环境监测系统 项目说明书
环境监测技术及应用操作手册第1章环境监测基础知识 (3)1.1 环境监测概述 (3)1.2 环境监测技术发展历程 (4)1.3 环境监测标准与法规 (4)第2章环境监测方法与手段 (4)2.1 监测方法概述 (4)2.2 采样与现场测试技术 (4)2.2.1 采样技术 (5)2.2.2 现场测试技术 (5)2.3 实验室分析技术 (5)2.3.1 无机分析技术 (5)2.3.2 有机分析技术 (5)2.3.3 生物监测技术 (5)2.3.4 辅助分析技术 (5)第3章大气环境监测 (6)3.1 大气污染物监测技术 (6)3.1.1 监测方法概述 (6)3.1.2 常见大气污染物监测技术 (6)3.2 大气质量自动监测系统 (6)3.2.1 系统组成 (6)3.2.2 系统功能 (6)3.2.3 系统应用 (6)3.3 大气颗粒物监测 (7)3.3.1 监测方法 (7)3.3.2 监测仪器与设备 (7)3.3.3 应用案例 (7)第4章水环境监测 (7)4.1 水质监测技术 (7)4.1.1 监测项目与指标 (7)4.1.2 监测方法 (7)4.1.3 监测点位布设 (8)4.2 水质自动监测系统 (8)4.2.1 系统组成 (8)4.2.2 自动监测站 (8)4.2.3 数据传输系统 (8)4.2.4 中心数据处理系统 (8)4.3 污染源监测 (8)4.3.1 污染源识别 (8)4.3.2 污染源监测方法 (8)4.3.3 污染源监管 (8)第5章土壤环境监测 (9)5.1.1 监测方法 (9)5.1.2 监测项目 (9)5.1.3 监测标准 (9)5.2 土壤质量评价与监测 (9)5.2.1 评价方法 (9)5.2.2 评价指标 (9)5.2.3 监测周期 (9)5.3 农用地土壤环境监测 (9)5.3.1 监测内容 (9)5.3.2 监测布点 (9)5.3.3 监测技术 (10)5.3.4 数据处理与分析 (10)第6章噪声与振动监测 (10)6.1 噪声监测技术 (10)6.1.1 噪声源识别 (10)6.1.2 噪声测量方法 (10)6.1.3 噪声监测设备 (10)6.2 振动监测技术 (10)6.2.1 振动源识别 (10)6.2.2 振动测量方法 (10)6.2.3 振动监测设备 (10)6.3 噪声与振动控制策略 (11)6.3.1 噪声控制技术 (11)6.3.2 振动控制技术 (11)6.3.3 综合控制策略 (11)6.3.4 噪声与振动监测数据分析 (11)6.3.5 案例分析 (11)第7章辐射环境监测 (11)7.1 辐射监测基础 (11)7.1.1 辐射类型及特性 (11)7.1.2 辐射单位与量纲 (11)7.1.3 辐射生物效应 (11)7.2 辐射监测仪器与设备 (11)7.2.1 辐射监测仪器分类 (12)7.2.2 辐射监测设备功能指标 (12)7.2.3 辐射监测设备校准与维护 (12)7.3 辐射环境监测与评价 (12)7.3.1 辐射环境监测方案制定 (12)7.3.2 辐射环境监测方法 (12)7.3.3 辐射环境监测数据处理与评价 (12)7.3.4 辐射环境监测质量保证 (12)第8章生态监测 (12)8.1 生态监测概述 (12)8.1.2 目的任务 (13)8.1.3 生态监测在我国环境监测体系中的地位与作用 (13)8.2 生态监测技术方法 (13)8.2.1 地面监测 (13)8.2.2 遥感监测 (13)8.2.3 生态系统模型 (13)8.3 生态监测数据解析与应用 (13)8.3.1 数据分析 (13)8.3.2 数据解释 (14)8.3.3 数据应用 (14)第9章环境监测数据处理与分析 (14)9.1 监测数据预处理 (14)9.1.1 数据清洗 (14)9.1.2 数据插补 (14)9.1.3 数据归一化 (14)9.2 数据分析方法 (14)9.2.1 描述性统计分析 (14)9.2.2 相关性分析 (14)9.2.3 时间序列分析 (14)9.2.4 空间分析 (15)9.3 环境质量评价与预测 (15)9.3.1 环境质量评价方法 (15)9.3.2 环境质量预测模型 (15)9.3.3 污染源解析 (15)9.3.4 环境风险管理 (15)第10章环境监测质量控制与保障 (15)10.1 质量控制概述 (15)10.2 样品采集与运输质量控制 (15)10.2.1 样品采集质量控制 (15)10.2.2 样品运输质量控制 (16)10.3 实验室分析质量控制 (16)10.3.1 实验室设备与管理 (16)10.3.2 实验室分析过程质量控制 (16)10.4 数据处理与分析质量控制 (16)10.4.1 数据处理质量控制 (16)10.4.2 数据分析质量控制 (16)第1章环境监测基础知识1.1 环境监测概述环境监测是指对环境中各种因素进行系统、连续的观测、测量和评价,以掌握环境质量状况和变化趋势,为环境保护、污染防控和资源合理利用提供科学依据。
维萨拉 VaiNet 环境监测系统说明书
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应用说明www.vaisala.c nVaiNet AP10 网络接入点成熟的无线环境监测技术维萨拉 viewLinc 监测系统利用基于射频技术的维萨拉 VaiNet 无线设备对环境条件进行无线跟踪。
通过线性调频扩频 (CSS)* 信号调制,VaiNet 提供稳定的通信,在长距离范围内以及严酷、复杂和闭塞的条件下依旧可靠。
VaiNet 的无线数据记录仪以及接入点已经进行了预编程,以便于可以相互定位并建立通信。
VaiNet RFL100 无线电频率数据记录仪维萨拉 VaiNet 无线技术使用 sub-GHz 频率在环境监测应用中实现更好的信号传播。
VaiNet 通过在多个网络接入点之间分配信号负载形成冗余。
接入点利用以太网供电 (PoE),从而减少布线,并且可以轻松连接到 UPS*。
如果没有 PoE,则安装时提供单独的电源。
此外,大多数RFL100 型号都是完全无线的,由电池供电,可确保系统在停电期间继续监测。
如果无线网络掉线,每个记录仪可以保留长达 30 天的数据,并且,如果以太网局域网出现故障,接入点将进行额外的数据存储。
由于其他频率已得到广泛使用,sub-GHz 无线技术有很多优点。
VaiNet 在繁重的 2.4 GHz 频段外部进行通信,信号不易受到干扰。
sub-GHz 无线通信的另一个优点是低频信号,这意味着信号传播距离更长,穿透力更好。
中航环境监测系统使用说明书目录一. 产品概述 (2)(一)产品介绍 (2)二. 产品功能 (2)(一) Environment_Standard(标准版) (2)1、支持温湿度监测 (2)2、支持PM2.5、PM10监测 (2)3、支持噪声监测 (2)4、支持风速、风力、风向监测 (2)5、支持天气预报 (2)(二)Environment_Advanced(高级版) (2)1、支持温湿度监测 (2)2、支持PM2.5、PM10监测 (2)3、支持噪声监测 (2)4、支持风速、风力、风向监测 (2)5、支持甲醛监测 (2)6、支持CO2监测 (2)7、支持天气预报 (2)8、支持自动报警功能 (2)9、支持微调环境值(温度、湿度、PM2.5、PM10、甲醛、CO2) (2)10、支持环境值显示顺序的修改 (2)三、使用说明 (3)(一)环境监测卡使用说明 (3)1.安装 (3)2.通讯 (4)(二)E5L环境字符卡使用说明 (4)1.屏参设置 (4)2.字符字库 (4)3.创建与编辑节目 (5)4.添加分区 (5)5.建立连接 (5)四、常见问题 (6)4.1为什么显示屏字符分区区域显示断开连接? (6)4.2 为什么显示屏字符分区区域显示无传感器数据? (6)4.3 为什么显示屏上的环境值跟实际值相差很多? (6)4.4 为什么显示屏的环境值显示不完全? (6)4.5 为什么显示屏上显示字符分区高度最小XX? (6)4.6 注意事项 (6)一.产品概述(一)产品介绍本产品可支持环境质量监测项:温度、湿度、PM2.5、PM10、甲醛、噪音、风速、风力、风向等(可根据不同的需求选择配置),为用户监测环境质量推出的新一代产品。
环境监测系统根据监测项和功能分为Environment_Standard(标准版)、Environment_Advanced(高级版)二.产品功能(一) Environment_Standard(标准版)1、支持温湿度监测2、支持PM2.5、PM10监测3、支持噪声监测4、支持风速、风力、风向监测5、支持天气预报(二)Environment_Advanced(高级版)1、支持温湿度监测2、支持PM2.5、PM10监测3、支持噪声监测4、支持风速、风力、风向监测5、支持甲醛监测6、支持CO2监测7、支持天气预报8、支持自动报警功能9、支持微调环境值(温度、湿度、PM2.5、PM10、甲醛、CO2)10、支持环境值显示顺序的修改三、使用说明本产品为用户提供一张环境监测卡和一张E5L环境字符卡。
项目环境监测标书一、背景和目标1.1 背景介绍随着全球经济的快速发展,环境问题越来越受到人们的关注。
1.2 目标说明本项目的主要目标是建立一个全面、可持续的环境监测系统,实时监测和评估项目区域的环境污染和风险,并提供有效的控制措施和管理建议。
二、项目概述2.1 项目描述本项目主要包括以下几个方面的内容:•环境监测系统的建设:包括传感器的选择和布置、监测设备的采购和安装等。
2.2 项目计划本项目计划按照以下步骤进行:1.项目准备阶段:包括项目调研、需求分析和资源准备等。
三、项目需求3.1 功能需求本项目的功能需求主要包括:•实时监测环境污染物的浓度和排放状况。
3.2 技术需求本项目的技术需求主要包括:•传感器技术:选择合适的传感器,用于实时监测环境污染物的浓度和排放状况。
