
建筑施工质量管理体系外文翻译参考文献1. GB/T -2016 英文名称:Quality management systems--Requirements《质量管理体系要求》2. GB/T -2016 英文名称:Quality management systems--Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015《质量管理体系应用指南》3. GB -2013 英文名称:Code for construction quality acceptance of building engineering《建筑工程质量验收规范》4. GB -2011 英文名称:Code for acceptance of constructional quality of masonry engineering《砌体工程施工质量验收规范》5. GB -2010 英文名称:Code for design of concrete structures《混凝土结构设计规范》6. GB -2013 英文名称:Standard for building drawing standardization《建筑施工图件编制规范》7. GB -2001 英文名称:Code for acceptance of construction quality of pile foundation engineering《桩基工程施工质量验收规范》8. /T 11-2017 英文名称:Technical specification for concrete structure of tall building《高层建筑混凝土结构技术规范》9. 63-2013 英文名称:Technical specification for strengthening of building structures using carbon fiber reinforced plastics 《建筑结构加固碳纤维布增强复合材料技术规范》10. 81-2002 英文名称:Technical specification for application of sprayed mortar in building construction and acceptance of quality 《建筑喷涂砂浆工程施工及质量验收技术规定》。

房屋建筑工程施工质量管理摘要范文英文回答:Construction quality management is a crucial aspect of any housing project. It ensures that the construction process follows the required standards and specifications, resulting in a safe and durable structure. In this summary, I will discuss the key elements of construction quality management and provide examples to illustrate their importance.Firstly, a comprehensive quality control plan should be developed before the start of the construction project. This plan outlines the specific quality requirements and procedures that need to be followed throughout the construction process. For example, in a building project, the quality control plan may include inspections at different stages, such as foundation, framing, electrical, and plumbing. These inspections help identify any potential defects or non-compliance with the building codes.Secondly, effective communication among allstakeholders is essential for successful quality management. This includes clear communication between the owner, contractor, subcontractors, and suppliers. For instance, if there is a change in the design or materials, it is crucial to communicate this information promptly to ensure that the construction team follows the updated specifications.Failure to communicate such changes can lead toconstruction defects and delays.Thirdly, regular inspections and testing should be conducted to monitor the quality of the construction work. This includes both visual inspections and specialized tests, such as concrete strength tests or air leakage tests. These inspections and tests help identify any deficiencies or deviations from the project requirements. For example, during a visual inspection, if the contractor noticescracks in the concrete walls, it indicates a potential structural issue that needs to be addressed.Furthermore, proper documentation of all constructionactivities is vital for quality management. This includes maintaining records of inspections, test results, and any corrective actions taken. These records serve as evidence of compliance with the quality requirements and can be used for future reference. For instance, if there is a dispute regarding the quality of work, the documentation can provide a clear record of the construction process.Lastly, continuous improvement is an essential aspect of construction quality management. It involves learning from past mistakes and implementing corrective actions to prevent similar issues in future projects. For example, if a construction project experienced water leakage due to improper waterproofing, the construction team should analyze the root cause and implement measures to prevent such issues in future projects.In conclusion, construction quality management is a critical aspect of ensuring the success of any housing project. It involves developing a quality control plan, effective communication, regular inspections and testing, proper documentation, and continuous improvement. Byimplementing these elements, construction teams can deliver high-quality buildings that meet the required standards and specifications.中文回答:房屋建筑工程施工质量管理是任何住宅项目中至关重要的一环。

施工规范中的中、英对照建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准Unified standard for constructional quality acceptance of building engineering:建筑工程 building engineering[ˈbildiŋˌendʒiˈniəriŋ],建筑工程质量quality[ˈkwɒləti]of building[ˈbɪldɪŋ] engineering[ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ],验收 acceptance[əkˈseptəns],进场验收 site[saɪt]acceptance [əkˈseptəns],检验批 inspection lot,检验 inspection,见证取样检测 evidential testing,交接检验 handing over inspection,主控项目 dominant item,一般项目general item,抽样检验 sampling inspection,抽样方案 sampling scheme,计数检验 counting inspection,计量检验 quantitative inspection,观感质量 quality of appearance,返修 repair,返工rework.建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptance of construction quality of building foundation:土工合成材料地基geosynthetics foundation,重锤夯实地基heavy tamping foundation,强夯地基 dynamic consolidation foundation,注浆地基 grouting foundation,预压地基 preloading foundation,高压喷射注浆地基jet grouting foundation,水泥土搅拌桩地基soil-cement mixed pile foundation,土与灰土挤密桩地基 soil-lime compacted column,水泥粉煤灰、碎石桩 cement flyash gravel pile,锚杆静压桩 pressed pile by anchor rod.砌体工程施工质量验收规范 Code for acceptance of construction quality of masonry engineering:施工质量控制等级control grade of construction quality,型式检验type inspection,通缝continuous seam,假缝supposititious seam,配筋砌体reinforced masonry,芯柱core column,原位检测inspection at original space.混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptance of constructional quality of concrete structures:混凝土结构concrete structure,现浇结构 cast-in-situ concrete structure,装配式结构 prefabricated concrete structure,缺陷 defect,严重缺陷serious defect,一般缺陷common defect,施工缝construction joint,结构性能检验inspection of structural performance.钢结构工程施工质量验收规范 Code for acceptance of construction quality of steel structures:零件 part,部件 component,构件element,小拼单元 the smallest assembled rigid unit,中拼单元intermediate assembled structure,高强度螺栓连接副 set of high strength bolt,抗滑移系数 slip coefficent of faying surface,预拼装 test assembling,空间刚度单元 space rigid unit,焊钉(栓钉)焊接 stud welding,环境温度 ambient temperature.木结构工程施工质量验收规范Code for construction quality acceptance Of timber structures:方木和原木结构 sawn andround timber structures,齿连接 step joints,胶合木结构structural glued-laminated timber,层板胶合木glued-lamlinated timber( Glulam),指形接头 Finger joints,层板 lamination,规格材 dimension lumber,轻型木结构wood-framle construction,墙骨 studs,搁栅 joists,木基结构板材 structural wood-based panel,木基复合板材 wood-based panel,结构胶合板 structura1 plywood,定向木片板oriented strand board(OSB),结构复合木材 structural composite 1umber(SCL),旋切板胶合木 laminated veneer 1umber(LVL),平行木片胶合木 parallel strand 1umber ( PSL),层叠木片胶合木 laminated strand 1umber( LSL),预制工字形木搁栅 prefabricated wood I-Joist,齿板truss plate,木材防护剂wood preservative,保持量retentiOn,透入度 penetratiOn.屋面工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptance of construction quality of roof:防水层合理使用年限 life of waterproof layer,一道防水设防 a separate waterproof barroer,分格缝 dividing joint,满粘法 full adhibiting method,空铺法 border adhibiting method,点粘法 spot adhibiting method,条粘法 strip adhibiting method,冷粘法cold adhibiting method,热熔法heat fusion method,自粘法 self-adhibiting method,热风焊接法hot air welding method,倒置式屋面inversion type roof,架空屋面elevated overhead roof,蓄水屋面impounded roof,种植屋面plantied roof.地下防水工程质量验收规范 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Underground Waterproof:地下防水工程 underground waterproof engineering,防水等级 grade of waterproof,刚性防水层 rigid waterproof layer,柔性防水层 flexible waterproof layer,初期支护 primary linning,盾构法隧道 shield tunnelling method,土工合成材料 geosynthetics.建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范 Code for acceptance of nstruction quality of building ground:建筑地面 building ground,面层surface course,结合层 combined course,基层 base course,填充层 filler course,隔离层 isolating course,找平层troweling course,垫层层 under layer,基土 foundation earth layer,缩缝 shrinkage crack,伸缝 stretching crack,纵向缩缝 1engthwise shrinkage crack,横向缩缝 crosswise stretching crack.建筑装饰装修工程施工质量验收规范Code for construction qualityacceptance of building decoration:建筑装饰装修building decoration,基体 primary structure,基层 base course,细部 detail.建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范 Code for acceptance of nstruction quality of Water supply drainage and heating works:给水系统water supply system,排水系统drainage system,热水供应系统hot water supply system,卫生器具sanitary fixtures,给水配件water supply fittings,建筑中水系统intermediate water system of building,辅助设备auxiliaries,试验压力test pressure,额定工作压力rated working pressure,管道配件pipe fittings,固定支架fixed trestle,活动支架movable trestle,整装锅炉integrative boiler,非承压锅炉boiler without bearing,安全附件safety accessory,静置设备still equipment,分户热计量household-based heat metering,热计量装置heat metering device,卡套式连接compression joint,防火套管fire-resisting sleeves,阻火圈firestops collar.通风与空调工程施工质量验收规范Code of acceptance for construction quality of ventilation and air conditioning works:风管 air duct,风道 air channel,通风工程 ventilation works,空调工程 air conditioning works,风管配件 duct fittings,风管部件 duct accessory,咬口 seam,漏风量 air 1eakage rate,系统风管允许漏风量 air system permissible leakage rate,漏风率 air system leakage ratio,净化空调系统 air cleaning system,漏光检测 air leak check with lighting,整体式制冷设备 packaged refrigerating unit,组装式制冷设备 assembling refrigerating unit,风管系统的工作压力 design working pressure,空气洁净度等级 air cleanliness class,角件 corner pieces,风机过滤器单元(FFU、FMU) fan filter(module)unit,空态as-built,静态at-rest,动态 operational,非金属材料风管 nonmetallic duct,复合材料风管 foil-insulant composite duct,防火风管 refractory duct.建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范Code of acceptance of construction quality of electrical installation in building:布线系统 wiring system,电气设备 electrical equipment,用电设备 current-using equipment,电气装置 electrical installation,建筑电气工程(装置) electrical installation in building,导管conduit,金属导管 metal conduit,绝缘导管 insulating conduit,保护导体(PE) protective conductor(PE),中性保护导体(PEN) PEN conductor,可接近的 accessible,景观照明 landscape lighting.电梯工程施工质量验收规范 Code for acceptance of installation quality of lifts,escalators and passenger conveyors:电梯安装工程 installation of lifts,escalators and passenger conveyors, 电梯安装工程质量验收 acceptance of installation quality of lifts,escalators and passenger conveyors, 土建交接检验 handing over inspection of machine rooms and wells.智能建筑工程质量验收规范 Code for acceptance of quality of Intelligent building systems:建筑设备自动化系统(BAS) building automation system,通信网络系统(CNS) communication network system,信息网络系统(INS) information network system,智能化系统集成(ISI) intelligent system integrated,火灾报警系统(FAS) fire alarm system,安全防范系统(SAS) security protection & alarm system,住宅(小区)智能化(CI) community intelligent,家庭控制器(HC) home controller,控制网络系统(CNS) control network system.异步传输模式 asynchronous transfer mode,直接数字控制器 direci digita1 controller,非军事化区或停火区demilitarized Zone,电子邮件 electronic-mail,文件传输协议 file transfer protocol,光纤到 x(x 表示路 fiber to-the-x (x: C,B,H,D; C-curb,边、楼、户、桌面) B-building,H-houst,D-desk),混合光纤同轴网 hybrid fiber coax,超文本传输协议 hypertext transfer protocol,输入/输出 input / output,综合业务数字网integrated services digital network,宽带综合业务数字网broadband ISDN,窄带综合业务数字网 narrowband ISDN,同步数字系列 synchronous digital hierarchy,不间断电源系统uninterrupted power system,甚小口径卫星地面站 very small aperture terminal,数字用户环路(x:表示告诉、非对称、单环路、甚高速) x digital subscriber line (x:H, A,S,V;H-high data rate,A- asymmetrical,S-single line,V-bery high data rate).建设工程监理规范 The Code of Construction Project Management.建设工程项目管理规范The code of construction project management by enterprises of construction industry:施工项目construction project,施工项目管理 construction projectmanagement byenterprises of construction industry,项目发包人employer,项目承包人 contractor,项目分包人 subcontractor,项目经理 construction project manager,项目经理部 construction project management team,矩阵式项目管理组织 matrix type organization of projectmanagement,直线职能式项目管理组织straight line and function typeorganization of project management,事业部式项目管理组织 federal structure of decentralizedpower type organization of project management,项目经理责任制 responsibility system of constructionproject manager,项目管理目标责任书 responsibility documents ofconstruction project management,项目管理规划大纲 planning outline for constructionproject management,项目管理实施规划execution planning for constructionproject management,项目目标控制 object control for construction project,项目风险constraction project risk,项目风险管理 risk management of construction project,项目成本核算制 cost calculation system of constructionproject,项目生产要素管理 productive element management forconstruction project,项目合同管理 contract management for constructionproject,项目信息管理 information management for constructionproject,项目现场管理 site management for construction project,项目竣工验收 completion and delivery of constructionproject,项目回访保修 return visitand guarantee for repairofconstruction project,项目组织协调organization coordination for constructionproject,项目考核评价 examination and evaluation of constructionproject management.聚合物水泥砂浆防腐蚀工程技术规程 technical specification for anticorrosion works of polymer cement mortar:建筑拒水粉屋面防水工程技术规程technique regulations for roof waterproof projects with waterproof powder for building.点支式玻璃幕墙工程技术规程technical specification for point supported glass curtain wall:点支式玻璃幕墙 Point supported glass curtain wal1,玻璃面板 Glass panel,支承装置 Support device,支承结构 Support structure,点支式斜玻璃幕墙 Inclined point supported glass curtainwall,密封胶 Glazing sealant,相容性 Compatibility.砖和砌块名词术语砖brick,普通砖common brick,烧结砖fired b rick,青砖blue brick,红砖red brick,内燃砖brick fried with combustible additives,蒸养砖steam-cured brick,蒸压砖autocl aved brick,碳化砖carbonted lime brick,实心砖solid brick,微孔砖porous brick,多孔砖perforated brick,空心砖hollow brick,八五砖8─″ brick,望砖shedthins tile,异形砖special shaped brick,拱亮砖hollow brick for arches or shells*,花格砖lattice brick ,地砖floor tile,劈离砖split tile,吸声砖sound absorption brick,饰面砌筑砖facing brick,贴面砖facing tile,配砖bat;3/4″brick,砌块block,小型砌块small block,中型砌块medium block,大型砌炔large block,烧结砌块fired block,普通混凝土砌块normal concrete block,轻骨料混凝土砌块light aggregate concrete block,硅酸盐混凝土砌块lime-silica te concrefe block,多孔混凝土砌块cellular concrete block,实心砌块solid block,空心砌块hollow block,异形砌块special sh aped block,咬接砌抉interlocking bloc,建筑部位砌块block for structural elements,槽形砌块U-shaped block,劈离砌块plit block,吸声砌块sound absorption block,饰面砌块decorative block,长length,宽width,高height,大面bedding face,条面side face,顶面end face,铺浆面top face,坐浆面bedding face,侧面side face,端面endface,切割面cutting face,完整面finished face,外壁shelltface sltell,肋wed,槽groove,榫tongue,凸缘end flange,棱edge,孔core,竖孔vertical core,水平孔horizontal core,抓孔scratch core,单排孔eingle -row core,多排孔multi-row core,外廓尺寸overall dimension,毛截面面积gross cross-sectional area,净面积net area,标号strength grading,孔洞率(空心率)void ratio(core ratio),块体容重unit bulk density,纹理texture,外观质量appearance quality,混等率under rate,欠火underfire,过火overfire,哑音dumbsound,黑心black coretblack heart,黑头chuff,压花kissmarktstain on firing,螺旋纹spiral lamination,石灰爆裂 lime bloatingtlime popping,泛霜efforescence,缺棱chipping,掉角arris defect,疏松slagking,毛刺burr,凹陷indentation,层裂lamination,裂缝crack,裂纹craze,龟裂map crack,起鼓bulkin g,脱皮scaling,翘曲warping,灰团lumping.建筑外门的风压变形性能分级及其检测方法 graduation and methods of resisting wind pressure capacity for building external doors:外门 external door,压力差 pressure difference,面法线位移和挠度 frontal displacement and deflection,相对面法线挠度 relative frontal deflection,残余变形 residual deformation,变形检测deformation test,反复受荷检测 repeated pressure test,安全检测 safety test.。

