

学术期刊同行评议的实践——以《Nuclear Science and Techniques》为例

学术期刊同行评议的实践——以《Nuclear Science and Techniques》为例

学术期刊同行评议的实践——以《Nuclear Science andTechniques》为例孙丽华【摘要】要从大量的专业学术论文中甄选出创意新颖、结构严谨、语言流畅的论文进行出版,构建科学量化的同行评议体制显得非常重要.《Nuclear Science and Techniques》编辑部实行了期刊同行评议制度的构建和优化,通过对评议单的指标进行评分和在系统中嵌入数据库检索等辅助手段,为论文质量提供了量化的审视标准,避免评议中的误判,实践证明完善的同行评议制度对期刊影响力的提升起到了积极的作用.【期刊名称】《中国传媒科技》【年(卷),期】2017(000)001【总页数】3页(P73-75)【关键词】学术期刊;同行评议;优化【作者】孙丽华【作者单位】中国科学院上海应用物理研究所联合编辑部【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G237.5同行评议以其公正性、择优性的特征,成为国际学术界通用的学术论文评价手段。









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汤森路透实时接口与ITRS Geneos的企业平台说明书

汤森路透实时接口与ITRS Geneos的企业平台说明书

THOMSON REUTERS ENTERPRISE PLATFORM FOR REAL-TIME INTERFACE FOR ITRS GENEOSREAL-TIME PERFORMANCE MONITORING OF MISSION-CRITICAL TRADING INFRASTRUCTUREMARKET VIEWGlobally, financial firms are challenged by the growing cost and complexity of running high-performance trading infrastructures, as well as the increased regulatory pressure to manage the operational risk of potential systems outages. They need to obtain real-time end-to-end visibility of systems’ performance to maintain service quality in terms of speed, capacity and reliability. The importance of being able to quickly identify and respond to problems within the business and external to the enterprise, is greater than ever.THE SOLUTIONThomson Reuters has teamed with ITRS Group to deliver real-time monitoring and management of financial institutions’ market data, trading and risk management infrastructure.The Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform for Real-Time interface for ITRS Geneos enables firms to monitor the state of external execution venues and incoming order flow. It provides early warnings of impending problems to help prevent disruptive outages so firms can quickly determine whether a problem is inside or outside theirIT perimeter and take appropriate action.The capability provides real-time visibility into the performance of the Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform for Real-Time, and includes features such as data capture capabilities for load balancing metrics to ensure continuous system optimization.ITRS GENEOS• Provides integrated, proactive, real-time monitoring for every aspect of a trading infrastructure including applications, network interfaces, proprietary appliances,databases and servers• Supports a single solution for monitoring application behaviors and workflow characteristics such as market data and transaction latency across the trade lifecycle • Acquires and manages the real-time performance value required to create meaningful alerts before issues become critical, and route them to the right people to resolve• Creates a strategic corporate data asset from real-time performance metrics FEATURES• Enables operations teams to manage multiple mixed Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform and Reuters Markets Data System environments through an enterprise-wide management framework, for all versions of Thomson Reuters market datadistribution systems• Presents a history of performance values from monitored elements, detailing performance changes and use characteristics for subsequent analysis• Features pre-configured and full graphical views of the Enterprise Platform• Seamlessly incorporates Thomson Reuters Management Class (TRMC) parameters for Enterprise Platform or any predecessor Reuters Markets Data System components• Allows multiple geographically dispersed Enterprise Platform and predecessor Reuters Markets Data System environments to be monitored centrally BENEFITSReal-Time VisibilityBusiness analysts can gain greater certainty andcontrol over the distribution of market and reference data to support business critical trading processes. They can also see in real-time that all the market data sources being acquired and distributed through the Enterprise Platform for Real-Time are fully available across the trading infrastructure. The ‘drill down’ capability provides both a high level global view and detailed local view of information.System ManagementThe Enterprise Platform for Real-Time interfacefor Geneos allows system managers to provide an immediate assessment of the impact, at a business level, of both internal system issues and external events such as an outage at an exchange, as well as automate routine monitoring. With Geneos, processes can either be restarted automatically or initiated manually ensuring that operations teams always follow the same procedures.Performance MonitoringOperational sta are able to understand how a whole system or service that includes Enterprise Platformreal-time market data is performing on an end-to-end basis and drill down into detailed metrics on Advanced Data Hub (ADH), Advanced Distribution Server (ADS), RTIC, and RRCP backbone.Latency AnalysisThe Enterprise Platform for Real-Time interface for Geneos can analyze data latency between di erent market feeds, presenting system managers witha continuous picture of relative update rates and overall performance. This provides vital informationfor operations and development sta who need to understand the intraday characteristics of the market data feeds driving their trading applications.About ITRSITRS Group is the leading provider of risk mitigation solutions to global financial institutions. It leadsthe way in extending real-time monitoring into a comprehensive operational and service management solution. ITRS’s products are specifically designedto reduce service disruption, improve IT efficiency,and ensure that critical operational processes are executed as planned, protecting against both business reputation and trading risks.© Thomson Reuters 2011. All rights reserved. 48003565.FOR MORE INFORMATIONSend us a sales enquiry at: /elektron Read more about our products at: fi Find out how to contact your local office:/about_us/locations/Access customer services at:fi/customersELEKTRON COMMUNITYPARTNER。



