一、选择题(每题只有一个选项符合题意)1、下列物质在水溶液中的电离方程式,书写正确的是A.BaSO4 Ba2+ + SO42 -B.NaHCO3 == Na++ H+ + CO32 -C.NaHSO4 == Na++ HSO4-D.KNO3 =K+ + NO3-2、1H、2H、3H、H+、H2是()A.氢的五种同位素B.五种氢元素C.氢的五种同素异形体D.氢元素的五种微粒3、下列物质,前者属于电解质,后者属于非电解质的是A.NaCl晶体、BaSO4B.NaHCO3、蔗糖C.铜、二氧化硫D.稀盐酸、酒精4、取100 mL 0.3 mol·L-1和300 mL 0.25 mol·L-1的硫酸注入500 mL容量瓶中,加水稀释至刻度线,该混合溶液中H +的物质的量浓度是()A.0.21 mol·L-1B.0.42 mol·L-1C.0.56 mol·L-1D.0.26 mol·L-15、下列化学式书写不正确...的是A.干冰CO2B.硝酸HNO3C.硫酸银Ag2SO4D.纯碱NaOH6、已知某一反应2H2CrO4+3H2O2=2Cr(OH)3+3O2↑+2H2O,则关于该反应的说法错误的是( )A.H2CrO4中铬元素显+6价B.该反应中的还原剂是H2O2,氧化产物是O2C.氧化性:H2CrO4>O2D.如反应转移了0.3mol电子,则产生的气体在标准状况下体积为1.68L7、下列叙述正确的是①Na2O与Na2O2都能和水反应生成碱,它们都是碱性氧化物②Na2O与CO2发生化合生成Na2CO3,Na2O2与CO2发生置换生成O2③Na2O是淡黄色物质,Na2O2是白色物质⑤Na2O2和Na2O焰色反应均为黄色A.都正确B.②③④⑤C.②③⑤D.④⑤8、质量相等的下列各种物质中,含分子数最少的是()A.H2O B.Cl2C.SO2D.NO29、下列各组中的离子能够大量共存于同一溶液中的是( )A.CO32-、H+、Na+、NO—B.OH-、NO3-、K+、Na+C.H+、Ag+、Cl-、SO42-D.K+、H+、Cl-、OH-10、如果4gNH3中含有x个NH3分子,那么8gH2S中含有的电子数为A.x B.3.4x C.12x D.18x11、明代《本草纲目》中一条目下写道:“自元时始创其法,用浓酒和糟入甑,蒸令气上……其清如水,味极浓烈,盖酒露也。
2023年江苏省苏州市姑苏区景范中学中考二模英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.Teachers sometimes work as a(n) ________ to help you out and lead your life to be right way.A.engineer B.musician C.volunteer D.guide 2.—Which classical Chinese poem do you like best?—Don’t laugh if we ________ drunken(醉酒) on the battleground;how many soldiers ever came back safe and sound(安然无恙) .A.put B.lied C.lay D.drank3.The twins are good at sports, but ________ of them is good at other subjects.A.either B.neither C.both D.all4.When Judy first came to China, she found the country was ______ the way her grandfather described: beautiful and peaceful.A.curiously B.exactly C.probably D.properly 5.Little George read the story again and again ________ he could tell it to his younger sister. A.because B.since C.unless D.so that 6.The price of the houses in major cities in China ________ in the last 20 years.A.rose B.has risen C.raised D.has raised 7.—Dad, may I stop to have a rest?—You’d better not. ________ until I call you.A.Get on B.Take on C.Put on D.Keep on 8.What is the main point of the message on the right?France is preparing for the return of Chinese tourists in many ways. More flights have been put into service. Also, France will give travel workers new training programs. It will offer different experiences for travelers.A.More flights have been put into service.B.It will offer different experiences for travelers.C.France will give travel workers training programs.D.France is preparing for the return of Chinese tourists.二、完形填空请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
下面相关说法正确的是A.树木上涂刷防止冻伤的石灰浆,主要成分是碳酸钙B.胃酸过多的人应多吃苹果、橘子C.多喝可乐不利于身体健康,可乐中含有碳酸,紫色石蕊溶液能使碳酸变红色D.骑自行车锻炼身体,自行车车架的金属材料可以是锰钢的A.A B.B C.C D.D4.我县为了贯彻做好“低碳环保,共建碧水蓝天”工程,每天都有巡逻车在乡村进行宣传“严禁焚烧秸秆”。
下列做法不符合“节能低碳”理念的是()A.将秸秆收集起来用于火力发电B.提倡双面使用纸张,推广无纸化办公C.将秸秆收集起来粉碎用于培植蘑菇D.外出尽量步行或骑自行车5.下列实验基本操作中,正确的是()A.点燃酒精灯B.向试管中加入锌粒C.向试管中倾倒液体D.读取液体体积6.以下是某同学用8mL蒸馏水稀释浓硫酸的操作过程,其中有错误的环节是A.向10mL量筒中加水接近8mL B..再用滴管滴加水至8mL C.读取水的体积数D.稀释浓硫酸7.家庭日常生活经常用到的下列物质中,属于纯净物的是()A.中华牙膏B.白酒C.炒菜用的铁锅D.冰水混合物8.在配制10%的氯化钠溶液的过程中,导致溶液中氯化钠质量分数小于10%的可能原因是()①用量筒量取水时俯视读数②配制溶液的烧杯用少量蒸馏水润洗③在托盘天平的左盘称取氯化钠时,游码不在零位置就调节天平平衡,后将游码移动得到读数④盛装溶液的试剂瓶用蒸馏水润洗⑤氯化钠晶体不纯A.①②③④⑤B.只有①②④⑤C.只有①②③D.只有②③④⑤9.下列有关叙述、对应的方程式,所属基本反应类型都正确的是()A.用稀硫酸洗去附着在试管壁上的铜:Cu + H2SO4 CuSO4 + H2↑ 置换反应B.工业制取生石灰的反应: CaCO3 CaO +CO2↑ 分解反应C.医疗上用氢氧化镁中和过多胃酸: Mg(OH)2 + 2HCl = MgCl2 + H2O 中和反应D.用氢氧化钠溶液除去二氧化硫: 2NaOH + SO2 = Na2S04 + H2O 氧化反应10.氧烛是用于缺氧下自救的化学氧源,其主要成分是NaC1O3,氧烛通过撞击火帽引发反应放出氧气,主要反应原理为2NaClO3=2NaCl+ 3O2↑。
1.下列y 关于x 的函数解析式中,一定为二次函数的是( )A. y =2xB. y =ax 2+bx +cC. y =(x−5)2−x 2D. y =2x 2−2x +12.将二次函数y =x 2+1的图象沿y 轴向下平移2个单位,则得到的图象对应的函数表达式为( )A. y =x 2+3B. y =x 2+2C. y =x 2−1D. y =x 2−23.抛物线y =12(x +2)2+1的顶点坐标是( )A. (2,1)B. (−2,1)C. (2,−1)D. (−2,−1)4.在Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90°,若AC =2,BC =1,则tanA 的值是( )A. 12B. 2C.55 D. 525.在锐角▵ABC 中,若(sin A−32)2+|12−cos B|=0,则∠C 等于( )A. 60° B. 45∘C. 75∘D. 105∘6.如图,每个小正方形的边长均为1,若点A ,B ,C 都在格点上,则sin ∠BAC 的值为( )A. 12B. 2C. 2 55D. 557.已知A (−12,y 1),B (1,y 2),C (4,y 3)三点都在二次函数y =−(x−2)2的图象上,则y 1,y 2,y 3的大小关系为( )A. y 1<y 2<y 3B. y 1<y 3<y 2C. y 3<y 1<y 2D. y 3<y 2<y 18.如图,点A 为∠α边上的任意一点,作AC ⊥BC 于点C ,CD ⊥AB 于点D ,下列用线段比表示cos α的值,错误的是( )A. BD BC B. BC AB C. AD AC D. CDAC9.如图,在△ABC 中,∠BAC =90°,AB =AC ,点D 为边AC 的中点,DE ⊥BC 于点E ,连接BD ,则tan ∠DBC 的值为( )A. 13B. 2−1C. 2− 3D. 1410.直线y =m(m 为常数)与函数y ={x 2(x ≤2)4x (x >2)的图象恒有三个不同的交点,则常数m 的取值范围是( )A. 0<m ≤4B. 0<m <4C. 0<m <2D. 2<m <4二、填空题:本题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分。
苏州市景范中学 - 第二学期
![苏州市景范中学 - 第二学期](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0a2f2b46a45177232f60a236.png)
初中语文试卷灿若寒星整理制作苏州市景范中学2015-2016学年第二学期初三年级语文学科二模考试试卷第一部分(27分)1、根据汉语拼音写出汉字(4分)自()xǔ云()xiāo ( )méng懂分()mì2、下面一段话中有四个错别字,把它们找出来填入表中,然后改正。
(10分)(1) _______________,若出其里。
(陶渊明《桃花源记》)(3)_____________ ,阴阳割昏晓。
(杜甫《望岳》)(4)持节云中,___________________? (苏轼《江城子》)(5)人生自古谁无死,___________________。
(《论语八则》)4、名著阅读(5分)(1)下列对名著内容的表述有错误的一项是 ( )A《格列佛游记》第四卷“慧骃国游记”展示了人兽颠倒的怪诞景象,无情地鞭笞了丑恶的人类社会。
A. y 3
B. y 3
C. y…−1
D. −1剟y 3
9.(3 分)已知函数 y = ax2 + ax 与函数 y = a (a 0) ,则它们在同一坐标系中的大致图象是 ( x
10.(3 分)如图,已知点 E 是矩形 ABCD 的对角线 AC 上一动点,正方形 EGH 的顶点 G 都
15.(2 分)若 A(−4, y1) , B(−1, y2 ) , C(2, y3) 为二次函数 y = −(x + 2)2 + 3 的图象上的三点, 则 y1 , y2 , y3 小关系是 . 16.(2 分)如果把抛物线 y = 2x2 −1 向左平移 1 个单位,同时向上 ABC 中, AB = BC = 5 , tan ABC = 3 . 4
(1)求边 AC 的长; (2)设边 BC 的垂直平分线与边 AB 的交点为 D ,求 AD 的值.
