we 84._______ would return at night to hear that he'd picked up from the 85._______ radio in the day21.My car just wouldn’t move any further .It was complete 76.________ dead, and I was a few miles far away from anywhere on a cold, 77._______wet night .I decided walk around a little before accepting I’d 78._______have to spend the night in the car .Maybe I can find a 79.________ telephone .Actually ,I didn’t have to walk far before I 80.________ found a small house standing on a field with a light 81.________ shone from the sitting room .I knocked at the door and 82.________ was delighting when a pleasant old man opened the 83.________ door but listened to my story carefully .He said he had 84.________no t elephone, and it wasn’t’ one within walking distance, 85.________but offered to come and look at my car.22You can find all kinds information in just 76. __________a few minute on the Internet. It’s like going to a77. __________huge library without have to walk around to find 78. __________your books. Recently even though, many people 79. __________have been discussing the dangers of the Internet. 80. __________They have been reports in America about people 81. __________trying to steal person information for bad purposes. 82. __________Finding information on the Net is easily. But not all 83. __________ information are good to society. For example, you 84. __________can find such information like how to kill people. 85. __________The problem will become more serious in the future.23.I often dream of a teacher , I dream of standing on the 76.platform in the classroom and give lessons to lovely boys 77.and girls . I teach them , play with them , but watch them 78.growing up . I am always young when I was staying 79.with them . I know there is not easy to be a teacher . Y ou 80.have to learn in order to teach . Without enough knowledge, 81.you can never learn well .What is more , you have to 82.be friends with your pupils and take good care of him . 83.Only in this way can you be a good teacher and win 84.respect from them . Though I am a student now , I willwork as very hard to make my dream come true . 85.24.When I walked into the classroom, the teacher was handingin the tests. I was feeling very nervous. I had not studied 76. _____________at all at the weekend as I had thought it would be easy test. 77. _____________I went through the test for many times but I could only answer 78. _____________ three out from the twenty questions. I did not want to fail 79. _____________ the exam. Then, I put my book under my desk, opening it 80. _____________ and started looking for the answer. The teacher wasn't 81. _____________ looking at me, but I copied something. Suddenly, I felt a hand 82. _____________ on my shoulder! The teacher caught me cheating. I don't 83. _____________ know what to say. Luckily, the teacher did not push for 84._____________ cheating but instead gave me a second chance. 85. _____________ 25.Dear Ralph,I’m a newcomer here of a small town. I would 76. __________ describe myself as shy and quietly. Before my classmates, 77. __________it seems always difficult for roe to do things well as 78. __________ them. I'm sure they will laugh to me and see me as 79. __________a fool. So I feel unhappy every day. 80. __________Besides, I have few friends. I don't know that they 81. __________don't like to talk with me. Sometimes, we talked to each other 82. __________very well in class, but after class we become stranger at 83. __________ once. I am trying to improve the situation since it doesn’t 84. __________seem to work. Can you tell me about what I should do? 85. __________Yours,Tom答案1.76. important; 前加of 77. like--as 78. get 79. kinds 80. easy前加not 81. sincere 82. understanding 83. 正确84. persueded 85. more前加the 2.76. and -but 77. woman-women 78. called前加had 79. play- playing 80.正确81. feel-feeling 82. how-why 83. make-makes 84.watch+ing 85. sell-buy3.76. well-good/fine/nice/ok 77.month-months 78.is—was79.the—a 80.on 去掉81.had ∧been82.other—another 83.there—where 84.正确85.but—and4.76. 第二个you改为yourself。



高三英语复习资料之短文改错归纳短文改错错误类型:(一) 词法的测试1.名词:主要是查名词是否可数,与其修饰语是否一致。

eg: 1) I have many hobby, such as football, sing, listen music.Hobby是可数名词,在这要用复数形式;playing football是一项运动,football只是一种球;sing和listen to 要用动名词形式。

2) Do exercises do good to our healthy. exercise作运动讲是不可数名词,do exercise作主语要用动名词形式,谓动用单数;healthy是形容词,这里要用名词形式。

3) Reading books is one of my hobby.one of 后的名词应用复数形式。

2. 代词:对于短文中出现的每一个代词都要查一下它所指代的内容及在句中的作用,注意其数、格、词性是否正确和前后是否一致,常考的代词包括人称代词、指示代词、反身代词、关系代词及疑问代词等。

1).He drove too fast, and the police stopped her.前面提到的是he而后面却用her来代,故应将her改为him.2).This is the best film which I have ever seen.先行词前有最高级修饰应用关系代词that 而不是which。

3. 冠词:英语中只有三个冠词,但用起来却很复杂,在短文改错中,错误不外乎该用冠词时没有用,不该用时却用了;该用an用了a,该用a(n)却用了the.1) I meant to write letter and te ll you all the things…letter为可数名词,故write后应加a.2) I like playing the football. 去the3) He is a honest boy. a改为an4. 介词:检查介词主要是查介词与动词、形容词、名词的搭配,介词惯用词组等是否正确。



