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ABT about 大约

ABV above 以上

ACCT account 由...承担,

ADV advise 通知

ADD address 地址

AFMT after fix main terms 主要条款定下之后

AGT agent代理

ARBI arbitration 仲裁

AA - Always Afloat 经常在海上的

AAAA - Always Accessible Always Afloat 始终保持浮泊并可接近

AARA - Amsterdam-Antwerp-Rotterdam Area 阿姆斯特丹-安特卫普-鹿特丹地区

ADCOM - Address Commission 委托佣金,回扣佣金。

AFSPS - Arrival First Sea Pilot Station (Norway) 到达第一海区引航站(挪威)

AFFREIGHTMENT - The hiring of a ship in whole or part 货(海)运合同,采取整船包运或部分订舱。

AFT - At or towards the stern or rear of a ship 在船尾,近船尾,向船尾。

AGW - All Going Well 一切顺利

AHL - Australian Hold Ladders 澳洲舱梯

ANTHAM - Antwerp-Hamburg Range 安特卫普汉堡港

APS - Arrival Pilot Station 抵达引水站

ARAG - Amsterdam-Rotterdam--Antwerp-Ghent Range 阿姆斯特丹-鹿特丹-安特卫普-根特港

A/S - Alongside 靠泊

ATDNSHINC - Any Time Day or Night Sundays and Holidays Included


ATUTC - Actual Times Used to Count计算用的实际时间

BBB before breaking bulk 开舱卸货前

B/DAYS banking days 银行工作日

BENDS.BE both ends 指装卸两头(港)

BGD bagged 袋装的

BLK bulk 散装(货)

BS/L bills of lading 提单

BSS 1/1 bases 以一个装港一个卸港为基准

BWAD brackish water arrival draft 船到卸港的吃水

BAF- Bunker Adjustment Factor. A Fuel Surcharge expressed as percentage added or subtracted from the freight amount reflecting the movement in the market place price for bunkers. 燃油附加费

BALLAST - Heavy weight, often sea water, necessary for the stability and safety of a ship which is not carrying cargo. 压舱物

BAREBOAT CHTR - Bareboat Charter - Owners lease a specific ship and control its technical management and commercial operations only. 空船租约

BDI - Both Dates Inclusive 首尾两天均包括在内

BENDS - Both Ends (Load & Discharge Ports) 装卸两港

BI - Both Inclusive xx,xx两者包括在内

BIMCO - The Baltic and International Maritime Council 波罗的海及国际海事委员会

BL (1) - Bale 包装,打包。

BL (2) - (Bill of Lading) A document signed by the carrier which acts as a receipt and evidence of title to the cargo. 海运提单

BM - Beam 舱口横梁

BEAM - The maximum breadth of a ship 船只最大宽度

BOB - Bunker on Board 载驳船

BOFFER - Best Offer 最低报价

BROB - Bunkers Remaining on Board 剩余燃料

BSS - Basis 根据,基础

BSS 1/1 - Basis 1 Port to 1 Port 一个港口到一个港口原则

BT - Berth Terms 班轮条款

BUNDLING - This is the assembly of pieces of cargo, secured into one manageable unit. This is a very flexible description, a rule of thumb is to present cargo at a size easily handled by a large (20 tonne) fork lift truck. 便于运输的货物包装

BUNKERS - Name given for vessels Fuel and Diesel Oil supplies (Originates from coal bunkers) 燃料舱

BWAD - Brackish Water Arrival Draft 抵达时淡海水吃水


CHOPT charterers’ option 租家选择

CHRTS charterers 租船人,租家

CO charterers option 租家选择

COMM commission 佣金


C/P charter party 租约

C.Q.D customary quick dispatch 按港口习惯速度尽快装卸

CVS consecutive voyage 连续航次租船

CBM - Cubic Meter 立方米

CBFT (or CFT) - Cubic Feet 立方英尺

CFR (or C&F) - Cost and Freight 成本加运费

CHOPT - Charterers Option 由承租人选择

CHTRS - Charterers 承租人

CIF - Cost, Insurance & Freight. Seller pays all these costs to a nominated port or place of discharge. 到岸价格(成本+保险+运费)

COA - Contract of Affreightment - Owners agree to accept a cost per revenue ton for cargo carried on a specific number of voyages. 货物水运协议

COACP - Contract of Affreightment Charter Party 承租方货物水运协议
