ISO 14001 2015 中英文
Figure 1 — Relationship between PDCA and the framework in this International Standard
0.5 Contents of this International Standard
This International Standard conforms to ISO’s
management system standards. These requirements
level structure, identical core text, and common
definitions, designed to benefit users implementing 图1:PDCA 与本标准结构之间的关系
0.5 本标准内容
本标准符合ISO 对管理体系标准的要求。
这些要求包括一个高阶结构,相同的核心正文,以及具有核心定义的通用术语,目的是方便使用者实施多个ISO 管理体系标准。
和处置(PDCA)的思想。PDCA 模式演示了组织通过使用反复的过程从而实现持续改进。它
可应用于一个管理体系及其每一个单独的要素。关于 PDCA 的含义可简要说明如下:
— 策划:建立所需的目标和过程,以实现组织的环境方针所期望的结果;
— 实施:对所策划的过程予以实施;
— 检查:依据环境方针,包括其承诺、目标、和运行控制对过程进行监视和测量,并
— 增强环境绩效;
— 符合合规性义务;
— 实现环境目标。
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本标准适用于任何组织,无论大小、类型和性质,并适用于组织确定其可控制或影响考 虑生命周期的角度来看待环境因素。它并未提出具体的环境绩效准则,也不增加或改变一个 组织的法律义务。
本标准可整体或部分被用于改进环境管理,但旨在使其所有要求都能够被纳入一个环 境管理体系,并不排斥地落实,如果组织声称符合本标准。 2 规范性引用文件
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动性质、产品和服务,包括组织的环境因素和潜在影响。 0.4 策划、实施、检查、处置方法
这导致了组织采用一种环境管理的系统方法,通过实施旨在有助于可持续发展的“环 境支柱”的环境管理体系。 0.2 环境管理体系的目的
本标准旨在为组织提供一个系统的框架,以保护环境,并对不断变化的环境条件与社 会经济需求的平衡作出响应。它通过环境管理体系的具体要求,使一个组织通过以下方式 提高环境绩效:
— 制定和实施环境方针和目标; — 识别其活动、产品和服务可导致重大环境影响的因素; — 考虑其背景、并考虑到其重要环境因素、威胁和机遇所带来的风险及其合规性义务,
4Context of the organization4.1Understanding the organization and its contextThe organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and that affect its ability to achieve the intended outcome(s) of its environmental management system. Those issues include environmental conditions capable of affecting or being affected by the organization.4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties The organization shall determine:‐the interested parties that are relevant to the environmental management system;‐the relevant needs and expectations (i.e. requirements) of these interested parties;‐which of these needs and expectations become compliance obligations.4.3Determining the scope of the environmental management systemThe organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the environmental management system to establish its scope.When determining this scope, the organization shall consider:‐the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1;‐the compliance obligation referred to in 4.2;‐its organizational unit(s), function(s), and physical boundaries;‐its activities, products and services;‐its authority and ability to exercise control and influence.Once the scope is defined, activities, products and services that can have significant environmental aspects (see 6.1.2) shall be included within the scope of the environmental management system.The scope shall be maintained as documented information and be available to interested parties.4.4 Environmental management systemThe organization shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an environmental management system, including the processes needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard, to ensure its environmental performance.The organization shall consider the knowledge of its context when establishing and maintaining the environmental management system. 4 组织环境4.1 理解组织及其环境组织应确定外部和内部那些与组织的宗旨、影响环境管理体系实现预期结果的能力的事项。
1. Contents1.Contents2.Scope and application3.Introduction4.Definitions and abbreviations5.Responsibilities6.Procedures7.Interacting Procedure8.Supporting form9.Flow chart of Procedure2. Scope and applicationThis procedure identifies the methods of establishing, monitoring and reviewing of environmental objectives, targets and improvement programmes according to ISO 14001 standards in ShenZhen Factory.3. IntroductionWith reference to ISO 14001 standards, Shenzhen Factory requires to establish and maintain documented environmental objectives, targets and improvement programmes, at each relevant function and level within her organization. Environmental objectives and targets are derived from, and in line with:a.Environmental policyb.Significant environmental aspects / impactsc.Corporate Environmental Programme(s) (CEP)d.Technological optionse.Financial, operational and business requirementsf.Legislative and regulatory requirementsg.Views of interested parties4. Definitions and AbbreviationsEMS Environmental Management SystemQMS Quality Management SystemCAR Corrective Action RequestMR Management RepresentativeEMP Objective and Target Programme5. ResponsibilitiesFactory Manager -to endorse the environmental objectives and related targetsSteering committee -to approve the environmental objectives, targets and relevantenvironmental improvement programmesMR -overall responsibility in establishing, maintaining andreviewing environmental objectives, targets and improvementprogramme(s)ISO 14001 working team -to propose the environmental objectives and targets accordingto this procedure and to check/track the progress ofimplementation of EMPs.EMS Officer -to prepare, renew and document the approved environmentalobjectives and targets annuallyProgramme owner -to prepare the relevant environmental improvementprogramme(s) and ensure the items outline in the programme(s)are timely completedAll employees -have the responsibility to offer their suggestions and provideadequate support to work towards the achievement of theobjectives and targets6. Procedures6.1 