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DS-TD10M-1 Multi-Target Speed-Measuring RadarUser Debugging Manual© 2019 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.This Manual is the property of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. or its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “Hikvision”), and it cannot be reproduced, changed, translated, or distributed, partially or wholly, by any means, without the prior written permission of Hikvision. Unless otherwise expressly stated herein, Hikvision does not make any warranties, guarantees or representations, express or implied, regarding to the Manual, any information contained herein. About this ManualThe Manual includes instructions for using and managing the Product. Pictures, charts, images and all other information hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other reasons. Please find the latest version of this Manual at the Hikvision website(https:///en/).Please use this Manual with the guidance and assistance of professionals trained in supporting the Product.Trademarks Acknowledgement●and other Hikvision’s trademarks and logos are the properti es of Hikvision invarious jurisdictions.●Other trademarks and logos mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.Legal Disclaimer●TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THIS MANUAL AND THEPRODUCT DESCRIBED, WITH ITS HARDWARE, SOF TWARE AND FIRMWARE, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS”. HIKVISION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE USE OF THE PRODUCT BY YOU IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. IN NO EVENT WILL HIKVISION BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, AMONG OTHERS, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA, CORRUPTION OF SYSTEMS, OR LOSS OF DOCUMENTATION, WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF HIKVISION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSS.●YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE NATURE OF INTERNET PROVIDES FOR INHERENT SECURITYRISKS, AND HIKVISION SHALL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ABNORMAL OPERATION, PRIVACY LEAKAGE OR OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM CYBER-ATTACK, HACKER ATTACK, VIRUS INSPECTION, OR OTHER INTERNET SECURITY RISKS; HOWEVER, HIKVISION WILL PROVIDE TIMELY TECHNICAL SUPPORT IF REQUIRED.●YOU AGREE TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, AND YOUARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT YOUR USE CONFORMS TO THE APPLICABLE LAW. ESPECIALLY, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, FOR USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT INFRINGE ON THE RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, RIGHTS OF PUBLICITY, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR DATA PROTECTION AND OTHER PRIVACY RIGHTS. YOU SHALL NOT USE THIS PRODUCT FOR ANY PROHIBITED END-USES,INCLUDING THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, ANY ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTEXT RELATED TO ANY NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE OR UNSAFE NUCLEAR FUEL-CYCLE, OR IN SUPPORT OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES.IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THIS MANUAL AND THE APPLICABLE LAW, THE LATER PREVAILS.Symbol ConventionsThe symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.Symbol DescriptionProvides additional information to emphasize or supplementimportant points of the main text.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided,could result in equipment damage, data loss, performancedegradation, or unexpected results.Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not avoided, willresult in death or serious injury.TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1 Radar Installation (4)1.1 Installation Parameters (4)1.2 Install Radar (4)1.3 Wire Radar (5)Chapter 2 Operation via Radar Debugging Software (7)2.1 Overview (7)2.2 Running Environment (7)2.3 Install Software (7)2.4 Operate via Software (8)2.4.1 Connect Radar (11)2.4.2 Debug Radar (12)Chapter 3 FAQ (14)Chapter 1 Radar InstallationDS-TD10M-1 radar is usually installed in the middle position of gantry and L-shaped pole, as shown in Figure 1-1.Figure 1-1Radar Installation1.1 Installation Parameters●Installation height: 6 m●Downtilt: 10°●Trigger distance: 28 m1.2 Install RadarThe radar installation angle is determined by the scale (10°) on the DS-TD10M-1 radar mount. Steps:1.Fix the radar on the gantry or crossbar with hoop.2.Connect radar to the debugging software.3.Check the actual track of passing vehicle to adjust the downtilt of the radar.4.Observe the moving track of target to confirm the most appropriate trigger distance, whichshould be set at the middle position of track.5.Fasten the radar adjustment screws after the angle is set.Figure 1-2Radar Installation Angle1.3 Wire RadarThe radar is powered by 12 VDC, and it will be burnt if powered by 220 VAC.●The radar and capture camera communicate via RS-485 serial port with 3 signal lines, amongwhich the blue one indicates D+, yellow indicates D-, and green indicates DGND. The radar should be connected to the camera based on identifiers. Set the radar baud rate as 115200 when connecting the radar with camera.●Use USB to RS-485 switch line or USB to RS-232 switch line and RS-232 to RS-485 conversionmodule to connect the radar to the computer. Generally, the DB9 header of RS-485 serial port defines pin 1 as D+, pin 2 as D-, and pin 5 as GND. All the 3 lines should be connected properly, as shown in Figure 1-3.The radar outputs signal via RS-485 serial line. Connecting with RS-232 serial line will not work out.Figure 1-3RS-485 DB9 Header ConnectionChapter 2 Operation via Radar Debugging Software2.1 OverviewThis software is the debugging software for DS-TD10M-1 radar. It is used to configure parametersof the radar for installation, debugging, and troubleshooting. The software installation package is included in the product CD.2.2 Running Environment●Software environment: It is applicable to Windows XP\Vista\7\8. Install FrameWork4.0 or above version (the kit is included in the installation package) to thecomputer. It is recommended to use 64-bit version of windows 7.●Hardware environment: It is required that the computer should be equipped with 2.0 GHz CPU,2 GB memory, and 1 GB video memory. It is recommended to use a separate graphics card forbetter display results.2.3 Install SoftwareSteps:1.Double click the setup.exe file in the installation package.If Framework does not exist in the computer, it will be installed automatically.2.Install the debugging software according to the installation wizard, as shown in Figure 2-1.Figure 2-1Installation Wizard3.Click Next and then select an installation path, as shown in Figure 2-2.Figure 2-2Select Installation Path4.Click Next to continue. The setup wizard will complete the software installation automatically,as shown in Figure 2-3.Figure 2-3Install Software5.Click OK, and a shortcut named MultiLaneVelocity.exe will be generated on the Windowsdesktop.6.Double click the shortcut icon to run it.2.4 Operate via SoftwareBefore you start:Connect the radar to the computer properly.There are three working modes of the software: debug mode, test velocity mode, and measure mode. Switch the radar to different working modes via the software.The software enters the interface as shown in Figure 2-4 after running.Figure 2-4Debugging Software InterfaceThe interface contains Function Selection Area, Information Display Area, Parameter Setting Area, and Radar Status Area.