函电-合同实训 英语




外贸英语函电实训二1. Warming up practice:1.Pair workTranslate the following sentences related to business letter writing into Chinese orally, and check with your desk mate.1)——我们想知道订货超过1,000打,能打多少折扣?——如您所知,我们的产品质量上乘,而报价与国际市场同类产品一致,因此我们对这种商品最多能打九折。






4)We have cut our price to the limit. We regret, therefore, being unable tocomply with your request for further reduction.5)We are not in a position to entertain business at your price, since it is farbelow the discount you ask for.6)Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by, say, 10%, we might cometo terms.2.Group discussion1.List some channels of appealing to orders. Elaborate their economical efficiencyand effectiveness respectively.2.How to make your letter of inquiry be attractive to suppliers?3.Read moreInternational TradeInternational trade leads to more efficient and increased world production, thus allowing countries (and individuals) to consume a larger and more diverse bundle of goods. A nation possessing limited natural resources is able to produce and consume more than it otherwise could. The establishment of international trade expands the number of potential markets in which a country can sell its goods. The increased international demand for goods translates into greater production and more extensiveuse of raw materials and labor, which in turn leads to growth in domestic employment. Competition from international trade can also force domestic firms to become more efficient through modernization and innovation.Within each economy, the importance of foreign trade varies. Some nations export only to expand their domestic market or to aid economically depressed sectors within the home economy. Other nations depend on trade for a large part of their national income and to supply goods for domestic consumption. In recent years foreign trade has also been viewed as a means to promote growth within a nation’s economy; developing countries and international organizations have increasingly emphasized such trade.How to achieve a promising future in foreign trade business?2. Systematic practice:1. Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English: 1. We are one of the largest department stores here and believe_______(市场前景广阔)in our area for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned.2. We are interested in the mechanical toys demonstrated at the recent Guangzhou Commodities Fair and should be glad to have_______(你方的详细出口条件).3. _________(本公司请贵方告知这项产品的价格)shipping date and other terms of business for this article.4. We would be pleased to receive__________ (一份贵公司产品的目录和价目表).5. We shall appreciate_______ (贵方报CIF伦敦价).2. Fill in each blank with the proper forms of the given expressions:Aquote, attract, quantity, oblige, confident, interest, appreciate, size, give, sourceWe are ____ in buying large quantities of Iron Nails of all _____ and should be _____ if you would give us a _____ per metric ton CIF Bangkok, Thailand. It would also be _____ if you could let us have your samples.We used to purchase this article from other_____, but we now prefer to buy from your company, because we are ______to understand you are able to supply large _____ at most ______ prices. Besides, we have _____ in the quality of Chinese products.Bafford, rock bottom price, in view of, prepare the sales contract, stick to,superior to, with a view to, in one’s opinion, bridge the gap, meet each other halfway1.________, we should focus our export to the European market.2.We have shown maximum flexibility(最大的灵活性)in order to ______ price difference between the two sides.3. I don not know how I can put this busines s through. Let’s _____________, I think mutual efforts would bring this transaction to a successful conclusion.4. Now that we have agreed on everything, can you _____________ for us to sign?5. Although this is a rather small order, we still _____ our principle of treating every customer with respect.6. Our microwave ovens are _________ any other similar products thanks to our advanced technology.7. This price is beyond what we can ________.8. Even if you have offered us a ____________, we still have to decline your offer, because the demand is too weak.9.____________ the heavy demand for sugar, we advise you to order at once.10.We would like to grant you a 3% discount _____ helping you in your sales promotion for table cutlery(餐具).3. Translation:A) Translate the following sentences into English:1. 目前我们对乔其纱感兴趣,请给我们最新的成本保险加运费含佣金百分之三的拉各斯报价,以及你方的支付条件。



商务英语函电与合同商务英语函电与合同Dear [双方名称],本函为确认双方达成的以下商务协议:一、双方基本信息甲方名称:地址:电话:法定代表人:乙方名称:地址:电话:法定代表人:二、各方身份、权利、义务、履行方式、期限、违约责任甲方是一家_____________(公司/机构),代表其所有权益、权利和义务,承诺与乙方进行商业交易,根据以下条件:1. 甲方要求乙方提供_______________________________。

2. 乙方同意提供上述服务,并同意满足甲方的要求。

3. 双方同意在双方商定的时间内履行其各自的职责和义务,并按照商定的方式进行支付和收款。

4. 双方确保提供并获得所有必要的许可和授权,以便在本协议中约定的范围内执行其职责和义务。

5. 双方有义务保持商务秘密,并不得将保密信息泄漏给任何第三方。

6. 双方应遵守中国有关法律法规,执行本协议项下的义务,不得违反法律和道德原则。

7. 双方应在至少30天前通知对方,如果需要终止或取消本协议,除非双方另行协商。







合同签署双方确认并同意手写签名或电子签名时间甲方:_________________________ 日期:_________________________乙方:_________________________ 日期:_________________________。