外文文献翻译原文及译文标题:建筑行业全面质量管理外文翻译2019-2020文献出处:Idris Othman, Siti Norfarahhanim Mohd Ghani, Shim Woon Choon[J] Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 6 December , 2019,1-8译文字数:4000 多字英文The Total Quality Management (TQM) journey of Malaysian buildingcontractorsIdris Othman, Siti Ghani, Shim Woon ChoonAbstractMalaysian Government has announced that for construction industry to transform by 2020, quality in construction is needed to be improved. Total Quality Management (TQM) could facilitate this motive. Thus, the purpose of this research is to identify, rank and analyze the factors affecting TQM implementation in a construction company so that industrial practitioners avoid poor quality products. A case study concept was used and a questionnaire survey was collected from 32 respondents. The reliability test was conducted using Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient. Employee related factor was identified to be the most crucial factors affecting TQM implementation. Contractor group of respondents showed excellent level of internal consistency (overall reliability) with the validation value of 0.956 using Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient. In conclusion this research able to give a series of recommendation and a clear quality management which can be followed by the industry practitioners to ensure that Total Quality Management can be implemented.Keywords: Total Quality Management, Construction, Contractor,MalaysiaIntroductionConstruction sector plays a critical part in the economy of Malaysia seeing its contribution in capital formation, employment creation and revenue generation which bolster the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the financial advancement of Malaysia. Economic Performance Fourth Quarter 2018, Malaysia’s economy growth accelerates to 4.7% with construction being sector being one of the main contributors. Construction is as fourth key contributors to the economic growth with 2.6% contributions to the GDP after Services, Manufacturing and Agriculture as shown in Table.Despite the growth and construction industry contribution to national GDP, the performance of the projects are not fully satisfied by many clients. Sustainable quality improvement is hardly achieved because of the construction quality management setting is loosely structured. However, Harrington, Voehl and Wiggin suggested otherwise. They narrated Teixeira in their studies that by referring to main guidelines, anybody has a great freedom to develop solution for TQM. Therefore, organization should develop framework with consideration of their managers’ view of Quality Management (QM). However, many contractors are not motivated to improve quality in their projects and organization. In order to improve quality issues faced by the contractors,TQM is suggested to be implemented in construction s etting.In January 1st, 2009, all Grade G7 contractors has been made compulsory to be certified with the ISO 9000 Quality Management System by Construction Industrial Development Board (CIDB). Failure to do so, the companies will be downgraded, which effect their business activities. In order to overcome problems such as inferior quality of construction materials, building defects, construction delays, high accident rates and environmental impact issues, many contractors have started ISO certification. In the last four decades, TQM has achieved improvement in term of continuous improvement in the system of holistic management. TQM has been proved very successful in many industries especially manufacturing sector. Therefore, by integrating TQM into contractor’s system of management will improve the problems of quality. Likita et al found that when TQM is fully implemented, processes in construction sector will be controlled in much better. In Malaysia’s construction industry context, few studies have been undertaken related to TQM in term of theories, techniques, concepts, model, framework, implementation, impact, efficiency and performance. However, no evidence is found that there has been statistical research on the actual extent of TQM practiced by building contractors in Malaysia.Literature reviewThis section presents TQM overview by explaining its brief history,definition and principles. Benefits of TQM also will be elaborated to get a feel of what impact it could give to the organizations that decided to adopt it. Author also presents related work on TQM in Malaysian construction environment by recording the strengths and weaknesses of each work and provide the way forward to expand TQM’s body of knowledge in this sector.Total Quality Management (TQM)?OverviewTQM is the result of evolution in quality. It was started by Walter Shewhart in early 1920s when product quality control was applied with statistical theory. After that in the 1940s led by Americans such as Deming, Juran, Feigenbaum and Crosby, the concept was further developed in Japan. The focus widened to quality of all issues within the organization. The four evolutionary phases of quality are inspection, quality control, quality assurances then TQM. TQM is a philosophy to meet quality output satisfying the expectation of customer. Quality level in TQM is determined by customers. Quality standards inclusive of the Deming Prize and the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Awards (MBNQA) ISO 9000 series, specify principles and processes that comprise TQM. Fig sums up eight principles of TQM.TQM benefitsTQM benefits should be understand in order to appreciate itsimportance. For improving competitiveness around the world, TQM has been utilized as an applied process. TQM could boost performance in two ways according to Ghobadian and Ghallear. In short term, TQM via premium pricing could increase profitability. However, TQM could increase market share in the long term. The financial performance and market share can be increased by utilizing the strategic pursuit of quality. TQM also could give positive impact on speed of response, productivity, customer services and quality of product. On top of that, Heltondescribed the impressive financial gains made by most Baldridge Award winners apart from improvement in business performance.Those firms in construction sector specifically that successfully implemented TQ can reduced workforce rework, workforce, nonconformities, improved overall project schedule and increase of market share. Besides that, TQM in construction industry also proven that company reputation can be increased, considerable market share can be won, and customer delight can be achieved. TQM is a philosophy that delivers long-term benefits. There are many cases showing the successfully implementation of TQM. However, there are also failure cases. Therefore, TQM must be implemented completely.TQM journey of Malaysia construction industryHighly interested in Quality Management (QM) activities can be seen since 1990s in Malaysia. Lasserre and Probert, recorded thatMalaysia has a better quality sophistication and expectations than other growing countries in Asia. Malaysia also embarked by 2020 to attain the status of industrialized nation. Therefore, Malaysia becoming a practical area for the studies of THQM in a developing economy arena. Since then, research on TQM in manufacturing industry also been conducted on in Malaysia service industries and a few other sectors. However, research in construction industry is still very limited. While abundant of TQM research was found in other countries’ construction industry, author had found only five previous studies directly related to Malaysian construction industry from database; which reviewed in the following Table.From Table , the strengths and weaknesses of the related works are identified. Thiagaran, Zairi and Dale work has strength in premiering guidelines to implement TQM in Malaysian construction industry but lacks in assessment of TQM implementation. It is understandable since there were limited studies of TQM implementation in construction industry during the time that assessment of TQM implementation is yet to be done. Janipha and Ismail proposed work has strength in identifying issues of quality in construction. They were right when they reported that the initial steps in implementing successful quality in construction environment are to recognize issues in the construction environment itself and the issues in construction quality. However, they were not able tosupport their hypothesis on the companies which implement quality practice will have direct, positive impact to their business. There was also no TQM assessment practice done in the study.The strength of Seng and Loon work lies in issues and barriers exploration, which can help those construction companies that intended to implement TQM be aware of the barriers and overcome them first before implementing. However, their target sample was from engineers which cannot represent the whole suggestion of TQM implementation, resulting less reliability of the results. Further studies can be done by distributing the survey to all level of organizations from top to bottom and focused on the companies that adopted ISO series in their organizations only since this ensure that the companies applied TQM in their operations and managements. There was also no TQM practice assessment conducted in the study. Likita et al are researchers from Malaysian local universities with the article title of “An Overview of TQM in Construction”, however none of the selected studies to be reviewed were on TQM in Malaysian construction industry, which clearly there were available studies on that since 2000 by Thiagaran, Zairi and Dale. Furthermore, the number of selected studies reviewed were only five, which cannot be considered as overview of TQM implementation in construction because there are a lot of studies about TQM in construction sector worldwide. There was also no assessment of TQM practice study reviewed or mentioned in work.Finally, Jong, Sim and Liew work has strength in providing further insights of TQM roles for improvement the performance of the project. However, several weaknesses are identified such as the data analysis and discussion were only based on questionnaire response and literature review. They did not conduct interview on experts to further find the how and why of each outcome of their study which could give better knowledge of the relationship between performance of project and the TQM. Besides, the questionnaire distributed were designed to find relationship between the performance of project and TQM.From the comparisons, it can be summarized that there is gap in current TQM studies of Malaysian construction industry which is no assessment conducted. An assessment to explore the extent of actual TQM practice in current Malaysian construction environment. The significance of having this assessment is that it could give a picture and definition of actual TQM practice in Malaysian construction sector. TQM has been widely accepted and discussed since the last four decades, but where is Malaysia in the TQM journey? How far has our construction industry come? Available studies on other sectors other than construction in Malaysia is a lot especially in manufacturing, service, food processing, automotive and SMEs, but there are still very limited studies in construction sector. More research significance or contributions are further described in section 5 of this paper. But, the way forward in TQMstudy of Malaysian construction industry is to assess the extent of the TQM practiced by the Malaysia’s large-sized (G7) contractors with ISO 9001:2008 certification by self-assessment questionnaire survey. Based on the findings, research objectives are formulated in subsequent section.ConclusionThis research has achieved its objectives which are to identify and rank factors affecting TQM implementation based on Relative Importance Index (RII), find correlations between Clients, Consultants and Contractors and validate the factors identified using case study of this research utilizing information obtained from the respondents.The rank of factors affecting TQM implementation based on overall perspectives was identified as follows: (1) Employee Related, (2) Strategic Planning, (3) Teamwork, (4) Communication Related, (5) Organizational Culture, (6) Top Management Commitment, (7) Continuous Improvement and (8) Customer Related. Slight changes occur when analyzed based on companies’ group. Clients and Contra ctors agreed on the similar rank for the top three TQM implementation factors which are (1) Employee Related, (2) Organizational Culture and (3) Communication Related. However, Consultants ranked the factors as (1) Teamwork, (2) Employee Related and (3) Organizational Culture.The correlation between three group of companies were identified; Client/Consultant showed highest Spearman correlation coefficient(β = 0.909) which classified as very strong correlation. Contractor/Consultant showed st rong correlation (β = 0.675) while Contractor/Client showed moderate correlation (β = 0.573) on quality management factors. These indicated that Client/Consultant have more similar views on quality management than Client/Contractor or Consultant/Contractor.Finally, this research also was able to give a series of recommendation and a clear quality management framework which can be followed by the industry practitioners to ensure that Total Quality Management can be implemented and total quality products can be achieved.Recommendation for the future workTo further improve this research and make it more significant in the future, several future works can be considered. Those future works are explained below:(i) High rise or large scale project as case studyThe study should be focusing on high rise and large scale project because those type of projects implement TQM in more specific method compared to low rise projects. The projects too have more challenging scenario in term of quality needed to be taken care or compared to low rise.(ii) Focus research populationFor best results on the subject studied, the questionnaire should only be distributed to the quality department of particular organizations such as Quality Assurance and Quality Control division since quality is their expertise. Their opinion and views could be more valid and reliable.(iii) Increase the number of respondentsIncreasing the number of respondents will boost up reliability and validity obtained from the questionnaire survey. Larger sample will give more discrete and focused results.(iv) Incorporate TQM with Quality Assessment and ISOFor bigger scope in quality management, research on quality assessment such as QLASSIC and CONQUAS and ISO 9001 can be done and the researcher could try to find the point of correlation between them and develop framework out of it.中文马来西亚建筑承包商的全面质量管理摘要马来西亚政府宣布,要使建筑业在2020 年之前完成转型,要实现这一目标,就必须提高建筑质量。

