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With the rapid development of the automobile industry and people's living standard increasing, automobile began to enter homes. People in consistent pursuit cars at the same time the safety, reliability, now also pay more attention to comfort requirements. Therefore, air conditioning system as the basic equipped with modern cars, also become the inevitable. Automotive air conditioning system as the main assembly affect auto comfort, one of the passengers ride provides a good environment, and to use and maintenance of the automobile air-conditioning and some other technical problems bring new challenges. This article through to related material, summarized study materials, further deep for automotive air conditioning system structure working principle and simply introduces detection. Paper finally to automotive air conditioning breakdown maintenance method, and maintenance of automotive air conditioning for simple case to the discussion of automotive air conditioning system, understand, and use in practical work.

Keywords: Automotive air conditioning, systems, components, function


摘要 ................................................................................................................................. I Abstract......................................................................................................................... I I 目录 .............................................................................................................................. III 1 概述. (1)

1.1汽车空调的过去与未来 (1)

1.2汽车空调的功能 (2)

1.3汽车空调的特点 (2)

1.4汽车空调的分类 (3)

2 汽车空调系统的组成与控制 (4)

2.1汽车空调系统的组成 (4)

2.2 汽车空调系统中的主要结构部件 (4)

2.2.1压缩机 (4)

2.2.2冷凝器 (5)

2.2.3蒸发器 (5)

2.2.4膨胀阀 (6)

2.2.5孔管的工作原理 (6)

2.2.6储液干燥器与集液器 (6)

2.3 制冷系统的工作原理以及控制与调节 (7)

2.3.1压缩过程 (7)

2.3.2放热过程 (8)

2.3.3节流过程 (8)

2.3.4吸热过程 (8)

2.4 汽车空调取暖系统的类型 (9)

2.4.1按热源分类 (9)

2.4.2 按空气循环分类 (10)

2.5 汽车空调配气系统的功能 (11)

2.6 汽车空调的通风系统 (11)

2.7 汽车空调系统压力控制 (11)

2.8汽车空调系统的车速控制 (12)

2.9 汽车空调基本控制电路 (13)

3 汽车空调系统故障检修设备及方法 (14)

3.1 汽车空调故障检修设备 (14)

3.2 汽车空调系统故障诊断方法 (14)

3.2.1听 (14)

3.2.2看 (15)

3.2.3摸 (15)

3.3.4测 (16)

3.3 利用短路实验方法判断系统控制电路的工作状况 (16)

3.4福特轿车检修案例 (17)

3.5上海通用别克汽车空调系统排除案例 (18)

4 结论与展望 (20)

4.1 结论 (20)

4.2 存在的不足 (20)

4.3 展望 (21)

致谢 (22)

参考文献 (23)
