



贵州大学研究生英语期末考试-翻译及部分答案5.Enlish-speaking South African s of British descent were not particularly strong in opposing the apartheid regime, and the black opposition, whose members had many languages, was at first weak and disorganized.5.讲英语的南非英国后裔并不强烈反对种族隔离政权,而黑人反对力量,其成员讲多种语言,在初期软弱无力且缺乏组织。

6.Such symbolism suggests (shows) that the users of the world's lingua franca should seek to benefit as fully as possible from the blessing and as far as possible avoid invoking the curse.6.这一象征表明这种世界通用语的使用者应充分发掘这一幸事为我们带来的好处,同时尽能避免招来灾难。

第二课1. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love of the most creative periods of my life.1.苹果公司发生的这些事情丝毫没有改变这一点,一点儿也没有。


2. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.2. 因为,作为一个成功者的负重感被作为一个创业者的轻松感所重新代替,一切都还不确定。



贵州大学研究生英语期末复习Lesson 2Ⅱ. VocabularyA. Read the following sentences and decide winch of the four choices below each sentence is closest in meaning to the underlined word.1. the story about the Brothers Grimm may evoke(唤起) warm memories of story time in the comforting arms of a parent.A recall(回想起)B createC release(释放)D collect2. one of the secrets of successful travel lies in always turning adversity(困难、不幸)to your advantage.A unfamiliarityB explorationC pleasureD difficulties(困难)3. The claws of bears may be used to climb trees, rip(撕)open nests and beehives ,or catch prey.A clearB tear(撕)C throwD dig(挖)4. The analysts are dissecting(仔细分析;剖析)intrusions and other attacks that have breached their computer systems.A interceptingB fightingC analyzing(分析)D discussing5. He spent whole days in his room, headphones on lest(唯恐;以免)he disturb anyone.A unlessB whenC so that(以便)D in case(以防)6. As the unemployment lines lengthened and factories closed, there was talk of apocalypse(大灾难).A emergency(紧急情况)B uncertainty(不确定)C disaster (灾难)D reduction (减少)7. The odor of the hospital was so unforgiving(无情的)that every so often she would bring the cloud of white flowers to her nose.A unexpected(意想不到的)B unique(独特的)C impressive(印象深刻的)D terrible (可怕的)8. Critics argue that the lavish park itself is incongruous(不协调的)in a country where around half the population lives below the poverty line.A inappropriate(不相称的)B creativeC unnecessaryD enjoyable9. Many believed optimistically the new would soothe(安抚)markets, but it seems to have had the opposite effect.A pushB misleadC calm(使平静)D discourage10. A stoical(坚忍的)person tends to show admirable patience and endurance in the face of adversity without getting upset.A confident(自信的)B uncomplaining(顺从的)C unconventional(非常规的)D reliable(可靠的)B.Choose the best word or expression from the list given for each blank. Use each word or expression only once and make proper changes where necessary.recur at full capacity plausible temper with surrealglimpse immerse oneself in catastrophe go about cliché1. It's an old cliché(老生常谈)about an apple a day keeps the doctor away—but is it really that simple?2. This explanation fits the facts and is psychologically plausible(花言巧语的).3. In its final report, the presidential commission said the failures were "systemic" and likely to recur(再发生;重复出现).4. While many talked about memorial events, others said they want business go about (忙于)as usual.5. Jon Cleary was born in England and came to New Orleans at age 17 to immerse himself in(沉浸于)the city's music and culture.6. Is it me, or is the fact that this exchange happened at all rather surreal(离奇的).7. Some fans had been waiting for many hours to catch a glimpse(一瞥)of the famous couple.8. For one earthquake survivor, joy is tempered with(缓和)sorrow.9. I was very happy to hear that after a couple of tough years, this plant is now running at full capacity(以全部力量;满功率,满负载).10. It's all designed to avoid the kind of catastrophe (大灾难)that occurred at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant.Ⅳ. TranslationPut the following passages into Chinese.1. It is a cliché, as it is to talk of apocalypse and nightmare, but when something is beyond our experience, we reach for the points of reference we have.说到世界末日和噩梦又是老生常谈,但是当事情超出我们的经验时,我们总会寻找现有的东西作为参照。



翻译第一课1.For English is a killer.It is English that has killed off Cumbric,Cornish,Norn and Manx.There are still parts of these islands where sizeable communities speak languages that were there before English.Yet English is everywhere in everyday use and understood by all or virtually(actually)all,constituting such a threat to the three remaining Celtic languages,Irish,Scottish Gaelic,and Welsh...that t heir long-term future must be considered...very greatly at risk.因为英语是个杀手。






2.He also associated such policies with a prejudice which he calls linguicism[a condition parallel to(equal to/similar to)racism and sexism].As Phillipson sees it,leading institutions and individuals within the predominantly"white"English-speaking world,have[by d esign(=deliberately)or default(=mistake)]encouraged or at least tolerated—and certainly have not opposed—the hegemonic spread of English,a spread which began some(about)three centuries ago as(when)economic and colonial expansion.同时,他认为这些政策和他称之为语言歧视(与种族歧视、性别歧视等类似)的偏见密切相关。








每个月都有人因为这样那样的原因坚持不下去了,其次身体是革命的本钱,要考研的话1-6月差不多要抽点时间每天健身锻炼身体,我3到7月是每天6.50起来慢跑1200米,天气渐渐温暖其实也还好,11月自习室就有几个同学腰椎颈椎有问题不得不放弃~可惜~从三月到十二月低都没回家,没想过自己可以离家那么久,大假小假都不敢回,心慌得很,既然决定走这条路就不能留遗憾~四月报的新东方mti 全程班,一来是跨考生当时还是有点迷茫,问前辈说要看武峰12天买了全套还是觉得外行难入手,其次想让自己花些钱有点鸭梨也有录屏版的网盘分享其实也可以,当时啥也不知道觉得到处收集很麻烦就直接报了。









下面列出了一些常用词汇的复习资料:1. 名词:学习各个学科时常见的专业名词,如computer science(计算机科学)、biology(生物学)等。

2. 动词:重点复习表示各种不同意义的动词,如achieve(实现)、analyze(分析)、evaluate(评估)等。

3. 形容词:学习描述和评估事物时常用的形容词,如effective(有效的)、significant(重要的)等。

4. 副词:掌握常用的副词,如clearly(明显地)、simultaneously (同时地)等。


下面是一些语法知识的复习资料:1. 时态:熟练掌握一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时等时态的用法,并能够正确运用于句子中。