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Click Send Email .7. When you receive an e-mail from Thomson Reuters, open the e-mail, click the link to reset your password, and follow the instructions for Change your Password .LOOKING UP AN INSTRUMENTEntity Manager has three broadcast boxes for entering a symbol, watchlist, or market. When you enter a value into a broadcast box, services that have related content populate with data on that value. Click to look up commodities, interest rates and other instrument types.1. From the security identifier drop-down, select the type of identifier (Symbol/Name, All Companies, CUSIP, SEDOL, ISIN, or PERMID) that best describes the security you are entering.2. Type a symbol or company name in the search box and click Go .3. If the company symbol is not known, click .4. To search for publicly traded companies and instruments:a. In the Qualifiers row, click the links to select an instrument or exchange/country.b. T o include results outside the primary exchange, clear the Primary Exchange Only check box. 5. To search for private or inactive companies:a. Select the Private Companies/Other check boxb. T o include Inactive Companies in your results, select the check box.6. In the Search row, select a search type from the drop-down, type the search terms in the text box, and click Search .7. Click a result to select it in the Entity Manager. 8. To add the selected item to your watchlist, click.You can set up your preferences so private companies are automatically included in a search: Go to Customize > Preferences > Identifier and Price > Company NameSearch. Click the Private Company Automatically Included check box, and click Save.SETTING AND ORGANIZING FAVORITESWhen you set up a service as a Favorite, it appears under for easy access. To add a service to your Favorites, open the page, click, and then select Add to Favorites . To organize your favorites1. Click , and select Organize Favorites .2. If you want to create and name folders, click Create Folder , and type in a name.3. Drag a favorite into any folder, or click up or down arrows to move it to a different place in the list.4. Click OK .To set any page as your Home Page• Click , and select Set as Home .To return to your home page at any time• Click .AUTOMATIC SYMBOL ENTRY OR“LISTENING”When a symbol (e.g., IBM-US) appears in the broadcast box, automatically applies this symbol(“Listens”) when you switch to a different page and populates it with related data.To turn off automatic symbol entry• Click the yellow icon in the service title bar so that it turnsgray (indicating “Not Listening” to the broadcast box).You may want to turn off automatic symbol entry when you want to freeze content on a page.MONITORING A COVERAGE LISTFlex Monitor allows you to create and save an unlimited number of symbol lists so you can easily monitor the latest quotes data. Each symbol list can include up to 1024 stocks, bonds, options, commodities, market indexes, and statistics. To create a Symbol Watchlist• Click , and give your list a name. Click OK .To add a symbol to Flex Monitor• Left-click within a Flex Monitor cell, and type a symbol. Click outside the entry field to activate. To delete a symbol from Flex MonitorSelect a symbol in your list, right-click it, and then choose Delete .To sort columns in Flex Monitor• Right-click the column head that you want to use as the sortcriterion, choose Sort and then choose Ascending or Descending . You can also work with your coverage list under Tools & Tips > My Watchlists . Select a watchlist (My Watchlists, Shared Watchlists, Market Indexes, or Industry Lists) from the View drop down and then click Go .Access Watchlist Views > Watchlist Activity to view News, Research, Deals, Events, and Filings headlines; as well as Transcripts and Briefs, Estimates Guidance, and the ability to download research on the coverage watchlist.To select a watchlist (personal or shared), an Index or an Industry Classification, go to Watchlist Views and select a watchlist from the Watchlist dropdown in the top toolbar.SETTING ALERTSYou can set alerts on Price & Volume, News, and Filings.When an alert is triggered, you have the option of viewing the alert in your inbox, receiving an e-mail, or showing a pop-up alert indicator.To set alerts1. You can access the Alert Manager by: • Clicking Alerts in Flex Monitor.• Tools & Tips > My Alerts > Alert Manager.• My Pages > Alert Inbox > Go to Alert Manager2. Select the content set and criteria for your alerts (Price & Volume, News, and/or Filings).3. Select a company or a watchlist.4. Set your delivery options.5. Click Save . To access alertsGo to one of the following: • My Pages > Alert Inbox .• Tools & Tips > My Alerts > Alert Manager- Click Go to Inbox .You can also receive e-mail notices on Events, Briefs,Transcripts and Delta Reports based on a time period you determine. Go to Tools & Tips > My Alerts > Event Alerting .USING THE DRILL DOWN CAPABILITYDrill down fields are the underlined fields in Flex Monitor that link to other windows, known as target windows. Clicking a drill down field activates the target window and retrieves a display for the symbol selected. To create/edit a drill down1. Right-click in Flex Monitor, and select Drill Downs .2. Select a field from the Fields box.3.Select a service to link to from the Available Services tolink to box.4.Click Link to create a link or Unlink to disable a link.5.Click OK.USING MY PAGESMy Pages allows you to configure and customize a set of pages of your own choosing in your workspace. It has been pre-set with the following:•My Thomson ONE – Contains useful information including the latest enhancements, hints and tips.•My News – A sample (set to A/) shows all news. Another sample (set to N/TMN) shows news on acquisitions, andmergers & takeovers. You can change these displays byentering codes for your preferred settings. These components are set to “Not Listen” to the broadcast box so they willmaintain your current settings.To set up and manage your custom pages1.Click Customize, and choose Organize Workspace.2.To add a group or page to My Pages, select My Pages, andclick Add Group or Add Page. the page, and then drag a service from the InsertOption menu. You can add multiple services to a page. 4.To change the order of a page, right-click it and chooseMove Up or Move Down.5.To move a group or page into a different group, click it,and then drag it to the target group. MODIFYING THE APPEARANCE OF A PAGEYou can change the appearance of the Market Views > Market Monitor page and the My Pages page by rearranging and resizing the service.•To move a service section, click its title bar and drag it to a new location.•To resize a service, use the cursor to drag the bottom (or top) border of the service to shrink or expand its viewing area. •To hide the title bar of a service, right-click within the service and choose Hide Titlebar.FLOATING SERVICESFloating services are services that are displayed in separate browser windows while is running, even when it is minimized. To add a new floating service•Right-click within a service in your workspace, and click Open as Floating.To view a menu of your floating services•Click .To access a floating service•Click , and then click the service.SETTING PREFERENCESYou can set navigation and user preferences for several pages including Advanced Filings, Deals, Estimates, Private Equity and Watchlist Activity.To set preferences1.Click .2.Click Preferences.COMMONLYUSED NEWS SYMBOLSCommonly Used Industry CodesEXCHANGE SPECIFIC QUOTESTo access a quote from a specific exchange, type a symbol-exchange qualifier as a suffix to a symbol(e.g., IBM-P, for IBM trading on ArcaEx).FREQUENTLY USED INDICES AmericasFREQUENTLY USED RATESUS RatesONLINE HELP & CUSTOMER SUPPORTClick to open the Help/Supportmenu:•Help Contents – Opens Help forthe currently displayed feature andother help topics.•Customer Support –Contains support e-mail address and contact phonenumbers for global customer support.Clickhttps:///kccontactus/tele phone.aspx. Select Former Thomson Financial Products and then the country to locate the correct number forsupport.。



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Thomson Reuters Pharma:全球综合医药信息数据库——如何有效的使用

