1、直译法:在英汉广告中,对于一些具有共性的隐喻可以直接进行字面翻译。 如英文广告中的“Taste the difference”(品味不同),中文译文为“品 味非凡”。
பைடு நூலகம்
2、意译法:当直译无法准确传达原隐喻的含义时,可采用意译法。如英文广 告中的“Relax your body and soul”(放松身心),中文译文为“舒缓身 心”。
在Coca-Cola的英文广告中,原隐喻为“Coke is it”,强调Coca-Cola是最 佳的选择。在中文翻译中,“这就是可乐”被选为相应的喻体,强调可乐独特 的口感和品质,同时保留了原隐喻的简洁性和生动性。
Nike英文广告中的原隐喻为“Just Do It”,强调行动的力量和追求卓越的 精神。在中文翻译中,“想做就做”被选为相应的喻体,保留了原隐喻的简洁 性和生动性,同时传达了积极向上的品牌形象。
在理解原隐喻的基础上,需要在目标语言中寻找与之相匹配的喻体。这需要我 们深入了解目标语言的表达方式和文化背景。
成功的隐喻翻译不仅要传达原隐喻的含义,还要尽可能地保留其文化内涵。在 翻译过程中,应注重融合目标语言的文化元素,使译文更符合目标受众的审美 和认知习惯。
英文广告中的隐喻通常具有言简意赅的特点,用简单的词汇和表达方式传递出 丰富的内涵。在翻译过程中,应保持这种简洁性,用精练的语言传达原隐喻的 含义。
隐喻的生动性表现在其形象、具体的表达方式上。在翻译过程中,应注意保持 这种生动性,尽可能地用具有画面感的词汇和短语来传达原隐喻的意象。
励志英文广告语-广告词,英文-英文广告语的特点及翻译励志英文广告语-广告词,英文-英文广告语的特点及翻译篇一:英文广告语的特点及翻译1.广告语的特点1.1简练 Brief广告,由于受到时间、资金等多方面因素的影响,总是希望在最短的时间内吸引观众的注意力。
很多世界驰名的英语广告,都是以简练取胜的:Drives wanted. (大众汽车)Your true choice. (AT&T电话公司)Passion for the road. (马自达汽车)Makes dreams come true. (迪斯尼乐园)Let us make things better. (飞利浦电器) 在简练这方面,广告有以下特点:1.1.1多用口语: 口语的运用,使广告具亲和力。
在广告中会尽量采取人们在日常中使用的口语,并多使用一些小词汇(small words),以更贴近观众。
My goodness! My Guinness!Guinness啤酒的广告,“my goodness”表示惊讶,这个组合形象生动,易于记忆。
“gotta”为俚语,相当于“got to”,让人觉得很贴近生活。
I couldn’t believe it! Until I tried it!I’m impressed by it!You’ve gotta try it! I love it!1.1.2多用简单句,明快有力: 简单句地运用,能使顾客的心与广告一起舞动。
下面这则广告就体现了简明的特点:The Armco vacuum learner cleans rugs and drapes. It cleans hard surfaces like woods and vinyl floors. Even cement. The Armco vacuum cleaner is smooth and quiet. Try it! Make your floorssparkle with new cleanliness.1.1.3多用省略句,突出关键词。
二、仿拟修辞在英汉广告中的表现形式1、仿词英语中的仿词叫作nonce word,是指为了某种特殊需要而临时创造的,没有得到普遍使用的新词。
如:(1)苹果电脑,不同凡“想” Apple thinks different.原文仿拟了成语“不同凡响”。
译文似乎和原文不谋而合,它套用了英语谚语“Great minds think alike.”,既表现了苹果电脑不同凡“想”的含义,又隐含了“慧眼识英雄”的寓意,可谓一箭双雕。
(2)千里之行,始于“手”下 Buy a Siemens cell phone right away, and the world could be at your touch in a day.仿拟的是汉语熟语“千里之行,始于足下”。
1)同音异义同音异义:利用所给的词语发音相同,但拼写和意义都不同,使一个句子语义双关在商务英文广告中的运用,如:Eg.1 Make your every hello a real good-buy.译文:让你的每一声“哈罗”都物有所值。
在商务英文广告中的运用,如:Eg.2 Two beers or not two beers is a question.译文:两瓶啤酒还是更多瓶啤酒是个问题。
在商务英语广告中的运用,如:Eg.3 Start Ahead。
例如,“他是个黑天鹅”,翻译为“he is a black swan”。
翻译时可以写成“they nourish your brain”,以保留原文的意思。
翻译时可以写成“Do you want to sleep in silence?”以表达出原文的意思。
例如,“我们的产品比其他产品更便宜”,可以翻译为“Our product is cheaper than other products”。
浅析英语广告中的修辞翻译方法摘要:广告在商品经济社会中占有十分重要的地位 ,广告的最终目的是推销商品。