外贸英语函电实训三1. Warming up practice:Ⅰ.Choose the appropriate word or words.1) We are (arranging, arranging for ) the punctual (shipment, shipping, ship ) of the ( ordered,order ) goods.2) Our offer is (remain good, available, obtainable) subject to your reply (for, in, within ) one week.3) Any delay ( of , in, about ) shipment will cause us inconvenience.4) Enclosed is our order ( for, on ) 300 sets of Transistor Radio.5) Your (term, terms) are satisfactory and we are pleased to (enclose, place) an order (with ,to )you.6) If you cannot (send, give) the goods as per (requirements, specifications), please send usalternates.7)Please take the matter (to, into) consideration at once and see to it that the goods are delivered(without, within) further delay.8) Please send them (on, in, by) s. s. “Mars” which will (ship, sail, start) from Seattle on or aboutMay 18.9) We hope you will (agree, accept, receive, admit) our terms and make (preparation, arrangements)for an early delivery.10) We (admit, acknowledge) with thanks your order of June 1.Ⅱ.Read moreHow to Convert an Inquiries into Firm OrdersA buyer who is already familiar with the price and other terms may submit a formal order for aspecified quantity of goods at a stated price. If the seller agrees with the specifications in the order and thinks he can comply with all the provisions, he may send a written and signed order acknowledgement. So, a sakes contract may come into existence as the result of an order by a buyer or an offer by a seller.1.Speed A quick response will show the customer that you are keen and efficient. But the customerhas probably sent similar enquiry to other companies as well and they may be nearer to the customer than you. So speed is essential if your want to get the order. If there is any delay in sending your reply, you may lose the business opportunity.2.Clarity All your correspondence and other written materials must be sent with completeness,precision and clarity, and are made out in the manner requested by the customer. Query the details of the customer’s needs that are not clearly stated in his order. If you will not be able to comply, tell him immediately.3. Keeping in touch If no reply to a quotation is received, the exporter should contact the customerafter a treasonable lapse of time to find out whether he is willing to have any further links and cooperation or whether he is placing an order. Follow-up letters should be sent to the customer from time to time.D iscussion:As a foreign trade, how to establish trust with customers?2. Systematic practice:Ⅰ. Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English:1. We hope ____(该首次订购) will lead to further business with you.2. If the time of shipment meets with our satisfaction, ____. (我们将大量订货)3. We will open the L/C _____. (收到你方合同后)4. You may be assured that we shall try our best to____. (执行此批定货,使您满意)5. We ____(寄上以下试购单) on the basis of your estimate of March 10.6. We regret that ____(我们很难获得更多的货源).7. Please supply the goods _____(严格按下列细节).8.The covering L/C was opened _____(通过中国人民银行于7月10日开出).9.If you can reduce your price by, say, 2%, we will be glad to ____(续订500吨).10.As _____(急需货物), we shall do our best to advance shipment.11. ____(随函附上)is our Purchase Confirmation NO.402_____(一式两份).12. Please countersign and return one copy ____(供我们存档)without delay.13. We will open an L/C _____(以你方为抬头)in time.14. _____(由于)our mutual efforts, we were able to____(弥合价格差距)and ____(使贸易顺利达成).15. The relative L/C will reach you _____(在适当时候).II. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given expressions:(A)together with, enclose, satisfy, place regular orders, to the amount of1. _____ please find our order No.245 for various items of hand tools.2. If the quality of your machine is satisfactory and your prices are right, we expect to ____for fairlylarge numbers.3. We have opened an L/C in your favor _____ Stg£25,000.4. We have received your letter of Feb.25_____a draft contract showing the terms and conditions ofyour sale.5. We feel sure that the packages _____you.(B)receipt,shipment,in due course,without delay,in urgent need of1. Please sign and return one copy for our file _____.2. We acknowledge ____of your letter of February 18.3. Upon receipt of your L/C, we will effect _____ of your order without delay.4. The relative L/C will reach you _____.5. We are _____ of the goods.Ⅲ. Translation:A) Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1. We find both the price and quality of your products satisfactory to our clients and are pleased to giveyou an order for the following items.2. As the goods you ordered are now in stock, we will ship them without fail as early as possible.3. We have pleasure in informing you that we have booked your order No.234. We are sending you our Sales Confirmation No.789 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return for our file.4. Enclosed is our order No.100 with full instructions concerning shipping and packing.5. As wages and prices of materials have risen considerably, we regret we are not in a position to book the order at the prices we quoted half a year ago.B) Translate the following sentences into English:1.商品质量必须与寄给我方的样品相符。



外贸英语函电实训一(共5篇)第一篇:外贸英语函电实训一外贸英语函电实训一1.Warming up practice: 1.Pair work Translate the following sentences related to business letter writing into Chinese orally, and check with your desk mate.1)First impressions, in business letter as elsewhere, count heavily.第一印象,在商业书信和其他地方一样,计数严重。

2)A business letter generally consists of date, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary closing, and signature.It may include a subject or reference line.商业信件通常由日期,信内地址、称谓、身体、免费关闭,以及签名。


3)Clarity means making the contents of a letter clear to the reader from its appearance as well as its words.清晰意味着制作内容的信件清楚读者从它的外观,以及它的单词。

4)The date is normally typed in a month-day-year sequence.The month should be spelled out in full;a comma separates the day from the year.日期通常是输入一个月的序列。


5)The inside address usually consists of the name of the person to whom the letter is sent, often with a social title and his company title, the name of the company, and its postal address.The inside address appears exactly the same way as on the envelope.内地址通常是由人的名字的字母是谁发送,往往与一个社会的头衔和公司名称,该公司的名称和它的邮政地址。



Letters of inquiries1. Turn the following letter of inquiry into English.敬启者:我方从AEC纺织品有限公司获悉贵公司制作了一系列款式新颖的各类真皮手工制的手套。





经理Henry Simon谨上2. Situational letter writing.Today you have read an advertisement about carpets on the Internet put by Atlantic Carpet Led. (99Main Street, Dallas, Texas, USA) You are Sandra Jones, the sales manager of Murphy Stores PLC (10High Street, Clapham, London,UK).Your letter should cover the following points:Quote you the lowest prices CIFC5 LondonIndicate the respective quantities of various sizes of the stock availableInform y9u of the earliest delivery date, payment terms and discounts for regular purchasesForward representative samplesExpress yor desire for regular orders in great numbersIntroduce your company as a leading importer of carpets5Business letters and envelops1. Situational letter writing.Study the information given and compose a letter in the fully blocked layout.You are Angelo Bonetti, sales manager of Modern Shoes Fashions (address: 78 Via Appia, Rome, Italy; telephone: 4644656; fax: 7894564; e-mail: MSFA@). You need to write a reply to Mr. Robert Bold, export manager of Moda Shoes Corporation (address: 55 Western Road, Highbury, London, UK; telephone: 4651321; fax: 746413; e-mail: MODA@).Your letter should cover the following points:Acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Robert Bold’s letter of March 5.which suggested working as the sole agency for your shoesRegret to say that such an arrangement would be prematureShow willingness to engage ina trial collaboration with Moda Shoes CorporationAsk Moda Shoes Corporation to test the market for your companyMake sure to enclose a price list in the letter2. Write the envelopes for the following two letters.1) Coopers Products PLC公司的采购部经理W. K. Parker先生写信给Universal Imp. & Exp. Co.公司的销售经理Helen Wallace女士。



