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1. 人称代词主格,做主语:

You are a stupid boy. I am a wise girl. We fight everyday. He is 24 years old. She likes going hiking. It is her favorite sports. They are couples.

2. 人称代词宾格,做宾语,或者表语:

The stupid boy is you. (you做表语) The wise girl is me. The swimming pool belongs to us. I love him. He loves her. The dog witch can catch mice is it. 会拿耗子的那只狗是它。(实际上,一般我们在指代猫狗等动物的时候,多数情况下会用她/他来表示喜爱和亲切,一般不用it 。) My dog gave birth to three little dogs, I love them very much.

3. 物主代词主格,做名词的定语:

Your t-shirt is cool. My grammar is poor. Our house is clean and cozy. His little brother is lonely. Her boyfriend is cute. This is a piano; there are 88 keys on its keyboard. Their colors are black and white.

4. 物主代词宾格,做宾语,或者表语:

The piano is yours. This man is mine. The piano belongs to ours. The piano is not his. I don’t know whether the book is hers. They bought the microwave oven together, so the oven is theirs.

5. 这个/那个/这些/那些,指代物,用作主语、宾语、表语等。

This book is interesting. That is my handbag. These apples are red, while those are green.