●Function Selection Area includes multiple functions to choose, such as device connection,debug mode, parameters reading and burning flash. Specific definitions are as follows.Device Connection: Click Connect and select a communication mode to enable the communication between software and radar.Device Disconnection: Click Disconnect to disable the communication between software and radar.Debug Mode: Only in this mode can radar parameters and WiFi password be edited.Test Velocity Mode: The normal mode of speed detection. In this mode, parameters setting and reading are not allowed.Measure Mode: Measure mode is only required for measuring detection.Single Byte Setting: If the detection speed is lower than 255 km/h, select single byte setting.Double Byte Setting: If the detection speed is higher than 255 km/h, select double byte setting.Angle of Pitch: Read and view the pitch angle of radar.Product SN.: Read and view the serial number of radar product.Software Version: Read and view the current radar version.Parameters Reading: Read the current road information and installation parameters.WiFi Password Setting: Edit the current WiFi password connected to the radar.Restore Factory Setting: Restore the parameters and road information to default status.ID Setting: Set different frequency points to avoid mutual interference.Track Shows: Show the real-time moving track of target when selected.Burning Flash: When the radar does not connect to the debugging software, click Burning Flash to upgrade the current version of software.●Information Display Area displays the detection speed, lane information, direction andreal-time picture simulation of the current target.●Parameter Setting Area contains General Settings and Advanced Settings. Lane Setting,Installation Setting and Sensitivity Setting can be configured in this area.General Settings–Lane Setting: No more than 4 lanes is allowed. Three direction modes (Towards, Away and Both) can be selected. The Lane Width should be set in accordance with actualroad width.–Trigger Distance: The radar will report the speed information of target which arrives at this position.–Installation Height: Set in accordance with actual installation height.–Horizontal Shift: Set in accordance with the deviation of the radar to the horizontal center.–Angle Adjustment: Make adjustments based on the target moving track detected by the radar.–Sensitivity Setting: The detection sensitivity of radar. The higher the value is, the lower the sensitivity will be.Advanced SettingsThe debugging software can be switched to the advanced setting interface only in debugmode. In this interface, the velocity correction value and the trigger distance correctionvalue of each lane can be set, as shown in Figure 2-5.Figure 2-5Advanced Settings InterfaceRadar Status Area displays the current status of radar, including software version, product serial number and current setting parameters.2.4.1 Connect RadarSteps:1.Select Device Connect, and the connection setting dialog box will pop up. As shown in Figure2-6, there are two connection methods: WIFI connection and Serial connection.The initial default connection method is serial connection. All available serial ports of the device will be listed and the user can select the port number to connect device through the drop-down list box.2.Select Baud as 115200, Data as 8, Stop as 1, and Parity as none.3.Click OK.Figure 2-6Device Connection Settings4.(Optional) You can also select the connection method as WIFI connection. The computer musthave been connected to the radar via WiFi in advance. Click OK and the device will connect automatically.During the device connection process, the software will automatically read the softwareversion, device number and current setting parameters. These parameters will be displayed in the Radar Status Area at the bottom of the interface.The name of radar is defined as RAD + 11-digit serial No., and the original password is RADAR2019.2.4.2 Debug RadarAfter road information (number of lanes and lane width) and installation parameters (trigger distance and installation height) are set, view the real-time vehicle status displaying window to check whether the vehicle is in the corresponding lane or not. Set the angle correction and horizontal shift as required to ensure that the target vehicle is in the corresponding lane.The above parameters should be set according to the actual installation conditions. The horizontal shift value is negative to the left and positive to the right, and the positive center of all lanes are set as the value of 0. If the radar is installed at the left lane, set the horizontal shift as a negative value (the deviation value of distance from the center of all lanes). If the radar is installed at the right lane, set the horizontal shift as a positive value, as shown in Figure 2-7.Radar installation position Horizontal shift -3.8m Radar installation position Horizontal shift +3.8mFigure 2-7Horizontal Shift SettingsFirstly, the moving track should be straight and the initial appearance distance should be greater than the trigger distance. Otherwise, some of the targets will be undetectable.For instance, if the trigger distance of Towards Direction is set as 28 meters, the appearance distance should be set as about 35 meters.Secondly, it is necessary to ensure that the detected lane corresponds to the actual lane. Otherwise the lane number will be inconsistent with the data reported. Adjust the value of pitch offset based on the moving track shift.After debugging, click Measure Mode and the radar will run normally.Chapter 3 FAQ●Connecting to software failed.–Check whether the computer has been installed a serial port driver, and then view the port number in device management module.–If the radar is connected to the software, the serial port parameters are set as follows: baud rate 115200, data bit 8, stop bit 1, parity none.–Connect radar cables to RS-485 serial port, with the blue one connects to pin 1 of DB9, the yellow one connects to pin 2 and the green one connects to pin 5.●Detecting targets failed.–Check radar parameters and adjust the pitch angle to enable the radar beam to cover the trigger position.For instance, if the trigger distance is set as 28 meters but the pitch angle is overdownward, then only area within 20 meters can be covered. In this case, the radar won’tbe triggered when a vehicle passing through the set position. Adjust the pitch angle tomake it cover a range of 28 meters.–Check camera RS-485 serial port, baud rate, radar type, and other parameters. It is recommended to use USB with UT891 or UT890 chip to RS-485 switch line, which is userfriendly and boasts of a low bit error rate.。
