
按照一般的经验来说,封闭式耳机的音场往往会比较窄,比较靠近聆听者,没有开放式耳机来得自然。而HD201在音场这方面又打破了常规,有着很不错的表现。 首先,HD201的音场的宽度比较出色,左右延伸得比较开,比起许多开放式的低端耳机都来得好。聆听老鹰乐队的《加州旅馆》,乐队的左右的距离感表现得比较到位,而声场中间也没有发生断裂或聚焦不好的情况。在聆听大型的交响曲时,声场的左右延伸也为大气势的表现打下了基础。 HD201声场的深度表现略逊于它的宽度表现,但比起一些平面感严重的封闭式耳机来说好多了,在《加州旅馆》和一些交响乐中,都可以感受到音场的前后距离。而且整个音场于聆听者保持着适当的距离,没有靠得太近。 总的来说,HD201营造出了一个还算比较平衡的声音空间,使得还原的声音比较自然。这一点上,比低端耳塞要好这是肯定的了,即使是这个价位的一些开放式耳机与之相比,也略有不及。
HD202:森海塞尔HD202主要参数 机式类型:耳机 耳机类型:有线 耳机佩戴方式:头戴护耳式 缆线长度:3m 阻抗:32欧姆 频响范围:18-18000Hz 灵敏度:115dB 总谐波失真:0.5% 麦克风:无
编辑本段评测 行情
优点: 低音强劲,音质很好,性价比高 缺点: 听音乐的时候弱了点,低音还好,高音泛了 总结: 还是蛮不错的 有图文表示,在梁静茹2009年签唱会上曾使用此款耳机。
也许因为是监听系列耳机的缘故,HD201的细节表现力非常出色,可以说是低端耳机中佼佼者。当然,这和HD201采用的封闭式结构,能提供较开放式耳机更安静一些的聆听环境也有关系。 在HD201上,不管是播放流行音乐、还Байду номын сангаас古典音乐,我们都能够聆听到一些原来不为我们所注意的细节声音,比如,主唱声音背后的和声、乐器合奏中微弱的节奏乐器、小提琴细碎的拨弦、吉他弦的摩擦等等。这些声音虽然细小,却也是感受一首乐曲时不可缺少的部分。许多低端的耳机、耳塞经常都没有把它们还原好,有的甚至没还原出来。 而HD201在这方面就做得比较好,能比较清晰地还原好许多细节,在这个价位的耳机上是很难得的。比如在聆听赋格、卡农之类曲式的古典乐时,若干种不同音强的乐器在同一个旋律上相互追逐,用HD201去聆听,可以轻松地捕捉到每一种乐器的声音,让你感受到整首曲子的美丽。

一、主要特点1.1 卓越的音质表现森海塞尔HD238是一款以高音质为目标的耳机。
1.2 轻便与便携性HD238采用轻巧的设计,重量仅为180克,佩戴起来非常舒适。
1.3 优质材料和耐用性森海塞尔HD238采用高品质材料制造,耐用性出众。
二、设计与舒适度2.1 简约而时尚的外观HD238的设计简约而时尚,黑色和银色的组合使其看起来非常现代。
2.2 舒适的佩戴体验HD238采用了可调节的耳罩和头梁,可以根据不同的头部尺寸进行个性化的佩戴适应。
三、音质表现3.1 清晰而均衡的音频HD238的动圈单元以其卓越的声音重现能力而闻名。
3.2 准确的音频分离度由于HD238的开放式设计,它能够提供卓越的音频分离度。
四、使用体验4.1 简单的连接与控制HD238配备了一个3.5mm插头,可以与各种音频设备轻松连接。
森海塞尔 蓝牙耳机 MM550-X_ZH 说明书

给电池充电 ...................................................................................................... 8 调整头带 ........................................................................................................10 将 MM 550-X 与音频播放器连接 ..............................................................11 将 MM 550-X 与音频线连接 ......................................................................13 打开 / 关闭 MM 550-X ................................................................................14 MM 550-X 的使用 ......................................................................................... 15 根据环境调整 MM 550-X ............................................................................15 调整音量 ........................................................................................................16 用 MM 550-X 控制连接的设备 ..................................................................17 MM 550-X 的携带 ......................................................................................... 20 MM 550-X 的清洁和护理 ............................................................................. 21 出现故障时 .................................................................................................... 22 技术参数 ........................................................................................................ 24 MM 550-X 的相关信息 ................................................................................. 25 SRS WOW HD .................................................................................................25 apt-X 音频编解码技术 ................................................................................25 制造商声明 .................................................................................................... 27
Sennheiser ew 300-500 G4 耳机系统用户指南说明书

Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KGAm Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany Publ. 01/18, 575861/A01Quick Guide Kurzanleitung Guide rapide Guida rapidaGuía de inicio rápido Guia rápidoBeknopte handleiding Krótka instrukcja obsługi SnabbguideKort vejledning PikaohjeΓρήγορος οδηγόςKısa KılavuzКраткая инструкция快速指南快速使用指南 퀵 가이드ew 300-500 G4Sennheiser Documentation Appor online at /downloadew 300-500 G4_EM 300-500SK 300 | SK 500SKM 300 | SKM 500BatteryLow BatterySetupOnOffMenuStandard displayew G4MHz 548.100PAFORORORew G4MHz 533.875PAFORP548.100SKM300B.Ch: U1.32MUTE AF Out: +18 dBEQMHzew G4PPEAK-10040302010-20-40AFRF-30TX MuteMHz 548.100ew G4MUTEAFMHz 548.100ew G4MUTEAFMHz548.100B.Ch: 1.1MUTEAFB.Ch: 1.1MUTEAFew G4M I CR U E D IV E R S IT Y R E C E IV E R 30020.12S K 300PP E A K-100402510-20-30A FR FSETSETSYNC548.100SKM300B.Ch: U1.32MUTE AF Out: +18 dBEQMHzew G4PPEAK-10040302010-20-40AFRF-30TX MuteWarnings LEDSync LED Sync548.100B.Ch: U1.32AF Out: +18 dBEQP0548.100Soundcheck AF Out: +18 dBEQP0548.100SKM 300Sensitivity: –30 dB0Standard Instruction Manual Instruction ManualInstruction Manual548.100SKM300B.Ch: U1.32MUTE AF Out: +18 dBEQMHzew G4P-10040302010-20-40AFRF-30TX Mute100 %70 %30 %>8 h 4 - 6 h 2 - 3 hLOW BATT123123123EU KORCN USUKAU6.3 mmXLR-3SK/SKMEM short long on on/RX mute onon/RF muteEM/SK/SKMlongoffMuteSquelch Easy SetupFrequency Preset Name AF Out Equalizer Auto Lock Advanced ExitMain menu “Menu”Reset List Current List Scan New List Exit“Easy Setup”TuneSync Settings Pilot ToneFullscreen Warnings Brightness ResetIP AddressSoftware Revision ExitExtended menu “Advanced Menu”ON/OFFESCSETUP DOWN Extended menu “Advanced Menu”TuneMute Mode (SK/SKM 300)MIC LED (SK/SKM 300)RF Power Pilot Tone LCD Contrast ResetSoftware Revision ExitMain menu “Menu”SensitivityFrequency Preset Name Auto Lock Advanced ExitUPDOWNSET ON/OFF ESCUPDOWNSETON/OFF ESCACBACBNameRadiofrequency levelPilot tone Equalizer Audio level SensitivityDiversityMute BatteryAuto lockSquelchBank . Channel FrequencySyncChange frequency TransmitterWarningsPeak holdFrequencyPilot toneRF onAudio levelChange frequencySensitivityMuteBatteryAuto lockPeak holdSK 300SK 5004SKM 300SKM 500AF OutAuto lock MuteSquelch Change frequency New frequencySyncNetwork ControlMultichannel - Easy SetupSKMME 2 | MKE 2SL Headmic 1AF out SensitivityInstruction ManualshortInstruction ManualM U T EshortRMS 1shortOR40302010RFInstruction ManualSquelch Easy SetupFrequency PresetMenu Current List Scan New List ExitEasy Setup StoredScan New List 518 . . . 558 MHz1 . . . 20Bank U6Bank 1Bank 2Easy Setup Free: 24B.Ch: 2. 1Sync 558.025MHz Easy Setupew300 G3Frequency PresetMenuB.Ch: 1.1Frequency Preset 558.025 MHz B.Ch. 2.6Frequency Preset 558.025 MHzB.Ch. 2. 1StoredORORLEVELAF–24 dB . . . +24 dBRJ 45Menu Squelch Frequency Preset0Easy SetupInstruction ManualMenuAF Out +18dBName EqualizerPEAK-10040302010-20-40AFRF-30MenuSquelch 9dBExit Easy SetupPEAK-10040302010-20-40AFRF-30-10040302010-20-40AFRF-30-10040302010-20-40AFRF-30Instruction ManualPEAK -100-20-30PEAK-100-20-30AFAFMenu –24 dBSensitivityAF Mute Mute OnMute OffMute OnMute OffRF MuteRF Mute On?RF Mute Off?SETM I C0SKM(SK 300)(SK 300)SK 300SK 300SK 500SKM 300SKM 500EM 300-500EM SK 321321321Auto lock10 sSET SETLockedUnlock?SET SET SET SETLockedUnlock?SETSETSETSETSETSETAdvancedMenuMute ModeAdvanced AF On/Off AF On/OffMute Mode RF On/OffMute Mode Push to TalkMute Mode Push to MuteMute Mode max.32 channelsBank 1 . . . 20; U1 . . . U6Channel 1 . . . 32125 dB5 dB23SKM/SK off!Easy Setup EMFrequency Preset EM, SK, SKM1No frequency Squelch: Middle ...SETSETSETSETWAIT 30 sSETSETSET≤ 10 cm ≤ 4"425 cm (10")ME 2MKE 2–48 dB . . . 0 dB–60 dB . . . 0 dB AF PEAKRX Mute On?RX Mute Off?LockedUnlock?SKM 300MICWSMMedia ControlSennheiser Control Cockpit 2...3 cm (1")。
Sennheiser IE 100 PRO Wireless产品说明书

