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Part A

1.act (熟义:行动)vi.起作用It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.

2.address (熟义:地址;写地址)vt.向……发表演说;直接向……说话

It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting.


The great hall can admit 5000 students.

4.against prep.映衬The picture looks nice against the white wall.

5.air v.抒发;倾诉;播送Don’t air your troubles too often.

6.attend v. 看护;治疗The nurse attended to him day and night.

7.back vt.支持Many of his friends backed his plan.

8.build n. 身材;体形The athlete has a solid build.

9.cause n.事业

10.dash v. 急送;催促Being badly ill, he was dashed to hospital.

His mother dashed him into going to school every day.

11.express adj.明确的;快的;丝毫不差的;n. 快车

His express wish was that you should come here by express train.

12.fail v.不足;缺乏

Our water supply failed.

He is failing in health./ His health is failing.

He failed to lend her a hand.

13.foreign 不熟悉的;和……格格不入The subject is foreign to me.

14.freeze v.不许动Freeze! Or I’ll shoot.

15.fine v./n. 罚款

16.ground n. 理由He has strong grounds for more money.

17.industry n. 努力;勤勉His success was due to industry.

18.interest n.利益;股份in/to one’s interest(s) to do sth

19.introduce v.以……开始He introduced his speech with a joke.

20.invite v.吸引;招引(inviting)

Don’t leave the window open –it’s inviting thieves to enter.

The dishes are really inviting.

21.jam (熟义:果酱) vt./n.塞进;塞满;堵塞;困境

He jammed four apples in his pocket.

The accident jammed the main road for 2 hours.

There are traffic jams every day on this road.

22.job n.费力的事vt.做零工;假公济私

Removing the table is quite a job.

He jobbed his son into the position.

23.jump n./v. 大幅度上涨Last week the prices of goods jumped.

24.kick n.劲头;味道;乐趣The swimmer has a strong kick.(兴致勃勃)

25.lecture v./n. 训斥;教训

26.lift n.搭便车;鼓舞Can you give me a lift?

His report gave us a lift.

27.part v. 分手;放弃;卖掉n.零件,角色

In order to raise money, he had to part with some of his most treasured possessions.

28.pay vi.合算He says farming doesn’t pay these days.

29.promise v. 有希望;可能会有The dark clouds promise rain.

30.put up 留某人住宿Could you put me up for the night?

31.sound adj. (人)善于决策的;明智的;(机器/身体)没毛病的

It is important to have a sound body.

32.spare v.饶恕;放过He spared the thief.

33.spring v.猛然跳起;涌出Fast food restaurants are springing up all over the city.

34.succeed v. 继承;继任He will succeed Foley as speaker of the House.

35.vote v.(口语) 建议I vote that we go home .

36.work v. 起作用;管理I believe your plan will work.

The young man works a large company.

Part B

1.A bank of cloud is building in the west. 西边的天空正聚积起一大团乌云。

2.The line begins to stir. 队伍开始骚动起来。

3.You’ve gone too far.你这么做太过分了。

4.Outside there is a breeze. The whisper of rain. 外面刮起了一阵微风,响起了雨的低吟。

5.They were a quiet and fond couple. 他们夫妇一向和和睦睦,相亲相爱。

6.It was bronchitis that finished her, helped by a week of November fog and Cressley’s industrial dirt and smoke. 谁知老伴得了支气管炎,再加上那一周十一月的雾气浓重,克列瑟莱城的工业烟尘弥漫,不到十天,她就去世了。

7.His wife’s death nearly finished Thompson too. 老伴一死,汤普森差点儿随她而去。

8.I said with some heat: “Look here, Nabin, …”我有点激动地说: “你听着,纳宾,……”

9.I spent three solid minutes in explaining to him exactly where the post-office was. (连续的;完全的)


10.At the end of that time I felt as lost as Simpson. 到后来我也被弄得跟辛普森一样晕头转向了。

11.The bank seemed to swim before my eyes.银行似乎在我眼前旋转起来。

12.This is not bad either, but a bit too heavy.这种(布丁)也不坏,只是稍微腻了点。

13.In surprise, the girl took down the pudding from its stand and started to make a parcel of it.


14.The air was rich with spring.空气里充满了春天的气息。

15.The girl pictured the suffering of the poor in the story.这女孩在这个故事里描写了穷人的苦难生活。

16.As he spoke of this a light came into his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.


17.The thirty thousand dollars he had lost on Wednesday about cleaned him and his wife out.


18.He was very old , and his head was topped with a cloud of fine , snow-white hair.