[Your Company Name][Your Company Address][City, State, Zip Code][Country][Today's Date][Recipient's Company Letterhead][Recipient's Company Name][Recipient's Company Address][City, State, Zip Code][Country]Subject: Sales Contract Confirmation for [Product/Service Name]Dear [Recipient's Name],We are pleased to confirm the sales contract between [Your Company Name] and [Recipient's Company Name] for the supply of [Product/Service Name]. Enclosed please find a copy of the signed contract, which outlines the terms and conditions of this transaction. We believe this agreement will be mutually beneficial and look forward to a successful partnership.Below is a summary of the key terms and conditions of the sales contract:1. Product/Service Description:[Provide a detailed description of the product or service to be supplied, including specifications, features, and any unique selling points.]2. Quantity and Delivery:[Specify the quantity of the product or service to be supplied and the agreed-upon delivery schedule. Include any lead times or production timelines if applicable.]3. Price and Payment Terms:[Detail the agreed-upon price for the product or service, including any discounts, pricing structure, or volume-based incentives. Outline the payment terms, such as payment due dates, payment methods (e.g., wire transfer, credit card, check), and any penalties for late payment.]4. Terms of Payment:[Define the specific terms of payment, such as advance payments, installments, or payment upon receipt of goods or services.]5. Delivery Terms:[Describe the delivery method, including shipping carrier, delivery point, and any responsibility for shipping costs and insurance. Include the timeframe for delivery and any contingencies for late deliveries.]6. Warranty and Support:[Specify the duration and terms of the warranty for the product or service. Include any support or maintenance obligations and the procedures for handling warranty claims.]7. Intellectual Property Rights:[Clarify the ownership of intellectual property rights related to the product or service, including any patents, trademarks, or copyrights.]8. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:[Indicate the governing law that will apply to the contract and the preferred method of dispute resolution, such as arbitration or litigation.]9. Confidentiality:[Include a clause outlining the obligations of both parties to maintain confidentiality regarding any proprietary information shared during the course of the agreement.]10. Miscellaneous Provisions:[Add any additional terms or conditions that are relevant to the transaction, such as minimum order quantities, product returns, or termination clauses.]Please review the enclosed contract and verify that all details are accurate and acceptable. Should there be any discrepancies or additional terms you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience.Our sales representative, [Sales Representative's Name], will be available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. You can reach them at [Sales Representative's Contact Information].Once the contract has been reviewed and approved, please sign and return the enclosed copy to us via [preferred method of return, e.g., email, courier, or postal service]. Upon receipt of the signed contract, wewill proceed with the necessary preparations for the supply of[Product/Service Name].We appreciate your business and are committed to providing you with the highest quality [Product/Service Name] and exceptional customer service. Should you require any further information or assistance, please feel free to contact our customer service department at [Customer Service Contact Information].Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name] as your supplier. We look forward to a long and prosperous partnership.Sincerely,[Your Full Name][Your Position][Your Company Name][Your Contact Information]Enclosures:1. Sales Contract2. Terms and Conditions3. Product/Service Information Sheet。

商务英语函电实训 Unit (6)

商务英语函电实训  Unit (6)

We have accepted your firm offer. 我们已收到了你们报的实盘。
Useful Expressions
We offer firm for reply 11 a.m. tomorrow. 我们报实盘,以明天上午11点答复为有效。
We‘ll let you have our firm offer next Sunday. 下星期天我们就向你们发实盘。
Unit 6 Offer
offer subject to first available steamer 以装第一艘轮船为准的报盘
offer subject to your reply reaching here
报盘 以你方答复到达我地为准的
The End
offer subject to our final confirmation
盘 offer subject to export/import license 以我方最后确认为准的报
Words and Phrases
offer subject to prior sale
offer subject to goods being u盘
to cable an offer (or to telegraph an offer) 电报(进行)报价 通过邮政报价及接
Words and Phrases
to entertain an offer
to give an offer to submit an offer
Please make us a cable offer for 5 metric tons of walnut. 请电报5吨核桃仁的价格。 Our offer is RMB300 per set of tape-recorder, F.O.B. Tianjin. 我们的报价是每台收录机300元人民币,天津离岸价。

商务英语函电实训unit 11 Terms of Payment

商务英语函电实训unit 11 Terms of Payment
• 对方延迟付款, 督促尽早结清 We have to remind you that the payment for your order is due for more than one month from the date of invoice.
Useful Expressions
Байду номын сангаас
Unit 11 Terms of Payment
Useful Expressions
Unit 11 Terms of Payment
• 通知对方:再不付款,则将寻求法律途径 Your payment is about six months overdue. We note how you stand now. But we can hardly overlook the fact that your payments have been delayed so frequently. Unless we receive your payment for the amount due on your account within a month from today, we shall be forced to submit this matter to the hands of our attorney.
• 提醒对方注意,若他方不付款,就不要交货 We enclose a sight draft on them attaching the shipping documents together with B/L and ask you to obtain payment before you allow them to take possession of the goods. If they do not finish payment, please be sure not to deliver the goods.