22.(6 分)如图,已知二次函数 y = a(x − h)2 + 3 的图象经过原点 O(0,0) , A(2,0) . (1)写出该函数图象的对称轴; (2)若将线段 OA 绕点 O 逆时针旋转 60 到 OA ,试判断点 A 是否为该函数图象的顶点?
的新的抛物线是 . 17 .( 2 分 )如 图 ,在 正 方形 ABCD 外 作 等 腰直 角 CDE , DE = CE ,连 接 BE , 则
tan EBC = .
18.(2 分)如图,已知抛物线 y = −x2 + px + q 的对称轴为直线 x = −3 ,过其顶点 M 的条直 线 y = kx + b 与该抛物线的另一个交点为 N(−1,1) .若要在 y 轴上找一点 P ,使得 PM + PN 最 小,则点 P 的坐标为 .
2023年江苏省苏州市姑苏区景范中学中考二模数学试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________2447.已知二次函数2y x ax b =++(a ,b 为常数).命题①:该函数的图像经过点(1,0);命题②:该函数的图像经过点(3,0);命题③:该函数的图像与x 轴的交点位于y 轴的两侧;命题④:该函数的图像的对称轴为直线1x =.如果这四个命题中只有一个命题是假命题,则这个假命题是( )A .命题①B .命题②C .命题③D .命题④ 8.如图,在ABCD Y 中,对角线,AC BD 相交于点O ,,4,60⊥=∠=︒AC BC BC ABC ,若EF 过点O 且与边,AB CD 分别相交于点E ,F ,设2,==BE x OE y ,则y 关于x 的函数图像大致为( )A .B .C .D .二、填空题多余3钱。
问人数、羊价各是多少?若设人数为x ,则可列方程为___________. 13.如图,在ABC ∆中,AD 平分,.BAC DE AB ∠⊥若2,1,AC DE ==则ACD S ∆=____.14.根据图象,不等式kx >﹣x +3的解集是_____.15.如图,、O B 两点是线段AC 的三等分点,以AB 为直径作O e ,点E 为O e 上一点,连接CE ,交O e 于点D ,连接、BD AE ,若点D 恰为线段CE 中点且2BD =,则AEC △周长为________.16.如图,已知等腰ABC V 中,1208ACB AC BC ∠=︒==,,点D 、E 分别为AB BC 、边上任意点,以DE 为直径作圆正好经过点C ,与AC 交于点F ,则CFE V面积最大值为________.三、解答题(1)本次调查的样本容量是________,统计表中m=________.。
2019-2020学年江苏省苏州市姑苏区景范中学九年级(上)月考数学试卷(9月份)一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1.(2011•顺城区二模)如果α∠是等边三角形的一个内角,那么cos α的值等于()A .12B .22C .32D .12.(3分)如图,在ABC ∆中,90C ∠=︒,5AB =,3BC =,则sin A 的值是()A .34B .43C .35D .453.(3分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)下列函数中,是二次函数的有()(1)2231y x x =++;(2)2156y x =+;(3)22(3)y x x =--;(4)212y x x =+-;A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个4.(3分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)抛物线231()352y x =-+-的顶点坐标是()A .1(2,3)-B .1(2-,3)-C .1(2,3)D .1(2-,3)5.(3分)(2017秋•资中县期末)对于二次函数2(1)2y x =-++的图象与性质,下列说法正确的是()A .对称轴是直线1x =,最小值是2B .对称轴是直线1x =,最大值是2C .对称轴是直线1x =-,最小值是2D .对称轴是直线1x =-,最大值是26.(3分)(2007•潍坊)如图,梯形ABCD 中,//AD BC ,45B ∠=︒,120D ∠=︒,8AB cm =,则DC 的长为()A .863cm B .463cm C .46cm D .8cm7.(3分)(2010•苏州)如图,在菱形ABCD 中,DE AB ⊥,3cos 5A =,2BE =,则tan DBE ∠的值()A .12B .2C .52D .558.(3分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)已知二次函数243y x x =-+,当0x >时,函数值y 的取值范围是()A .3y >B .3y <C .1y -D .13y - 9.(3分)(2007•泸州)已知函数2y ax ax =+与函数(0)ay a x=<,则它们在同一坐标系中的大致图象是()A .B .C .D .10.(3分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)如图,已知点E 是矩形ABCD 的对角线AC 上一动点,正方形EGH 的顶点G 都在边AD 上,若4AB =,5BC =,则tan AFE ∠的值()A .等于94B .等于45C .等于49D .随点E 位置的变化而变化二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)11.(2分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)若tan 10α-=,则α∠=.12.(2分)(2018秋•唐山期中)如图,在84⨯的矩形网格中,每格小正方形的边长都是1,若ABC ∆的三个顶点在图中相应的格点上,则tan ACB ∠的值为.13.(2分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)在ABC ∆中,若2|sin |tan )02A B -+-=,则C ∠的度数是.14.(2分)(2004•河北)若将二次函数223y x x =-+配方为2()y x h k =-+的形式,则y =.15.(2分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)若1(4,)A y -,2(1,)B y -,3(2,)C y 为二次函数2(2)3y x =-++的图象上的三点,则1y ,2y ,3y 小关系是.16.(2分)(2016•贵州一模)如果把抛物线221y x =-向左平移1个单位,同时向上平移4个单位,那么得到的新的抛物线是.17.(2分)(2016•菏泽)如图,在正方形ABCD 外作等腰直角CDE ∆,DE CE =,连接BE ,则tan EBC ∠=.18.(2分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)如图,已知抛物线2y x px q =-++的对称轴为直线3x =-,过其顶点M 的条直线y kx b =+与该抛物线的另一个交点为(1,1)N -.若要在y 轴上找一点P ,使得PM PN +最小,则点P 的坐标为.三、解答题:19.(10分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)计算:(1)2sin 303cos 604tan 45︒+︒-︒;(2)201sin 452016)6tan 302︒-+-+︒.20.(6分)(2013秋•锡山区校级期中)如图,在Rt ABC ∆中,90C ∠=︒,10AB =,1tan 2A ∠=,求BC 的长和sinB ∠的值.21.(6分)(2018•上海)如图,已知ABC ∆中,5AB BC ==,3tan 4ABC ∠=.(1)求边AC 的长;(2)设边BC 的垂直平分线与边AB 的交点为D ,求ADDB的值.22.(6分)如图,已知二次函数2()y a x h =-+(0,0)O ,(2,0)A .(1)写出该函数图象的对称轴;(2)若将线段OA 绕点O 逆时针旋转60︒到OA ',试判断点A '是否为该函数图象的顶点?23.(6分)(2018•合肥模拟)某片绿地的形状如图所示,其中60⊥,⊥,AD CD∠=︒,AB BCA≈=,求AD、BC的长.(精确到1m,3 1.732)CD mAB m200=,10024.(9分)(2015•巴中模拟)二次函数的图象经过点(0,3)C-.A-,(2,3)B-,(1,0)(1)求此二次函数的关系式;(2)求此二次函数图象的顶点坐标;(3)填空:把二次函数的图象沿坐标轴方向最少平移个单位,使得该图象的顶点在原点.25.(9分)(2019•高台县二模)如图,某人在山坡坡脚A处测得电视塔尖点C的仰角为60︒,沿山坡向上走到P处再测得点C的仰角为45︒,已知100OA=米,山坡坡度(竖直高度与水平宽度的比)1:2i=,且O、A、B在同一条直线上.求电视塔OC的高度以及此人所在位置点P的铅直高度.(测倾器高度忽略不计,结果保留根号形式)26.(10分)(2011•连云港)如图,抛物线212y x x a =-+与x 轴交于点A ,B ,与y 轴交于点C ,其顶点在直线2y x =-上.(1)求a 的值;(2)求A ,B 的坐标;(3)以AC ,CB 为一组邻边作ACBD ,则点D 关于x 轴的对称点D '是否在该抛物线上?请说明理由.27.(10分)(2013•龙湖区模拟)为缓解“停车难”的问题,某单位拟建筑地下停车库,建筑设计师提供了该地下停车库的设计示意图,按规定,地下停车库坡道口上方要张贴限高标志,以便告知停车人车辆能否安全驶入,为标明限高,请你根据该图计算CE .(精确到0.1)m (下列数据提供参考:sin 200.3420︒=,cos 200.9397︒=,tan 200.3640)︒=28.(12分)(2011•西城区二模)如图1,在Rt ABC ∆中,90C ∠=︒,9AC cm =,12BC cm =.在Rt DEF ∆中,90DFE ∠=︒,6EF cm =,8DF cm =.E ,F 两点在BC 边上,DE ,DF 两边分别与AB 边交于G ,H 两点.现固定ABC ∆不动,DEF ∆从点F 与点B 重合的位置出发,沿BC 以1/cm s 的速度向点C 运动,点P 从点F 出发,在折线FD DE -上以2/cm s 的速度向点E 运动.DEF ∆与点P 同时出发,当点E 到达点C 时,DEF ∆和点P 同时停止运动.设运动的时间是t (单位:)s ,0t >.(1)当2t =时,PH =cm ,DG =cm ;(2)t 为多少秒时PDE ∆为等腰三角形?请说明理由;(3)t 为多少秒时点P 与点G 重合?写出计算过程;(4)求tan PBF ∠的值(可用含t 的代数式表示).2019-2020学年江苏省苏州市姑苏区景范中学九年级(上)月考数学试卷(9月份)参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1.(2011•顺城区二模)如果α∠是等边三角形的一个内角,那么cos α的值等于()A .12B .22C .32D .1【解答】解:α∠ 是等边三角形的一个内角,60α∴∠=︒.1cos cos 602α∴=︒=.故选:A .2.(3分)如图,在ABC ∆中,90C ∠=︒,5AB =,3BC =,则sin A 的值是()A .34B .43C .35D .45【解答】解:3sin 5BC A AB ==.故选:C .3.(3分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)下列函数中,是二次函数的有()(1)2231y x x =++;(2)2156y x =+;(3)22(3)y x x =--;(4)212y x x =+;A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个【解答】解:(1)2231y x x=++,右边有分式,不是二次函数;(2)2156y x =+是二次函数;(3)22(3)69y x x x =--=-+,不是二次函数;(4)212y x x =+是二次函数.故是二次函数的有2个.故选:B .4.(3分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)抛物线231()352y x =-+-的顶点坐标是()A .1(2,3)-B .1(2-,3)-C .1(2,3)D .1(2-,3)【解答】解:由抛物线231()352y x =-+-可知顶点为1(2-,3)-.故选:B .5.(3分)(2017秋•资中县期末)对于二次函数2(1)2y x =-++的图象与性质,下列说法正确的是()A .对称轴是直线1x =,最小值是2B .对称轴是直线1x =,最大值是2C .对称轴是直线1x =-,最小值是2D .对称轴是直线1x =-,最大值是2【解答】解:2(1)2y x =-++ ,∴抛物线开口向下,对称轴为1x =-,∴当1x =-时,y 有最大值2,故选:D .6.(3分)(2007•潍坊)如图,梯形ABCD 中,//AD BC ,45B ∠=︒,120D ∠=︒,8AB cm =,则DC 的长为()A .863B .463C .6cmD .8cm【解答】解:如图,过A 作AE BC ⊥于点E ,过D 作DF BC ⊥于点F ,则四边形AEFD 为矩形.