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EPOCH LT 手持数字探伤仪产品说明书
920-020F-ZH超声探伤仪EPOCH LT特色■轻便的、符合人体工程学要求的设计(1.0公斤) ■ 大屏幕、高亮度、超清晰、全屏或分屏液晶显示(LCD ) ■自动探头校准功能■显示冻结功能,可保持波形和声程数据 ■声程数据以英寸、毫米或微秒为单位显示 ■峰值记忆功能 ■射频显示模式■报警模式:正阈值、负阈值、最小深度 ■标准DAC 和TVG软件选项EPOCH LT 的几个针对不同应用的软件选项增强了它的灵活适用性。
因此无需为激活软件选项而将仪器返回到原生产厂! ■高级DAC/TVG ■API 5UE■方波脉冲发生器 ■AWS D1.1和D1.5 ■机载DGS/AVG ■增容的内存 ■低脉冲重复频率 ■回波到回波厚度测量 ■扩展的范围■GageView Pro 接口程序EPOCH LT 探伤仪是一款厚度仅有38毫米、重量仅为1公斤的手持式数字探伤仪。
EPOCH LT 探伤仪具有最低60 Hz 的快速显示刷新率。
如果要在恶劣的现场条件或苛刻的生产环境中进行快速、基本的缺陷检测,EPOCH LT 将为您提供完美的解决方案。
结实且轻便EPOCH LT 体积虽小,但却有着许多通常只有更大的探伤仪才具有的功能。
EPOCH LT 探伤仪除了具有快速60 Hz 刷新速率,还具备以下功能:可保持波形数据的显示冻结模式,同时显示A 扫描动态波形及其峰值包络的波峰记忆功能,射频显示模式,可选的正阈值、负阈值或最小深度报警模式,以及校准探头零位偏移和材料声速的自动探头校准功能。
EPOCH LT 数据记录器兼容EPOCH 4系列中其它所有仪器的文件以及GageView Pro 接口程序。
7)静态测速范围:0~322 KPH。
9)环境要求:温度:-30度 ~ +70度;湿度:0 % ~ 90% 。
产品详细参数表百万像素变焦镜头日本精工本次中煤平朔公司系统百万像素变焦镜头选型为日本精工SE5018MP产品,AVENIR ETOKU(日本精工)十几年来始终专心于监控镜头的市场发展,成为中国安防监控领域用得最多的专业镜头。
品牌:美国博士能介绍:美国博士能BUSHNELL测速仪手持测速枪测速仪10-1911产品名称: BUSHNELL测速仪/手持测速枪/测速仪产品型号: Velocity Speed Gun产品展商: 连云港金升科技有限公司简单介绍BUSHNELL测速仪/手持测速枪/测速仪美国BUSHNELL雷达测速仪/手持测速枪/测速仪测速范围汽车:10-200 英里/小时(即:16-320公里/小时) 高尔夫、网球等:10-110英里/小时(即:16-177公里/小时)测量距离汽车: 0~450米高尔夫、网球等:0~27米精度+/- 1.0 MPH (+/-2.0KPH)BUSHNELL测速仪/手持测速枪/测速仪的详细介绍BUSHNELL测速仪/手持测速枪/测速仪美国BUSHNELL雷达测速仪/手持测速枪/测速仪雷达测速仪BUSHNELL Velocity Speed Gun特点:人类乐忠于速度,但问题是很难去测量它!如今,难题已成为了历史!BUSHNELL最新推出了VELOCITY型性能优越的雷达测速仪!以其外型轻巧、操作简便、迅速受到广大测速爱好者的欢迎。
雷达测速仪BUSHNELL Velocity Speed Gun技术参数:测速范围汽车:10-200 英里/小时(即:16-320公里/小时)高尔夫、网球等:10-110英里/小时(即:16-177公里/小时)测量距离汽车: 0~450米高尔夫、网球等:0~27米精度+/- 1.0 MPH (+/-2.0KPH)单位显示:英里/小时(MPH)或公里/小时(KPH)显示:LCD数显尺寸:109x213x512mm棒球雷达测速仪BUSHNELL Velocity Speed Gun注意事项:1. 若雷达与被测的目标在同一方向上,则测试的速度是准确的,由于实际测试过程存在夹角的问题,会产生测试的误差,随着角度的增加,误差也在增大,这种现象被称为余弦效应。
Micropilot FMR67 HART 雷达物位仪 简明操作指南说明书
Products Solutions Services简明操作指南Micropilot FMR67HART雷达物位仪本文档为《简明操作指南》;不得替代设备随箱包装中的《操作手册》。
设备的详细信息请参考《操作手册》和其他文档资料:所有设备型号均可通过下列方式查询:–网址:/deviceviewer–智能手机/平板电脑:Endress+Hauser Operations AppKA01253F/00/ZH/02.1771355420Micropilot FMR67 HART2Endress+HauserMicropilot FMR67 HART 目录Endress+Hauser 3目录1重要文档信息 (4)1.1图标................................................................................41.2术语和缩写..........................................................................61.3注册商标 (7)2基本安全指南 (8)2.1人员要求............................................................................82.2指定用途............................................................................82.3工作场所安全.........................................................................82.4操作安全............................................................................82.5产品安全............................................................................93产品描述 (10)3.1产品设计 (10)4到货验收和产品标识 (11)4.1到货验收...........................................................................114.2产品检验 (11)5储存和运输 (13)5.1储存条件...........................................................................135.2将产品运输至测量点 (13)6安装 (14)6.1安装条件...........................................................................146.2安装:水滴天线,PTFE 材质,口径50 mm / 2"..............................................196.3安装:天线,齐平安装.................................................................206.4FMR67的空气吹扫接口................................................................226.5带保温层的罐体......................................................................256.6旋转变送器外壳......................................................................256.7旋转显示模块........................................................................266.8安装后检查.........................................................................267电气连接 (27)7.1连接条件 (27)8调试(通过操作菜单) (43)8.1显示与操作单元......................................................................438.2操作菜单...........................................................................468.3解锁仪表...........................................................................478.4设置操作语言........................................................................478.5物位测量设置........................................................................488.6用户自定义应用......................................................................49重要文档信息Micropilot FMR67 HART 1 重要文档信息1.1 图标1.1.1 安全图标1.1.2 电气图标1.1.3 工具图标4Endress+HauserMicropilot FMR67 HART重要文档信息1.1.4 特定信息图标1.1.5 图中的图标1.1.6 设备上的图标Endress+Hauser5重要文档信息Micropilot FMR67 HART 1.2 术语和缩写6Endress+HauserMicropilot FMR67 HART 重要文档信息Endress+Hauser 71.3 注册商标HART®HART 通信组织(Austin,美国)的注册商标KALREZ®, VITON®杜邦高性能弹性体公司(Wilmington,美国)的注册商标TEFLON®杜邦公司(Wilmington,美国)的注册商标基本安全指南Micropilot FMR67 HART8Endress+Hauser2基本安全指南2.1人员要求操作人员必须符合下列要求:‣经培训的合格专业人员必须具有执行特定功能和任务的资质。
目录测量原理------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 产品简介------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 安装指南------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 测量条件------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 调试------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 技术参数------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8智能型雷达物位计测量原理发射能量很低的极短的微波脉冲通过天线系统发射并接收。
科巴 ESD9110 雷达 激光探测器使用手册说明书
button for CITY ®for 360°UltraBright™ Data Display brightness for easy reading. (Also turns VG-2 Alert ®on and off.*)*Press and hold for 2 seconds to access these functionsSmartMute™12V DCAUTO MUTE of audio alerts.ON-OFF/VOLUME controlindicatorsignal strength, laser andCITY/HIGHWAY mode indicatorsA1Table of ContentsImportant information about...Federal Laws, Safety Alert ®/Strobe Alert ™, Safe Driving,Security of Your Vehicle, Customer Support..................................................................................A1Installation ..................................................................................................................................2-4Operation–Getting Started ............................................................................................................5Operation–Settings ......................................................................................................................6-12Highway/City Mode ................................................................................................................6UltraBright ™Data Display Brightness ..........................................................................................7Muting an Alert ......................................................................................................................8Auto Mute Mode ....................................................................................................................8SmartMute ™............................................................................................................................9-11VG-2 