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听力1~5. ACCAB 6~10.BACCA

11~15.CBBAC 16~20.BABCA


完形:41-45 DBCDA CABDA

51-55 CBDAB 56-60 CADBC

61.importance 62.However 63.is considered

64.that 65.theories 67.actively

68.making 69.As 70.to create

改错: 1. a∧ passenger 2. take---took

3. Unlucky---Unluckily

4. losing--lost

5. helps---help

6. your---my

7. that---which

8. but---and/because

9. Beside---Besides 10. 去掉them

Boys and Girls,

I have a piece of good news to tell you! It is a great honor for our school to invite Yu

Minhong to give us a lecture this Friday, whose topic is “the differences and similarities between

Chinese and English”. As we all know, Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental School,

gratuated from Beijing University and has been teaching English for years. The lecture will be

held on the playground of our school. It will start from 9:30 to 11:30. After the lecture, you will

also have some time to raise your questions. Time permitting, some students can also

communicate with him face to face. So good a lecture, it deserves your listening, so you should

not miss it.

The Student Union

(Text 1)

M: Does this bus go to the beach?

W: No. You’re going the wrong way. You need a No. 5 bus. It stops in front of the post office next to the museum. Then you can get there.

(Text 2)

W: Doctor, I’m really feeling bad today.

M: Let me have a look. You are having a fever, and you’re coughing all the time. It seems that you have got a

cold. How long have you been like this?

W: Today is Friday. I have been like this since this Tuesday.

(Text 3)

M: Would you mind if I borrowed your car?

W: Well, when exactly?

M: Next Wednesday.

W: I’m sorry, but that is just not possible. I will drive to the supermarket next week.

(Text 4)

M: Aren’t you going to the concert in the park tonight?

W: Even if I didn’t have a paper to write, I would rather spend the evening at school.

(Text 5)

M: Jenny, have you ever read the novel The Ordinary World by Lu yao?

W: Yes, of course. The novel itself is really inspiring. San Shaoping is really my hero. He is a strong-minded man. M: Yeah, it appears to me that nothing can change his mind of working hard for a better life.

(Text 6)

M: Hi, Lucy. What are you eating for lunch today?

W: Toamto soup.

M: How is it?

W: It’s delicious. I love hot soup on a cold day.

M: Me too. You usually eat a hot dog for lunch.

W: Yes. But today I want soup.

M: I might get a salad today.

W: A salad?

M: Salads are healthy. I like chicken and bacon on my salad.

W: I had bacon for breakfast this morning. I also had eggs and some friut.

M: I like eggs for breakfast. Then I feel more full. And I’m not hungry until lunch.

(Text 7)

M: We make many different kinds of shows here at the TV station.

W: We do. Our TV station makes a lot of shows.

M: But we don’t have a game show.

W: Do you like game shows, Bob?

M: Yes. I love game shows. I want to be on a game show one day.

W: Do you want to win money or prizes?

M: Both!

W: I like funny shows. I love to laugh. I like cartoons, too.

M: I like situation comedies and cartoons. But I really like serious shows.

W: So you like dramas.

M: Yes. I watch a different drama everyday of the week!

W: I watch news shows every day. Those are like dramas!

(Text 8)

M: What did Professor Smith teach?

W: He was my music teacher. That’s the reason why I love music!

M: That’s great! He really inspired you, didn’t he?

W: Yes, he did! I had a great teacher in elementary school. He really inspired me, too.

M: Really? Tell me about him.

W: Mr Harbour was my fifth-grade teacher. He taught us maths and physics. He really loved teaching, and he loved his students. He was very tough. He really pushed me to do my best, but he was never mean.

M: That’s good.