建筑工程施工管理英文版Construction Project ManagementIntroduction:Construction project management is a vital process that involves planning, coordinating, and controlling various aspects of a construction project. In this article, we will discuss the key principles and techniques of construction project management in the English language.1. Project Initiation:In this phase, the project is conceptualized, and feasibility studies are conducted. This includes identifying and assessing the project's goals, objectives, and constraints. The project manager collaborates with stakeholders to determine the project's scope, budget, and schedule.2. Project Planning:Once the project initiation phase is complete, the project manager proceeds to develop a detailed project plan. This plan includes defining project milestones, creating a work breakdown structure, and establishing a project timeline. Additionally, risk assessments and management strategies are developed to mitigate potential risks.3. Resource Allocation:During the resource allocation phase, the project manager ensures that all necessary resources are identified and secured. This includes materials, labor, equipment, and subcontractors. Efficient resource allocation is crucial to meet project requirements within the allocated budget and schedule.4. Project Execution:The project execution phase involves the actual construction activities. The project manager supervises and directs the workforce, ensures compliance with safety regulations, and monitors the progress against the project plan. Regular communication and coordination among team members are essential to maintain project efficiency.5. Quality Control:To ensure the construction project meets the desired quality standards, a comprehensive quality control system is implemented. This includes conducting inspections, tests, and audits at different stages of construction. The project manager monitors and addresses any deviations from the quality standards promptly.6. Risk Management:Construction projects are often exposed to various risks, such as cost overruns, delays, and safety hazards. Effective risk management techniques are crucial to mitigate these risks. The project manager continually evaluates potential risks, develops contingency plans, and implements proactive measures to minimize their impact.7. Communication and Collaboration:Effective communication and collaboration are key to successful construction project management. The project manager facilitates regular meetings and provides proper channels for information exchange among stakeholders. Open and transparent communication ensures that any issues or changes are promptly addressed, minimizing the possibility of conflicts.8. Cost Control:Keeping the project within the approved budget is a vital aspect of construction project management. The project manager closely monitors project expenses, tracks costs against the budget, and identifies areas where cost savings can be achieved. Effective cost control measures help in preventing unnecessary financial burdens.9. Schedule Management:Adhering to the project schedule is crucial for its timely completion. The project manager develops a detailed schedule considering all project activities, dependencies, and constraints. They closely monitor the progress, identify potential delays, and take appropriate actions to keep the project on track.10. Project Closure:The project closure phase involves reviewing the project's performance, documenting lessons learned, and conducting a final evaluation. The project manager ensures that all contractual obligations are fulfilled, and necessary project close-out procedures are followed. This phase marks the official completion of the construction project.Conclusion:Construction project management requires effective planning, coordination, and control to ensure the successful completion of projects within the defined constraints. By following the principles and techniques discussed in this article, project managers can improve their ability to deliver construction projects efficiently and effectively.。

The construction project cost controlJ. S. KUANGConstruction Project Management,3,The construction project costcontrol,J. S. KUANG .1.施工项目的成本控制杰斯·库昂工程项目管理,3,施工项目的成本控制,杰斯·库昂,1.施工项目的成本控制1 引言项目是企业的形象窗口和效益源泉。
2 概述施工项目成本控制,指在成本发生和形成过程中,对生产经营所消耗的人力、物资和费用开支,进行指导、监督、调节和限制,及时预防、发现和纠正偏差从而把各项费用控制在计划成本的预定目标之内,以保障企业的生产经营效益。
3 施工企业成本控制原则施工企业成本控制以项目成本控制为中心,其是企业成本管理的基础和核心,项目经理部在对施工项目进行成本控制时,必须遵循以下基本原则:成本最低化原则。

通过研究李秀峰总结归纳了造成工程的质量问题并引入项目质量控制分析方法,Low Sui Pheng 和Jasmine Ann Teo[2] 建立了施工中的质量管理框架来通过经验分析实现项目的质量控制,SangHyun Lee and others[3] 利用系统质量动态结构和变更管理模型的编程方法和控制方法,最终实现了大规模的并行设计和施工项目的管理和控制。

文献信息:文献标题:Assessment of Total Quality Management in Construction Industry(建筑业全面质量管理评估)国外作者:K Sathish Raja,Mubeena M文献出处:《Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)》, 2017,3(2):1850-1856字数统计:英文1895单词,10348字符;中文3094汉字外文文献:Assessment of Total Quality Managementin Construction IndustryAbstract Total Quality Management (TQM) procedure is a current gadget within the area of quality. Lately many corporations have resorted to the software of total high-quality control, that allows you to assessing the extent of fine and to improve it. To be competitive in today’s marketplace, it is critical for construction groups to offer extra constant pleasant and price to their owners/customers. Its cause is to provoke extra teamwork on the jobsite, and to provide higher exceptional paintings. The motive of this paper is to look at the TQM in the construction industry. The have a look at appears at the relationship between the life of TQM coverage and frequency of consumer complaints and participation of personnel in designing exceptional control schemes. A survey of 30 respondents, primarily based on literature review and investigative approach become carried out the use of questionnaires. SPSS statistical device is to be applied for statistics analysis. The issues identified from the records analysis are evaluated and controlled by way of the usage of simplex technique. Eventually, take a look at whether or not the objective of gaining customer pride with the aid of enhancing the best inside the area may be done or not.1.Introduction1.1.Objective of the StudyQMS places emphasis on prevention, not correction. The goal which works that is 100% free of errors, free of accidents, and 100% free of waste. The aim of the work is to do things right at the first time, eliminating waste and rework. To gain this, it's miles essential to awareness on “tactics.”A process is a task or a series of tasks. The main objective of this study is to create the quality awareness to the construction company especially small scale industries. Because all the literature and statistics shows that small scale construction industries not that much aware of QMS (Quality Management System). Whenever the Quality Management System is implemented we can easily minimize the wastage of material, cost overrun, wastage of time, etc., Specifically, the aims and objectives of this research project includes, investigate the adoption and implementation of QMS in the construction industry. Determine the major factors that are mostly affecting the quality of construction during the construction particularly in execution phase. To create the quality awareness to the low level construction organisations. To minimize the indirect cost of the project and also reduce the wastage of wastage of materials, time, money, manpower, etc.1.2.Need of the StudyIn different production industries are organising the tqm (general high-quality management) device however in construction enterprise we can not establish even qms (great control system).The cause at the back of is every construction undertaking is unique and satisfactory is ever converting factor i.e. exceptional exchange time to time, region to area.But many common activities in construction project like the concrete work, Block work, plastering, etc. In those common works are affected by some major factors like quality of material, quality of manpower, construction detailing, concrete work, etc. In this work it is very much helpful for find out the major factors and give result with cost of poor quality. Also for creating cost oriented quality awareness to low level construction companies.2.Quality2.1.Total Quality ManagementTotal quality management is the management technique of an corporation, which concentrates on quality based at the participation of its members and aims at long-term success through satisfaction and benefits to all members of the organization and society. It is the method by which management and employees can become involved in the continuous improvement of the production of goods and services. It's miles a mixture of exceptional and control equipment aimed at growing enterprise and decreasing loses because of wasteful practices.2.2.Factors affecting Quality of Construction2.2.1.Limitation of TimeSome construction works had to be completed within a time limit such as in cases of urgent works. They caned limitation of work planning and they also caused other management problem. Therefore, contractor had to carefully consider this issue. Delays are the major problems that face the construction industry it may cause many poor consequences inclusive of cost overruns, and is of high concern to those who are involved in the construction industry.2.2.2.Training PoliciesLooking into the overall training coverage, the iso 9001 registered businesses have more challenge at the education in their personnel than the nonregistered ones. They now not most effective pay for the route expenses, but also allow them to get hold of schooling in the course of operating hours. For non-registered companies, the organization may additionally reimburse the course prices however employees must attend education periods out of doors of working hours. Furthermore, regular education programmes on technical and pc know- how were normally supplied in lots of organizations. The maximum famous training programme organized by means of iso 9001 registered groups changed into first-rate knowledge.2.2.3.Limitation of WeatherWeather became certainly one of several essential barriers as it occasionally cannot be prevented inclusive of flooding, typhoon, and many others. Climate situation seriously affects all rigging operations. Industries such as marine,construction and others that involve out of doors production thoroughly need to bear in mind climate situations at the same time as planning and executing their operations. Weather situations affect the steadiness, design and overall performance of the shape. The construction enterprise wishes to make be aware of such conditions as most of its operation are performed inside the open and concern to all form of weather.ck of co-ordination among departmentsCoordination is very important for project successful. Because co-ordination between the departments is failed that may leads to wrong execution or may affect the sequence of work. For example consider the MEP (Mechanical Electrical Plumbing) department not properly co-ordinate with execution team, now execution team done the plastering work before plumbing works are not done due to lack of coordination. Here definitely rework required so automatically quality is misplaced.2.2.5.Limitation of Construction MethodologyConstruction works in some areas could not be performed by regular method because there were buildings around construction site, so the contractor had to find new methods that were suitable to construct and sometimes used specialist engineer when some construction works were in step of construction. Poor construction methods is responsible for the failure of the buildings and structure. It is caused due to negligence and inadequate quality control at work site.3.Poor Quality Of Construction WorkQuality is the biggest risk in construction. Poor quality will produce unreliable output. Also improper quality may result in building collapse and hence people may die. Actually it is directly related to the cost and length of time for a project. Errors on construction sites occur frequently and can be costly for the contractors and owners of constructed facilities. In fact, 6-15% of the construction cost is found to be wasted due to rework that occurs with improper quality management. Therefore, thorough inspection of construction sites is needed and that needs to be improved in identifying defects in industry.3.1.Impact of poor qualityPoor quality problems can occur at any stage of data warehousing either in the initial phase or at any other phase of data movement. It is not only the responsibility of users alone to check for the quality data. Behavour of the user who deals with the data is considered a significant factor that can increase the problem. typing mistakes , most common source of data inaccuracy.3.1.1.ManOne of the main factors that affect the quality in construction includes man . The lack of training, lack of motivation , shortage of people, unqualified personnel and the shortcuts taken up by the workman may reduce the quality of work.3.1.2.MaterialThe grading of the materials may vary the quality of work. The use of low grade material results in poor quality. Good standardisation of materials challenges the construction industry. If the specification of the material is poor then cases of rework and dissatisfaction may arrive.3.1.3.ManagementA great control allows in attaining organization goals. It arranges the elements of manufacturing, assembles and organizes the assets, integrates the sources in effective way to reap dreams. it directs institution efforts toward success of pre decided desires.A very good control will provide ok vision, task, fee machine, process knowledge and proper selection making.3.2.Methods to Improve QualityQuality improvement is an important aspect of quality management. There are various methods used for quality improvement, each with its own distinctive role in the implementation of the process as an entire. They're:3.2.1.Product ImprovementIt is one of the main method used in quality improvement. The idea behind this is that the more products are improved, the better they will sell. As time evolves, so do important aspects of customer satisfaction. Customers expect the necessary changes to be made and will keep making purchases from a particular company if improvements are thus made to products that enable them to be equipped with the latest features andelements that will help them continue to sell. Here, every aspect of the business is included and proper attention paid to the finest of details to ensure success.3.2.2.People based Improvement MethodsThis method includes everyone from managers down to the customers. Managers are there to guide employees. Products to those implemented to improve overall customer satisfaction. One of the improvement methods often used for utilizing various new processes is training. Both managers and their employees receive training on a regular basis to ensure the latest techniques are used in the development of products and implementation of services. Everyone must work together in order for it to be truly successful and for the organisation to thrive.4.Results and DiscussionIn this section the data are analyzed using the SPSS software and discussions were done based on the questionnaire survey. The objective of conducting the analysis is to do things right at the first time, eliminating waste and rework. To acquire this, it is important to focus on “processes” recognized from the literature review and ranking them in keeping with their have an effect on in construction challenge.The factors identified are:(1)Lack of importance of TQM awareness from governmental departments.(2)Some bad rumors inside and outside effect work.(3)Employees and middle managers express their dissatisfaction by delaying or neglecting to do something.(4)High employee absenteeism.(5)Lack of supplier involvement in improvement.5.ConclusionThe result of this thesis will reveal the principle factors which affect the construction high-quality and also boom in fee of production because of first-rate illness. This look at will create the first-class management consciousness to all degree production corporations particularly small scale businesses. From this thesis we getthe major elements and problems which affects the development excellent and that create a hazard for find out the remedial measure. This thesis is useful for minimizing the material wastage, workmanship wastage, time wastage and indirect value and increases the patron pleasure and employer recognition.The changing way of life and policy of schooling plan, information acquisition method and distribution of duties are the key factors to the achievement of tqm implementation in creation corporations. It is was hoping that this take a look at has delivered colossal contributions to highlight the shortages and weak spot within the control practices in creation industry.中文译文:建筑业全面质量管理评估摘要全面质量管理(TQM)程序是目前质量领域内的一个小工具。