2. 语态:了解被动语态和主动语态的区别,掌握其构成和使用方法。

3. 句子结构:学习复杂句子的构成,如定语从句、状语从句等,并能够正确运用于写作和阅读中。


下面是一些阅读理解的复习资料:1. 阅读速度:培养自己的阅读速度,逐渐提高阅读理解的速度和准确性。

2. 理解问题:学习如何从文章中准确把握关键信息,并能够回答相关问题。

3. 词汇理解:通过阅读理解练习,锻炼自己对生词的理解能力,提高词汇量。

四、写作技巧写作是研究生英语考试中的一项重要内容,需要注意以下几点:1. 结构组织:合理组织文章结构,包括引言、主体段落和结论,让整篇文章逻辑清晰。

2. 表达准确:在写作过程中注意语法和词汇的正确使用,避免错误表达。



贵州大学翻译硕士考研真题经验参考书目录第一章考前知识浏览1.1贵州大学招生简章...................... 1.2贵州大学专业目录........................1.3贵州大学翻译硕士专业历年报录比....... 1.4贵州大学翻译硕士初试科目解析......第二章翻译硕士专业就业前景解读2.1贵州大学专业综合介绍................. 2.2贵州大学专业就业解析................. 2.3贵州大学各方向对比分析.......第三章贵州大学翻译硕士专业内部信息传递3.1报考数据分析..............3.2复试信息分析..............3.3导师信息了解........第四章贵州大学翻译硕士初试专业课考研知识点4.1参考书目分析..........4.2真题分析................4.3重点知识点汇总分析(大纲)....第五章贵州大学翻译硕士初试复习计划分享5.1政治英语复习技巧5.2专业课复习全程详细攻略5.3时间管理策略及习题使用第六章贵州大学翻译硕士复试6.1复试公共部分的注意事项6.2复试专业课部分的小Tips【学校简介】贵州大学(Guizhou University),简称“贵大”,位于贵州省会贵阳市,是“211工程”重点建设高校、世界一流学科建设高校、教育部与贵州省人民政府“部省合作共建高校”、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、孔子学院奖学金院校、教育部“2011计划”协同创新中心牵头高校、全国深化创新创业教育改革示范高校、教育部“三全育人”综合改革试点单位、贵州省属重点综合性大学、中西部高校联盟成员、国家大学生文化素质教育基地、教育部来华留学示范基地、教育部教育援外基地、科技部国际科技合作基地,入选卓越法律人才教育培养计划、卓越农林人才教育培养计划、卓越工程师教育培养计划、教育部“中西部高校综合实力提升工程”并成为教育部在西部地区重点建设的14所高水平大学之一,由浙江大学对口支援。

贵州大学2019年硕士研究生考试大纲-211 翻译硕士英语

贵州大学2019年硕士研究生考试大纲-211 翻译硕士英语
3.Writing (30%)
1.Vocabulary and Grammar (30 %)
2.Reading Comprehension (40%)
贵州大学(Guizhou University),简称“贵大”,创始于1902年,位于中国贵州省贵阳市,是国家“双一流”世界一流学科建设高校[1],是教育部与贵州省人民政府合作共建的国家“211工程”重点大学、贵州省属重点综合性大学,是“卓越法律人才教育培养计划”“卓越农林人才教育培养计划”和“卓越工程师教育培养计划”重点建设大学[2],是中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校和教育部来华留学示范基地,2012年成为教育部“2011计划”协同创新中心牵头高校,入选教育部“中西部高校综合实力提升工程”成为教育部在西部地区重点建设的14所高水平大学之一,“中西部高校联盟”成员,中国最早创办的大学之一。由浙江大学对口支援贵州大学。



Lesson 41 Bill Clinton was hard to miss in the autumn of 1970. He arrived at Yale Law School looking more like a Viking than a Rhodes Scholar returning from two years at Oxford.He was tall and handsome somewhere beneath that reddish brown beard and curly mane of hair. He also had a vitality that seemed to shoot out of his pores.1970年秋天,你想不注意比尔-克林顿也不容易。





2 The way bill tells the story, he couldn’t remember his own name.在比尔讲述这段事情的版本中他说他当时都想不起来自己叫什么名字了。

3 To this day, he can astonish me with the connections he weaves between ideas and words and how he makes it all sound like music.直到现在我还常为他敏捷的思维和恰如其分的用词,以及他如何能够将要表达的思想说得那么动听而感到惊讶不已。

4 One of the first things I noticed about Bill was the shape of his hands. His wrists are narrow and his fingers tapered and deft, like those of a pianist or a surgeon. When we first met as students, I loved watching him turn the papes of a book. Now his hands are showing signs of age after thousands of handshakes and golf swings and miles of signatures. They are, like their owner, weathered but still expressive, attractive and resilient.我首先注意到的是比尔的手的形状。