高考英语语法填空与短文改错知识点归纳总结(含答案)一、名词旳数语法填空1. ( 全国 I 卷 62) This trend, ... , has had some unintended side62 (effect) such as overweight and heart disease—the very thing themedical community was trying to fight.解析:effects表达“某些意料外旳副作用”,故用复数。

2. ( 全国 II 卷 61) It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowedpeople to avoid terrible 61 (crowd) on the roads...解析:crowds防止拥挤旳人群。

3. ( 全国III卷 67) She has turned down several 67 (invitation)to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.解析:invitations由前面旳several可知,要用复数形式。



二、代词阅读理解Some of the world’s most famous musicians recently gathered in Paris and New Orleans to celebrate the first an nual International Jazz Day...Despite the celebrations, though, in the U. S. the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the mu sic has failed to connect with younger generations.en the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and preserve its history and culture.29. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. Jazz becoming more accessible.B. The production of jazz growing faster.C. Jazz being less popular with the young.D. The jazz audience becoming larger.解析:指代前句中即前一段旳最终一句中旳the music has failed to connect 6with younger generations,比较各选项,只有C对旳。




第一单元(一)This is X iao Hua' s bedroom. It is not very big, and it ' s very bright. Xiao Hua clean her room every day.There are any beautiful flowers and a glass of water on table you can find a big picture in 6.the wall . It is a picture for some boys or girls. Over the picture , there ' sa round clock, and its nice and new, Xiao Hua like her room very much (二)It ' s on Friday today. It ' s fine . Jim and her three friends are going to see his uncle . There are lot of apple trees on his farm. So he is too busy to picks the apple on them. So Jim went to help him every year. The farm is no far from here. The children are allgoing there on bike . They say it ' s good for their health. We are going to meet at the gate of the school at seve n o ' clock.第二单元(一)The boy over there is our classmates .His name s is Li Lei. His uncle is our teacher.He works very hardly. We all like him. He likes us too. He didn ' t at school yesterday. His son is ill in bed. He had tostay at the home. His son is our classmate. So we are going to see them after school. We are going to buy some chocolates(巧克力)to him. He must like it best. Oh! Listen!That' s the bell. Let ' s go to the classroom. (二)Mrs Green is a good mother . In every morning she gets very early. She dresses her 1.__________2.___________3.___________4.___________5.___________7.___________8.___________9.___________10._____________1.___________2.___________3.___________4.___________5.___________6.___________7.___________8.___________9.___________10._____________1.___________2.___________3.___________4.___________5.___________6.____________7.___________8.___________9.___________10._____________1.___________2.___________daughter and then goes to work on bus. 3.She works in a shoe ' s factory. It ' s not fro m 4.home . But sometime Mr Green takes the 5.children to school in her car and then he 6.goes to work. In the afternoon Mrs Green comes 7.to home at five o ' clock . Then she cooks supper. She 8.always does all kind of housework . she goes 9.to bed very late. What ' s a good mother she is! 10.第三单元(一)It ' s on Sunday tomorrow . We are going to watch a 1.football match. It ' s between a Japanese team with 2.a Chinese team. I ' m sure our Chinese team 3.win the matches, because our team has all the 4.strongest players.The football match is going to be at the four 5.o' clock in the morning . We are going to there 6.by bike. Our teacher, Mr Li and Mr wang 7.are going to watch the football match with us. 8.I think they must like the football games as many 9.as we do. We can go back at six in the evening. 10.(二)Aunt Liu is twenty-three. She lives on the eighteen floor of this 1. ____ building. She lives with her father, her mother and her brother. 2.Every morning she gets down by the lift and leaves her home 3.at eight and gets back to home at about half past five. 4.She worked very hard in a bookshop . The bookshop is about 5.hundreds meters from the building , so she goes there on foot. 6.She stands at the counter (柜台)and there have many books 7.on the bookshelf .She knows many interested stories and she 8.has many books in her room, too. She often speaks us 9.stories, so Children in this building are all like her. 10.第四单元(一)Li Lin and Hua Tong are good friends. Now Li Lin is in Hua 1.Tong' s home. Look at the clock on the wall. What ' s time? It ' s nine 2.o' clock. What are they doing ? Are they doing their homework? No, 3.they aren' t. They are watching TV, because there is a world ' s basketball4. ______________ match on TV.is their favourite ( 最喜欢的)games . They both like basketball very5.much. They often play it together. And they are all on the school basketball6. ______________team. Yesterday their team play against the No. 11 Middle7.School basketball team. . It ' s pity, they won the match. It was 45 to 50.8. ____________Today they all felt happy at school. But their teacher said"Don' t worry,9. ____________I' m sure we will win in next time, if we play hard."10.