建筑施工质量管理中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文资料翻译Building construction quality managementAbstract:adhere to the quality first, improve the management level, improve the quality of construction is the key, only to meet the required quality standards and user requirements under the premise of quality, time limit for a project, cost, to meet the requirements, to provide more high-quality, safe, economical and applicable building products. Based on this, the building construction quality management of.Key words: housing construction building construction quality management1 strengthen training, selection of construction personnel is laying the quality control personnel foundationEngineering quality were all participants in the project construction technology management, operating personnel coordination work results, so construction workers is to form the main factor of project quality. To control the engineering quality first is the training and selection of construction personnel, improving their comprehensive quality. We should improve their quality awareness, according to comprehensive quality regardless of idea construction personnel must establish five concepts: the concept of quality first, pre-control priority idea, talk with data concept and social benefit and enterprise benefit and comprehensive benefit idea. The second is the construction of the technical quality of personnel, management, construction personnel should have higher quality planning and management capacity, production personnel should have superb technical ability, be strict in one's demands of the style of work, strictimplementation of quality standards and procedures of the legal concept, service personnel should do good technology and service life, can be with excellent service indirectly to ensure engineering quality.2 give full play to QC quality control functionAccording to "the anti-seizure combination, prevention first " principle is carried out actively " tell, help, anti, card" scientific examination method, and the constructionpersonnel together, common to the owners of construction process, responsible, quality control personnel, users, the construction personnel to establish new relations of cooperation, quality inspection staff and the construction site operations personnel is consistent, it is to provide users with high quality, satisfaction of building products. But the construction production is busy, to snatch the project schedule is loosen quality management tendency occurs. This led to check the quality of the project is checked with contradictions between. To give full play to the initiative of the staff to check the quality of the project, it is necessary to establish the authority of the quality inspection personnel, it is very necessary and important.3 following a case analysis gradually quality management, engineering survey:The territory of Hechi a building for the underground layer, on the ground twenty-two, twenty-five buildings, covers an area of 2550.4 square meters, building a total height of 79.950 meters, construction area of 4008 square meters underground, on the ground 36855 square meters, balcony area is 1570.1 square meters; the main design reasonable service life is 50 years; building fire grade two, seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees, frame aseismic grade two; the ground floor to the ground floorthree layer 2-A axis 2-6 axis and2-17 axis short limb shear wall seismic rating for a class, the rest of shear wall seismic grade two. The project uses the base form of prestressed high-strength concrete pipe pile, structure type for the cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame shear wall structure.4 construction managementOn the construction quality management, mainly involves three aspects, one is about the design, survey and document review management. On design, reconnaissance unit quality behavior and results of the activities of the supervision, the emphasis is placed on the design, survey and document review supervisory control. If the violation of the relevant laws, regulations and mandatory standards for the design and survey documents, can be through direct economic penalties and legal sanctions, enabling direct responsibility assumed by the error caused by negligence or intentional quality responsibility. Two of the activities of the bidding management, focuses on the construction bidding supervision, market supervision and quality supervision the effective integration, through the quality supervision to promote the market competition and standardization of the benign operation, effectively through market operation, to ensure the validity of quality supervision. Three isthe text of the contract supervision, is the focus of construction contract supervision, quality management standardization and legalization to fulfil the terms of the contract, the legal effect of contract binding the construction quality and results. By analyzing the three aspects of examination and supervision, to achieve the government's construction qualityof the implementation process control and supervision. Before the construction, in the final analysis is the emphasis of quality management for owners of quality behavior management, because the owner of all these activities of the organizers, decision makers, which is the standard construction owner quality behavior and results of the activities of the important measures.5 construction management5.1 Lraw materials quality controlMaterial quality engineering construction quality is the key, use of raw materials does not meet the requirements of engineering, engineering quality can not meet the requirements. Therefore, in the construction quality control of stop before construction on material quality control, to ensure the quality of materials, in order to improve construction quality. For the control of materials, first of all to the common material supply necessary audit, select qualified suppliers for the supply of materials. Secondly, to approach the necessary inspection of raw materials, including: quality inspection report of the inspection, the inspection of appearance, physical and chemical inspection inspection. Through a series of tests to ensure the quality of the raw materials entering.5.2 procedures and time limit controlTo implement the handover inspection system, on the procedures of unqualified shall enter into next working procedure construction. At the same time construction quality affected by seasons, the reasonable arrangement of construction schedule is to ensure the engineering quality are important measures, and blindly rush period will inevitably lead to serious consequences. Quality control step is to establish quality control,selected key and key technology to undertake the key is checked, the two is to strengthen the operation of the management, project quality is good or bad, depends to some extent on the construction of personnel operation level.5.3 increase on-site inspectionsQuality management in the construction site should strive to grasp first-hand information, and strive to achieve the timely control, for the occurrence of the problemmust accomplish early discovery, early correction of bad old practices die hard, avoid, avoid large loss. For example, in the masonry tie bar examination, if taken after the completion of a masonry opening examination, is not easy to check, and to identify the problems are also difficult to remedy, but in the on-site inspection in a timely manner to solve, can avoid bigger loss, but also easy to get the cooperation.The entity quality inspection methods should adopt scientific monitoring instruments and equipment, to provide accurate, reliable and convincing data, strengthen the government engineering quality supervision and inspection of scientific and authoritative. Through the supervision, to ensure the implementation of mandatory standards, ensure the construction of law, regulations and standard carry out, from macroscopical overall grasp the construction project quality and structure safety. In addition, in strengthening program management at the same time, we must strengthen the technical control. Technology control method using standard evaluation method is better. Evaluation of standard methods are mainly as follows: one is the on site quality assurance condition examination and evaluation, two is the completion of the project the detection results of the examination and evaluation, three ison site quality assurance data examination and evaluation, four of engineering entity size deviation of the measured, five is for the completion of engineering the macro visual inspection evaluation.5.4 after the completion of the managementAfter the completion of the quality management of construction projects is put into use check management. First of all to ensure that do not meet the quality standards of the project can not be put into use, avoid inferior project to the state and public users cause direct harm and influence. The second is the decoration, repair and maintenance of quality supervision in construction project whole life quality management category : one is to eliminate or reduce due to renovation, maintenance process caused by irregularities on the construction engineering foundation, body structure and environmental quality, damage, cause quality accident. Two is prevented due to repair, maintenance quality is not up to the requirements to the state and public users production and living environment caused by direct damage. At this stage of the supervision should be emphasized good two close: it is strictly for its completion and acceptance review, supervision, to ensure that the registration of the reliability, authority and effectiveness. Two is to enhance the decoration, maintenance of quality management in the process, so that construction project whole lifequality objectives are effective implementation, for users to create a safe, comfortable, healthy production, living environment, so that the construction quality and realizing the sustainable development. Advocating and implementing project quality insurance, the project quality management into economic management category, to solve engineering after the delivery ofquality problem tenants to find the responsible party for any menace from the "rear".This phase is the project by construction to use or production of mark; is on engineering quality inspection the necessary link; is the guarantee contract task is finished in the round, improve project quality level of final checks. The unit after the completion of the project, must undertake the final inspection and test. Unit engineering technical person in charge should be prepared for the demands of information collected materials, equipment, component quality certificate of materials, a variety of material test data, record of concealed work, construction records records. By the technical director of project organization project technology, quality, production and other relevant professional and technical personnel to the scene inspection and evaluation. To identify the construction quality defects should be corrected, and should be corrected once again after the verification to demonstrate conformity. T o ensure engineering quality accord with mandatory standard design documents and the requirements of the contract, the employer, the Ministry of supervision of the project completion report. Attended by the construction unit of the organization of the main parties involved in the completion of initial inspection, acceptance procedure.endingProject, quality, the quality of housing construction related to people's daily life and the safety of life and property. In recent years, the housing quality problems have already become the focus of public attention, annual 3.15 consumer rights day, China Consumers Association published by consumer complaints the largest of the ten major categories of commodities, the housing quality problems at the front. Therefore, constructionmanagement in many aspects, quality management is the key and core. Only do a good job in building engineering construction quality planning and housing construction quality control, to create more quality engineering.Reference.[1 ] Building Engineering ( Construction Management ) [ J]. Journal of Taizhou Polytechnic College.[2 ] Wang Yan. Paying attention to construction management" two pieces of skins" phenomenon [J ]. Management of construction enterprises.[3 ] Lin Yihong, Li Yuanying. To improve construction quality several ponders [J ]. Shanxi building, 2005, 31 ( 1): 127-128.[4 ] Bu Narui, Wang Liwen, Li Wanqin. Discussion on construction management [ J]. Journal of Hebei Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2002, ( 02).Hu Zhenghua[ 5]. The era of knowledge economy the construction management [J ]. Parathion design and powder engineering, 2005, ( 06).[ 6].Zheng Jingqiu.Infuluencing the contrcution qulity of Engineering five fsctors[J ]. Shanxi building.2005,31( 1):135-136.浅谈房屋建筑施工中的质量管理摘要:坚持质量第一、提高管理水平,是提高建筑工程质量关键之所在,只有在符合规定的质量标准和用户要求的前提下,满足质量、工期、成本等要求,才能为社会提供更多的优质、安全、经济适用的建筑产品。