贵州大学研究生英语阅读教程提高级第三版课后词汇及翻译答案贵州大学研究生英语阅读教程提高级第三版词汇及翻译答案Lesson 21、the story about the brothers grimm may evoke warm memoriesof story time in the comforting arms of a parent.A recallB createC releaseD collect2、one of the secrets of successful travel lies in always turningadversity to your advantage.A unfamiliarityB explorationC pleasureD difficulties3、The claws of bears may be used to climb trees, rip opennests and beehives ,or catch prey.A clearB tearC throwD dig4、The analysts are dissecting intrusions and other attacks that havebreached their computer systems.A interceptingB fightingC analyzingD discussing5、He spent whole days in his room, headphones on lest he disturbanyone.A unlessB whenC so thatD in case6、As the unemployment lines lengthened and factories closed,therewas talk of apocalypse.A emergencyB uncertaintyC disasterD reduction7、The odor of the hospital was so unforgiving that every so often shewould bring the cloud of white flowers to her nose.A unexpectedB uniqueC impressiveD terrible8、Critics argue that the lavish park itself is incongruous in a countrywhere around half the population lives below the poverty line.A inappropriateB creativeC unnecessaryD enjoyable9、Many believed optimistically the new would soothe markets ,but itseems to have had the opposite effect.A pushB misleadC calmD discourage10、 A stoical person tends to show admirable patience and endurancein the face of adversity without getting upset.A confidentB uncomplainingC unconventionalD reliable Lesson 41、During the lecture all the audience listened to china’s firstastronaut with rapt admiration.A obscureB obviousC obligedD obsessed2、Most of her c olleagues didn’t like her because she was adept atthe fine art of irritating people.A ambitiousB annoyingC skillfulD scornful3、In the schools today we need, more than ever, the trainingof defthands,quick eyes and ears ,and above all thebroader,deeper,higher culture of gifted mind and pure hearts.A skillfulB cleverC delicateD elegant4、At last the judge decided to give the custody of the child to hisfather.A supervisionB cateringC raisingD fostering5、Denver residents continued to dig out from what was called theworst blizzard in nearly a century.A catastropheB disasterC snowstormD landslide6、After all ,the candidate was endorsed by the governor’s board andmany of the local party members.A ignoredB rejectedC sponsoredD supported7、His expression gave temporary meaning to a set of features but itwas nondescript.A unclearB distinctiveC impliedD ambiguous8、She came home spouting off about the subjects she was taught atschool and basked in her teacher’s praise.A pridedB enjoyed C. criticized D narrated9、It was evident that the administrative officials did not believe theexcuse that he held forth for the delayed delivery.A liedB toldC emphasizedD compiled10、When frank heard that the war had started ,it didn’t sink in for along time until his father was drafted into the army.A be understoodB be acceptedC be takenD beillustratedLessson 61、another common use of the tag question is in small talk when thespeaker is trying to _____ conversation:”sure is hot here,isn’t it?”A IllicitB elicitC solicitD explicit2、napster says it is delaying the launch of its subscription serviceyet again,after running into serious problems in its talks with other firms .so here is napster’s _____ :still not ready.A refrainB renownC restraintD retention3、The path from initial lab work on a drug to final approval of thedrug by the food &drug administration is a long and _____ process.A hilariousB notoriousC industriousD laborious4、When I was a child,I always refused to write thank-you notes forbirthday presents from a faraway relative.my mother would _____ me and say,”paul ,you must learn to be polite.”A glideB slideC abideD chide5、A(a) ____ memory may be a good thing,but the ability to forget isthe true token of greatness.A attentiveB inattentiveC retentiveD irretentive6、There’s still a great deal of _____ on the weapons of massdestruction ,which despite what president bush and prime minister blair say,have not yet been found.A evidenceB skepticismC knowledgeD consensus7、Even though exercise has many positive benefits,too much can beharmful.teens who exercise_____ are at risk for both physical and psychological problems.A comparativelyB competitivelyC compulsively Dcomprehensively8、Some of the maids were quiet and affectionate.but others were____,driving the young women crazy by complaining to them allthe time.A querulousB fabulousC pretentiousD conscientious9、There is nothing more fascinating than observing citizensof manydifferent nationalities _____ and exchanging greetings in an international airport.A singlingB dinglingC jinglingD mingling10、When dallas police notifed the hospital that president kennedyhad been shot,at first,the young neurosurgeon thought it was a____.A blankB flankC prankD frankLesson 71、Upon hearing these critical remarks ,he was in a complete stateof bewilderment and did not know what to do next.A astonishmentB frustrationC depressionD perplexity2、For many women ,the harrowing prospect of giving evidence in arape case can be too much to bear.A promisingB embarrassingC hauntingD upsetting3、The company’s disappointing sales figures are an ominous sign ofworse thing to come.A disgracefulB disgustingC scandalousD threatening4、He said that people are too obsessed with utopian visions thatnever come,instead of thinking of the quality of life now.A promisingB unrealisticC unbelievableD unprecedented5、We eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accidentbecause it was so well timed.A elicitedB despisedC removedD elevated6、Things would never change if people weren’t prepared toexperiment with new teaching methods.A endeavorB campaignC swerveD try7、The national interest is most important than the sectionalandpersonal interests of individual politicians.A segregatedB factionalC inviolableD dismantled8、Despite differences in background and outlook,their partnershipwas based on mutual respect,trust and understanding.A unilateralB reciprocalC obligatoryD optional9、Desirous of knowing something about the operations ,I stood andwatched the spectacle.A desperate forB desirable ofC detached fromD deprived of10、He spoke eloquently with the self-effacing humor that endearedhim to the American press.A elegantlyB persuasivelyC arrogantlyD expressively Lesson 91、When she arose to speak in their assemblies ,her commandingfigure and dignified manners _____ every trifler into silence.A rushedB hushedC cashedD pushed2、In many of his paintings of towns,harbors,and rivers ,marquetshowed a particular gift for simplification thatseized_____upon the essentials in the scene before him.A unexpectedlyB unavoidablyC unerringlyD unbelievably3、The old gentleman was so much immersed in business ,that hewas unable to ____ much attention upon me.A bestowB bewilderC bewareD betray4、The most famous _____ whiteface clown is felix adler,whoperformed in the early and mid-20th century.A picturesqueB uniqueC techniqueD grotesque5、By the 1st century B.C,roman power was growing and greekinfluence had begun to _____.A waneB waverC weaveD warp6、To starboard ,at hurghada,behind _____ ranks of coral reefs,laythe important marine biological station of the university of Egypt.A severeB serriedC seducedD sentimental7、At first,the downturn was confined to industries most sensitive tohigh interest rates.but ______,the loss of income in these areas had a ripple effect throughout the economy.A inexorablyB intensivelyC inevitablyD infinitely8、The puppet theater combines three elements:the puppets;thechanters who sing and ____ for the puppets;and the players ofthe three-stringed instrument.A declineB reclaimC declaimD proclaim9、This is your daily life; to me it is like a scene from a play,overwhich one sighs to see the curtain fall-all _____,all light ,allhappiness.A enchantmentB engagementC enlargementD endurance10、“it was really rural when we moved here,”says Stanley.”but thesenewcomers are _____ the rural atmosphere.”A justifyingB citifyingC ratifyingD simplifying Lesson 111、The supporters of GM foods say that it should be possible tomake foods that are less likely to trigger allergies.A preventB reduceC causeD transfer2、The relationship between men and their cars would terminate inthe event of irreparable mechanical breakdown(equivalent to thedeath of a spouse).A endB declineC failD proceed3、The combination of miscommunication ,ignored warnings andgeneral hubris virtually guaranteed disaster.A misunderstandingB misconductC angerD arrogance4、Despite an occasional glimmer of hope ,this campaign has notproduced any results.A proofB indicationC releaseD consequence5、These kids had been further insulated by their wealthy familiesfrom reality with the privilege that money could buy.A protectedB awokenC coveredD isolated6、I found myself constantly pondering the question:”how couldanyone do these things?”A arguingB answeringC coveredD isolated7、Interactive technology augments traditional methods with newand yet-to-be invented collaboration tools ranging from e-mail toweb logs to digital video to peer-to-peer systems.A communicationB entertainmentC cooperation Dimprovement8、For people who feel too intimidated or shy to ask questionsduring class,the internet creates a “safe environment”to speaktheir mind.online ,nobody knows who you are.A frightenedB frustratedC depressedD disappointed9、On this day after September 11 ,most planes were stillgrounded ;the skies were eerily quiet.A particularlyB unusuallyC mysteriouslyD pleasantly10、Considered by many archaeologists to be the first humancivilization ,sumer has yielded many huge stonecarvings .deciphered, they described”gods”who came anotherplanet in flying machines.A inspiredB interpretedC improvedD implanted Lesson 21 It is a cliché, as it is to talk of apocalypse and nightmare, but when something is beyond our experience, we reach for the points of reference we have.说到世界末日和噩梦又是老生常谈,但是当事情超出我们的经验时,我们总会寻找现有的东西作为参照。






