Thomson Reuters Pharma:全球综合医药信息数据库——如何有效的使用
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TRNSYS 16a T R a N s i e n t S Y s t e m S i m u l a t i o n p r o g r a mV o l u m e1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d/trnsyshttp://software.cstb.frTESS – Thermal Energy Systems SpecialistsTRNSYS 16 – Getting Started1–2About This ManualThe information presented in this manual is intended to provide a simple guide to get you started using TRNSYS 16. This manual is not intended to provide detailed reference information about the TRNSYS simulation software and its utility programs. More details can be found in other parts of the TRNSYS documentation set. The latest version of this manual is always available for registered users on the TRNSYS website (see here below).Revision history• 2004-09 For TRNSYS 16.00.0000 • 2005-02For TRNSYS 16.00.0037Where to find more informationFurther information about the program and its availability can be obtained from the TRNSYS website or from the TRNSYS coordinator at the Solar Energy Lab: TRNSYS CoordinatorSolar Energy Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1500 Engineering Drive, 1303 Engineering Research Building Madison, WI 53706 – U.S.A.Email: trnsys@ Phone: +1 (608) 263 1586 Fax: +1 (608) 262 8464TRNSYS website: /trnsysNoticeThis report was prepared as an account of work partially sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States or the United States Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or employees, including but not limited to the University of Wisconsin Solar Energy Laboratory, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.© 2004 by the Solar Energy Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-MadisonThe software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. This manual and the software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement. Except as permitted by any such license, no part of this manual may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent from the Solar Energy Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Madison.TRNSYS 16 – Getting Started TRNSYS ContributorsS.A. Klein W.A. Beckman J.W. MitchellJ.A. Duffie N.A. Duffie T.L. FreemanJ.C. Mitchell J.E. Braun B.L. EvansJ.P. Kummer R.E. Urban A. FikselJ.W. Thornton N.J. Blair P.M. WilliamsD.E. Bradley T.P. McDowell M. Kummert Additional contributors who developed components that have been included in the Standard Library are listed in Volume 5.Contributors to the building model (Type 56) and its interface (TRNBuild) are listed in Volume 6. Contributors to the TRNSYS Simulation Studio are listed in Volume 2.1–3TRNSYS 16 – Getting Started 1–4TRNSYS 16 – Getting StartedT ABLE OF CONTENTS1.G ETTING S TARTED1–7 1.1.What is TRNSYS? 1–7 1.2.The TRNSYS Suite 1–9 1.2.1.The TRNSYS Simulation Studio 1–9 1.2.2.The TRNSYS Simulation engine 1–10 1.2.3.The Building visual interface 1–11 1.2.4.TRNEdit and TRNSED applications 1–11 1.2.5.TRNSYS add-ons 1–12 1.3.Installation 1–13 1.3.1.System requirements 1–13 1.3.2.Installing TRNSYS 16 1–14 1.3.3.Installing the expanded weather data 1–15 ing TRNSYS examples 1–17 1.4.1.Opening and running a simple example 1–17 1.4.2.Opening and running an example with the Multizone building model (Type 56) 1–24 1.5.Creating a TRNSYS project 1–29 1.5.1.System description 1–29 1.5.2.Modeling approach 1–30 1.5.3.Step-by-Step instructions to create the Project 1–31 1.6.Creating a building project 1–39 ing the Building wizard 1–39 1.6.2.Modifying the wizard-generated project 1–45 1.ing TRNEdit and creating a redistributable (TRNSED) application 1–49 1.7.1.Starting point: TRNSYS Studio project 1–49 1.7.2.Editing the TRNSED file in TRNEdit 1–51 1.7.3.Some refinements 1–54 1.7.4.Adding pictures, links and multiple tabs 1–57 1.7.5.Creating the redistributable application 1–59 1.8.Running TRNSYS 15 projects 1–61 1.8.1.Introduction 1–61 1.8.2.The TRNSYS 15 "Begin" example 1–62 1.8.3.The TRNSYS 15 "Building" example 1–66 1.9.Creating a new component 1–73 1.9.1.Create the component proforma 1–73 1.9.2.Generating a Fortran code skeleton and a compiler project 1–74 ing other compilers or creating Types in other programming languages 1–791–5TRNSYS 16 – Getting Started1.10.More TRNSYS Examples 1–80 1–6TRNSYS 16 – Getting Started 1. G ETTING S TARTEDThe getting started manual explains what TRNSYS is and what programs make the TRNSYS suite. You will learn how to install TRNSYS, how to open and run the examples, how to create a project in the Simulation Studio and how to use the Multizone Building interface (TRNBuild). 1.1. What is TRNSYS?TRNSYS is a complete and extensible simulation environment for the transient simulation of systems, including multi-zone buildings. It is used by engineers and researchers around the world to validate new energy concepts, from simple domestic hot water systems to the design and simulation of buildings and their equipment, including control strategies, occupant behavior, alternative energy systems (wind, solar, photovoltaic, hydrogen systems), etc.One of the key factors in TRNSYS’ success over the last 25 years is its open, modular structure. The source code of the kernel as well as the component models is delivered to the end users. This simplifies extending existing models to make them fit the user’s specific needs.The DLL-based architecture allows users and third-party developers to easily add custom component models, using all common programming languages (C, C++, PASCAL, FORTRAN, etc.). In addition, TRNSYS can be easily connected to many other applications, for pre- or post-processing or through interactive calls during the simulation (e.g. Microsoft Excel, Matlab, COMIS, etc.). TRNSYS applications include:•Solar systems (solar thermal and PV)•Low energy buildings and HVAC systems with advanced design features (natural ventilation, slab heating/cooling, double façade, etc.)•Renewable energy systems•Cogeneration, fuel cells•Anything that requires dynamic simulation!Some TRNSYS jargon:A TRNSYS project is typically setup by connecting components graphically in theSimulation Studio. Each Type of component is described by a mathematicalmodel in the TRNSYS simulation engine and has a set of matching Proforma'sin the Simulation Studio The proforma has a black-box description of acomponent: inputs, outputs, parameters, etc.TRNSYS components are often referred to as Types (e.g. Type 1 is the solarcollector). The Multizone building model is known as Type 56.The Simulation Studio generates a text input file for the TRNSYS simulationengine. That input file is referred to as the deck file.In this manual, %TRNSYS16% refers to the TRNSYS 16 installation directory,i.e. C:\Program Files\Trnsys16 if you chose to keep the default location1–7TRNSYS 16 – Getting Started 1–8TRNSYS 16 – Getting Started1–91.2. The TRNSYS SuiteTRNSYS consists of a suite of programs: The TRNSYS simulation Studio, the simulation engine (TRNDll.dll) and its executable (TRNExe.exe), the Building input data visual interface (TRNBuild.exe), and the Editor used to create stand-alone redistributable programs known as TRNSED applications (TRNEdit.exe).1.2.1. The TRNSYS Simulation StudioThe main visual interface is the TRNSYS Simulation Studio (formerly known as IISiBat). From there, you can create projects by drag-and-dropping components to the workspace, connecting them together and setting the global simulation parameters.The Simulation Studio creates the TRNSYS saves the project information in a Trnsys Project File (*.tpf). When you run a simulation, the Studio also creates a TRNSYS input file (text file thatcontains all the information on the simulation but no graphical information).Figure 1–1: The TRNSYS Simulation StudioThe simulation Studio also includes an output manager from where you control which variables are integrated, printed and/or plotted, and a log/error manager that allows you to study in detail what happened during a simulation.TRNSYS 16 – Getting Started1–10You can also perform many additional tasks from the Simulation Studio: Generate projects using the "New Project Wizard", generate a skeleton for new components using the Fortran Wizard, view and edit the components proformas (a proforma is the input/output/parameters description of a component), view output files, etc.1.2.2. The TRNSYS Simulation engineThe simulation engine is programmed in Fortran and the source is distributed (see the \SourceCode directory). The engine is compiled into a Windows Dynamic Link Library (DLL), TRNDll. The TRNSYS kernel reads all the information on the simulation (which components are used and how they are connected) in the TRNSYS input file, known as the deck file (*.dck). It also opens additional input files (e.g. weather data) and creates output files.The simulation engine is called by an executable program, TRNExe, which also implements the online plotter, a very useful tool that allows you to view dozens of output variables during asimulation.Figure 1–2: The online plotter in TRNExeThe online plotter provides some advanced features such as zooming and display of numerical values of the variables at any time step, as shown in the zoom part of Figure 1– The Building visual interfaceTRNBuild (formerly known as Prebid) is the tool used to enter input data for multizone buildings. It allows you to specify all the building structure details, as well as everything that is needed to simulate the thermal behavior of the building, such as windows optical properties, heating and cooling schedules, etc.Figure 1–3: TRNBuildTRNBuild creates a building description file (*.bui) that includes all the information required to simulate the building. Note that this was not the case in TRNSYS 15 where the window library (w4-lib.dat) was always required to run a simulation.1.2.4. TRNEdit and TRNSED applicationsTRNEdit is an specialized editor that can be used to create or modify TRNSYS input files (decks). This is not recommended in general and only advanced users should attempt to modify deck files by hand. Most users should rely on the Simulation Studio to generate and modify deck files.On the other hand, TRNEdit can be used to create redistributable applications (known as TRNSED applications). Those executables can be freely distributed to end-users who do not have a TRNSYS license in order to offer them a simplified simulation tool. The distributable includes a dedicated visual interface designed by adding special commands to the TRNSYS inputfile. Advanced features, such as multiple windows (tabs) and clickable pictures, have been added in TRNSYS 16.Figure 1–4: TRNEdit – Tabbed view to design TRNSED applicationsFor more information on TRNSED applications licensing, please check the license.txt file in your installation.1.2.5. TRNSYS add-onsTRNSYS offers a broad variety of standard components, and many additional libraries are available to expand its capabilities:• TRNLIB: /trnsys/trnlib (free component library)•TRANSSOLAR libraries: •TESS libraries: 1.3. Installation1.3.1. System requirements1.3.1.1. SoftwareO PERATING SYSTEMTRNSYS requires Windows 95/98, NT 4.0, 2000, ME or Windows XP. Windows 2000 or XP are recommended due to known issues in resource management in previous Windows versions (those issues are not relate to TRNSYS nor its utility programs).C OMPILERSThanks to the drop-in DLL technology, no compiler is required to add components to TRNSYS if you obtain them as a precompiled DLL.If you wish to debug TRNSYS or to add components for which you received the Fortran code, you will need a Fortran compiler (Please see the Programmer's Guide for supported compilers). If you wish to create your own components, you will need a compiler capable of creating a DLL. This includes any recent Windows-compatible compiler for C++, Delphi, Fortran or other languages.O THERViewing the documentation requires the free Acrobat reader (Version 6.0 or higher is recommended to benefit from advanced searching capabilities). HardwareTRNSYS requirements will mostly depend on the simulations you want to run. The specifications here below list the basic requirements and the recommended configuration. The latter should allow you to run yearly simulations with a 0.1 sec time step using the full capabilities of the online plotter, while the basic configuration will allow you to run more typical simulations.M INIMUM CONFIGURATION•Pentium III processor or equivalent•128 MB of RAM•200 MB of available disk space (up to 2 GB if you install all the optional weather data files)R ECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION•Pentium IV processor 2.0 GHz or equivalent•512 MB of RAM• 1 GB of available disk space (up to 3 GB if you install all the optional weather data files)1.3.2. Installing TRNSYS 16Run the Setup program (trnsys16-setup-16-xx-xxxx.exe). where xx.xxxx is the exact release number. The Setup program will guide you through a series of dialog boxes with simple options. You will be prompted to accept the license agreement to continue the installation.Figure 1–5: Installing TRNSYS 16 - Part 1 You can navigate between the dialog boxes using the Back and Next Buttons. You will go through a few basic options.Figure 1–6: Installing TRNSYS 16 - Part 2 You will be asked to