with Bluetooth® connectorFEATURES• Dynamic full-range transducer for high-resolution,powerful monitoring sound• Reduces acoustic stress factors through natural anddistortion-free reproduction• 2 in 1 bundle: Bluetooth® module for wireless connec-tion to mobile devices, PCs or tablets, with a built-inmicrophone for calls or standard 3,5 mm jack-plugcable• Excellent shielding through optimized earpiece shapeand flexible silicone and foam attachmentsFor the stage. For massive sound. For the road.Developed for high expectations on live stages, the specially designed driver of the IE 100 PRO creates precise audio cla-rity for musicians in live sessions. Typical for the new type of membrane is a powerful, high-resolution and warm monito-ring sound. With the included Bluetooth® module, the in-ears become comfortable everyday companions for your mobile phone, PC or tablet. With the built-in mic, phone calls or Webcasts are also possible.Musicians and DJs choose the IE 100 PRO wireless set for its exceptional sound and high wearing comfort. Not only for live sessions, but also for producing on the road or as an everyday companion.The in-ears come with 4 earpiece adapters that optimize the fit for every ear size and shape. The setup is stage-safe from the connection to the cable conduit.Sophisticated monitoring sound for mixing on live stages, producing in the studio and everywhere in between.DELIVERY INCLUDES• IE 100 PRO (BLACK, CLEAR or RED)• Bluetooth connector• black cable for IE 100 PRO• USB-A to USB-C cable• soft pouch• cleaning tool• foam and silicone ear adapters• quick guide• safety guide• compliance sheetwith Bluetooth® connectorPRODUCT VARIANTSIE 100 PRO WIRELESS BLACKArt. no. 509171IE 100 PRO WIRELESS CLEAR Art. no. 509172IE 100 PRO WIRELESS RED Art. no. 509173SPECIFICATIONS IE 100 PROFrequency response 20 - 18,000 Hz Impedance20 ΩSound pressure level (SPL)115 dB (1 kHz / 1 V rms )Total harmonic distortion (THD)< 0.1 % (1 kHz, 94 dB)Noise attenuation < 26 dB Magnetized field strength 1.63 mT Operating temperature Storage temperature –5 °C to +50 °C (23 °F to 122 °F)–20 °C to +70 °C (–4 °F to 158 °F)Relative humidity< 95 %Bluetooth ® ConnectorWearing style Bluetooth® neckband cable Microphone principle MEMS Microphone frequency response100 - 8,000 HzMicrophone sensitivity -42 dBV/Pa (ITU-T P.79)Microphone pick-up pattern (speech audio)omni-directional Power supply - built-in rechargeable lithium- polymer battery 3.7 V ⎓, 100 mAhUSB charging 5 V ⎓, 100 mA max.Operating time10 h (music playback via SBC) with rechargeable battery;240 h in standby mode Charging time ofrechargeable batteries approx. 2.5 hOperating temperature Charging temperature Storage temperature +5 °C to +40 °C ± 5 °C (41 °F to 104 °F ± 9 °F)+10 °C to +40 °C ± 5 °C (50 °F to 104 °F ± 9 °F)–20 °C to +70 °C (–4 °F to 158 °F)Relative humidity Operation: Storage:10 - 80 %, non-condensing 10 - 90 %Magnetized field strength1.63 mT (with IE 100 PRO)0.23 mT (without headphone)Weight approx. 13 gBluetooth®VersionBluetooth 5.0 compatible,class 1, BLETransmission frequency 2,402 - 2,480 MHz Modulation GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK Profiles HSP, HFP, AVRCP, A2DP Output power 10 mW (max)CodecSBC, aptX®, aptX LL®, AACThe Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trade-marks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG is under license.with Bluetooth® connectorSennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG · Am Labor 1 · 30900 Wedemark · Germany · ACCESSORIESIE PRO Bluetooth Connector Art. no. 508943IE PRO Mono cable Art. no. 508944Twisted cable Art. no. 507478Black straight cableArt. no. 508584。
Sennheiser PRESENCE 蓝牙耳机说明书