for the Life Science IndustryVaisala provides environmental measurement and monitoring solutions for critical life science environments. For over 80 years we have manufactured products that help our customers to make better decisions, and to ensure safety and efficiency.Our solutions help you safeguard sensitive products in warehouses, processing/manufacturing facilities, laboratories, and cleanrooms — wherever pharmaceutical, biological, and medical device products need to be protected from out-of-tolerance conditions.Why VaisalaView the history of Vaisala in an interactive timeline.An Environmental Monitoring System that Nearly Deploys ItselfWith Vaisala's NEW Wireless Technology VaiNet▪ Do-it-Y ourself deployment, self-configuring loggers▪ Simple, intuitive user interface▪ Unique, truly reliable wireless technology with superior signal strength ▪ Optional compliance tools: IQOQ protocols and GxP documentationEXPERIENCE Success StoriesAt Vaisala we pride ourselves on staying connected with our customers throughout the lifecycle of their instrument and application. Many of our customers share their experiences with us. Keep readingto find out how companies such as AstraZeneca, Owens & Minor and more, use Vaisala monitoring systems.ExperienceWith Vaisala Environmental Monitoring System, AstraZeneca collects information about temperature, humidity, and differential pressure in their production facility. This information is being used to safeguard product quality. Since Vaisala Environmental Monitoring System also helps fulfill regulatory requirements, AstraZeneca can easily demonstrate their compliance to regulators.“We made a careful evaluation of various systems. Vaisala was oneof the candidates as we had long experience with their monitoring instruments. We were quite sure their system would fit our needs, and our thorough evaluation proved it was so.”Mats Andersson, Project ManagerExperienceWhile evaluating monitoring system vendors, Herbalife tested multiple systems. Key requirements included: a system scalable to any size of warehouse, in any type of climate, and consistency in implementation and management. Over six months, the Herbalife Quality and Facilities Management team evaluated several systems before selecting the Vaisala Environmental Monitoring System.“We wondered if we wouldn’t be better off maintaining the higher density of sensors for long-term monitoring and decided to leave all sensorsin place. This essentially resulted in ‘continuous mapping’ of these environments. We have used this system for three years and found it very successful.”Gary Swanson, Senior VP of Quality for HerbaLife InternationalExperienceThe McKesson project team selected the Vaisala Environmental Monitoring System because it provided the capabilities McKesson required, including automated and customizable reporting, the ability to install and validate the entire system, and on-site calibrations. These product attributes improve operational efficiency and greatly enhance the firm’s environmental control capacities. “The Vaisala team is well qualified, easy to work with, and became a part of our team. This relationship was a major reason that our original goal of project completion within two years was met.”Joe Cwiertniewicz, McKesson Facilities ManagerExperiencePrior to upgrading their monitoring capability, Owens & Minor used data loggers to measure and record temperatures. Individuals in each distribution center would manually download the data for review and archive purposes.“Initially, we installed the system at one location to gauge its capabilities before deploying nationwide. The system worked great andnow monitors temperature and relative humidity from 423 sensors located withinour warehouses, refrigerators, and specialty rooms.”Bob Peck, Director of Regulatory Compliance for Owens & MinorEXPERIENCE Industry ExpertsVaisala brings Best-In-Class value toour customers every day. T o ensure we continue to understand your needs, we take customer feedback seriously and cater to your specific requests. Our world class manufacturing facility ensuresthat the instruments we offer meet your most demanding requirements in a wide variety of applications.MeasureVaisala provides systems and services to reduce the risk posed by environmental deviations in your critical areas. Continuous monitoring of any sensitive environment helps you to meet your regulatory compliance needs. We make your work faster, easier and more successful by offering an unbeatable combination of technology, experience and services. With Vaisala’s environmental monitoring solution in place, you can focus on productivity.Keep reading to learn more about the right fit for your application and the different parameters we measure.CO 2DEW POINT RELATIVE HUMIDITYDIFFERENTIAL PRESSURETEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM (EMS) Parametersand ApplicationsClick on the icons below for information about the parameters we measure.Warehouse MonitoringReduce the risk of non-compliance anddegraded products in your GMP-compliantholding areas with Vaisala solutions forwarehouses and distribution centers.Click on thethumbnailsbelow to viewour products:Cleanroom MonitoringVaisala’s instruments and solutions reduce the risk of out-of-specification conditions and help keep your pharmaceutical and biotechnical Click on the thumbnails below to view our products:Refrigerator and Freezer MonitoringVaisala fridge and freezer monitoring,alarming and reporting solutions reducethe risk