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period 句号
≈is approximately equal to 约等于号
, comma 逗号
<is less than 小于号
:colon 冒号
>is more than 大于号
;semicolon 分号B
≤is not less than 不小于号
!exclamation 惊叹号
≥is not more than 不大于号
?question mark 问号
≢is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≣is more than or equal to 大于或等于号%per cent 百分之…
‰per mill 千分之
∞infinity 无限大号
+plus 加号;正号
∩intersection of 交,通集
-minus 减号;负号
∫the integral of …的积分
±plus or minus 正负号
∑( sigma) summation of 总和
×is multiplied by 乘号
° degree 度
÷is divided by 除号
′ minute 分
= is equal to 等于
″ second 秒
≠is not equal to 不等于号
# number …号
≡ is equivalent to 全等于号
℃ Celsius system 摄氏度
≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号
@at 单价
1、max s l P f v τ≥= Told as:τmax is less than and equal to P over f s ,and equal to l over v.
aD h
E C a ρσ≈- Told as:C aD is about two point nine three multiply h over a 3 to the second power and the root of E over ρ1 multiply the result of 1 minus σ to the second power.
3、1212D D L L ->+
Told as :the absolute value of D 1 minus D 2 is greater the absolute value of L 1minus L 2.
1122x k s k n k x k s k D n k α=+⎧⎪⎨=-+⎪⎩
Told as:x 1 is the function of k equals s is the function of k plus n 1 is the function of k.x 2 is the function of k equals as the quantity k minus D plus n 2 is the function of k.
N aN aC x x x d x dx M R p dt dt C --++= Told as:M N1 multiply the second derivative of x 1 with respect to t plus R aN1 times the first derivative of x 1 with respect to t plus the value of x1 minus x 2 and minus x 3 over C aC1 equals p.
20()b m B x dx B l =⎰
Told as:the definite integral B 2 of x with limit from a to b over two with respect to x equals the average value of B m multiply l.
7、01ln 22()cos m m I h B l h r d μθ⎛⎫= ⎪ ⎪-+⎝⎭
Told as:the average value of B 1m equals the value of μo multiply I m over the value of two multiply l times natural logarithmic function of h over the value h minus two times the value of r plus d and times the absolute value cos ө
12200224()1exp()1exp()m m m m lB lB r d I I h μμ⎛⎫⎛⎫+--+--= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝
⎭ Told as:the value of one minus exponential negative two times l times the average B 1m over μo times I m to the second power multiply the value of one minus exponential negative two times l times the average B 2m over μo times I m to the second power equal four times the value of r plus d to the second power over h to the second power.
9、44110000()(2)()n n i i i i m i i r r l d B l L x d h x B x I H dl dS dS φφμμμμμμ==-=⋅=+=+∑∑⎰ Told as:I m equals the closed liner integral H vector along l equals ∑ index i from 1 to n l i multiply d multiply ϕi over μo multiply μr multiply the differential of S plus L 4 of x multiply the differential of ϕ over μo multiply the differential of S equals ∑ index i from 1 to n the value of B i times l i over μo multiply μr plus the different value of h minus two times x then multiply B 4 of x over μo
10、Newton ’s Law of Universal Gravitation
For particles, have masse 1m and 2m and are separated by a distance r , the force that each exerts on the other is directed along the line joining the particles and has a magnitude given by 12
2m m F G r =
(Told as:the universal gravitation F equals the universal constant G multiply mass m 1 multiply mass m 2 over r which is the distance between mass m 1 and mass m 2 to the second power . )
The symbol G denotes the universal constant, whose value is found experimentally to be
11226.6725910m G N kg -=⨯⋅
(Told as:the universal constant equals six point six seven two five nine multiply ten follow negative eleven zeros unit newton times meter to the second power every kilogram to the second power. )。