Alert ®Audio Setting ........................................................................................................12Detection ....................................................................................................................................13-16Signals Detected ....................................................................................................................13Audio Alerts ............................................................................................................................13Visual Display ........................................................................................................................13-15Instant-On Detection ................................................................................................................16Responding to Alerts ................................................................................................................16Understanding Radar and Laser ......................................................................................................17-19Maintenance and Service ..............................................................................................................20-21Limited 1-Year Warranty ................................................................................................................22Specifications ..............................................................................................................................23Optional Accessories ....................................................................................................................24Order Form ..................................................................................................................................25Important information about...Federal Laws Governing the Use of Radar DetectorsIt is not against federal law to receive radar transmissions with your Cobra ®radar detector. The Communications Act of 1924guarantees your right to receive radio transmissions on any frequency. Local laws that contravene this Act, while illegal, may be enforced by your local law enforcement officials until and unless they are prohibited from doing so by federal court action.Safety Alert®Use of this product is not intended to, and does not, ensure that motorists or passengers will not be involved in traffic accidents. It is only intended to alert the motorist that an emergency vehicle equipped with a Cobra ®Safety Alert ®transmitter is within range as defined by that product.Please call local fire and police departments to learn if coverage exists in your area.Safe DrivingMotorists, as well as operators of emergency or service vehicles, are expected to exercise all due caution while using this product, and to obey all applicable traffic laws.Security of Your VehicleBefore leaving your vehicle, always remember to conceal your radar detector in order to reduce the possibility of break-in and theft.Customer SupportIn this user's manual, you should find all the information you need to install and operate your ESD-9110. If you require further assistance after reading throughthis manual, Cobra ®Electronics offers the following customer support services:Automated Help Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 773-889-3087.Customer Service Operators are available at 773-889-3087 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST.Questions can be faxed to 773-622-2269.Automated Technical Assistance is available 24 hours, 7 days a week via e-mail at:*********************On-line answers to frequently asked questions can be found at: .WARNINGModifications or parts substitutions not approved by Cobra Electronics Corporation may violate FCC Rules and void your authority to operate this equipment.1O NWhere to Mount Your UnitYou will get optimum performance from your ESD-9110 if you mount it at a point approximately in the center of the vehicle,as low as possible on the front windshield without obstructing the unit's view of the road either to the front or rear. You can also mount it directly on the dashboard.1I N S gently push or pull on the bracket1I N SDashboard Mounting1.Place the detector on the dashboardto find a location where the unit hasa clear, level view of the road. Theangle can NOT be adjusted aftermounting.2.Remove the paper backing from oneside of the hook-and-loop fastener.2RT E DYou will hear 3 beeps and the letter "h" will appear in the display indicating thatmodeWhen changing the settings on your ESD-9110, please keep in mind:• Buttons can have multiple functions.• All settings will be stored in memory when the power is turned off and recalled when the power is turned back on.Highway/City ModeSetting your ESD-9110 to City mode delays all X band audio alerts until the signal strength reaches level 3. (A single beep will sound when the signal is first detected.)This will reduce false alerts while you are driving in or near urban areas where there are many sources for conflicting X bandYou can cycle through the settings by repeatedly pushing the DIM buttonThe factory setting is Bright.Press and releaseDI M B U T T O N P R E S S A N D R E L E A S E D I M B U T T O NP R E S S A N D R E L EA S ED I M BU T T ONP R E S S A N D R E L E A S EDarkBrightDimAuto Mute ModeAuto Mute will automatically reduce theaudio volume of all alerts after 4 secondsfor as long as the signal is detected.The factory setting for Auto Mute is ON.MUTE buttonPress and releaseSmartMute™SmartMute™ is a unique new feature of thein memory and recalled each time the poweris turned on.What to Remember While Using SmartMute™SmartMute™ works with both City and Auto Mute modes.Whenever your engine revs are below the activation point, the dot next to the large character on the right side of the display will remain lit. Above the activation point,If, for any reason, the unit stops sensingyour engine's revs, SmartMute™ willindicate an error and automatically turn off.The rev point you set will be stored in theunit's memory when power is turned off, andrecalled each time the power is turned on.The rev point must be reset if you useyour ESD-9110 in a different vehicle.Important:When initially choosing yourSmartMute™ activation point, a settingof approximately 300 to 600 RPMs aboveidle is recommended. You can reset theactivation point at any time to fit yourindividual preferences and driving style.1.3.2.Setting the SmartMute™Activation PointYour ESD-9110 must be installed in yourvehicle.Caution:Do not attempt to set the revpoint while driving. Your vehicle shouldbe parked and idling.SmartMute™must be turned on.You will hear a series of beepsas you follow these steps:O P E R AT I O N•S E T T I N G S D E T E C T I O NVG-2 Alert®Audio SettingThe ESD-9110 is undetectable by policeVG-2 detection devices, and will alert youwhen such a device is in use near yourvehicle. During the alert, the unit continuesto detect other signals. You can choosewhether or not you want your unit