外贸英语函电实训四1. Warming up practice:Ⅰ. Translate the following L/C stipulation into Chinese orally.1)All draft(s) drawn under this credit must contain the clause “Drawn under Bank of China, Tianjin credit No.2013 dated 19th October, 2003.”2)Bill of Lading must be dated not before the date of this credit but later than OCT. 15, 2003.3)Port congestion surcharges, if any, at the time of shipment is for opener’s account.4)In reimbursement, please draw on our head office account with your New York office.5)We hereby engage with drawers and/or bona fide holders that draft(s) drawn and negotiated on presentation and that draft(s) accepted within the terms of this credit will be duly honored at maturity.6)This credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary credits-UCP(1993 Revision) International Chamber of Commerce publication No. 500.7)Beneficiaries’ declaration on invoice that the production company is a state-owned enterprise and has no relation with Israel whatsoever.8)Full s et of at least three signed copies of clean “On Board” ocean bills of lading showing beneficiary as shipper, made out to order of shipper and endorsed to the order of London commercial bank marked with the documentary credit No.Freight prepaid and notify buyers.Ⅱ.Read moreClassification of Letter of CreditLetters of credit may be classified into several kinds:1.According to the attaching of documents1)Clean creditA clean credit is a credit against which the beneficiary of the credit may draw a bill of exchange without presentation of documents. Payment will be effected only against a daft without any shipping documents attached thereto or sometimes, against a draft with an invoice alone attached thereto.2)Documentary creditA documentary credit is universally used as a method of payment in international trade. It is a credit under which payment will be made against documents representingtitle to the goods and thus making the transfer of title possible.2.According to the revocability of creditA credit may be either revocable or irrevocable. Every credit should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable. In the absence of such indication the credit shall be deemed to be irrevocable.1)Revocable creditA revocable credit is a credit which can be amended or cancelled at any moment by the issuing bank without prior notice to the beneficiary. However, under such a credit, if the payment, acceptance, or negotiation has been effected by the banks concerned prior to their to their receipt of notice of amendment or cancellation, the issuing bank will still have paid, negotiated, or accepted against documents presented in compliance with the terms of a revocable documentary credit, such action remains in force, provided it took place prior to that bank’s receipt of notice of amendment or revocation. A revocable credit because it offers little security to the seller, therefore a revocable credit is generally unacceptable and rarely used.2)Irrevocable creditAn irrevocable credit is a credit which constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank and can be amended or cancelled by the issuing bank only on condition that all parties concerned, that is , the issuing bank, the beneficiary and the confirming bank, if any, do agree. This credit gives the beneficiary greater assurance of payment. As a result, this type of credit is the most widely used in international trade.3.According to the time of payment1)Sight L/CA letter of credit calling for the presentation of sight drafts is a sight credit, under which the beneficiary is entitled to receive payment at once on presentation of his draft to the drawee bank or to the issuing bank if drawn on the issuing bank, once the relevant documents have been checked and found to be in order.2)Usance or time creditIf a letter of credit specifies that drafts are to be drawn at any length of time, such as 30 days, 60 days, 90 days or 120 days, after sight, it is called a usance or time credit. Under such credit, the drafts may be drawn on and accepted by the opening bank, or the paying bank as indicated therein. In this case, the exporter issues his draft, presents it for acceptance, together with all the shipping documents, to the issuing bank or to the confirming bank or to the paying bank, as stipulated in the credit. Once the draft is accepted, this means that the accepting bank promises to pay the full amount of the draft at a specified future date. The accepted usance draft can be discounted in the discount market.4.According to the adding of confirmation1)Confirmed creditA confirmed credit is a credit which is advised to the beneficiary with another bank’s confirmation added thereto. In cases where the financial conditions in theimporting country and/or the solvency of the issuing bank are in doubt, the exporter may demand that another bank, preferable in the exporting country, should undertake to honour by adding its confirmation. In this way, the exporter is assured that payment will be made by the confirming bank no matter the issuing bank is insolvent or not. Only the issuing bank can request another bank to add its confirmation.The confirming bank usually adds on the credit such words as “This credit is confirmed by us.” Or “We hereby add our confirmation to this credit” and then signs thereon. It has the obligation to pay, to accept, or to negotiate a bill without recourse to the drawer and bonafide holder just same as the issuing bank.2)Unconfirmed creditA letter of credit advised to the beneficiary without adding any other bank’s confirmation is called an unconfirmed credit. Usually the word “unconfirmed” is not indicated in the credit.Translate the flowing L/C.FROM: BANQUE INDOSUEZ, DUBAI, U.A.E.TO: BANK OF CHINABANK OF