贵州大学研究生英语阅读教程提高级第三版复习资料汇总Lesson 3A.1、It was like a parent trying to coax a lying child into admitting an obvious truth.A punishB persuadeC criticizeD release2、Zofi tended to write long and detailed e-mails,bur her boss always zapped backterse single-word responses .A briefB forcefulC difficultD complex3、Benny Anvi scolded the dog,which become fiercer and looked nearly ready topounce.A back offB lie downC bite onD spring forward4、Working with the wrong company could potentially distort my image andultimately chip away at the faith of my fans .A strengthenB weakenC keepD lose5、The photographs takan at Belsen and other camps led to widespread and intenserevulsion towards Nazi Germany.A criticismB disgustC punishmentD attack6、It is only the paintaking people who can live a brilliant life .A optimisticB confidentC patientD diligent7、When one considers our world from such a perspective,the need for accptanceand understanding becomes glaringly apprent .A obviouslyB increasinglyC possiblyD reliably8、That is one reason why this conflict grinds remorselessly from decade to decade .A dramaticallyB silentlyC endlesslyD regretfully9、Overzealous and effective theft detection and prevention creates an atmosherethat is likely to intimidate innocent customers.A encourageB reassureC frightenD surprise10、He called the success a vindication of his party’s free-market economic policy.A justificationB supportC stimulusD projectB.In the know pay off wend one’s way deliberately telling Incremental rip (sth) up dead in the water every so often in place1、Every so often Mother takes an opportunity to remind us that eating animals eventually bite us back.2、Spain and Greeece’s bears are unlikely to survive unless stict protection programs are put in place.3、we talked to agents,managers,publishers,lawyers and others in the know to come up with our estimates.4、We are seeking continuous,incremental improvements,not great breakthroughs.5、Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence paid off.6、The government has been involved in a disinformation campaign, deliberately misleading its citizens.7、She took every photograph of me that was in our house and angrily ripped it up.8、The inability to sell these very popular models doesn’t leave Toyota dealers deadin the water but it comes very ,very close.9、The most telling condemnation of the system was that it failed to fulfill its function.10、Today’s investors lack the patients to hang on for years as ideas wend their way from the lab to the market.Lesson 4A.1、During the lecture all the audience listened to china’s first astronaut with raptadmiration.A obscureB obviousC obligedD obsessed2、Most of her colleagues didn’t like her because she was adept at the fine art ofirritating people.A ambitiousB annoyingC skillfulD scornful3、In the schools today we need, more than ever, the training of deft hands,quickeyes and ears ,and above all thebroader,deeper,higher culture of gifted mindand pure hearts.A skillfulB cleverC delicateD elegant4、At last the judge decided to give the custody of the child to his father.A supervisionB cateringC raisingD fostering5、Denver residents continued to dig out from what was called the worst blizzard innearly a century.A catastropheB disasterC snowstormD landslide6、After all ,the candidate was endorsed by the governor’s board and many of thelocal party members.A ignoredB rejectedC sponsoredD supported7、His expression gave temporary meaning to a set of features but it wasnondescript.A unclearB distinctiveC impliedD ambiguous8、She came home spouting off about the subjects she was taught at school andbasked in her teacher’s praise.A pridedB enjoyed C. criticized D narrated9、It was evident that the administrative officials did not believe the excuse that heheld forth for the delayed delivery.A liedB toldC emphasizedD compiled10、When frank heard that the war had started ,it didn’t sink in for a long timeuntil his father was drafted into the army.A be understoodB be acceptedC be takenD be illustratedB.1、Plants will lose their when they are heavily trimmed.A voyageB vitalityC vogueD virgin2、It was generally conceded that the nst result of the incident was calculated to make Eisenhower mad enough to force him to re-electionA run forB compete inC apply toD line up with3、Mick entered the V ocational High School,and in order to get to know her newclassmates,she a party.A castB launchedC flungD threw4、Alice Moore refused to learn what they required.She couldn’t see the necessity of for those that would appear in the examinations.A clappingB crammingC clashingD creeping5、The listeners were by his magic eloquence and ready to stand by him in his boldest flights.A agonizedB thrilledC disturbedD interfered6、We remained until our ship was repaired,and after that,we set sail for England,our port being Londom.A doomedB denotedC despairedD destined7、Seeds of various typles--wheat grains,beans,and nuts--form the bulk of human food.But not all seeds are to either humans or insects ,many contain toxins.A palatableB primitiveC peculiarD permanent8、Continuing violence could the progress towards reform.A hold onB hold upC hold downD hold off9、A bill passed by both houses in August requires states to set up systems for withholding child support payments from the wages and states tax refunds of those persons.A anonymouslyB autonomouslyC unanimouslyD enormously10、After about an hour all the participants with the regulations and each other.A warmed upB made upC mixed upD wound upLessson 6A.1、another common use of the tag question is in small talk when the speaker istrying to _____ conversation:”sure is hot here,isn’t it?”A IllicitB elicitC solicitD explicit2、napster says it is delaying the launch of its subscription service yetagain,after running into serious problems in its talks with other firms .so hereis napster’s _____ :still not ready.A refrainB renownC restraintD retention3、The path from initial lab work on a drug to final approval of the drug by thefood &drug administration is a long and _____ process.A hilariousB notoriousC industriousD laborious4、When I was a child,I always refused to write thank-you notes for birthdaypresents from a faraway relative.my mother would _____ me andsay,”paul ,you must learn to be polite.”A glideB slideC abideD chide5、A(a) ____ memory may be a good thing,but the ability to forget is the truetoken of greatness.A attentiveB inattentiveC retentiveD irretentive6、There’s still a great deal of _____ on the weapons of mass destruction ,whichdespite what president bush and prime minister blair say,have not yet beenfound.A evidenceB skepticismC knowledgeD consensus7、Even though exercise has many positive benefits,too much can beharmful.teens who exercise_____ are at risk for both physical andpsychological problems.A comparativelyB competitivelyC compulsively Dcomprehensively8、Some of the maids were quiet and affectionate.but others were ____,drivingthe young women crazy by complaining to them all the time.A querulousB fabulousC pretentiousD conscientious9、There is nothing more fascinating than observing citizens of many differentnationalities _____ and exchanging greetings in an international airport.A singlingB dinglingC jinglingD mingling10、When dallas police notifed the hospital that president kennedy had beenshot,at first,the young neurosurgeon thought it was a ____.A blankB flankC prankD frankB.Thumb nose at obsess with single out brust onto on the lookout for More often than not superior to obscure disregard get along1、He picked up things that he thought people were throwing away and still had life.He was very upset that people were very quick to disregard things of value.2、Looking for life elsewhere is a tough task.The good news is that the scientists are on the lookout for extraterrestrials signs and scientific tools to search for extraterrestrial life are advancing rapidly.3、They are not so obsessed with their studies that they avoid sports.On the contrary,they juggle their crowded hours to play on a variety of teams.4、People remember only what is interesting and useful to them,what helps them make sense of the world,or helps them get along in it.5、My husband reacted with irritation because he felt the comments implied: Y oure is not a real marriage, I am superior to you because my wife and I have avoided your misfortune.6、Airlines are thumbing nose at the plan to modernize Los Angeles Internstional Airport because their financial problems would make it difficult for them to pay for the renovation.7、The Green Party of Pennsylvania has the burst onto politicalvsense in 2001 with unprecedented energy and vigor and Green voter registration