Formulation of Objectives and TargetsThe ISO 14001 working team shall propose the environmental objectives and targetsannually according to the following procedure. The formulation of the objectives andtargets are derived from but not limited to the followings include:a.Environmental Policyb.Environmental Aspects / Impactsc.Corporate Environmental Programme(s) (CEP)d.Technological optionse.Financial, Operational and Business Requirementsf.Legislative and Regulatory Requirementsg.Views from Interested Parties6.2 The “Environmental Objectives and Targets Summary”QKW-666-EMS0007 Form 2is then prepared to summarize all EMP in each year.6.3 The proposed Environmental Objectives and Targets Summary should be approved bysteering committee or top management in management review.6.4 Based on the defined and approved objectives and targets, the owner will be identified andthe EMP will be prepared using QJV-EMS-0019 Form 1 “Objective and Target Programme (EMP)”and approved in tracking the achievement of each defined objectives and targets. For better tracking purpose, basically, every EMP is used for one objective. It includes but not limited to the following items:-a.Objective addressedb.Ownerc.Target(s) based on the objective addressedd.Environmental Performance Indicators (EPIs) to monitor the targets if anye.Specific action(s), By whom, Tentative completion date and Actual completiondate.6.5 In the meantime, the objectives and targets shall be communicated to all employeesthrough proper media, e.g. Departmental Bulletin Board, E-mail, etc.6.6 The ISO14001 working team shall check / track the action (s) outlined in the programmeis/are timely completed . EMS officer shall check and review the progress of EMP everythree months. Should any derivation from the execution of the action (s) happen, theprogramme owner shall make necessary amendments of the programme and informEMS officer and ISO14001 working team immediately for future reference.6.7 Change of objectives and TargetsIt includes but not limits to the following conditions:-a.Product or process changeanizational Changec.Change of areas defined in 6.1d.Management Review findings6.8 EMS Officer will modify or amend the objectives and targets accordingly. The changedobjectives and targets are then approved by steering committee and top management inoperational meeting. If there is any impact in the action as defined in the EMP, the EMPwill also be amended. Meanwhile, the “Environmental Objectives and TargetsSummary” is amended accordingly to reflect the change.6.9 Management Representatives of EMS should be responsible for deployment andcoordination, keep tracking the progress of EMP to the concerned programme ownersand report the progress of those owner(s) in ISO 14001 working team meeting.6.10 CAR should be issued to concerned programme owner when there is anynon-conformance related to EMP.7. Interacting ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0001 Identification and Registration of Legal and Other EnvironmentalRequirements ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0004 Corrective and Preventive Action -Environmental Management System QKW-666-EMS0006 Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Aspects and ImpactsProcedureQKW-666-EMS0008 Internal and External Communication of Environmental ManagementSystem Procedure8. Supporting formQKW-666-EMS0007 Form 1 Objectives and Target ProgrammeQKW-666-EMS0007 Form 2 Objectives and Targets Summary9. Flow chart of procedure。
文件管理与控制程序Docume nts man ageme nt and con trol procedure1. 目的Purpose确保环境管理体系文件、适用的外来文件(有关的法律、法规、标准、相关方提供的文件或规范)使用的有效性。
To assure the2. 适用范围scope适用于对环境管理体系相关文件及适用的外来文件的控制。
It is apply to theen vir onment man ageme nt system relati on docume nts and usable exter nal docume nts 'con trol.3. 职责Responsibility3.1环工组:负责环境管理体系文件及适用的外来文件的归口管理;负责监控文件的执行。
The environment team: to man age and be in charge of en vir onment man ageme nt docume nts and exter nal docume nts.3.2各部门in dividual departme nt :确保各相关场所均使用现行文件的有效版本。
To en sure Therelative workplace is using the curre nt effective docume nts.4. 工作程序Work procedure4.1 文件控制范围包括:documents control ' s scopea) 环境管理手册;en vir onment man ageme nt manu al;b) 环境管理体系程序文件;en vir onment man ageme nt system procedure docume nts;c) 环境管理体系作业指导文件;the work in structio n docume nts for en vir onmentman ageme nt system;d) 环境记录表格;en vir onment record form;e) 夕卜来文件。
3.0 Reference Documents
Section 4.3.1, EMS Manual EP-02 Review of Legal and Other Requirements EP-04 Control of Documents EP-08 Control of Records
4.0 Definitions
Prepared by :
Approved by :
Revision Date
Revision History
Sections Affected
Revised Approved By
Page 2
1.0 Purpose
This procedure describes the method for identifying and evaluating environmental aspects related to the (BUSINESS ACTIVITIES) carried out by COMPANY NAME respectively and determining the significance of these aspects. The procedure also applies to those indirect aspects arising from works carried out by COMPANY NAME’s suppliers and contractors.
2.0 Scope
This procedure applies to all operations and activities, under normal conditions and reasonably foreseeable situations, in the Office and Facilities of COMPANY NAME.