tosound VG-2 alerts.The factory setting is VG-2 Audio On.Signals DetectedThe tables on the following pages showyou the types of signals your ESD-9110will detect, as well as the visual alerts itprovides for each one.Audio AlertsA distinctly different alert tone is used foreach type of signal detected (includingseparate tones for each laser signal). ForX, K, and Ka band radar signals, the toneswill repeat faster as you approach thesignal source. The repeat rate of the tonesgives you useful information about thesignal detected. (See Responding to Alerts,page 16.)Visual DisplayAn indication of the type of signaldetected will appear in the UltraBright™Data Display. During X, K and Ka alerts, DIM buttonPress and hold for 2 secondsD E T E C T I O ND E T E C T I O N* your ESD-9110 provides LaserEye ®360°detection of these signals20-20™ and Ultra-Lyte™ are trademarks of Laser Technology, Inc.ProLaser™ and ProLaser III™ are trademarks of Kustom Signals, Inc.10 Band™, Strobe Alert™ and SmartMute™ are trademarks of Cobra Electronics Corporation.Safety Alert ®Traffic Warning System,VG-2 Alert ® and LaserEye ®are registered trademarks of Opticom™ is a trademark of 3M Corporation.Tomar ®is a registered trademark of TOMAR Electronics, IncInterceptor VG-2™ is a trademark of TechniSonic Industries LTD.U N D E R S TA N D I N G R A D A R & L A S E RD E T E C T I O N 1716Radar SpeedMonitoring SystemsThree band frequencies have been approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for use by speed monitoring radar equipment:X band 10.525 GHz K band 24.150 GHzKa band 33.400-36.00 GHzYour ESD-9110 detects signals in all three radar bands.VG-2VG-2 is a "detector detector" that works by detecting low-level signals emitted by most radar detectors. Your ESD-9110 does not emit signals that can be detected by VG-2, but does detect VG-2 signals and will alert you when a device is in use near your vehicle.Safety Alert ®Traffic Warning SystemFCC-approved Safety Alert ®transmitters emitmicrowave radar signals that indicate the presence of a safety-related concern.Depending on the frequency of the signal emitted, it can indicate a speedingemergency vehicle or train, or a stationary road hazard.Because these microwave signals are within the K band frequency, most conventional radar detectors will detect Safety Alert ®signals as standard K band radar. Your ESD-9110, however, is designed to differentiate between standard K band and Safety Alert ®signals, and give separate alerts for each.Safety Alert ®technology is relatively new.Safety Alert ®transmitters can be found in limited numbers in all 50 states, but the number is growing. Depending on your location, you may not receive these alerts regularly and may often encounter emergency vehicles, trains, and road hazards without being alerted. As the number of transmitters increases, these alerts will become more common. When you receive such an alert, please watch for emergency vehicles ahead of you,on cross streets, and behind you. If you see an emergency vehicle approaching, please pull over to the right side of the road and allow it to pass.Responding To AlertsInstant-On DetectionYour ESD-9110 is designed to detect instant-on speed monitoring signals, which can suddenly appear at full strength.You should take appropriate action immediately whenever an alert is given.U N D E R S TA N D I N G R A D A R&L A S E RStrobe Alert™Special strobes mounted on the light bars of authorized emergency vehicles (fire trucks, police cars, ambulances) automatically change traffic signals as the vehicle approaches an intersection. These strobes and the special strobe detectors located on the traffic signals, introduced fairly recently by 3M and Tomar, are already in use in more than 1000 cities nationwide. Cobra’s exclusive Strobe Alert™detector will detect these special strobes and give an Emergency Vehicle alert.When you receive such an alert, please watch for an approaching emergency vehicle and pull over to allow it to pass. To inquire about coverage in your area, contact your local fire and police departments.LIDAR (laser)The correct name for the technology that mostpeople refer to as laser is actually LIDAR,which stands for Light Detection and Ranging.LIDAR operates much like radar. Its signalspreads out like a radar signal, though not asquickly. Unlike radar, LIDAR must have a clearline of sight to its target vehicle throughoutthe entire measurement interval. Obstructionssuch as sign posts, utility poles, tree branches,etc., will prevent valid speed measurement.1918U N D E R S TA N D I N G R A D A R&L A S E RM A I N T E N A N C E & S E R V I C E M A I N T E N A N C E & S E R V I C E2120Maintenance of Your Radar DetectorYour ESD-9110 is designed and built to give you years of trouble-free performance without the need for service. No routine maintenance is required.If your unit does not appear to be operating properly, please follow these troubleshooting steps:Make sure the power cord is properly connected.Make sure the socket of your vehicle's cigarette lighter is clean and free of corrosion.Make sure the power cord's cigarette lighter adapter is firmly seated in your cigarette lighter.Check the power cord fuse. (Unscrew the ribbed end cap of the cigarette lighter adapter and examine the fuse. If required, replace it with a 1-amp fuse only.)ServiceYou can receive technical assistance with your unit through one of our customer support services:Automated Help Desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 773-889-3087.Customer Service Operators are available at 773-889-3087Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST.Questions can be faxed to 773-622-2269.Automated Technical Assistance is available 24 hours, 7 days a week viae-mailat:*********************On-line answers to frequently asked questions can be found at: .If you suspect that your unit requires service, please call 773-889-3087 BEFORE shipping it to Cobra.®This will ensure that you receive service as quickly as possible.If you are asked to send your unit to the Cobra ®factory, please follow these steps:1.Send the complete unit, including power cord. (It is not necessary to include the mounting bracket.)2. For warranty repair, enclose some form of proof-of-purchase, such as a photocopy or carbon copy of a sales receipt. If you send the original receipt, it cannot be returned.3. Enclose a typed or clearly written description of the problem you are having with your unit, plus the name and address where you want the unit returned.4. Pack the unit securely to prevent damage during transit. If possible, use the original packing materials.5. Ship prepaid and insured using a traceable carrier such as United Parcel Service (UPS), Federal Express,or first class mail with delivery confirmation. Ship to: Cobra Factory ServiceCobra Electronics Corporation 6500 West Cortland Street Chicago, IL 60707 USA 6. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks before contacting us about the status of your service. Call 773-889-3087 for assistance.If your unit is under warranty, it will either be repaired or replaced upon receipt, depending on the model. If your unit is out of warranty, you will receive a letter informing you of the repair or replacement charge.23WA R R A N T Y22S P E C I F I C AT I O N SCOBRA ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONwarrants that its Cobra ®10 Band™ Radar/Laser Detectors, and the component parts thereof, will be free of defects in workmanship and materials for period of one (1) year from the date of first consumer purchase. This warranty may be enforced by the first consumer purchaser, provided that the product is utilized within the U.S.A.Cobra ®will, without charge, repair or replace, at its option, defective 10 Band™ Radar/Laser Detectors,products or component parts upon delivery to the Cobra ®Factory Service Department, accompanied by proof of the date of first consumer purchase,such as a duplicated copy of a sales receipt.You must pay any initial shipping charges required to ship the product for warranty service, but the return charges will be at Cobra's expense, if the product is repaired or replaced under warranty.This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.Exclusions: This limited warranty does not apply;1) to any product damaged by accident; 2) in the event of misuse or abuse of the product oras a result of unauthorized alterations or repairs; 3) if the serial number has been altered,defaced or removed; 4) if the owner of the product resides outside the U.S.A. All implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are limited in duration to the length of this warranty.Cobra ®shall not be liable for any incidental, consequential or other damages; including,without limitation, damages resulting from loss of use or cost of installation.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts and/or do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you.Cobra Electronics Corporation6500 West Cortland Street, Chicago, Illinois 60707This radar detector is covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents:5,497,148; 5,594,432; 5,612,685; 6,078,279; 6,094,148. Additional patents may be listed inside the product or pending.10O R D E R F O R M25For credit card orders fill out order form and fax to: 773.622.2269or call 773.889.3087(Press 1 from the main menu)8:00 am - 6:00 pm, M-F, CST.Make check or money order payable to:Cobra Electronics6500 West Cortland Street Chicago, IL 60707 USA Attn: Accessories Dept.To order online,please visit our website at: and click “shop Cobra ®”Please print clearlyNameAddress (No P .O. Box)City StateZipTelephone ( )Credit Card No.Exp. DateCircle One: Visa MasterCard Discover Customer SignatureAllow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Offer valid in Continental U.S. only.O P T I O N A L A C C E S S O R I E S 24You can find these fine accessories at your local Cobra ®dealer. If you wish, you can order directly from Cobra.®To order by phone Call 773.889.3087(Press 1 from the main menu 8 a.m.-6 p.m. M-F CST. )To order by mail or fax Please fill out order form on next page, and mail/fax directly to Cobra.®To order onlineGo to and click on “shop Cobra.®”Windshield Mounting Bracket Includes suction cups 545-139-N-001Straight 12V DC Power Cord Includes plug and fuseCurled 12V DC Power Cord Includes plug and fuse420-026-N-001Dual Port Power Adapter Includes adjustable plug (upto 90˚)and fuse CLP-2BPrinted in Korea Part No. 480-015-P©2002 Cobra Electronics Corporation6500 West Cortland StreetChicago, IL 60707 USA The Cobra®line of quality products includes:CB radiosmicroTALK®radiosRadar/Laser DetectorsSafety Alert®Traffic Warning SystemsAccessoriesHighGear™AccessoriesFor more information orto order any of our products,please visit our website:Click “shop Cobra®”Nothing comes close to a Cobra™。
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RF Explorer MS2711B D 手持射频分析仪说明书
The MS2711B/D Handheld Spectrum Analyzer provides the “ulti-mate” in measurement flexibility for field environments and applica-tions requiring mobility. Unlike traditional spectrum analyzers, the MS2711B/D features a rugged, ultra-lightweight, battery-operated design that enables users to conduct spectrum analysis measure-ments – anywhere, anytime.Providing complete freedom from AC/DC power requirements, the MS2711B/D enables you to locate, identify, record and solve com-munication systems problems quickly and easily, without sacrificing measurement accuracy.Whether you are installing, maintaining, or troubleshooting a modern wireless communication system, the MS2711B/D provides excep-tional performance combined with ease-of-use and broad functional-ity – making it an ideal solution for engineers and technicians who conduct field measurements in the 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz frequency range. In fact, it is ideal for finding the source of interfering signals in modern wireless systems.Rugged and ReliableBecause the MS2711B/D was designed specifically for field environ-ments, it can easily withstand the day-to-day punishment of field use. Rugged packaging also keeps the MS2711B/D performing in harsh environments.Easy-to-UseNot only is the MS2711B/D the lightest fully-functional spectrum an-alyzer available at 4.5 pounds (base model including battery), oper-ation is straight-forward and driven by firmware that simplifies the process of making measurements and interpreting the results shown on the large, high-resolution LCD display. The menu-driven user in-terface is easy to use and requires little training.A full range of marker capabilities such as peak, center and delta functions are also provided, giving users a faster and more compre-hensive measurement of displayed signals. Limit lines simplify am-plitude measurements, giving users the capability to create quick, simple, pass/fail measurements. Frequency, span and amplitude functions are easily configured for optimum performance. Used to-gether with the Save Setup feature, these functions can help to make testing easier and faster for less experienced users.Powerful Trace ManagementUsers are able to store ten test setups along with 200 measurement traces internally in the unit’s memory. The stored data can be easily down-loaded to a personal computer (PC) or a printer via an RS-232 serial cable for further analysis. A notebook computer can be used with the RS-232 interface for automated control and data collection in the field.A standard preamplifier (option 8) plus a number of available options including an internal tracking generator (option 20, MS2711B) or transmission measurement (option 21, MS2711D) expand the MS2711B/D’s capabilities.Fast, Accurate, Repeatable,Portable Spectrum AnalysisTo meet the challenges of today’s wireless market, Anritsu Companyhas incorporated a pre-amp (standard) for its revolutionaryMS2711B/D Handheld Spectrum Analyzer which increases the ana-lyzer’s sensitivity and dynamic range while improving