英语广告修辞的着眼点和目标是实现其美感效果和劝说之力; 英语广告修辞的翻译应以汉语受众的接受心理为基础, 向目的语受众传递相同的美感效果和劝说之力。
提出广告翻译就是要立足于突出广告的功能 ,对原广告的文字、语句和创意进行加工改造 ,使所译广告符合目的受众的文化习惯和消费观念这一观点。
旨在浅析广告修辞的翻译 ,以及对商品宣传的影响。
关键词:英语广告;修辞;翻译广告是一种目的性极强的交际活动, 商品品牌与广告主题句的翻译是其形象战略中的主要组成部分 ,是商品进入他国市场的桥梁。
一则简单的广告,也许运用了多种修辞来强化其效果 ,使人看后觉得优美动人 ,回味无穷。
修辞手段在广告问题中的广泛运用 ,造成了翻译的困难。
源语广告所采用的各种修辞手法却并非都是可译的 ,或者说并不具有完全的可译性或可译度。
由于英汉语言的差异和文化背景的不同 ,英语中用的奥妙之处有时很难用汉语再现。
翻译者应分析其相同点与不同点 ,在译文中 ,尽可能采用相同或相似的修辞手段 ,并根据汉语表达习惯和中国读者的审美情趣作相同的变化。
修辞语翻译课程5The Rhetoric and Translation in Advertising English广告英语的修辞特征与翻译广告语言一般具有口语化的倾向,但用词十分讲究。
1)明喻(Simile)明喻表示本体和喻体两种不同事物之间的相似关系,英语一般由like或as 来连接,汉语中常用“如”、“像”等词。
a) SaKura Bank is like a thriving saKura“樱花银行就如一棵茂盘的樱花树”。
b)“Cool as a mountain stream! Cool as fresh Consulate.”“凉如高山溪流??爽似Consulate 香烟”。
c)“Moms depend on Kool-Aid like kids depend on moms.”妈咪依赖果乐Kool-Aid,就像孩子依赖妈咪。
饮料广告d)Featherwater:light as a feather “法泽瓦特眼镜——轻如鸿毛!”这是一则眼镜的广告,广告中将眼镜的重量用鸿毛作比。
英语广告标语的修辞手段及翻译-精选资料英语广告标语的修辞手段及翻译广告标语(ad slogan)是用一句简短的句子来表明商品特点、吸引消费者注意的广告词;在广告印刷品上,总是以醒目的字体印出,以吸引人们的眼球;在电视或广播中,通常出现在一段广告的末尾,以引起人们的注意。
如耐克运动鞋的“Just do it”、苹果电脑的“Apple thinks different”。
广告标语应能让人联想到广告的商品,因此,成功的广告标语中最好在短短的一句话里包括公司的名字、产品的品牌及产品的特点等,常用的方法主要有:1、在广告标语中直接点明产品的品牌,如:Oral-B,the Brand More Dentist Use(欧乐-B牙刷);MALTPLEXX natural gel for men(Maltplexx男用发乳);Tomorrow’s climate Today’s challenge(英国Climate Challenge天气预报网站);2、在广告标语中巧妙地嵌入产品的品牌,如:You’re not fully clean until you’re Zestfully clean(Zest肥皂),For all you do,this Bud’s for you(Budweiser啤酒);3、也可以在广告标语中反映产品的特点。
例如:More sun and air for your son and heir.在这则广告中,制作者运用了sun-son, air-heir这两对谐音字,使广告语言朗朗上口,风趣、幽默,具有感召力。
例如:Spoil yourself and not your figure. 这则冰淇淋广告是专为节食者生产的。
spoil oneself意为“尽兴”;而spoil one’s figure则意为“破坏了体形”。
例如:Where there is a way, there is a Toyota.制作者巧妙地利用了“Where there is a will, there is a way.” 这一明言警句的模式吸引消费者的目光。
当消费者想要买车时,便自然而然地想起“there is a Toyota”。
1.直译法(Literal Translation Method)直译是指翻译广告时尽量保持原发语的语言形式,包括用词、句子结构、修辞手段等,同时要求译文通顺流畅,以求最大限度地获得与原文同等的广告效果。
(天津“铁牛”牌拖拉机广告)Fitted with a semi-individually arranged hydraulic system,TN tractor features a vast range of farming tasks. It can be1matched with 70 kinds of various implements for operators such as ploughing,harrowing,seeding,harvesting,rotary cultivating,transporting,planting and nursing etc.(6)大港油田公司是中国石油天然气总公司(CNPC)下属的一个特大型石油天然气勘探开发联合企业,其勘探开发范围跨津、冀20个县、市、区以及山东省的一部分,面积约18 000平方公里。
- 248-校园英语 / 翻译研究浅谈英汉广告英语中隐喻的翻译山东科技大学/武钟鑫【摘要】隐喻,既是语言现象,又是文化现象,以其特有的修辞功能和表达效果在广告中得到广泛应用。