(二)Alice is a good friend of me . She was born in a small town near1. London on the November 3rd 1980. Her father was a worker and her moth-2. er was a teacher in England. When we were in Grade First , her family3.moved to Shanghai. Her father find work there.4Now her father works in a big factory. Her mother is still teacher 5.in China. She doesn ' t lives in Shanghai. Everything in Shanghai is 6.very dear. Her home lives very far from the school. So they have to get up7.very early in the morning every day and go to school by bus. Because she is new here, she has a few friendshere.she often tells to me. I think I should help Alice.第五单元(一)When you look at the sky at night, the moon looks bigger than the stars. In fact, the moon is more smaller than the other stars and the sun. It is much smaller than the earth. And the moon is much closer to us than some any star. That is -why it looks so big. If you hold a coin close your eyes, it looks big. If you look at it across the moon, it looks small.The moon moves round the earth. It does one trip in about four weeks. The moon looks flat (平的)for us,but it is a round ball, as the earth. People once thought the moon had fires on it.They thought the fires make bright. Now we know the moon is like a minor. It gets its light from the sun.(二) John finished his middle school half a year before andBasketball Life is not so happy here,8. ___9. __________10. __________1. ___________2. ___________3. ___________4. ___________5. ____________6. ___________7. ___________8. ___________9. ___________10. _____________1. _____________then he worked as a postman in his small town. As he is afraid of dog, he often had a lot of trouble. One afternoon he tried take a post card to a big house by bike. When he reached the house and got off from his bike at the gate, at once a large dog came run at him with much noise. John quickly threw the card through the gate. To his much surprise, the dog didn' t make any noise. It ran fast to the card, picked it up with its mouth, carried it towards the house. John thought for a while and said to him, "The dog is a better postman than I am." 第六单元(一)Lucy is a nice school girl. She often help people after school. She is very ready to do good things for other every day. She cleans house for Aunt Huang on Sunday. And she fetches (取)the milks forAunt wang' s baby on every Saturday. She helps her classmate with their English twice a week.At the school, she often helps the teacher cleans the blackboard and hand in the exercise books. She ' s also good to her studies.(二)It is on Sunday today. But Miss Gao isn ' t at the home. She is now at school with us student. We all at wok in the classroom. Some are cleaning windows.Others is cleaning the desks and chairs.Li Lei is putting some flowers on the teachers ' deskMiss Gao is writing on the blackboard withEnglish : "Welcome to our classroom , Xu Dong! ”Xu Dong is coming to here tomorrow.第七单元(一)L ucy likes English very well. She works hard. She sees English every morning. She likes speaking English. She often listens on the radio at home. Shelikes to watching TV, but she 2.___________3.___________4.___________5.___________6.____________7.___________8.___________9.___________10._____________1.___________2.___________3.___________4.___________5.___________6.___________7.____________8.___________9.___________10._____________1.___________2.___________3.___________4.___________5.___________6.____________7.___________8.___________9.___________10._____________1.___________2.___________3.___________4.___________often watches them on Saturday evening. 5.She doesn' t like dancing , and she likes 6.singing. She sings very good. She likes 7.driving a car, too. Her parents like her 8.And both the teachers like her, too. And Lucy 9.often helps her classmates for their English. 10.(二)I' m Mr Watson. My first name is Barbara. 1.I ' m a nurse and work in hospital.2. I ' m married(结女昏)with Robert Watson.He' s a scientist. 3.My husband with I live in New York. 4.That' s one of the state in the USA. 5.We live a house, our house isn ' t new 6.and isn ' t large, so we like it very much. 7.We have one daughter . Her name is Helen. 8.Her room is on upstairs(在楼上).It isn ' t big but it 9.is very nice. We too have a young son. Its name is Tom. 10.第八单元(一)Tom is a schoolboy. He often want to stay at home for few more days. After the summer holiday, he doesn' t want to go back school again. Now he is calling his teacher and tries to speak as his father. "I ' m glad to say that Tom is ill in bed and can ' t come to school for three or four days. "I ' m sorry to listen that. But I want to know who is calling.9. "My father, sir. is very angry.(二)Harris was looking out of the window while he saw a woman to come out of a house.The woman walked to a car that was parked beside the house. She got on and started to back the car(倒车).She had just began when a small boy ran out. The woman did not have a time stop the car. The boy turned and saw the car, but it was very late. The woman came out and walked for the boy. She helped the boy get into a car and drove him to hospital right away.1.___________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________Tom says. The teacher10. _____________1.___________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6. ____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.____________短文改错答案与详细讲解第一单元(一)1.,2 . and改成but.前后两句话意思之间存在转折关系。



