measurementtime. With the built-in pre-amp feature, the MS2711B/D is particular-ly effective in measuring low-level signals. The handheld spectrumanalyzer’s sensitivity is improved to –115 dBm for MS2711B and–135 dBm for MS2711D (100 Hz RBW) (full span). With this option,the MS2711B/D can identify and make measurements on low-levelsignals much faster than previously possible.The improved sensitivity, dynamic range, and measurement speedcomplement the existing benefits of the MS2711B/D. Weighing only4.9 pounds (including a NiMH battery, fully loaded, base model only4.5 pounds), the MS2711B/D is the world’s lightest fully functionalhandheld spectrum analyzer with the built-in tracking generator op-tion (option 20).MS2711B/D has been enhanced so that it can make highly accuratechannel power measurements, occupied bandwidth and AdjacentChannel Power Ratio (ACPR) measurements. These are increasing-ly critical measurements, particularly for power amplifiers used inwireless communication systems. With the enhancements, theMS2711B/D has dedicated one button channel power, occupiedbandwidth, and ACPR measurement capability to significantly re-duce test time and expense. The MS2711B/D also features local lan-guage graphical user interface support (in Chinese, Japanese,French, German, and Spanish).N E W316For product ordering information, see pages 3 – 6 3175Features•Lightweight (4.5 lbs - base model, 4.9 lbs with tracking generator -option 20, or transmission measurement, option 21) •Synthesizer-based performance •Wide dynamic range•One button, ACPR, OBW, channel power, C/I measurement •Quick zoom-in, zoom-out display •5 minute warm up•Manual and automatic attenuator control•Improved user interface, with local language support in five differ-ent languages•Automatic overload and ESD protection •Built-in AM/FM demodulation•Built-in field strength measurement •Built-in interference analysis•Ability to store and recall up to six antenna factors•Full range of marker capabilities including peak, center, and delta functions•Limit lines for quick, simple pass/fail measurements •Rugged, reliable packaging •Battery operated design–2.5 hours of continuous operation–Built-in energy conservation that extends battery life beyond an eight-hour workday–Operation using a 12.5 Vdc source AC-DC adapter or automotive cigarette lighter adapter, which simultaneously charges the battery –Field replaceable battery •Built in clock and calender•Low cost ownership, global warranty•Data storage and memory–Store up to ten test setups and 200 measurement traces in non-volatile memory–Stored data is easily and quickly downloaded to a personal com-puter (PC) or printer•Powerful trace management–Automatically date/time stamped –Alphanumeric labeling •PC reporting software–Windows ®95/98/2000/ME, XP , NT Workstation compatible –Supports long file names for descriptive labeling–Can display an unlimited number of traces for comparison to his-torical performance•Optional Monochrome or Color LCD with backlight capability display •Direct printer control via RS232 serial portApplicationsConvenient operating procedures, high sensitivity, and excellent re-peatability enable the MS2711B/D to pinpoint the smallest system performance degradation and allow for easy verification of system compliance. Typical applications include:•Transmitter Spectrum Analysis – occupied bandwidth, power, mod-ulation measurements, location and identification of in-band, out-of-channel spurious and out-of-band spurious signals•Receive Signal Analysis – measure receiver sensitivity, locate and identify sources of interfering signals•Modulation identification, modulation depth, deviation, and spectral mask •Signal Strength Mapping – to determine the most suitable location for antennas, base stations, and repeaters; or pinpoint Electromagnetic (EM) leakage in broadcast systemsF r e q u e n c yModelMS2711BMS2711DFrequency range 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz Frequency reference Aging: ±1 ppm/yr Accuracy: ±2 ppmFrequency span 1 kHz to 3 GHz in 1, 2, 5 step selections in auto mode, plus zero span 10 Hz to 2.99 GHz in 1, 2, 5 step selections in auto mode, plus zero span Sweep time≥6500 msec full span; 500 msec zero span≤1.1 second full span;≤50 msec to 20 second zero span Resolution bandwidth (–3dB width)10 kHz, 30 kHz, 100 kHz, 1 MHz, ±20%100 Hz to 1 MHz in 1-3 sequence, ±5%Video bandwidth (–3dB)100 Hz to 300 kHz in 1-3 sequence3 Hz to 1 MHz in 1-3 sequence, ±5%SSB Phase Noise (1 GHz) @30 kHz Offset ≤–75 dBc/Hz Spurious responses Input related ≤–45 dBc Spurious residual responses ≤–90 dBm (≥500 kHz)A m p l i t u d eMeasurement range+20 dBm to –115 dBm (with preamp on)+20 dBm to –135 dBm (with preamp on)Displayed average noise level–115 dBm (≥1 MHz typical with preamp on)≤–95 dBm (≥500 kHz, typical)≤–80 dBm (< 500 kHz, typical)≤-135 dBm typical, ≥1 MHz (preamp on)≤–115 dBm typical, ≥500 kHz to <1 MHz ≤–110 dBm typical, < 500 kHzfor input terminated, 0 dB attenuation, RMS detection, 100 Hz RBWDynamic range >65 dB, typicalTotal level accuracy±2 dB, ≥500 kHz, typical;±3 dB, <500 kHz, typical(For input signal level ≥–60 dBm)±0.5 dB typical (±1 dB max), ≥10 MHz to 2 GHz ±1 dB typical (±1.5 dB max), >2 GHz to 3 GHz ±2 dB, ≥500 kHz to <10 MHz ±3 dB typical, <500 kHzfor input signal levels ≥–60 dBm, excludes input VSWR mismatchDisplay range1 to 15 dB/div in 1 dB steps, Ten divisions displayedMax input level without damage +23 dBm, ±50 Vdc+43 dBm (Peak), ±50 VdcAttenuator Range 0 to 50 dB, selected manually or automatically coupled to the reference level. Resolution in 10 dB steps 0 to 51 dB, selected manually or automatically coupled to the reference level. Resolution in 1 dB steps.RF inputVSWR 2.0:11.5:1 typical, (≥20 dB atten., 10 MHz to2.4 GHz)SpecificationsContinued on next page318For product ordering information, see pages 3 – 6G e n e r a lModelMS2711BMS2711DInternal trace memory 200 maximumSetup storage 10 test setupsDisplayVGA Monochrome LCD VGA Color or VGA Monochrome LCD Inputs and Outputs Ports RF In RF Out Ext trig InExt Freq Ref In (2 MHz to 20 MHz)Serial InterfaceType N, female, 50 ΩType N, female, 50 ΩN/A N/ARS-232 9 pin D-sub, three wire serialType N, female, 50 ΩType N, female, 50 ΩBNC, female (5V TTL)Shared BNC, female, 50 Ω(–15 dBm to +10 dBm)RS-232 9 pin D-sub, three wire serialElectromagnetic compatibility Meets European community requirements for CE marking SafetyConforms to EN 61010-1 for Class 1 portable equipmentTemperature Operating Non-operating0°C to 50°C, humidity 85% or less–20°C to +75°C (recommend battery stored separately between 0°C to 40°C for any prolonged storage period)–10°C to 55°C, humidity 85% or less–51°C to +71°C (recommend battery stored separately between 0°C to 40°C for any prolonged storage period)Power supplyExternal DC Input Internal+12.5 to +15 volts dc, 1350 mA max NiMH battery: 10.8 volts, 1800 mA mAHDimensionsSize (W x H x D)Weight25.4 cm x 17.8 cm x 6.10 cm (10.0 in x 7.0 in x 2.4 in)2.04 kg (4.5 lbs.) includes