PRESENCE™ Series are premium Bluetooth® headsets for mobile professionals requiring excellent sound and voice clarity around the office, in the car and outdoors.Featuring best-in-class Sennheiser Voice Clarity due to 3 digital microphone system, PRESENCE™ ensures speech intelligibility in challenging environments. Building on Sennheiser’s 70 year legacy of sound leadership, sound enhancement features include SpeakFocus™, WindSafe™ and own-voice detection technologies to optimizecommunication in noisy environments – both indoors and out. The headset also provides high-quality audio for multimedia.PRESENCE™ has increased its choice of wearing styles to be even more comfortable with the addition of a padded ear hook.Features include a unique sliding microphone with integrated on/off power slide and up to 10 hours’ narrowband and 8 hours’ wideband call time between charges. Get instant battery status via voice prompts or tap into Siri and Google Assistant and be online at the touch of a button.With a focus on quality materials andwearability, the refreshed PRESENCE™ headset has had a subtle color facelift to enhance the overall design experience. The familiar, slim iconic design and discreet aluminummicrophone boom arm represent the ultimate in subdued style for business professionals.See more at/presencePRESENCE™ Grey UC / PRESENCE™ Grey BusinessHear and be heard. WhereverWind Safe ™SpeakFocus™The PRESENCE™ headband and charger stand are available as optional accessories.PRESENCE™ Grey UC / PRESENCE™ Grey BusinessBENEFITS & FEATURESSee more at/presence–Natural listening experience With Sennheiser Voice Clarity–Adapts quickly to all sound environments Due to 3 digital noise-cancelling microphones –Optimized speech claritySpeakFocus™ technology enhances voice clarity –Wind noise reductionWindSafe™ technology reduces wind noise in outdoor situations–Background noise reductionAdvanced Own-Voice-Detector reduces background noise for your listener when you are silent –Increased comfortA flexible choice of wearing styles and optional headband–Multi-connectivity*Seamlessly switch between softphone and mobile calls –Hours of talk timeUp to 10 hours’ narrowband and 8 hours’ wideband call time between charges–Increased rangeUp to 25 meters depending on device and environment –Easy and intuitiveSimple to use with intuitive user interface–Voice controlledTap into Siri and Google Assistant and be online at the touch of a button–Lightweight iconic design Looks as good as it sounds*PRESENCE™ Grey UC onlyProduct DataGeneral DataWearing style In the ear, over-the-ear with paddedear hook or optional headband Color Dark greyWeight (without ear hook)13 g / 0.46 ozAudioSennheiser Voice Clarity For a clear and natural listeningexperienceMicrophone Digital MEMS microphone(3 microphones)Microphone frequency range150 – 6,800 HzSpeaker type Dynamic, neodymium magnet Speaker frequency response 150 – 15,000 HzSound pressure Limited by ActiveGard®: Max. 118 dB SpeakFocus™ technology Ensures that your listener receivesall the important details of your callto reduce misunderstandings – nomatter where you are calling from WindSafe™ technology Reduces wind noise to ensure theclearest possible sound is sent toyou listenerOwn-Voice-Detector Optimizes speech intelligibility andreduces distracting backgroundnoisesSound enhancement profiles PRESENCE™ headsets automatical-ly adapt and optimize sound for bothcommunication and multi-media/music Technical DataTechnology Bluetooth Version 4.0 / supportedprofiles: HSP 1.2 + HFP 1.6 + A2DP 1.2Talk time Up to 10 hoursCharging time 1 h 20 minStandby time 14 daysRange Up to 25 m / 82 feet(device dependent)Warranty 2 yearsHearing ProtectionActiveGard® Technology Protects users against acousticinjury caused by sudden sound burston the lineContent of delivery - What's in the boxPRESENCE™ Grey UC Headset, USB dongle, USB chargingcable, ear hook, 4 x ear sleeves, car-ry case, Safety Guide, Quick Guide PRESENCE™ Grey Business Headset, USB charging cable, earhook, 4 x ear sleeves, Safety Guide,Quick GuideSoftwareSennheiser HeadSetup™ ProManager (Saas)Manage, update and configure yourSennheiser audio devices from onelocation: /headsetup-pro-managerSennheiser HeadSetup™ Pro(Freeware)Remote call control, firmwareupdates and settings:/softwareFor information about accessories and spare parts go to: /presencePRESENCE™ Grey UC / PRESENCE™ Grey BusinessConnects to Product name /Art.no Description Details EAN no. / UPC no.Mobile phone Softphone/PC PRESENCE™ Grey UCArt. no 508342Single-sidedBluetooth® headsetwith USB dongle andcarry case– Optimized for UC– Certified for Skype for BusinessEAN: 4044155243048UPC: 615104320826Mobile phone PRESENCE™ Grey BusinessArt. no 508341Single-sidedBluetooth® headset– Optimized for mobile phone usage– Seamlessly switch betweentwo mobilesEAN: 4044155243031UPC: 615104320802PRESENCE™ Grey UC / PRESENCE™ Grey Business1232 10-2018 /presence。


镍氢电池的安全说明 若电池使用不当,可能导致电池泄漏。在各种极端条件下存在危险:
• 过热 • 着火 • 爆炸 • 产生烟雾或有害气体
Sennheiser 对未按照规范使用造成的后果不承担责任。
不要放置在儿童所能触 及的地方。
请使用 Sennheiser 推荐的电 池。
对于明显损坏的产品, 应立刻取出电池。
将旧电池交给专业回收点或专 业经销商妥善处理。
数码无线耳机系统 RS 180
数码无线耳机系统 RS 180
RS 180 是一款多种技术配置合成的无线耳机系统。其纯净均衡的音质以 及高品质的低音输出使这款耳机成为音响、家庭影院和电视机的最佳选 择。 电池安装简单。享受自由的音效体验、高品质设计以及最佳的舒适度。
• 在使用此通讯耳机前请仔细完整地阅读本说明。
• 为了便于今后使用,请保管好本说明,以便所有使用者在任何时候都 可以参阅。请始终将通讯耳机连同本使用说明一起交给第三方。
• 请勿在需要集中注意力时使用本产品(如在行车途中或在从事手工作 业时)。
• 保持耳机干燥,不要将耳机暴露在极低或极高的温度下 (理想温度: 0°C 至 40°C)。
不得将充电后的电池裸 露、混合存放。
电池充电的环境温度 许可范围为 10°C/50°F 至 40°C/104°F。 不得拆卸或扭曲。
对于长期不使用的充电 电池定期进行充电 (大约每三个月)。
电池温度不得超过 70°C/158°F,比如: 受阳光照射或投入火中。
HDR 180 耳机一览