由题意知AEB ∆为等腰直角三角形,sin 4542DF AE AB ∴==︒=.120D ∠=︒ ,60C ∴∠=︒,86()sin 6032DF DF CD cm ∴===︒.故选:A .7.(3分)(2010•苏州)如图,在菱形ABCD 中,DE AB ⊥,3cos 5A =,2BE =,则tan DBE ∠的值()A .12B .2C 5D 5【解答】解:设菱形ABCD 边长为t .2BE = ,2AE t ∴=-.3cos 5A = ,∴35AE AD =.∴235t t -=.5t ∴=.523AE ∴=-=.2222534DE AD AE ∴--=.4tan 22DE DBE BE ∴∠===.故选:B .8.(3分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)已知二次函数243y x x =-+,当0x >时,函数值y 的取值范围是()A .3y >B .3y <C .1y -D .13y -【解答】解:如图,当0x =时,3y =,2243(2)1y x x x =-+=-- ,∴当2x >时,y 随x 的增大而减小,且y 有最小值1-,∴当0x >时,y 的取值范围是1y - .故选:C .9.(3分)(2007•泸州)已知函数2y ax ax =+与函数(0)ay a x=<,则它们在同一坐标系中的大致图象是()A .B .C .D .【解答】解:当0a <时,二次函数2y ax ax =+的图象开口向下,对称轴12x =-;函数ay x=的图象在二、四象限,符合题意的是图象B .故选B .10.(3分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)如图,已知点E 是矩形ABCD 的对角线AC 上一动点,正方形EGH 的顶点G 都在边AD 上,若4AB =,5BC =,则tan AFE ∠的值()A .等于94B .等于45C .等于49D .随点E 位置的变化而变化【解答】解://EH CD ,AEH ACD ∴∆∆∽.∴45HE AH =.设4EH x =,则5AH x =,4HG GF x ∴==.44tan tan 459x AFE FAG x x ∴∠=∠==+.故选:C .二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)11.(2分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)若tan 10α-=,则α∠=45︒.【解答】解:tan 10α-= ,tan 1α∴=,45α∴∠=︒,故答案为:45︒.12.(2分)(2018秋•唐山期中)如图,在84⨯的矩形网格中,每格小正方形的边长都是1,若ABC ∆的三个顶点在图中相应的格点上,则tan ACB ∠的值为13.【解答】解:由图形知:21tan 63ACB ∠==,故答案为:13.13.(2分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)在ABC ∆中,若2|sin tan )0A B +-=,则C ∠的度数是75︒.【解答】解: 22|sin |tan )02A B -+=,sin 02A ∴-=tan 0B -=,则sin 2A =,tan B =,45A ∴∠=︒,60B ∠=︒,18075C A B ∴∠=︒-∠-∠=︒,故答案为:75︒.14.(2分)(2004•河北)若将二次函数223y x x =-+配方为2()y x h k =-+的形式,则y =2(1)2x -+.【解答】解:22223(21)2(1)2y x x x x x =-+=-++=-+故本题答案为:2(1)2y x =-+.15.(2分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)若1(4,)A y -,2(1,)B y -,3(2,)C y 为二次函数2(2)3y x =-++的图象上的三点,则1y ,2y ,3y 小关系是213y y y >>.【解答】解:2(2)3y x =-++的开口向下,对称轴为直线2x =-,1(4,)A y -、2(1,)B y -、3(2,)C y 三点到对称轴的距离分别为2,1,4,213y y y ∴>>,故答案为213y y y >>.16.(2分)(2016•贵州一模)如果把抛物线221y x =-向左平移1个单位,同时向上平移4个单位,那么得到的新的抛物线是22(1)3y x =++.【解答】解:原抛物线的顶点为(0,1)-,向左平移1个单位,同时向上平移4个单位,那么新抛物线的顶点为(1,3)-;可设新抛物线的解析式为22()y x h k =-+,代入得:22(1)3y x =++.17.(2分)(2016•菏泽)如图,在正方形ABCD 外作等腰直角CDE ∆,DE CE =,连接BE ,则tan EBC ∠=13.【解答】解:作EF BC ⊥于F ,如图,设DE CE a ==,CDE ∆为等腰直角三角形,CD ∴==,45DCE ∠=︒, 四边形ABCD为正方形,CB CD ∴==,90BCD ∠=︒,45ECF ∴∠=︒,CEF ∴∆为等腰直角三角形,22CF EF ∴===,在Rt BEF ∆中,12tan 3EFEBF BF∠==,即1tan 3EBC ∠=.故答案为13.18.(2分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)如图,已知抛物线2y x px q =-++的对称轴为直线3x =-,过其顶点M 的条直线y kx b =+与该抛物线的另一个交点为(1,1)N -.若要在y 轴上找一点P ,使得PM PN +最小,则点P 的坐标为(0,2).【解答】解:如图,作N 点关于y 轴的对称点N ',连接MN '交y 轴于P 点,将N 点坐标代入抛物线,并联立对称轴,得3211pp q ⎧-=-⎪-⎨⎪--+=⎩,解得64p q =-⎧⎨=-⎩,2264(3)5y x x x =---=-++,(3,5)M -.N 点关于y 轴的对称点(1,1)N ',设MN '的解析式为y kx b =+,将M 、N '代入函数解析式,得135k b k b +=⎧⎨-+=⎩,解得12k b =-⎧⎨=⎩,MN '的解析式为2y x =-+,当0x =时,2y =,即(0,2)P ,故选:A .三、解答题:19.(10分)(2019秋•姑苏区校级月考)计算:(1)2sin 303cos 604tan 45︒+︒-︒;(2)201sin 4527(32016)6tan 302︒-+-+︒.【解答】解:(1)2sin 303cos 604tan 45︒+︒-︒11234122=⨯+⨯-⨯3142=+-32=-;(2)201sin 452016)6tan 302︒-+-+︒2162=-+⨯1122=-+1=-.20.(6分)(2013秋•锡山区校级期中)如图,在Rt ABC ∆中,90C ∠=︒,10AB =,1tan 2A ∠=,求BC 的长和sinB ∠的值.【解答】解:1tan 2BC A AC ∠== ,2AC BC ∴=,在Rt ABC ∆中,222AC BC AB +=,即222(2)10BC BC +=,解得BC =,2AC BC ∴==sin 105AC B AB ∠===.21.(6分)(2018•上海)如图,已知ABC ∆中,5AB BC ==,3tan 4ABC ∠=.(1)求边AC 的长;(2)设边BC 的垂直平分线与边AB 的交点为D ,求ADDB的值.【解答】解:(1)作A 作AE BC ⊥,在Rt ABE ∆中,3tan 4AE ABC BE ∠==,5AB =,3AE ∴=,4BE =,541CE BC BE ∴=-=-=,在Rt AEC ∆中,根据勾股定理得:223110AC =+;(2)DF 垂直平分BC ,BD CD ∴=,52BF CF ==,3tan 4DF DBF BF ∠== ,158DF ∴=,在Rt BFD ∆中,根据勾股定理得:2251525()()288BD =+=,2515588AD ∴=-=,则35AD BD =.22.(6分)(2014•泉州)如图,已知二次函数2()3y a x h =-+的图象经过原点(0,0)O ,(2,0)A .(1)写出该函数图象的对称轴;(2)若将线段OA 绕点O 逆时针旋转60︒到OA ',试判断点A '是否为该函数图象的顶点?【解答】解:(1) 二次函数2()3y a x h =-+(0,0)O ,(2,0)A .解得:1h =,3a =,∴抛物线的对称轴为直线1x =;(2)点A '是该函数图象的顶点.理由如下:如图,作A B x '⊥轴于点B ,线段OA 绕点O 逆时针旋转60︒到OA ',2OA OA ∴'==,60A OA ∠'=︒,在Rt △A OB '中,30OA B ∠'=︒,112OB OA ∴='=,33A B OB ∴'==,A ∴'点的坐标为3),∴点A '为抛物线23(1)3y x =--+23.(6分)(2018•合肥模拟)某片绿地的形状如图所示,其中60A ∠=︒,AB BC ⊥,AD CD ⊥,200AB m =,100CD m =,求AD 、BC 的长.(精确到1m 3 1.732)≈【解答】解:如图,延长AD ,交BC 的延长线于点E ,在Rt ABE ∆中,由200AB m =,60A ∠=︒得tan 2003BE AB A m == 400cos60ABAE m==︒在Rt CDE ∆中,由100CD m =,9030CED A ∠=︒-∠=︒,得2200CE CD m ==,1003tan CDDE mCED==∠4001003227AD AE DE m m ∴=-=-≈2003200146BC BE CE m=-=-≈答:AD 的长约为227m ,BC 的长约为146m .24.(9分)(2015•巴中模拟)二次函数的图象经过点(0,3)A -,(2,3)B -,(1,0)C -.(1)求此二次函数的关系式;(2)求此二次函数图象的顶点坐标;(3)填空:把二次函数的图象沿坐标轴方向最少平移5个单位,使得该图象的顶点在原点.【解答】解:(1)设23y ax bx =+-,把点(2,3)-,(1,0)-代入得423330a b a b +-=-⎧⎨--=⎩,解方程组得12a b =⎧⎨=-⎩,则223y x x =--;(也可设2(1))y a x k =-+(2)2223(1)4y x x x =--=--,故函数的顶点坐标为(1,4)-;(3)|10||40|5-+--=.故答案为:5.25.(9分)(2019•高台县二模)如图,某人在山坡坡脚A 处测得电视塔尖点C 的仰角为60︒,沿山坡向上走到P 处再测得点C 的仰角为45︒,已知100OA =米,山坡坡度(竖直高度与水平宽度的比)1:2i =,且O 、A 、B 在同一条直线上.求电视塔OC 的高度以及此人所在位置点P 的铅直高度.(测倾器高度忽略不计,结果保留根号形式)【解答】解:作PE OB ⊥于点E ,PF CO ⊥于点F ,在Rt AOC ∆中,100AO =,60CAO ∠=︒,tan 60CO AO ∴=︒= (米).设PE x =米,1tan 2PE PAB AE ∠== ,2AE x ∴=.在Rt PCF ∆中,45CPF ∠=︒,CF x =-,1002PF OA AE x =+=+,PF CF = ,1002x x ∴+=-,解得1)3x -=(米).答:电视塔OC 高为米,点P 的铅直高度为1)3-(米).26.(10分)(2011•连云港)如图,抛物线212y x x a =-+与x 轴交于点A ,B ,与y 轴交于点C ,其顶点在直线2y x =-上.(1)求a 的值;(2)求A ,B 的坐标;(3)以AC ,CB 为一组邻边作ACBD ,则点D 关于x 轴的对称点D '是否在该抛物线上?请说明理由.【解答】解:(1) 抛物线212y x x a =-+其顶点在直线2y x =-上.∴抛物线212y x x a =-+,21(2)2x x a =-+,211(1)22x a =--+,∴顶点坐标为:1(1,)2a -+,2y x ∴=-,1212a -+=-⨯,32a ∴=-;(2)二次函数解析式为:21322y x x =--, 抛物线21322y x x =--与x 轴交于点A ,B ,213022x x ∴=--,整理得:2230x x --=,解得:1x =-或3,(1,0)A -,(3,0)B ;(3)作出平行四边形ACBD ,作DE AB ⊥,在AOC ∆和BDE ∆中DEB AOC DBE CAO BD AC ∠=∠⎧⎪∠=∠⎨⎪=⎩()AOC BED AAS ∴∆≅∆,1AO = ,1BE ∴=,二次函数解析式为:21322y x x =--,∴图象与y 轴交点坐标为:3(0,)2-,32CO ∴=,32DE ∴=,D 点的坐标为:3(2,)2,∴点D 关于x 轴的对称点D '坐标为:3(2,2-,代入解析式21322y x x =--, 左边32=-,右边13342222=⨯--=-,D ∴'点在函数图象上.27.(10分)(2013•龙湖区模拟)为缓解“停车难”的问题,某单位拟建筑地下停车库,建筑设计师提供了该地下停车库的设计示意图,按规定,地下停车库坡道口上方要张贴限高标志,以便告知停车人车辆能否安全驶入,为标明限高,请你根据该图计算CE .(精确到0.1)m (下列数据提供参考:sin 200.3420︒=,cos 200.9397︒=,tan 200.3640)︒=【解答】解:20BAD ∠=︒ ,9AB =,tan 2090.3640 3.276()BD AB m ∴=︒=⨯= ,0.5BC = ,3.2760.5 2.776()CD BD BC m ∴=-=-=,在Rt CDE ∆中,20DCE A ∠=∠=︒,cos cos 20 2.7760.9397 2.6()CE CD CDE CD m ∴=∠=︒=⨯≈ .