牛津译林版八年级英语上Unit1 Reading1课件

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1. _____ is a true ____ friend --- she can keep a secret ________. 2. _____ looks smart ______ and has a good sense of humour _______.
helpful --- she is 3. _____ is generous ________ and _______ always willing to share things and help others.
New words:
fit knock onto straight sweet smile personality choose v. 可容纳,装进 v. 碰、撞,把…撞击成 prep. 到…的上面 adj. 笔直的 adj. 可爱的,惹人喜爱的 v. 微笑 n. 个性 v. 选择,挑选
How many friends does the writer have? Who are they?
1.更多的一些食物 2.一些吃的/喝的 3. 和某人分享某物 4.一个诚实的朋友 5.保守秘密(2种) 6.与我共享快乐 7.关心,关怀 8.使我快乐 9.相信他的话(2种) 10.在……方面遇到困难 11. 告诉某人关于你的一切 12. 说谎(2种) 13. 讲故事/笑话 14. 的确是这样 15. 好朋友的品质
Best friend Betty
Future plan / behavior
a singer
long legs don’t fit under the school desks; knock books and pens onto the floor keep secrets, never say a bad word about anyone, sweet
----She is slim and she has short hair.
tall – 1.75m have a good
Personality Behavior a true friend
big bright eyes keep a secret
straight hair
pretty sweet
never say a bad word about anyone
Future Name Sex Appearance Personality plans to be a generous singer slim short hair helpful
Personality Behavior
sense of humor knock wear glasses funny things look smart onto the long legs interesting floor
1. --你想来些吃的吗?
2. 冰箱没有什么东西了,你能帮我买些回来吗?
3. 天下雨了,你可以和我合用一把伞。
4. 如果你学习英语有问题,我很乐意帮你。
5. 她说的话让我很伤心。 What she says makes me very sad.
6. 好朋友什么品质最重要?
7. Tom是个诚实的男孩,你可以相信他因为他从不说谎。 8. 你们语文老师经常给你们讲有趣的笑话吗? Does your Chinese teacher always tell you funny jokes? 9. 当我伤心的时候,我妈妈总是关心我。 10. 什么才是好学生? What makes good students?
4.Max is very not good at telling jokes.F
5.May is sweet and pretty. T 6.May never likes to says say bad things about her friends. F
Who do you want to be your best friend? Why?
Fill in the blanks
May is shorter than me. She has straight hair. Everyone thinks she is very _________ pretty ______. May is a ____ true friend. When something _______ worries me, I can always go to her. I can tell her anything ________ because she can ____ keep a ______. secret She is ____ kind and never ______________ says a bad word about anyone.
Answer some questions:
1. How tall is Max? Almost 1.75 metres tall. 2. Does Max wear glasses? How does he look ? Yes. He looks smart. 3. When we are with Max, How do we feel? Why?
Qualities of my friend
She’d like to share everything with her friends. generous
I can tell her anything and she keeps my secrets. a true friend
She can always help me with my problems. I can go to her when I am in trouble. helpful She is willing/ready to help me any twenku.baidu.comme She is good at telling jokes. funny She often makes us laugh. She has a good sense of humour.
‘T’ or ‘F’
F 1. The writer is very fat. T 2. Betty is willing to help others at any time. T 3. She likes to share things with her classmates. F 4. She only gives seats to old men in need on the bus. F 5. She wants to be a dancer and travels around the world.
some more food something to eat / drink share sth. with sb. an honest friend keep a secret / keep secrets share my joy / happiness care about make me happy believe what he says / his words have problems with sth. tell sb. every about yourself tell a lie / tell lies tell a story / tell jokes that’s true qualities of a good friend
What’s your best friend like?
Best friend Betty Max May
generous, be willing to share things with others,helpful have a good sense of humour funny a true friend, kind
Humourou s
Appearance of friends:
short hair
poor eyesight wear round glasses
straight hair
P9 B1
New words:
generous willing any time voice singer almost round sense humour bored adj. 慷慨的,大方的 adj. 乐意的,愿意的 adv. 在任何时候 n. 嗓音 n. 歌手 adv. 几乎,差不多 adj. 圆形的 n. 感觉,观念,意识 n. 幽默 adj. 无聊的
Best friends
Who would you choose as your best friend, Grace?---I’ll choose
Why?---Because she is generous and helpful. What does he/she look like?
P9 B2
Part B2 True or false:
1.Betty is generous to old everyone people only. F 2.Betty wants to be a singer .
3.Max looks smart in his small round glasses.
We never feel bored or unhappy. He tells funny jokes.
4. Do his legs fit under the school desks? What happens to him when he walks past the desk? No. He often knocks our books and pens onto the floor.
What does your best friend look like?
Best friend Betty
Appearance slim, short hair
tall ,poor eyesight,
wear glasses, long legs
small, straight hair, pretty,