1.Contents1.Con te nts2.Scope and applicati on3.In troduct ion4.Defin iti ons and abbreviate ns5.Resp on sibilities6.Procedures7.In teract ing Procedure8.Support ing form9.Flow chart of Procedure2.Scope and applicationThis procedure ide ntifies the methods of establish ing, mon itori ng and review ing of en vir onmen tal objectives, targets and improveme nt programmes accordi ng to ISO 14001 sta ndards in Shen Zhe n Factory.3.IntroductionWith refere nee to ISO 14001 sta ndards, Shen zhe n Factory requires to establish and main ta in docume nted en vir onmen tal objectives, targets and improveme nt programmes, at each releva nt fun ctio n and level within her orga ni zati on. En viro nmental objectives and targets are derived from, and in line with:a.En vir onmen tal policyb.Sign ifica nt en vir onmen tal aspects / impactsc.Corporate En vir onmen tal Programme(s) (CEP)d.Tech no logical optio nse.Finan cial, operati onal and bus in ess requireme ntsf.Legislative and regulatory requireme ntsg.Views of in terested parties4.Definitions and AbbreviationsEMS En vir onmen tal Man ageme nt SystemQMS Quality Man ageme nt SystemCAR Corrective Actio n RequestMR Man ageme nt Represe ntativeEMP Objective and Target ProgrammePage: 2of 4 Date: 99-10-065. ResponsibilitiesFactory Man ager -to en dorse the en vir onmen tal objectives and related targetsSteeri ng committee -to approve the en vir onmen tal objectives, targetsa nd releva nt en vir onmental improveme nt programmesMR-overall resp on sibility in establishi ng, maintaining and reviewingenvironmental objectives, targets and improvement programme(s)ISO 14001 worki ng team-to propose the en vir onmen tal objectives and targets accord ing to thisprocedure and to check/track the progress of impleme ntati on of EMPs.EMS Officer -to prepare, re new and docume nt the approved en vir onmen tal objectivesand targets annu allyProgramme owner-to prepare the releva nt en vir onmen tal improveme nt programme(s) and ensure the items outl ine in the programme(s) are timely completedAll employees-have the resp on sibility to offer their suggestio ns and provide adequatesupport to work towards the achieveme nt of the objectives and targets6. Procedures6.1Formulatio n of Objectives and TargetsThe ISO 14001 worki ng team shall propose the en vir onmen tal objectives and targets annually accordingto the following procedure. The formulation of the objectives and targets are derived from but n ot limitedto the followi ngs in clude:a.En vir onmen tal Policyb.En viro nmen tal Aspects / Impactsc.Corporate En vir onmen tal Programme(s) (CEP)d.Tech no logical opti onse.Finan cial, Operati onal and Busin ess Requireme ntsf.Legislative and Regulatory Requireme ntsg.Views from In terested Parties6.2The “Environmental Objectives and Targets Summa” QKW-666-EMS0007 Form 2 is the n prepared to summarizeall EMP in each year.6.3The proposed En vir onmen tai Objectives and Targets Summary should be approved by steeri ng committee ortop man ageme nt in man ageme nt review.6.4Based on the defi ned and approved objectives and targets, the owner will be ide ntified andthe EMP will be prepared using QJV-EMS-0019 Form 1 “ Objective and TargetProgramme (EMP) ” and approved in tracking the achievement of each defined objectives and targets. For better tracking purpose, basically, every EMP is used for one objective. It includes but not limited to the following items:-a.Objective addressedb.Ownerc.Target(s) based on the objective addressedd.En vir onmen tal Performa nee In dicators (EPIs) to mon itor the targets if anye.Specific action( s), By whom, Ten tative completi on date and Actual completi on date.6.5In the mea ntime, the objectives and targets shall be com muni cated to all employees through proper media,e.g. Departmental Bulletin Board, E-mail, etc.6.6The ISO14001 working team shall check / track the action (s) outlined in the programme is/are timelycompleted . EMS officer shall check and review the progress of EMP every three mon ths. Should any derivati on from the executio n of the acti on (s) happe n, the programme owner shall make necessaryamendmentsof the programme and inform EMS officer and ISO14001 worki ng team immediately for future refere nee.6.7Change of objectives and TargetsIt includes but not limits to the following conditions:-a.Product or process cha ngea ni zati onal Changec.Change of areas defi ned in 6.1d.Man ageme nt Review findings6.8EMS Officer will modify or ame nd the objectives and targets accordi ngly. The cha nged objectives andtargets are the n approved by steeri ng committee and top man ageme nt in operati onal meet in g. If there is any impact in the actio n as defi ned in the EMP, the EMP will also be amended. Meanwhile, the“ Environmental Objectives and Targets Summary" is ame nded accord in gly to reflect the cha nge.6.9Management Representativesof EMS should be responsible for deployment and coord in atio n, keep track ingthe progress of EMP to the concerned programme owners and report the progress of those owner(s) in ISO 14001 working team meeting.P rogramme ow nersESTABLISHING, MONITORING AND REVIEWING ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES, TARGETS AND IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMMESQKW-666-EMS0007/AA Page: 4of 4 Date: 99-10-066.10 CAR should be issued to concerned programme owner when there is any non-con forma nee related to EMP.7.Interacting ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0001 Ide ntificati on and Registratio n of Legal a nd Other En viro nmental Requireme nts Procedure QKW-666-EMS0004 Corrective and Preve ntive Actio n -En viro nmental Ma nageme nt System QKW-666-EMS0006 Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Aspects and Impacts ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0008 In ternal a nd External Com mun icatio n of En viro nmental Ma nageme nt System Procedure8. Supporting form QKW-666-EMS0007 Form 1 Objectives and Target Programme QKW-666-EMS0007 Form 2Objectives and Targets Summary9. Flow chart of procedureEn vir onmen tal Objectives, Targets and Improveme nt Programmes Establishi ng ProcessResponsible byImprovement ProgrammesfEnv ironmental/--------Aspects /ImpactsLJPolicySteering CommitteeTech no logicalCorporateopti onsEnv ironmentalObjectives'Program\/ ----丿r »IFinan cial,Views ofJoperati onalTargetsISO 14000 w orking teamsiderati ons。