of lost product and regulatory non-compliance for your life science environmentsand critical cold storage applications. Idealfor remote freezer temperature monitoring,Click on thethumbnailsbelow to viewour products:DataloggersIncubator MonitoringMonitor and measure your medical,pharmaceutical, and biotechnical incubatorswith Vaisala solutions. Designed for lifescience and GxP applications, Vaisalaprotects your valuable products, ensuresregulatory compliance, and providesClick on thethumbnailsbelow to viewour products:DataloggersStability Chamber MonitoringVaisala stability chamber monitoringsolutions provide independent real-timetrends and audit trails with flexible alarmingand customizable reporting. Vaisalareduces the risk of non-compliance withClick on thethumbnailsbelow to viewour products:DataloggersDataloggers Calibration Laboratory MonitoringReduce the risk of imprecise measurementsand failed audits in your accreditedcalibration laboratories and metrologicalapplications with Vaisala solutions.Click on thethumbnailsbelow to viewour products:Dataloggers Nutraceutical Monitoring & ValidationVaisala solutions reduce the risk of lostproduct and regulatory non-compliance inDSHEA-compliant nutraceutical manufacturingfacilities, warehouses, and distribution centers.Click on thethumbnailsbelow to viewour products:Dataloggers Hospital and Pharmacy MonitoringReduce the risk of lost product andregulatory non-compliance in your hospitalpharmacy environments, ORs, procedurerooms, blood and tissue banks, and labs.Click on thethumbnailsbelow to viewour products:Environmental Mapping QualificationVaisala offers qualification tools to helpyou to comply with guidance like GoodDistribution Practice and USP. Easy touse with compact, battery-powered dataloggers, the Vaisala Mapping Kit is ideal forqualifying rooms and chambers used in drugand biotech development, manufacturing,MEASUREClick on thethumbnailsbelow to viewour products:DataloggersMaintainVaisala service centers offer a wide range of high accuracy calibrations for Vaisala instruments. Vaisala offers calibration services that have been accredited by the world’s leading accreditation authorities. Accrediting bodies audit management, quality systems and technical competence and formally recognize compliance by issuing a certificate of accreditation. ISO/IEC 17025 is the international standard used to accredit testing and calibration laboratories for measured quantities. Standard calibration options are available for all instruments and, if required, Vaisala can work to create a calibrationAt Y ourService Calibration Care:Calibration Care is a multi-year calibrationagreement with several benefitscompared to single purchases of services,from discounted cost to priority service.Premium Care:Premium Care protects your investmentin Vaisala’s products. If your productis damaged or broken for any reason,return it to us and we will repair orreplace the product free of charge. It’sthat simple. Premium Care is available fornew products or if renewing an existingPremium Care agreement.Regular calibration ensures your instruments continue to Choosing the right calibration laboratory can be as important for lifetime accuracy and reliability as the the instrument. Our laboratories started in 1958 and we continually improve our technology, facilities and capabilities to provide the high quality and that you expect from Vaisala.Click to viewServiceOptions.Onsite CalibrationOnsite calibrations combine compliance with convenience. In order to minimize the impact of regular calibrations on critical processes and staff, Vaisala calibration technicians can perform a wide variety of calibrations onsite to meet your specific needs, often allowingPrepaid Plan SavingsVaisala instruments have the option of a prepaid calibration plan. Prepaid plans protect against unanticipated increasesin calibration costs over the period of the plan. With calibration interval notifications and calibration certificates that include “as-found” and “as-left” data, prepaid calibrationWatchThese short videos will take you on a virtual tour of the Vaisala cleanroom, as well asan overview of Vaisala instruments and technology in the life science industry.Scroll to the next page to watch our videos.T ake a Look Inside a Vaisala CleanroomT ake a virtual tour of where Vaisala’s accurate humidity, pressure and CO 2 sensors are researched, developed and manufactured.VideosVaisala Continuous Monitoring System: viewLinc Monitoring, Alarming and ReportingThis video presents Vaisala's viewLinc Continuous Monitoring System.Vaisala Life Science Solutions for Real LifeThis video is an overview of Vaisala solutions in the life science industry.WATCHDiscoverWhether you have freezers, refrigerators,w a rehouses, or incubators, Vaisala's monitoring and measurement systems keep you fully