CHINA BLDG,410,FUCHENMEN NET DAJIE,BEIJING, CHINADA TE: 26 MARCH 2000BY ORDER OF LAL’S TRADING CO LTDPO BOX 11096,DUBAI, U.A.EWE OPEN OUR IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO P/5/00185FA VOURING CHINA TEX KNITWEAR AND MANUFACTURED GOODS I/E CORP.82 DONG AN MEN STREETBEIJING , CHINA.EXPIRING ON 15 JUNE 2000 ADV. BANK IN BEIJINGFOR NOT EXCEEDING USD 21 204.00(US DOLLAR TWENTY ONE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED FOUR ONL Y.)CFR A V AILABLE BY NEGOTIATION OF YOUR DRAFT AT SIGHT.DRAWN ON OURSELVES QUOTING CREDIT NUMBER AND ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS IN DUPLICATE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED;FULL SET CLEAN SHIPPED ON BOARD OCEAN BILLS OF LADING DATED NOT LATER THAN 31 MAY 2000.EVIDENCING SHIPMENT FROM CHINA TO DUBAI MARDED FREIGHT PREPAID.MADE TO THE ORDER OF OURSELVES NOTIFY APPLICANTS.COVERING SHIPMENT OF:1000 DOZEN “PANDA” BRAND PRINTED TOWELS30*60 INCHES @ USD 22.32 PER DOZEN CFR DUBAI AS PER BENEFICIARY’S SALES CONFIRMATION 95KDDB2014USD 22,320.00LESS:5% DISCOUNT USD 1,116.00NET CFR DUBAI V ALUE USD 21,204.00SIGNED COMMERCIAL INVOICES IN FOUR COPIES ORIGINAL OF WHICH MUST BE DUL Y COUNTERSIGNED BY U.A.E. EMBASSY/CONSULATE OR BY ANY ARAB EMBASSY/CONSULATE AND CERTIFYING THAT THE GOODS ARE NOT OF ISRAELI ORIGIN AND DO NOT CONTAIN ANY ISRAELI MATERIAL.PACKING LIST IN THREE COPIES.CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN ISSUED BY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OR EQUIV ALENT AUTHORITY ORIGINAL DUL Y LEGALIZED BY U.A.E. EMBASSY/CONSULATE OR BY ANY ARAB EMBASSY/CONSULATE.SHIPPING MARKS:ALMAYALALS/GARMENTS/DUBAISPECIAL CONDITITONS1.SHIPMENT MUST BE EFFECTED BY CONFERENCE OR REGULAR LINEVESSEL ONL Y.2.BILL OF LADING MUST INDICATE FULL NAME, ADDRESS ANDTELEPHONE NUMBER OF THE CARRYING VESSEL’S AGENT IN DUBAI.3.BILL OF LADING SHOWING SHIPPER’S LOAD AND COUNT IS NOTACCEPTABLE.4.ONE SET OF SHIPMENT SAMPLES TO BE SENT TO APPLICANT BYCOURIER PRIOR THE SHIPMENT AND A CERTIFICATE TO THIS EFFECT ISSUED BY APPLICANT STATING THAT PRE-SHIPMENT SAMPLES, TOGETHER WETH ITS SPECIFICATION AND QUALITY HA VE BEEN APPROVED BY THEM IS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPANY THE ORIGIANL DOCUMENTS.5.EACH CARTON MUST INDICATE THE DESIGN NUMBER, COLOUR ,BRIEFDESCRIPTION OF GOODS, QUANTITY,SIZE AND INVOICE TO CERTIFY THE SAME.6.ONE COMPLETE SET OF NON-NEGOTIABLE SHIPPING DOCUMENTSINCLUDING COPY OF SHIPMENT ADVICE SENT TO THE INSURANCE COMPANY MUST BE SENT TO APPLICANT BY REGISTERED AIEMAIL DOCUMENTS TO EVIDENCE SO.7. A CERTIFICATE ISSUED BY THE OWNERS, AGENTS OR MASTERS OFVESSEL TO STATE THE FOLLOWONG:TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNWE CERTIFY THAT THE SHIP IS ALLOWED BY ARAB AUTHORITIES TO CALL AT ARABIAN PORTS AND IS NOT SCHEDULED TO CALL AT ANY ISRELI PORTS DURING ITS TRIP TO ARABIQAN COUNTRIES.8.ALL CHARGES OUTSIDE DUBAI ARE FOR ACCOUNT OF BENEFICIARYINCLUDING REIMBURSEMENT CHARGES USD 40.00.PARTIAL SHIPMENT NOT ALLOWED. TRANSHIPMENT ALLOWED.2. Systematic practice:Ⅰ. Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English:1. It is necessary for us__ solve the payment conditions first __(首先解决付款条件).2. It is our usual practice _require L/c at sight ____(要求即期信用证).3. We were unable _ persuade our customers agree to 30 days L/C ___(劝说我方客户同意30天信用证).4. This class of merchandise is __usually in the D/A sale__(通常按承兑交单出售).5. We can do business _on 60 days D/P____(按60天付款交单方式).6. We will open the L/C _after receipt of your reply____(一收到你方答复后).7. In spite of our repeated requests, __L/C is still not received___(信用证仍未收到). Please open the credit by SWIFT immediately, otherwise, we cannot effect shipment in January.8. _If the credit can not be opened before the end of July to me ___(如果信用证不能在7月底前开到我处),we will be forced to cancel your order.9. Your L/C reached us yesterday, but __upon review found the credit amount is less than the contract amount, please amend the L/C immediately, increasing the credit amount ___(经审阅后发现信用证金额少于合同金额,请立即修改信用证,增加信用证金额)so that we can effect the shipment in time.10 .As there is no direct sailing from Guangzhou to your port next month, __please complete the shipment terms of L/C to transshipment is allowed" ___(请你方将信用证装运条款改为“允许转船”).11 .As there are no direct steamers available to your port, _we'll just have to transport the goods through the Hong Kong to New York___(我方只好将货物通过香港转运至纽约).12. We shall book shipping space on that vessel __upon receipt of your L/C amendment book ___(一收到你方的信用证修改书).II. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given expressions:(A)on, to strike, in favor of, at sight, settlement, after, L/C, up to, with, for certain1) The__L/C__ is the most commonly used method of payment for imports and exports.2) International traders often request a longer period for_settlement ____ of an account.3) Importers have to make arrangements ___ in favor of __ their banks to open an L/C.4) The L/C is usually valid for fifteen days ___after__ shipment date.5) Ms. Hayes had _on__ a deal with China National Machinery Import & Export Corporation.6) China National Machinery Import & Export Corporation will open a Letter of Credit _to strike____ ACME Machine Tool Ltd.7) Ms. Hayes knows __ for certain ___ that a national enterprise will never default.8) The customers demand that 90% of the credit amount be paid _at sight_____.9) Mr. White refuses to do business ___with__ D/A terms.10) It is the sel ler’s responsibility to supply goods _with___ their guaranteed standard.Ⅲ. Translation:A) Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1.But, in view of our friendly relations, we will, as an exceptional case, accept payment for your trial order on D/P basis.但是,鉴于我们之间的友好关系,我们将在例外的情况下,接受付款试用订单付款交单的基础上。