ISO 14001-2015FDIS 环境管理体系要求【中英】
the relevant needs and expectations (î. e. requirements) ofthese interested partîes; whîch of these needs and expectations become complìance oblîgatîons. 43 Determining the scope of the environmental management system The organizatìon shall determine the boundaries and applicab i5ty of the environmental management system to establish ìts 5cope. When
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ISO 14001:2015 环境管理体系 要求及使用指南
Environmental management systems-- Requirements withguidance for use环境管理体系要求及使用指南ISO14001:2015目录引言 (4)1.范围 (6)2规范性引用文件 (6)3术语和定义 (6)3.1组织和领导力相关的术语 (6)3.2 策划相关的术语 (7)3.3 支持和运行相关的术语 (8)3.4 绩效评价和改进相关的术语 (8)4组织的情境 (9)4.1理解组织及其情境 (9)4.2理解相关方的需求和期望 (9)4.3确定环境管理体系的范围 (9)4.4环境管理体系 (9)5领导力 (10)5.1领导力及承诺 (10)5.2环境方针 (10)5.3组织的角色、职责及权限 (10)6策划 (10)6.1应对风险和机会的措施 (10)6.1.1总则 (10)6.1.2环境因素 (11)6.1.3合规义务 (11)6.1.4措施的策划 (11)6.2环境目标及实现策划 (11)6.2.1环境目标 (11)6.2.2实现环境目标的措施策划 (11)7支持 (12)7.1资源 (12)7.2能力 (12)7.3意识 (12)7.4沟通 (12)7.4.1总则 (12)7.4.2内部沟通 (12)7.4.3外部沟通 (12)7.5文件化信息 (12)7.5.1总则 (12)7.5.2创建和更新 (13)7.5.3文件化信息的控制 (13)8运行 (13)8.1运行策划及控制 (13)8.2应急准备和响应 (13)9绩效评价 (14)9.1监视、测量、分析和评价 (14)9.1.1总则 (14)9.1.2合规性评价 (14)9.2内部审核 (14)9.2.1总则 (14)9.2.2内部审核方案 (14)9.3管理评审 (14)10改进 (15)10.1总则 (15)10.2不符合与纠正措施 (15)10.3持续改进 (15)引言0.1 背景为了即能满足当代的需求而又不损害满足后代需求的能力,考虑实现环境、社会和经济之间的平衡是必需的。
1. Contents1.Contents2.Scope and application3.Introduction4.Definitions and abbreviations5.Responsibilities6.Procedures7.Interacting Procedure8.Supporting form9.Flow chart of Procedure10.Appendix2. Scope and applicationThis procedure outlines the control and monitor for the subcontractor for their works and service ensure that they are all comply with the local environments requirement. This procedureis applicable to the Shenzhen Factory.2.1 All subcontractor activities in Shenzhen Factory relating toa). Plant Facility/Building Maintenanceb). Waste Collection Servicesc). Factory Internal/External Construction Work3. IntroductionTo define a procedure to control/monitor the subcontractor services to ensure compliance with environmental requirement and minimize potential pollution risks.4. Definitions and AbbreviationsPTE Plant Engineering Section of Maintenance Engineering departmentME Dept. Manager Maintenance Engineering ManagerEMS Environmental Management SystemSubcontractor Subcontractors to provide maintenance or waste collecting service to Philips (Shenzhen)EMS officer EMS officer (Shenzhen)5. ResponsibilitiesPTE Mechanic/Engineer Monitor the subcontractor’s work and make sure they complyto the environmental concerns Record the information detailswith the Subcontractor and inform EMS requirement to thembefore the works started Communicate and review theenvironmental concerns with the EMS Officer ME Dept. Manager Monitor & review the performance of the subcontractors fortheir overall management on yearly basisEMS Officer Overall review the environmental concerns with PTE Engineerand Subcontractor. Receive/review the EIA from thesubcontractor.Subcontractor Make sure the all work & activity comply with theenvironmental protection concerns & reply the survey to EMSofficer.6. Procedures6.1 Plant Facility Maintenance Service/Factory Construction Work6.1.1 All work and activity must comply to Philips in-house EMS requirement.PTE group should monitor all the activity during the process and also thecondition of the facility/equipment will not cause any environment impact or pollution.6.1.2I f there is any waste generated, they should be handled according tothe General Waste Management Procedure QKW-666-EMS0018.6.1.3 In case the situation is out of control the General Emergency ResponsePlan QKW-666-EMS0012 should be followed and inform theEMS Officer to registrate the incident according to EnvironmentalRegistration Procedure QKW-666-EMS0003.6.1.4 Before the Subcontractor starts to work, make sure that they understandour EMS requirement and fill in the QKW-666-EMS0014 form 2. The recordshould be kept for one year by PTE for follow up and review use.6.2 Waste Collection Service6.2.1Collect and re-build the waste according to the General Waste ManagementProcedure QKW-666-EMS0018 and they shall be handled separately.6.2.2All disposed re-usable waste should be recorded on the record formQKW-666-EMS0018 Form 1.6.3The ME Dept. Manager should be responsible for maintaining a list of approvedwaste collector/contractor with appropriate waste disposal licenses.7. Interacting ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0002 Fire Precaution and Fire Escape ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0003 Environmental Incident Registration ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0004 Corrective and Preventive Action for EMSQKW-666-EMS0005 Spill Control/Cleanup ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0012 General Emergency Response PlanQKW-666-EMS0018 General Waste ManagementQKW-666-EMS0017 Instruction of Handling of Chemical8.Supporting FormSubcontractor Environmental Performance Questionnaire加工商環境保護表現問卷調查SERVICE SUBCONTRACTOR WORKING RECORD 加工商工作記錄9. Flow chart of procedureN/A10. Appendix I Chinese translation of section 5 and 65. 責任厂房技術員/工程師監察加工商的工作确保沒有污染環境.報告環境污染事件及通知EMS主任.制造工程部經理監察及檢討加工商的工作表現,作為加工商的全面管理及每年檢討.EMS主任管理及存檔有關環境之文件及檔案,存檔加工商之E1A,和厂房工程師檢討檢討環境事情.加工商确保工作沒有污染環境及回覆EMS主任發出之E1A.6. 工作程序6.1 厂房維修及工作6.1.1厂房維修工程部确保所有工程及工作附合內部環保要求.6.1.2所有工程后之廢物必須根据 QKW-666-EMS0018的廢物程序處理.6.1.3如果污染情況發生,根据 QKW-666-EMS0003的環境污染報告處理.6.1.4在開始工作前填寫工作記錄及講解Philips環保及緊急應變要求給加工商知道.6.2廢物收集商工作6.2.1根据QJV-PTE-0056收集廢物及分類.6.2.2所有回收廢物必須記錄在 QKW-666-EMS0018 Form1.6.3 維修工程部經理負責記錄廢物收集商的名單及資料.。