答:CE 的长约为2.6m .28.(12分)(2011•西城区二模)如图1,在Rt ABC ∆中,90C ∠=︒,9AC cm =,12BC cm =.在Rt DEF ∆中,90DFE ∠=︒,6EF cm =,8DF cm =.E ,F 两点在BC 边上,DE ,DF 两边分别与AB 边交于G ,H 两点.现固定ABC ∆不动,DEF ∆从点F 与点B 重合的位置出发,沿BC 以1/cm s 的速度向点C 运动,点P 从点F 出发,在折线FD DE -上以2/cm s 的速度向点E 运动.DEF ∆与点P 同时出发,当点E 到达点C 时,DEF ∆和点P 同时停止运动.设运动的时间是t (单位:)s ,0t >.(1)当2t =时,PH =52cm ,DG =cm ;(2)t 为多少秒时PDE ∆为等腰三角形?请说明理由;(3)t 为多少秒时点P 与点G 重合?写出计算过程;(4)求tan PBF ∠的值(可用含t 的代数式表示).【解答】解:(1)当2t =,得到2BF =,4PF =,根据::BF BC HF AC =,即可求出HF ,从而得到PH ;8BE =,利用Rt BEG Rt BAC ∆∆∽,可求出EG ,得到DG 由题意即:52PH =,265DG =;(2)只有点P 在DF 边上运动时,PDE ∆才能成为等腰三角形,且PD PE =.(如图1)BF t = ,2PF t =,8DF =,82PD DF PF t ∴=-=-.在Rt PEF ∆中,22222436PE PF EF t PD =+=+=.即22436(82)t t +=-.解得78t =.t ∴为78时PDE ∆为等腰三角形;(3)设当DEF ∆和点P 运动的时间是t 时,点P 与点G 重合,此时点P 一定在DE 边上,DP DG =.由已知可得93tan 124AC B BC ===,63tan 84D ==,B D ∴∠=∠,又90D DEB ∠+∠=︒ ,90B DEB ∴∠+∠=︒,90DGH BFH ∴∠=∠=︒.3tan 4FH BF B t ∴== ,384DH DF FH t =-=-,34332cos (8)4555DG DH D t t ==-=-+ ,2DP DF t += ,28DP t ∴=-.由DP DG =得,3322855t t -=-+,解得7213t =,724613<< ,则此时点P 在DE 边上.t ∴的值为7213时,点P 与点G 重合.(4)当04t < 时,点P 在DF 边上运动(如图1),tan 2PF PBF BF ∠==.当46t < 时,点P 在DE 边上运动(如图2),作PS BC ⊥于S ,则tan PS PBF BS ∠=;可得10(28)182PEDE DPt t =-=--=-.此时4872cos cos (182)555PS PE EPS PE D t t =∠==-=-+ ,3654sin sin (182)555ES PE EPS PE D t t =∠==-=-+ ,65411246()5555BS BF EF ES t t t ∴=+-=+--+=-,728tan 1124PS t PBF BS t -∴∠==-,综上所述,2(04)tan 728(46)1124t PBF t t t <⎧⎪∠=-⎨<⎪-⎩ .(以上时间单位均为s ,线段长度单位均为)cm。
2021年苏州市景范中学校高三英语月考试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThe Internet has revolutionized our lives to such an extent (程度) that for most people, the global network has become more than just a tool but rather an important aid in everyday life. More and more people go online as wireless networks have brought the Internet closer and closer: it’s on our mobile phones, in our cars and TV sets, in hospital surgery rooms and in fishing boats that battle the waves of the Atlantic.And this revolution has brought along with it a new way of shopping. Both big and small, e-business websites have flooded the Internet by the hundreds of thousands. Anything you can buy from a brick and mortar store (实体店) you can also buy online: from food and clothes to toys, no matter what you’re looking for, you’re bound to find the right online store with just a few clicks of the mouse. You can use the Internet to find new suppliers, post buying requests or search for products and services.This revolution has affected brick and mortar business owners greatly. And what was their reaction? They’ve opened online stores to go hand in hand with their conventional business.But do the big players have reasons to be afraid? Are we going to start seeing ghostly, deserted Walmarts (沃尔玛) across the country? Probably not in the near future but the day will come when most people will just stop shopping offline anymore. A trip to Walmart wastes time, burns gas.The recent advancements in mobile technology and the introduction of mobile phones with enhanced (提高的) web capabilities have even made some people order their groceries when they get out from work and have them delivered at their doorstep by the time they get home. And as “Time is money”, this practice is lifesaving for people whowork two jobs.Technology will continue to advance and e-business will follow closely in its footsteps. Everything will become easier and less time consuming, leaving us more time to enjoy the things that really matter in life: the ones we love, our friends and hobbies.1. What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?A. The popularity of mobile phones.B. The great influence of the Internet.C. The importance of the Internet.D. The function of the global network.2. In response to the threat of online business, the brick-and-mortar store owners________.A. have stopped their traditional businessB. have started their dislike of the InternetC. have established their own websiteD. have opened their online stores3. What would be the best title for the passage?A. A New Way of Shopping.B. The Internet Revolution.C. What is the Reaction to Online Shopping?D. Is Online Shopping the Future of E-business?BTaking an afternoon nap could keep your brain sharp, a new study has said. Adults ages 60 and older who took afternoon naps showed signs of better mental ability compared to those who didn’t nap, according to a study published in General Psychiatry earlier this week.Researchers analyzed napping habits in 2, 214 older Chinese people and measured their cognitive abilities using several cognitive tests. Participants took the Mini-Mental State Examination and theBeijingversion of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, both of which test for memory, language and other cognitive abilities. In every category listed in the study, nappers tested statistically higher on average compared to their non-napping counterparts.Researchers did not gather data from people under 60, so a correlation cannot be drawn between napping and younger generations. The study also noted that there are conflicting studies about the benefits and risks of napping.Sleeping behaviors can be affected by a multitude of factors, said Dr. David Neubauer, associate professor atJohnsHopkinsUniversity. “Daily routines, medication use and sleep disorders can all play a role in how frequently someone takes a nap.” he said.Neubauer recommended taking a shorter “power nap” of up to 20 minutes to decrease the chances of transitioning into slow-wave sleep, which makes people feel groggy when they wake up. “Napping can be a healthy part of an older adult’s day”, Neubauer acknowledged, but make sure “sleepiness isn’t due to a treatable nighttime sleep disorder.” Older individuals who want to do all they can to preserve their cognitive functioningshould