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1. ________________ Look at your w . What time is it ?

2. ____________________________________________ Please write down写下)your name on the name c __________________________

3.1 like playing c ____ games.

4.1 can look up the word in a d ___ .

5.1 find a s___ of keys on the table.

6. T __ for your help.

7. This baseball isn 't m ____ . It 's Tom's.

8.1 l___my ID card. Can you find me find it ?

9. __________________________________ W here's your teache-r-?---He is in the c ____________________________________ .

10.Is this ___ (she) letter ?

11. Are these your brother 's _______ (bag) ?

12. Tom's a boy and ____ (he) family name is Green.

13. Are those yellow boxes __ (your) ?

14. Please call ___ (I) Miss Lee.

15.1 must __ (find) my ID card.

16. Two girls ___ (be) here.

17. Those___(be) our teachers.

1. Cindy has three ______ 篮球

2. She likes ____ 体育运动very much.

3. To play soccer is ______ 困难的.

4. It 's ____ 有__趣的to play computer game.

5. L ____ play tennis. It _____ 听起来好像great.

6. I like music. It 's r _______ .

7. D ____ Dick have a bat ?

8. Michael Jordan plays _____ 排球well.

9. I like ping-pong. I think it 's very e _______

10.1 like music because it 's r _____ .

11.1 w ___ f ootball matches on TV.

12. __________ Do you h a computer?

--- Yes, I have. I play games on it.


1 .Jack and I are c ___ . We are in the same class.

2.I like ping- pong. It 's e _____ for me.

3. Lily often plays volleyball w___ her friends on weekends.

4. That eraser is not hers. It ' s m___.

5. ___________________________ P lease keep your classroom t .

6.I lost my watch. I must f ___ it.

7.It ' s 8:00, we are l _____ for school.

8.I love sports, but I don ' t p _________ them. I only watch t.hem on TV

9. ________________________________________________ My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is u _______________________ the desk.

10. ___________ T his is a p of my father.

11.I have two _____ (baseball) .

12. We often _____ (play) in the playground after class.

13. _______ H e (have) a tape player.

14. Where ' s (we) p-ipnogng bat?

15. Let me __ (get) my jacket.

1. Liu Xiang is a sports s __ .

2. I have chicken for d ____ .

3. Can you answer my q ______ ?

4. There are many __ 西红柿in the shop.

5. Many children like to eat ____ 汉堡for breakfast.

6. I like ___ 橙汁_juice very much.

7. Do you like ___ 沙拉?

8. We should eat more ___ 蔬_ 菜i and fruit.

9. Too much meat is not ______ 健康for you .

10. I ____ 想要to go shopping (逛街) tomorrow(明天).

11. You're so fat. You should eat more f ____ and less meat.

12. For dinner, she has some r___ and vegetables.

13. We all like to eat c ___ legs.

14.It 's good for you to eat some b__b_e_fore breakfast.


1. The w___ in the picture is his mother.

2. The white trousers are too s _____ for him, but the black trousers are too long for


3. I n___ a sweater for school.

4. The blue ___ 短裤are tom 's.

5. I like that black ___ 毛衣.

6. Emma wants a pair of red ___ 鞋.

7. The boy in ____ 白色, not the one in black , is his brother.

8. The T—shirt on ___ 特价销售are 15 yuan each.

9. She wants to go to that _____ 服装store to buy a skirt.

10. Those socks are ten ___ 美元.

11. There are t ___ months in a year.