改错的常见问题大概可以分成以下10种类型:1)形容词与副词的误用:如exciting与excited,hard与hardly,possible与possibly,here 与there等,以及形容词与副词的比较级与最高级;2)名词的单复数误用:如在several,many,various,different,a few,oneof等之后,常用名词的复数,在every与each之后常用单数;3)代词的误用:如you与your,itis与its,it与they或them,one与ones,宾格(如me)与反身代词(如myself)等的误用;4)介词的误用、缺少或多余:常见的如in 与on,to与for,instead与insteadof,because与because of等的误用;5)时态的错误:看一篇文章,要有一种大局观,要上前下挂,看看上下文的时态是否一致;6)连词的误用:如or与and的误用,and与but的误用,so与but的误用,because或since 与so连用,though与but连用等;7)第三人称单数后的动词形式;8)一些固定结构的误用:如so...that被误用作very...that,too...to被误用very...to,as...as 被误作so...as等;9)定语从句中,which,that,when,where等混淆不清;10)一些常用词,如what与how,except与besides,any与some以及它们的合成词如any-thing与something,anywhere与somewhere等混淆不清;英语高中填空改错总结第4篇3)连词:and,or等表并列关系的连词,but,while等表转折关系的连词,because,so 等表因果关系的连词;4)代词:he,she等指示代词,myself等反身代词,要求我们明确时态的基本形式及其相应的被动语态,结合主谓一致,尤其是熟悉it的用法、人称代词各类形式的变化和用法规则;5)关系词:一般问题中至少有个从句(定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句);6)情态动词/助动词:一般近几年的can/should/would/did考的不多,但是日常有时候会碰到;。







【例1】①(2020年高考全国卷1)I like eating fry-ing tomatoes with eggs .②(2020年高考全国卷2)Actually,I started to learn kung fu when I was seven years old,for I have long been out of practice.③(2020年高考全国卷3)My mom is really con-cerned with the health of everyone in our families.解析:①考查非谓语动词的准确运用。


动词“fry ”与“tomatoes ”之间为动宾关系,并非主动关系,所以应用过去分词作定语,故此处的“frying ”应改为“fried ”。



通过分析句子可知,前半句说“我7岁时就开始学功夫了”,后半句说“我很久没有练习了”,由此不难看出,前后语意出现了转折,应用转折关系的连词,故此处“for ”错误,应改为“but ”。







1. 单词拼写错误


2. 词性使用错误


3. 主谓一致错误

4. 冠词使用错误


5. 时态错误


6. 句子结构错误






技巧总结名词错误的可能:(1)名词单复数:这种要点的考察频率相当高,要特别注意!!形容词错误的可能:(1)意思颠倒,要改成反义词:看到错的句子有形容词,先上下文看看,有没有意思反了(2)词性错误:2个形容词在一起,那肯定有一个是修饰另外一个的,所以要改成副词介词错误的可能性(1)固定短语的搭配问题,不如the key to, the answer to, be faced with等这个错错每次改错题目都有,所以看到错的句子有介词,先看左右,有没有搭配错误、连词错误的可能性(1)承上启下的错误:有时候,表示递进的,但题目中给出even if,所以要把if去掉;有时表原因的,但题目中是therefore,所以要改成because。


这类的错误也经常发生动词错误的可能性考察也相当重要!!(1)时态错误:明明文章在说过去的事情,但用了个is,所以要改成was这个错错每次改错题目都有,所以看到错的句子有动词,先看上下,有没有时态问题(2)主谓不一致:they was doing ……这样的错误,找不出么,6级也别考了(3)非谓语动词提前形式的错误:viewed……,they were doing……像这样的情况,viewed 就要改成viewing,如果后面是it,前面是 ing 形式,也要注意的(4)平行结构错误:前面连着两句都是to做什么,to做什么and do什么,这时候就要在这个do前加to,如果是to doing,就要改成to do以上这些错误在考试中占6-7分左右,大家可以一定要抓住,后面的分数就难拿了高考短文改错题具有“高起点、低落点”的特点,对学生的语言感觉和语言能力要求较高,但改正的错误往往比较简单。


















例:A beauty of the West Lake is more than I can describe.正解:A__The3.名词的单复数和名词所有格。

例:More than one students can’t take in it.正解:students—student 4.动词的时态、语态、语气,情态动词和非谓语动词。

例:He is good at sing songs.正解:sing—singing5.人称代词的格、物主代词、指示代词、连接代词、不定代词等用法。

例:The book is her.正解:her—hers6.词性的变化。

例:John deep believed that the God knows everything.正解:deep —deeply7. 并列连词、从属连词的用法。

例:She insisted that the boy told was a lie.正解:that —what8. 形容词、副词以及比较级与最高级的用法。

例:They all exacting by the exacted news.正解:exacting —exacted ; exacted —exacting9. 固定搭配与习惯用法。