put nighttime sleep first.4. What is the best way to keep a better cognitive ability for the old?A. Take a nap every day.B. Take sleep disorder seriously.C. Have a good sleep at night.D. Do exercise regularly.5. How did the researchers reach the conclusion?A. By taking the examinations and assessment.B. By analyzing napping habits and giving tests.C. By measuring nappers’ ability and analyzing them.D. By doing an experiment.6. Which has NO effect on one’s sleeping behaviors?A. Taking a nap.B. Medicine treatmentC. Sleep problemsD. Everyday activities.7. What can we know about “slow-wave sleep”?A. It appears in short nap up to 20 minutes.B. People should avoid it in their naps.C. It is a healthy part of an elder’s day.D. It was recommended by Neubauer.CHave you ever been on social media and seen your favorite celebrity talking about a product? These promotions might not be totally random, and are actually seen as a vital part of the marketing process. The question is: How do social media influencers ‘influence’ what you buy?Human desire for status and making friends, combined with our need to belong to a group, makes us receptive to being ‘socially influenced’. Companies often use that desire to have a similar lifestyle to a celebrity we admire to sell or launch a product. So, what do these promotions actually do?Firstly, they can be used to build brand awareness. A social media influencer should have a strong understanding of the platform they operate on, and therefore can create appealing content that not only sticks tothe brand image, but sparks their followers’ interests in a product they might never have seen before.Secondly, influencers can improve a company or product’s relationship with their customer base. According to InMoment’s 2018 US Retail CX Trends Report on customer loyalty, 77% of buyers have been brand loyal for more than ten years. This is also true of 60% of millennials. A popular celebrity can target key customers and talk or blog about a product, which can create an instant and lasting bond with them.Lastly, influencers can improve customer buying habits with seemingly ‘unbiased opinions’. We are more likely to respond to ‘peer recommendation’ than traditional ads, meaning the fact we see an influencer as a ‘friend’ can make us less likely to be doubtful about what we are seeing.So, the next time you see a celebrity talking about a product, you might want to consider that this could be a carefully worked-out marketing strategy designed to target your core needs. If you find yourself examining a product you’ve seen on social media, you may well have been influenced.8. Why do companies invite celebrities to launch products?A. Because celebrities can improve the companies’ public images.B. Because consumers like to share similarity with celebrities.C. Because celebrities want to make more money.D. Because consumers can make friends with celebrities.9. According to the passage, which strategy is often used by influencers?A. Setting up operation platforms.B. Sending gifts to customers.C. Improving relationship with the company.D. Taking advantage of their popularity.10. To customers, the recommendations of influencers seem to be ________.A. offensiveB. subjectiveC. objectiveD. misleading11. The passage is mainly about ________.A. how social media make adsB. how social media influence our lifestyleC. how social influencers affect our buyingD. how celebrities earn fameDThe secrets of dreaming are always interesting psychologists. It is generally acknowledged in the field that dreams people have during this time betweenchildhood and full adulthood, that’s around 30, are the strongest and most influential. Yet not enough is known about the repeated patterns of dreaming. Researchers are still trying to answer a basic question: How does dreaming relate to the life experiences and developmental challenges?G. William Domhoff and Adam Schneider, at theUniversityofCalifornia, help to answer this question by examining the lengthy dream series of two individuals, “Izzy” and “Jasmine”. Izzy provided a collection of 4, 329 dream reports from between the ages of 12 and 25, while Jasmine provided 664 dreams recorded between the ages of 14 and 25.Large collections of dreams like these pose challenges to researchers. Until recently, the means of studying dream series was to employ a team of recorders who take the time to code each dream for a predetermined(预先确定的)number of content categories, and then compare their results. Nowadays, digital technologies enable the analysis of language usage in dreams with high speed, accuracy, and objectivity. This marks a revolutionary advance in the science of dreaming. However,itcan only lead so far.To gain more specific and detailed insights, Domhoff and Schneider tailored word strings(词串)for each dreamer, mixing elements of traditional research with digital tools for analyzing large data sets. For Izzy these word strings included “family and s”, “celebrities” and “fantasy”, while the word strings they created for Jasmine included “familiar places,” electrical equipment” and “music”. The researchers used these word strings to identify connections between their dreams and real lives. Surprisingly, the results of the analysis revealed a great deal of consistency(一致性)and continuity in both sets of dreams. Izzy pays much attention to pop culture, and has affection for famous actors. Jasmine is an accomplished musician and performer.“The frequencies of dream elements show the intensity(强度)of the dreamer’s personal concern with that element in waking thought,” Domhoff and Schneider conclude. For anyone who still claims dreaming is merely random nonsense from the brain and mental world, these findings are hard to explain away.12. What do psychologists agree with about dreams?A. Dreams are influenced by life experiences.B. Dreaming is never nonsense from the brain.C. Dreams in one’s teens and twenties are strongest.D The patterns of dreaming are usually repeated.13. What does “it” underlined in paragraph 3 refer to?A. The collection of dreams.B. Research into dreaming.C. The digital method.D. The challenge for psychologists.14. How do the researchers conduct their study?A. By analyzing large data sets.B. By developing individualized word strings.C. By identifying the patterns of dreaming.D. By making comparison with traditional research.15. Which can be the best title for the text?A. New tech, new findingB. Dreams: reflections of waking realityC. Lives, languages, dreamsD. Life experiences: elements of mental world第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