has more than quadrupled.8、Before he went to university,Peince William had gone off to the jungles of South America and worked on rather obscure farms in England.9、More often than not , we tend to get stressed and disturbed by life’s endless ups and downs. Y ou have the choice to remain the same or change it to your advantage.10、Following the terrrorist attacks,there have been reports of beating and killings of Arabs.As an African American,I am outraged by the single\ing out of ArabAmericans and Muslims.Lesson 7A.1、Upon hearing these critical remarks ,he was in a complete state ofbewilderment and did not know what to do next.A astonishmentB frustrationC depressionD perplexity2、For many women ,the harrowing prospect of giving evidence in a rape casecan be too much to bear.A promisingB embarrassingC hauntingD upsetting3、The company’s disappointing sales figures are an ominous sign of worsething to come.A disgracefulB disgustingC scandalousD threatening4、He said that people are too obsessed with utopian visions that nevercome,instead of thinking of the quality of life now.A promisingB unrealisticC unbelievableD unprecedented5、We eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident because itwas so well timed.A elicitedB despisedC removedD elevated6、Things would never change if people weren’t prepared to experiment withnew teaching methods.A endeavorB campaignC swerveD try7、The national interest is most important than the sectional and personalinterests of individual politicians.A segregatedB factionalC inviolableD dismantled8、Despite differences in background and outlook,their partnership was basedon mutual respect,trust and understanding.A unilateralB reciprocalC obligatoryD optional9、Desirous of knowing something about the operations ,I stood and watchedthe spectacle.A desperate forB desirable ofC detached fromD deprived of10、He spoke eloquently with the self-effacing humor that endeared him to theAmerican press.A elegantlyB persuasivelyC arrogantlyD expressivelyB.Go all out believe in boil down to trample in pursuit ofContend in the final analysis transcend justify be born of1、His arrogance is born of a conviction that he is a superior being with better education and family backgrounds.2、The investigation term promised to go all out to find out about the cause of the accident in the shortest possible time.3、The results of the study have certainly justified the huge amout the money that was spent on this long-term project.4、Having read these touching stories,you will certainly believe in the fundamental goodness of human nuture.5、Fortunately the acting and photography are so good that they somehow manage to transcend the limitations of the film’e plot.6、For Malcolm what matters most in his life could always be boil down toone idea:being good in business.7、What distinguishes all the species of plants and animals is, in the final analysis ,differences in the way carbon atoms choose to bond.8、Several people were trampled to death when the stadium collapsed and the crowd rushed out onto the football pitch.9、The lawyer contented in court that her client had never been near the sence of the crime.10、The company has been in pursult of Holton for some time,but so far he has rejected all their offers.Lesson 9A.1、When she arose to speak in their assemblies ,her commanding figure anddignified manners _____ every trifler into silence.A rushedB hushedC cashedD pushed2、In many of his paintings of towns,harbors,and rivers ,marquet showed aparticular gift for simplification that seized_____upon the essentials in thescene before him.A unexpectedlyB unavoidablyC unerringlyD unbelievably3、The old gentleman was so much immersed in business ,that he was unable to____ much attention upon me.A bestowB bewilderC bewareD betray4、The most famous _____ whiteface clown is felix adler,who performed in theearly and mid-20th century.A picturesqueB uniqueC techniqueD grotesque5、By the 1st century B.C,roman power was growing and greek influence hadbegun to _____.A waneB waverC weaveD warp6、To starboard ,at hurghada,behind _____ ranks of coral reefs,lay the importantmarine biological station of the university of Egypt.A severeB serriedC seducedD sentimental7、At first,the downturn was confined to industries most sensitive to highinterest rates.but ______,the loss of income in these areas had a ripple effectthroughout the economy.A inexorablyB intensivelyC inevitablyD infinitely8、The puppet theater combines three elements:the puppets;the chanters whosing and ____ for the puppets;and the players of the three-stringedinstrument.A declineB reclaimC declaimD proclaim9、This is your daily life; to me it is like a scene from a play,over which onesighs to see the curtain fall-all _____,all light ,all happiness.A enchantmentB engagementC enlargementD endurance10、“it was really rural when we moved here,”says Stanley.”but these newcomersare _____ the rural atmosphere.”A justifyingB citifyingC ratifyingD simplifyingB.Strand swoop loom up cricket crowd intoSmudge stall tug at slipped into stay clear of1、Sudden gestures would drive sharks away for a moment ,but they came back almost at once.If we turned our backs to them,they would swoop at our legs.2、The male cricket produce his courtship song by rubbing a grooved ridge on the enderside of one of his front wings against the sharp edge of the other front wing.3、Early ballpoint pens did not write well,they tended to ship,and the slow-drying oil-based ink smudge easily.4、In August,the enemy’s drive against the city,which had been stalled by floods in late June and July, was renewed.5、In an ionic substance ,the positive ion often tugs at the electrons on the negative ion.6、The risk of a heart attack for patients with a history of heart problems goes up by 35-50 percent during the winter months ,so doctors warm heart patients stay clear of the cold.7、Last month, protected CDs with technology designed to discourage customers form making copies on their PCs quietly slipped into stores.8、On January 21,2001,thousands of people cowded into the National Mall to be witness to the inauguration of the 43rd President George W.Bush.9、In low visibility ,the diver never knows what he will find on any dive and may suddenly see a huge ship loom up out of the underwater fog.10、Insidde the airport hundreds of passengers are still stranding by the snowstorm.Lesson 12A.1、The explosion sent pieces of metal and glass through the air.A walkingB flashingC hurtlingD struggling2、I could make out a dark figure in the .A btighnessB clearanceC faintnessD twilight3、Put the fish in the and it’ll only take 5 minutes.A microphoneB microwaveC siliconD chip4、As you get older your bones become increasingly .A brittleB brilliantC brightenedD bleachable5、It’s often cheaper if you buy wallpaper , rather than having to order it.A off the shelfB out of dateC custom-fittedD off-cuts6、A close inspection revesled minute cracks in the aircraft’s and wings.A faceB interfaceC fuselageD fuse7、He was interested in when he was only a child,beacuse he wantedd to be an astronantA outskirtB circumstanceC aerospaceD suburb8、I heard a massive explosion and ground beneath me .A hoppedB shudderedC enduredD paralyzed9、In his twenty years working for the company,Joe Pearson made a(n) / impression on it.A inexcusableB indelibleC consumableD conclusive10、is a row of black lines on something you buy,that a computer reads to find the price.A BarcodeB JetlagC PostcodeD PricelistB.Keep track seek to live with back and forth come close toIn a sense be up in the air despite consolidate into worry about1、After years and years of hard work.he was finally come colse to achieving his goals.2、He consilidated his business into one large company.3、She had understood nothing,nor had she sought to understand.4、In a sense , he’s right by sauing that everyboby is a student.5、Our plans for the summer are up in the air .Noboby is sure what is going to happen.6、He changes jobs so often--I find it hard to keep track of what is going to happen.7、She’s always worrying about her son,who isn’t on good terms with his playmates.8、I’m still pleased with the house despite all the problems we’ve had.9、They discussed it back and for it ,without getting very far.10、It’s a problem she’s going to have to live with .Lesson 41 、Bill Clinton was hard to miss in the autumn of 1970. He arrived at Y ale Law School looking more like a Viking than a Rhodes Scholar returning from two years at Oxford.. He was tall and handsome somewhere beneath that reddish brown beard and curly mane of hair. He also had a vitality that seemed to shoot out of his pores.1970年秋天,你想不注意比尔-克林顿也不容易。









