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In 1976,hejoinedthe army.During that time,hebeganto studyliberature andwritestories.His first shortstorywaspublishedin 1981.Hebecamefamous in 1987 when his novel Red Sorghumwas madeinto a film by the famous director Zhang Yimou.He alsowonthe 18th Mao Dun Literature Prize in 2011 for his novel Frog.
When he was 6 years old, he started to take piano lessons. Soon he played even better than his teacher. At that time, he also started to write music, and began to give concerts when he was only seven! In 1825, when he was 15 years old, people said he was the best pianist in Warsaw. They called him the poet of the piano because his music could touch the hearts of his listeners.
MoYanisthe writer's pen name.His real nameisGuan Moye.Hewasbornintoa farmer's family in Gaomi,Shandong,in February1955.When hewas12,hedroppedout of school andstarted to work,first in his village and later in a factory.
MoYanisa famous writer in the worldnow.More and more peopleare becominginterested in his works.
Fryderyk Chopin
Fryderyk Chopin was a famous pianist and music writer. Today many piano music lovers still listen to his famous works such as Minute Waltz. He was born on March 1, 1810 in a small village in Poland. Everyone in Chopin’s family was a musician. His father played the violin, and his mother and sister played the piano. His family moved to Warsaw when Chopin was seven months old.
In his later years, he enjoyed playing at his apartment for a few friends more than giving big concerts. Chopin became seriously ill when he was only 25 and continued to have bad health into his old age. In his last years, he was very weak but kept on writing music until he died in 1849. The world lost a musical talent, but his spirit continues to live in his works today.
Alone among strangers: Dealing with a difficult situation
ItwasFriday night and I couldhearloud music and people talking as Iwalkedthrough the door. My friendsawme andcameover. “Hey, Ben!Thanksforcoming tomy party.” hesaid. “Thanks for invitingme. Itlookslike a great party,” Ireplied. But Ihada secret feeling of fear. Irealizedthat I didn’tknowanyone there. Imovedtowards the drinks table andgota drink. Then I nervouslystoodin a corner, not quite sure whatto do.
LittleMoyeenjoyed reading.But at that time,therewereonly a few books available in his village.Hehad to tryevery meansto findbooksto read.With no more books at hand,hestarted readinga Chinese dictionary.Hereadit so many times that hefoundseveral mistakes in it.
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Mo Yan
Chinese writer Mo Yanhas wonthe 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature!Moisthe first Chinese whowonthe prize.When heheardthe news,Mosaidhe neverexpectedto winthe prize,as therewereso many good writers all over the world.