江苏省苏州市2022届九年级数学12月月考试题 苏科版
![江苏省苏州市2022届九年级数学12月月考试题 苏科版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/15f59d04aeaad1f347933f14.png)
2022~2022学年第一学期12月份九年级数学调研测试卷友情提示:答案做在答题卷上一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,若将各边长度都扩大为原来的2倍,则∠A的正弦值()A.扩大为2倍 B.缩小为12倍 C.扩大为4倍 D.不变2.方程2-4=0的解是()A.=4 B.1=1,2=4 C.1=0,2=4 D.1=1,2=-43.在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,若t a n A=,则∠A=()A.30° B.45° C.60° D.90°4.抛物线=2-4-7的顶点坐标是()A.2,-11 B.(-2,7 C.2,11 D.(2,-35.已知⊙O1的半径长为3cm,⊙O2的半径长为4cm,两圆的圆心距O1O2为1cm,则这两圆的位置关系是()A.相交 B.内含 C.内切 D.外切6.计算一组数据:8,9,10,11,12的方差为()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.47.如图,AB是⊙O的直径,弦CD⊥AB,垂足为E,如果AB=20,CD=16.那么线段OE的长为()A.4 B.8 C.5 D.68.如图,将一个Rt△ABC形状的楔子从木桩的底端点6cm B.6co15°cmC.6tan15°cm D.6tan15cm9.如图,以AB为直径的⊙O与AD、DC、BC均相切,若AB=BC=4,则OD的长度为() A. B. C. D.210.如图为二次函数=a2+b+c的图象,在下列说法中:①a c2a0;④当>时,随的增大而增大;⑤对于任意均有a2+a≥a+b,正确的说法有()A.5个 B.4个 C.3个 D.2个第17题()BA二、填空题:(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分) 11.已知tan α=512,α是锐角,则in α=________ 12.函数21(1)21my m x mx +=--+是抛物线,则=13.若某人沿坡度i =1:2在的斜坡前进300m ,则他在水平方向上走了________m . 14.某商店10月份的利润为600元,12月份的利润达到864元,则平均每月利润增长的百分率是 .15.已知圆锥的母线长为4,底面半径为2,则圆锥的侧面积等于 .(结果保留π)16.如图,在Rt△ABC 中,∠C=90°,AM 是BC 边上的中线,in∠CAM=35,则t a nB 的值为 .17.如图,⊙O 的弦CD 与直径AB 相交,若∠BAD=50°,则∠ACD=______.18.若A -4,1,B -1,2,C1,3为二次函数=2+4-5的图像上的二点,则1,2,3的从小到大顺序是 .2022~2022学年第一学期12月份初三数学调研答题卷二、填空题:(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分)第16题()MCBA11. ________ 12. 13. .14. . 15. 16. . 17. .18. . 三、解答题(本大题共10小题,共76分.解答时应写出必要的计箅过程、推演步骤或文字说明,作图时用2B 铅笔或黑色墨水签字笔. 19.(本题8分,每小题4分)计算:1316248--; 2()02012tan 602cos30+︒-︒.20.(本题8分,每小题4分)解方程:1 2+=02 22-31=021.(本题8分)已知函数=-122+2-32. 1写出它的顶点坐标 ;2在平面直角坐标系中画出它的简图: 3根据图象回答:取什么值时,>0.22.如图,为迎接中国---东盟博览会,在某建筑物AC 上,挂着一宣传条幅BC ,小明站在点F 处,看条幅顶端B ,测的仰角为,再往条幅方向前行20米到达点E 处,,看到条幅顶端B ,测的仰角为,求宣传条幅BC 的长,(小明的身高不计,结果保留根号)23.(本题满分6分)如图,AB是⊙O的直径,点D在⊙O上,∠DAB=45°,BC∥AD,CD∥AB,已知⊙O的半径为1.1圆心O到BD的距离是;2求图中阴影部分的面积结果保留π.24.(本题6分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A,B,C的坐标分别为0,2,3,2,2,3.1请在图中画出△ABC向下平移3个单位的图像△A'B'C';2若一个二次函数的图象经过1中△A'B'C'的三个顶点,求此二次函数的关系式.25.(本题满分9分)如图,△ABC内接于⊙O,AB=AC,弦AD交BC于点E,AE=4,ED=5.1求证:AD平分∠BDC;2求AC的长;3若∠BCD的平分线CI与AD相交于点I,求证:AI=AC.26.本题满分9分 李经理到张家果园里一次性采购一种水果,他俩商定:李经理的采购价元/吨与采购量吨之间函数关系的图象如图中的折线段ABC 所示不包含端点A ,但包含端点C .⑴如果采购量满足40x 20≤≤,求与之间的函数关系式;⑵已知张家种植水果的成本是 2 800元/吨,李经理的采购量满足40x 20≤≤,那么当采购量为多少时,张家在这次买卖中所获的利润w 最大最大利润是多少27.(本题满分10分)已知抛物线=a 2﹣2a ﹣3a(a <0)与轴交于A 、B 两点(点A 在点B 的左侧),与轴交于点C ,点D 为抛物线的顶点.(1)求A 、B 的坐标;(2)过点D 作DH 丄轴于点H ,若DH=HC ,求a 的值和直线CD 的解析式;(3)在第(2)小题的条件下,直线CD 与轴交于点E ,过线段OB 的中点N 作NF 丄轴,并交直线CD 于点F ,则直线NF 上是否存在点M ,使得点M 到直线CD 的距离等于点M 到原点O 的距离若存在,求出点M 的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由.数学月考参考答案一、选择题: DCCAC BDCAC 二、填空题:135;-1;2200;20%;8;32;40°;312y y y 三、解答题:19、622-;1 20、(1)0,-1;(2)1,2121、(1)(2,21) (3)1﹤﹤3 22、310 23、(1)22 (2)4423π- 24、123221-+-=x x y 25、1∵AB=AC,∴弧AB=弧AC,∴∠ADB=∠ADC,即AD 平分∠BDC(2)∵弧AB=弧AC ,∴∠ADC=∠ACB,∵∠CAE=∠ADC,∴△ACE∽△ADC, ∴AC²=AE*AD=4*(45)=36,∴AC=6,(3)∵∠AIC=∠ICD∠IDC ,∠ACI=∠ACB∠ICB ,又∵∠IDC=∠ACB ,∠ICD=∠ICB ,∴∠ACI=∠AIC,∴AI=AC26、当20,≤≤40时,,将B (20,8000),C (40,4000),代入=b ,得,解得: =-20222000(20≤≤40);(2)当20<≤40时, W=(-20222000-2800)=-20229200,当=- 23时, W 最大= =105800元.27、解:(1)由=0得,a2﹣2a ﹣3a=0,∵a≠0,∴2﹣2﹣3=0,解得1=﹣1,2=3, ∴点A 的坐标(﹣1,0),点B 的坐标(3,0); (2)由=a 2﹣2a ﹣3a ,令=0,得=﹣3a ,∴C(0,﹣3a ),又∵=a 2﹣2a ﹣3a=a (﹣1)2﹣4a ,得D (1,﹣4a ), ∴DH=1,CH=﹣4a ﹣(﹣3a )=﹣a , ∴﹣a=1,∴a=﹣1, ∴C(0,3),D (1,4),设直线CD 的解析式为=b ,把C 、D 两点的坐标代入得,⎩⎨⎧=+=43b k b ,解得⎩⎨⎧==13k b , ∴直线CD 的解析式为=3; (3)存在.由(2)得,E (﹣3,0),N (﹣23,0) ∴F(23,29),EN=29,作MQ⊥CD 于Q ,设存在满足条件的点M (23,m ),则FM=29﹣m ,EF=229292922=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛,MQ=OM=249m +由题意得:Rt△FQM∽Rt△FNE,∴EN MQ =EF FM ,整理得4m236m ﹣63=0,∴m29m=463, m29m 481=463481 (m 29)2=4144 m 29=±212∴m1=23,m2=﹣221,∴点M 的坐标为M1(23,23),M2(23,﹣221).。
Ⅰ. 单项选择1、—Did anyone call me when I was out?—Yes. A man who called Tom.A.himself B.yourself C.myself2、It’s very nice you my parents your best wishes when you come to see them.A.of; giving B.for; giving C.for; to give D.of; to give3、A survey about cycling to work was made among two hundred people. According tothe result below, the people who choose cycling because of health and fitness are _______ more than those who choose cycling because of no parking problems.A.60 B.72 C.304、---The film Coco is very Interesting, isn't it?---Yes. But I don't think_____ likes watching itA.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody5、—What will happen if we __________ the party tomorrow?—Half the class won’t come.A.have B.had C.are having D.will have6、—What’s your favorite fruit?—I like ______ best.A.apples B.broccoli C.potatoes D.cabbages7、-Could you please when you go out? It smells terrible in the room.-Sure. But where should I put it?A.take out the trash B.sweep the floorC.turn off the light D.fold the clothes8、— Why did you get angry with your mother?—She always ________ me ______ my elder sister, but we are really different.A.mixes... with B.compares... with C.introduces... to9、-- I like the two dresses, but I can only afford ______ of them.-- I suggest you take the white one.A.allB.bothC.neitherD.either10、The Little Prince is ______ favorite book.A.he B.his C.him D.himselfⅡ. 