【关键词】广告英语 隐喻 文化差异 翻译一、广告“广告”一词源自拉丁语“advertere”意指“转向”,是尽力引起我们注意的语篇。
隐喻也叫暗喻,表示本体和喻体之间的相合关系,即将甲事物代替具有某种共同特征或某种内在联系的乙事物,但乙事物通常不出现,也被称为“没有 like或as 的比喻”。
暗喻有许多是用动词 to be 来连接本体和喻体的。
➢ You name it we’ve got it. 凡是你所提到的或想买的,我们都有。(超市广告)
Exceltek Electronics (HK) Ltd Confidential
5.设问(Rhetorical Question) 英语中设问是指作者自己提出问题,然
Exceltek Electronics (HK) Ltd Confidential
4.夸张( Hyperbole) 夸张是指为强调或突出某事物,把被
描述的事物适当地加以艺术性的渲染 和夸大,这种手法在英语广告中是常见 的,目的就是通过虚张的声势给读者 留下深刻印象。
Exceltek Electronics (HK) Ltd Confidential
Exceltek Electronics (HK) Ltd Confidential
➢ A newspaper is only a interesting as its readers(The Times of India) 报纸如同读者一样有趣(印度时报)
➢ Like a good neighbors, StateFarm is there.(StateFarm) 想个好邻居,StateFarm在您身边(StateFarm公司 )
➢ We’ve hidden a garden full of vegetab1e where you’d never expect in a pie. 在您意想不到的一个地力,我们珍藏了满园的蔬菜,那是在 一个馅饼里
➢ Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)
Exceltek Electronics (HK) Ltd Confidential
和相应的译文均包含拟人辞格和排比结构。译 文与原文结构一致、修辞一致、功能一致,完 全等同。例(13)和相应的译句均有拟人和对 照两种辞格:洗衣机拟人化了,因此,“她工作 您(主人)休息。”“工作”与“休息”构成 对照,因为“她”不辞辛劳地工作,所以您才 好好休息。广告词通过对比手法,创造了一个 具体的情景,陈述了现代社会里一个实实在在 的事实。例(14)和相应的译句均有首语反复 (anaphora),语气贯通,节奏感强,大大增 强了广告的功能。例(15)是由四个省略了主 语的并列分句组成的排比结构,相应的译文由
(5)像母亲的手一样柔软。(童鞋) As soft as Mother’s hands.
(6)一册在手,纵览全球。(《全球杂志》 With a single copy of The Globe in hand, you can enjoy a wide view of the world.
(7)中国河南——工夫的摇篮(河南旅游广 Henan in China------the cradle of Chinese martial arts.
(8)扬子,我为你而自豪!(扬子冰箱) Yangzi Fridges, I am proud of you.!
以上例句都是生动形象、易于传诵的广告标语 advertising slogans)。这些广告金句都直译成 相应的目的语 ( target language ),所有译句保 留了原句的基本结构和修辞手段,不折不扣地 再现了原句的鲜明意境和修辞效果,与原句同 样精练,同样精彩,可与原句媲美。
什么叫意译?笔者参考刘重德教授(1994 173)给意译下的定义,将意译定义为:如果采 用直译法处理,译文不忠于原文,或不能为译 语读者所接受,或诘屈聱牙,难读难懂, 在这 样的情况下,译者不得不舍弃或改变原文的形
”论广告英语的翻译方法1. 词语选择在广告英语的翻译过程中,非常重要的一步,就是选择最恰当的翻译词汇。
2. 精益求精广告英语的翻译话语不能仅仅停留于翻译的准确性,更应当注意翻译的语言美感。
3. 考虑诬误翻译过程中必须要注意诬误的存在。
information recipients----the advertisement receivers. Thirdly, “communication” has been
newspapers, TV, radios, etc. that can make the information reach the information
recipie Advertising
Generally speaking, a full print advertisement is composed of two parts: the verbal
“paid” reflects the fact that the space or time for advertisements generally must be
exchanged with money. Secondly, the “non-personal” indicates that advertisements involve
translator approaches the translation of puns from the perspective of Relevance Theory.