compliant, streamlining operations and protecting critical processes and products. Find out which instrument is best for your application, with our Instrument Selection Guide.DISCOVERBlogWhat will you find on this blog? That depends on what’s happening in the life science world. We post about our experiences at industry events, changes in the regulatory world, interesting new technologies, or whatever else looms large onour radar. Y ou can also see references to new or existing application notes in our knowledge library. And, you may see posts from a guest blogger every now and then. Feel free to comment and share yourLearnOur free on-demand webinars are a greatway to gain valuable knowledge.MaintainingCompliance in yourGxP Monitoring SystemVaiNet: A WirelessT echnology that RisesAbove CrowdedFrequenciesValidation BasicsStability Studies andMonitoring WebinarMean KineticT emperature inGxP EnvironmentsHow to Validateyour MonitoringSystem SoftwareInquireOur team brings to our customers 100+ years of combined mechanical, chemical, electrical and computer engineering experience.Vaisala engineers are on hand to assist you with your product or application questions.Please contact us at /requestinfoScan the code formore informationRef. B211612EN-A ©Vaisala 2017This material is subject to copyright protection, with allcopyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. Allrights reserved. Any logos and/or product names aretrademarks of Vaisala or its individual partners. Thereproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of informationcontained in this brochure in any form without the prior writtenconsent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited. All specifications —technical included — are subject to change without notice. VaisalaLife Science Solutions for Real Life。
环境监测系统 项目说明书
![环境监测系统 项目说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/227bba556fdb6f1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c64dc1.png)
BK8000工频电磁环境在线监测系统安装使用说明书北京恒捷利达科技有限公司2017年目录一、工频电磁环境工频电磁环境在线监测系统简介 (3)二、系统组成 (4)1、数据测量终端组成部件 (4)1.1主机组成部件 (4)1.2参数说明 (5)1.3探头更换 (5)1.4供电接口 (5)2、供电系统说明 (5)3、数据采集发送系统说明 (6)4、传输系统说明 (7)5、后台数据管理中心 (8)三、监测系统软件安装 (8)1、安装IIS 服务(windows 10) (9)2、辐射安全告警系统安装 (14)3、Microsoft .NET Framework 4安装顺序: (14)4、安装mysql (15)5、配置MySQL (25)6、安装HeiSQL (28)7、配置HeiSQL (32)四、采集系统安装调试 (35)1.数据采集器及传输设备基本信息 (35)2、数据采集器(数据采集传输设备) / 硬件接口说明(正面接口) (35)3、数据采集器(数据采集传输设备) / 软件首页 (38)4、门控功能 (38)5、电源监控(此功能只针对太阳能供电) (39)6、电源监控(此功能只针对太阳能供电) (39)7、温湿度感应器 (40)8、实时数据功能 (40)9、系统配置(通信方式) (41)10、系统配置(主机通信) (42)11、系统配置(时间校准) (42)12、系统配置(端口配置) (43)13、系统配置(其它) (43)14、系统配置(退出) (44)五.辐射安全监测告警系统操作 (45)1、登录界面 (45)2、主界面 (45)2.1 logo展示 (46)2.2 快捷菜单 (46)3、功能菜单 (48)3.1 站点管理 (48)3.2 用户管理 (50)3.3 日志管理 (51)3.4 报表管理 (52)3.5 告警管理 (52)一、工频电磁环境工频电磁环境在线监测系统简介西班牙波控(Wavecontrol)工频电磁环境在线监测系统能够对各种电磁辐射源(如手机基站、广播电视发射塔、变电站、高压线等)进行不间断的连续监测,也可以对一些特定区域进行连续监测或者通过移动式监测终端进行实时监测及分析。
主要目标包括:1. 实时监测与记录环境中的温度、湿度、空气质量等参数;2. 分析环境数据,生成报告和趋势图表,帮助用户理解环境变化和趋势;3. 提供实时警报和通知功能,当环境异常时及时通知用户;4. 支持远程访问和控制,用户可以通过手机或电脑随时随地监测和控制系统;5. 高度可靠和稳定的系统性能,确保准确和可靠的环境数据。
通过与用户的沟通和调研,我们将收集以下信息:1. 监测的环境参数和指标;2. 用户对系统性能和功能的要求;3. 预算和时间限制。
在此阶段,我们将完成以下任务:1. 设计并制造环境监测设备;2. 开发软件系统,包括数据采集、数据分析和用户界面等功能;3. 集成硬件和软件,确保它们之间的良好协作;4. 进行系统测试和优化。
此阶段的任务包括:1. 安装和配置环境监测设备;2. 部署软件系统和服务器;3. 进行系统测试和调试;4. 培训用户并提供技术支持。
这将包括:1. 定期检查和维护环境监测设备;2. 监督系统性能,确保数据的准确和可靠;3. 及时处理系统故障和问题;4. 提供用户支持和培训。
预期成果实施智能环境监测系统项目后,我们预计将实现以下成果:1. 高质量的环境监测数据和分析报告;2. 用户友好的操作界面和实时通知功能;3. 远程访问和控制的方便性;4. 系统的稳定性和可靠性;5. 用户满意度和用户体验的提升。
艾灵克 WIFIBLE 系列环境监测仪应用手册说明书
![艾灵克 WIFIBLE 系列环境监测仪应用手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d451585115791711cc7931b765ce0508763275da.png)
AiLink WIFIBLE系列环境监测仪应用手册版本:V1.6更新日期:2023年04月13日深圳市易连物联网有限公司版权所有本产品的应用说明书如有变更,恕不另行通知。
深圳市易连物联网有限公司1修改记录文档版本作者审核人发布日期修改说明审核批准V1.0LYX Lxl,hjb2022/8/8 1.初版V1.1LYX lxl2022/9/6 1.增加使能mqtt连接ailink指令,MCU在交互2.修改工作流程:连接wifi成功后,需要使能mqtt连接V1.2LYX2022/11/7 1.增加CO的功能V1.3Hgb2022/11/22 1.CO统一TYPE为0x15V1.4LYX2022/11/29增加多个TYPE参数V1.5GPQ2023/02/23添加及修改报警开关功能;添加是否支持温度单位切换功能声明V1.6LXL2023/4/13修正指令描述深圳市易连物联网有限公司2目录修改记录 (2)目录 (3)1概述 (5)2说明 (5)3模块版本 (6)4模块选型 (6)5硬件参考设计 (6)5.1串口UART (6)5.2硬件连接 (6)6蓝牙接口(默认) (7)6.1蓝牙名称:AiLink_xxxx (7)7流程及软件协议 (8)7.1产品定义 (9)7.1.1产品形态 (9)7.1.2说明: (9)7.2产品工作流程 (10)7.3工作流程图 (10)7.4基础交互指令 (11)7.4.1通信TLV的格式声明 (11)7.4.2APP获取设备功能列表 (26)7.4.3APP获取设备状态 (27)7.4.4APP设置/获取参数 (28)7.4.5MCU上发保存数据 (30)7.4.6APP与模块心跳 (31)8模块通用指令集 (32)8.1APP同步时间到MCU(CMD:0x37、0x38) (32)8.2设置模块立即进入休眠CMD=0x19 (33)8.3设置模块自动修眠时间CMD=0x17 (34)8.4设置、读取CID、VID、PID(CMD:0x1D、0x1E) (35)8.5设置模块重启(CMD:0x21) (37)8.6设置恢复出厂设置(CMD:0x22) (37)8.7获取WM模块状态(CMD=0x26,0xAB) (38)8.8请求Unix时间CMD=0x44 (39)8.9设置Unix时间CMD=0x45 (40)8.10查询/使能mqtt连接状态CMD=0xC5 (40)9举例说明 (42)10测试指导 (42)10.1连接测试 (42)10.2功能测试 (43)深圳市易连物联网有限公司311生产测试指导 (44)12联系我们 (44)深圳市易连物联网有限公司4深圳市易连物联网有限公司51概述1.1本文档适用于深圳市易连物联网WIFIBLE 模块(WM 模块)接入ailink APP 。
Environics Series 9100 计算化气候环境监测系统说明书