例:It happened all of sudden.正解:of ∧a 句法的测试:1. 考察英语的一致性现象,主要包括:主谓不一致、代词不一致、时态不一致。





















短文改错考点归纳一.名词Group 11. He was tall, with broad shoulder and a beard that turned from black to gray over the years.2. When tea got popular in Britain, there was a crying need for good cup with handles tosuit British habits.4. His new job meant I had to say goodbye to my classmate, my school and just everythingelse I love in the world.5. Within the next few minute, my grandfather also caught a fish.6. I saw him lying in bed, looking at some of the picture we had taken together.7. From the time I was about four until I was about six, I destroyed each of my toy.8. We, as well as animal, cannot live without water and neither agriculture or industry can go without it.(两处)9. The food was wonderful with reasonable prices, and we enjoyed several local dish.10. Mom, I know I have never expressed my thank to you before.Group 21. And there are many meaningful things that are worth thinking of, such as the relationshipbetween parents and children in a lot of American family.2. When they heard this, Li Hua and the other passenger got off the bus.3. But they will take some times to change because they always get angry, and that is all they know.4. Maybe the following advices can help you.5. I still can’t get used to it----in fact, I’ve nearly killed three peoples.”6. I stayed there for one and a half hour and made sure that the girl was all right.7. You told me the name of different plants and their characteristics.8. This made for the grow in the porcelain industry.9. He has ruined his healthy.二.冠词Group 11. So when I have the problem I will turn to her for help.2. Yesterday afternoon. I paid visit to Mr. Johnson.3. Finally, there was a sudden pull at the pole and fish was caught .4. Tomorrow is first day of school.5. The teacher was angry because we had same answers in the tests.6. Every one of us can make a great efforts to cut off the use of energy in our country.7. To deal with a problem, I think, we should first go all out to plant trees though trees willhelp save water.(两处)8. It is such great hotel that I would recommend it to any friend of me who is going to Beijing.(两处)9. I still remember when I was child, you always held me in your arms and told me stories till I fall asleep.(两处)10. Unfortunate, I had an accident and hit another car, and I needed to stay in a hospital for at least two week.(三处)Group 21. The factory at the corner of Friendship Street and Zhongshan Road has been moved outof the city, and sports center has been built in its place.2. Just before I turned corner of park street, I happened to see an accident.3. The driver put the window down and offered us a umbrella because he found we were wet through.4. So I went to sell newspapers after the school.5. He never watches where he is going, so he often gets into the trouble.6. However, every kind of the Chinese food is worth trying, because each has a delicioustaste and is good for health.7. Three men were fishing when the angel appeared in the boat with them.8. The play tells humorous stories that happen in Green’s family.9. The doctors told me the operation was success.10. After the while, the bus came and she got on it.11. Your problem /is common one among middle school students.12. “Well,it is all because of the business of driving on ri ght.” She said.13. As a result, nobody knew truth.三.代词Group11. He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others in our small town2. We took ours fishing poles and headed for the lake.3. I was eager to see him, but outside her room I stopped.4. He was lucky to find other one.5. Other way is to watch our everyday use of water and electric at home.6. I’m writing to tell you opinion about water saving.7. Many countries in the world find we don’t have enough water.8. I’m sorry that I am abroad and can’t send your flowers, so I’m writing to you.9. How are you those days?10. The relationship between children and parents in America is different from those inChina.Group 21. The second man pointed to his glasses and asked if the angel could cure her pooreyesight.2. The doctors told me the operation was a success, but because of her old age she had tostay in hospital for other two weeks.3. When we heard this, Li Hua and the other passengers got off the bus.4. Do any nice things f or your parents that they don’t expect —like cooking, doing thedishes, washing clothes, or cleaning the floors.5. And after many attempts, she past her driving test and told her husband that he was going to drive him over to France for a holiday.6. I’m glad to say that anything has worked out fine in the dorm.7. This man might need the umbrella himself, but he preferred to give it to everyone else.8. When I was in high school, most of my friends had bicycles,I hoped I could also have it.9. But he said he could only give me half of the money. He should find the other half myself.四.