battery, 2.2 kg (4.9 lbs)includes tracking generator25.4 cm x 17.8 cm x 6.10 cm (10.0 in x 7.0 in x 2.4 in)<2.14 kg (4.7 lbs.) includes battery,<2.28 kg (5 lbs) includes transmission measurementBias TeeVoltage +18 VdcCurrent1 A peak 200 ms, 300 mA max steady stateMS2711B/D (Option 10) Bias Tee specificationsMS2711D (Option 21) Transmission Measurement specificationsFrequency Frequency range Frequency resolution 25 MHz to 3 GHz 10 HzOutputOutput power level Output impedance–10 dBm typical 50 ΩFCN4760 Frequency Converter specificationsF r e q u e n c yFrequency range 4.7 GHz to 6 GHz Frequency resolution ∗110 HzFrequency referenceAging: ±1 ppm/yr Accuracy: ±2 ppm SSB Phase Noise (6 GHz) @30 kHz Offset ≤–65 dBc/Hz Spurious responses Input related ≤–45 dBc Spurious residual responses 1≤–90 dBmA m p l i t u d eMeasurement range –40 dBm to –100 dBm Sensitivity ∗1(displayed avg. noise level)–100 dBm Maximum input level without damage–5 dBmRF inputVSWR 2.0:1 max G e n e r a lInputs and Outputs Ports RF In RF OutCommunication Interface T ype N, female, 50 ΩT ype N, male, 50 Ω10 pin D subElectromagnetic compatibility Meets European community requirements for CE marking SafetyConforms to EN 61010-1 for Class 1 portable equipment Temperature Operating Non-operating –10°C to 50°C, humidity 85% or less –50°C to +80°C Power dissipation 850 mW maxDimensionsSize (W x H x D)Weight6.6 cm x 10.9 cm x 3.3 cm (2.6 in x 4.3 in x 1.3 in)<0.45 kg (< 1 lb.)∗1: Specifications apply when connected to the MS2711D spectrum analyzer15 test setups5 Ordering InformationPlease specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.Model/Order MS2711B/8 Handheld Spectrum Analyzer: 100 kHz to 3.0 GHzMS2711D Handheld Spectrum Analyzer: 100 kHz to 3.0 GHzStandard AccessoriesUser’s Guide, MS2711BSoft Carrying CaseAC – DC AdapterAutomotive Cigarette Lighter/12 Volt DC AdapterOne Y ear WarrantyCD ROM containing Software Management ToolsSerial Interface CableRechargeable battery, NiMHPre-amplifier (built-in)Option AccessoriesOption 3Color display - MS2711D onlyOption 6Frequency converter controller module for use withFCN4760 (MS2711D only)Option 10Bias Tee (built-in)Option 20T racking generator (built-in) - MS2711B onlyOption 21Transmission measurement (built-in) - MS2711D only Option 29Power Meter (MS2711D only)Optional Accessories5400-71N50RF Detector, N(m), 50 Ω, 1 to 3000 MHz42N50A-3030 dB, 50 Watt, Bi-directional, DC to 18 GHz,N(m) to N(f) Attenuator34NN50A Precision Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, N(m) to N(m)34NFNF50C Precision Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, N(f) to N(f)15NN50-1.5C T est port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz 15NN50-3.0C T est port cable armored, 3.0 meter, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz 15NN50-5.0C T est port cable armored, 5.0 meter, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz 15NNF50-1.5C T est port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz 15NNF50-3.0C T est port cable armored, 3.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz 15NNF50-5.0C T est port cable armored, 5.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz 15ND50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to7/16 DIN(m), 3.5 GHz15NDF50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to7/16 DIN(f), 3.5 GHz510-90Adapter 7/16 (f) to N(m), 3.5 GHz510-91Adapter, 7/16 DIN(f) to N(f), 7.5 GHz510-92Adapter, 7/16 DIN(m) to N(m) 7.5 GHz510-96Adapter 7/16 DIN (m) to 7/16 DIN (m), 7.5 GHz510-97Adapter 7/16 DIN(f) to 7/16 DIN(f), 7.5 GHz61N50RF SWR Bridge, 10-2500 MHz, 50 Ω, N(m)61NF50RF SWR Bridge, 10-2500 MHz, 50 Ω, N(f)Model/Order 1030-86Band Pass Filter, 800 MHz band, 806-869 MHz,Loss = 1.7 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)1030-87Band Pass Filter, 900 MHz band, 902-960 MHz,Loss = 1.7 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)1030-88Band Pass Filter, 1900 MHz band, 1.85-1.99 GHz,Loss = 1.8 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)1030-89Band Pass Filter, 2400 MHz band, 2.4-2.5 GHz,Loss = 1.9 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)48258Spare soft carrying case40-115Spare AC/DC adapter806-62Spare automotive cigarette lighter/12 Volt DC adapter 800-441Spare serial interface cable760-229 Transit case for Anritsu Handheld Spectrum Analyzer 2300-347 Anritsu Handheld Software Tools10580-00074Anritsu HHSA User’s Guide, Model MS2711B (spare) 10580-00071Anritsu HHSA Programming Manual, Model MS2711B 10580-00072Anritsu HHSA Maintenance Manual, Model MS2711B 10580-00097Anritsu HHSA User’s Guide, Model MS2711D10580-00098Anritsu HHSA Programming Manual, Model MS2711D 10580-00099Anritsu HHSA Maintenance Manual, Model MS2711D 633-27Rechargeable battery, NiMH551-1691USB to Serial adapter70-28Headset2000-1029Battery charger, NiMH with universal power supply 2000-1030Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 1.71-1.88 GHz 2000-1031Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 1.85-1.99 GHz 2000-1032Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 12.4-2.5 GHz2000-1035Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 896-941 MHz2000-1200Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 806-869 MHzPrinters2000-1214 HP DeskJet printerIncludes: interface cable, black print cartridge, and USpower cable2000-753 Spare serial-to-parallel converter cable2000-663 Power cable (Europe) for DeskJet printer2000-664 Power cable (Australia) for DeskJet printer2000-1218 Power cable (UK) for DeskJet printer2000-667 Power cable (So. Africa) for DeskJet printer2000-1217Rechargeable battery for DeskJet printer2000-1216Black print cartridge for DeskJet printerMS2711B (Option 20) Tracking generator specificationsFrequency Frequency range10 MHz to 3 GHz Frequency resolution 5 KHzTracking offset range±5 MHzOutput Output power level0 to –60 dBmOutput power level resolutionAbsolute level accuracy±1.5 dB, 0 to –40 dBm±4 dB, –40 dBm to –60 dBm Output flatness≤±1.5 dB (10 MHz – 3 GHz) Output tracking VSWR<2.0:1, <0 dBmSpurious harmonics≤–20 dBcNon-Spurious≤–20 dBc0.1 dBFrequency Range 3 MHz to 3.0 GHzT otal Level Accuracy ±1 dB max (±0.5 dB typical) for input signal levels >-60 dBm (10 MHz to 2 GHz, excludes input VSWR)±1.5 dB max (±1 dB typical), >2 GHz to 3 GHz±2 dB max, 3 MHz to 10 MHzMeasurement Range+20 dBm to -80 dBmFrequency Span 3 MHz to 2.99 GHzDisplay Range+80 dBm to -80 dBmOffset Range0 to 60 dBMaximum Input Power+20 dBm without input attenuatorMS2711B (Option 29) Power meter specifications319。
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HT3000-E移动高清雷达测速仪|超速自动抓拍系统 300万高清摄像机
球类:16-177公里/小时 10-110英里/小时
车类:16-320公里/小时 10-200英里/小时
针对车: 0-390米
测量精度:+/-1.0MPH +/-2.0KPH
准确的数字速度阅读,使用DSP (数字高速处理)
BFNW1018-II 人体综合测试仪|防静电门禁|信号输出|防静电测试仪产品特点:可控制门禁系统,输出门禁信号
●手腕带统:<750KΩ (7.5×10E5Ω)(Low)
10MΩ(1×10E7Ω)~ 35MΩ(3.5×10E7Ω) (pass)
>35MΩ(3.5×10E7Ω) (high)
<100KΩ(1×10E5Ω) (low)
10MΩ(1×10E7Ω)~ 35MΩ(3.5×10E7Ω) (pass)
>35MΩ(3.5×10E7Ω) (high)
●外型尺寸:D117mm*W97mm*H33mm ●重量:265g(测试单元)。