![Environics Series 9100 计算化气候环境监测系统说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d5fb6c65e97101f69e3143323968011ca200f770.png)
Product DataSeries 9100Computerized Ambient Monitoring Calibration SystemDESCRIPTIONThe Environics® Series 9100 ComputerizedAmbient Monitoring Calibration System is anadvanced microprocessor controlled instrument fordynamic calibration of ambient air analyzers. TheSeries 9100 automatically performs zero, precision,span and multi-point calibrations using NO, NO2,SO2, CO, 03, hydrocarbons and other gases ofinterest. The 9100 exceeds all U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency requirements.The Series 9100 consists of a single chassissupporting 2 thermal mass flow controllers, anozone generation module, a mixing zone, a reactionchamber for gas phase titration, and controlelectronics.Commands are entered from the front panel anddisplayed on a backlit 25 line by 80 character liquidcrystal display. The instrument may also beremotely operated using contact closures or anRS-232 serial data interface.The mass flow controllers are calibrated to a NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology)traceable primary standard. The calibration dataconsists of a comparison of desired versus actualflow over the full dynamic range of the instrumentwith linear interpolation between points. Calibrationdata is stored in non-volatile memory and may beupdated by the user with a suitable standard.The Series 9100 ozone generator is factorycalibrated using a NIST traceable ozone standard.This temperature controlled, ultra-violet (UV) basedozone generator includes a precision photo-opticalfeedback circuit to compensate for lamp agingeffects as well as built-in pressure compensation.The Series 9100 is available in either a standard19” rack mount or bench top configuration.PRODUCT FEATURES AND BENEFITS•25 line by 80 character display permits editingand viewing of an entire 7 day schedule ofcalibration events in worksheet format.•Automatic calculation of dilution and span gasflows based on commanded concentrationeliminates the need for manual computationand allows rapid transition from point to point.•Internally-stored mass flow controller calibrationdata improves accuracy by as much as a factorof ten and simplifies field recalibration.•Internally-stored ozone generator calibrationdata insures linear, repeatable ozonegeneration without photometer control. Ozonegenerator performance exceeds U.S. EPAcriteria for ozone transfer standards.• Ozone generator pressure compensationensures repeatable ozone generation at a flowrate and back pressure other than that at whichit was originally calibrated.SOFTWAREThe Series 9100 has six primary routinesaccessible through "soft" keys, located immediatelybelow their on-screen labels.•Concentration Mode: User enters targetoutput gas concentration (ppm or %) for thespan gas. The actual concentration isdisplayed during mixing.•Flow Mode: User enters target flow rate (cc'sor liters per minute) for the span gas anddilution gas. Actual flow rates are displayedafter mixing is initiated.•Volts Mode: User enters a command voltageto the mass flow controller and the ozonegenerator. The actual voltage is displayedduring operation.•Program Mode: Permits multi-eventprogramming and unattended automaticoperation of the instrument over a seven-dayschedule.•Calibrate Mode: User enters new calibrationdata for each of the 9100's mass flowcontrollers and ozone generator (can bepassword protected).•Maintain Ports: User enters the name of thespan gas in the source cylinder, itsconcentration (ppm) and the port to which thecylinder is connected.69 Industrial Park Road East, Tolland, CT 06084(860) 872-1111 Fax: (860) 870-9333 World Wide Web: E-mail:*******************Copyright 1996 Environics Inc. Printed in USA 4/98。
扬尘监测包括PM10 和PM2.5和PM100 三个参数,并同时实时上传个数据中心和监控平台;2. 噪声监测单元:具有自主生产和校准单位,提供全天候户外噪声采集传感单元,对传感器的户外监测安全和数据准确性提供可靠保障;3. 气象监测单元:整套设备具备风速、风向、温度、湿度等环境参数的监测,为扬尘和噪声监测数据的后期分析提供气象参数保障;特别是通过风向对扬尘的运动趋势做科学预测和报警;在不同的气象条件下,对扬尘、噪声监测数据做科学的修正;4. 数据采集处理单元, 该单元是整套系统的中枢,对所收取的监测数据进行判别、检查和存储;对采集的监测数据按照统计要求进行统计分析处理,将处理后的数据上报至云平台,并控制参数的本地化显示,实现环境参数与视频监控画面的融合;5. LED 屏显示单元:实时监测数据现场显示,给施工单位、城市居民以警示作用;予施工单位和城市居民自查、自控提供数据支撑;达到噪声扬尘超标及时控制降低功能;6. 数据展示平台:本系统的监测数据不仅可以上报至各级政府的数据云平台,更能与现场的监控视频相融合。
7. 联动控制单元:该单元可以控制雾炮机、喷淋系统、塔吊喷淋或其它设备。
NEWPORT iSE环境监测设备说明书
![NEWPORT iSE环境监测设备说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c20cc4a72dc58bd63186bceb19e8b8f67c1cef99.png)