贵州大学研究生英语阅读教程提高级第三版词汇及翻译答案Lesson 21、The story about thebrothers grimm may evoke warm memories of story time in the comforting arms of a parent.A recallB createC releaseD collect2、One of the secrets of successful travel lies in always turningadversity to your advantage.A unfamiliarityB explorationC pleasureD difficulties3、The claws of bears may be used to climb trees, rip open nests and beehives ,or catch prey.A clearB tearC throwD dig4、The analysts are dissecting intrusions and other attacks that have breached their computer systems.A interceptingB fightingC analyzingD discussing5、He spent whole days in his room, headphones on lest he disturb anyone.A unlessB whenC so thatD in case6、As the unemployment lines lengthened and factories closed,there was talk of apocalypse.A emergencyB uncertaintyC disasterD reduction7、The odor of the hospital was so unforgiving that every so often shewould bring the cloud of white flowers to her nose.A unexpectedB uniqueC impressiveD terrible8、Critics argue that the lavish park itself is incongruous in a country where around half the population lives below the poverty line.A inappropriateB creativeC unnecessaryD enjoyable9、Many believed optimistically the new would soothe markets ,but it seems to have had the opposite effect.A pushB misleadC calmD discourage10、A stoical person tends to show admirable patience and endurancein the face of adversity without getting upset.A confidentB uncomplainingC unconventionalD reliableLesson 41、During the lecture all the audience listened to china’s first astronaut with rapt admiration.A obscureB obviousC obligedD obsessed2、Most of her colleagues didn’t like her because she was adept at the fine art of irritating people.A ambitiousB annoyingC skillfulD scornful3、In the schools today we need, more than ever, the training of deft hands,quick eyes and ears ,and above all thebroader,deeper,higher culture of gifted mind and pure hearts.A skillfulB cleverC delicateD elegant4、At last the judge decided to give the custody of the child to his father.A supervisionB cateringC raisingD fostering5、Denver residents continued to dig out from what was called the worst blizzard in nearly a century.A catastropheB disasterC snowstormD landslide6、After all ,the candidate was endorsed by the governor’s board and many of the local party members.A ignoredB rejectedC sponsoredD supported7、His expression gave temporary meaning to a set of features but it was nondescript.A unclearB distinctiveC impliedD ambiguous8、She came home spouting off about the subjects she was taught at school and basked in her teacher’s praise.A pridedB enjoyed C. criticized D narrated9、It was evident that the administrative officials did not believe the excuse that he held forth for the delayed delivery.A liedB toldC emphasizedD compiled10、When frank heard that the war had started ,it didn’t sink in for a long time until his father was drafted into the army.A be understoodB be acceptedC be takenD be illustratedLesson 61、Another common use of the tag question is in small talk when the speaker is trying to _____ conversation:”sure is hot here,isn’t it?”A IllicitB elicitC solicitD explicit2、Napster says it is delaying the launch of its subscription service yet again,after running into serious problems in its talks with other firms .so here is Napster’s _____ :still not ready.A refrainB renownC restraintD retention3、The path from initial lab work on a drug to final approval of the drug by the food &drug administration is a long and _____ process.A hilariousB notoriousC industriousD laborious4、When I was a child,I always refused to write thank-you notes for birthday presents from a faraway relative.my mother would _____ me and say,“Paul ,you must learn to be polite.”A glideB slideC abideD chide5、A(a) ____ memory may be a good thing,but the ability to forget is the true token of greatness. A attentive B inattentive C retentive D irretentive6、There’s still a great deal of _____ on the weapons of mass destruction ,which despite what president bush and prime minister blair say,have not yet been found.A evidenceB skepticismC knowledgeD consensus7、Even though exercise has many positive benefits,too much can be harmful.teens who exercise_____ are at risk for both physical and psychological problems.A comparativelyB competitivelyC compulsivelyD comprehensively8、Some of the maids were quiet and affectionate.but others were____,driving the young women crazy by complaining to them all the time.A querulousB fabulousC pretentiousD conscientious9、There is nothing more fascinating than observing citizens of many different nationalities _____ and exchanging greetings in an international airport.A singlingB dinglingC jinglingD mingling10、When Dallas police notified the hospital that President Kennedy had been shot,at first,the young neurosurgeon thought it was a____.A blankB flankC prankD frankLesson 71、Upon hearing these critical remarks ,he was in a complete state of bewilderment and did not know what to do next.A astonishmentB frustrationC depressionD perplexity2、For many women ,the harrowing prospect of giving evidence in a rape case can be too much to bear.A promisingB embarrassingC hauntingD upsetting3、The company’s disappointing sales figures are an ominous sign of worse thing to come.A disgracefulB disgustingC scandalousD threatening4、He said that people are too obsessed with utopian visions that never come,instead of thinking of the quality of life now.A promisingB unrealisticC unbelievableD unprecedented5、We eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident because it was so well timed.A elicitedB despisedC removedD elevated6、Things would never change if people weren’t prepared toexperiment with new teaching methods.A endeavorB campaignC swerveD try7、The national interest is most important than the sectional and personal interests of individual politicians.A segregatedB factionalC inviolableD dismantled8、Despite differences in background and outlook,their partnership was based on mutual respect,trust and understanding.A unilateralB reciprocalC obligatoryD optional9、Desirous of knowing something about the operations ,I stood and watched the spectacle.A Desperate for BDesirable of C Detached from D Deprived of10、He spoke eloquently with the self-effacing humor that endeared him to the American press.A elegantlyB persuasivelyC arrogantlyD expressively1、When she arose to speak in their assemblies ,her commanding figure and dignified manners _____ every trifler into silence.A rushedB hushedC cashedD pushed2、In many of his paintings of towns,harbors,and rivers , Marquet showed a particular gift for simplification that seized_____upon the essentials in the scene before him.A unexpectedlyB unavoidablyC unerringlyD unbelievably3、The old gentleman was so much immersed in business ,that hewas unable to ____ much attention upon me.A bestowB bewilderC bewareD betray4、The most famous _____ whiteface clown is Felix Adler,whoperformed in the early and mid-20th century. A picturesque B unique C technique D grotesque5、By the 1st century B.C,roman power was growing and Greek influence had begun to _____.A waneB waverC weaveD warp6、To starboard ,at Hurghada,behind _____ ranks of coral reefs,lay the important marine biological station of the university of Egypt.A severeB serriedC seducedD sentimental7、At first,the downturn was confined to industries most sensitive to high interest rates.but ______,the loss of income in these areashad a ripple effect throughout the economy.A inexorablyB intensivelyC inevitablyD infinitely8、The puppet theater combines three elements:the puppets;the chanters who sing and ____ for the puppets;and the players of the three-stringed instrument.A declineB reclaimC declaimD proclaim9、This is your daily life; to me it is like a scene from a play,over which one sighs to see the curtain fall-all _____,all light ,all happiness.A enchantmentB engagementC enlargementD endurance10、“it was really rural when we moved here,”says Stanley.”but these newcomers are _____ the rural atmosphere.”A justifyingB citifyingC ratifyingD simplifying1、The supporters of GM foods say that it should be possible to make foods that are less likely to trigger allergies.A preventB reduceC causeD transfer2、The relationship between men and their cars would terminate in the event of irreparable mechanical breakdown(equivalent to the death of a spouse).A endB declineC failD proceed3、The combination of miscommunication ,ignored warnings and general hubris virtually guaranteed disaster.A misunderstandingB misconductC angerD arrogance4、Despite an occasional glimmer of hope ,this campaign has not produced any results.A proofB indicationC releaseD consequence5、These kids had been further insulated by their wealthy families from reality with the privilege that money could buy.A protectedB awokenC coveredD isolated6、I found myself constantly pondering the question:”how could anyone do these things?” A arguing B answering C covered D isolated7、Interactive technology augments traditional methods with new and yet-to-be invented collaboration tools ranging from e-mail to Web logs to digital video to peer-to-peer systems.A communicationB entertainmentC cooperationD improvement8、For people who feel too intimidated or shy to ask questions during class,the internet creates a “safe environment”to speak their mind.online ,nobody knows who you are.A frightenedB frustratedC depressedD disappointed9、On this day after September 11 ,most planes were still grounded the skies were eerily quiet.A particularlyB unusuallyC mysteriouslyD pleasantly10、Considered by many archaeologists to be the first human civilization ,Sumer has yielded many huge stone carvings .Deciphered, they described”gods”who came another planet in flying machines.A inspiredB interpretedC improvedD implanted。