choose a default set of libraries for building data (materials and glazing). If you have many TRNSYS 15 projects that you need to update, choose the libraries that you were using in TRNSYS 15. If your country is listed, use those libraries (they were created by local distributors and are often in languages other than English). If you do not know what to do, keep the default choice (Basic). Note that you can always change the default libraries later in TRNBuild. You will then be asked if you want to create shortcuts and associate file extensions with TRNSYS. You should select that option unless you have already installed TRNSYS 16 and you have customized your shortcuts or associations.When you have selected a few options such as the destination directory, Setup will ask your confirmation to start the installation.Figure 1–7: Installing TRNSYS 16 – Part 3When the installation is complete, the Setup program will attempt to copy your user registration data (the "user16.id" file) to the destination folder. If you install from a CD provided by your distributor, Setup should be able to locate the file. If it is not the case (e.g. if you are installing a downloaded version), you should copy the "user16.id" file provided by you distributor according to the message displayed on the last screen of the Setup program.When you click "Finish", Setup will exit and launch your default browser to display the release notes of the version you have just installed. You can skip this by unchecking the "Display Release Notes" checkbox on the last screen of the Setup program (this is not recommended as the Release Notes have important information on the program you have just installed).1.3.3. Installing the expanded weather dataAfter installing TRNSYS 16, the setup program will try to copy your user registration data to the destination directory. The registration information is contained in a small text file, user16.id. If you install from a CD obtained from your distributor, Setup should find the user16.id file and install it. If you downloaded TRNSYS from the web, Setup will inform you in case it can't find the user16.id file. In that case you just need to copy that file to the installation directory (C:\Program Files\Trnsys16 by default). Please contact your distributor if you cannot locate your registration information.The TRNSYS Setup installs a few weather data files that will show you an example of the available data sources and data formats. However, TRNSYS 16 comes with a comprehensive set of weather data files including more than 1000 locations in more than 140 countries. Please refer to Volume 6 of the documentation (Weather Data) for more information on the available data sources and locations.If you wish to proceed with the installation of the expanded weather data base, just run the weather data Setup program, trnsys16-weather-16-xx-xxxx.exe (where xx-xxxx is the release number). The Setup program is very similar to the TRNSYS 16 installation program and will lead you through a few steps with dialog boxes.Figure 1–8: Installing the expanded weather data You can choose which datasets to install or not (the available packages may not match the screenshot here below depending on your version). Please note that installing all the data files will require more than 1.5 GB of available disk space on your computer.When the weather data installation is completed, you are ready to use TRNSYS.1.4. Using TRNSYS examplesThis section explains how you can quickly get started using TRNSYS by opening and running the examples provided with the distribution. You can then start creating your own projects by making changes to those examples.1.4.1. Opening and running a simple exampleLaunch the simulation Studio by using the created shortcut or by browsing to %TRNSYS16%\Studio\Exe and launching the Program called TrnsysStudio.exeGo to File/Open and select %TRNSYS16%\Examples\Begin\Begin.tpf. A TRNSYS project consists of components (e.g. a solar collector, a data reader, a printer) linked together.Figure 1–9: The "Begin" example1.4.1.1. Component configurationYou can check a component's configuration by double-clicking its icon. This will open a window with multiple tabs. When you open the window, the foremost tab shows a list of parameters and their value (the solar collector parameters are shown in Figure 1–9). You can see additional information about the parameters by clicking the "More" button.You can explore the different tabs to view the component's inputs, outputs and derivatives (if any – derivatives are capacitive variables of the component, e.g. nodes representing a given amount of water in a storage tank).Note: The values and units displayed in the input tab give the initial values for thecorresponding inputs. They are overridden during the simulation if those inputsare connected to other components1.4.1.2. ConnectionsIf you double-click on a link between two components, you will open a new window that lists all input-output connections inside that link. Figure 1–10 shows the link between Type 109 (weather data reading and processing) and Type 1b (solar collector)Figure 1–10: Example of connection windowIf there are many available inputs and outputs, the lists will be longer than what can be displayed. You can resize the window and/or use the scrollbars.Note: The Simulation Studio can be set to auto-scroll in the connection window(as well as in the project window). If you want to enable/disable that mode, go toFile/Settings/Project and check/uncheck the "auto-scroll" boxes.it may be easier to make new connections after aligning a given output with the input to which it is connected. To do this, click on the bottommost icon on the left (see Figure 1–11 for an example).Figure 1–11: Aligned connection windowYou can also decide to show only the inputs and outputs that have given dimensions. Figure 1–12 shows the results when "angle" is selected. Note that inputs/outputs with "any" or "unknown" dimensions will always be displayed.Figure 1–12: Filtered connection windowAlternatively, you can use the table view to display and manage connections: Just switch from the "Classic" tab to the "Table" tab. The result is shown in Figure 1–13.Figure 1–13: Aligned connection window1.4.1.3. Running the simulation and viewing the resultsYou can run a simulation by pressing the "F8" key, which is the shortcut for "Calculate/Run Simulation".T HE ONLINE PLOTTERIf at least one "online plotter" component is present in the simulation, an online plot will be displayed during the simulation. The online plotter offers several features that will help you analyze the simulation results while it is running and after it is done.You can interrupt / resume the simulation while it is running by right-clicking anywhere in the plot, by using the "F7" and "F8" keys, or using the "Calculation/Stop" and "Calculation/Resume" menu entries. The "Pause at…" command is also very useful when you want to diagnose some problems occurring at a given time in a simulation.When the simulation is stopped, you can use the "Plot options" menu to change the plot background or line thickness. You can also change the left and right Y-axis limits by clicking on the axes themselves, which will display a dialog box (see Figure 1–14). Please note that changes to those limits will be lost if you re-run the simulation. You should change the online plotter parameters in the simulation itself (double-click on the online plotter icon) if you want changes tobe permanent.Figure 1–14: Online plotter in a paused simulation with Y-axis control boxYou can hide or show any variable in the plot by clicking on its name in the legend fields. For example clicking in the red circle in Figure 1–14 would hide/show the QAux plot.A NALYZING THE SIMULATION: ZOOMING AND DISPLAYING NUMERICAL VALUESYou can zoom on part of the plot to have a more detailed view of a shorter time interval. Just click on the upper-left corner of the area you want to zoom in and drag the mouse pointer to the lower-right corner, then release the mouse button. In the zoom window, you can adjust the Y-axis limits but also the X-axis (time) limits by clicking on the axes. This is very useful when you want to study such a short period of time that it is hard to zoom on that period right away.You can display the numerical value of any variable at any point in time in both the "normal" and the "zoom" windows. Press the SHIFT key and mover the mouse over the graph. The variable labels will be replaced with their value (and "time" will be replaced with the simulation time). Thisis shown in Figure 1–15 for the zoom window.Figure 1–15: Online Plotter: Displaying numerical valuesNote: By pressing SHIFT and moving the mouse over the plot, you will displaythe values plotted by the online plotter, which are interpolated between TRNSYStime steps. If you want to see only the actual simulation time steps, pres CTRL-SHIFT when moving the mouse. This can be useful to study control signalswitching from 0 to 1, for example, since the online plotter will draw a continuousline between those 2 states and it will show interpolated values that do notcorrespond to any simulated values.C LOSING THE ONLINE PLOTTER AND ANALYZING PRINTED RESULTSAt the end of the simulation, you will be asked if you wish to exit the online plotter. If you click "No", you will be able to use the online plotter commands described here above. If you click "Yes", you will come back to the Simulation Studio, from where you can view the printed results.You can open external files (input or output files) by using the "Calculate/Open/External Files" menu or by double-clicking on the component that uses a file, switching to the "External Files" tab and using the "Edit" button (Figure 1–16). Both actions will open the file using the editor set in "File/Settings/Directories/Text Editor" (Notepad by default).Note: In a file name, "***" means that TRNSYS will use the input file (.dck)filename to assign a name at the file at runtime. Example: if your project's inputfile is called "MyProject.dck" and you type in "***.dat" as the output file name,TRNSYS will create a file called "MyProject.dat".Warning: the input (deck) file name is not always the same as the TRNSYSStudio project's name. The deck filename is set in the project's Control Cards,which can be accessed by "Assembly/Control Cards" or by the appropriatetoolbar buttonFigure 1–16: Opening external filesThe Standard TRNSYS components always create text files, but you can use any file extension in a project. In particular, some users find it convenient to use the file extension registered with their preferred spreadsheet program, e.g. ".xls" for Microsoft Excel. This allows opening those files in the spreadsheet program by double-clicking their name in Windows Explorer. Please note, however, that the created files only have plain text information. Special features, like colors, cannot be created with the standard components.T ROUBLESHOOTING A SIMULATION (THE E RROR M ANAGER)During a simulation, TRNSYS writes messages to a special file called the Log file. That file has the same name as the input file (deck) with a ".log" extension. Another file, the Listing file, is also created (the listing file also has all messages but in addition it repeats the input file and has some additional printed outputs like the results of a "Trace" command, which prints the inputs and outputs of a component at each iteration).The Simulation Studio provides access to the Log and Listing file through the Error Manager, which can be accessed by clicking on the LST button. Figure 1–17 shows an example of error message when an equation refers to a non-existent variable. The TRNSYS simulation ends with a "TRNSYS Errors" dialog box. You can then return to the Simulation Studio by clicking OK, and you can launch the Error Manager to analyze notices, warnings and error messages that weregenerated during the simulation.Figure 1–17: The Error ManagerThe "Units stats" and "Types stats" of the Error Manager present additional information on the calculation time spent in each component and on the number of times each component was called. Finally, clicking on the "Lst File" tab will open the listing file in a text editor.1.4.2. Opening and running an example with theMultizone building model (Type 56)The "Sunspace" example is a simple example inspired by BESTEST Case 960. BESTEST (Building Energy Simulation programs TEST) is the methodology developed in the framework of the IEA to test and diagnose the simulation capabilities of the exterior envelope portions ofbuilding energy simulation programs. Opening and running the exampleIn the simulation Studio, open %TRNSYS16\Examples\SunSpace\SunSpace.tpf. You can explore the connections and the components configuration as explained here above.Figure 1–18: The SunSpace exampleWhen you run the example (F8), TRNSYS launches TRNBuild in order to process the building input data. This ensures that the data used in TRNSYS matches the latest version of the .bui file and that Type 56 will find all intermediate files it uses for the simulation (.bld, .trn and .inf). After the automatic call to TRNBuild, the online plotter is displayed and the simulation runs.。

