中英文资料(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)中英文资料外文翻译文献On civil engineering construction project quality management1 IntroductionCivil engineering building project success lies in the quality of quality, separate, other everything is out of the question. Therefore, to take civil engineering construction quality management in the construction project implementation plan and implementation process.In practice, no more than the use of engineering quality of care. But to ensure the construction quality, using the party there is a need for the organization experienced professional quality management team, design of the whole construction process, including engineering design, construction units, building material, construction process and supervision and other aspects of the management, but also guide the construction unit of the construction personnel to timely and effectively encourages training. This article from the above several aspects to discuss.2.construction of the effective surveillance on the use of unit, design unit as a design once, is the work of supervisors, why should I organize the quality surveillance team? Because our country construction there are still many unsatisfactory objective or objective aspects, the unit is necessary to hire have thesense of responsibility, have management experience, familiar with the policies and regulations, have good communication ability quality management, set up quality management team, the construction design and construction process for effective management monitoring. The management team, can according to the engineering build pause status stop adjustment, implementation of compulsory system. On ordinary civil construction, quality management is relatively easy, with the possible exception of new information on the use of new technology, the whole quality management more rule-based. On special request of civil building engineering, quality management will be arranged to stop.First of all, on the quality of project design management. This stage, mainly for the design units in strict accordance with the unit can the fundamental request stop design, to check whether reasonable design plan, design intent can and the surrounding geographical environment as well as local humane environment of harmony, in the technology and the budget is feasible, can be advanced technology, reliable structure can safely, whether the unit in charge of construction appropriate technology request etc..These aspects of the management and inspection, in relation to the whole building after project completion, in the use of function, quality, human physical performance and other aspects whether can reach certain degree of satisfaction of the big issue.At this stage, management personnel more to listen to designers to design the idea", a lot of advisory application unit in macroscopical and microcosmic staff views oninitiative, make design to perfection.In addition, to check the design drawings can correctly reflect the design plan, calculated correctly, drawing dimensioning can have mistakenly, selection of materials and construction request whether reasonable, the overall design of various departments such as can harmonious design. Because our country is in the design and supervision work still is lacked very much, in the aspects of management and examination must be careful, in order to prevent subsequent quality disputes.Secondly, to the construction supervision supervision.Construction supervision is the key to guarantee the construction quality. Quality management departments should promptly to supervision departments to key local construction quality monitoring report, implement supervision duty. At the same time, but also in a timely manner, sampling test, certain construction technology can fit design request. On construction supervision departments, to check its supervision can improve the supervision work procedure, to check whether supervision report specification, not in conformity with the requests of construction operation can be corrected in a timely manner.Again, on the construction equipment and construction personnel basic quality supervision and inspection construction can stop, with safe and reliable, can satisfy the design request and to complete construction; construction team consisting of whether reasonable, the construction of the technical staff to whether accord with basic request, especially on special request link, can have the equivalent level technical personnel in charge of participating in the construction process. Payattention to the quality of construction unit, it progresses to the legal view. On raw materials procurement and construction of test procedures are detailed records.In addition, to stop the construction effect of sampling, discover a problem, timely and inspect manage personnel contact, stop the rectification, to prevent the engineering dispute, avoid engineering quality formation of waste.3construction of the various communication quality management work is not a design and construction method for cubic, but the entire project important constituent, it is designed with all relevant units of the divergent interests of. Present quality problems, the parties involved have the duty, have loss. At this point, the quality management must communicate with relevant parties, won the understanding and support. In addition, in the process of construction, also often encounter the construction side of the design request of doubt problem. The generation of these problems, sometimes due to the use of units of detailed request, some are the result of the design concept and design thoughts of the reasons, some due to the construction process the request of different caused. These problems cannot be ignored, should be promptly to communicate, understand the request, the timely adjustment. Not conscious construction, so that the practical results and design request is betrayed, and the use of units of the basic request of betrayal, unnecessary disputes and losses.4construction personnel training and encourage civil engineering buildingoperators is worker of a gleam of. From the present situation, the construction team of individual technical quality is also very important. Some construction unit, construction personnel activity, the construction of personnel practice degree no true assessment, making the construction quality to sell at a discount greatly.Then, is it right? A start to construction personnel examination, request to high level? At least from the now situation, which is not ideal. First, each building project on the detailed construction technology has different request. In the organization of the construction process, request a certain proportion of with some degree of worker technician, another local can have initial operation skills of construction workers. During the construction process, to guide the construction of a reasonable distribution of work, make the workers work in practice to further mature some basic types of operational procedures and technical requirements, and on this basis, the organization staff to stop training, make the understanding of the new technology, become established during the construction of the backbone. Then let them in the work of a scheme to other construction personnel to impart technical.In this respect, the construction unit according to the detailed status of layout. There has been a reasonable training mechanism, the construction personnel to understand the practical operation level, and improve their technical level of power. In the long run, the overall quality of the progress of the construction unit is also very important.On the other hand, effective encouragement and improve construction workerjob enthusiasm and learning enthusiasm of the necessary measures. Frontline workers mostly from rural, energy consumption, the low pay, the mood is stable. Therefore, to establish effective encouraging mechanism. To ensure that the wage Qing month, labor safeguard measures, management of human nature, care workers and Ankang. In addition, to organize the workers involved in the construction management and technology research, fully adjustable open invention enthusiasm of workers. Technology progress leads to an increase in income, so as to promote the stable construction team, the construction quality is very important. It is hard to imagine that a majority of people full of grievances of the construction team can achieve the task.5ConclusionIt is often said, should be " a matter of expediency in construction, quality first", however, the quality problem is emerge in an endless stream. If in the construction process of some links, quality difference, these difference basically from accumulated will change the whole engineering quality. Therefore, do not let every link of the quality monitoring, on the problem of construction promptly corrected, is to use units, design units, as for as to construction unit as, namely to society as. With such a sense of duty, our engineering degree will gradually progress, can form the good work habits. Constitute the benign development of building construction environment. On the other hand, quality management can't think ofwhat to do what, to systematic, procedural, design the whole management process, all the data, project compilation record, best to establish a computer database, stored in the computer. Management of examination conclusions, text, image, and correcting the situation chart problem timely records. This is the construction quality management informatization is the inevitable trend of development. This is my civil engineering construction quality management shortcomings, to be further developed.译文:关于土木工程施工项目的质量管理1.引言土木工程建立项目的成败在于质量,分开质量,其他一切都无从谈起。

Thinking about Quality Management in Construction Engineering 1、IntroductionThe quality of construction can be regarded as the most important thing in construction project, which is also the focus and key issue by all the society. Considering the sustained and rapid development of our country’s national economy, investment of infrastructure projects has been increasing continuously,construction projects have also largely emerged. However, because of ineffective management of construction quality, major accidents about project quality occurred every so often in recent years,which caused huge loss and serious harm to the country and people’s lives and property and they led to negative influence on the society at the same time. As a result of these, in order to make sure the quality of construction engineering projects, we must implement the very strict quality management in construction working processes,and these requires the integrated control of construction’s all the procedures, so as to promote the technical development of construction enterprises and this also has an important role in perfecting construction management .2、Improving all people’s quality awareness effectivelyIn the process of our country’s economy system’s transformation, people have quite new understanding about traditional sense of the quality. Supervisors about most of the enterprises have profoundly realized the im portant significance of developing product’s quality.Quality can beregarded as the life of an enterprise, poor quality means poor market, and the poor market causes difficult existence and hard development of the enterprises. In order to improve the construction quality effectively, construction enterprises must achieve the following four points: the first thing is to stick to the integration of market awareness and quality awareness and make market awareness involved into the quality awareness; they should rely on the high quality to develop market, manage the site and implement project one by one at the same time. The second thing is to stick to the integration of the social responsibility and the interests of enterprises. People should put social responsibility at priority. Theinterests of business are subordinate to the social responsibility, and we must keep guaranteeing the construction quality. The third thing is to stick to the integration of enterprise’s quality standa rd and industry’s quality standard and make sure that enterprises’ standard is higher than that of industries’ an d make use of solid systems and regulations to guarantee construction projects’ quality.The fourth thing is to implement the working method of leading the road typically and building advanced examples. People implement working topics and spots of quality by largely praising advanced individuals and set typical models of quality management; organize and carry outthe inspection of project quality regularly; implement various working method such as quality excellence activities with the latest guiding spirits which areissued by the state council and the higher authorities about management of project quality and thus promote the incessant enhancement of enterprises’ quality.3、Perfecting legal system and supervision,strengthen supervision of biddingOur national construction law has primarily constituted the basic structure of our national construction engineering legal system. However, since the implementation of construction law, it exposes defects of lacking adaptability, too principled, low operability and weak practical ability at the same time. As to the specialty of construction engineering quality management, our country must refer to the western developed countries’ ad vanced experiences actively from long-term perspectives, exerts out full strength to formulate a quality law about construction engineering projects, and carry out a series of corresponding specific regulations and principles on the basis, in this way, can construction engineering quality supervision be determined into a more solid legal basis fundamentally. In the process of entering into market economy, our national construction industry must add construction engineering management onto legal track and management. In the process of construction engineering management we should achieve co-existence of various means which include economy, law and administration and thus formulate new supervision institutions of construction engineeringprojects. Therefore, relevant law enforcement authorities at all levels must strengthen supervision of construction industry and promote the quality management of our national construction projects.4、Strengthening supervision of biddingProject bidding and contracting is a risky work; contractors usually try their efforts to bid in the form of tendering offer; however, i t’s very competitive to get the project in the whole process. If a contractor is unable to get the project, he will have no money to earn; if a contractor get the project by offering very low price, or the bidding document includes large amount of principles which are not beneficial to the contractor; or there is miscalculation in bidding; or there are management failures and losses which are caused by other reasons, fund pressure upon the contractor will be quite substantial, especially in the process of bidding international engineering projects, dangers will be bigger. However, dangers and interests are co-existing; otherwise no people will take the risk of lacking benefit, the key point is that if the contractor is able to analyze various risk elements well in the process of bidding and operating so as to calculate the size of the danger accurately and carefully analyzes measures which can prevent from the risks; as a result of these efforts, risks can be avoided or lessened. As to the management of construction units’ bidding, the key point is to reflect the management about the primary work. Projects reporting and construction means thatthe governmental construction institution takes the premise of carrying out supervision about construction units’ quality,while the period of bidding is the key point of managing engineering projects. Therefore, we should strengthen the power and the extent of supervising bidding managing institutions, important circles and details cannot be missed. 5、Process controlling of construction projectsThe first thing is to control the construction workers.Managing members of construction projects sites should be supervised by project managers as a whole, they should develop work in accordance with the individual post standard, and engineering departments should examine the implementation of the working status of project managing members whenever necessary and take accurate records, examining results should be added into engineering documents. The second thing is to master the construction materials. The third thing is to master construction machine. People of storerooms should take care of the construction machines and do the category storage well. The fourth thing is to control construction technology. Construction technology is the key point to determine the quality of the project. Sound technology can enable operators to yield twice the result with half the effort in the process of construction. In order to ensure the progress and rationality of the technology, enterprises should make improvement of the immature technologies,experts should be arranged to take the experiments so as to ensure that maturetechnologies are compiled as standard working guidebooks, which are issued to every construction head in time, while when construction managing members guild the production in site, they should express the accurate details to workers depending on these, and these should be received with the signature of every class’s headmaster, and then people have operation according to the requirements.6、Improving the quality of construction workers continuouslyAt present, management of some construction enterprises is quite loose, especially after some construction enterprises’ adjustments of their internal structure, they reduce managing work correspondingly. Therefore, people should lead the construction enterprises to have scientific management actively, and try their efforts to comply with the standard of international practice; qualified construction enterprises should implement the standardized management in the first place. In the process of regulating construction market, mai n body and various aspects’ behaviors should be regulated in the first place, construction units’ behaviors should be regulated actively in particular, the improvement of peop le’s quality is the most funda mental guarantee of ensuring the management of construction quality. We should make the quality of the construction get the most basic guarantee though the method of careful management. However, how to enhance the level of the management of construction work fundamentally, the basic point is to improve the qualityof managing members, while scientific technologies are innovated by people, at the same time, regulations are regulated and implemented by people. Only by improving the quality of construction managing people, can new technologies, new methods and the latest policies and regulations be applied and implemented accordingly, and thus improve the quality of construction work in further step. Therefore, we should take care of the b ringing up of people’s quality. The first thing is to improve their individual political quality, only with strong concept of policies and regulations and high industry morals, can people implement and enforce the country’s v arious roads, methods, policies well and commit to national laws and local institutions, they should not only stick to the principles, but also being fair and honest. The second thing is that we must enforce the principle studies and business of the managing people, so as to make them get better training in the practice of construction engineering work continuously, and as a result of all of these, decision-making capacity, organizational skills, commanding ability, judging ability and resilience of managing members can all be improved.7 、Giving full play to the function of project supervisionThe so-called supervision of construction engineering mainly refers to that supervision unit is commissioned by project legal entity, and it strictly sticks to the construction documents of engineering projects, which are approved by the country and laws and institutions which arerelevant to engineering construction supervision, it also sticks to the contracts of construction engineering supervision in addition to other types of engineering construction contractors, and in this way, engineering construction can be supervised and managed in a good way. Our national construction law regulates that before the carrying out of construction engineering supervision, construction units should inform the supervised construction enterprises of the commissioned supervision units, their supervision contents and supervision limits and so on in writing form. Although construction supervision units and contractors don’t sign any ec onomic contractors, supervision units and business entrepreneurs should sign supervision contractors. In accordance with the mandate of the owners, supervising units have the rights and responsibilities of supervising and managing contractors so as to make sure the commitment of engi neering construction’s promised contractors. Contractors will not have direct connects with business entrepreneurs and they change their direct links to supervision units, and they receive supervision units’supervision and management about their own construc- tion work. Our national regulations of supervising construction work regulates the roles, working methods, controlling means and superv ision’s procedures, structures, processes and so on in specific ways and this has very important significance to the management of engineering construction’s quality.8、ConclusionTo sum up, construction engineering project is a very complicated and huge project; we must carry out the quality controlling means of hierarchical control and hierarchical management, and we should also improve the pro jects’ quality continuously. In the light of constru ction engineering quality’s close connection to the people’s life and property security, we must put emphasis on quality effectively, and build sound occupational morals and behaviors.建筑工程质量管理的思考1、概述施工质量是工程项目的重点和关键问题,也是社会关注的重要问题。
建筑工程施工阶段的质量控制 中英文对照

关于建筑工程施工阶段的质量控制中英文对照On quality control of construction engineering construction stage in Chinese and English【论文摘要】施工是形成工程项目实体的过程,也是形成最终产品的重要阶段。
[ Abstract ] construction is the formation process of the project entity, also formed an important stage of the final product. Therefore, the quality control of construction phase is the key of project quality control. This article will focus on the quality control of the construction phase of the content analysis, on how to strengthen the quality control in construction stage and put forward some opinions.1. 建筑工程项目施工阶段质量控制的工作程序Quality control 1 architectural engineering project construction phase of the work program 在建筑工程项目的施工阶段过程中,为了保证建筑工程项目的施工质量,应对建筑工程建设生产的实物进行全方位、全过程的质量监督和控制。

