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GF Piping Systems
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
SYGEF® Plus - Quality Control 严格的质量控制
GF Piping Systems
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
SYGEF® Plus - „Plus“指什么? What means the „Plus“ for this products?
100,000 times(倍)
GF Piping Systems
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
Particles sizes in concern in HP applications 在高纯应用方面要考虑的不同颗粒的尺寸大小
Mg Ni
<0.01 - 0.3 µg/L
Concentrations 浓度 20 - 7000 µg/L
GF Piping Systems
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
Stir once with a Finger
in a Pure Water and the Ion Concentration increases up to
6 PVDF Product News 新产品信息
7 Market Segments for PVDF Piping Systems 应用的市场
8 Competitors 竞争对手
GF Piping Systems
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
System Philsophy of SYGEF® Products SYGEF® 产品独特的系统理念
SYGEF® Plus and SYGEF® Standard are world-class
Piping Systems for Your challenging Application SYGEF® Plus and SYGEF® Standard是针对挑战性应用的高端管路系统
GF Piping Systems
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
The production plant for Fittings & Pipes 生产厂房
Fluorpolymer Products GmbH
GF Piping Systems
▪ The most modern technology for High Purity applications from tomorrow
Do you know what SYGEF means? SYGEF代表什么? ▪ SYGEF means System Georg Fischer 是三个单词的缩写 ▪ SYGEF is a Trademark of Georg Fischer 是我司的一个注册商标
Do you know what HP means? 你知道HP的含义吗? ▪ HP is(指) High Purity
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
Contact Persons in SH 瑞士产品负责人
GF Piping Systems
PM: C. Classen (-3239)
Diaphragm Valves
PM: R. Kech (-3944)
Butterfly Valves
▪ 采用最先进的生产技术和工艺,针 对当代的高纯应用
▪ 超前的管理理念
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
SYGEF® Plus - Quality starts at the beginning 质量从源头抓起
▪ GF Piping Systems has today the worldwide biggest cleanroom production for PVDF HP products
▪ Special pipes available 可供特殊管道
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
SYGEF® Plus - A question of capacity ... Injection Molding machines 注塑机生产能力...
GF Piping Systems
4 Main Properties of PVDF 产品主要特性
5 Product Range 产品范围
6 PVDF Product News 新产品信息
7 Market Segments for PVDF Piping Systems 应用的市场
8 Competitors 竞争对手
GF Piping Systems
Concentrations of Elements in Pure water 纯水中各元素的浓度
immediately after collecting 刚出水站的纯水
stired onced with a finger 用手指蘸一下
2 System Philosophy of SYGEF Products 独特的系统理念
A walk through the modern facility for PVDF products 现代化的PVDF产品生产厂房
4 Main Properties of PVDF 产品主要特性
Fra Baidu bibliotek
5 Product Range 产品范围
Material 原料
Cleaning 清洗
Bagging 包装
Stock 入库
Delivery 发货
Your benefit: 您的利益 We guarantee the High Purity Chain for all HP-Products
GF Piping Systems
Table of Contents
1 Contact Persons 产品联络专员
2 System Philosophy of SYGEF Products 独特的系统理念
A walk through the modern facility for PVDF products 现代化的PVDF产品生产厂房
GF Piping Systems
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
SYGEF® Plus - A question of capacity ... Extrusion lines 管道挤出线的生产能力...
GF Piping Systems
▪ 3 extrusion lines 3条挤出线
▪ Capacity 700 to/year 生产能力700(吨/年)
▪ Dimensions: d16 - d400 产品尺寸: d16 - d400
▪ Production area: CR Class7 生产区域: CR Class7
▪ Packing area: CR Class 6 包装区域: CR Class 6
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
What is High Purity? 什么是高纯?
1. (Ultra) pure water (超)纯水 2. Clean air 洁净气体
GF Piping Systems
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
SYGEF® Plus - Automated systems 自动化生产系统
▪ Fully automated handling system ▪ 全自动处理系统 ▪ Machined to bag philosophy ▪ 生产线直接到包装袋管理理念
We want to provide you a feeling for the requirements of High Purity applications 我们希望使您对高纯应用的要求有一个 综合性的了解。
GF Piping Systems
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
▪ Pollen on a Microchip 一个花粉在微芯片上
GF Piping Systems
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
And this ...
▪ A hair on a structured wafer 一根头发在结构化的晶圆上
GF Piping Systems
4 Main Properties of PVDF 产品主要特性
5 Product Range 产品范围
6 PVDF Product News 新产品信息
7 Market Segments for PVDF Piping Systems 应用的市场
8 Competitors 竞争对手
GF Piping Systems
The SYGEF® Line
PVDF Product Range PVDF 产品系列
GF Piping Systems
Goal 目标
You get to know 您将会知道
the GF Piping SYSTEM ▪ SYGEF® Standard & SYGEF® Plus product range ▪ markets and applications ▪ the main competitors
.002 .006.008.01 .02 .04 .06 .1 .2 .4.6 .8 1 2 4 10 20 40 60 80
.0003 .001
Micrometers 微米 (µm)
GF Piping Systems
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
Do you know this? 你知道这是什么?
▪ GF管路系统今天拥有全球最大的 PVDF HP高纯产品生产洁净厂房
▪ The total area 洁净厂房总面积 (exist of class 100, 1000 und 10 000) is about 18,000 m2 (其中包括100级,1000级和10000级 三个不同等级的洁净区域)
PM: C. Neye (-3250)
Ball Valves
PM: A. Heuser (-3954)
Welding Technology
F. Meier (-3154)
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
Table of Contents
1 Contact Persons 产品联络专员
Hair app.头发粗约 50 mm Structure app.构件大小约 1-5 mm
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
The GF Piping Systems „High Purity Chain“ GF 管路系统的 „高纯链“
Raw Manufacturing
Bigger PVDF HP product range with the jointing technology up to d315 PVDF HP具有更宽的产品范围和连接技术,最大尺寸可达315mm ▪ Better bagging, labeling and traceability 更好的包装和标签,以及可追
Smallest Visible Particle
Tobacco Smoke
Line Width 芯片线宽
Smallest Visible Particle
Human Hair
RO Ultrafiltration超滤
Microfiltration微滤 Clarification净化
SYGEF® Line PVDF Product Range
Table of Contents
1 Contact Persons 产品联络专员
2 System Philosophy of SYGEF Products 独特的系统理念
A walk through the modern facility for PVDF products 现代化的PVDF产品生产厂房