5数字大数据食物链、信息聚类系统、定制解决方案——汤森路透商业模式比较分析李慧娟 2008年,加拿大汤姆森传媒集团(T he T h om so n Corporation )和英国的路透社(R euters Group PLC )合并成立汤森路透集团(Thoms on Reuters Corporation )。













一个新的引文分析工具———InCites数据库及其文献计量学指标的应用*刘雪立收稿日期:2012-07-20修回日期:2012-12-25河南省科技期刊研究中心,新乡医学院期刊社《眼科新进展》编辑部,453003河南新乡市,E-mail:liueditor@163.com摘要InCites数据库是美国汤森路透科技信息集团在整合了Web of Science(SCIE/SSCI/A&HCI)数据库资源的基础上,于2011年创建的新的引文分析和科学评价工具。



关键词InCites数据库文献计量学指标高等学校学术影响力InCites数据库是美国汤森路透科技集团在汇集和分析Web of Science(SCIE/SSCI/A&HCI)权威引文数据的基础上于2011年建立起来的科研评价工具[1]。





本研究基于InCites数据库2007 2011年数据,对我国大陆、香港和台湾地区高校学术影响力进行对比分析和评价。

1InCites数据库的评价指标该数据库中给出的用于机构(大学)的评价指标包括Web of Science论文数、Web of Science论文被引频次、篇均被引频次、论文被引率、相对影响力、占全球论文总数百分比、相对被引用率和综合绩效指标。


