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Lesson 16 Are you…?


Russian adj.&n. 俄罗斯人

Dutch adj.&n. 荷兰人

these pron. 这些(复数)

red adj. 红色的

grey adj. 灰色的

yellow adj. 黄色的

black adj.黑色的

orange adj. 橘黄色的

A Complete these sentences using a or an. Examples:

It is (a) Swedish car.

She is (an) air hostess.

1 It is (an) English car.

2 It is (a) Japanese car.

3 It is (an) Italian car.

4 It is (a) French car.

5 It is (an) American car.

6 Robert is not (a) teacher.

B Write question and answer using our.



What colour are your books? Our books are red.

red books

white shirts

grey coats

yellow tickets

blue suits

black and grey hats

green passports

black umbrellas

white handbags

orange ties

brown and white dogs

blue pens

red cars

green dresses

yellow blouses

1 shirts/white

What colour are your shirts? Our shirts are white.

2 coats/grey

What colour are your coats? Our coats are grey.

3 tickets/yellow

What colour are your tickets? Our tickets are yellow.

4 suits/blue

What colour are your suits? Our suits are blue.

5 hats/black and grey

What colour are your hats? Our hats are black and grey 9 ties/orange

What colour are your ties? Our ties are orange What colour is your father's tie?

What colour are their ties? Their ties are black. His tie is yellow.

Mrs. White:怀特夫人

Mrs. Smith:史密斯夫人

What colour is Mrs. White's dog?

Her dog is brown and white.

What colour are your dogs?

Our dogs is white.

What colour is your brother's car?

His car is red.

What colour are their cars?

Their cars are blue.