Many scholars have carried out researches on the translation of puns from different
With China's opening up to the outside world, especially after China's entry into the World
My Goodness! My Guinness! 我的天!我的健力士啤酒!
上的 修辞
State Farm Insurance
直译法 变通法 解释法 意译法
语音 所谓头韵,就是在一个词组,一行诗或 上的 一个句子中,有两个以上彼此靠近的词,
修辞 方式
其开头的音节具有同样的字母或声音 (主要是辅音,有时也押元音)。
Health, humor and happiness… Gifts we’d love to give.
I am More satisfied.我更加满意。
这里,More 一方面是香烟的品牌,另一方 面作副词修饰satisfied.
夸张 Hyperbole
英语的Hyperbole和汉语的夸张完全一样。 夸张是在现实的基础上对某些事物的特征 作艺术上的扩大或缩小,故意言过其实。 夸张是为了强调,以便给人以深刻的印象, 而不是欺骗手段。夸张是一种艺术手法, 它很富有感染力,能够引起人们丰富的想 象。
英语Contrast和汉语的对照这两种修辞格完 全相同,都是把两种相反的事物并列起来, 互相衬托,以便更加鲜明地表现事物的本 质。
对比是用反义词或者词组加强广告效果,更好地 衬托出广告的客体。如:
A business in millions, a profit in pennies. 百万买卖,毫厘利润。 在广告英语中,对比是利用词义的相反或相关
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第19卷南华大学学报(自然科学版)Vol.19 2005年9月Journal of Nanhua University(Science and Technology)Sep.2005 Article ID:1673-0062(2005)0143-07On Rhetoric and Its Translation in English and Chinese AdvertisingLIU Miao,JIA De-jiang*(School of For eign Languages,Nanhua University,Hengyang,Hunan421001,China)A bstract:With the deepening of economic internationalization,advertising as sales stimulus,plays a cr ucial role in delivering information.Therefore it appears to be more important to un-derstand、appr eciate and translate advertising language properly.The purpose of this paper is toexplore the basic advertising kno wledge,to explain features of advertising language by mainlyanalyzing rhetorical devices in E nglish and Chinese advertising and to put forward several spe-cific techniques on how to deal with rhetorical devices in advertising translation.Key words:advertising rhetoric;communicative translation;readership论英汉广告中的修辞与翻译刘 苗,贾德江*(南华大学外国语学院,湖南衡阳421001)摘 要:在经济高度国际化的今天,广告作为一种销售催化剂,已成为传播各种消息不可缺少的有力工具和手段.因此,如何理解、欣赏并准确地翻译广告变得尤为重要.本文的目的就是阐释广告语言的修辞特征及其翻译,并试图找出英汉广告翻译中处理修辞语言的最有效方法.关键词:广告;修辞;交际翻译;读者中图分类号:H085.3 文献标识码:A1 Generalization on Advertising1.1 DefinitionAmerican Marketing Association(AMA)defines advertising as“the non-personal communication of in-formation usually paid for and usually persuasive in na-ture about products,services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.”Today,with the development of the technology and the diversity of the mass media,advertising has influenc ed us pervasively in our daily life.Ho wever,whatever the promotive strat-egies advertising takes,language is the main carrier of message.Schroder says,“Advertising takes many for ms,but in most of them,langua ge is a style of imme-diate impact and rapid persuasion.The point of an ad-vertisement is to persuade you of the merits of a partic-ular product or services,in order that you will take out some of your money.” Biography:Lin Miao,undergraduate in2005,School of Foreign Languages of Nan Hua University.*Instructor.1.2 Functions of AdvertisingAdvertising is both applauded and criticized for its role in selling products and its influence on society.For years,critics have denigrated advertising for a wide range of sins-some real,and imagined.The result has been a steady growth in the number of consumer groups,business organizations and government bodies that now regulate virtually everything advertisers say and do.(Arens1996:39)Anyhow advertising does play a crucial role in both reflecting and shaping our society.Five different functions have been identified for advertising:1)The marketing function.Along with sales pro-motion,public relations and personal feeling,advertis-ing is one of the vehicles employed by a business or an organization to c om municate with its customers.Al-though advertising is only one element in a company's overall promotional program,it is the most visible. (Wells-1995)2)The c om munication function.Advertising trans-mits different types of market information to match buy-ers and sellers in the market place.Advertising both in-forms and transfor ms the pr oduct by creating an ima ge that goes beyond straightfor ward facts.3)The economic function.There are two major schools.According to the marketing power school,ad-vertising is a persuasive communication tool used by marketers to distract consumer's attention from the price of the product.In contrast,the market competition school treats advertising as a source of information that incr eases c onsumer's price sensitivity and stimulus competition.4)The social function.It informs us of new and improved pr oducts and teaches us how to use these in-novations.It helps us compare products and features and make decisions.It mirr ors fashion and design trends and contributes to our aesthetic sense.