Lesson11.There has been much opposition from some social groups, from the farming community.一些社会团体,特别是农业界,有许多反对意见。

A. straightforwardly adv. 直截了当地;正直地B. notably adv. 显著地;尤其C. virtually adv. 事实上,几乎;实质上D. exceptionally adv. 异常地;特殊地;例外地2.The view in Britain and other Western countries associates aging with decline, dependency, isolation, and often poverty.英国和其他西方国家的主流观点认为老龄化与衰退、依赖、孤立和贫穷常常相关。

A. predominant adj. 主要的;卓越的;支配的;有力的;有影响的B. credulous adj. 轻信的;因轻信而产生的C. inclusive adj. 包括的,包含的D. sustainable adj. 可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的3.But gifts such as these cannot be awarded to everybody, either by judges or by most of governments但是,像这样的礼物,无论是法官,还是最善良的政府,都不能颁发给每一个人。

A. tough adj. 艰苦的,困难的;坚强的,不屈不挠的;坚韧的,牢固的;强壮的,结实的n. 恶棍vt. 坚持;忍受,忍耐adv. 强硬地,顽强地B. demanding adj. 苛求的;要求高的;吃力的C. diverse adj. 不同的;多种多样的;变化多的D. benign adj. 良性的;和蔼的,亲切的;吉利的4.The foreman read the of guilty fourteen times, one for each defendant首席陪审员宣读了有罪判决十四次,每一个被告。



最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成-----------word文本 --------------------- 方便更改贵州大学研究生英语阅读教程提高级第三版词汇及翻译答案Lesson 21、The story about the brothers grimm may evoke warm memories of story time in the comforting arms of a parent.A recallB createC releaseD collect2、One of the secrets of successful travel lies in always turning adversity to your advantage.A unfamiliarityB explorationC pleasureD difficulties3、 The claws of bears may be used to climb trees, rip open nests and beehives ,or catch prey.A clearB tearC throwD dig4、The analysts are dissecting intrusions and other attacks that have breached their computer systems.A interceptingB fightingC analyzingD discussing5、He spent whole days in his room, headphones on lest he disturb anyone.A unlessB whenC so thatD in case6、As the unemployment lines lengthened and factories closed,there was talk of apocalypse. A emergency B uncertainty C disaster D reduction7、The odor of the hospital was so unforgiving that every so often shewould bring the cloud of white flowers to her nose.A unexpectedB uniqueC impressiveD terrible8、Critics argue that the lavish park itself is incongruous in a country where around half the population lives below the poverty line.A inappropriateB creativeC unnecessaryD enjoyable9、Many believed optimistically the new would soothe markets ,but it seems to have had the opposite effect.A pushB misleadC calmD discourage10、A stoical person tends to show admirable patience and endurance in the face of adversity without getting upset.A confidentB uncomplainingC unconventionalD reliableLesson 41、 During the lecture all the audience listened to china’s first astronaut with rapt admiration.A obscureB obviousC obligedD obsessed2、Most of her colleagues didn’t like her because she was adept at the fine art of irritating people.A ambitiousB annoyingC skillfulD scornful3、In the schools today we need, more than ever, the training of deft hands,quick eyes and ears ,and above all the broader,deeper,higher culture of gifted mind and pure hearts.A skillfulB cleverC delicateD elegant4、At last the judge decided to give the custody of the child to his father.A supervisionB cateringC raisingD fostering5、 Denver residents continued to dig out from what was called the worst blizzard in nearly a century.A catastropheB disasterC snowstormD landslide6、After all ,the candidate was endorsed by the governor’s board and many of the local party members.A ignoredB rejectedC sponsoredD supported7、 His expression gave temporary meaning to a set of features but it was nondescript.A unclearB distinctiveC impliedD ambiguous8、She came home spouting off about the subjects she was taught at school and basked in her teacher’s praise.A pridedB enjoyed C. criticized D narrated9、It was evident that the administrative officials did not believe the excuse that he held forthfor the delayed delivery.A liedB toldC emphasizedD compiled10、When frank heard that the war had started ,it didn’t sink in for a long time until his father was drafted into the army.A be understoodB be acceptedC be takenD be illustratedLesson 61、Another common use of the tag question is in small talk when the speaker is trying to _____ conversation:”sure is hot here,isn’t it?”A IllicitB elicitC solicitD explicit2、Napster says it is delaying the launch of its subscription service yet again,after running into serious problems in its talks with other firms .so here is Napster’s _____ :still not ready.A refrainB renownC restraintD retention3、The path from initial lab work on a drug to final approval of the drug by the food &drug administration is a long and _____ process.A hilariousB notoriousC industriousD laborious4、When I was a child,I always refused to write thank-you notes for birthday presents from a faraway relative.my mother would _____ me and say,“Paul ,you must learn to be polite.”A glideB slideC abideD chide5、A(a) ____ memory may be a good thing,but the ability to forget is the true token of greatness. A attentive B inattentive C retentive D irretentive6、There’s still a great deal of _____ on the weapons of mass destruction ,which despite what president bush and prime minister blair say,have not yet been found.A evidenceB skepticismC knowledgeD consensus7、Even though exercise has many positive benefits,too much can be harmful.teens who exercise_____ are at risk for both physical and psychological problems.A comparativelyB competitivelyC compulsivelyD comprehensively8、Some of the maids were quiet and affectionate.but others were____,driving the young women crazy by complaining to them all the time.A querulousB fabulousC pretentiousD conscientious9、There is nothing more fascinating than observing citizens of many different nationalities _____ and exchanging greetings in an international airport.A singlingB dinglingC jinglingD mingling10、 When Dallas police notified the hospital that President Kennedy had been shot,at first,the young neurosurgeon thought it was a____.A blankB flankC prankD frankLesson 71、 Upon hearing these critical remarks ,he was in a complete state of bewilderment and did not know what to do next.A astonishmentB frustrationC depressionD perplexity2、For many women ,the harrowing prospect of giving evidence in a rape case can be too much to bear.A promisingB embarrassingC hauntingD upsetting3、The company’s disappointing sales figures are an ominous sign of worse thing to come.A disgracefulB disgustingC scandalousD threatening4、He said that people are too obsessed with utopian visions that never come,instead of thinking of the quality of life now.A promisingB unrealisticC unbelievableD unprecedented5、We eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident because it was so well timed.A elicitedB despisedC removedD elevated6、 Things would never change if people weren’t prepared to experiment with new teaching methods.A endeavorB campaignC swerveD try7、The national interest is most important than the sectional and personal interests of individual politicians.A segregatedB factionalC inviolableD dismantled8、Despite differences in background and outlook,their partnership was based on mutual respect,trust and understanding.A unilateralB reciprocalC obligatoryD optional9、 Desirous of knowing something about the operations ,I stood and watched the spectacle.A Desperate forB Desirable ofC Detached fromD Deprived of10、He spoke eloquently with the self-effacing humor that endeared him to the American press.A elegantlyB persuasivelyC arrogantlyD expressivelyLesson 91、When she arose to speak in their assemblies ,her commanding figure and dignified manners _____ every trifler into silence.A rushedB hushedC cashedD pushed2、In many of his paintings of towns,harbors,and rivers , Marquet showed a particular gift for simplification that seized_____upon the essentials in the scene before him.A unexpectedlyB unavoidablyC unerringlyD unbelievably3、 The old gentleman was so much immersed in business ,that he was unable to ____ much attention upon me.A bestowB bewilderC bewareD betray4、 The most famous _____ whiteface clown is Felix Adler,who performed in the early and mid-20th century. A picturesque B unique C technique D grotesque5、 By the 1st century B.C,roman power was growing and Greek influence had begun to _____.A waneB waverC weaveD warp6、To starboard ,at Hurghada,behind _____ ranks of coral reefs,lay the important marine biological station of the university of Egypt.A severeB serriedC seducedD sentimental7、At first,the downturn was confined to industries most sensitive to high interest rates.but ______,the loss of income in these areas had a ripple effect throughout the economy.A inexorablyB intensivelyC inevitablyD infinitely8、The puppet theater combines three elements:the puppets;the chanters who sing and ____ for the puppets;and the players of the three-stringed instrument.A declineB reclaimC declaimD proclaim9、 This is your daily life; to me it is like a scene from a play,over which one sighs to see the curtain fall-all _____,all light ,all happiness.A enchantmentB engagementC enlargementD endurance10、“it was really rural when we moved here,”says Stanley.”but these newcomers are _____ the rural atmosphere.”A justifyingB citifyingC ratifyingD simplifyingLesson 111、The supporters of GM foods say that it should be possible to make foods that are less likely to trigger allergies.A preventB reduceC causeD transfer2、The relationship between men and their cars would terminate in the event of irreparable mechanical breakdown(equivalent to the death of a spouse).A endB declineC failD proceed3、The combination of miscommunication ,ignored warnings and general hubris virtually guaranteed disaster.A misunderstandingB misconductC angerD arrogance4、Despite an occasional glimmer of hope ,this campaign has not produced any results.A proofB indicationC releaseD consequence5、These kids had been further insulated by their wealthy families from reality with the privilege that money could buy.A protectedB awokenC coveredD isolated6、 I found myself constantly pondering the question:”how could anyone do these things?” A arguing B answering C covered D isolated7、Interactive technology augments traditional methods with new and yet-to-be invented collaboration tools ranging from e-mail to Web logs to digital video to peer-to-peer systems.A communicationB entertainmentC cooperationD improvement8、 For people who feel too intimidated or shy to ask questions during class,the internet createsa “safe environment”to speak their mind.online ,nobody knows who you are.A frightenedB frustratedC depressedD disappointed9、On this day after September 11 ,most planes were still grounded the skies were eerily quiet.A particularlyB unusuallyC mysteriouslyD pleasantly10、Considered by many archaeologists to be the first human civilization ,Sumer has yielded many huge stone carvings .Deciphered, they described”gods”who came another planet in flying machines.A inspiredB interpretedC improvedD implanted最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成-----------word文本 --------------------- 方便更改赠人玫瑰,手留余香。