完形填空11、Time is very important in our life. But I never knew its importance until I 1 a watch from my father.I got this gift on a gray-sky day. I had to 2 my uncle Ali at the airport(机场) at 9:00 a.m.and then take him to my father's 3 . However, I forgot all about it 4 I was playing with my friends. Later on that day, around 11:00 a.m., I 5 my uncle, but I was late fo r him. He had got off the 6 and taken a taxi to my father's house by himself.I 7 my father's house at 2:00 p.m.that day. My father looked quite 8 . He looked at me angrily and asked me to sit next to him. He didn't say 9 for a while. Then he handed(递给) me a 10 and said, “Essa, did you have fun 11 your friends today? Y ou should feel sorry for 12 . What you did today was not nice!”I said 13 to my uncle and promised my father that I wouldn't make such a 14 again.From then on, I always wear the watch wherever I go. It's important to me not because of its price but because I learned a lesson from my father: “Respect(尊重) time and 15 be late! Time is very important in our life.”1.A.won B.bought C.got D.borrowed2.A.meet B.invite C.send D.accept3.A.farm B.house C.office D.factory4.A.unless B.though C.before D.because5.A.saw B.visited C.found D.remembered6.A.bus B.train C.plane D.ship7.A.reached B.missed C.left D.shared8.A.angry B.surprised C.hungry D.relaxed9.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something10.A.ring B.wallet C.card D.watch11.A.for B.with C.about D.without12.A.myself B.yourself C.herself D.himself13.A.sorry B.hello C.thanks D.goodbye14.A.plan B.joke C.mistake D.resolution15.A.never B.often C.always D.sometimeⅢ. 语法填空12、根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。
第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。
Ⅰ. 单项选择1、—What about the fire happened yesterday?—Not serious. Before the firemen came, it had been ______________ by the villagers.A.put away B.put up C.put on D.put out2、Lucy got plenty of pocket money during Spring Festival, so she can _____ /əˈfɔ:rd/ the bike.A.avoid B.attend C.afford D.around3、—What should we do if we want to make Hainan more beautiful?—I think a lot more trees _______.A.must plant B.have to plant C.should be planted4、In most museums, there is no shouting and running, and you ________ not touch anything.A.must B.might C.need D.have to5、—What kind of books do you like?—I like funny storybooks. They're very_.A.boring B.lazy C.quiet D.interesting6、Shirley is the girl ______ taught me how to use Wechat(微信).A.whom B.which C.who7、-The young writer is still unknown to people, isn’t he?-______________. His books sell well both at home and abroad.A.Y es; he isn’t B.No; he isn’t C.Yes; he is D.No; he is8、Life the 1900s was very different from what it is now.A.in B.on C.from D.by9、—I’ve tried to remove these ________ in the carpet but it won’t go away. Can you help me?--You can try this heavy-duty cleanser. I think it will work.A.grades B.points C.signs D.marks10、— I think the plan is just a waste of time. What do you think?—Well, if you don’t support the plan, ________.A.neither do I B.so do I C.neither will I D.so will IⅡ. 完形填空11、完型填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C 3个选项中,选出1个最佳答案。
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( ) 1.What’s the man’s animal sign?A. B. C.( ) 2. How does the woman go to work every day?A. B. C.( ) 3. What is the man’s favourite activity in his free time?A. B. C.( ) 4. Where will the two speakers go tomorrow?A. B. C.( ) 5. How many times has the man been to China in all?A. TwiceB. Three timesC. Once( ) 6. Where are they talking?A. In a shopping centre.B. In a bookstore.C. In a library.( ) 7. How often does the train leave for Shanghai?A. Every 25 minutes.B. Every 30 minutes.C. Every 40 minutes.( ) 8. What did the woman do yesterday evening?A. She saw a film.B. She went to a meeting.C. She took care of her baby.( ) 9. How did the boy feel about the news?A. Sad.B. Glad.C. He didn’t say anything about it. ( ) 10. What does the man mean?A. The fridge is too expensive to repair.B. Nothing is wrong with the fridge.C. The fridge is not worth repairing.第二部分听对话和短文回答问题。
( ) 11. Where did John study in Australia? A. Canberra. B. Sydney. C. New Castle.( ) 12. How long has John stayed in Australia? A. Two weeks. B. Six weeks. C. Eight weeks.听第一篇短文,回答第13至15小题。
How to learn a language wellWhat’s the writer’s opinion of learning a language? ______13________.What should you do when people laugh at your mistakes? We should _____14________.We should _____15_______ when we make a mistake.(( ) 14. A. be sad B. not be sad C. feel worried( ) 15. A. keep quiet B. get angry C. keep our sense of humour听第二篇短文,回答第16至20小题。
( ) 16. What does the speaker think of young students’ taking part-time jobs?A. It’s usual.B. It’s special.C. It’s boring.( ) 17. What do part-time jobs also help young students get?A. Pets.B. Information.C. Pocket money.( ) 18. Why do some people need dog walkers?A. They don’t like dogs.B. They don’t like walking.C. They don’t have time. ( )19. What does a golf course worker do? A. He/She plays golf all the time.B. He/She picks up balls for players.C. He/She cleans the golf course. ( ) 20. When do parents need childcare workers?A. Any time in the day.B. On weekends.C. When they are at work.二、单项选择(本大题共15分,每小题1分)1.--It is ______ 110-minute documentary and it has _____ lasting value.A.an,/ B. a, / C. the, a D. a, a2.It’s easy to ____ the differences between them, because they have little ________.A.say; in styleB.speak; in generalC.tell; in commonD.tell; in size3.The other team lost to ours in yesterday’s final,___I admired them for their excellent teamwork.A.sinceB.because C although D.whenever4.The _______ of his grandma made him even _______ .A.death;sadderB.dead;sadlyC.dying;sadD.die;sadness5.