商务英语函电实训unit 10 Contract

商务英语函电实训unit 10 Contract

Unit 10 Contract
得到(拥有)合同 会签合同 重复合同 尚待执行的合同 一个很有利的合同 合同正本 合同副本 书面合同 做某些让步
The End
Words and Phrases
• contract • contractor • contractual • to make a contract • to place a contract • to enter into a contract • to sign a contract • to draw up a contract • to draft a contract • to get a contract
Unit 10 Contract
合同,订立合同 订约人,承包人 合同的,契约的 签订合同 订合同 订合同 签合同 拟订合同 起草合同 得到合同
Words and Phrases
• to land a contract • to countersign a contract • to repeat a contract • an executory contract • a nice fat contract • originals of the contract • copies of the contract • a written contract • to make some concession
• Are you worrying about the non-execution of the contract and non-payment on our part? 你是否担心我们不履行合同或者拒不付款?
Useful Expressions
Unit 10 Contract



函电合同范文英文Subject: Sales Contract.Dear [Recipient's Name],Well, here we are, getting down to business with this contract!I. Parties Involved.The seller is [Seller's Company Name], located at [Seller's Address], which I like to think of as the home of all the great stuff we're about to deal with. And the buyer is none other than you, [Buyer's Company Name], sitting pretty at [Buyer's Address].II. Product Description.We're talking about [Product Name]. It's not just any product; it's like the superhero of [product category]. It comes in [describe the quantity or packaging details], and each unit is a little bundle of awesomeness. For example, it might be a box of 10 super shiny widgets, all ready to make your life or business better in some way.III. Quantity.The quantity that you're getting your hands on is [X] units. That's enough to keep you stocked up and happy for a while, I hope!IV. Price.Now, let's talk money. Each unit is priced at [Price per unit in currency], so for the whole shebang, you'll be paying a grand total of [Total price in currency]. It's a fair deal, considering the quality and all the cool features of the product.V. Delivery Terms.We'll ship these goodies to you. The delivery will be made within [number of days/weeks] from the date of confirmation of this contract. And we'll make sure it gets to you in one piece, like a precious package on a special mission. The shipping method will be [mention the shipping method, e.g., by sea, by air, etc.].VI. Payment Terms.You need to pay us [mention the payment method, e.g., by bank transfer] within [number of days] after receiving the invoice. No funny business here; just a straightforward payment to keep things moving smoothly.VII. Warranties and Guarantees.We stand behind our product like a proud parent. If there are any problems with the product within [warranty period] due to manufacturing defects or something that's our fault, we'll either fix it or replace itfor you. That's our promise!VIII. Governing Law.This contract shall be governed by the laws of [mention thejurisdiction, e.g., the state of [state name] or the country of [country name]]. Just in case we need to sort out any differences in a proper and legal way.So, if everything looks good to you, just give us a sign off, and wecan start this exciting journey of doing business together!Best regards,[Seller's Representative's Name][Date]。

商务英语函电实训unit 8 Order Their Fulfillment

商务英语函电实训unit 8 Order  Their Fulfillment
• meet an order
• place an order • process an order
下/放订单,订货 处理订单,备货
• refuse / reject an order
• supply an order • unit price
(根据订单)供货 单价
The End
(买方)确认订单 谢绝订单 交付订货 起草合同
• enter into a contract
Words and Phrases Unit 8 Order & Their Fulfillment
• fill / fulfill / make up an order 处理 订单,备货
• 贵公司7月10日函收悉,对此次订货,我公司表示感谢。 We acknowledge receipt of your favour of the 10th July, and thank you for the order you have given us. • 非常抱歉,兹因购货人已向我司撤消订单,迫使我司只好向贵公 司取消这一次订货。 To my deep regret, the buyer of these goods has just cancelled the order, a fact which compels me to cancel my order with you. • 很抱歉由于我司在今后一段时间内,所有货物品已完全够用,因 此,不得不取消此次订货,敬请谅解。 Our requirements are now fully covered for some time to come, and we therefore greatly regret that we have to cancel our order with you.



英语函电合同范本Contract Number: ___________Contract Date: ___________This Contract (the "Contract") is entered into and between:[Your Company Name] (the "First Party"), a pany organized and existing under the laws of [Country/State], with a registered address at [Address], and [Counterparty Name] (the "Second Party"), a pany organized and existing under the laws of [Country/State], with a registered address at [Address].(hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties" or individually as a "Party") RECITALS:WHEREAS, the First Party is engaged in the business of [briefly describe the nature of the business];WHEREAS, the Second Party is engaged in the business of [briefly describe the nature of the business];WHEREAS, the First Party desires to engage the services of the Second Party, and the Second Party desires to provide such services to the First Party, on the terms and conditions set forth herein;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the Parties agree as follows:1. Engagement.The First Party here engages the Second Party, and the Second Party here accepts such engagement, to provide the services set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Services") in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract.2. Term.This Contract shall mence on the Contract Date and shall continue in full force and effect until terminated in accordance with Section 9 hereof (the "Term").3. Compensation.In consideration for the provision of the Services, the First Party shall pay the Second Party the pensation set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto (the "Compensation"). The Compensation shall be pd in accordance with the payment terms set forth in Exhibit B.4. Confidentiality.Each Party acknowledges that it may have access to certn confidential information of the other Party ("Confidential Information"). Each Party agrees to mntn the confidentiality of the other Party's Confidential Information and not to disclose such Confidential Information to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party. This obligation of confidentiality shall survive the termination or expiration of this Contract.5. Intellectual Property.All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and proprietary information, owned or controlled either Party ("Intellectual Property") shall remn the sole property of such Party. Neither Party shall have any right, , or interest in or to the other Party's Intellectual Property.6. Representations and Warranties.Each Party represents and warrants to the other Party that:(a) it has the full power and authority to enter into this Contract and to perform its obligations hereunder;(b) this Contract has been duly executed and delivered and constitutes a valid and binding obligation of such Party, enforceable agnst such Party in accordance with its terms;(c) the execution, delivery, and performance of this Contract such Party does not conflict with any agreement, instrument, or understanding, oral or written, to which it is a party or which it is bound, and does not violate any law or regulation applicable to it;(d) it is not subject to any legal proceeding, order, or decree that would prohibit its entry into this Contract or its performance hereunder; and(e) it is not insolvent and is not in danger of being insolvent.7. Indemnification.Each Party agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other Party from and agnst any and all clms, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or resulting from any breach such Party of its representations, warranties, or covenants under this Contract.8. Dispute Resolution.Any dispute, controversy, or clm arising out of or relating to this Contract or the breach, termination, or validity thereof shall be settled arbitration in accordance with the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce ("ICC"). The place of arbitration shall be [City, Country]. The language of the arbitration shall be English. The number of arbitrators shall be three. The decision of the arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the Parties.9. Termination.This Contract may be terminated either Party upon written notice to the other Party in the event of a material breach the other Party that is not cured within [number of days] after written notice thereof. In addition, either Party may terminate this Contract for any reason upon [number of days'] prior written notice to the other Party.10. Miscellaneous.(a) This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether oral or written, of the Parties.(b) This Contract may not be amended or modified except a written instrument executed both Parties.(c) This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/State], without regard to its conflict of。



外贸英语函电购货合同格式Dear Sir/Madam,。

I hope this message finds you well. We're interested in placing an order for your premium-quality products, and I'd like to discuss the specifics with you.Firstly, we're looking to buy a large batch of your model XYZ widgets. We've been hearing great reviews about their durability and performance, which is exactly what we need for our upcoming project.Secondly, regarding pricing, we'd like to negotiate a competitive rate for bulk orders. We understand you offer discounts for larger quantities, and we're hoping to leverage that for our benefit.Payment terms are also something we'd like to discuss. We typically prefer a 30-day payment cycle, but we're open to discussing other options that might be more favorablefor both parties.Shipment is crucial for us, and we'd like to ensure timely delivery. Could you please provide us with your estimated shipping time, as well as any additional charges that might apply?Lastly, we'd appreciate if you could send us a sample of the product before we finalize the order. This will give us a chance to evaluate its quality and ensure it meets our standards.We're excited about the potential of this partnership and look forward to hearing from you soon. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification.Thank you for considering our request. We're confident that with your.。