Environmental Surveillance Over the InternetWeb-Based Remote Surveillance of Temperature + HumidityThe NEWPORT TM iSE environmental monitor provides Web-based remote surveillance of environmental conditions in critical HVAC applications such as computer server rooms, clean rooms, laboratories, museums, warehouses, or any remote facility.View and record T emperature, Relative Humidity and Dew Point over an Ethernet network or the Internet with no special software—just a Web browser. Email AlarmsThe device can trigger an alarm if temperature or humidity goes above or below a set point that you determine. Y our alarm can be sent by email to a single user or to a group distribution list, including text messages to Internet enabled mobile phones and PDAs.The NEWPORT iSE includes screw terminals for two contact closures that work with common alarm sensors. Y ou can instruct the iSE monitor to send an alarm if a door is opened, a window is broken, or a fire sprinkler goes off.Power FailureThe iSE monitor can trigger an alarm if the AC power fails. The iSE monitor will continue to collect data forten days powered by a standard 9 Volt alkaline battery (included). The data is stored in nonvolatile flash memory and can later be downloaded over the Ethernet.iSE-TH, £332,shown smallerthan actual size.223224Local AlarmsThe NEWPORT iSE monitor includes two 1.5 Amp output relays that are controlled by the alarmconditions you select. The relays can trigger flashing lights and a siren for example to alert personnel nearthe scene.With the easy Web-based setup page,the two relays can be programmed for any combination oftemperature orhumidity, and high or low set points, as well as alarmconditions triggered by contact closures.The relays can also be programmed to turn off whenconditions return to normal, orprogrammed to remain latched and require a manual reset.View Charts and Graphs on the WebThe NEWPORT iSE serves Active Web Pages to display real time readings, display charts oftemperature and humidity, or log data in standard data formats for use in a spreadsheet or data acquisition program such as Excel or Visual Basic.The virtual chart viewed on the web page is a JAVA™ Applet that records a chart over the LAN or Internet in real time. With the NEWPORT iSE,there is no need to invest time and money learning a proprietarysoftware program to log or chart the data.Chart scales are fully adjustable in real time.For example, the chart can display one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month or one year.Temperature and humidity can be charted across the full span (-40 to 124°C, and 0 to 100% RH) or within any narrow range such as (20 to 30°C).Link to Web CAM or IP CameraThe Web page includes a link to a “Web Cam” or “IP camera” (not included). If you get a message about an alarm condition, you can quickly click on the link to view the actual scene over the Internet.Flash MemoryThe NEWPORT iSE records data on a removable 2-MByte Flash Memory card (included) that can store one full year of readings taken at one-minute intervals (or two months of readings taken at ten second intervals).Up to 4 years oftemperature + humidityreadings can be stored on the optional 8 MByte card.Even if the Ethernet network fails, data will continuously record on the built-in nonvolatile flash memory.The iSE monitors come complete with a plug-in temperature and humidity probe that mounts on the instrument or separately with the 1.8 m extension cable (included).The temperature/ humidity sensors are interchangeable and do not require routine calibration. And if areplacement sensor is ever needed, the instrument does not require calibration.Installation and operation of the NEWPORT iSEmonitor requires no special training, tools, or software.The device connects to any Ethernet network with standard cable and plugs and is powered by any AC outlet supplying 110 to 230 Vac.Award-Winning TechnologyThe NEWPORT iSE is simple to install and use, and features award-winning iServer technology thatrequires no special software except a Web Browser. The iSE connects to an Ethernet Network with astandard RJ45 connector and sends data in standard TCP/IP packets. It is easily configured with a simple menu using a Web Browser and can be password protected. From within an Ethernet LAN or over the Internet, the user simply types its IP address or an easy to remember name such as “Cleanroom 5” or “Server Room” in any Web Browser, and the iSE serves a Web Page with the current readings.Typical ApplicationsThe NEWPORT iSE is great for monitoringtemperature + humidity in applications such as: clean rooms, computer rooms, HVAC systems,pharmaceutical and food processing and storage,hospitals, laboratories, semiconductor fabs, electronic assembly, warehousing, museums, manufacturing,greenhouses, farm animal shelters, and many more.225InterfacesEthernet:10Base-T (RJ45) Supported Protocols:TCP/IP ,UDP/IP , ARP , ICMP , DHCP , DNS, HTTP ,and T elnetIndicators (LED’s): Network Activity,Network Link, Transmit and Receive/DiagnosticsLCD Display:32 Digits 4.8 x 9.7 mm Memory: 512 Kbytes flash, 16 Kbytes SRAMMemory Data Flash Card:2 M bytes: 2 months of data storage at 10 second logging intervals or 1 year at 1 minute intervalsRelay Outputs: Two relays 1.5A @ 30 Vdc Alarm