(Wells-1989:11)5)The education function.Advertising as an edu-cator,speeds up the adoption of the new and untried and,in doing so,accelerates technological advances in industry and hastens the realization of a fuller life for all.1.3 Classifications of AdvertisingAdvertising is complex because so many diverse advertisers try to reach so many different types of audi-ences.I would like to list classifications of advertising as follows:1)B y target audiences:consumer advertising; business advertising.2)B y geographic area:local advertising;regional advertising;national advertising;international advertis-ing.3)B y medium:print advertising;broadcast adver-tising;out-of-home advertising;direct-mail adver-tising.4)B y purpose:product advertising;non-product advertising;commercial advertising:non-commercial advertising action.1.4 Advertising ObjectivesThe first objective of any advertising is to create a wareness-to acquaint some portion of the unaware people with the food,service or band that the company pr ovides.The next task is to develop comprehension-to communicate enough information to develop conviction; to persuade a certain number of people to believe in the pr oducts value.Of those who become convinced,some can be moved to desire the product.Finally,some who desired the product will take action-request additional information,visit a store,or buy it.Advertising objec-tives determine the way of writing and translating ad.s.1.5 Advertising ElementsA full print advertising is generally composed of two parts,na mely,the verbal part including headline, body copy and slogan;the non-verbal part consisting of trademark and illustration.2 The Rhetoric in English and Chi-nese AdvertisingAdvertising is a style of im mediate impact and rapid persuasion.In general,whether the medium is print,radio,or television,the advertisers can only rely on your attention for only a ver y short time,and there-fore the sales messa ge must be short,clear,distinctive and memorable.Among the advertising factors,langua ge is the c ore of all successful advertisements.Rhetoric may ser ve several functions in advertis-ing,like attracting attention,generating a positive mood,or communicating the essence of a message in a144南华大学学报(自然科学版) 2005年9月fast and effective wa y.The main advantage of the use of rhetoric in advertising lies in its superior ability to com-municate abstract features or benefits of the product and to c ommunicate information about intangible services. Mor eover,the creative use of r hetoric in advertising may result in advertisements which are e motionally alive,in-tellectually appealing and memorable.No w,let's have a closer look at some of the com-mon rhetorical devices employed in advertising.2.1 The Rhetoric in English AdvertisingRhetoric is widely employed in English advertis-ing,thus making it more attractive.Advertisers have made good use of all advantages of English phonetic, lexis and syntax to give beauty,variety and force to ad-vertising.2.1.1 Phonetic RhetoricAdvertisers have made full use of the sound mer-its.They tr y hard to bring out sound effect to please people's ears and to attract their attention.Phonetic rhetoric mainly c onsists of onomatopoeia,alliteration and rhyme.1)OnomatopoeiaOnomatopoeia is the use of words,which by their pr onunciation suggests the meaning of human beings, animals,etc.It is sometimes employed in ads.to con-nect the sound with the products advertised,adding life to language and achieving direct echoes from consum-ers.E.g.:Zoom!Let Service Federal Cr edit Union show you the fastest wa y to save a ne w car or tr uck.This ad.by Service Federal Credit Union is pro-gra mmed to advertise price-c utting.Obviously,“zoom”is a typical onomatopoeic word,vividly describ-ing the low,deep and humming sound made by a speeding car.Here“zoom”is used to emphasize that this is the fastest way to buy a car or truck with a low price.2)Alliteration.Alliteration is the repetition of initial identical consonant sounds or any vowel sounds in successive or closely associated words or syllables.There is no such rhetorical device in Chinese.E.g.:Sweet,Smart,and Sassy.3)RhymeRhyme has been defined as the similarity or iden-tity of sound that exists between accented syllables, which occupy corresponding positions in two or more lines of verse.Rhyme can help us to remember a piece of rhyming headline or slogan.E.g.:Clean your breath while it cleans your te-eth.Rhyme in advertising is sometimes combined with repetition,as is shown in the above advertise ment.Furthermore,rhyme is often used together with al-literation in English advertising.The adoption of the t w o devices makes adverts more po werful and appealing.E.g.:Think Ink!Make it clear,make it Canon. (Canon Ink)2.1.2 Lexical Rhetoric1)MetaphorA