函电-合同实训 英语

函电-合同实训  英语

实训1 Practical Training one卖方:上海轻工业品进出口公司Seller: Shanghai Light Industry Import and Export Corporation买房:东京贸易总公司Buyer: Tokyo Trade General Company商品名称:蜜蜂牌缝纫机Goods: Bee Sewing Machine规格:MB26型Specification: Model MB26数量:20,000台Quantity: 20,000 Sets单价:CIF东京每台58美元Unit Price: 58 $/Set CIF Tokyo总值1, 160, 000美元Amount: 1,160,000 $包装:木箱装Package: In wooden cases装运期:2002年5月31日前自中国港口至东京允许分批装运和转船Shipment: Shipment on or before May 31st, 2002 from China port to Tokyo , Partial shipment and transshipment is allowed付款条件:凭不可撤销信用证付款,于装运期前一个月开到卖方,并与上述装运期后15天内在中国议付有效。

Payment: By irrecoverable credit at sight to reach sellers a month before shipment, and remain valid for negotiation in China 15 days after above shipment保险:由卖方根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日中国保险条款按照发票金额110%投保一切险。

Insurance: To be covered by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against all risks and war risks as per CIC dated Jannuary 1st, 1981签约日期和地点:2001年1月25日于上海。

商务英语函电实训 Unit (12)

商务英语函电实训  Unit (12)

Useful Expressions
Unit 12 Establishment of and amendment to an L/C
通知信用证的开立与有效期限 We have instructed the Bank of China to open an irrevocable letter of credit for US$35,000. This will be advised by the bankers’ correspondents, Beijing City Commercial Bank. They will accept your draft on them at 30 days after sight for the amount of your invoices. The credit id valid until September 30. 通知对方已开立信用证, 并支付汇票 We have asked the Bank of China here to open a credit for US$50,000 in your favor and this will remain in force until March 31, 2001. The bank will honor your draft at sight for the amount of your invoice drawn under the L/C.
Useful Expressions
Unit 12 Establishment of and amendment to an L/C
通知对方已寄出信用证 According to your request for opening L/C, we are pleased to inform you that we have airmailed today through the Bank of China an irrevocable L/C for $200,000 in favor of the New York Trading Co., Inc. on the following terms and conditions.

商务英语函电实训unit 12 Establishment of and amendment to an L C

商务英语函电实训unit 12 Establishment of and amendment to an L C

Useful Expressions
Unit 12 Establishment of and amendment to an L/C
• 通知信用证的开立与有效期限 We have instructed the Bank of China to open an irrevocable letter of credit for US$35,000. This will be advised by the bankers’ correspondents, Beijing City Commercial Bank. They will accept your draft on them at 30 days after sight for the amount of your invoices. The credit id valid until September 30.
• 通知准备装运, 并督促尽早开立信用证 We are pleased to confirm your order for electric typewriters amounting to US$100,000. As requested, we are preparing to make shipment by the end of October and would request you open an irrevocable L/C in our favor as soon as possible, valid until November 20.
• 督促对方确认订单并开立信用证 We are pleased to confirm your fax order today and inform you that your order No. 100 is now ready for shipment per M/S Pacific leaving Jilong around June 10. Therefore we are anxious to receive your advice of L/C against this order.



[Your Company Name][Your Company Address][City, Postcode][Country][Contact Name][Position][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Buyer's Company Name][Buyer's Company Address][City, Postcode][Country][Contact Name][Position][Email Address][Phone Number]Dear [Buyer's Contact Name],We are pleased to confirm the sale of the following products to your esteemed company, as per the details outlined in our previous communication. Enclosed herewith is the Sales Contract for [Product Name], Order No. [Order ID], which we believe will serve as a formal documentation of our mutual agreement.Sales Contract Details:1. Product Description:- Product Name: [Product Name]- Model/Type: [Model/Type]- Specifications: [Detailed specifications]- Quantity: [Number of units]- Unit Price: [Price per unit] [Currency]- Total Amount: [Total price] [Currency]2. Packing Details:- Packaging Type: [Type of packaging]- Quantity per Package: [Number of units per package]- Total Packages: [Total number of packages]- Dimensions and Weight: [Dimensions and weight of each package] 3. Shipping Details:- Port of Loading: [Port of loading]- Port of Destination: [Port of destination]- Shipping Method: [Mode of transport]- Expected Shipment Date: [Date by which shipment is expected] - Insurance: [Insurance details]4. Payment Terms:- Payment Method: [Payment method, e.g., T/T, L/C, PayPal, etc.] - Payment Due Date: [Date by which payment is due]- Deposit: [Percentage of total amount required as deposit]- Final Payment: [Final payment terms]5. Warranty:- Warranty Period: [Duration of warranty]- Warranty Coverage: [What is covered under warranty]6. Terms of Delivery:- Incoterms: [Incoterms used, e.g., FOB, CIF, DDP, etc.]- Delivery Time: [Expected delivery time]7. Quality Control:- Quality Control Procedure: [Description of quality control measures]- Inspection Certificate: [Requirement for inspection certificate]8. Force Majeure:- In the event of force majeure, including war, flood, fire, typhoon, earthquake, or any other natural disasters, or accidents caused by government actions or by any other causes beyond the control of the seller, neither party shall be held liable for delays or failures to perform its obligations under this contract.9. Dispute Resolution:- In case of any disputes arising from this contract, both parties shall endeavor to resolve them through friendly negotiations. If such negotiations fail, the case shall be submitted to the arbitration of [Arbitration Institution] in accordance with its rules.Please review the attached Sales Contract and confirm your acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined herein. Should you find any discrepancies or require any modifications, please do not hesitate to inform us at your earliest convenience.Upon your confirmation, we will proceed with the necessary preparations for production and shipping. We look forward to a successful andmutually beneficial business relationship with your company.Should you have any questions or need further clarification on any point, please feel free to contact us.Yours sincerely,[Your Full Name][Your Position][Your Company Name][Contact Information]Enclosures:- Sales Contract for [Product Name] - Order No. [Order ID] - Any other relevant documents or certificates。