森海无线蓝牙耳机tw1c说明书一、参数配置真正无线连接(TWS1c)实现无线立体声,左右声道分离,HIFI 音效。
森海塞尔 蓝牙耳机 MM550-X_ZH 说明书

SRS WOW HD 通过扩大声波和强大饱满的低音响优化了压缩和未压缩音 频信号的动态音效。SRS WOW HD 中获得专利的技术扩大水平声域,并提 高垂直声波。混合时丢失的信息被重新调出,产生出自然的声音效果。
NoiseGard 主动噪声补偿技术的工作原理是通过反相声抵消低频范围内 (不低于 1 kHz)的噪声。为了形成合适的反相声,微型麦克风录下周围 的环境噪声。 NoiseGard 电子元件则形成与噪声 180 度反相的声波。结 果两个不同的声波互相抵消。
在佩戴耳机的同时,您也可以和周围的人通话交流。启用 TalkThrough 功能后,麦克风自动拾取耳机周围的所有声音信号。只有对话方的声音 被通过耳机传递到用户耳中。
立体声音频线 (2.5 mm 插头转换为 3.5 mm 插头)
音频转换插头 (3.5 mm 插孔转 6.35 mm 插头)
客机座位转换插头 (3.5 mm 插孔转 3.5 mm 单声道双插头 )
MM 550-X MM 500-X
Quick Guide
MM 550-X MM 450-X MM 500-X MM 400-X
USA Canada Europe
IC: 2099D – MMBTX
IC: 2099D – MMBTX

森海塞尔木馒头三代说明书千呼万唤始出来,简称“MOMENTUM 3 Wireless”的最新一代的无线降噪大馒头产品终于推出了。
因此在几年前,森海塞尔就开拓了全新的发烧系列——MOME NTUM。
比如,我在去年底入手MOMENTUM Ture Wireless就是一款被烧友称之为黑科技的真无线蓝牙耳机,至今仍然被称之为真无线产品的音质标杆。
Sennheiser MB 660 Series商业通信头戴耳机说明说明书

We haven’t compromised on a single detail. with the MB 660 Series. We have designed it to be the ultimate professional business communication tool for maximizing yourproductivity in even the noisiest environments.As well as delivering a UC certified business-grade communication experience and therenowned Sennheiser signature sound for music and multimedia enjoyment, the MB 660 also takes active noise cancellation to the next level. It is the first professional adaptive ANC headset, which constantly monitors thebackground environment for noise and adjusts the level of noise reduction in your headset. By reducing distracting background noise, you can revitalize your open office, increase concentration, improve well-being and boost productivity. An ideal headset for demanding business communication and a disruption free workspace.MB 660 UC MB 660 UC MSReclaim your officeSee more at/mb660Speak Focus ™Wind Safe ™Talk ThroughBENEFITS & FEATURES–Disruption-free workspaceNoiseGard™ hybrid adaptive active noise cancellation constantly monitors the background environment for ambient noises and adjusts the level of noise reduction in your headset–Consistently clear soundSpeakFocus™ technology – with 3 digital microphones enhances voice clarity in all sound environments –Optimal speech intelligibilityAdvanced Own-Voice-Detector – optimizes speechintelligibility and reduces distracting background noises –Wind noise reductionWindSafe™ technology reduces wind noise in outdoon situations–Natural and comfortable listeningRoom Experience™ technology for a more realistic sound and increased call comfort–Keep an ear openTalkThrough technology for listening to colleagues or announcements without removing the headset –Personalized listening experienceWith sound effect modes – Club, Movie, Speech (preset), Director (default) –Long performance Up to 30 hours*–Tap-to-pairWith the built-in NFC** function, you can tap your phone to pair your MB 660 instantly with your device –Simple swipes and tapsTouch pad for call and media control –Multiple connection optionsAdapters and cables included for wireless, wired and in-flight connectivity–Convenient chargingUSB cable with micro-USB connector for charging or using the headset with a wired connection –Folding and StoringEasy on/off by turning the ear cups. Foldable design for compact storageMB 660 UC MB 660 UC MS* U p to 30 hours when connecting the headset via cable andengaging noise cancellation. Around 20 hours when connecting the headset via Bluetooth and engaging noise cancellation. The exact operating time is influenced by factors such as the audio and background noise volume.** Device dependentProduct DataGeneral Data Wearing Style Over-ear, double-sided headband Headset weight 227 g / 8 oz Transducer principle Dynamic, closedConnectivityBluetooth 4.2, NFC, Audio cable with answer/end button (2.5 mm and 3.5 mm jack plugs), USB cable with micro-USB connector Supported codecsPCAudioSpeaker frequency response 17 – 23,000 HzMicrophone typeDigital MEMs microphone (3 microphones)Microphone frequency response 150 – 6,800Hz ImpedanceActive 490 ohms / Passive 46 ohms Sound pressure Level (SPL)Max. 118 dB limited by ActiveGard ®Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)<0.5% (1kH, 100dB)Contact pressure 3 NNoise cancellationNoiseGard™ hybrid adaptive ANC technology with 4 pick-up microphones Total noise attenuationUp to 30 dBTechnical Data Supported codecs PCCharging time Approx. 3 hours Standby time Up to 15 days Battery time Up to 30 hoursRange Up to 25 m / 82 ft (device dependent)Touch control YesVoice prompts Yes (EN, DE, FR, ES, ZH, JA, RU, KO)Sound effect modesYes (Club, Movie, Speech, Director-user defined)Warranty2 yearsContent of delivery – What's in the box MB 660 UC/ MB 660 UC MSMB 660 headset, BTD 800 USB ML PC dongle, USB cable withmicro-USB connector, Audio cable with answer/end button (2.5 mm and 3.5 mm jack plugs), In-flight adapter, Carry case, Quick guide, Safety guide, Compliance sheet For information about accessories and spare parts go to: /mb660MB 660 UC MB 660 UC MS1249 10-2018/mb660Connects to Product name/Art.no Description Details EAN no. / UPC no.Softphone/PC Mobile devicesMB 660 UC Art. no. 507092Wireless adaptive ANC Bluetooth® headsetwith PC dongle– UC optimizedEAN: 40 44155 21422 2UPC: 6 15104 28012 0Softphone/PC Mobile devices MB 660 UC MS Art. no. 507093Wireless adaptive ANC Bluetooth® headsetwith PC dongle– Certified for Skype for BusinessEAN: 40 44155 21423 9UPC: 6 15104 28014 4MB 660 UCMB 660 UC MS。