MRF Name / LogoMP08 - Environmental, legal and communicationaspects procedureApproved:Management Representative:Note:Within this manual template, red italic text should be replaced by MRF specific information and any guidance in ‘text boxes’ should be implemented.1PurposeThis procedure describes the processes to identify the environmental aspects of MRF Name activities, products and services and the determination of those aspects that have a significant impact on the environment.This procedure also includes the identification of legal and other requirements and the determination of how these apply to environmental aspects and the communication with regard to environmental aspects and the environmental management system. This includes both internal and external communication.2ScopeThis procedure contains the following sections:4.1 Environmental aspects4.2 Legal and other requirements4.3 Objectives, targets and programmes4.4 Communication3Definitions and glossaryMD - Managing DirectorMR - Management RepresentativeOM - Operations Manager4ProcedureThe MD and MR are responsible for the implementation of this procedure.The MD and MR are responsible for identifying Environmental Aspects of the business and determining those aspects that may have a significant environmental impact. The MD and OM are also responsible for identifying applicable legal and other requirements related to environmental aspects and ensuring that applicable legal requirements are taken into account in the implementation and maintenance of the environmental management system.The MD and MR is responsible for planning and overseeing Environmental Objectives, Targets and Programmes. The MD is responsible for the establishing the policy in relation to external communication of MRF Name environmental aspects.4.1Environmental aspectsIn the context of this procedure, an Environmental Aspect is an element of MRF Name activities, products or services that can interact with the environment and that MRF Name can either control or influence. These are taken into account when planning new or modified services or processes.The identification of environmental aspects in relation to the activities, products and services provided by MRF Name has been carried out as part of the environmental system implementation and will be included in the planning of any new services and processes.This will also include the determination of those environmental aspects that have (or could have) a significant environmental impact. An environmental impact is a change to the environment (adverse or beneficial) that wholly or partially results from a MRF Name environmental aspect.4.1.1Determination of significant environmental aspectsImpacts/aspects identified during the ongoing review of MRF Name activities are prioritised by an impact/risk assessment procedure, the results of which can be used for the implementation of continuous improvement.Impacts are scored and ranked to enable the significant impacts to be identified and a priority allocated in a systematic manner. In addition to ensuring that there are appropriate operational management control procedures in place, MRF Name management will set objectives and targets for continuous improvement of the significant impacts.The following procedure has been used for the ranking of significant environmental aspects and impacts. This ranking is to be recorded on form MFxx (see Appendix A).Potential harm (A)Will harm be caused to the environment as the result of the aspect?The category of ‘Potential Harm’ is intended to evaluate hazard and risk associated with the ‘control of pollution’ i.e. environmental damage that could occur. When assessing the Potential Harm of an aspect, the inherent environmental hazard of the material and the location of the ‘incident’ is considered. Aspects associated with ‘Potential Harm’ may occur under normal, abnormal and emergency conditions.A 1 to 5 rating is used as follows:1.Material that will not cause environmental damage.2.Material that could cause limited environmental damage.3.Material that could cause localised environmental damage.4.Material that could cause substantial damage.5.Material that could cause major environmental damage.Actual harm (B)Will harm be caused to the environment as a result of the consumption of resources or the disposal of waste?The category ‘Actual Harm’ is intended to evaluate environmental damage caused t hrough the consumption of resources or the disposal of wastes.Aspects associated with ‘Actual Harm’ will occur under normal and abnormal conditions. A 1 to 5 rating is used as follows:1.Consumption / disposal of a renewable / recyclable material causing no environmental damage.2.Consumption / disposal of a material / resource causing minor environmental damage.3.Consumption / disposal of a material / resource causing moderate environmental damage.4.Consumption / disposal of a material / resource making a contribution to a known global environmental problem.5.Consumption / disposal of a non-renewable material / resource making a major contribution to a known globalenvironmental problem.Scale of aspect (C)The quantity or size of the environmental aspect.This aspect could be in relation to Energy Consumption in KWh / annum or Waste to Landfill in tonnes / annum. Again a rating of 1 to 5 can be applied.1. Minimum quantity used or released.2. Minor quantity used or released.3. Moderate quantity used or released.4. Large quantity used or released.5. Major quantity used or released.Frequency of occurrence (D)Is the aspect likely to occur?When assessing the frequency that the aspect will / does occur, the effectiveness of the controls already in place should also be consider. A rating of 1 to 5 is applied as follows:1.No evidence of occurrence.2.Possible occurrence (1 x per year).3.Probable occurrence (1 x per month).4.Likely occurrence (1 x week).5.Certain to occur (daily or continuous).The sum of the ratings for A + B + C + D can therefore be used to determine those environmental aspects that have (or。