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indacaterolTable of ContentsSnapshot...........................................................................................................................................2 Development Profile..........................................................................................................................2 Literature Review..............................................................................................................................8 Development Status..........................................................................................................................1315 Chemical Structures..........................................................................................................................Drug Names......................................................................................................................................1617 Sales and Forecasts..........................................................................................................................Clinical Trials..................................................................................................................................21 Deals and Patents............................................................................................................................21 SWOT Analysis.................................................................................................................................26 Change History.................................................................................................................................28 Created:12-Aug-2014indacaterolSNAPSHOTDEVELOPMENT PROFILESUMMARYNovartis has developed and launched an inhaled once-daily formulation of indacaterol (QAB-149; Onbrez Breezhaler; Hirobriz Breezhaler; Oslif Breezhaler; Arcapta Neohaler, Onbrize), a long-acting beta-2 agonist (LABA) and bronchodilator, delivered with SkyePharma's SkyeHaler multidose dry powder inhaler (presumed to be called Concept-1) [515635]. The product is indicated in Europe for the maintenance bronchodilator treatment of airflow obstruction in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [1178904], [1205254]. In the US the product is indicated for the long term, once-daily maintenance bronchodilator treatment of airflow obstruction in patients with COPD, including chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema [1205254].By December 2009, the product had been launched in Germany as Onbrez Breezhaler [1061875], [1070827]; in August 2010, the product was launched in the UK and Portugal [1355854], [1384122]. In September 2011, the product (150-microg dose) was launched in Japan for COPD [1224226]; in December 2011, Eisai began co-marketing the drug with Novartis in Japan [1241372], [1259590]. In March 2012, the product was launched for COPD in the US as Arcapta Neohaler [1272925].Novartis was developing the formulation for the potential treatment of asthma. In September 2007, Novartis initiated a phase III trial in asthma patients; in August 2008, the trial was completed [835922]. However, in March 2011, the company stated that it did not intend to seek an indication for asthma [1174333].Novartis is also investigating indacaterol in combination with NVA-237 (NVA-237/indacaterol fixed dose combination, Novartis).The drug carries a boxed warning that LABAs increase the risk of asthma-related death and should not be used in asthmatics, unless with a long-term asthma control medication [1205007]. In July 2011, a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS) was approved, requiring an analysis of patients' understanding of the increased risk of asthma-related deaths and safe use of LABAs. In December 2012, the FDA released the drug from its REMS because the REMS had met its goals [1453236].PATENTS AND GENERICSIn January 2014, patent protection for indacaterol was expected to expire in 2025 in the US (including patent term extension), 2024 in the EU (including extensions), 2025 in Japan and in 2020 in other markets [1528447].REGULATORYTHE USIn 2008, the drug was filed in the US for COPD [979537]. However, in October 2009, the FDA issued a Complete Response Letter requesting more information on the dosing of the drug. The company planned to assess the data on the drug with the agency to decide if further clinical trials were needed [1050324]. In April 2010, the company disclosed that all clinical studies to support resubmission had begun and in September 2010, data from additional studies were submitted to the FDA [1092088], [1144561]. By January 2011, the filing had been resubmitted [1161452]. In March 2011, the FDA's Pulmonary-Allergy Drug Advisory Committee recommended approval of indacaterol (75 microg) for the once-daily long-term bronchodilator maintenance treatment of airflow obstruction in COPD patients, including chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema. However, the panel recommended non-approval of the 150 microg dose [1174333]. In March 2011, the FDA extended its review period by 3 months. No additional data were requested [1178857]. In July 2011, the FDA approved the 75-microg dose of the drug (as Arcapta Neohaler) for the long-term maintenance bronchodilator treatment of airflow obstruction in patients with COPD, including chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema [1205014], [1205007]. In March 2012, the product was launched [1272925].In 2008, the drug was filed in the EU for COPD [979537]. In September 2009, the CHMP recommended the drug for approval for the maintenance treatment of COPD at doses of 150 and 300 microg [1045417], [1045387]. In November 2009, the drug was approved in the EU for maintenance treatment for COPD under the tradename Onbrez Breezhaler [1061875], [1272925]; at that time, the drug was approved in the Netherlands [1435875], and subsequently launched [1435876]; at that time, the drug was approved in the Czech Republic and subsequently launched [1445998], [1444818]; and also, the drug was approved in Latvia and Estonia [1457030], [1461521]. It had been launched in Germany by December 2009 [1070827]; at that time, the drug was approved in Iceland [1451030] and subsequently launched [1450511] and launched in Ireland and Denmark in March 2010 [1092088]; at that time, the drug was launched in Norway [1458163]. In August 2010, the product was launched in the UK [1355854] and in Portugal as Onbrez Breezhaler [1384122]. In November 2010, it was launched in France [1352172]. In December 2010, the drug was launched in Sweden [1411516]. By April 2011, the product had been launched in more than 15 EU countries [1186339]. In June 2011, Chiesi launched the drug in Italy [1336159]. By November 2013, Onbrez Breezhaler had been launched in Spain for the treatment of COPD [1582942].JAPANIn July 2010, an NDA was filed for COPD in Japan [1125770]. In May 2011, indacaterol was recommended for approval in Japan [1206075]; approval was subsequently granted in July 2011 [1208512]. In September 2011, the 150-microg dose was launched for COPD under the brandname Onbrez Inhalation Capsules [1224226].CHINABy October 2010, a filing had been submitted in China [1141080]; by June 2012, the product had been approved in China [1309683].REST OF THE WORLDBy September 2010, the drug had been approved in Australia, India, Indonesia and Korea, and a number of countries in Latin America [1132594]. In October 2010, the drug was approved as Onbrez Breezhaler inhalation powder (150 microg doses) for the maintenance treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [1522857]. The product was assumed to be launched shortly after its approval there [1522858]. It was assumed that the drug was approved in Taiwan shortly after its approval there in October 2010 [1523932], [1509402]. By March 2011, indacaterol (150 and 300 microg doses) had been approved in more than 50 countries worldwide [1174333]. In August 2012, the agent (as Onbrez Breezhaler) was launched in Korea [1452449].By April 2012, the drug had been launched in Chile as Onbrize, presumably for COPD [1351928].By July 2013, the product had been approved for the treatment of COPD in Canada as Onbrez Breezhaler. At that time, launch occurred [1451164], [1451118].POSTMARKETINGIn September 2012, pooled data from three clinical studies presented at the European Respiratory Society Congress in Vienna, Austria, showed that in patients with more severe dyspnoea a 300-microg dose of indacaterol was more effective than lower doses or tiotropium [1319448].In February 2012, a phase IV, global, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, 26-week trial(NCT01555138; CQAB149B2401; 2011-003732-31; INSTEAD) began in Argentina, Columbia, Malaysia, Mexico and Europe in patients (expected n = 600) with moderate COPD and no exacerbations in the prior year switched from Seretide (salmeterol/fluticasone propionate 50/500 microg bid) to indacaterol (150 microg once daily). The primary endpoint was trough FEV1 at week 12 [1550517]. In April 2014, topline data from the 581-patient trial showed non-inferiority of indacaterol to Seretide [1550369].PREMARKETINGPHASE IIIIn September 2007, Novartis initiated a 26-week, randomized, multicenter, double blind, parallel group, phase III study (NCT00529529; CQAB149B2338) to assess the safety of indacaterol (300 and 600 microg) in patients (over 12 years old, n = 750) with moderate to severe persistent asthma, using salmeterol (50 microg, bid) as an active control. The trial was no longer recruiting subjects by February 2008 and it was completed in August 2008 [835922].PHASE IIIn November 2006, a placebo controlled, randomized, double blind, dose-ranging, phase II trial(NCT00403754) was initiated in Japan in subjects (expected n = 40) with asthma. The subjects were to receive indacaterol (150, 300 and 600 microg) followed by salmeterol (50 microg bid). The primary endpoint was measured by the forced expiratory volume of breath in 1 s (FEV1) 22 to 24 h after treatment. The study was completed in November 2007 [885968].In November 2003, Novartis presented data from a phase IIa crossover trial in 42 patients of age 24 to 64 years with mild to moderate asthma. In the study, each patient received 5 single dose treatments (1 day of treatment followed by 5 to 14 days of wash-out period) of either indacaterol 50 microg, 100 microg, 200 microg, 400 microg or placebo. Indacaterol was shown to have a rapid onset of action (as early as 5 min). At this time, a phase IIb program, including a dose-refining study, was planned to start in early 2004 [513950]. Similar data were reported in May 2005 at the American Thoracic Society (ATS) annual meeting in San Diego, CA [603221], [606270].In a clinical trial, once-daily dosing of 25 (n = 8), 300 (n = 8) and 600 microg (n = 8) of indacaterol all demonstrated a response in mild asthma patients compared to placebo [467458].CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASEPHASE IIIIn September 2012, data from a double-blind placebo-controlled, 26-week study, randomized study in a predominantly Chinese population were presented at the European Respiratory Society Congress in Vienna, Austria. Patients (n = 563) with moderate-to-severe COPD received 150 or 300 microg indacaterol or placebo. Both drug doses significantly improved trough FEV1 versus placebo. Transition dyspnea index (TDI) total score at week 26 was superior to placebo for both drug doses, as was percentage of pts with a clinically relevant TDI score. Both doses improved St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) total score at week 26. Incidences of adverse events were similar with drug or placebo [1319454].In May 2012, a phase IIIb, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group trial (NCT01604278; CNVA237A2316; 2011-005673-23; GLOW6) began in Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and the UK in patients (n = 671) with moderate to severe COPD to compare NVA-237 (50 microg) plus indacaterol (150 microg) with indacaterol (150 microg). The primary endpoint was trough FEV1 at week 12. In January 2013, the trial was completed [1409079]. In April 2013, results were reported, demonstrating that the primary endpoint was met and that NVA-237 plus indacaterol was superior to indacaterol alone; the combination resulted in a statistically significant improvement in FEV1 and a statistically significant reduction in dyspnea [1408736].In November 2010, data from a head-to-head, phase III study (NCT00900731; INTENSITY) were presented at CHEST 2010, the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians in Vancouver, Canada. A total of 1598 patients with moderate-to-severe COPD received once-daily treatment with indacaterol (150 microg) or tiotropium (18 microg). The primary objective of demonstrating non-inferiority of indacaterol to tiotropium after 12 weeks in terms of lung function, measured by FEV1, was met. Baseline-adjusted trough FEV1 at 12 weeks was 1.44 l with indacaterol and 1.43 l with tiotropium. Indacaterol was found to be as effective as but not superior to tiotropium in improving lung function in patients with COPD, while providing greater clinical benefits in terms of reduced breathlessness, lower use of rescue medication and improved health status [1144561], [1164001].In May 2009, results from the 1-year INVOLVE study, the 6-month INHANCE study and 3-month INLIGHT study presented at the ATS International Conference in San Diego, CA, showed indacaterol significantly improved lung function after 3 months of treatment compared with formoterol and tiotropium. The drug was well tolerated with an onset of action within 5 min [1011817]. In September 2009, further data from a phase III trial were presented at the European Respiratory Society meeting in Vienna, Austria. Patients receiving indacaterol experienced improvements in symptoms of breathlessness and 20% more days free of relief medication compared to those on tiotropium. The drug was safe and well tolerated [1041869], [1045417].In March 2009, a phase III, randomized, double-blind, controlled, parallel-group, 12-week study(NCT00846586; INTRUST1) began to compare the efficacy and safety of indacaterol (150 microg, once daily) with open-label tiotropium (18 microg, once daily) versus tiotropium alone in patients with moderate-to-severe COPD (n = 1134) [1167511]. In April 2009, a second study of the same design (NCT00877383; INTRUST2) was initiated in patients with COPD (n = 1142) [1167509]. In February 2011, the INTRUST 1 and 2 studies were reported to have met their primary endpoint of standardized AUC for FEV1; after 12 weeks, significant improvements in FEV1 were observed for indacaterol plus tiotropium compared with tiotropium alone. The incidence of adverse events was similar for both treatment groups [1167309]. In May 2011, further data were presented at the ATS annual meeting in Denver, CO. In both studies, patients treated with indacaterol plus tiotropium showed significant improvement in trough FEV1 from baseline at week 12 compared with patients treated with tiotropium alone; combination