结 构 封闭式、耳罩结构
频率响应(-10dB/1kHz) 12-22000Hz
阻 抗 64欧姆
灵敏度(dB/Vrms,1kHz) 106
总谐波失真(1kHz) <0.2%
重 量 220g
结 构 开放式、耳垫结构
频率响应(-10dB/1kHz) 22-20000Hz
灵敏度(dB/Vrms,1kHz) 106
总谐波失真(1kHz) <0.2%
重 量 210g
森海塞尔MX 580耳机说明书

Hear. I am. Street line earphonesStreet LineMX 580Pump up the volume. With their high-quality speaker systems, the MX 580 earphones stand out from the crowd with their excellent, bass-driven stereo sound. A volume control integrated on the cable offers convenience while a storage pouch for safekeeping has been included in the delivery.• High performance stereo earphones with Sennheiser‘s LiveBass System for powerful bass boost• Ergonomic design for a superior fit (ear pads and ear sleeves included in delivery)• Integrated volume control• Hassle-free cable slider• Symmetrical cable for a tangle-free listening experience• Storage pouch fits your earphones and iPod Nano (4th Gen) perfectly!• Optimised for MP3, iPod, iPhone andportable media playersEnjoy great sound on-the-move and look good while you’re at it! With the Street Series from Sennheiser, you can choose from an extensive range of earphones to give you the best fit, both in sound and style. Groove to the beat of booming bass and revel in the complete dancefloor experience wherever you are, whatever you’re doing.Hear. I am. Street line earphonesStreet LineCX 281E dgy, fashionable and sexy. Shimmy on over to the sassy style of these sleek CX 281 ear canal phones. You will enjoy clear and detailed sound, thanks to their high performance dynamic speaker systems. The wide array of ear adaptors (S/M/L sizes) allows for a personalised fit as well as excellent passive attenuation of ambient noise. And like the MX 581, the CX 281 come with a share adaptor - allowing you to share your listening experience with a friend (who will need another pair of headphones).• Ergonomic ear canal phones with high performance dynamic speaker systems for listeners with smaller ears• Silicon ear adaptors for a personalised comfort fit• Integrated volume control• Unique red and gold graphics on earphones – no two designs are the same!• Hassle-free cable slider• Symmetrical braided-design cable fora tangle-free listening experience• Share adaptor - Share your audio witha friend!• Storage pouch fits your earphones and iPod Nano (4th Gen) perfectly!• Optimised for MP3, iPod, iPhone and portable media playersWith the Street Series earphones from Sennheiser, certain earphone models has its own unique red and gold design, no two designs are the same! You can choose from an extensive range of earphones to give you the best fit, both in sound and style. Share the same tune with your buddies as you groove to the beat of booming bass and revel in the complete dancefloor experience wherever you are, whatever you’re doing.。