形容词副词Group 11. She is feeling much more better.2. Please tell the good news to the rest of the family as soon as possibly.3. You'd better to send flowers to Mother. She will feel happily.4. What should you do when your parents become angrily?5. One smile speaks loud about your wish to make friends than any word.6. Once you have confidence.you can make as many friends as possibly.7. The Sichuan Restaurant and the older fish shop across the street from our middle schoolare gone.8. Everyone else seems very nice and warmly here.9. The man insisted, so I grateful accepted the offer, thanked him and watched the truckdisappear down the road.10. My father was pleased when I showed him the money a month after.Group 21. You can imagine how much happy I was when I rode to school on my own bicycle.2. He has a comfortable room, patiently nurses, and a great deal of time to read.3. The doctor says he is recovering fast than expected and will b out of hospital in a fewweeks.4. The food in one area can be easy told from that in another.5. I don’t want to be a normally person!”6. The Story about Growth is my favorite American TV play because it is very interested.7. They worked hardly together, pushing the bus slowly forward .8. I remember my grandfather very much9. However, he was the gentlest man I have never known.10. Interesting, it had a connection with the British porcelain(瓷器) industry.Group 31. After waiting for about half an hour, I was beginning to get impatiently.2. I understood that he missed us just as many as we missed him.3. Here I am in the middle of a city, 350 miles far away from our farmhouse.4. To make matters bad, now I have to share a room with my younger sister, Maggie.5. I am awfully tiring, but I know I will never fall asleep.6. I found the test difficulty, but I tried hard to do it.7. My mother is very much kind and is friendly to everybody.8. Whe n the teacher asks us very difficulty questions, I’l l think quickly and stand up to answer.9. I learned early in life that I had to be more patient and little aggressive.10. We lived in a comfortably double-room with a big bath.Group 41. Whenever I think of the old days, I feel very happily.2. Gradually, I became interesting in biology and chose to learn biology when I entered into the college.(两处)3. Unfortunate, the only problem was the journey home.4. Therefore, I told them interested stories and how I was enjoying Brazil五.介词Group 11. Do some nice things for your parents that they don’t expect — like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean the floors.2. The doctors told me the operation was a success, but because her old age she had to stay in hospital for another two weeks.3. It was snowing heavily Monday morning.4. If this doesn’t work, bring in a friend that you feel comfortable, and have him or her helpyou.5. First in all, believe in yourself.6. But then a week after th e trip, she suddenly announced that they wouldn’t take the holiday trip.7. “Why did you change your mind?” he asked her by surprise.8. There are two girls from my course here and I plan to make friends with them so they we can help each other on the course work.9. One rainy day while I was walking home with one of my friends, a truck came to a stop besides us.10. I asked my father the money.Group 21. Chinese food is famous with its wide variety.2. The first man got over his shock and politely said to the angel, “I’ve suffered by back pain for years.3. It was a lesson to us that it was possible give without expect anything in return. (两处)4. If this doesn’t work, bring in a friend that you feel comfortable, and have him or her help you.5. Every day, he spends too much time with his work.6. No more toys to you7. To begin with, all of us can start reducing to the use of oil by driving only when we have a real need.8. I also shared for my friends many photos taking in Beijing.(两处)9. But on today, at this special time, I just want to tell you loudly: I love you, Mom!10. There had been a terrible accident on the highway and, for a result, there was a long lineof traffic for at least six mile.Group 31. In the end, we drove to a service station and waited there unless the road was clear.2. They finally dropped Gina off at her parents' and made our own way to home.3. Two years before, I traveled to Brazil and I rented for a car.六、连词Group 11. With such stories it makes people think about life, but therefore attracts the audience.2. We expect to get a full report in two and three days.3. There were many passengers in the bus. Some were talking but some were looking out ofthe windows.4. Unless anyone is in trouble, you should be ready to help him or her.5. I meant to give it back to you before four in the afternoon,and I was held up on my wayback.6. I’m going to attend my first lesson this afternoon, for I’ve got some prepar ation to make.7. This man might need the umbrella himself, and he preferred to give it to someone else.8. Some friends of his go to see him every day, they take him lost of good books and fresh fruit.9. I wanted to give up, and my grandfather told me to wait a little longer.10. We were warned not to cheat again so she would need to see our parents.Group 21. My father is hardworking but goes to work in the field every day.2. What's more, we can go to work by bike once and twice a week, and we can also buysmaller cars that burn less oil.3. It is in the downtown area, but it is easy to go to anywhere from the hotel by public transport.(两处)4. I have been missing you very much after I went to college a year ago.5. 1 called my parents, so I did not tell them what had happened.6. In fact, he even scared my classmates away during they came over to play or dohomework with me.7. No lectures this morning so I think I’d email you and let you know what things are going.8. One day I saw a second-hand bicycle, that was only one hundred yuan.9. Having tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner ,that might not be served until 8 o’clock at night.10. That is which other teachers sayGroup 31. This is how I need to improve in the future.2. But before long they began to see which was happening.3. Since the restaurant in China usually serves special dishes of different areas, you can enjoy various Chinese foods whenever you are.4. It is also a window which we can learn about American society.