文献信息:文献标题:Assessment of Total Quality Management in Construction Industry(建筑业全面质量管理评估)国外作者:K Sathish Raja,Mubeena M文献出处:《Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)》, 2017,3(2):1850-1856字数统计:英文1895单词,10348字符;中文3094汉字外文文献:Assessment of Total Quality Managementin Construction IndustryAbstract Total Quality Management (TQM) procedure is a current gadget within the area of quality. Lately many corporations have resorted to the software of total high-quality control, that allows you to assessing the extent of fine and to improve it. To be competitive in today’s marketplace, it is critical for construction groups to offer extra constant pleasant and price to their owners/customers. Its cause is to provoke extra teamwork on the jobsite, and to provide higher exceptional paintings. The motive of this paper is to look at the TQM in the construction industry. The have a look at appears at the relationship between the life of TQM coverage and frequency of consumer complaints and participation of personnel in designing exceptional control schemes. A survey of 30 respondents, primarily based on literature review and investigative approach become carried out the use of questionnaires. SPSS statistical device is to be applied for statistics analysis. The issues identified from the records analysis are evaluated and controlled by way of the usage of simplex technique. Eventually, take a look at whether or not the objective of gaining customer pride with the aid of enhancing the best inside the area may be done or not.1.Introduction1.1.Objective of the StudyQMS places emphasis on prevention, not correction. The goal which works that is 100% free of errors, free of accidents, and 100% free of waste. The aim of the work is to do things right at the first time, eliminating waste and rework. To gain this, it's miles essential to awareness on “tactics.”A process is a task or a series of tasks. The main objective of this study is to create the quality awareness to the construction company especially small scale industries. Because all the literature and statistics shows that small scale construction industries not that much aware of QMS (Quality Management System). Whenever the Quality Management System is implemented we can easily minimize the wastage of material, cost overrun, wastage of time, etc., Specifically, the aims and objectives of this research project includes, investigate the adoption and implementation of QMS in the construction industry. Determine the major factors that are mostly affecting the quality of construction during the construction particularly in execution phase. To create the quality awareness to the low level construction organisations. To minimize the indirect cost of the project and also reduce the wastage of wastage of materials, time, money, manpower, etc.1.2.Need of the StudyIn different production industries are organising the tqm (general high-quality management) device however in construction enterprise we can not establish even qms (great control system).The cause at the back of is every construction undertaking is unique and satisfactory is ever converting factor i.e. exceptional exchange time to time, region to area.But many common activities in construction project like the concrete work, Block work, plastering, etc. In those common works are affected by some major factors like quality of material, quality of manpower, construction detailing, concrete work, etc. In this work it is very much helpful for find out the major factors and give result with cost of poor quality. Also for creating cost oriented quality awareness to low level construction companies.2.Quality2.1.Total Quality ManagementTotal quality management is the management technique of an corporation, which concentrates on quality based at the participation of its members and aims at long-term success through satisfaction and benefits to all members of the organization and society. It is the method by which management and employees can become involved in the continuous improvement of the production of goods and services. It's miles a mixture of exceptional and control equipment aimed at growing enterprise and decreasing loses because of wasteful practices.2.2.Factors affecting Quality of Construction2.2.1.Limitation of TimeSome construction works had to be completed within a time limit such as in cases of urgent works. They caned limitation of work planning and they also caused other management problem. Therefore, contractor had to carefully consider this issue. Delays are the major problems that face the construction industry it may cause many poor consequences inclusive of cost overruns, and is of high concern to those who are involved in the construction industry.2.2.2.Training PoliciesLooking into the overall training coverage, the iso 9001 registered businesses have more challenge at the education in their personnel than the nonregistered ones. They now not most effective pay for the route expenses, but also allow them to get hold of schooling in the course of operating hours. For non-registered companies, the organization may additionally reimburse the course prices however employees must attend education periods out of doors of working hours. Furthermore, regular education programmes on technical and pc know- how were normally supplied in lots of organizations. The maximum famous training programme organized by means of iso 9001 registered groups changed into first-rate knowledge.2.2.3.Limitation of WeatherWeather became certainly one of several essential barriers as it occasionally cannot be prevented inclusive of flooding, typhoon, and many others. Climate situation seriously affects all rigging operations. Industries such as marine,construction and others that involve out of doors production thoroughly need to bear in mind climate situations at the same time as planning and executing their operations. Weather situations affect the steadiness, design and overall performance of the shape. The construction enterprise wishes to make be aware of such conditions as most of its operation are performed inside the open and concern to all form of weather.ck of co-ordination among departmentsCoordination is very important for project successful. Because co-ordination between the departments is failed that may leads to wrong execution or may affect the sequence of work. For example consider the MEP (Mechanical Electrical Plumbing) department not properly co-ordinate with execution team, now execution team done the plastering work before plumbing works are not done due to lack of coordination. Here definitely rework required so automatically quality is misplaced.2.2.5.Limitation of Construction MethodologyConstruction works in some areas could not be performed by regular method because there were buildings around construction site, so the contractor had to find new methods that were suitable to construct and sometimes used specialist engineer when some construction works were in step of construction. Poor construction methods is responsible for the failure of the buildings and structure. It is caused due to negligence and inadequate quality control at work site.3.Poor Quality Of Construction WorkQuality is the biggest risk in construction. Poor quality will produce unreliable output. Also improper quality may result in building collapse and hence people may die. Actually it is directly related to the cost and length of time for a project. Errors on construction sites occur frequently and can be costly for the contractors and owners of constructed facilities. In fact, 6-15% of the construction cost is found to be wasted due to rework that occurs with improper quality management. Therefore, thorough inspection of construction sites is needed and that needs to be improved in identifying defects in industry.3.1.Impact of poor qualityPoor quality problems can occur at any stage of data warehousing either in the initial phase or at any other phase of data movement. It is not only the responsibility of users alone to check for the quality data. Behavour of the user who deals with the data is considered a significant factor that can increase the problem. typing mistakes , most common source of data inaccuracy.3.1.1.ManOne of the main factors that affect the quality in construction includes man . The lack of training, lack of motivation , shortage of people, unqualified personnel and the shortcuts taken up by the workman may reduce the quality of work.3.1.2.MaterialThe grading of the materials may vary the quality of work. The use of low grade material results in poor quality. Good standardisation of materials challenges the construction industry. If the specification of the material is poor then cases of rework and dissatisfaction may arrive.3.1.3.ManagementA great control allows in attaining organization goals. It arranges the elements of manufacturing, assembles and organizes the assets, integrates the sources in effective way to reap dreams. it directs institution efforts toward success of pre decided desires.A very good control will provide ok vision, task, fee machine, process knowledge and proper selection making.3.2.Methods to Improve QualityQuality improvement is an important aspect of quality management. There are various methods used for quality improvement, each with its own distinctive role in the implementation of the process as an entire. They're:3.2.1.Product ImprovementIt is one of the main method used in quality improvement. The idea behind this is that the more products are improved, the better they will sell. As time evolves, so do important aspects of customer satisfaction. Customers expect the necessary changes to be made and will keep making purchases from a particular company if improvements are thus made to products that enable them to be equipped with the latest features andelements that will help them continue to sell. Here, every aspect of the business is included and proper attention paid to the finest of details to ensure success.3.2.2.People based Improvement MethodsThis method includes everyone from managers down to the customers. Managers are there to guide employees. Products to those implemented to improve overall customer satisfaction. One of the improvement methods often used for utilizing various new processes is training. Both managers and their employees receive training on a regular basis to ensure the latest techniques are used in the development of products and implementation of services. Everyone must work together in order for it to be truly successful and for the organisation to thrive.4.Results and DiscussionIn this section the data are analyzed using the SPSS software and discussions were done based on the questionnaire survey. The objective of conducting the analysis is to do things right at the first time, eliminating waste and rework. To acquire this, it is important to focus on “processes” recognized from the literature review and ranking them in keeping with their have an effect on in construction challenge.The factors identified are:(1)Lack of importance of TQM awareness from governmental departments.(2)Some bad rumors inside and outside effect work.(3)Employees and middle managers express their dissatisfaction by delaying or neglecting to do something.(4)High employee absenteeism.(5)Lack of supplier involvement in improvement.5.ConclusionThe result of this thesis will reveal the principle factors which affect the construction high-quality and also boom in fee of production because of first-rate illness. This look at will create the first-class management consciousness to all degree production corporations particularly small scale businesses. From this thesis we getthe major elements and problems which affects the development excellent and that create a hazard for find out the remedial measure. This thesis is useful for minimizing the material wastage, workmanship wastage, time wastage and indirect value and increases the patron pleasure and employer recognition.The changing way of life and policy of schooling plan, information acquisition method and distribution of duties are the key factors to the achievement of tqm implementation in creation corporations. It is was hoping that this take a look at has delivered colossal contributions to highlight the shortages and weak spot within the control practices in creation industry.中文译文:建筑业全面质量管理评估摘要全面质量管理(TQM)程序是目前质量领域内的一个小工具。

IntroductionConstruction project management is an intricate process that involves the planning, coordination, and supervision of a construction project from inception to completion. Ensuring high-quality and high-standard outcomes in this context is paramount for meeting client expectations, ensuring structural integrity, and fostering sustainable development. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of achieving these objectives by examining key aspects such as quality control, risk management, stakeholder engagement, technology utilization, sustainability, and regulatory compliance.1. Quality ControlThe foundation of high-quality and high-standard construction lies in robust quality control systems. This encompasses a comprehensive approach that starts with defining clear quality standards and specifications, followed by systematic monitoring, inspection, and testing throughout the project lifecycle. Quality control measures should be aligned with industry standards such as ISO 9001 or specific national or regional codes, and tailored to the unique requirements of each project.Effective quality control necessitates the implementation of stringent material procurement procedures to ensure that only approved, high-grade materials are used. Regular on-site inspections by qualified professionals, coupled with non-destructive testing methods, help detect and rectify any deviations from the predefined standards promptly. Moreover, the use of advanced software tools for quality management, like Building Information Modeling (BIM), can enhance precision, minimize errors, and facilitate real-time monitoring and reporting.2. Risk ManagementHigh-quality and high-standard construction projects are inherently risk-averse. A proactive and systematic approach to risk management is vital to identify potential threats, assess their likelihood and impact, and develop strategies to mitigate or eliminate them. Risks can stem from various sources, including design flaws, supply chain disruptions, environmental factors, labor disputes, and regulatory changes.A well-implemented risk management framework includes risk identification workshops, quantitative and qualitative risk analysis, and the formulation of risk response plans. Regular risk reassessments and effective communication channels help maintain situational awareness and ensure swift responses to emerging risks. Additionally, contingency planning and the establishment of reserve funds provide a financial buffer against unforeseen events that may compromise project quality or standards.3. Stakeholder EngagementSuccessful high-quality and high-standard construction projects heavily rely on effective stakeholder engagement. This involves establishing open and transparent communication channels with clients, designers, contractors, suppliers, regulatory authorities, and local communities. Regular meetings,site visits, and progress reports keep stakeholders informed about project developments, while their feedback and concerns are actively solicited and addressed.Moreover, stakeholder engagement fosters collaboration and alignment around project goals, quality benchmarks, and performance targets. It enables early identification and resolution of issues, promotes innovation and knowledge sharing, and enhances overall stakeholder satisfaction. Engaging stakeholders in decision-making processes, particularly concerning critical quality-related matters, further reinforces their commitment to upholding high standards.4. Technology UtilizationTechnology plays a transformative role in enhancing the quality and standard of construction projects. Advanced technologies such as BIM, drones, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices offer unprecedented levels of precision, efficiency, and data-driven decision-making. BIM, for instance, facilitates seamless collaboration among project stakeholders, reduces design conflicts, and enables virtual simulations for clash detection and performance analysis.Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors can conduct aerial surveys, monitor construction progress, and detect potential quality issues. IoT devices and sensors can provide real-time data on structural health, energy consumption, and environmental conditions, enabling proactive maintenance and continuous improvement. Artificial intelligence algorithms can analyze this data to predict failures, optimize resource allocation, and automate quality control processes.5. SustainabilityIn today's environmentally conscious era, high-quality and high-standard construction projects must also demonstrate a strong commitment to sustainability. This encompasses not only minimizing the project's environmental footprint but also ensuring long-term energy efficiency, resource conservation, and social responsibility.Sustainable construction practices include using eco-friendly materials, incorporating renewable energy systems, implementing water-efficient designs, and promoting waste reduction through recycling and reuse. Green building certifications like LEED, BREEAM, or WELL provide a standardized framework for assessing and improving a project's sustainability performance. Furthermore, engaging in community outreach programs, respecting local cultures, and providing safe working conditions contribute to the project's social sustainability.6. Regulatory ComplianceFinally, adherence to relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines is essential for maintaining high-quality and high-standard construction projects. Compliance encompasses obtaining necessary permits and approvals, conforming to building codes, safety regulations, environmental laws, and labor standards. Non-compliance can result in legal penalties, project delays, reputationaldamage, and potential hazards to public safety and the environment.Regular audits, inspections, and training programs help ensure that all project participants are aware of and comply with the applicable regulations. Moreover, maintaining open communication with regulatory agencies and seeking guidance when faced with regulatory uncertainties can prevent misunderstandings and costly mistakes.ConclusionAchieving high-quality and high-standard outcomes in construction project management is a multidimensional endeavor that necessitates a holistic approach encompassing quality control, risk management, stakeholder engagement, technology utilization, sustainability, and regulatory compliance. By diligently addressing these aspects, project managers can ensure the delivery of structurally sound, functionally efficient, environmentally responsible, and socially beneficial buildings that meet or exceed client expectations and contribute to the built environment's lasting value and resilience.。
第四章 建设工程质量管理 工程管理专业英语ppt课件