--- Are you sure you don’t mind if I can’t _____ ? ----_________.A. work it out; Yes, of courseB. work it out; No,of courseC. work out it; NO,of course notD.work out it; Yes, of course6. H e’s seldom seen to smile at others, _____? _____, he is always a strict person.A.is he; YesB.isn’t he; YesC.is he; NoD.isn’t he; No7.I wonder _____there will _____ tomorrow.A.that; be rainyB.whether; have rainedC.that; have rainD.whether; be rain8.I will be angry ________.A.unless I am invited to the partyB.unless I am not invited to the partyC.if I am not invited to the partyD.if I will be invited to the party9. in Shanghai, this kind of bike sells well.A.MadeB.MakingC.To makeD.Have made10. There _____ many people ______ in the office, but now nobody is allowed to.ed to have;smokinged to be;smoking.ed to be;smokeed to have;smoke11.You can _______ us in the discussion if you ________.A.take part in;hope soB.join in;want to joinC.attend;want toD.join;wish to12. _________he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he won’t respect us.[来源:学*科*网 A.Although B.Unless C.If D.Since13.China, ____ one of the great four countries with ancient civilizations, is best-known _______ its greatdevelopment in all the fields over the years.A. as;asB.as;forC.for;asD.for;for14._______ learning more and more about music, Tan Dun decided to use the sounds of nature in hisworks ______ musical instruments.A.Because; insteadB.Since;insteadC.As;instead ofD.Because of; instead of15. --- Hi, John. I’ve noticed that we have the same cap. --- Hey, that’s right. __________--- Yes, it is. I was wondering where you got yours.A.I got it at a small shop.B.Is it next to the supermarket?C.I got it yesterday.D.It’s really a nice cap, isn’t it?三、完形填空(本大题共10分,每小题1分)Her small hand seemed lost in Grandma's as they walked along the road leading back home.“Shall we rest for a 16 ? It's too hot!” the young girl said. “Let's sit over there under the tree.” Grandma said. Resting under the tree, they 17 a butterfly (蝴蝶) nearby. “Do butterflies feel hot?”she asked.Grandma thought for some time and said, “I think they keep very 18 .”“I wish I were a butterfly,” the child said. Then she began to flap (拍动) her arms. “But that19 a lot of work!”“You wish for a lot of things, child,” Grandma said.“Yes, I do. ” she said. “I wish I had everything I wanted.”“Do you get all you wish for all the time?” Grandma asked.“No, I wish for a lot20 nothing happens,” she said. “How I wish that Johnny Jeffries would stay home from school!” “What happened to him?” Grandma asked.“Ah, his grandma died …” she stopped suddenly and 21 her grandma when her eyes were filled with tears.“Grandma,” she tried to finish. “I wish that you would never …” Grandma held her. She never said a word 22 the young girl stop ped. Then Grandma said with a beautiful smile, “Dear, sometimes in our life 23 don't come true, but it doesn't mean life isn't wonderful. If you want something, work for it and wish for it.”“Then 24 do I work to keep you around forever?” the youn g child asked.“Keep loving me, and don't waste time wishing.” They hugged (拥抱) each other again and continued on the road towards home.Life is a 25 that always leads home. Love it and work for it.( )16. A. week B. while C.time D. day( )17. A. noticed B. heard C. smelt D. felt( )18. A. hot B. cold C. cool D. warm( )19. A. wastes B. takes C. makes es( )20. A. and B. but C. so D. or( )21. A. looked for B. looked after C. looked over D. looked at( )22. A. until B. after C. when D. because( )23. A. words B. days C. wishes D. lives( )24. A. what B. how C. where D.when.( )25. A. road B. journey C. river D. bus四、阅读理解(本大题共24分,每小题2分)AThe Smiths are travelling in China. They have visited many cities such as Suzhou, Hangzhou and Shanghai. Now they are booking tickets to Taipei. Here is the ticket information.Exchange rate(汇率):1 USD(美元)≈6.5CNY(人民币)1. Where can you find the information above?A. From a travel magazine.B. From newspapersC. From a language learning APP.D.From a flight ticket booking website..2. How long does it take the Smiths to go to Taipei?A. Less than an hour.B. Around 2 hours.C. At least 2 hours.D.Over 2 hours.3. Which of the following is right?A. The Smiths will travel from Beijing to Taipei.B. The Smiths will not take the direct flight to Taipei.C. They will have to pay about 6045CNY for the airplane tickets.D. They will spend one week in Taiwan.BA peaceful mind is very important for our effectiveness(效率). It keeps us calm, no matter what the situation is, and it allows us to stay happy during the day. So, here, I would like to share some ways to have a “mind like water”, a state of mind that is as peaceful as calm water. Pick the ones that work for you.◆Listen to your heart Your heart tells you what is the right thing to do. It is where your deepest values (价值观)live. Following what your heart says helps you be true to yourself, and that helps you get a peaceful mind. So learn to listen more to your heart, and do what it tells you to do. ◆ Don't take in too much information Getting more information often means introducing more noise into your mind. That's why not taking in too much information is important for a calm and peaceful mind. You should take in no more information than necessary. ◆ Slow down Whatever you do, you do not need to be in a hurry. Doing so will only take you faster in the wrong direction . First of all, you need to know the right direction to go. Slow down so that you can hear the voice of your heart. Don't think too much about yourself and do something for other people We usually think about our own needs and problems most of the time. But self-centered(自我为中心的)thoughts can't bring peace into our mind. Instead, it may make us feel stressed,. So don't think too much about yourself, forget yourself for a while. Think aboutother people more often and think what you can do for others, then do it. Giving will make you happy and give you peace of mind.4.Which of the following shows the writer's idea? 。