COMPANY NAMEEnvironmental ProcedureIdentification of Environmental Aspects and Significance Evaluation(EP-01)Revision No. : 1Date : DD – MM – YYYYPrepared by :Approved by :Revision History1.0 PurposeThis procedure describes the method for identifying and evaluating environmental aspects related to the (BUSINESS ACTIVITIES)carried out by COMPANY NAME respectively and determining the significance of these aspects. The procedure also applies to those indirect aspects arising from works carried out by COMPANY NAME’s suppliers and contractors.2.0 ScopeThis procedure applies to all operations and activities, under normal conditions and reasonably foreseeable situations, in the Office and Facilities of COMPANY NAME.3.0 Reference DocumentsSection 4.3.1, EMS ManualEAR-01 Register of Environmental AspectsLR-01 Register of Legal and Other RequirementsEP-02 Review of Legal and Other RequirementsEP-04 Control of DocumentsEP-08 Control of Records4.0 DefinitionsEMS Committee -Environmental Management System CommitteeEMR -Environmental Management RepresentativeSEA -Significant Environmental Aspects5.0 Responsibility5.1 EMS CommitteeThe EMS Committee shall identify the environmental aspects of all activities, products and services of COMPANY NAME and its suppliers and contractors, and evaluate the significance of the environmental aspects.The members of EMS Committee / EMR shall prepare and maintain the Register of Environmental Aspects such that it contains the most up-to-date information.5.2 (Top Management)The (Top Management)shall review and approve the Register of Environmental Aspects.6.0 Procedure6.1 Basis for Aspect IdentificationCOMPANY NAME’s environmental aspects include those direct aspects arising from their activities, products and services; those indirect aspects that can be influenced, such arising from the activities of their suppliers and contractors working on COMPANY NAME’s activities, and from customer use of product (wherever reasonably practicable). Aspects within the defined scope of the EMS with regards to resource inputs to each process / activity, the intermediate effects, and the outputs for past, present and future activities, under normal operating conditions and any reasonably foreseeable situations shall be considered e.g. planned or new developments, or new or modified activities, products and services.6.2 Identification of Environmental AspectsThe environmental aspects of COMPANY NAME shall be identified with respect to its major work activities. The aspects identified from business activities and office activities are consolidated to form the Register of Environmental Aspects.Information reviewed for aspect identification shall include but is not limited to the following:∙Work process flow and procedures∙Legal requirements / non-statutory guidance notes∙General specifications and Particular specifications;∙Design reports∙Observations in site inspections;∙Records of complaints and/or non-compliance;∙Past monitoring records; and∙Records for past management reviews and/or environmental audits.6.3 Identification of Environmental Impacts of AspectsThe environmental impacts of each aspect shall be identified with regards to:∙Resources utilisation (including use of raw materials, energy, etc);∙Waste management;∙Air emissions;∙Water pollution;∙Noise and vibration nuisance;∙Land contamination;∙Indirect impacts caused by COMPANY NAME’s suppliers or contractors or customers; and∙Others : Flora and Fauna, Visual impact; Community impact, Transportation impact, Nuisance, Site Security, etc.。
Figure1—RelationshipbetweenPDCAandtheframeworki nthisInternationalStandard
0.5ContentsofthisInternationalStandard ThisInternationalStandardconformstoISO’srequirementsf ormanagementsPstemstandards.Theserequirementsinclud eahighlevelstructure,identicalcoretePt,andcommontermsw ithcoredefinitions,designedtobenefitusersimplementingm。
-Maintenance Service1. Contents1.Contents2.Scope and application3.Introduction4.Definitions and abbreviations5.Responsibilities6.Procedures7.Interacting Procedure8.Supporting form9.Flow chart of Procedure10.Appendix2. Scope and applicationThis procedure outlines the control and monitor for the subcontractor for their works and service ensure that they are all comply with the local environments requirement. This procedureis applicable to the Shenzhen Factory.2.1 All subcontractor activities in Shenzhen Factory relating toa). Plant Facility/Building Maintenanceb). Waste Collection Servicesc). Factory Internal/External Construction Work3. IntroductionTo define a procedure to control/monitor the subcontractor services to ensure compliance with environmental requirement and minimize potential pollution risks.4. Definitions and AbbreviationsPTE Plant Engineering Section of Maintenance Engineering departmentME Dept. Manager Maintenance Engineering ManagerEMS Environmental Management SystemSubcontractor Subcontractors to provide maintenance or waste collecting service to Philips (Shenzhen)EMS officer EMS officer (Shenzhen)-Maintenance Service5. ResponsibilitiesPTE Mechanic/Engineer Monitor the subcontractor’s work and make sure they complyto the environmental concerns Record the information detailswith the Subcontractor and inform EMS requirement to thembefore the works started Communicate and review theenvironmental concerns with the EMS OfficerME Dept. Manager Monitor & review the performance of the subcontractors fortheir overall management on yearly basisEMS Officer Overall review the environmental concerns with PTE Engineerand Subcontractor. Receive/review the EIA from thesubcontractor.Subcontractor Make sure the all work & activity comply with theenvironmental protection