metaphor is an implied comparison between t w o things which are of unlike nature but which have one or more features in common.Metaphor is the concrete ex-pression of the ability to see resemblances or contrasted differences,the normal sign of innovation in language, as is invention in life.E.g.:EBEL,the architects of time.EBEL is a brand watch fr om Switzerland.As we all kno w,a fa mous sa ying like this,“Time is money.”And EBEL is described as“the architects of time”.The value and the quality of the watch are fully implied in just the words of a metaphor.2)SimileA simile is an explicit comparison between two or more things that are unlike but have something in com-mon,normally introduced by“like”or“as”.Similes are more precise,mor e r estricted and usually less radical, less committed than metaphors.E.g.:Featherwater:light as a feather.The ad describes most incisively the lightness of the Feather water spectacles by the use of simile.Almost ever yone who is shortsighted once suffered a great deal from the spectacle lens,so that all can image the com-fort given by spectacles light as a feather.3)MetonymyMetonymy is defined as a figure of speech which expresses a relation between the thing spoken and the thing meant,in such a way that the mention of one sug-gests the other.E.g.:Wash the big city out of hair.(a shampoo145第19卷 刘 苗等:论英汉广告中的修辞与翻译ad.)Here“the big city”means“the dirt of the hair”. Therefore the use of a metonym y avoids the embarrass-ment of a plainly mentioning“the dirt of the hair”and shows its elegant style,evoking a good feeling in its readers.4)PunA pun is a pla y on words based on the identity or similarity between the sounds of words with different meanings.E.g.:Spoil yourself and not your figure.This ad.for the weight-watcher ice cream suc-cessfully employs pun to advertise the pr oduct in a de-cent way.It implies that one will not put on weight by having the ice cream.5)PersonificationPersonification is generally used to give human qualities or abilities to abstraction or non-human enti-ties.Personification in advertising turns the ice-cold pr oducts to be cordial and friendly and leaves people a vivid and real impression,thus stimulating people into action.Examples:with52issues,they'll be thinking of you week after week.(Newsweek magazine)Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart.(Inte-flora)Unlike me,my Rolex never needs a rest.(Rolex watch)6)Hyper boleHyperbole is the use of exaggerated statements made for effect and not intended to be taken literally. Hyperbole in advertising helps set up perfect images for the products advertised and more important,it caters to all tastes of consumers.E.g.:We've hidden a full of vegetable where you'd never expect in a pie.(B iscquick vegetable pie)The best never rest.(Ford)7)RepetitionRepetition refers to any rhetorical device,which reiterates a word or phrase,or rewords the same idea,in order to emphasize a point.Psychologists maintain that you need to hear or see something a minimum of3 times before it cross the threshold of perception and en-ters into memor y.(Wells1995:282).Advertising is repetitious.E.g.:You can't Xerox a Xerox on a Xerox.. (Xer ox copier)In this ad.,“Xerox”is repeated3times.The rep-etition of the word leaves deep impression on its readers and urges them to discover more about the product ad-vertised.8)IronyVerbal irony is a rhetorical device in which the actual intent is expressed in words that convey a mean-ing opposite to its literal meaning.The American Can-cer Society Society succeeds in its advertisement to per-suade people to quit smoking by using irony:If people keep telling you to quit smoking ciga-rettes,don't listen……they ar e pr obably trying to trick you into living.9)ContrastIn advertising copywriting,contrast is usually ap-plied to stress the merits and quality of certain product or ser vice.Contrast is no doubt a powerful device to puff the product or service advertised.E.g.:Cancer is often curable.The fear of cancer is often fatal.This sharp c ontrast successfully warns people that what is fatal is not cancer,but the fear of cancer.In this way,it effectively encourages people to fight against cancer with confidence and optimistic attitude.10).ParodyA par ody is a piec e of writing intended to amuse by imitating the style of writing used by somebody else. Parody is widely used in advertising headlines and slo-gans by imitating idioms,proverbs,sayings,songs and so on.Examples:Wearing is believing.(L OVABLE un-derwear)We take no pride in prejudice.