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(2016·兰州市高三诊断考试)People need homes: children assume their parents' place as home; boarders call school “home”on weekdays; married couples work together to build new homes; and travelers ... have no place to call “home”,at least for a few nights.

__1__?Don't they have the right to a home? Of course they do.

Some regular travelers take their own belongings: like bed sheets, pillowcases and family photos to make them feel like home no matter where they are; some stay for long periods in the same hotel and as a result become very familiar with service and attendants; others may simply put some flowers by the hotel window to make things more homely. __2__!

And how about maintaining relationships while in transit? __3__;some send letters and postcards, or even photos; others may just call and say hi, just to let their friends know that they're still alive and well. __4__. Making friends on the way helps travelers feel more or less at home. Backpackers in youth hostels may become very good friends, even closer than siblings.

Nowadays, fewer people are working in their local towns, so how do they develop a sense of belonging? __5__.Wherever we are, with just a little bit of effort and imagination, we can make the place we stay “home”.

A.Home is the harbor for travelers

B.People find ways to keep in touch

C.Do all people have a comfortable home

D.Some keep contact with their friends via Internet

E.So how about people who have to travel for extended periods of time

F.Whenever we step out of our local boundaries, there is always another “home”waiting to be found

G.Furthermore, driving a camping car during one's travels and sleeping in the vehicle at night is just like home — only mobile



High school can be quite the stressful time for any student. There are numerous stresses to deal with and the pressure can be more intense as you enter your senior year. __1__ The answer is as follows.

__2__ Adjust your approach to your specific situation. For instance, if you're active in your community and your school and have a large family, you may feel depressed by having all these people involved in your life on a daily basis. __3__ You just may need a moment to be alone and collect your thoughts before moving on to the challenges that face you.

__4__ If your stress persists and you can't figure out a way to handle it, you may want to try speaking to your school counselor (顾问). If you don't feel comfortable speaking to your counselor, try getting some other types of counseling.

Realize your limits, and plan around them. Don't take on more than you can handle. If you take on too many things, you will be spread too thin and won't be able to perform at your best in anything. __5__ You will definitely feel more at ease!

A.Seek professional counseling.

B.Why does the stress come into being?

C.Try thinking of alternative ways to deal with stress.

D.When you feel relieved, you can have a happier life.

E.Taking some time out to be alone may be the best way to handle such stress.

F.But how on earth can you reduce some of the stress?

G.Evaluate what tasks and activities are most important and leave others behind.



True friends are rare to come by these days. Even if you believe you've connected with someone, __1__?And often you will find that someone who you thought you could trust may have let you down. There are ways you can know if a friendship is true and how you can hold onto that friend.

A true friend is someone who will be there for you no matter what happens. Through good times and bad times, __2__. They will accept you for who you are without trying to change you, and they will be there to help you grow in new ways.

Trust is another important aspect. A true friend will keep your secrets. They will be honest and be someone you can depend on. They will listen and be someone you know you can talk things over with, __3__.

Friendship is a two-way street though. To find true friends and keep them, __4__. Be there for them in their hard times and share the good times with them. Be someone your friends can depend on as well and offer them the same things they give to you. A friendship will fall apart fast if only one person is giving and putting all the effort in. If you are the only one making an effort, be honest.

There will be barriers in the road but that is the test of true friendship. If it can survive those barriers, __5__. St.Thomas Aquinas said, “There is nothing on this earth more prized than friendship”and it holds true.

A.they will stand by you

B.How often does he let you down

C.as if they could offer you great help

D.you must in turn be the same as well
