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[Abstract] Objective To compare the different drug regimens to the initial dosage,maximum dosage,maximum dosage of patients with mild severe pemphigus,and to investigate the effect of hormone dosage and the initial amount of effective hormone. Methods 86 patients with pemphigus treated in our hospital from May 2009 to December 2015 were selected. According to different treatment regimens,they were divided into hormone treatment group (group A)and hormone combined with other drug treatment group (group B). According to skin lesion score,they were divided into mild group (ABSIS score ≤ 50 divided)and severe group and severity (ABSIS score>50). SPSS12.0 was used to analyze the statistical significance of the differences between the data. Results The difference of the corresponding data in both mild and severe patients were statistically significant. In addition,the difference of the initial dosage,maximum dosage to control disease per day of steroids in both group A and group B was statistically significant (P<0.05),but there was no statistical difference on cumulative dosage of steroids in both group A and group B (P>0.05). Conclusion The severity of the disease is an important factor affecting the initial dosage,maximum dosage to control disease per day,cumulative dosage of disease control of steroids. Steroids with adjunctive therapy can effectively reduce the initial dosage of glucocorticoid.

[Key words] Pemphigus;ABSIS score;Initial dose of hormones

目前關于天疱疮的发病原因仍不完全清楚,在多基因遗传背景下,涉及到免疫、环境、药物、肿瘤等多方面原因,其发病与职业的关系尚无明确定论[1]。收集2009年5月~2015年12月我院收治的86例天疱疮患者临床资料进行相关研究分析,报道如下。1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料



1.2 分组

根据Pfutze等[2]提出的ABSIS(autoimmune bullous skin disorder intensity score)标准对86例患者的皮损进行评分,即由患者皮损面积占体表面积百分比与加权系数相乘所得(共计0~150分)。患者皮损面积由九分法得出(即头面颈9%、单侧上臂及手9%、躯干及会阴27%、臀5%、双足7%、双大腿21% 和双小腿13%)。加权系数由患者皮损质量决定,即水疱和糜烂者系数为1.5,糜烂面干燥者系数为1.0,糜烂面再生者系数为0.5。根据ABSIS评分分为2组(评分≤50分为轻度组;评分>50分为重度组)。根据治疗方案的不同分为:单独应用激素治疗组(A组)与激素联合辅助治疗组(B组)。

1.3 方法

通过SPSS12.0 软件,进行统计学分析86例天疱疮患者的临床资料,对比不同给药方案治疗轻重度天疱疮患者的激素初始量、最大控制量、病情控制累计量之间的差异。

2 结果

2.1 一般资料


2.2 临床分型


2.3 皮损特点


2.4 ABSIS评分


2.5 组织病理及免疫病理检查