靠 后 颇 富 空 间 感 其 低音 表 现 即
使 在 爆 棚 时 刻来 临 时 也不会直
冲 耳膜
它 的 方 位感 及量 感 始终
这根单边 导线采用
保持在一种极有分寸的 程度上
虽 然这多 少妨 碍 了H 力
无 氧铜 材 质 厂方 称 之 为 精 取详 尽 忠实传输讯
。 、
兼 备 有 价 值 二 百 余元 的 也有 价
值 千余元 甚 至 上 万 的 适 合不 同 需 求 及 预 算 的 人士 选 购
, 。
2 o
的 低音 量 感 显 得 很 不 充 分
2 3
给 人的 第 一 印 象 是 它
笔 者 在 此介 绍 的 是 处 于 中 低 价位 的 H
令 人 印 象 至 深 的是 它 的 高 音
但 这 并不 意 味 着 高 音 的 抢 耳 各
频段的 和谐 匀衡始 终是H 的 最 大特 点
。 ,
典音 乐 时显 得尤 为 突 出
2 3
2 3
漂 亮 的 高 音 则 能 轻 松地 把 细 小 的
也许 正 因为这样
弱音 部 分 诸如 三 角 铁 乐 器 演
位乐 友 购 买耳 机作
这 对用惯 双边人 线耳机 的 人来
绘 能力 和 独 有 的 韵 味着 实 在让 人
说 不 窗是 莫大 的 解放,Fra bibliotek此后 不

HD470 (32欧姆) 400系列的新型号,份量极轻,仅130克。
是一款价廉物美的平价耳机,用于Discman/Walkman 做一般音乐欣赏很合适,曾获英国杂志《What Hifi》最高的五星级评定。
HD490(32欧姆) 400系列的新型号,位于400系列的最高端,仅次于495。
HD570 Symphony (64欧姆) 500系列的新型号,取代原先的535。

⼀、开箱包装依然采⽤森海塞尔经典的蓝⽩底⾊,正⾯注明了⽿机型号并印有⽿机渲染图,MOMENTUM True Wireless 2代(以下简称MOMENTUM TW 2)分为⿊⽩两个版本,从包装即可轻松分辨,本次收到的为⽩⾊版本。
▼整个包装内除了印刷品之外的所有内容物:充电盒、⽿机、硅胶材质的⽿塞套4组(XS、S、M、L,其中M号默认安装在⽿机上)以及⼀根A TO C数据线(长度不长,仅有25CM左右)。

森海塞尔ew500g2说明书Manual一. 参数配置Specifications森海塞尔ew500g真正无线连接(TWS)实现无线立体声,左右声道分离,HIFI音效。
Truewireless stereo (TWS), real no wire design, individual left and right channel,HIFI sound, both the left and right earbud are Bluetooth enabled could be usedseparately, or used as one pair.蓝牙版本双模蓝牙V5. 0 + EDR, 超低功耗Bluetooth Version V5.0 + EDR (both sides), ultra-low consumption支持协议蓝牙使用频段Bluetooth Mode Bluetooth Frequency蓝牙传输距离15-25米Bluetooth Range 15-25m电池容量Battery Capacity左右耳均内置30mAh特殊定制可充电符合物理电池,充电盒电池容量300mAhEarbud: 30 mah rechargeable Li-ion battery;Charging dock: 300 mah (optional)待机时间双耳可待机6小时Standby Time Both ears can stand for 6 hours通话/播放时间耳机播放时间约:2-3小时;耳机通话时间约:4小时Talk/Play Time Headphone playback time: 2-3 hoursHeadphone talk time approx: 4 hours二. 耳机使用步骤与特别说明Headphone Use Steps and Special Intructions1. 开启充电盒开关(蓝灯或红灯亮起)Turn on the charging box switch (blue orred light is on)2. 打开充电盒上盖取出耳机,耳机自动开机配对(重要提示:打开充电盒之前开启充电盒开关,是耳机自动开机的前提)Open the top cover of the charging boxand take out the earphones (Important note: Turn on the charging box switch beforeopening the charging box, which is the premise of the headset automaticallyturning on)3. 与其他设备配对:打开手机或其它设备蓝牙设置,搜索蓝牙名点击链接蓝牙Pair with other devices: open the phoneor other device Bluetooth settings, search for the Bluetooth name, click to connectto Bluetooth)4. 耳机放入充电盒进入充电模式,耳机自动关机The headset is placed in the charging boxto enter the charging mode, and the headset is automatically turned off.5. 无线耳机左右耳机均可以分开单独连接,其它蓝牙设备使用Wireless earphones can be connectedseparately and separately to other Bluetooth devices.6. 无线耳机若5分钟没有连接蓝夜设备将会自动关机Wireless headset will automatically shutdown if it is not connected to the Bluetooth Device for 5 minutes.三. 耳机触摸功能说明HeadphoneTouch Function Description1. 左耳、右耳触摸位置,轻触1下接听电话,左右耳机连触2下音量减,右耳耳机连触2下音量加,左耳连按3下下一曲,右边连按3下上一曲,长按3秒Siri功能,长按5秒开关机,来电时两个耳机同时报号。
Sennheiser S1 Digital 通用航空头戴耳机说明书