concerns & reply the survey to EMSofficer.6. Procedures6.1 Plant Facility Maintenance Service/Factory Construction Work6.1.1 All work and activity must comply to Philips in-house EMS requirement.PTE group should monitor all the activity during the process and also thecondition of the facility/equipment will not cause any environment impact or pollution.6.1.2If there is any waste generated, they should be handled according tothe General Waste Management Procedure QKW-666-EMS0018.6.1.3 In case the situation is out of control the General Emergency ResponsePlan QKW-666-EMS0012 should be followed and inform theEMS Officer to registrate the incident according to EnvironmentalRegistration Procedure QKW-666-EMS0003.6.1.4 Before the Subcontractor starts to work, make sure that they understandour EMS requirement and fill in the QKW-666-EMS0014 form 2. The recordshould be kept for one year by PTE for follow up and review use.-Maintenance Service6.2 Waste Collection Service6.2.1Collect and re-build the waste according to the General Waste ManagementProcedure QKW-666-EMS0018 and they shall be handled separately.6.2.2All disposed re-usable waste should be recorded on the record formQKW-666-EMS0018 Form 1.6.3The ME Dept. Manager should be responsible for maintaining a list of approvedwaste collector/contractor with appropriate waste disposal licenses.7. Interacting ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0002 Fire Precaution and Fire Escape ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0003 Environmental Incident Registration ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0004 Corrective and Preventive Action for EMSQKW-666-EMS0005 Spill Control/Cleanup ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0012 General Emergency Response PlanQKW-666-EMS0018 General Waste ManagementQKW-666-EMS0017 Instruction of Handling of Chemical-Maintenance Service8.Supporting FormSubcontractor Environmental Performance Questionnaire加工商環境保護表現問卷調查From發文者:Company name: 公司名稱: Address:地址:Tel電話:Fax傳真:Ref.參考:To受文者:Company name: 公司名稱: Address:地址:Tel電話:Fax傳真:Ref.參考:Completed by: 填寫人: Position:職位:Date:日期:Signature:簽名:1) Description of product / service supplied:所供應產品/服務:2) Please answer the following questions. If you would like to expand on any of your answers, please supply separatedetails.請回答以下問題, 如需要詳細回答, 請另用紙張詳細說明.3) Do you have a written environmental policy? If yes, please enclose a copy.貴公司有沒有制訂環境保護政策? 若有,請附送一份資料給我們.Y/N 是/否4) Do you carry out environmental review or auditing?貴公司有沒有執行一些環境保護檢討及自我審核?Y/N 是/否-Maintenance Service5) Do you have / Are you in the process of setting up environmental management system?貴公司有沒有或巳正在建立有關的環境管理系統?Y/N是/否5.1) If yes, do you comply / intend to comply with ISO14001 or the Eco-Management and AuditScheme?若有, 貴公司會/計划將會跟從ISO14001.Y/N 是/否6) Do you conform to ISO9000?貴公司有沒有跟從ISO9000系統標准.Y/N 是/否7) Do you offer facilities for customers to return your used products / packaging for recycling orsafe disposal?貴公司有沒有提供一些設備來收回顧客所用過的產品或包裝物料, 將之循環再用或作安全處理.Y/N 是/否8) Do you check the environmental performance of your supplier?貴公司有沒有檢查本公司的供應商的環境保護工作表現?Y/N 是/否9) Has there been any civil action against you in respect of the environment in last five years?貴公司在過去五年內有沒有因違反有關環境保護條例而受到當地政府檢控?Y/N是/否10) Do you have managers / directors with specific responsibilities for environment?If yes, please state name and position.貴公司有沒有專門負責環保工作的職員?若有, 請寫出其姓名及職位.Y/N 是/否11) Are there any environmental initiatives you are carrying out / have carried out?If yes, please supply details separately.貴公司有沒有正在進行或巳完成直些与環保有關的工作? 若有, 請詳細說明.Y/N是/否QKW-666-EMS0014 Form 1 AA-Maintenance ServiceSERVICE SUBCONTRACTOR WORKING RECORD加工商工作記錄Company Name:公司名稱:Description of Service Provided:所提供服務:Period:日期及時間:Working location:工作地點:Number of working:工作人數:EMS Concerns:環保注意事項:Waste generated:-Maintenance Service廢物:Remarks備注:Follow up by PTE:厂房維修:_______________________ Approved by PTE Engineer工程師核准_______________________QKW-666-EMS0014 Form 2 AA9. Flow chart of procedureN/A10. Appendix I Chinese translation of section 5 and 65. 責任厂房技術員/工程師監察加工商的工作确保沒有污染環境.報告環境污染事件及通知EMS主任.制造工程部經理監察及檢討加工商的工作表現,作為加工商的全面管理及每年檢討.EMS主任管理及存檔有關環境之文件及檔案,存檔加工商之E1A,和厂房工程師檢討檢討環境事情.加工商确保工作沒有污染環境及回覆EMS主任發出之E1A.6. 工作程序SUBCONTRACTOR EMS CONTROLPROCEDURE-Maintenance Service QKW-666-EMS0014/AA Page: 8of 8Date: 99-10-066.1 厂房維修及工作6.1.1厂房維修工程部确保所有工程及工作附合內部環保要求.6.1.2所有工程后之廢物必須根据 QKW-666-EMS0018的廢物程序處理.6.1.3如果污染情況發生,根据 QKW-666-EMS0003的環境污染報告處理.6.1.4在開始工作前填寫工作記錄及講解Philips環保及緊急應變要求給加工商知道.6.2廢物收集商工作6.2.1根据QJV-PTE-0056收集廢物及分類.6.2.2所有回收廢物必須記錄在 QKW-666-EMS0018 Form1.6.3 維修工程部經理負責記錄廢物收集商的名單及資料.。
ISO14001环境因素识别控制程序Environmental Aspects Identification and Evaluation Procedure文件更改历史记录Amendment HistoryISO14001环境因素识别控制程序Environmental Aspects Identification and Evaluation Procedure 1. Purpose目的This document provides a standard procedure for the identification, evaluation environmental aspects, conform significant environmental aspects and takeeffective measures to control. 识别评价环境因素,确定重大环境因素以便进行有效控制。
2. Scope范围This document applies to the identification, evaluation environmental aspects and conformation of significant environmental aspects among all activities, products and service in Arnold (Shenzhen). 适用于公司内的活动、产品和服务所涉及的所有场所和环节,及其有关的环境因素的识别和重要环境因素的评定。
3. Definition定义3.1 Environmental aspect 环境因素:The factor of an organization’s activities ,products or services that can interact with the environment. 一个组织的活动、产品或服务中能与环境发生相互作用的要素。
环境管理体系—要求及使用指南中英文对照Environmental Management System-Requirements and Guidelines for Use环境管理体系——要求及使用指南Introduction导言The Environmental Management System (EMS) is a framework that helps organizations effectively manage their impact on the environment and comply with relevant regulatory requirements. ISO 14001 is the international standard for EMS, providing requirements and guidelines for implementing a robust EMS. This document provides a side-by-side comparison of the requirements and guidelines for use for ISO 14001:2015.环境管理体系(EMS)是一个框架,有助于组织有效管理其对环境的影响并遵守相关法规要求。