I/O: Two contact outputs, one open collector output 150 mA @ 30 VdcManagement:Device configuration and monitoringthrough embedded WEB server Software: Firmware upgradeable,including an Excel program forautomatic data logging within definable time intervals, compatible with all Windows operating systemsEmbedded WEB Server: Serves WEB pages containing real-time data and live updated charts within definable time intervalsPowerInput:9 to 12 VdcSafety Qualified ac Power Adaptor:Input:100 to 240 Vac, 50/60Hz Nominal Output:*********includedConsumption:2.5 W maxBattery:9 Vdc, Alkaline (included)EnvironmentalOperating Temperature:0 to 60°C Storage Temperature:-40 to 125°CPackagingMaterial:304 SS case with wall mount bracketextension cable.SpecificationsRelative Humidity SensorAccuracy/Range:±2% for 10 to 90%±3% for 0 to 10% and 90 to 100%Non-Linearity:±3%Hysteresis:±1%RHResponse Time:4 seconds (63% slowly moving air)Repeatability:±0.1%Resolution:0.03%, 12 bitTemperature SensorAccuracy/Range*:Standard Probe: ±0.5°C for 0 to 70°CIndustrial Probe: ±0.5°Cfor 0 to 80°C; ±1°C for -40 to 0°C and 80 to 124°CNote:Extended temperature range is for probe only, the iServer’s operating temperature is 0 to 60°C Response Time:5 seconds (63% slowly moving air)Repeatability:±0.1°C Resolution:0.01°C, 14bitProbeStandard Probe Dimensions:Ø13 x 83.8 mm LIndustrial Probe Dimensions:Ø16 x 137 mm L; cable: 6.1 m L,operating temp: 0 to 105°C Housing Material:316 SSiP-PC Polyethylene cap option, £3.40, see iP-SC Porous stainless steel cap option, £16.75,CANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec)1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM Manchester,England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn,Germany************FRANCE www.omega.fr 088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford,CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná,Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References, Indicating Labels,Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders, Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, PT100 Probes, PT100 Elements,Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters,Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes and Assemblies,Thermocouples, Thermowells and Head and WellAssemblies, Transmitters, Thermocouple Wire, RTD ProbesPressure,Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and StrainMeasurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers,Proximity Transducers, Regulators, Pressure Transmitters,Strain Gauges, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation,Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation,Environmental Instrumentation,pH HeatersBand Heaters,Cartridge Heaters,Circulation Heaters,Comfort Heaters,Controllers,Meters and SwitchingDevices,Flexible Heaters,General Test and Measurement Instruments,Heater Hook-up Wire,Heating Cable Systems,Immersion Heaters,Process Air and Duct,Flow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators,Doppler Flowmeters,LevelMeasurement,Magnetic Flowmeters,Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes,Pumps,Rotameters,Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters,Ultrasonic Flowmeters,Valves,Variable Area Flowmeters,Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems,Communication Products and Converters,Data Acquisition and Analysis Software,Data LoggersPlug-in Cards,Signal Conditioners,USB,RS232,RS485and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems,Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
M D992环境监测系统
楚烽磷矿环境监测系统设备安装手册2011.9.1目录一、传输接口安装31.1接线方法:.................................................................................................................................... 41.2调整与维修.................................................................................................................................... 5二、KJ76N-F1型矿用分站安装62.1 分站地址设置............................................................................................................................... 62.2 线路板及接线端子接线............................................................................................................... 72.2.1 模拟信号开关信号输入口接线端子:........................................................................... 72.2.2电源输入接线端子:........................................................................................................ 82.2.3分站与传输接口连接:.................................................................................................... 82.3 一般故障的处理........................................................................................................................... 9三、KJ76N-F监控分站安装103.1 安装及接线............................................................................................................................... 