Six Sigma is, basically, a process quality goal. It is a process quality technique that focuses on reducing variation in the process and preventing deficiencies in the product.
在他1931年版的《制造类产品质量的经济性控制》一书中,Shewhart 定义了两种类型 误差:一种是随机误差,这是系统固有的,不能单独识别;另一种是非随机误差,这是系统中的 外情形,可以单独识别和去除。
3.Dr. Deming was also much taken by the Japanese pursuit of quality.
2.What factors do you think affect the quality of construction projects?
Review Questions and Problems
History and Pioneers of Quality Management
质量管理的发展历史 和先驱人物
goal of delighting both internal and
external customers”.
•deficiencies [dɪˈfɪʃnsɪz] n.缺乏;缺陷(deficiency的复数)
•variation [ˌveərɪˈeɪʃn] n.误差 •dispersion [dɪˈspɜːʃn] n.分散(性);离散(性) •universal [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl] adj.一般的;通用的

中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Construction stage safety civilization management1 Research content and purposeAt present China's production safety situation is still grim, especially the building area of the multiple casualties situation has not fundamentally reversed, construction safety is extremely stern; production safety foundation is weak, guarantee system and mechanism is not perfect; safety production supervision and management mechanism, team construction and supervision work also needs to be strengthened.With China's implementation of the "going out" strategy, the overseas engineering construction requirements of construction enterprises toward the safety and high quality fast and efficient direction, but the due to the overseas projects in surveying, design, competitive bidding system and construction exists some defects or mistakes, especially the construction environment and conditions for overseas and domestic different is formed many unsafe factors. Some governments of developed countries on safe and civilized construction management and supervision ineffective, at the same time, the security incident victimscompensation is relatively low, so as to project management are real will "safety first" self psychological suggestion and safe and civilized management psychological orientation proposed higher requirements. And in the preparation of the overseas project safety assurance program, sometimes due to lack of understanding in the engineering field, easy to cause the of dangerous source judgement is not accurate or not in place, and psychologically cannot accurately to ensure the safety of the positioning of the feasibility of the program.By exploring the harmful factors in the construction process and construction process was studied in unsafe, uncivilized between factors and employee of contradiction and the law of the unity of opposites, making better use of these rules to formulate a scientific, reasonable, effective all safe and civilized production tube system, to improve and perfect the measures of safety and technological civilization, to prevent and eliminate various harmful factors in the process of construction to the conversion of the casualty of a series of management work, to protect workers' safety and health, ensure safety in production. Due to the construction of the unsafe factor is relatively more, a little careless, it may occur accident. In recent years, occurred throughout the country in the construction work accidents and serious casualty statistics tells us that construction of the security situation is still very grim. However, construction safety problems with everything else, has its own objective law. It objectively resides in the entire construction activity. Since so, naturally, be it analysis to understand, master rules of it, take the organizational and technical measures to pre control, in order to achieve the purpose of construction safety. However, there are still many problems in the management of the security civilization.Therefore, we focus on the construction stage of the construction safety civilization management, the construction of the various aspects of the construction plan, the status quo of the safety and civilization management. Through the safety awareness of the management, the system of planning, to the project safety detailed analysis of the content. There are some unpredictable problems during the process of preparation, which is the main problem in the management of safety civilization.. Lay a good foundation for further implementation.. According to the occurrence of the settlement of the accident, there is no accident occurred, record the safety civilization management improvement measures, improve the safety and civilization management. As generally work arrangements properly was period of management is relatively lax, cross process serious and complicated, and safety problems inthis period is often risks and security alert frigidity, may not out of the big problem, but small problems and small risks constantly. So strengthen safety education and training, the unknown engineering safety civilization management summary, learning.Through the research on the safety civilization management of the construction stage, the danger identification, the risk assessment and the risk control of the modern safety civilization management are discussed in three aspects.. The aim is to better and more secure the work done. Do early work after the reduction of risk, and further strengthen the construction project risk management, and thus promote the faster development of China's construction projects.2 Status quo of safety civilization managementIn recent years, with the continuous improvement of the market economy and the common improvement of people's life, construction industry has become one of the fastest developing industries. The competition of the market is increasingly fierce, so that the benefit of the enterprise to compete in the target, so to the management to benefit has become the consensus of entrepreneurs. And safety is the premise of the benefit, because the safety results determine the size of the benefit. End over the years the party and the government attaches great importance to production safety work, determine the safety production policy of "safety first, prevention first", promulgated a series of production safety laws and regulations and standards, the purpose is to protect the safety and health of laborers, control and reduce all kinds of accidents, improve the level of safety management, promote the establishment of harmonious society.The construction industry is the risk of production activities, unsafe factors, is the accident prone industry. In recent years, the death rate of China's construction industry is the highest in all industries, after the mining industry, the loss is huge, distressing. Although the mandatory implementation of the construction enterprise safety production license system, strengthen the construction market access control, and to further strengthen the construction enterprise construction site safety inspections, but accidents still occur from time to time. I believe that the number of casualties mainly determined by the characteristics of the construction industry. The safety civilization management is a science, is a professional, policy, mass, and a very strong work. The safety civilization management of the enterprise is mainly embodied in the following aspects:(1) Safety awareness. Due to the leading enterprises for a long time the importance ofconstruction safety understanding does not reach the designated position, grasping safety formalism serious, disregard for workers in the production of the legitimate interests of labor and social security, is not equipped with the necessary labor protection supplies, arbitrary extension of working time, workers in the long run, the working state of the overload, high strength, will lead to accidents. In addition, the leadership of the security work seriously enough, the staff of the corresponding security awareness, it is easy to cause illegal command, illegal operations, violation of labor discipline and safety accidents caused by.(2) The weak base of security civilization management. The weak security and civilization management is mainly due to the weak safety consciousness of some people, the relationship between the safety and the speed, safety and the relationship between safety and benefit, security and stability.. The weak safety management is mainly reflected in the weak: first, the research work of building safety technology is weak, and the key technology of building safety production is relatively lagging behind. The wide application of safety scientific and technological achievements is lack of market-oriented policy guidance and economic incentive measures. Study on the construction of new technology, new products, new technology application and safety protection measures of synchronization; second, compared with the developed countries, our country security protection technology, protective equipment and machinery and equipment is still relatively backward. Standardization, stereotypes and industrialization degree is very low; three is the construction enterprise safety civilization management and construction team quality is generally low. The safety of the low quality of the cultural quality, safety and civilization management knowledge, safety and technical specifications, safety procedures, safety precautions and so on do not understand. Can't manage the construction team.(3) The construction safety laws and regulations system is not perfect. There are some limitations to implement its security responsibilities; terms of punishment for violations of the law is not specific enough, operability is not strong; laws and regulations are not perfect, there is a problem of duplication and overlapping management; safety rules and regulations of the responsibility is not clear, management objectives is not clear, resulting in production safety responsibility of implementation is not in place etc..(4) The mechanism of the construction safety supervision and production is not perfect. At present, the mechanism of the effective construction safety supervision and management inChina has not been formed, and there is a big gap compared with the international advanced security management mode.. The safety supervision mode and management means can't adapt to the growing scale of construction, and it is difficult to carry out the construction safety supervision work further.. Mainly in the following three aspects:Construction unit safety civilization management problemThe exploration, design, construction and supervision of the construction engineering to the entity or individual contractor who is not qualified or qualified or even illegal. Due to the layers of subcontracting, resulting in the construction management is not strict, security training is not in place and security investment or basic no. And it will also make lower profits, and contractors in order to pursue the maximal profit will reduce his all unnecessary amount of spending, leading to safety hazards and accidents continue to occur.Investigation, design, engineering supervision and other units of the major security issuesSurvey, design units not in accordance with the requirements were survey or design, or change the survey and design documents, laws, regulations and mandatory standards, to survey the design defects, can not guarantee the building and construction personnel safety engineering supervision units not to the construction unit safety technical measures or special construction safety program for careful review, in the engineering construction nor of construction units to implement security measures of supervision seriously, find the hidden accident, nor does it take decisive measures to be rectification and elimination; detection unit to produce a false report.Safety problem of construction unitWith the increasing investment in infrastructure, the construction enterprise access policy adjustment, making the number of construction enterprises continues to increase, the construction team continues to expand. Especially in recent years, the rapid development of individual construction industry, the construction enterprise has changed fundamentally. But because the construction unit is the main body and the core position in the construction safety activity, the construction safety problem is mainly in the construction unit body.2.1 Government laws and regulations(1) The lack of building safety and civilization management system for the market economyConstruction of China's investment system changes the original building a safe and civilized production management has not adapt to the current construction methods, so has been dominated by the government of safe and civilized management appeared many loopholes in management, coupled with the construction safety laws and regulations is not perfect, the low efficiency of government supervision, social supervision system is not perfect, resulting in a safe and civilized management is not in place, suited to the laws of market economy, legal and economic means parallel building a safe and civilized management system has not been formed. Therefore, the initiative construction safety civilization management initiative construction safety civilization management work first, early planning, early arrangement, do the whole process supervision and inspection. Before the construction we put the project in the province Shuangyou site as the target management, improving the safety management measures and system in the project, accomplish beforehand to prevent. Employees entering the construction site, the first production safety education and follow the operating rules of education; followed by a safety technical disclosure and each segment and sub engineering safety technical disclosure, so that all staff familiar with the rules and regulations, consciously abide by the safety regulations and operating rules, improve the sense of self-protection. Strengthen the intensity and extent of the supervision of the safety and civilization management objectives for effective control.(2) The law and regulations are more and more incomplete and the execution is not enoughOur country law "environment and health" is too weak. The emphasis on "environment and health" in the activity of architecture has become a common topic of international concern. The target system of engineering construction has been shifted from the traditional "cost - cost - quality - time - to - Project" system to "cost - quality - time - environment and health" system.. The international standard organization has also developed the environmental management system.(3) The functional changes of the management department are lagging behind and the management of the vacuum isWith the deepening of the reform of our political system, the reform of the national institution, the enterprise reform, the enterprise has gradually separated from the industry administrative management, and has become the independent action subject in the market.With this adaptation, Ministry of construction and local construction administrative departments to become the national construction safety special supervision of the performer, state production safety supervision and administration and the local production safety supervision and management institutions become discharger of the state production safety supervision functions.The unsafe state of the unsafe behavior and the unsafe state of the material are the direct cause of the accident, which are directly related to the management. So the management is the indirect cause of the accident.. The unsafe behavior of human can be reduced or even eliminated through safety education, safety production responsibility system and security mechanism. The unsafe state of the material can be controlled by improving the scientific and technological content of the safety, establishing the perfect equipment maintenance system, promoting the construction and safety of the civilization. To strengthen the safety inspection on the job site, we can find and stop the unsafe behavior and the unsafe state of the thing, so as to avoid the accident. One of the most common defect management system is not perfect, the responsibility is not clear, abiding by the law, the illegal command, safety education is not enough, punishment is not strict, safety technical measures are not comprehensive, security check enough.(4) The construction safety production management and professional construction safety production management separateAt present, China's construction safety civilization management is actually decentralized management, did not really do the industry management. This has formed the construction safety civilization management standard, the management pattern is different, the casualty statistics data distortion, the management work responsibility is not clear.Pay attention to safety behavior norms according to the laws of science organization construction, comply with construction safety rules and standards, as a code of conduct to organize the construction of construction site to be constrained, regulate their behavior from two aspects: one is to require managers to strictly implement the construction administrative departments of the state and local issued by the construction safety and civilized management regulations and standards the implementation of the management system of the enterprise, before the construction of the relevant technical requirements for the construction safety to the crew and workers in detail, and signed by both parties confirmed that security staff dailyinspections of implementation; two is to require the operation layer; safety protection for the outstanding construction site could cause accident.2.2 The characteristics of the construction safety civilization managementThe characteristics of construction are mainly determined by the characteristics of architectural products. Compared with other industrial products, building products is huge in size, complexity and diversity, overall hard, not easy to mobile, so that construction in addition to the basic characteristics of industrial production, but also has the following main features:(1) The fluidity of productionOne is the body construction with the buildings or structures located position change and the transfer of production sites; the second is in the process of the construction of a project construction personnel and all kinds of machinery, electrical equipment with the construction site and along the construction of the object up, down, left and right flow, continue to turn shift operation places.(2) The product form is diverseDue to the natural conditions and uses of the building, the structure, modeling and material of the building are also different, and the construction method will be changed, it is difficult to realize the standardization.