S1 DIGITAL542569 07/11 S e n n h e i s e r a n d N o i s e G a r d a r e r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f S e n n h e i s e r eA Milestone in Professional Audio – The Quiet Revolution in Aviation.Our commitment to ensuring the best sound, optimum speech intelligibility, and the fulfi llment of the most stringent safety standards has won over air-crews and airlines throughout the world. For decades, general aviation pilots have put their trust in Sennheiser pro-fessional headsets. The new S1 Digital general aviation headset was specially developed for pilots of single- and twin-engine propeller aircraft and en-sures safe and reliable voice commu-nication, easy control, outstanding audio quality, and wearing comfort – evenon the longest fl ights. At the heart of this technical innovation is the new Digital Adaptive NoiseGard™ system, a technology that sets entirely new standards in the fi eld of noise compen-sation and makes the dream of fl ighteven safer.Noise compensation in a propeller aircraft:Passive attenuationActive compensation with inner microphonesActive compensation with outer microphonesDigital Adaptive NoiseGard TMight are constantly confronted with extreme noise – whetherlters, the fullylter algorithm that specifi cally reducesand the noise peaks, the fi lters can be perfectly adapted to the situationat hand. In order to pick up the surrounding noise as accurately as pos-sible, two external and two internal microphones are used. Usually, the anti-noise signal is calculated by microphones integrated either on the outsideor on the inside of the ear cups. Microphones on the outside directly pickup the noise generated by the engines and air fl ow over the plane, en-abling a broadband noise reduction. Microphones fi tted inside the head-phones, on the other hand, pick up the sound signal close to the ear.This sound can vary – above all, depending on how well the headphonesfi t (different head shapes, if glasses are worn, etc.). Internal microphonesgenerally offer very good performance in the low-frequency range.NoiseGard™/digital combines the benefi ts of both systems: the combi-nation of external and internal microphones ensures a signifi cantly betteroverall noise reduction and thus more safety and comfort for the pilot.S1 DIGITAL – A Masterpiece Made in Germany.S1 DIGITAL For the development of the S1 Digital, Sennheiser founda perfect partner in BMW Group DesignworksUSA. The result of theircollaboration is a unique aviation headset that offers the ultimate in audioquality and noise cancellation thanks to NoiseGard™/digital in combin-ation with sophisticated, innovative design. A black, metallic fi nish and theexclusive use of the highest-quality materials lend the headset an auraof elegance and calm self-confi dence. In addition, the S1 Digital also featuresimpressively simple controls and superb wearing comfort. Bluetoothwireless interface for connection to cell phones and MP3 players makes lis-tening above the clouds an unforgettable experience.dB SPL110105100959085807570650.1 1 10 kHzGroundbreaking Features – • Treble boost for customized audio clarity • Peak-level protection for hearing safety• Bluetooth phone and music connectivity • Built-in mic bias voltage for cell-phone useTransducer principle Ear couplingFrequency responseImpedance active/passive mono:SPL (at 1 kHz, 1 V rms )SPL (at 1 kHz, 1 V mW ) Max. SPL THDContact pressure, adjustableAmbient temperatureWeight without cable Cable lengthPower supply for NoiseGard TM /digitalOperating time (NoiseGard™/digital)TypeTransducer principle Frequency response Output voltageTerminating impedance Supply voltage· S1 Aviation headset · Carrying case · Belt clip · Cable clip · User manual · Quick-reference guide · Wind and pop screen· Cigarette lighter adapter cable · XLR 3 adapter cable · Gel ear cushionsdynamic, closed circumaural20–16,000 Hz130 Ω passive/180 Ω activestereo: 260 Ω passive/ 360 Ω active 98 dB 90 dB 115 dB < 0.1%approx. 5–7 Noperation: –15°C to +55°C storage: –55°C to +70°Capprox. 410 g approx. 1.90 m12–35 VDC at max. 150 mA (on-board DC power supply system)2.4–3.0 VDC (rechargeable batteries)Alkaline batteries/rechargeable batteries: approx. 25 hrsBKE S1-Ppre-polarised condenser microphone, noise-compensating 100 Hz–10 kHz20–80 mV/Pa, adjustable 35 mV/Pa (factory preset)150–2,200 Ω8–16 VDCBenefi tsTechnical DataHeadsetGeneral DataMicrophone, incl. preamplifi erDelivery includes:Recommended accessories:。
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HD 系列发烧级耳机
IE 8
震撼的音效,高频表现出色,中频部分丰润、密度大 解析力和声场方面十分优秀,对乐器的定位准确;解 析高,乐曲中细节可以得到准确还原。E8所专长的, 是古典乐的表现,尤其是较大编制的协奏曲和交响乐, 它的声底扎实,声音有一种流动性,显得鲜活和流畅。 虽然弦乐略微使人不够过瘾,但是泛音丰富而且不显 暗淡。
Sennheiser in Asia
森海塞尔以制造高质量的音频设备获得传奇般的声誉,将无数的赞美保持至今 逾半个世纪。在全球范围内,从业内专家、国际明星到歌唱家,都已将森海塞 尔尊为世界标准。
森海的历史就是音频设备发展 的历史