七.时态语态Group 11. With such stories it make people think about life, and therefore attracts the audience.2. The doctors also say it was quite necessary for her to do so.3. There are many passengers in the bus. Some were talking while some were looking outof the windows.4. If your parents got mad, try to have a conversation with them about it.5. There exist now a park that has a small river running through.6. I remember asking for a room far away from the lifts as possible and they find me acomfortable one on the second floor.7. I stood there and couldn’t believe in that a complete stranger is so thoughtful.(两处)8. I’m glad to know that you had and interest in Chinese food.9. Can you help me?” The angel touched his back, and he had recovered.10. Tea in China was traditionally drank from cups without handles.Group 21. One Sunday morning we go fishing at a lake.2. I didn't cheat. I was just helping a friend. Why does she punish me?3. Do you want to know why we move last week?4. Quietly I step into the room and saw him lying in bed.5. I was only four when she passes away. She is just a distant memory for me now.6. Good night and remember, you, dear diary, is my only souvenir from my past life and myonly friend.7. Finally, there were a sudden pull at the pole and a fish was caught .8. When I tear apart my fifth birthday toy train, my father said.9. For example, how many times have you walked out of a room and leave the lights or television when no one else was there? (两处)10. Yet it seemed water is becoming less and less.Group 31. My father and I stayed at the South Lake Hotel for a week when we visit Beijing last month.2. What I liked best were the free high-speed Internet connection in the room.3. Thank you for all you had done for me.4. I still remember when I was child, you always held me in your arms and told me stories till I fall asleep.5. Now my friend Ann, together with me, are going to do field study and the findings will be use as materials for our research.(两处)6. Thank you for the lovely day we have with you. It was so kind for you to let us bring Anne's friend.(两处)7. I knew that they will be worried about myself because I was so farther away, and that my mother would not sleep if she knew.(两处)8. Now my friend Ann, together with me, are going to do field study and the findings will be use as materials for our research.(两处)9. The bus has been broken down. Please get off and help push the bus.10.The market at the corner of Friendship Street an Xinhua Road has been given way to asupermarket.11. An English lady was final decided that she really should learn to drive.八.非谓语动词1. Have tea in the late agternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner2. Felt hungry, we built a fire by the lake and barbecued the fish.3. After think for some time, I let her copy my answers.4. He isn’t good at talk but he gets on well with other people.5. Third, we should find ways to reuse the water using in washing,6. I also shared for my friends many photos taking in Beijing.(两处)7. Li Hua was at the bus stop, waited for Bus No.601 to go to school.8. The first thing you must do is to smiling at your classmates.9. My classmate, Joseph, is at present in hospital with a breaking leg.九.主谓一致1. Next, try talking with a student who is as shy as you who share the same interest as you.2. When I got back, it were six pm.3. For example, Shanghai food, a little bit sweet, differ from Sichuan food that is rather hot.4. Hard work have made him very ill.十.动词及短语1. It is four days since Mother accepted the operation.2. And after many attempts, she past her driving test.3. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to return to your bike on time yesterday.4. After five years away from my hometown, I find that the neighborhood which I used to living in has changed a lot.5. So I helped them going to the nearest hospital.6. I had better to stop now.7. She used to holding me on her knees and sing old songs.8. He was walking to school the other day when he let a bicycle ran right into him .9. He is not losing any time from school because he is busy study what he hasKs5umissed in classes.10. I’m looking forward to meet you here so that I can tell you more about Chinese food attable.11. And there are many meaningful things that are worth think of, such as the relationshipbetween parents and children in a lot of American families.12. I was happy when the toys worked, but when things did wrong, I got angry and broke it.(两处)13. Hope you good health and much happiness every day!14. The book I’m reading of talks about afternoon tea in Britain.十一. 句子结构1. If your parents get mad, try to have a conversation with them about it. Remembering not to shout at them.2. Next, trying talking with a student who is as shy as you.3. As soon as we arrived, so we dropped the lines into the water.4. With little sleep and hardly any break, so he works from morning till night.5. Suddenly Mary, my best friend, asking me to let her to copy my answers.6. Thank you so much by not only giving me life, but also teach me how to be a goodperson.。