ISO 14001是EMS的国际标准,提供实施强大的EMS所需的要求和指南。
本文档提供了ISO 14001:2015的要求和使用指南的并排比较。
Overview概述ISO 14001:2015 sets out the requirements for an EMS. The standard defines EMS as “part of the organization’s management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects.” The standard requiresthat organizations establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve their EMS. This includes setting environmental objectives and targets, conducting periodic environmental audits, and complying with legal and other requirements.ISO 14001:2015规定了EMS的要求。
1.0PURPOSE:To establish, implement & maintain a procedure to evaluate and update applicable Environmental, its Compliance obligation including legal and other requirements applicable to EMS Management System of KFL.2.0SCOPE:Evaluation of its compliance obligations including its legal & other requirements applicable to all the activities, products & services covered under the scope of EMS Management System. 3.0RESPONSIBLITY:Legal Team Members4.0 PROCEDURE:4.1The Legal team of KFL periodically carry out the evaluation of its Compliance obligation including all legal & other requirements once in Six months. Periodicity of evaluation of compliance will vary for different legal & other requirements. The associated records are maintained.4.2The method adopted in evaluating its Compliance obligations is briefed below. Each of the identified legislation such as act / rule / consent / other requirement is studied for every condition in the format specified for evaluating the compliance. Each of the condition is rated for compliance using the following grades.1.Fulfilled - Fully complied.2.Not relevant – any condition in the legal consents, which is not applicable to KFL.3.Still Open – but can be rectified by taking corrective action.4.Not fulfilled –This requires an action plan to achieve the compliance through the Management Program.5.3 The evaluation of requirements to be carried out once in Six Months or whenever any new legal requirement is introduced by State Pollution Control Board or Central Pollution Control Board / any other regulatory authority and is applicable to the firm.The evaluation covers∙Licence, consents, authorization∙Notifications, publications by government authorities and reply。
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1. Contents
0. Survey of Changes
1. Contents
2. Scope and Application
3. Introduction
4. Definitions and Abbreviations
5. Responsibilities
6. Procedures
7. Interacting Procedures
8. Supporting Forms
9. Flow Chart of Procedures
2. Scope and Application
This procedure is written for Philips LCD Cells & Modules Shenzhen Factory, which is called ‘Philips’ in the following texts of this document. This procedure stated the general
environmental concerns to all Philips‘ subcontractors.
3. Introduction
As a customer, Philips shall determine the general environmental concerns for its
subcontractors. The aim of the concerns shall be enable Philips’ subcontractors to initiate their continual improvement and prevention of pollution and to formulate processes for
mutual communication between Philips and its subcontractors.
The environmental concerns are reflected by the following three points;
I)Philips shall acknowledge the up-to-date Philips’ Environmental Policy to
II)Philips shall encourage subcontractors to conduct and review the identification and
evaluation of environmental aspects and impacts in their factories on a half yearly
basis and make it presentable to Philips.
III)Philips shall conduct an annual survey on subcontractor environmental
As part of the responsibility and procedure is taken up by subcontractors, Chinese translation is prepared as appendix in which are the contents should be understood by subcontractors.
4. Definitions and Abbreviations
IEEAI – Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Aspects and Impacts
EMS – Environmental Management System
Subcontractor – Product related subcontractor such as cell manufacturing processes, PCBA bonding processes.
Subcontracting Department
Act as a bridge of communication between subcontractors and Philips in all aspect of
environmental protection issues.
EMS Officer
Receive and review the IEEAI reports from subcontractors; Conduct survey of subcontractor environmental protection performance.
Understand the Philips’ environmental Policy; Initiate the IEEAI for its factory; Reply the survey to Philips EMS officer.
6. Procedure
6.1 EMS officer shall issue an copy of up-to-date Philips Environmental Policy to all
subcontractors. Subcontractors shall also formally sign on receipt of the Policy and the receipt shall be kept by EMS officer.
6.2 Subcontractors shall conduct and review their IEEAI on a half yearly basis and keep
Philips EMS officer informed for any changes. The form refers IEEAI procedure
QKW-666-EMS0006, form 1.
6.3 Philips EMS officer shall conduct an annual survey of subcontractor environmental
6.4In case a corrective action on the aspect of environmental protection, Philips shall
handle according to the Environmental Incident Registration Procedure procedure
QKW-666-EMS0006 and Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure – Environmental Management System (QKW-666-EMS0003).
6.5The environmental measures in subcontractors shall be audited during subcontractor
audit. The procedures refer to QKW-666-SUB0005.
7. Interacting Procedures
Identification and evaluation of environmental aspects and impacts,QKW-666-EMS0006 Environmental Incident Registration Procedure, QKW-666-EMS0003
Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure – Environmental Management System, QKW-666-EMS0004.
Cell subcontractor quality system elements and assessment, QKW-666-EMS0005.
8. Supporting Forms
Subcontractor Environmental Performance Questionnaire
QKW-666-EMS0015 Form 1 AA 9. Flow Chart of Procedure