therapy also reduced the use of albuterol rescue medication compared with tiotropium alone [1192017].By February 2009, a phase III trial was underway in Japan. Data would be reported in May 2009 [987714].In January 2009, a randomized, parallel group, double blind, phase III study (NCT00821093; INSIST) was initiated in the US, Europe and India to evaluate the safety and efficacy of indacaterol compared to salmeterol for the treatment of COPD patients aged 40 and over. Patients (n = 1123) were to receive either indacaterol 150 microg or salmeterol 50 microg for 12 weeks. The primary endpoint was the 12 h area under the curve (AUC) FEV1 at week 12. The study was expected to be completed in October 2009 [1132820]. In September 2010, data were reported European Respiratory Society congress in Barcelona, Spain. The results demonstrated that indacaterol provided superior 24 h bronchodilation, measured by FEV1 compared to salmeterol in all patient subgroups. In addition, a greater percentage of indacaterol patients (69.4%) exhibited a reduction in breathlessness compared to salmeterol patients (62.7%) [1132594].In April 2007, a comparative, randomized, double blind, dose-ranging, phase III trial (NCT00463567;CQAB149B2335s) was initiated in subjects (expected n = 805) with COPD in Europe, North America, Argentina, Korea and Taiwan. The subjects were to receive indacaterol (75, 150, 300 and 600 microg, qd), formoterol (12 microg, bid) or tiotropium (18 microg, qd). The primary endpoint was superiority versus placebo at 24 h post-dose in FEV levels after 12 weeks treatment. The study was still recruiting in July 2007 [829537]. By February 2008, the trial was no longer recruiting subjects and was expected to be complete in August 2008 [885961].In October 2006, a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, crossover, safety and efficacy, phase II/III trial (NCT00396604; CQAB149B2212) was initiated in patients (expected n = 60) with COPD in Belgium. The patients were to receive once-daily indacaterol 150 microg, indacaterol 300 microg, indacaterol 600 microg, placebo or formoterol (12 microg bid). Each treatment day would be followed by 1-week washout-period. The primary endpoint was to determine the lung function measured 24 h after treatment measured by the FEV1 test and the secondary endpoints included forced vital capacity (FVC) and change in FEV1 at 30 min, 1, 2 and 4 h, 23 h 10 min and 23 h 45 min post-dose, as well as standardized FEV1 AUC between baseline and 4 h. The study was completed by February 2007 [777010]. In October 2008, data were presented from this trial at the 18th Annual European Respiratory Society Congress in Berlin, Germany. The study population comprised 45 subjects with a mean FEV1 of 72% predicted. The trough FEV1 at 24 h post dose was significantly higher with all doses of indacaterol and formoterol, compared with placebo. For the two higher doses of indacaterol, the trough FEV1 was higher than with formoterol. The most frequent adverse events were transient cough and throat clearing, which were observed in 15% of subjects with the 300 and 600 microg doses of indacaterol. Measurements of serum potassium and QTc interval in the ECGs revealed no abnormalities [951977].In February 2006, a phase III trial (CQAB149B2304) was initiated in Taiwan to assess the efficacy and long-term safety of once-daily inhalation of indacaterol 200 microgram or indacaterol 400 microgram in patients with COPD (expected Taiwan n = 40, global n = 1304). In May 2007, trial completion was expected in December 2012 [1516757].PHASE IIIn September 2006, data from trial in 635 COPD patients (excluding those diagnosed with asthma) randomized to receive 50, 100, 200 or 400 microg indacaterol or placebo once daily for 7 days, were presented at the Annual European Respiratory Society Congress in Munich, Germany. On days 1 and 7 of the trial, FEV1 was measured pre-dose and at timepoints up to 24 h post-dose. After a washout period of at least 7 days, 269 patients took 18 microg of tiotropium bromide once daily for 7 days. At each timepoint on days 1 and 7, indaceterol produced dose-dependent increases in FEV1 compared to placebo. At the trough (22 to 24 h after dosing), the FEV1 with 200 and 400 microg indacaterol was at least 120 ml greater than placebo. On day 1 and day 7, all doses of indacaterol produced FEV1 values greater than placebo by at least 120 ml. The mean magnitude of difference between trough FEV1 with tiotropium and the placebo was 120 ml and the pattern of adverse events with indacaterol was similar to placebo [689922].In September 2006, a comparative, randomized, double blind, phase I/II trial (NCT00422552;CQAB149B2211) was initiated in subjects (n = 30; mean age 65 years) with COPD in the UK. The subjects were to receive a single dose of indacaterol (300 microg; administered via a dry powder inhaler device) or placebo, or formoterol bid (12 microg via Aerosoliser). The primary endpoint was a change from baseline in inspiratory capacity and lung function over 24 h. [823739]. In September 2007, data were presented at the 17th ERS congress in Stockholm, Sweden. Both indacaterol and formoterol increased FEV1 and inspiratory capacity (IC) compared with placebo at all time points. Indacaterol had a 22% greater effect than formoterol and a 59% greater effect on peak IC (which was statistically significant) [834186].In May 2006, data were presented at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the American Thoracic Society in San Diego, CA. Patients with COPD received indacaterol (50 to 400 mg qd for 7 days) followed by open label tiotropium (18 mg qd for 8 days). Dose-related bronchodilation over the 24-h post-dosing period was comparable for both drugs [670977].In September 2005, data were presented at the European Respiratory Society's 15th Annual Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark. The safety and tolerability of multiple doses of indacaterol (800 microg qd) versus placebo was assessed in a 14-day trial in patients with mild to moderate COPD (n = 13). All adverse events were mild and no discontinuations resulted from these. An increase in FEV1 values of 15% was achieved in the indacaterol patients [630033]. Multiple doses of indacaterol (400 or 800 microg qd) were also shown to be well tolerated in a 14-day trial in patients (n = 25) with mild to moderate asthma [630571].In May 2005, clinical data were reported at the American Thoracic Society meeting in San Diego, CA. In a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, parallel group, multicenter phase II trial in 156 patients aged between 13 and 75, indacaterol was shown to have a favorable cardiovascular safety profile, with no clinically significant effect on ECG measurements, vital signs, mean QTc intervals, serum potassium or blood glucose. There were no serious adverse events [603221]. Similar data were presented in December 2005, at the Society for Medicines Research (SMR) symposium in London, UK [640293].In January 2005, Novartis disclosed that phase IIb data of indacaterol showed strong efficacy in both asthma and COPD and confirmed its safety at high doses [581315].Phase IIa trials of an inhaled formulation commenced in the 3Q02 [513950]; this inhaled formulation was presumed to be superseded by the MDDPI version in December 2003 [515635].OTHER STUDIESIn May 2014, subgroup data were presented from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study from a were presented at the 2014 ATS International Conference in San Diego, CA. Treatment with indacaterol significantly increased FEV1 and forced vital capacity when compared with placebo [1558894] PRECLINICALIn September 2005, preclinical data were presented at the European Respiratory Society's 15th Annual Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark. The effects of indacaterol (12.5 microg/kg), formoterol (1.2 microg/kg, nebulized for 10 min) and salmeterol (54 microg/kg) were compared in methacholine-induced vasoconstriction in anesthetized rhesus monkeys. Indacaterol had the lowest effect on heart rate indicating that its safety margin was potentially greater [627785], [629921]. Indacaterol was also compared to formoterol, salmeterol and salbutamol in in vitro and in vivo guinea pig models [629691].In May 2005, preclinical data were reported at the American Thoracic Society meeting in San Diego, CA. In isolated human bronchi, indacaterol was demonstrated to be a potent beta 2 adrenoceptor agonist which, unlike salmeterol, did not antagonize the bronchorelaxant effect of a short-acting beta 2 adrenoceptor agonist. Further preclinical studies in both in vitro and in vivo guinea pig models showed that indacaterol had a longer duration of action and faster onset, compared with formoterol and salmeterol, and no tachyphylaxis [603221].ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONIn December 2003, SkyePharma and Novartis Pharma agreed to jointly develop a new product for the treatment of asthma and COPD. The product was to combine Novartis' long-acting bronchodilator QAB-149 with SkyePharma's breath-activated multi-dose dry powder inhaler device, SkyeHaler, and its protective powder formulation, SkyeProtect [515635]. In April 2006, Novartis stated that the start of the phase III trials had been delayed following technical issues with the planned inhalation device [663540].In February 2008, the EMEA's pediatric committee issued a waiver for the provision of pediatric trials in the MAA for indacaterol maleate [880422].LITERATURE REVIEWGraeme P Currie, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Forrester Hill Road, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZB, UKSubmission date: 26 January 2006Publication date: 20 April 2006INTRODUCTIONBronchodilators are a fundamental component in the management of obstructive lung disorders (asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)) [653695], [653696]. Asthma is characterized by underlying airway inflammation, which results in airway hyperresponsiveness and subsequent intermittent airflow obstruction [655825]. As a consequence, drugs that cause airway smooth muscle to relax (such as inhaled bronchodilators) play a secondary role following the application of anti-inflammatory therapy. The first-line treatment for asthma is a regular low to medium dose of inhaled corticosteroid (eg, 400 to 800 microg/day beclomethasone or equivalent in adults). In patients with persistent symptoms and exacerbations or reliever inhaler use, long-acting beta2 adrenoceptor agonists (LABAs) are administered as suitable add-on therapy. Indeed, several studies have underlined the clinical effectiveness of adding a LABA to treatment with moderate to low doses of steroids; these results have proved more favorable compared with those observed when simply increasing the dose of inhaled corticosteroid [653691], [653693].COPD is characterized by relatively fixed airflow obstruction, primarily as a consequence of an abnormal inflammatory response in the lungs as a result of inhaled noxious agents. This inflammatory reaction is not particularly responsive to the therapeutic effects of inhaled corticosteroids, thus bronchodilators currently form the cornerstone of therapy. Inhaled long-acting bronchodilators, such as LABAs, are used in patients with COPD who have persistent symptoms, irrespective of the degree of airflow obstruction [653696]. For example, in symptomatic individuals with COPD who have mild airflow obstruction (a forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) of 50 to 80%), LABAs are advocated for regular use, in an attempt to improve lung function and reduce symptoms and exacerbations [653704]. In those individuals with more advanced disease, LABAs are administered concomitantly with long-acting anti-cholinergic drugs and inhaled corticosteroids.Salmeterol and formoterol are LABAs that are currently in widespread use in the UK. These compounds express two clinically significant properties: they are potent bronchodilators in the presence of low bronchomotor tone, and they exhibit a protective or 'airway-stabilizing' effect in the presence of increased bronchomotor tone [653712]. LABAs bind to membrane-bound airway smooth muscle beta2 adrenoceptors and, via activation of G protein adenyl cyclase, promote relaxation and a bronchodilating effect more than 12 h after a single inhalation. In contrast with short-acting beta2 agonists, LABAs are highly lipophilic. This feature enables them to dissociate more slowly from fat-soluble tissues, which partly explains their prolonged duration of action in the lungs [653713].Despite the widespread use of LABAs in clinical practice, several drawbacks and concerns have arisen from their regular use. For example, in asthma, chronic dosing with LABAs results in beta2 adrenoceptor downregulation, receptor internalization and uncoupling of the G protein adenyl cyclase unit. This event leads to a subsequent reduced sensitivity (or tachyphylaxis) of response to the effects of LABAs on airway smooth muscle and inflammatory cells. This process can result, in turn, in the development of tolerance to the bronchoprotective, although not bronchodilatory, effects of LABAs [653725], [653726]. Moreover, it has been shown that the presence of polymorphisms at the beta2 adrenoceptor may enhance the development of bronchoprotective subsensitivity in patients undergoing LABA treatment [653728]. Inhaled short-acting beta2 agonists are a fundamental component in the immediate relief of symptoms during an acute exacerbation of asthma [653695]. However, several studies have demonstrated that use of salmeterol or formoterol as an add-on therapy to inhaled corticosteroids results in blunting of the reliever response to salbutamol (a short-acting beta2 agonist) after acute, methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction [653731], [653736], [653738], [653739], [654018]. This effect may result in patients failing to achieve adequate benefit from drugs such as salbutamol. Concern has also arisen regarding the regular use of salmeterol, as a consequence of results from the Salmeterol Multicenter Asthma Research Trial (SMART), which demonstrated an increased occurrence of respiratory-related adverse events, especially in African-Americans [654026]. Other data have suggested that regular use of formoterol may also be associated with an increased risk of exacerbations [654028].In a meta-analysis of 33 randomized, placebo-controlled trials, the cardiovascular safety of long- and short-acting beta2 agonists was evaluated in individuals with asthma or COPD [654034]. The results of the trials lead to the conclusion that the use of beta2 agonists in patients with obstructive airway disease increases the risk of adverse cardiovascular events [654034]. The results raise concerns regarding the long-term safety of inhaled beta2 agonists, especially in individuals with established cardiovascular disease, or in those taking concomitant potentially arrhythmogenic drugs. As a result, the effects of beta2 agonists on hematological and cardiovascular parameters are closely monitored.。



