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众所周知,中国在2019年成功地发射了第一艘 载人宇宙飞船。
is known to all, 2019(时间做主语) saw the successful launching of China’s first manned spaceship.
汉语从语法外形上往往主次不分,常用流水 句,主要信息,次要信息暗含在句意和上下 文语境中。 英语主次分明,主要信息以主谓宾或主系表 的语法主干形式突出表达出来。再运用动词 不定式,分词短语,从句,独立结构等来表 达次要信息。
一个稍微复杂点的例子。 中文: ①当固体浸没到液体中时,固体会失 去它所排出的液体的那部分重量,②这就是 现在通常所谓的阿基米德原理。③有关这一 发现的故事有很多说法,④下面的故事就是 其中之一。 英文:The story of the discovery② of what is now generally called the principle of Archimedes, ① namely that a solid body when immersed in a liquid loses a portion of its weight of the liquid it displaces,③has many different versions,④of which the following is one.
(地点做主语) witnessed many great historic events.
annual consumption (主语) of alcohol has seen an upward trend in Russia in recent years.
例4 强调句式形成的语序调整
中文:昨晚在晚会上演奏莫扎特作品的是珍 妮。 英文:It was Jane(强调谁演奏) who played Mozart at the party last night. 中文:珍妮昨晚在晚会上演奏的是莫扎特的 作品。 英文:It was Mozart(强调演奏作品) that Jane played at the party last night.
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
例3 主语切换形成的语序调整。 中文:夜幕降临时,他离预定的布道地点还有好多英 里路。
found him many miles short of his appointed preaching place.
英语句子常用无生命的抽象名词(如时间、地点 等)作主语(非人格主语),这种句子往往带有拟 人色彩,不仅生动传神,而且言简意赅。 汉语句子一般用人或有生命的事物或有形物体做 主语。 因而,在进行汉英翻译时,常常要注意转换主语。
类似例子 ①半轮晓月渐渐西沉, ②月光透过小床旁边一 个窄窄的窗子射进来, ③我趁着月光穿上衣服。 (中文按空间或视角顺序叙述,流水句)
③I put on my clothes ① by the light of a half-moon just setting, ②whose rays streamed through the narrow window near my crib. (英文逻辑性强,主次分明,追求语法外形 的完整)
例5:时间空间叙述顺序不同,而形成的语序 调整。 ①他站住,转过身来, ②定睛一看, ③原来是个 年迈的妇女。④她身材修长, 虽受岁月折磨而 略显憔悴,但丰韵犹存。 when he stopped and turned,his eyes fell on an old woman, who was tall and shapely still, though withered by time.
中文时间的排列顺序是通常由大到小 英文时间通常是由小到大,如: 他一九三五年八月二十二日早晨六点三十分诞 生在湖南的一个小县城。 He was born in a small town of Hunan Province at six thirty on the morning of August 22, 1935.
例2:由状语的位置不同而形成的语序调整。 他每晚(时间)都在图书馆(地点)用心(方 式)读书。 He reads hard (方式) in the library (地点) every evening (时间).
类似例子 大会将 于今年九月 在北京 隆重 召开。 The meeting will begin ceremoniously in Beijing the following September. 中文:通常排列为时间—地点—方式—动词的 顺序; 英语:则通常排列为动词—方式—地点—时间 的顺序。
汉英翻译之语序 调整
例1:书写习惯不同而形成的语序调整。 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,而英文地 址则刚好相反,是由小到大,如: 中文地址: 上海市闵行区绿地科技岛广场A座 2606室 英文地址: Room 2606, Building A, Blue Ocean, Minhang District, Shanghai City, P.R. China
例5:时间空间叙述顺序不同,而形成的语序 调整。 ①他站住,转过身来, ②定睛一看, ③原来是个 年迈的妇女。④她身材修长, 虽受岁月折磨而 略显憔悴,但丰韵犹存。 ③ It was an old woman, ④ tall and shapely still, though withered by time, ② on whom his eyes fell ① when he stopped and turned.
例5:时间空间叙述顺序不同,而形成的语 序调整。 ①他站住,转过身来, ②定睛一看, ③原来是 个年迈的妇女。④她身材修长, 虽受岁月折 磨而略显憔悴,但丰韵犹存。 He stopped and turned. His eyes fell on an old woman. She was tall and shapely still, though withered by time.