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Lesson1II. VocabularyA. Choose the best word from the four choices to complete each of the following sentences.1.There has been much opposition from some social groups, ______ from the farmingcommunity.A. straightforwardlyB. Notably 显著地;尤其C. virtuallyD. exceptionally2.The ______ view in Britain and other Western countries associates aging with decline,dependency, isolation, and often poverty.A.predominant 主要的,卓越的,支配的B. credulousC. inclusiveD.sustainable3.But gifts such as these cannot be awarded to everybody, either by judges or by the most______ of governments.A.toughB. demandingC. diverseD. Benign亲切地4.The foreman read the ______ of guilty fourteen times, one for each defendant.A. prejudiceB. verificationC. verdict裁定D. punishment5. They fear it could have a(n) ______ effect on global financial markets.A. sizeableB. adverse不利的,相反的C. beneficialD. consequential6. The UN threatened to ______ economic sanctions if the talks were broken off.A. engageB. pursueC. abandonD. Invoke调用引起,恳求7. There are at least four crucial differences between the new ______ and the old government.A. regime政权政体社会制度B. hegemonyC. complexD. federation8. These questions ______ a challenge to established attitude of superiority toward the outsideworld.A. evolveB. constitute 组成,构成,建立C. tolerateD.aroused9. Because of this, a strong administrative ______ was needed to plan the use of scarceresources, organize production and regulate distribution.A. apparatus机构,组织B. constitutionC. insistenceD. promotion10. I learnt that there are no genuinely ______ animals in this area, all the animals were broughthere from other places.A. endangeredB. domesticatedC. indigenous本土的,国产的D. extinct II. TranslationPut the following passages into Chinese.1. For English is a killer. It is English that has killed off Cumbric, Cornish, Norn and Manx. There are still parts of these islands where sizeable communities speak languages that were there before English. Yet English is everywhere in everyday use and understood by all or virtually all, constituting such a threat to the three remaining Celtic languages, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Welsh... that their long-term future must be considered... very greatly at risk.因为英语是个杀手。






2. He also associated such policies with a prejudice which he calls linguisticism (a condition parallel to racism and sexism). As Phillipson sees it, leading institutions and individuals within the predominantly "white" English-speaking world, have (by design or default) encouraged or at least tolerated—and certainly have not opposed—the hegemonic spread of English, a spread which began some three centuries ago as economic and colonial expansion.同时,他认为这些政策和他称之为语言歧视(和种族歧视、性别歧视的情况类似)的偏见密切相关。



3. By and large, we now view them as more or less benign, and often talk with admiration and appreciation about the cultures associated with them and what they have given to the world. And it is fairly safe to do this, because none of them now poses much of a threat.总的来说,我们现在或多或少地把这些语言看作有利的语言。


4. Yet many people see English as a blessing. Let me leave aside here the obvious advantages possessed by any world language, such as a large communicative network, a strong literary and media complex, and a powerful cultural and educational apparatus.然而,许多人把英语看成是一件幸事。


5. English-speaking South Africans of British descent were not particularly strong in opposing the apartheid regime, and the black opposition, whose members had many languages, was at first weak and disorganized.讲英语的南非英国后裔并不强烈反对种族隔离政权,而黑人反对力量,其成员讲多种语言,在初期软弱无力且缺乏组织。

6. Such symbolism suggests that the users of the world's lingua franca should seek to benefit as fully as possible from the blessing and as far as possible avoid invoking the curse.这一象征表明这种世界通用语的使用者应充分发掘这一幸事为我们带来的好处,同时尽能避免招来灾难。

Lesson 2II. VocabularyChoose the best word from the four choices given to complete each of the following sentences. 1. Would passengers please turn off your electronic devices before the commencement开始of theflight?A. boardingB. landingC. take-off 起飞D. check-in2. My father appreciated the calligraphy书法of the 18th century very much.A. ideologyB. artistryC. philosophyD. Handwriting笔迹书法3. At first the president threatened to dismiss me, but later he reIented.怜悯A. softened软化B. regrettedC. withdrewD. altered4. My grandma is so naive天真as to believe everything she reads.A. ignorantB. credulous轻信的C. amiableD. vulnerable5. The intuition直觉of the language is a must for a competent translator.A. masterB. inspirationC. familiarityD. Sense感觉6. After being appointed manager, Bob underwent a subtle微妙change in his attitude.A. enormousB. terribleC. delicate微妙,精湛D. slight7. People like to say that knowledge can change one’s destiny.命运A. careerB. fate命运C. natureD. character8. The city was almost flattened by the devastating毁灭, earthquake.A. destructive毁灭性的B. widespreadC. abruptD. inevitable9. This medicine should be applied as a remedy. But for external外用use only.A. short-termB. outsideC. oralD. spare10. The newspaper seeks to be independent of political dogma.教条A. partiesB. influenceC. platformsD. Doctrines教义IV. TranslationPut the following party into Chinese.1.The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love.苹果公司发生的这些事情丝毫没有改变这一点,一点儿也没有。