(Time magazine)A mars a day keeps you work,rest and pla y. (Mars chocolate)2.2 The Rhetoric in C hinese AdvertisingDespite the fact that English and Chinese belong to two different language fa milies and ther e is a big gap between the characteristics of the two languages,Chi-nese and English advertisements will share lots of simi-lar linguistic points.It can be seen in the following ex-amples:146南华大学学报(自然科学版) 2005年9月Rhyme:用清逸,更美丽.(清逸洗发露)Simile:恍如躺在洁白的云朵里.(鸭绒被)Pun:“夏”一大跳!(重庆麦克汉姆快餐店)Personification:我们是你不做声的仆人,却有着一百双手.(厨房用具)Repetition:送脑白金,就是送健康,送祝福.Contrast:只买对的,不选贵的.(雕牌洗衣粉)Parody:一夫当关,万夫莫开.(保险门)Antithesis:不求今日拥有,但求天长地久.(青岛牌电视)Nevertheless,Chinese advertisements possess their own distinctive characteristics.1)The four seven-Character AdvertisementChinese advertising is characterized by its popular usage of the four seven-character structure.Concise and comprehensive,rhythmical and po werful,the four seven-character can easily reach the readers'hearts. The following ads will definitely sound familiar to all:黑白分明,表现出众.(白加黑感冒片)清晰世界,优越生活.(康佳彩电)生活处处有真心.(某品牌瓜子)出手不凡钻石表.(钻石牌手表)Chinese idiom is well known as a typical four-character structure.Because of their identification with a particular language and culture,idioms usually carry more impact than non-idiomatic expressions.Another typical for m of the four-character struc-ture is set expressions in Chinese advertisements.物美价廉cheap and fine reasonable in price and excellent in quality品种齐全in a complete range of articles驰名中外popular both at home and abroad2)The Couplet AdvertisementThe couplet or antithetical couplet is a traditional-ly artistic form which is unique to Chinese.A typical for m of couple is the gatepost couplet,the scrolls on ei-ther side of the door.The following exa mples fully dem-onstrate the merits of employing couplets in Chinese.摘取天上彩霞,装点人间广厦.(珠海“镭射玻璃”)移欧陆名城于此地,揽湖山胜景在我家.(广州“蒙地卡罗山庄”,1993)莲瓣凝珠名楼美食迎佳节,香茶集雅老店新颜溢欢情.(广州“莲香楼”中秋对联,1992)3 The Translation of Rhetoric in En-glish and Chinese Advertising3.1 Principle Governing Advertising Translation1)Theories of TranslationFaithfulness,expressiveness and elegance,which are Yan Fu's Principles of translation,are mor e appli-cable to literary translation.Lu Xun put forward a four -character principle of translation,which is called faithfulness and smoothness.It was originally proposed for the translation of political essays and therefore can' t be applied to all types of discourse.Dr.Eugene A.Nida introduced his well-known principle of translation that is“dynamic equivalence”. He defined it that“The r eaders of a translated text should be able to understand and appreciate it in es-sentially the sa me manner as the original readers did”.2)Communicative TranslationProfessor Peter Ne wmark holds that:“……all art is to a greater or less extent allegorical,figurative,met-aphorical and a parable and therefore has a communica-tive purpose.(Newmar k1982:45).Prof.Ne wmark's major contribution is in a detailed treatment of semantic municative translating in which semantic trans-lation focuses primarily upon the semantic context of the source text and communicative translation focuses upon the comprehension and response of receptors.In my opinion,any principle adopted in advertising trans-lation is evaluated by whether the translated text ulti-mately helps promote sales.To meet the end,readership is the c ornerstone in advertising.3.2 Specific Techniques Applied to the Transla-tion of Rhetoric in Advertising3.2.1 The English-Chinese Advertising Translation1)Rhetorical Translation(1)Rhetorical TransferenceIn Pr of.Newmark's words:“Transference is the pr ocess of transferring a SL(Source Language)word to a TL(Target Language)text as a translation pr oce-dure.”Here,“rhetorical transference”means transfer-ring one rhetorical expression in the source advertise-ment to the same r hetorical expression in the target text.(In this way,r hetorical devices are transferred to give local color)to attract the reader to give a sense of intimacy between the text and the reader.)147第19卷 刘 苗等:论英汉广告中的修辞与翻译E.g.:Kodak is Olympic color.柯达--奥林匹克的色彩.The comparison of Kodak film to the Olympic col-or makes people conclude that the Kodak film is the peak out of other films.Transference can also be employed in the rendi-tion of the other rhetorical expressions in English-Chi-nese advertising translation.Light as a breeze,soft as a cloud.(Simile)轻似微风,柔如浮云.A word to wealthy.(Hyperbole)一言致富.Give a Timex to all,and to all a good time.(Rep-etition)天美时送万家,万家好时光.Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart.(Per-sonification)没有解决不了的大问题,没有不做的小生意.(2)Rhetorical ReplacementRhetorical replacement is adopted to replace one rhetorical expression in the source advertisement by an-other in the tar get text,for example,replacement of a metaphor in English ad.by a simile in Chinese ad.E.g.:Apple thinks different.