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实训1 Practical Training one卖方:上海轻工业品进出口公司Seller: Shanghai Light Industry Import and Export Corporation买房:东京贸易总公司Buyer: Tokyo Trade General Company商品名称:蜜蜂牌缝纫机Goods: Bee Sewing Machine规格:MB26型Specification: Model MB26数量:20,000台Quantity: 20,000 Sets单价:CIF东京每台58美元Unit Price: 58 $/Set CIF Tokyo总值1, 160, 000美元Amount: 1,160,000 $包装:木箱装Package: In wooden cases装运期:2002年5月31日前自中国港口至东京允许分批装运和转船Shipment: Shipment on or before May 31st, 2002 from China port to Tokyo , Partial shipment and transshipment is allowed付款条件:凭不可撤销信用证付款,于装运期前一个月开到卖方,并与上述装运期后15天内在中国议付有效。

Payment: By irrecoverable credit at sight to reach sellers a month before shipment, and remain valid for negotiation in China 15 days after above shipment保险:由卖方根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日中国保险条款按照发票金额110%投保一切险。

Insurance: To be covered by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against all risks and war risks as per CIC dated Jannuary 1st, 1981签约日期和地点:2001年1月25日于上海。

Contract date and place: January 1st, 2001 , Shanghai实训2合同号码:GJ-3262. Contract no. : GJ-3262实训2 根据交易双方的往来信函拟定一份售货确认书。

【Mail 1】Mar. 3, 2008 Jiangxi Zhaohui Chemicals Co., Ltd.Dear Mr. Wang,Thank you very much for your hospitality in your booth at the Ampiente Fair 2008 in Frankfurt.I am interested in candles Art. No.501 in the packing of 25-pc papers boxes. The quality will be one 20-foot container for the start.Therefore you are kindly requested to give me your best price rather than USD0.72 per box quoted at the Fair so that I can send you my order for prompt shipment.Awaiting your reply with best regards.John HendryBoston Trading Co. Ltd., USA 【Mail 2】Mar. 5, 2008 Boston Trading Co. Ltd., USADear Mr. Hendry,It was a great pleasure to meet you at the Ampiente Fair 2008 and to receive your enquiry for our candles.In fact, the price I quoted at the Fair is already the most favorable one. However, in order to save time and to start business, I’ll further lower my price as follows:CANDLES ART. NO.501 USD0.70/BOX FOB TIANJIN.I’m sure this will be acceptable to you. Let us start our business and we’ll offer you our best service.Looking forward to your early acceptance.Thanks and best regards.Wang DayangJiangxi Zhaohui Chemicals Co., Ltd.【Mail 3】Mar. 6, 2008 Dear Mr. Wang,Thank you for your e-mail and new price, which I expected to be lower but accept, noting that this is the first deal between us.I would also like to order candles Art. No.502 in 10-pc boxes at the price of USD 0.14/box. Please confirm. Therefore our order is as follows:One 20-foot container of CANDLES ART. NO.501 50%, CANDLES ART. NO.502 50%. Packed in paper boxes of 25 pcs and 10 pcs respective, and 50 boxes to a carton respectively.Please inform us roughly how many cartons a 1×20' container can hold. Please also inform us of your payment terms and earliest shipment date. I’m awaiting your good service, high3quality and fine packing as you promised at the Fair, to enable both of us to build good cooperation to our mutual benefit.Yours sincerely,John Hendry 【Mail 4】Mar. 6, 2008 Dear Mr. Hendry,Thank you for your new order, but we find your price for 10 pcs/box candles of USD0.14 per box is too low. Our calculation points to USD0.155 per box. But in order to start, we think we can accept USD0.15/box if you agree, I will fax you our Sales Contract for your signature. Payment: by irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight. Delivery: within 45 days after the covering L/C is received.For your information, according to our calculation, a 20-foot container, can hold 600 cartons of 10-pc boxes and 300 cartons of 25-pc boxes.By the way, can you tell us the name of the port of destination for our reference?Best wishes,Wang Dayang 【Mail 5】Mar. 8, 2008 Dear Mr.Wang,Hello my friend, I’m afraid I don’t agree to USD0.15 for 10-pc boxes. The best I can do is USD0.145/box, for the start of our cooperation.As I explained earlier, you should accept the above price, taking into consideration the higher cost of freight at my expense.Payment and date of shipment are fine. Please accept our bid, so that we can proceed with the opening of the relative L/C.By the way, we would want the goods to be shipped to Boston.Best regards.John Hendry 【Mail 6】Mar.10, 2008 Dear Mr. Hendry,As the cost of raw material is increasing sharply these days, w e are facing big problems. I hope you can understand us.However, in order to make the ball start rolling, we accept your price for candles in 10-pc boxes at USD0.145/box. Please find the attached S/C No.D2008PA100, and sign and return one copy for our file.Also enclosed is our banking information. Please open the covering L/C as soon as possible and fax us a copy of it for our reference.We are glad to have concluded this initial transaction with you. We hope this would mark the beginning of a long-standing and steady business relationship between us.Yours,实训4Wang Dayang5 JIANGXI ZHAOHUI CHEMICALS CO., LTD.SALES CONTRACTTO: Boston Trading Co. Ltd., USA NO.: D2008PA100DATE:MAR.10, 2008Dear Sirs,We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on terms and conditions as specified bellows:(5) Packing: In Boxes (50 boxes to a carton)(6) Shipping mark:BTCBostonD2008PA100Nos. 1-600(7) Time of Shipment:within 45 days after the covering L/C is received.(8) Port of Shipment:TianjinPort of Destination: Boston(9) Insurance:To be covered by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk as per CIC dated 1st January, 1981.(10) Terms of Payment:by irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sightThe Seller: The Buyer:Jiangxi Zhaohui Chemicals Co., Ltd. Boston Trading Co. Ltd., USAWang Dayang John Hendry(SIGNATURE) (SIGNATURE)。
