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I. Listen to the sentences carefully and choose the correct responses. Each sentence will be read only once. (5 marks)

1. A. By bus B. By foot C. Go to school

2. A. It’s right. B. It’s wrong. C. It doesn’t work.

3. A. A little B. Good C. Fine

4. A. I’d like. B. I’d like to. C. I am happy.

5. A. For two weeks. B. In two weeks. C. Since two weeks ago.

II. Listen to the short dialogues carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Each dialogue will be read twice. (5 marks)

6. What would Mike like to have?

A. A bottle of orange.

B. A glass of milk.

C. A glass of water.

7. Who will look after the baby?

A. Mr Turner

B. Mrs Hu.

C. Toby.

8. What’s the right time?

A. 6:45

B. 6:15

C. 6:35

9. Where are they going?

A. To the park.

B. To Mary’s home.

C. To the cinema.

10. Why isn’t the boy going to the museum?

A. He hasn’t got a ticket.

B. He has to go to see the doctor.

C. He doesn’t like to see the old things

.III. Listen to three dialogues carefully and judge if the following statements are true or false. I f it’s true, please choose “A”; If it’s false, please choose “B”. Each dialogue will be read twice.

(10 marks)


11. Mr Black was wanted on the phone.

12. Mr Black was talking with to Pat when the phone rang.

13. Mr Black is upstairs now.


14. Kate and Tom are in Kate’s office.

15. Tom came in because he wanted to have a letter typed.

16. Kate will learn Japanese next year.


17. Jim had a headache.

18. Jim had been ill for about three days.

19. Jim had got a fever, too.

20. The doctor told Jim only to have a good rest.

IV. Listen to two short talks carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Each talk will be read three times. (10 marks)


21. What did Mike do before he went to bed last night?

A.He went to the cinema.

B.He watched TV at home.

C.He talked with his mother.

22.Why couldn’t Mike wake himself up this morning?

A.Because he wasn’t feeling quite well then.

B.Because he didn’t go to bed until 12 last night.

C.Because he stayed up until 2 this morning.

23. What did Mike have for breakfast this morning?

A. Bread.

B. Nothing.

C. Milk.

24. What did Mike leave at home when he left home this morning?

A.His pencil sharpener.

B.His glasses

C.His schoolbag.

25. Did he go to school on time?

A.Y es, he did.

B.No, he didn’t.

C.Y es, he’s better.


26. Mr Y ang decided to fly to Paris____________.

A. this morning

B. after several days

C. tomorrow morning

27. Mr Y ang went to France ____________.

A.to see his friends.

B.On business

C.To go on an important meeting.

28. Mr Y ang was afraid ___________.

A.he couldn’t get to Paris on time

B.He couldn’t catch the plane

C.He couldn’t buy the ticket

29. Mr Y ang called the office of CAAC to ___________.

A.ask when his plane would leave

B.know how much the ticket was

C.buy a ticket for himself

30. At last Mr Y ang ______________.

A.easily bought a ticket

B.got to the airport on time

C.could go to the airport right now.


I.Write down the following according to the requirements. ( 20marks)

1. match ( 复数) __________

2. early (比较) _______________