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Select a field from the Fields box.3.Select a service to link to from the Available Services tolink to box.4.Click Link to create a link or Unlink to disable a link.5.Click OK.USING MY PAGESMy Pages allows you to configure and customize a set of pages of your own choosing in your workspace. It has been pre-set with the following:•My Thomson ONE – Contains useful information including the latest enhancements, hints and tips.•My News – A sample (set to A/) shows all news. Another sample (set to N/TMN) shows news on acquisitions, andmergers & takeovers. You can change these displays byentering codes for your preferred settings. These components are set to “Not Listen” to the broadcast box so they willmaintain your current settings.To set up and manage your custom pages1.Click Customize, and choose Organize Workspace.2.To add a group or page to My Pages, select My Pages, andclick Add Group or Add Page. the page, and then drag a service from the InsertOption menu. You can add multiple services to a page. 4.To change the order of a page, right-click it and chooseMove Up or Move Down.5.To move a group or page into a different group, click it,and then drag it to the target group. MODIFYING THE APPEARANCE OF A PAGEYou can change the appearance of the Market Views > Market Monitor page and the My Pages page by rearranging and resizing the service.•To move a service section, click its title bar and drag it to a new location.•To resize a service, use the cursor to drag the bottom (or top) border of the service to shrink or expand its viewing area. •To hide the title bar of a service, right-click within the service and choose Hide Titlebar.FLOATING SERVICESFloating services are services that are displayed in separate browser windows while is running, even when it is minimized. To add a new floating service•Right-click within a service in your workspace, and click Open as Floating.To view a menu of your floating services•Click .To access a floating service•Click , and then click the service.SETTING PREFERENCESYou can set navigation and user preferences for several pages including Advanced Filings, Deals, Estimates, Private Equity and Watchlist Activity.To set preferences1.Click .2.Click Preferences.COMMONLYUSED NEWS SYMBOLSCommonly Used Industry CodesEXCHANGE SPECIFIC QUOTESTo access a quote from a specific exchange, type a symbol-exchange qualifier as a suffix to a symbol(e.g., IBM-P, for IBM trading on ArcaEx).FREQUENTLY USED INDICES AmericasFREQUENTLY USED RATESUS RatesONLINE HELP & CUSTOMER SUPPORTClick to open the Help/Supportmenu:•Help Contents – Opens Help forthe currently displayed feature andother help topics.•Customer Support –Contains support e-mail address and contact phonenumbers for global customer support.Clickhttps:///kccontactus/tele phone.aspx. Select Former Thomson Financial Products and then the country to locate the correct number forsupport.。