(3) Construction technology complexConstruction often need according to the structure of the building for many types of work with the operation, multi unit (earthwork, civil engineering, hoisting, installation, transportation, etc.) cross tie construction, the supplies and equipment are different, thus the construction organization and construction technology management has a higher request. Most of the construction industry is still manual operation, easy to make people fatigue, attention dispersion, so improper operation or mistakes more prone to occur, Rong Yi lead to accidents security. This is manual labor and heavy manual labor and more.(4) Open and aloft operationsThe building product is huge, the production cycle is long, the construction is carried on frequently in the open air and the high place, is often influenced by the natural climate condition. According to the national standard "high job classification" provides that there are more than 90% of the construction of higher operations. The open operation of buildingsaccounts for about 70% of the total workload, and the impacts and hazards of natural conditions such as spring, summer, autumn and winter, and sunshine, wind, rain, snow and snow etc.(5) Low mechanizationAt present, the construction mechanization degree of our country is still very low, still depend on a lot of manual operation.. Construction machinery and machinery in the factory compared to the mechanical equipment is very different, its safety is much higher than the factory equipment, the probability of injury is naturally much higher. There are several aspects of the following features:A. Use of different environmental conditions;B. Operating object is different;C. Operating location and operator;Take the crane as an example to discuss the mechanization of safety civilization management.In our country, with the increase of the number of the heavy machinery, the proportion of the injury accidents in the total industrial accidents is also increasing year by year. The common accidents of hoisting machinery are: the hanging falls, the impact of extrusion, the accident, the electric shock accident, the body dump accident.. The total number of crane crashes accounted for about 33%, the impact of extrusion accounted for about 30%, electric shock accounted for about 10%, the accident accounted for about 8%, the body dumping accounts for about 5%. The total number of the total number of injuries from the accident of the highest percentage of falling accident analysis:A. Off the rope accidents: due to the load from a bundle of the hoisting rope shedding collapsibility casualties damage.B.Weight loss accident from heavy lifting rope or special sling from hook caused by prolapse.C. Broken rope accident: hoisting rope and hoisting rope broken down due to the weight loss accident.D. Hook broken accident: weight loss accident fracture caused by hook.E. Hoisting wire rope problem.2.3 The work content of the construction safety civilization managementConstruction enterprises to do a good job security construction should pay attention to do the following several work:(1)Thinking;(2) Establishment of a safety production management system;(3) Establishing the safety and professional bodies and with full-time safety technicians;(4) Ensure that the workers are safe and secure;(5) Take the targeted safety measures;Safety technical measures should be aimed at the engineering features, in depth investigation and study. Also do a good job of work safety technical disclosure.3 Security checkThe security check is found in time, eliminate hidden dangers of accidents, an effective way to nip in the bud. The construction product volume is huge, the height operation is high, and then combined with the construction period, the technology complex and other factors, to the construction production brings a lot of unsafe factors. Through the combination of leadership and mass security checks, can effectively find the problem, take measures to eliminate the accident before the occurrence of the accident. Safety inspection can also summarize the good experience of the exchange of safety production, establish a typical, to promote the level of safety and civilization management. Mobilize the masses for security checks, both to encourage the masses to participate in the enthusiasm of safety and civilization management, and can educate the masses to enhance awareness of the safety awareness of production, and consciously improve the safety of production. In addition, the safety inspection can often give the neglect of the safety of the idea of knocking the alarm, and promptly correct illegal command, illegal operations behavior.4 SummarySafety civilization management is a science, is a professional, policy, mass, and a very strong work. With the continuous development of the economy, the continuous improvement of people's living standards, employees in the construction industry and the whole society are on the construction process of safe and civilized management level proposed requirements more and more high, the traditional management mode has not adapted to the requirements of the times. It is now in need of scientific and modern enterprise security and civilization management mode, and continuously improve the level of safety civilization management, thereal safety civilization management work well. The scientific use of PDCA circulation method, the pair of leaders of all levels of safety education and construction plan possible accident, the implementation of safe and civilized management plan, make safe and civilized management is better in the construction of perfect embodiment. To inspect the construction process of the construction management plan, and find the problem that hidden and haven't met to solve, analyze and record, and put the security plan into the program. To reach a circular process. Therefore, as the construction enterprise, we should study the status quo of the construction industry safety civilization, establish the new idea of safety civilization management, and establish new accord with the.Construction safety management civilization is the first human management, to strengthen the safety education and training, continuously improve the quality of security business, enhance security awareness, and to take effective measures to regulate people's behavior, to implement standardized operation, in construction process due to the complexity of the construction site personnel, dynamic and frequent, in project management, to take admission to tertiary education and the change of production and construction, timely safety education; combination of production safety skills training, in order to enhance staff safety consciousness of responsibility and security capabilities.Through the safety civilization management education and training, strengthen the construction safety and the implementation of the guarantee. Safety education is the most effective method in the safety civilization management. Both time and greatly reduce the cost. On the construction enterprise personnel, from the leadership to the construction workers are admitted to the education and training, the whole aspect to strengthen safety awareness. A clear division of labor and management, the construction project without mistake, reduce the mistake. Building a safe and civilized management is a very complex system engineering, we must use of scientific management methods, management methods, the establishment of new safe and civilized management mode to improve worker safety execution. Only in this way, we can really make a safe and civilized management level to a new level.施工阶段的安全文明管理1.研究内容与目的目前我国的安全生产形势依然严峻,特别是建筑领域伤亡事故多发的状况尚未根本扭转,建筑施工安全极其严竣;安全生产基础比较薄弱,保障体系和机制不健全;安全生产监督管理机构、队伍建设以及监管工作还待加强。
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CONSTRUCTION PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENTWith the development of our national economy, the construction industry has been moving in the direction of diversification development, the construction industry in China's economic development plays a very important role. Construction project management is directly related to the project quality, cost management, personnel security, business efficiency, matter to an enterprise even of vital importance, but our country architectural engineering management at present there exist many deficiencies: management system is not perfect. Most of our construction in order to save personnel expenses, reduce construction engineering administration personnel quantity and quality. Management system development of. Construction industry management system are from some famous construction industry experts to jointly study the development, but in the construction units in just a piece of paper, and they are just to cope with the higher level examination, and cannot be applied to construction project management.In our construction management, to establish a comprehensive project of our country construction management system, mainly because of a lack of management theory and experience in china. Establishment of construction project management system is a specialized and professional issues, its implementation must by the senior building subject experts and has extensive experience in management to organize, the only way to achieve. Foreign construction industry in both technology and theory are more advanced, so our country in construction project management system in establishing a procedure, must draw lessons from foreign advanced concept, in addition, also must absorb the advanced project management method, and information on all aspects of the comprehensive and integral. In short, to ensure that our construction management is orderly undertake, must be in sound engineering management system as construction overall management level of the underlying securityStrengthen the construction of quality management, establishing the quality assurance system, the quality of Engineering work. Engineering construction enterprise according to the quality assurance system, form effective quality assurance system, establish the quality policy, so as to make it more prescriptive, systematization and maneuverability. To be human, material and machinery of various elements of an effective combination of. First of all, one is to control the quality of the core, take them as the control force, fully mobilize the enthusiasmof people, establish quality first concept. Secondly, construction materials building as the main product, the material quality control is the key of project quality control. Finally, construction machinery and construction mechanization is the main mark of modernization, plays an indispensable role in project construction, which directly affects the construction project progress and quality, therefore, select and use of construction machinery equipment is very important. So, should the specific characteristic according to project project, a comprehensive consideration of various factors, the implementation of effective control of the construction site, in order to ensure the construction quality and safety and create good external conditions.At this stage of construction project management has been paid more and more attention, project cost management is project management indispensable content. Project management essential characteristic can be reflected by the project cost management. First, establish project cost management responsibility system. Project management cost responsibility, unlike the responsibility, responsibility is not equal to the cost responsibility complete complete. At the completion of work responsibility at the same time, should also consider the cost responsibility implementation, further clarify the responsibility cost management, make every manager has cost management consciousness, so be very careful in reckoning. Secondly, the construction team to execute subcontract cost control. Project department and construction team is established between specific labor contract relationship, project department have the right to the construction team schedule, quality, safety and site management standard of supervision and management, at the same time according to the contract to pay service charges. Once again, teams of construction cost control, the construction team management, project department should not intervene too much.In order to ensure the government supervision effectiveness and authority, should improve the overall quality of the supervision team. Therefore, strengthening the construction of quality supervision of construction quality management study, so that the supervision and professional qualities. In addition, quality supervision means also to continue to improve, increase the detection equipment, make supervision work has greatly the content of science and technology, to realize the modernization of supervision work. From theconstruction of the overall market, market operation rule is not perfect. Lax enforcement of the law, the phenomenon of impunity will often appear. Project quality risk is largely due to the construction market confusion caused by. Therefore, the government must establish and improve the operating rules, these rules can really implement service guarantee.Any construction projects and other construction projects recently, in size, degree of technical complexity, or engineering properties may have many differences, but the project management has a lot in common. In the current fierce competition in the market, some engineering company in maintaining and developing the original market areas can also continue to develop and adapt to the new market. In the competition continue to grow and develop, while others stagnate before, continued to shrink, and even exit the market decline, the reason is not built up a set of advanced, scientific. Agile project management mechanism.Effects of many factors on the quality of construction projects, such as building structure mismatch, tilt, collapse, destruction, crack, seepage, water leakage, poor rigidity, strength is insufficient, section size is accurate, however, investigate its reason, can be summarized as follows:( 1) against the building program. If not through feasibility argumentation, make investigation on decided yet; not clear engineering geology, hydrology geology brash start; undocumented design; without any modifications to the design, construction; not according to the drawings; the completion of the project is to test running, without acceptance on delivery of some phenomenon, cause many project save the serious hidden danger, house collapse accidents have also occurred.Engineering geological investigation of reason ( 2 ). Not serious geological investigation, provide geological data, data error. Geological exploration, borehole spacing is too big, can not fully reflect the actual situation foundation, such as when the bedrock surface fluctuation is large, soft soil lay er thickness is also very big; geological exploration drilling depth is not enough, did not find underground soft soil, landslide, grave, hole formation; geological survey report in detail, such as inaccurate, will lead to the error based scheme, caused by the uneven settlement of foundation, instability, the upper structure and wall crack,damage, collapse.( 3) without reinforcement treatment of foundation. On the weak soil, dredger fill, miscellaneous soil, collapsible loess, expansive soil, rock outcropping, lava, soil hole uneven foundation reinforcement treatment or not handled properly, that led to the great cause of quality problems. According to different characteristics of foundation engineering, foundation treatment should be in accordance with the superstructure and combination, make its work principle, from the foundation treatment measures, design, structural measures, waterproof measures, construction measures considering management.( 4 ) design calculation problem. Inadequate design, structure unreasonable, the calculation sketch is not correct, computational load is too small, internal force analysis is incorrect, settlement joint and the expansion joint is arranged properly, the overhanging structure without overturning inspection, are induced by the quality problems. Such as a retaining wall engineering design without a clear understanding of the engineering geological conditions, construction and not on site verification, coupled with the construction team in the foundation excavation of the site geological conditions failed to timely feedback to the design staff, therefore, although the upper structure design, the construction of good quality, but the basic design is not reasonable, so that the use of design value of load has not yet reached the half, retaining wall appeared to slip and fall. Another example of a silo cracking accident, but also because design personnel negligence, in the pilot when Jian Bi crack, cause construction completion can not meet the basic requirements for the use of.Project management measures. 1 must be built and perfect engineering management responsibility system, make clear a key, fulfil responsibilityThe establishment and improvement of project management responsibility system, engineering management is smooth, responsibility is clear, whether the operation is effective, is to strengthen project management must first solve the problem. Salaried qualification standard limit, such as seventeen bureau of China railway construction enterprises, in the future for quite a period, the survival and development of the field of railway, highway, located in the municipalengineering construction market, the enterprise must do the business strong, do well the project, enhance core competitiveness. The company changes after making, group company and subsidiary to the market main body. It is ligament with asset, is no longer the relationship of administrative subordination, through the establishment and improvement of project management responsibility system, the project management effectively to form an overall, coordinated operation, more important.. 2 to establish and improve the engineering department ( a subsidiary company) as the main body of the construction management system.This kind of system requirement engineering department or subsidiaries must be to establish the construction scheme, the configuration of factor of production, heavy and difficult engineering monitor. The project is mainly responsible for the Ministry of construction program implementation, design changes, the daily management and all internal and external relations; company headquarters mainly grasps the organization and coordination, heavy and difficult engineering breakthrough and supervision, to create the external environment, pay attention toGood with the owner, design units and local government relations; company mainly grasps the policy measures, difficult technical advisory services, key and difficult engineering supervision and inspection. Engineering management department especially scheduling, always grasp the situation, unobstructed information feedback channel, solve the problems that cannot be solved.随着我国经济的发展,建筑行业已经朝着多元化方向发展,建筑行业在我国经济发展中起着非常重要的作用。