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姓名_______________ 准考证号_______________






从A B C D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处地最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

1.-I'm sorry I didn't nake it a your pany last night

- _______________,I know you'er busy these dnys

A.of course

B. no kidding

C. that's all night

D. don't mention it

2.experts think thyat _______________recently discovered painting may be_____________Picasso

A. the ;不填

B. a ;the

C. a;不填

D. the;a

3.Bats are surprsingly long-lived creatyures some ______a life span of around 20

A. having

B. his

C. have

D. to have

4.One Friday ,we were packing to leave for a weekend away _______my daugthter heard cries for help

A. after

B. while

C. since

D. when

5.I always wanted to do the job which I'd been trained _________

A. on

B. for

C. by

D. of

6.the school isn't the one I really wanted to go to ,but I suppose I'll just have to __________it.

A. make the best of

B. get away fron

C. keep an eye on

D. cateh up with

7.Since people are fond of humor ,it is as welcome in concerstion

as _____else

A. anything

B. something

C. anywhere

D. somethere

8.English is a language shared by corn cufrures ,cach of _________uses it somewhat differently.

A. which

B. what

C. them

D. there

9.the professor could tell by the ________look in Mans's eyes that she didn't understand a single word of his lecture

A. could

B. blank

C. mnosedl

D. fresh

10.A bank is the place ______they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for ask for it back when it begins to rain .

A .when


C. where


11.-How's your new babysitter?

-We ________aslk for a better onre all our kids love her so much

A. should


C. mustn't

D. couldn't

12.he decided that ht would drive all the way home instead for of ______at

a botel for nigh

A .putting down B. putting off C.putting on D. putting up

13.I've boen wating this repott____ but in had to be hadnde torrnw

A finally B. immwdiat C.occaionally D.certainly

14.ever bast weingts sometimes ind themsrled ____for words

A.lose B. lost C .to lose D.having lost

15.the manager was worried about the perss conference his

assistant______in his place but ,luckily ,cverything wasd goning on smoothly

A .gave B.gives C.was giving D. had given

16.My schedule is very ______righ now ,but I'll try to fit you in

A tight B.short C.regular D. flexble