103.2 注意事项:............................................................................................................................... 133.3 一般故障的处理....................................................................................................................... 14四、GKT18矿用设备开停传感器安装144.1安装............................................................................................................................................ 154.2接线方法.................................................................................................................................... 154.3故障处理.................................................................................................................................... 16五、GF15矿用风速传感器165.1安装及接线................................................................................................................................ 165.2 遥控器的使用方法................................................................................................................... 175.3 故障处理................................................................................................................................... 17六、GT1000-2000(B)矿用一氧化碳传感器186.1 安装及接线............................................................................................................................... 186.2 调校....................................................................................................................................... 186.2.1调零............................................................................................................................... 196.2.2调满度........................................................................................................................... 196.2.3报警点设定................................................................................................................... 196.3 故障处理............................................................................................................................... 20七、GP100矿用差压传感器207.1 安装........................................................................................................................................... 207.2 调校........................................................................................................................................... 217.2.1 调零................................................................................................................................. 217.2.2 调满度............................................................................................................................. 217.3 故障处理................................................................................................................................... 21八、GP100矿用温度传感器228.1 安装........................................................................................................................................... 228.2 调校........................................................................................................................................... 228.2.1 调零................................................................................................................................. 228.2.2 调满度............................................................................................................................. 238.3 故障处理................................................................................................................................... 23一、传输接口安装(1)传输接口为地面普通型。
一、项目概述1.1 项目名称: 生态环境监测项目1.2 项目目标:通过定期和全面的监测措施,提供可靠的生态环境数据,为环境管理决策提供科学依据,促进生态环境的保护和恢复。
1.3 项目范围:本项目将覆盖全市范围内的重点监测区域,包括空气质量、水质、土壤质量等方面的监测。
1.4 项目计划:1) 项目启动和准备阶段:收集相关背景资料,确定监测指标和方法,并制定监测方案。
2) 数据采集和处理阶段:在预定的监测点采集样品,对数据进行处理和分析,生成监测报告。
3) 监测报告和数据解读阶段:撰写监测报告,并对监测结果进行解读和总结。
4) 项目总结和验收阶段:对整个项目进行总结和评估,进行验收并提出改进建议。
二、监测指标和方法2.1 空气质量监测:主要监测指标包括:PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、CO、O3等。
2.2 水质监测:主要监测指标包括:COD、BOD、氨氮、总磷、总氮等。
2.3 土壤质量监测:主要监测指标包括:土壤酸碱度、有机质含量、重金属含量等。
三、监测设备和仪器3.1 空气监测设备:包括PM2.5、PM10采样器、气象仪、连续气体分析仪等。
3.2 水质监测设备:包括水样采集器、分析仪器等。
3.3 土壤监测设备:包括土壤采样器、分析仪器等。
四、数据处理和分析4.1 数据采集:采集到的监测数据应实时传输到数据中心,确保数据的及时性和准确性。
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1. 项目背景:
2. 项目目标:
a. 开发一个全面的环境监测系统,能够实时监测环境中的各项指标。
b. 提供一个用户友好的界面,方便用户查看监测数据和报告。
c. 支持数据分析和报告生成,帮助相关部门制定环境保护措施。
3. 功能需求:
a. 数据采集:系统需要安装传感器设备,对环境中的各项指标进行实时采集,例如空气中的PM2.5浓度、水中的PH值等。
b. 数据存储:系统需要将采集到的数据进行存储,以便后续的数据分析和报告生成。
c. 数据分析:系统需要对存储的数据进行分析,例如计算空气质量指数、水质等级等。
d. 报告生成:系统需要根据分析结果生成报告,包括环境状况概述、趋势分析、异常预警等。
e. 用户界面:系统需要提供一个用户友好的界面,方便用户查看监测数据和报告。
4. 技术需求:
a. 传感器设备:选择合适的传感器设备,能够准确地采集环境指标数据。
b. 数据存储:选择合适的数据库系统,能够高效地存储大量的监测数据。
c. 数据分析:选择合适的数据分析算法和工具,能够对监测数据进行准确的分析。
d. 报告生成:选择合适的报告生成工具,能够根据分析结果生成美观、易读的报告。
e. 用户界面:选择合适的前端开发技术,能够实现用户友好的界面设计和交互。
5. 项目计划:
a. 需求分析和设计:完成对系统功能和技术需求的分析,并进行系统设计,包括数据库设计、数据分析算法设计、界面设计等。
b. 系统开发:根据设计完成系统的开发,包括传感器设备的接入、数据采集与存储、数据分析和报告生成、用户界面开发等。
c. 测试和优化:对系统进行功能测试和性能优化,确保系统的稳定性和可靠性。
d. 部署和上线:将系统部署到目标环境中,并上线供用户使用。
e. 运维和维护:对系统进行日常运维和维护,包括数