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1 My birthday is on the (two) of June.

2 Orange is (I) favourite colour.

3 Here is a present for (he).

4 -----How many (people ) are there in your class?-----Forty.

5 There (be)some apples and an orange on the table.

6 Teachers’ Day in on the (ten) of September.

7 -----When does the English class begin?

8 ------It (begin) at one in the afternoon.

9 Look! Tom (wear) an orange T-shirt.

10 Here’s a picture of (he ).

11 There (boy) coats are very new.

12-----How many __________ (carteen) are there in your school?-----One.

13----- _________ (who) orange hat it is?-----It’s Jill’s.

14 -----Are there_________ (some)shoes in the shop.-----Yes, there are.

15There are five __________ (pair) of trousers on the bed.

16 The National Day is on the _________ (one )of October.

17 ----What is your sister, Danny? -----She’s a (drive).

18 Here are some apples for (you).

19 Don’t eat cakes. Please wash your hands (one).

20 ----How (many) milk is there in the bottles?-----There is a little.

21 Taste the (cherry). They are sweet.

22 My sister (be) a teacher, but I want to (be ) a doctor.

23Kitty (want) to be a singer.

24 My father is a (work). He (work) in a company.

25 John is a pilot. He (fly) an aeroplane.

26 -----Can I ask you (some) questions? -----Yes, of course.

27 I want to be a (travel).I like (travel) around the world.

28 The children (do) a survey in the street now.

29 My sister is a (write). She can (write) very well.

30 -----What’s your dream (job), Alice? -----I want to (be)a doctor.

1 -----May I have (some) bread?- ---- Yes, of course.

2 -----What do you want to be? ---- -I want to be a (teach).

3 He wants to travel around the world. He wants to be a (travel).

4 My uncles work at the police station. They are (policeman).

5 There are (five) boys in the photo. The (five) boy is brother.

6 Those (lady) coats are beautiful.

7 ----When is your birthday, Jill?-----My birthday is on the (five) of July.

8 -----What do you need, Mum?-----I need a pair of (scissor).

9 Walk (quick),Tom. You will be late for school.

10 -----What does your father do?-----He is a (cooker).

11 We cross the road at traffic lights or at zebra (cross).

12 Look at the (post).The singer is so beautiful.

1. Peter often (wash) dishes at home?

2. It’s easy (see) that she loves me very much.

3. Listen! Miss Fang ___ (ask) the children about their grandparent.

4. I (not live) in school.

5. That piece of news sounds very (interest).

1. How many (grandchild) do you have ,Grandpa?

2. I usually go (shop) at the weekends.

3. The Wangs go travelling (once) a year.

4. What do you (usual) do with your friends?

5. I want to be a (travel) because I want to (travel) around the world.

1. It’s 9:00. Mummy ____ (go) shopping and Danny ___(read) a book.

2. How it (sound)? Interesting?

3. It is fun (catch) fish in the pond.

4. -----Where’s Tommy? ----- He (play) basketball in the playground.

5. Can you (write) e-mails on the Internet?

6. I want (drink) some water.

7. (not) let your sister (stay) at home alone.

1. Both of (we) go to Rainbow Primary School.

2. We often help old people (across) the road.

3. (be) Peter and Jim at the same school?

4. (all) of them is my classmate.

5. I go to the library (two) a week.

1. I’m (worry)about the rest.

2. My grandparents live on the (one) floor.

3. Can you speak English (good)?

4. Who is the (win)?

5. That story sounds very (fun).

1. Listen, the birds ____(sings) in the tree.

2. My mother usually (cook) at 5 o’clock.

3. (not) kick the ball.

4. It’s the of May. There are students in the playground. (twelve)

5. Let (we) go and join (they).

6. ------ Helen like (swim)?

----- Yes. Look , she _____(swim) now.

1. ----- How many (sandwich) do you have? ----- One.

2. Those (lady) skirts are beautiful.

3. This is (she) rubber.

4. ----- Are there (some) books in the bag? ----- Yes.
