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At present=Today=In the present age=In modern-day society=In current society=In contemporary society= Nowadays


It is generally( or wisely/commonly/ extensively/ universally) believed that…

It is generally ( or wisely/commonly/ extensively/ universally)accepted that…

It is generally arguable that…

It is generally recognised that…

It is generally( or wisely/commonly/ extensively/ universally) acknoleged that…

It is well-known fact that…

It is popular( or commom) belief that…


…..plays an increasingly key( or crucial/ essential/ vitallyimporant/ significant/ critical/ indispensable) role in…


… is advancing at a staggering/ astonishing/ drastic/ rapid/ accelerated/ unprecedented speed


….has transformed(or fundamentally changed/ completely changed) our lives


The problem of …is becoming increasingly severe( or grave/serious/ worrying/ disturbling/ worrisome)


In the meantime, the issue of whether…is becoming highly debatable. (如果第一句社会背景不写的话,那么就去掉In the meantime,下面的几句里however同理)

However, the issue of whether..has sparked ( or aroused/ given rise to / created/ caused/ provked/ triggered) spirited (or heated) debate ( or controversy) 是否。。。这个问题不同的人持不同的看法

However, when it comes to ( or with respect to /regarding/ concerning/ as for/ when asked about)whether, …people hold opposing ( or contrasting/ conflicting/ contradictory/ divergent/different)views.

However, people are still divided over whether…

However, there is no consensus on whether…

However, whether…arouses controversy.


Some people=some=some individuals

Think=believe=say=argue=maintain=contend=assert=insist= claim



I am favor of the former (or latter) view

In favor of =favor=support

View=opinion=point of view=notion


Overall, I would argee with their view

Personally, I think their view has considerable merit.

Personally, I agree with their view, but I would qualify it to some extent.

I agree with their proposition, with certain qualifications.

To my mind, the merits( or strengths/strong points) of their view outweigh the demerits ( or weaknesses/ weak points).

I can agree with their view, but with resevations.

I agree with their view to the extent that…

I think that their opinion merits consideration.

3. 如果原题里只有一种观点,你是主要反对的态度

Personally, I think their view is only pertly true.

Personally, I find this view ill-founded.

Personally, I think this view is specious at best.

Personally, I think this view overlooks important factors fo this issue.



Undeniably, ….

One the one hand, it is arguable that….

There is no denying that,,,

It is true that….

It is evident that…

It is obvious that…

Clearly, …

There is no doubt that…





In the first place

To begin with

To start with

For one thing