苹果电脑,不同凡“想”.The cream of the translated version lies in the use of不同凡“想”,a parodied expression for m不同凡响.Melt in your mouth,not in your hand.(contrast)只溶于口,不溶于手.(Rhyme and Antithesis)2)Non-Rhetorical TranslationIn advertising translation,for the lack of close cor-respondence in figurative expressions,it may be neces-sary to translate some figurative expressions in the source language by non-figurative phrase in the target langua ge,provided that the translated applied to the translation of rhetorical expressions in advertisements requir es much creativity from the translators.E.g.:Think again,Think Canon.梦寐以求是佳能.No w,let's analyze in detail certain rhetorical de-vices that are especially suitable for non-rhetorical translation.(1)Phonetic RhetoricEnglish and Chinese respectively possess their distinct phonetic systems.The sound effects consist of onomatopoeia,alliteration,rhyme,stress and so on.In translation,“it's not possible to`translate'sound ef-fects”(Newmark1988:42).The same is true of the phonetic rhetoric in advertising.Examples:Sensuously Smooth Mysteriously Mellow Gloriously Golden.爽口顺喉,和醇耐味,名贵高尚.Sea,sun,sand,seclusion———and Spain.(Alliter-ation)海水,阳光,沙滩,幽僻之乡———西班牙情调!Talk,global,pay local.———Telecommunication (Rhyme)全球通信,就近付款.(2)PunOne makes a pun by using a word,or two words with the same sound,or a group of words with the same sound in their two possible sense,usually for the pur-pose of arousing laughter or amusement,and sometimes also to concentrate meanings.Examples:The Unique Spirit of Canada.别具风味的加拿大酒,独特的加拿大精神.(3)Par odyAdvertisers like to create headlines and slogans by imitating existing linguistic structures,such as idiom, pr over b,allegor y,saying,and song and so on.Such lin-guistic structures ar e usually rather culture-specific, that is,they depend very much upon a specific social or ecological setting.Finding satisfactor y equivalents for such parodied expressions in advertising is one of the most difficult aspects of translating.E.g.:The prose without the con.———The Times ma gazine.没有混淆视听的文章.A parody from the E n-glish idiom“the pros and cons”(是非曲直)3.2.2 The Chinese-English Advertising Translation1)The translation of Four Seven-Character Ads.and Couplet Ads.As mentioned in the pr evious chapter,both the four seven-character ads.and the couplet ads.repre-sent distinguishing Chinese features.Such unique struc-ture can hardly be matched in English ad.After all,E n-glish and Chinese belong to two different language fa mi-lies.Therefore much more skill is required fr om the148南华大学学报(自然科学版) 2005年9月translators.On the basis of adequate understanding of the source text,translators should“jump out”of it and try to express the meaning property in the target lan-guage,making the version faithful to the original as well as smooth in the target text.E.g.:出手不凡钻石表.(钻石牌手表)Buy a Dia mond brand watch,if every second cou-nts for you.The same is true with the couplet ad..When an equivalent is out of reach,translators are meant to work into their“language of habitual use”.Look at the fol-lo wing translation.美人选胜地,香国惯留香.(化妆品店联)Beautiful women choose scenic spots,while s weet -smelling regions retain fragrance theat left behind.2)Parody TranslationMany successful examples demonstrate the effi-ciency of par ody translation.人带梅花,准时乐道.(“梅花牌”手表广告)Give the Plum to all,and to all a good time.红玫相机新奉献.(“红玫”相机广告)My love is like a Red Rose.In the source text,the brand name“红玫”hap-pens to be equivalent with“Red Rose”in the target langua ge.Therefore it is natural to employ parody trans-lation by imitating the Scottish poet,Robert Burns fa-mous quotation,“my love is like a red,red rose”.Ech-oes can easily be attained in the r eceptors from such a romantic and widespread expression.4 ConclusionWe live in the age of advertising.The deepening of international trade between the west and China in-cr easingly fastens the significance of mutual under-standing and translating of English and Chinese adver-tising.Various rhetorical devices employed in advertis-ing have been proved to work effectively to serve for the advertising objectives.Good translation helps us appr eciate the charm of langua ge.Readership is the core of advertising transla-tion.Any specific techniques applied to advertising translation would be all in vain without consideration of the readership.Pr ofessor Peter Newmark's principle of communicative translation attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the source text in such a way that both content and language are r eadily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership.We will be able to achieve successful advertising translation as long as we keep the principle 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