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21. There is ________ 800-metre-l ong road beh ind _______ hospital.

A. an; an

B. a; a

C. an; the

D. a; the

22. Whe n she came back home, she found her goldfish ________ on the floor.

A. die

B. death

C. dead

D. dying

23. We didn ' t believe it _______ we saw it with our own eyes.

A. uni ess

B. if

C. because

D. after

24. — John, I think Peter is the only suitable person for this position although he is a little old.

—I agree. Most of the others are so young. They _________ have any experie nee.

A. nearly

B. closely

C. hardly

D. heavily

25. My brother wants to be a ________ to solve crimes and arrest crimi nals whe n he grows up.

A. bus in essma n

B. detective

C. shopkeeper

D. salesma n

26. The nu mber of the stude nts in our school ______ 1,300, and a nu mber of them ________ from Nanji ng.

A. is; are

B. is; is

C. are; is

D. arc; are

27. A recent ________ s hows that sport activities may help stude nts do better in class.

A. reas on

B. research

C. reply

D. record

28. We have to ________ the fact that we failed. No one could cha nge the result.

A. get

B. thi nk

C. require

D. face

29. The terrible traffic accide nt happe ned _______ about ten _________ the eve ning of May 16.

A. at, i n

B. at, on

C. in, at

D. on, at

30. I was late because the bus _____ on my way to school.

A. broke dow n

B. broke off

C. broke up

D. broke into

31. Most stude nts like the teachers ________ un dersta nd them well.

A. which

B. who

C. where

D. whe n

32. —How long does it take to get to the airport?

—A bout forty minutes. But it ' s foggy today. I _____ m nbesur© s go earlier.

A. whe n will the highway be closed

B. how will the highway be closed soon

C. why the highway has bee n closed

D. whether the highway will be closed soon

33. —Some one is knocking on the door. Is it Nan cy?

—It ________ be Nancy. She has gone to Shan ghai on bus in ess.

A. mustn 't

B. can 't

C. my not

D. will not

34. —_________ ?

—He is of medium height and has straight hair.

A. What does his uncle do?

B. What does his uncle look like?

C. What can his uncle do?

D. What is his uncle doi ng?

35. —Kitty, who do you think is better at magic, Liu qian or Yif?

— _________ of them is great. I love their shows.

A. Either

B. Neither

C. All

D. Both




Soap operas (肥皂剧)from South Korea have been popular in China for more than twenty years now.

So it is not the 36 time for Chinas soap operas to be less popular. But this lime, they are facing more 37 . becauseDescendants of the Sun (太阳的后裔)and My Love from the Star really made a

big success, which even 38 some lop Chin ese officers.

A senior officer said he sometimes watched soap operas from South Korea 39 operas from

America. These operas made 40 in South Korea and in America have a lot of lovers in China.

Many people 41 that China ' s soap operas are not much loved by most Chinese, because they are not as interesting as ____________ 42 __ from South Korea and America, such as My Love from the Star, a

Korea n love story betwee n a time-travelli ng professor and a famous movie star.

However,Korean shows not only 43 soap operas but also some programming (综艺节目).