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还有前面的修饰语,比如a little, a lot, even等通常修饰比较级。

而almost, nearly, second, by no means等修饰最高级。





高考题中比较常见的是a--an, a/an--the, the的缺失与多余(5)名词单复数2.句法错误(1)动词时态、语态。
















(以下这些词,擦亮眼睛,基本上看见文章里出现了,单数改复数,复数改单数)work(工作不可数;作品可数), job(可数)time(时间不可数;次数可数), hour, year, month, daystudent, classmate, friend(别忘了+s)side, place(这俩都是可数名词)eyes, parents, feet, cheeks, shoes,shoulders…(这些都是一定+s 的,parent是单亲,cheek是一个脸蛋,想想用单数有多诡异~)grade(年级不可数;分数可数 +s)people(这是个复数名词,单数 person), family(表示家人时,单复数写法相同,都是family), kind(种类,可数名词)thanks, regards, wishes, congratulations(感谢类名词永远都要+s)二、【代词】下面这些代词也是,看见了就注意吧~he - sheme – minewe – I 单复改点one – it 泛指/特指改点(不定代词/指代词)some – any 肯定/ 否定句little – few 不可数-可数the other –others –the others (另一个【特指】,其他的【泛指】,另外那些【特指】)each / every+ 单数n三、【冠词】(一)考点规律:1.the和 same 要连用,比如,This is the same present.2.形容词最高级前the/a 均可(意思有差别“最/非常”)the most disgusting affair 最恶心的事儿a most disgusting affair 非常恶心的事儿(二)再给大家三个万能公式:1.a/an + adj + 抽象名词,比如 have a good time.(传说中的抽象名词具体化)2.the + n + of…,(有限定的名词要用the)3.the + n + that 限定性从句(和上句同理)(三)超高频考点,注意有没有冠词,以及用哪个冠词~~~get into trouble 惹麻烦at an early age 小时候have a rest 休息一下catch sight of 看见go for a walk 去散步in fact 事实上hit sb. on the head/face/leg 击打某人的头/脸/腿once upon a time 很久很久以前四、【形容词、副词】(一)考点规律:1、形容词与副词的混用,形容词只可以修饰名词(代词),副词不可以修饰名词(代词)!!!举几个例子,你们看看哪儿错了好伐Then I heard a loudly crashing(碰撞的) sound from the back of the house.〖loudly改为loud〗The teacher has already told us exact what to study.〖exact改为exactly〗She holds the view that senior three students have to make fully use of every minute to work hard.〖fully改为full〗My mother said that the food I cooked tasted well.〖well改为good〗2、形容词/副词,比较级/最高级问题(1)搭配问题比较级中Than 与–er或more配套;最高级中-est或most与the/a/an 配套。

出个题,感受一下~He hopes to create an environment for his students that is muchrelaxing than the one he used to study in.〖much改为more〗(2)more与-er不共存,继续上题目~Our country will become more brighter in the coming future.〖more 去掉〗(3)as adj / adv as… 同级比较结构中adj/adv用原级。

题目如下~So now I am spending as more time as I can with other people who like to play.〖more改为much或去掉more〗In some places you may borrow many books as you want.(这题many 前少了as)People in industrial countries can expect to live for twice so long as people who lived a few hundred years ago.〖so改为as〗(二)超高频考点1、形容词的so 与such 结构so + adj + (a/an) + nsuch + (a/an) + adj + n下面例题,做一下~应该没有太大问题,所以我没有给答案~I have never seen so an abnormal text like this.〖so改such〗2、do-ing和do-ed两类形容词用法,doing——转换donedone——转换doing以下动词特别容易出v-ing 和v-ed类形容词乱用的考点。

surprise/interest/disappoint/excite/encourage/ frighten 比如,I am suprised/ intetested/ disappointed/ excited/ encouraged/frightenedIt is surprising/ interesting/ disappointing/ exciting/encouraging/ frightening五、【动词】(一)考点规律分析及解题套路:1、时态——“现在时”和“过去时”互换并列句中,连词(and/but/or)前后动词时态一致!!!简单句中的动词和前后两句话动词时态一致。

Eg:At first it is low but gradually it become louder and louder.2、语态——“主动”和“被动”(1) sth做主语,常改为被动!【Eg:Your E-mail received just now.应该在received前加was】(2)被动语态的2种改法:Be+V原型——改法:V原型改为 V-edV-ed ——改法:v-ed前添加be3、需要添加be的情况:(1)介词前,(2)助动词后Eg:Then I will (be) ready for the test.Eg: He (is) against the suggestion that he keeps silent at the meeting.【注意against是介词,不是动词】(二)超高频考点1、固定搭配中的动词【注意是to do还是do】’d better + do最好做某事have/let/make sb. do 让某人做某事would rather + do宁愿做某事want + to do; come + to do; would like + to doused to +do(过去常常,曾经的习惯,已结束)be(was/were/is/are)… used to + doing(习惯做某事,表示习惯的持续)2、以下这些词要加…doing形式做宾语的(1)动词类avoid, enjoy, understand, risk, appreciate, image, look forward to, spend on, insist on 这些动词或动词词组后+doing(2)介词 + doing3、see sb do变被动后—— sb is seen to do 类型【考点在于感官动词做宾补,主动不要to,被动的to要还原。

】六、【介词】(一)考点规律分析及解题套路:1、及物动词后不能加介词,常错点enter into;return back;reach at(这几个介词看见请通通划掉)2、介词+ 动词-ing形式3、特殊结构介词(1)It is + 物称adj + for + sb to do物称adj——修饰事物的adjeasy, hard, difficult, important, safe, impossible, necessary (2)It is +人称adj + of +sb to do人称adj——修饰人的adjkind, good, nice, polite, clever, brave, wise, right, wrong, strong, foolish, stupid, honest(二)超高频考点beside-besidesv+ with/about/ toamong-betweeninsist on; catch sight of; spend (in) +v-ingbecause (of)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~还记得改错题有8个“改错”,2个“多词缺词”么~~那我这里就集中总结一下多词取词的考点是什么~大家做完了题之后除了用“8大词性”来检查改全10了没有,还应该看一下有几个是“多词缺词”的改法。
