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Unit One Famous People



1.fundamental 2.strategic 3.personal 4.valuable 5.critical 6.technical 7.enjoyable 8.central 9.digital 10.global 4.(第五页)

1.1eading provider/supplier 2.key management 3.fiscal year 4.critical areas

5.non-profit organizations 6.软件行业7.战略性的决策8.公立小学



1.As a marketing manager, he is in a strategic position for influencing the marketing plans.

2.He doesn’t think we should devote any more time to this issue. 3.Nobody wanted to commit himself to a definite answer before the decision.

4.Since Gate’s dream is a computer for every family and on every office desk,Microsoft’s goal is to make the personal computer easy to master and convenient to use.

5.Gates acknowledged that he had hardly had a day off before he was thirty.

6.The great achievements by Gates and the Microsoft under his leadership are a legend in the

information industry.

Unit Two Knowledge Economy



1.will have lived 2.will have been 3.will have arrived 4.will have completed

5.will have visited 6.will have lost 7.will have finished


1.At this time of next year, I shall have been a teacher for ten years.2.The passenger boat will have arrived at Shanghai by the midnight of tomorrow.

3.He will have definitely handed in his paper according to the agreement.

4.I’m going to fetch the manuscript the day after tomorrow,I think you will have completed it at that time.

5.He will have delivered the goods by the end of this year according to the agreement.

Unit Three Internet and Our Lives



1.pushy 2.contracted 3.bringing,together 4.analysis 5.sophisticated

6.auction 7.competitive 8.make a comparison 9.negotiate 10.place orders


l.E-mail makes communication in the world faster and more efficient.

2.Today’s telecom market is more a case of the hard buy rather than the hard sell.

3.The Internet allows us to make comparisons before we decide to buy a car.

4.As many members were absent,this matter remained undiscussed at the meeting.

5.It is very convenient to place orders on-line.

6.If you apply for a hire-purchase,part of the cost can be deferred.7.He traded in his old car for a new model.

Unit Four Computer Crimes



1.retailer 2.projected 3.notified 4.incredible 5.compromise 6.dissuade 7.Hacking 8.exploiting 9.rebuffed 10.reluctant P65

1. He used this evidence to shore up his argument.

2. Credit cards have become part of life in Britain.

3. Virus-infected e-mails struck fear into the Microsoft Company.

4. Customers are not responsible for the unauthorized charge.

5. The hackers destroyed the databases of some companies by exploiting the flaws of the Internet

Unit Five Sightseeing in Macao



1. The doctors are busy in promotion of a public health campaign.

2. There are 5 000 inhabitants in this small town.

3. He knows very well the historical events and personalities of this country.

4. She shows a childish 1ack of control over her temper.

5. We are planning to have a party to celebrate our parents’silver wedding.

6. The company wishes to locate the new factory beside the river.

7. The rise and the fall of the sea is governed by the movement of the moon.

8. Confucius is considered divine in many countries.

9. He informed me that the affair had already been satisfactorily
